The daughter of her beloved work forgave pardoned. Ask for forgiveness in verse

Someone often, and someone sometimes,
But we all say hurtful words.
Sometimes we don't even want to
But still, we sin with our lips.

But to save the situation
Apologize from the heart!
You honestly realize that you were wrong,
And immediately change your proud disposition!

And the apology will bear fruit:
You will suddenly become happier and kinder.
The heart will be pure and fresh,
Everything will be pulled around for your warmth!

How important it is in this life to be able to forgive others,
Grievances and conflicts do not need to be launched.
And effective words will help us with this,
Banal three words "You excuse me"!

Accept the apology
And I ask you to understand
It was sad in my heart
The mood passed.

That's where it all spilled out
I blame myself for a long time
I feel bad without you
Reconciliation is urgently needed!

I beg, I beg, forgive me
And let go of resentment
Will we make peace with you?
Throw away your sadness!

I send you something
I want to apologize
I ask you now
Forgive me, please!

Give me your warmth
And all will be well,
We will smile
Live in harmony, love!

Forgive me, let's discuss
And forget all the problems
We'll make peace with you
All grievances will be forgiven!

Resentment, like poison, poisons us,
And the relationship with others worsens.
Deprives us of peace day and night,
Brings only pain and a lot of grief.

But there is one antidote
It kills resentment instantly.
Simple phrase: "Forgive me"
Sometimes works wonders!

I apologize to you,
And from a wounded heart, forgive me, please.
I feel very uncomfortable for all my words,
But I ask, understand, forgive me for everything.

I'm very lonely and it's hard without you
I ask one thing: do not reject me.
Let's try to bring the bridges together again,
We will not let resentment destroy happiness!

And it became sad all around -
The whole world seemed to freeze in anticipation:
It was so easy to offend you...
How can I get rid of pain and suffering now?

I'm sorry, a hundred thousand times sorry
Forget about that bad and alien
What was not in honor between us,
And remember my love...

How to be, so as not to make mistakes?
So it never happens.
The world is not easy, and sometimes it is so forgotten,
Falling off is always so easy.

And I beg your pardon
That intemperance led to a mistake,
I can fix everything, change it.
Forgive me and give me a smile.

Make peace, make peace, make peace
And don't be offended by me anymore
Don't need more, don't be angry
Then there will be happiness in life!

Please speak to me again
Give me a chance to fix my mistake
I'm very sad now
I want to make amends as soon as possible!

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry
Enough, enough, I'm sorry, I repent
I'm very, very bad without you
I sincerely apologize!

I'm sorry, forgive my mistake.
Clearly something got into me.
I won't see a smile anymore
You won't forgive me for anything.
But we can all be wrong.
Try to understand me.
To try to make amends,
Anything you want, I can do.

You're sorry, forgive me
You can't be angry for long.
Resentment hurts you
She will lose her mental strength.

Resentment eats us like rust,
And it prevents us from being happy.
So please forgive me
Let go of resentment in the sky.

Let's start from scratch with you
Forgive me quickly.
I love you all the more,
And I apologize!

We, parents, are the children of our parents, and they are theirs. First of all, we use the experience of our parents, and only then decide whether to leave the old experience or get a different, new one. This is the responsibility of an adult child. This is the law of life. What experience did you get from your parents?

Daughters-mothers - a heart-to-heart talk

Violation of the relationship between parents and children is always painful and, as practice has shown, an extensive and relevant topic for many. Let me summarize the causes and consequences of violations of parent-child relationships. And on behalf of the collective image of Mom to talk to Daughters of any age.

Why should you ask for forgiveness from your own children? Is it necessary or not?

Each of us has the right to our own life experience and our own view on this topic.

Here are the answers that I think I hear most often during therapy sessions:

    Forgiveness? With your own children? Yes, they should ask me for forgiveness for what we (parents) raised, fed, taught, clothed, shod, for everything that he / she did in his life. We put in so much effort, we gave up a lot. And they? Where is the gratitude?

    Yes, I am guilty before the child. I look at his life, and there everything is not so! My heart aches for him. I want to help, but he/she does not hear me.

    What did I do?

We, parents, are the children of our parents, and they are theirs. First of all, we use the experience of our parents, and only then decide whether to leave the old experience or get a different, new one. This is the responsibility of an adult child. This is the law of life. What experience did you get from your parents?

When YOU are a child, adults make decisions for you.

If YOU are an adult, then the opportunity to change a lot in your own life is your conscious choice.

Daughter, I'm sorry!

In each individual family situation, there is an awareness of the consequences of one's own relationship with children.

The following phrases are born:

Daughter, forgive me for being your mother for the first time. I learned to be a mom and made mistakes.

Forgive me for giving up my life and trying to change yours. I'm sorry I don't trust you.

Daughter, I'm sorry for what I wanted from you love, which I lacked. Waited and offended. You can't be my mom, dad, husband. You are only my daughter and will always be my only daughter, and I am your mother. You can only be a MOM for your children.

Daughter, forgive me for what I said: "You must live better than me."I did not understand that I frightened you with these phrases. Bewilderment from these phrases only strengthened the fear of this world, I thought that this statement would help you be successful.

Forgive me for the fact that because of the fear of death, the fear of losing you, I constantly took care of you, did not allow you to be independent, did not let you go from yourself. I knew better than you what you wanted. Only now I have seen the consequences of such hyper care.

Forgive me for not trusting you and teaching you how to live on your own and it is easy to solve everyday problems, to act, and not to wait.

I didn't teach you to "want" by anticipating your desires and anticipating them.

I'm sorry that I taught you only to receive. Even now that you're an adult, I try to anticipate your desires. This is true! Understand, it is very difficult to give up your habits.

I'm sorry that I urge you to give up your own desires, because I rely on my abilities Because I want to be a part of your life.

I want you to be dependent on me. Sorry! My distrust is due to the fact that I did not teach you to distinguish between what is dangerous and what is safe for you in this life. That is why you are scared. I “beat on the hands”, said: “It is impossible!”. And it was necessary to say: "Dangerous!"

I'm sorry that most often, returning from work, I complained out loud to adversity, problems, everyday situations and crises, to dad, forgetting to tell how I cope with this, how happy I am that I have you and HE. Perhaps that is why you are stuck in the “childish” age, so as not to take responsibility for yourself, so as not to live an “adult” life.

Every moment, every moment was given to me to enjoy your existence.Just enjoy how you grow, mature, learn to be.

I'm sorry that I brushed aside your questions, tears, hugs then, in childhood, in adolescence. You have learned that there is no need to disturb your mother, your mother is busy. And now I want attention and care. Then I refused, but now I want to! I'm sorry, I was stupid.

I'm sorry that most of the time you saw me worried and sad. I have forgotten how to enjoy this world, and have not taught you to see joy in every moment.

I'm sorry that you did not justify the hopes that I had for you, that you do not live according to the scenario that I composed for myself.

Only now I realized that you were not born to me in order to justify my hopes. You have your destiny and I have mine.

Forgive me for the fact that, as in childhood, I could not “spread your misfortune with my hands.” I am a woman, not the universe. I can sympathize, grieve, mourn, cry and rejoice with you. When together, everything is divided in half!

Daughter, I'm sorry! I didn't explain to you that divorce happens only between a Wife and a Husband. Your dad will always be your dad. He left me, not You! It's not your fault. You will have your own / other husband, the father of your children.

Daughter, I'm sorry that I didn't tell you about my happiness! It's about the fact that I have you!

You are the best, kindest and dearest daughter for me.

I tell you: "YES!"

I could only be what I was! Sorry!

Let me sit next to you.Let's hug, snuggle up to each other and just SHUT UP! published

Beloved daughter, my treasure! I ask your forgiveness and I want you to never be offended by me. Maybe I didn’t do something, didn’t finish it, didn’t finish it, but I always did everything I could for you. I want you to have only the best in life, so that you are the happiest, so that your heart never knows worries and suffering. And let our great Lord always forgive you for your mistakes. Happy Forgiveness Sunday!

IN Forgiveness Sunday
You, daughter, forgive me
Maybe something involuntarily
I offended you.

Sorry for being too strict
And eternal maternal control,
I only wish well
You, my daughter, in life.

Forgiveness Sunday
And I forgive you
I want you, dear,
She was happier than me.

Daughter, please forgive me
I sometimes do not notice rudeness,
When I can't find the right words
Then I rip off my accumulated anger!

I'm in Forgiveness this Sunday
I want you to forgive me for everything!
I ask your forgiveness now
So that you let go of your grievances!

I'll be more restrained, I promise
Just don't store evil in your heart,
I love you, beloved, dear,
Let our life be full of warmth!

Forgiveness Resurrection is coming
The time has come to apologize
So that our heart and soul
The heavy load has been lifted forever!

I will hug my daughter
And tell you how much I love
Forever in my soul, forever
You are the most dear person to me!

Daughter, forgive me for everything
Don't hold a grudge against me
Know that a mother's heart is always
Will worry about you!

I'm sorry my dear daughter
Be happy and loved.
I'm on forgiveness Sunday
I ask your forgiveness
So that in your heart forever
There was no trace of resentment.

Daughter, forgive me, dear!
Sometimes I can't resist
I am too strict
And then I regret it.

I love you with all my heart, daughter
Let's forget all the insults of the moment,
May today be a sunny flower
Forgiveness will bloom in your soul!

My dear daughter, forgive me for insults, misunderstanding, harsh words and deeds. May there always be peace, a feeling of happiness and peace in your heart. I congratulate you on Forgiveness Sunday and wish that there is always agreement and trust between us.

Daughter, my little blood! Today is a holy day, today everyone should open their hearts and let light and goodness into them. Let go of all evil, envy and troubles, cleanse your souls. So I want to ask you for all forgiveness. I wish you only the best on this earth, so that angels always protect you when I am not around. Happy Sunday, daughter!

Forgive me, daughter. May your heart let go of all insults and sorrows on Forgiveness Sunday, may there be no place in your life for vain experiences and quarrels with loved ones. Daughter, I love you very much and sincerely wish you to always be happy and loved. My dear, do not offend anyone and let no one dare to offend you.

I'm sorry for what I don't know
Once again I warn you
What I sometimes look askance
I don't ever say that.
Forgive me again, dear -
Sometimes I can't hug
And press it to your heart.
Give all your love
And protect from storms, adversity.
So that life gives a magic raft,
Which will bring luck.

I do not know what to do. Mine is about one and a half years old. Daughter is 18 years old.

I loved her like no one else in this world, to tears, to pain, to screaming, she was the meaning of my life, everything was always delicious, pretty, she was never deprived of kisses and caresses. There were no secrets between us, and I told everyone how lucky I was with my daughter. We divorced her father in 2008, there were no mothers-nannies, she raised me alone, she was never a burden for me, no matter how hard life was. In 2013, I gave birth to my second child, a son, also a desired and beloved baby, now he is 3 years old. I broke up with his father at 3 months of pregnancy, there were good reasons for that. It was very difficult for us, lack of money on maternity leave, no one to help, sleepless nights, hassle on the part of the father of the youngest child, trials for the baby in order to take revenge. But we all survived. And, it would seem, to live, not to grieve, but ... Last winter, my grandmother, who was my mother, dies (the biological mother is alive, but there is almost no relationship site). I took it hard. Baptized the children, began to visit the Temple. The daughter began to actively participate in parish life.

And then all our good relations with her disappeared like smoke, I did not recognize her. She became rude, a stranger, she began to say nasty things about me to people and to the priest, to complain that we were in need, although we always had everything we needed (although we didn’t show off). But sometimes it is useful to go through difficulties, not everyone lives a sweet life, this is temporary, now everything is already good in material terms. One case finally got me. My daughter asked to go for a walk with a girl with whom she had never talked before, and about whom I don’t really good opinion. I was against it. The daughter did not listen, she went. I dialed her on the phone and asked if I mean something to you, come back, went out to the loggia (1st floor). As a result, this site girlfriend mocked me, humiliated me, twisted her finger at her temple, and my daughter stood and smiled. So they left together.

This was the starting point of my hatred. I was in a lot of pain, but I forced myself to try to forgive, and it seemed to me that I succeeded. But it didn't get any better. We became like bad neighbors, parish life replaced both her mother and brother, only she did not become kinder. Like a werewolf - in the Temple of a saint, at home - the devil. And she has a constant position of the victim, everyone complains about how hard it is for her to live with her mother. Graduation 11th grade, is going to go to another city, get 2 higher education at once. When I talked to her that it might be necessary to earn extra money, the categorical answer is no, but what are you doing. There were all sorts of yells, tantrums, fights. And the baby soaks it all up like a sponge. Several times I decided that we needed to live separately, she lived with her grandfather (this is my father, with whom my mother has been divorced since my 3-year-old age), then she asked for forgiveness, she returned and the site started all over again. No help from the mother, an excuse: "I need to go to the Temple." On this moment I put her out again, and she lives with my grandfather, who, like my mother, cannot stand me since childhood, and I don’t understand at all why my parents gave birth to me. I do not wish them evil, but their dislike corrodes the soul like acid.

We live in a small closed city with access control. I began to catch myself on the fact that I was annoyed by her voice, figure, movements. I don’t want her to die, on the contrary, I want only good things, but it’s very difficult morally to live with her and there are a lot of insults. Forgiveness, of course, is necessary, I know, only my every forgiveness dampens her even more. Now we don't communicate at all. And I have a huge wound in my soul. It’s a pity that everything turned out this way, I tried everything both in a good and not very good way, and I pray. But she kills all that is left of love for her. Although I know if she had changed and asked for forgiveness, I would have gone to meet her. Excuse me. Here is my website story.

It's great to have loved ones in your life. Knowing that there are friends and relatives who are not indifferent, who can always support in difficult times, a person has a sense of security and need. But, as often happens, we offend the dearest people more often than others. Where we can restrain ourselves in front of strangers, in the presence of relatives this does not always work out. And the question arises: how to ask for forgiveness from loved ones correctly?

Squeezing out: "I'm sorry" is very difficult. If you do nothing and leave everything as it is, then the tension in the relationship will grow. Thinking that over time everything will work out by itself is wrong, because this is an indicator of immaturity. A person who admits his mistakes is easier to respect and trust him. But how to ask for forgiveness from your girlfriend, dad and mom, sister or best friend?

You can talk for a long time about the benefits of asking for forgiveness. Prepare a speech in verse or beg for it. All this is useless if there is no right attitude. The difficulty lies in the following:

  • Pride and selfishness can become a hindrance to reconciliation. It is pride that makes a person think: “Why me? He's wrong too." Everyone is waiting for the first step from the other, and resentment can turn into hatred. To break this vicious circle, you need to calm down and analyze what you did wrong and how you can correct the situation. This will help such a quality as humility. Is it out of fashion now? Yes, many people think so, but we are talking about relationships with loved ones. The opinion of the majority should not affect your decisions. It is not a shame to admit that you are wrong, relatives and friends will appreciate it.
  • Education also plays a significant role. If in childhood you didn’t hear the words “I’m sorry” from mom and dad, then it will be difficult for you too. Here, awareness of this fact and work on oneself are necessary. Try once to “step on” yourself and apologize, you will feel lightness in your soul and in relationships. Asking for forgiveness next time will be easy. Come up with an apology in verse, this will help smooth out the tension.
  • Correct infusion. How necessary it is. Often people think: "If I ask for forgiveness, then I will make it clear that I am guilty and show my weakness." This opinion is erroneous. Agree, at least two are involved in a quarrel. Do you want to say that you didn’t say too much or didn’t show disdain with your icy silence? You yourself know that there is also a share of your guilt.

What can be done

Before you apologize, it is important to consider some points. Otherwise, you can break firewood, having the best intentions. It's not worth it to sort things out when you're annoyed. Wait for both of you to cool down. And a few more tips:

  • When thinking about how to ask for forgiveness from a girl, in verse or prose, it is important to be sincere.

Notes of sarcasm are inappropriate, even if you are sure that you are right. An expression like: “Sorry, I didn’t think you didn’t understand jokes” can be taken as a mockery. If you are sincere, your look and your tone of voice will tell. Even if the resentment is unfounded, admit that you may have hurt feelings. A sincere apology removes the wall that is built by the offended person. Destroy this wall and, you will notice that the girl is no longer on the defensive, peace has been restored.

  • It is necessary to take into account different upbringing.

What seems like a funny joke to you may be an insult to someone else. No need to beg the feelings of another or somehow ridicule them. If it’s customary in your family to tease each other and no one is offended by this, this does not mean that this is the norm for others. Don't demand to be accommodated and understood for your jokes. Over time, this may be, but for now, apologize and no longer let loose mockery of others.

  • The emotional background also needs to be taken into account, it is different for each person.

Growing up in the same family, the characters cannot be the same. Someone is more emotional, and someone is not very much. You think that it is possible to take a sister's jacket without permission, but this can annoy her. The result is a scandal. You think that the sister wound up in vain. Listen to her words, not the way she said it. Try to figure out what she doesn't like. Understanding will help you come to right decision. And if you need to ask for forgiveness from your sister, then do not hesitate to do so. Understand that she may feel differently than you.

Sometimes, just one word can hurt a person. So I, not at all from evil, offended you, and now I just can’t find a place for myself. Please forgive me. I'm so sad without you. Don't be angry with me anymore. This fight was a big lesson for me.

With you next to me I breathe
I'm on fire with you,
I live next to you
And without you I'm dying
Forgive me, I beg!

My hedgehog is prickly, stop snorting.
Even if it hurts, I want to hug you.

Beloved, life is mistakes, we learn from mistakes! After all, there is no pain stronger than that which lovers inflict on each other. And I stumbled and made a mistake. But, the only person who never makes mistakes is the one who never does anything. I'm not making excuses, no, I just want you to understand that you are very dear to me, and everything I do is only because I'm afraid of losing you!

The fear of losing you turned my head, and I was wrong. And I ask you, my love, do not judge me strictly, but understand. I apologize for what I have done. I love you very much and will do everything for our happiness! Forgive me dear.

Learning to build relationships

Understanding the above principles will help in relationships with your best friend. It all depends on what meaning you put into this concept. If the word "friendship" is a superficial concept with selfish motives, then you should not worry that you offended someone. Your friendship will come to an end anyway. And if friendship is based on affection, loyalty, mutual assistance, then such relationships need to be protected.

It is clear that ideal people do not exist. From time to time mutual grievances and claims will be. You should not put an end to your relationship. You can "darn" friendship. Most often, they offend people not on purpose: she said without thinking; rude while being in bad mood; as a friend, she intervened in something that was not her own business.

After you understand why your friend was offended, start a conversation in order to solve the problem and save the friendship. Explain that you didn't upset her out of malice. It won't look like you're making excuses, you're just clarifying your motives and motivations. You can apologize for hurt feelings. If a girlfriend is a romantic and emotional nature, try to present her with a request for forgiveness in verse.

I was fabulously lucky in my life that fate gave me you. You are my angel, my favorite girl in the world. I apologize for offending you, my sunshine. Please forgive me. Distrust towards you was a big lesson for me. Let's make up, my kitten.

I promise to make you the happiest girl in the world, just forgive me and trust me, my dear. My love will become a talisman for you, my only and desired.

Every day without you is just an unbearable ordeal. I think about you every minute, my joy. Please forgive me for offending you. After all, it was not from evil. I love you more than life. Don't be offended by me anymore.

Let's keep our love, because we are so good to be together. Darling, I breathe you. I need you like air.

But it's hot.
It happens to everyone.
Please forgive me, please
So love only once!

You're sorry for the extra words and for my foolish deeds. Believe that my repentance has no limit! I want to look into your eyes again ... Please forgive me!

The same principles apply if a quarrel has occurred between two friends. If a friend or girlfriend did not accept your apology, then it will be easier for you because you did your best on your part.

Parents, people who will always forgive. They forgive for thoughtlessly spoken words, for not having time to call them. Stop in your circle of life. Mom and dad are the closest and dearest who you have. It may not work out with a girl, friendship can become obsolete, and your parents are always with you.

Make a habit of calling them every day to see how things are going. Ask forgiveness for your indifference to them. But what if you have not yet reached the age when you can fully make decisions and take care of yourself financially?

First of all, you need to realize that you, too, are wrong. If you see only the shortcomings of your parents, but do not notice your own, then it is extremely difficult to ask for forgiveness. Plus, parents aren't perfect. They want the best for you, but they don't always know how to do it right. One thing is for sure, they genuinely care about you.

I understand that the word is not a sparrow, it flew out - you won’t catch it. So I, quite by accident, flew out such offensive words addressed to you. Forgive me, please, I realize that I told you nonsense, but it was not from evil at all. I do love you. You best guy on the ground. Let's make peace, my kitten, and forget that day forever.

Dear, I beg you -
Forgive me for what I said!
I can't stand long breakups
And I'm tired of being offended ...

Darling, I feel such an emptiness in my heart, because you are not around. I know it's my fault. You have a patient, angelic nature, and I took advantage of this and undeservedly offended you. Forgive me, my kitten, don't hold a grudge against me anymore. Let's make up and be together again.

Forget all the words you said before
Forgive me, I misbehaved myself ...

Let's say you broke some rule set by your parents. First of all, you need to be honest about it. No need to downplay your guilt, make excuses and tell half-truths. This will create even more problems for you. Telling everything honestly will show that despite the fact that you made a mistake, you can be trusted.

Agree that brought concern to parents. Therefore, asking for forgiveness from mom and dad would be appropriate. Say you're sorry about what happened and reassure your parents that you'll watch your behavior and words in the future. Be prepared to be punished. Taking responsibility for your actions is a sign of a mature person.
