How to launch a tornado out of smoke. Learning how to blow rings from the smoke of an electronic cigarette

To begin with, I’ll say that in order to start up a jellyfish, you will need not the simplest electronic cigarette, but a more advanced one that produces a lot of steam. For example, something from a vape starter kit or a drip. It is better to charge the battery before the start of training to the maximum.

The best training is to first understand the principle of the trick, and then train long and hard.

The video below shows in slow motion how to blow a jellyfish out of steam.

And here is the first lesson from the vaping academy on how to make a jellyfish out of steam/smoke.

The main thing to understand is that first you let the ring out of steam, then it expands a little and you need to put a large clot of steam right inside the ring, while releasing steam as slowly as possible so that it does not destroy the ring itself.

You should be able to make steam rings with your eyes closed, even if you are awakened in the middle of the night, given an electronic cigarette in your hands and ordered to fire 20 rings - you must learn how to fire them before you start creating your first jellyfish.

See how to learn how to blow rings of steam or smoke.

Well, then physics will do everything for you. Basically, what is a vapor/smoke ring? It is a circulating steam in the shape of a torus. And releasing a cloud of steam inside the ring, it begins to move along with the ring, gradually enveloping it. And outwardly it resembles the flight of a transparent jellyfish!

For greater clarity, stand near the mirror or record your workouts on video to see exactly at what moment you manage to let the first jellyfish out of steam.

To release a jellyfish, you need put out a big ring and catch it in the palm of your hand, preferably on the bottom (not with your fingers). This will make it easier for you to push it. And while you are driving the ring with your hand, at this moment you need to inhale the vapor from the electronic cigarette into your cheeks. And then exhale the steam into the center of the ring.

In this case, you need to inhale exactly into the cheeks, and not into the lungs.

If you release a jellyfish in a windy area, try to do so. against the wind. Those. you need to throw the ring against the air flow and then it can stay in the air.

If you can't gently exhale the steam inside the ring, try to inhale into your cheeks, bring your face to the ring, then open your mouth and push the steam out with your tongue inside the ring.

You need to push the steam out with your tongue. At the same time, the tongue pushes the steam smoothly, first the tongue touches the upper (or lower - as you prefer) teeth and then the tongue pushes the steam out, as it were, moving outward.

Before you start launching a jellyfish, you should first learn how to release the correct ring from the steam and push them with your hand

Before pushing the ring with your hand, you should release a small amount of steam, then let the ring in and try to catch it on the bottom of the palm, not with your fingers. Your fingers do not play a role in this movement: they can be located together, they can be separated. The main thing is to perform a light push with your hand and create an air cushion between the bottom of the palm and the ring.

Some people are afraid to break the ring during this push and therefore bring their hand uncertainly, somewhere behind. And when you do that, you are really just moving your hand somewhere on the side, behind the ring, and therefore you cannot let the jellyfish go.

Your main task is create an air cushion between the bottom of the palm and the ring. You need to catch the ring on this hovercraft. And do not be afraid to make sudden movements, the ring will not break from this.

No need to wait: as soon as you let the ring in, immediately catch it with your hand.

Be persistent in your endeavors and you will succeed! And then - only training, training and more training!

Video trick: how to let a jellyfish out of steam

Reading 4 min.

IN Lately Electronic cigarettes are purchased by people not only to quit smoking, but also to release huge clouds of vapor and surprise everyone around. Electronic cigarette smoke tricks, called vape tricks, have become quite popular lately as they great way to occupy yourself with something exciting in the company, while surprising your friends. Learning how to do vape tricks is not that difficult, it just takes some time and practice.

Electronic Cigarette Tricks: Learning

Undoubtedly, the easiest thing to learn is to release rings from your mouth. This is the basis for learning more advanced professional vape tricks, such as "jellyfish". We will talk about the jellyfish a little later. Rings are easy enough to learn how to perform, you just need to follow the instructions correctly. We suggest you learn a few ways to understand how to properly blow rings from the smoke of an electronic cigarette.

How to make smoke rings:

How to make a jellyfish from steam

Vapor rings have one small feature that vapers often use in their tricks. If the released ring is gently pushed forward with the lower part of the open palm, the ring will become smoother and wider. With the help of this feature, the "jellyfish" trick is performed. After pushing the flying ring, you need to carefully exhale a small stream of steam into its center, then it will merge with the outlines of the ring and you will see something that looks like a jellyfish. This is one of the professional tricks, so it is not so easy to master it, but it is quite possible with due diligence.

Read also: Vapers what is it - fashion or culture

Whirlwind or tornado

In order to master this trick, you will need a mod that can generate enough steam, as well as a windless room and a table. We collect steam into the lungs, carefully release the steam onto a flat surface of the table, so that a kind of fog forms on the table. Then you need to pry the steam on the table with your palm up and gently raise your hand. After that, a whirlwind similar to a tornado should form. It may not work right away, because, as in any vape tricks, training is necessary.

Double puff or "ghost"

The point of this trick is that you need to slowly release some steam from your mouth, then return it back. To do this, you can try not to inhale the steam deep into the lungs, but only draw it into the mouth to increase the density of the steam. The difficulty lies in the fact that you need to guess the moment and take a breath of steam in time. At first, you can try to do this trick while lying on your back, as this makes the training process easier.

French breath, or "waterfall"

For this trick, you will need to take a deep puff and stick your lower lip forward a little. Then exhale the steam, directing it up to the nose.

As the smoky stream begins to rise, inhale slowly through your nose. You should end up with a waterfall rising from the bottom up. This trick looks very impressive and cool!

Before showing the tricks you have learned in public, you need to practice well. Remember that daily training in front of a mirror will help you achieve stunning results and impress not only your friends, but also skilled vapers.

Hookah smoke rings are one of the most striking symbols of smoking. If you want to learn how to blow smoke rings or how to make rings, the first thing you need to do is be patient and practice. This trick is rarely done the first time, and if you want to impress others with your skill, you need to make some effort in learning the trick.

To begin with, let's deal with the scientific side of the question "how to let rings out of steam." When blowing rings of smoke, a centripetal whirlwind of air is created, which creates a "ring". The initial force of "exhalation" twists the ring and determines its rotation speed and intensity of movement. The sharper the exhalation and the narrower the lips are, the faster the ring will fly. The shape itself is determined by the letter "O", which is formed by the lips. We recommend practicing in front of a mirror to achieve a perfect circle and, as a result, an even ring shape.

So, the diameter of the outer side of the ring is obviously larger than the inner one. The initial exhalation sets the internal acceleration of the flow, which, combined with the contact of the outer side of the ring with air molecules, causes the ring to twist inward, maintaining a rounded shape.

Our goal is to learn how to set the correct intensity of the initial exhalation, while maintaining an even shape of the lips. Let's look at the ways in which you will answer the question "how to learn to throw rings."

You suck in the steam and exhale it a little to fill your mouth with smoke. After making sure that you have enough smoke in your mouth (after exhaling it will be), pull your tongue to the back of your throat, make a smooth letter "O" and push your tongue forward as quickly as possible. The whole secret of this method lies in the constancy and uniformity of the movements of the tongue in order to guarantee the correct intensity of the air flow. The disadvantage of this method is the low speed and density of rings, but it will give you a basic knowledge of how to make rings by mouth.

Most easy way make rings

The second way how to blow rings out of smoke: a sharp exhalation of air.

There is an important aspect in this method: the jaw, tongue, and lips are in the same and fixed position. In the same way, you puff on a hookah or vape, exhale some smoke, fix the position of the jaw and the letter “O”, which, we hope, you have already practiced in the previous method. Then the most important stage: a sharp exhalation of air. To learn how to do it correctly, try to practice beforehand: try to whisper (!) the letter “O” as quickly, often and sharply as possible, folding your lips accordingly. So you will understand what intensity of exhalation is required. Once you've learned how to whisper "Oh" quickly, try to maintain the speed and sharpness of the exhalation, but slow down the intensity. If you did everything right, then you will understand the correct position of the jaw, tongue, exhalation pattern and the correct shape of the lips. Vary the shape of the lips to achieve different sizes rings.

The third way to blow smoke rings: with the jaw

In principle, the previous two methods should have been enough, but you can complicate your task a little - try throwing rings with your jaw. Remember what you read in the second method about the intensity of the air flow and the filling of the mouth with smoke (this is important for the density of the ring). Now fold your lips into an "O" shape and open your mouth as much as possible. Yes, to learn how to throw rings, you need to be a little fish. Do you feel the tension in your jaw muscles? Great, remember. Now try to sharply exhale air from this position and fold your lips with the letter “O” of the correct circle. For a quicker learning experience, try saying something like "Ou", with an emphasis on the "O", but with the shape of the lips like in the "U" (only slightly wider).

How to blow smoke rings?

Using this method, you will learn how to set not only the shape of the ring, but also the speed of its movement, varying the intensity of movement of the jaw. Accordingly, to make a large ring of smoke, you need to vary the width of the letter "O".

What you need in order to learn how to shoot rings:

The most important thing is a well-lit and smoky hookah or vape. You need a quality hookah that has thick and dense smoke so that your rings are perfectly even and dense.

Please note that there should not be active movement or a draft nearby, which can greatly prevent you from learning how to make steam rings.

How to make Medusa from smoke.

We're sure you've already learned how to make smoke rings and are already bragging about it to your friends, but let's look at something more complicated? How to make Medusa from smoke. So, you start up a wide ring of smoke, fix the direction of its movement. Then gently try to blow a thin jet of smoke into the center of the ring.

Smoke tricks. Smoke jellyfish.

Please note that the speed of the smoke plume must match the intensity of the twisting of the ring. Otherwise, at a lower intensity, the ring will simply “fall apart”, and at a higher one, it will also fall apart, but due to the fact that you simply blow it away.

How to make Medusa out of smoke?

How to make Tornado (Whirlwind) from smoke

The next level of difficulty is a smoke tornado. You have learned how to make circles out of smoke, how to make a jellyfish, now it remains to learn how to make a whirlwind out of smoke. What is needed for this?

  • First of all, you need to create a dense layer of smoke on a solid surface. Take a deep drag on the smoked one and gently (!) start exhaling it onto the table. For a more even layer of smoke, you can exhale the smoke by placing your hand in a horizontal position on upper lip. So the smoke will be more uniform.
  • Then gently bring your hand to the smoke, without making sudden movements. The position of the brush should be like this - vertically along the table.

Smoke tricks. Smoke tornado.

  • When your hand is in the smoke, and it is uniform, make a sharp movement straight up, while changing the position of the brush, as if you are trying to scoop up the smoke and throw it up.
  • Practice and as soon as a tornado of smoke appears, you can try to spin the vortex in its upper part, swirling it intensively with a brush.

Smoke tricks. Whirlwind of smoke.

How to blow smoke rings. Outcome.

That's all you need to learn how to shoot smoke rings and other smoke tricks. We have no doubt that with a bit of practice and diligence, you will be able to correctly throw rings and do other tricks with smoke. Remember that practice and perseverance are very important in this matter. Try, try, and you will definitely understand how to make smoke rings.

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We all love to show off - we are nowhere without force. And, indeed, it’s not enough for us just to smoke a hookah, we need to do different tricks with a hookah. And today (don't laugh) we will talk about tricks with hookah smoke. There are a great many ways not just to exhale, but to give birth to this or that figure, although in many ways they are repeated. Each of them is based on the laws of physics, namely in the exhalation of smoke with centripetal acceleration. As a result, a smoke vortex is formed, which can be given one form or another. Consider in our methodological manual “How to make rings from smoke?” the most popular ways.

The first way: how to blow smoke rings with your tongue

This is the most simple method. To be successful we need:

  • Fill your mouth with thick smoke, while rounding your lips.
  • Slowly push the steam out of your mouth with your tongue.
  • The easiest way is to draw in the tongue, bringing it closer to the tonsils, and sharply throw it forward.
  • It is important to give the tongue the desired trajectory and control the movement of this muscle. After the movements are perfected, the smoke rings will turn out to be the correct shape!

This simple technique also has its drawbacks. The rings come out slowly and quickly dissipate. 🙁

The second method: How to blow smoke rings with a sharp exhalation of air

And this method will require voluminous lungs and a trained respiratory system. Its difficulty lies in filling your mouth with thick smoke and rounding and stretching your lips, rhythmically and powerfully “pushing out” the air. The disadvantage of this method is that the first and last rings may come out deformed (not perfectly round), and the rest depends on the quality of the tobacco, our skills and the density of the vapor.

The third way: How to blow smoke rings with your jaw

But this is more difficult. Jaw work. The most difficult, but effective:

  • We are dragging on.
  • We try to give the lips a perfectly round shape.
  • Now attention! It is necessary to sharply push the lower jaw forward and also sharply return to its original position.
  • As a result of these jaw movements, rings break free, which, thanks to a powerful driving force, fly off from the person who produces them for a long distance and entertain the audience.

The rings obtained in this way are able to grow to enormous sizes and stay in the air for a long time.

What does it take to learn how to roll

Desire, patience, a fair sense of humor. And some technical details. The type of tobacco plays a big role. It has been proven that strong tobacco gives a thicker, richer and more dense smoke. In weak varieties, these conditions are more modest. Also, the smokiness index varies among different manufacturers of tobacco of the same strength. It depends on the quality and quantity of glycerin impregnation and the feedstock in general.

How to make a smoke jellyfish

Medusa is aerobatics. A little more difficult than a ring. How to make a jellyfish out of smoke? Consistently release the steam ring from the mouth (we already know how to do this), wait a bit for it to become a little wider and release a jet of steam from the mouth inside the ring. The main thing is that the speed of the flow should correspond as much as possible to the speed of rotation of the ring, otherwise it will fall apart. If everything came together, then the second jet begins to gradually envelop the ring, simulating the flight of a transparent jellyfish.

How to make a smoke tornado

A whirlwind of a tornado is also an aerobatics figure. Our task is to “cover” with smoke any horizontal surface, for example, a table. Inhale deeply and exhale as much steam as possible, directing it with the horizontal position of the palm to the surface. After waiting for the smoke to fall evenly, sharply pry it up, as if scooping it up in the palm of your hand, and raise your hand up. You will get something in the form of a tornado. For complete similarity in the final phase, make a twisting movement to give the tornado a spiral appearance.

It's pretty simple on paper, right? But hard training and not such tricks obeyed. Practice and hone your skills and everything will work out! 🙂

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