How to comb very tangled hair. How to comb long hair correctly? How to comb your hair

After washing your hair, your hair remains wet for a certain time. Experts do not recommend combing them in this condition, or drying them with a hairdryer. This is due to the fact that wet hair is easily damaged and broken. They are very hygroscopic, so immediately after washing they become heavy, as a result of which they are very easily pulled out and torn off, especially since steamed skin facilitates this process.

If possible, you should try to let your hair dry naturally before starting styling. The only exception would be going out when you need to get yourself in order very quickly.

How to comb wet hair

Immediately after washing, you need to wrap your head in a terry towel for 5-10 minutes. This time is enough to absorb excess moisture into the fabric. You can also gently pat your wet hair with a towel, then apply a special detangler or leave-in balm to it.

Modern cosmetic companies produce a variety of hair products designed for high-quality styling and complete care. Most products make combing much easier. It is better to give preference to spray products, as they are very convenient to use.

When using cosmetic products in the form of foam or lotion, you need to squeeze or pour a small amount into the palm of your hand, and then distribute evenly over the entire length of the hair.

After applying the cosmetic product, you can start combing. A wooden or bone comb or a wide-tooth comb is ideal for this. Do not use round or flat brushes with synthetic bristles or metal teeth. They are very easy to damage wet hair.

You need to use the comb very carefully. To begin with, you should divide your hair into several large strands and then comb each of them. You need to start combing from the very ends of your hair, and then you need to gradually move up to the roots.

It is advisable to start styling only after the hair has dried a little more. When drying and creating a hairstyle, you will also need a comb, but in this case you can already use flat brushes and round combs. It is important that the tips of their plastic or metal teeth have a rounded shape. This is necessary to maintain healthy hair and prevent scalp injury.

Proper combing of hair of any type and of varying lengths is of great importance in self-care. The banal but very difficult question of how to comb your hair correctly is very relevant and even painful for many.

Some people, after this procedure, cannot rake out whole strands of hair hanging on it in clumps from the comb. Some delay as much as possible the moment of untangling the curls, which are a “crow’s nest”, but not a beautiful and well-groomed hairstyle.

For these problems to stop being painful, you just need to learn how to comb your hair correctly. To do this, you need a well-chosen tool and knowledge of several simple but very important rules.

A worker cannot be good without the proper tools. It’s the same with combing your hair: how to do this procedure?

The modern beauty industry offers a wide selection of different combs, combs and brushes. The first thing you need to pay attention to is the material from which they are all made.


Today, wood as a natural material for combs is one of the best and optimal options for any hair type.

Yes, it is difficult to care for a wooden comb, but compared to a metal one, it is very pleasant to the skin, and unlike a plastic one, it does not electrify the curls.

Its main drawback is the difficulty of maintaining perfect cleanliness and sometimes too intense absorption of moisture makes the comb unsuitable for further use.


Another good, high-quality, natural material for combs that is worth paying close attention to is horn. It also compares favorably with plastic brushes in that it helps reduce static electricity in curls.

But the most important advantage of horn as a material for combs is that it is as close as possible in its chemical composition to the biological material that makes up our hair.

It also has a drawback, which should also be taken into account when choosing such a tool for combing: with intensive and frequent washing of hair with hot or warm water, chipped pits and stripes appear on the horny combs, which damage the scalp and the strands themselves when combing.


Steel hair tools are very popular as they are readily available and inexpensive. Experts recommend that before combing your hair with metal brushes, warm them up slightly (this can be done by first placing them on a radiator or a hot lid of a kettle or pan).

This advice is due to the fact that warm metal gives slightly different (more pleasant) sensations than cold metal. And yet, most hairdressing and trichology specialists are against metal combs because of the rigidity of the teeth and their poor quality processing.


The most common hair combing tools are plastic. Love for them is dictated by their sufficient durability, hygiene, and ease of care.

However, the disadvantage is also very significant: with such material your hair will be constantly electrified. So, the material for the comb has been selected.

Now is the time to pay attention to their teeth, on which the process of properly combing the most tangled strands will also depend:

  • sharp and hard teeth are excluded: they injure the scalp and lead to various diseases;
  • Ideally, the tips of the teeth on the comb should be rounded, not sharp;
  • for often tangled and curly hair, you need to choose combs with sparse teeth;
  • If you need to comb out dandruff, use fine teeth.

A properly selected comb is a guarantee that the procedure for combing even the most tangled hair will be soft and painless. However, there are a few more very important nuances that need to be kept in mind for proper combing of curls.

Rules for combing hair

To do this, it is enough to adhere to simple and unpretentious rules.

If you strictly and daily follow them, you will feel how your curls are filled with vitality, no longer get tangled or fall out:

  1. Be sure to comb your hair three times a day: in the morning, immediately after sleep; during the day, after work; in the evening, before bed. However, this is far from a limitation: in ancient times, according to ancient recommendations, a girl had to comb her hair ten times throughout the day, and for each combing, make 10 smoothing movements through the hair with a comb from top to bottom. From the point of view of trichology, everything is absolutely correct: such daily manipulations help improve blood circulation, the secretion of subcutaneous fat by the sebaceous glands, and its even distribution along the strands.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to comb wet or even damp hair. First, you need to dry them (preferably naturally).
  3. To comb your hair properly, you need to tilt your head. This is possible in several positions: lie down with your head hanging down over the edge of the sofa; sit on a chair and bow your head between your knees; do this while standing (although this position can cause back fatigue for many). Tilt is needed for increased blood flow to the skin. However, there is one very important contraindication: those who have problems with blood pressure should not stay in these poses for a long time.
  4. You need to start combing your hair from the back of your head evenly, smoothly, slowly in all directions. If you do everything correctly, after 3 minutes you will feel warm. This is a sign that blood circulation has begun to work at an accelerated pace: the maximum amount of nutrients is delivered to the roots, the curls become stronger, gain strength, and begin to grow better.
  5. When combing, alternate movements with a comb (brush) with stroking the curls with the palm of your other (free) hand. Make one movement with a comb, the other with your palm. It is recommended to stroke the curls with your hands for several minutes even after combing. This helps distribute sebum throughout the hair more evenly, making it shiny, strong, and elastic.
  6. No sudden movements should be made during this procedure: they should be smooth and soft.

To avoid losing whole strands of hair and preventing it from getting tangled, you just need to know how to comb it correctly.

Thick and incredibly long curls are the envy of rivals and the subject of admiration for the stronger sex. But sometimes a girl with gorgeous hair suddenly decides to get a short haircut and mercilessly part with her strands. The reason is simple: long hair is difficult to comb.

This problem is more relevant to those with long, thin and dry hair. Curls can tangle into small knots, every day after sleep, into tangles and simply intertwine with each other. Combing such hair is very problematic. Some girls decide on the most radical methods and pick up scissors. But this is exactly what you don’t need to do. The problem can be solved, but it is better to prevent it.

Why does my hair get tangled?

The following factors can lead to a mat on the head:

  1. Systematic use of a hair dryer, which provokes a violation of the hair structure. Along its entire length, scales open and cling to each other;
  2. Irregular combing, especially before bed, also provokes tangled hair;
  3. Neglecting a headdress leads to deterioration of the condition of the strands. They are constantly exposed to stress due to the influence of low temperatures and ultraviolet radiation;
  4. Lack of brushing skills when styling with a hairdryer;
  5. Abuse of mousses, varnishes, gels leads to brittleness, dryness and sticking of curls;
  6. Curly hair looks great, but requires extra care. In its absence, tangles on the head are inevitable;
  7. Washing your hair with hard water is another cause of tangles. Mineral particles contaminate the strands and cause them to become sticky. If the water hardness coefficient is constantly too high, it is worth carrying out the procedure by first settling the water.

Sometimes the strands are so tangled that it hurts not only to comb, but even to simply touch the head. Tangles in strands, attempts to quickly solve the problem by tearing out unruly hairs lead to tension in the scalp muscles, which is why it becomes painful to comb your hair. To correct this annoying misunderstanding, you should familiarize yourself with the recommendations on how to properly comb your hair if it is tangled.

The first, and perhaps the main reason for the tangling of curls is their extreme degree of weakening, fragility and thinning. This may happen because you do not care for them carefully enough and do not provide them with proper nutrition and hydration. Due to the constant use of a hot hair dryer and other styling devices, the cortex loses keratin, the scales of the hair frame begin to bristle and flake, the curls themselves split, and the very knots that are so difficult for you to untangle form at their ends.

Another common reason for the formation of confused "nest" on your head - its constant friction against textiles. This can be either clothing or a banal pillow. Women with thin hair most often experience severe tangling immediately after waking up in the morning.

The tangling of curls is also influenced by such factors as constant touching of hands on them. If you have a bad
the habit of twisting strands into flagella and simply rotating them with your fingers, do not be surprised that over time they will begin to get more and more tangled. Hair care should not be limited to masks and the use of thermal protection products. You need to pay close attention to the fact how you handle them on a daily basis.

Of course, not all women are comfortable wearing their hair down, and some can’t even imagine their household chores with such a hairstyle. For example, some girls like to tie buns and use completely unacceptable accessories to secure their hair. All of them can also damage and weaken your locks, so if you overuse them, you may experience thinning and tangled hair.

But you should approach the creation of an assembled styling wisely. It’s better for you to avoid buns and tightly tied ponytails, preferring the least traumatic option – a weak braid. By the way, it is most useful to sleep with it at night, so that the curls are not subject to active tangling.

How to untangle small knots

  1. This method is suitable in cases where the hair is not severely damaged and there are no complex (large) knots on the hair.
  2. To begin manipulation, choose a comfortable place with good lighting. The treatment is performed on dry hair, so there is no need to wet the curls.
  3. Take the tangle in your hand so that it is clearly visible. Start taking out one hair at a time, gradually stretching each of them to its full length. Your movements should be carried out from the tips to the roots, that is, from bottom to top.
  4. If you don’t have the time and patience for such activities, resort to using a wide-tooth comb. Do not process the knot itself, carry out normal combing from the tips to the root area.
  5. In this case, with a comb you risk tearing the hairs. To prevent this, use special sprays or gels that make combing easier. They are marked accordingly; the products do not require rinsing.

How to get hair out of brushing

  1. Brushing means a round comb for styling, onto which the strands are wound one at a time. Usually, girls' hair gets tangled if the brush has sparse plastic teeth with rounded tips.
  2. The technique is suitable for those ladies who do not have time for lengthy procedures (you are in a hurry). Hair can also be pulled out if it is not too tangled.
  3. To begin, lubricate your curls with sunflower or corn oil; the composition will make further manipulations easier. If desired, it can be replaced with balm and shampoo mixed in equal quantities.
  4. After a quarter of an hour, start twisting the comb along the line where the curls are applied. That is, you seem to continue the previously started actions. Under no circumstances try to pull out the brushing or turn it in the opposite direction.
  5. If you can’t release the entire curl, move from the edge of the brush to the middle. Remove hair in small sections. After completing the procedure, comb your hair with a large-tooth comb.

How to untangle large tangles

  1. The detangling technique is designed for girls with dry hair. In this case, there are large nodes with damaged hairs. In this case, it is clear that the first two methods will be ineffective.
  2. Take a spray bottle, pour filtered water into it, and spray the liquid over your hair. Curls should be slightly damp, not wet. If you don't have an aerosol spray, use a gentle shower spray.
  3. Use a deep moisturizing cosmetic product. This could be a balm, serum, spray or gel. The main thing is that the composition nourishes the hair with moisture and makes combing easier. Distribute it evenly over the tangled strands.
  4. If there is no spray/gel, olive oil or hair conditioner (any) will do. The application technology is identical; saturate the curl with the product. Moisturize the ends thoroughly, gradually moving upward.
  5. Wait half an hour until the composition saturates every hair. If you use conditioner, the duration is reduced to 10-15 minutes. Try to untangle the tangle with your fingers and the edge of your nail. If all else fails, leave it.
  6. Take a wide comb with teeth located at some distance from each other. Squeeze the strand into a fist and start combing from the ends. Gradually move up to the root area, still squeezing the curl in your hand.
  7. Unravel the knots in order, running the comb through them several times. If the tangle does not give in, moisten it again with oil or a special moisturizing gel. If you cannot untangle the knot, cut it off, thereby thinning out the curls.
  8. After untangling large tangles, take a massage brush and spray your hair with a spray that makes combing easier. Process all strands from ends to roots, comb again. Next, wash your hair, first dividing your hair into thin curls.

Basic ways to solve the problem

There are methods that do not lead to injury and allow you to correct the situation in less radical ways:

  1. If there is a slight tangle, you should try to divide the strand into thin parts and, using a comb with rare strong teeth, try to comb the curl, starting from the ends and gradually rising higher. To make the procedure as easy as possible, it is recommended to use a spray;
  2. When a curl is wound around the brush during styling or drying, the tangled strand is first moistened with balm or shampoo. Then, they begin to carefully rotate the brush, gradually unraveling the hair;
  3. It's easiest to detangle severely tangled locks in the shower. After wetting your curls with water, wash your hair with a large volume of shampoo, whipping up a rich lather. Cosmetics and impurities that cause tangles are quickly washed off. Then the strands are treated with balm and, after waiting a quarter of an hour, the hair is washed again with warm water. After using the balm, the curls become unusually silky and will be easy to untangle;
  4. It is advisable to use leave-in conditioners and shampoos. They will not only help untangle the tangles, but also protect the curls from tangling during the day;
  5. If your strands get tangled regularly, you need to comb them while lying on the bed and resting your head on the edge of it. In this position, blood circulation in the head area significantly improves. The supply of more nutrients will make the curls healthier and they will be much less tangled.

Today there are special sprays on sale that make combing easier. However, they contain aggressive chemicals that negatively affect the condition of the hairstyle. Therefore, they should be used only as a last resort, if other gentle measures do not help.

Prevention of tangles

In order not to face the problem of how to comb very tangled hair, you need to take several preventive measures to ensure proper care of your curls and scalp.

First of all, you need to comb your strands several times throughout the day. In the summer, be sure to use sunscreen sprays. Otherwise, your hair will become dry. And it is known that it is thinning, dry curls that tangle most easily. After washing your hair, be sure to apply balm to damp hair, especially for girls with curly locks. It is recommended to make a mask once a week to strengthen your hair.

Before going to bed, it is advisable to braid the locks into a loose braid. This will significantly reduce the risk of matting. You shouldn't walk around with loose hair at home. They quickly become dirty, which also provokes the formation of tangles. You should take care of your hair and not use cosmetics to style it every day. If on this day it was necessary to create a hairstyle and fix it with mousse or gel, be sure to wash your hair at night.

It is better to use combs made of wood. Metal and plastic brushes electrify hair and increase its fragility. Combing each curl 100 times is a common advice that absolutely cannot be practiced with thin and dry strands.

You should familiarize yourself with how to properly comb and care for different types of long hair. Do not use detergents that remove grease harshly. Dry strands are more prone to tangling. Therefore, it is not recommended to use alcohol-containing hair care products. Curls that are prone to tangles should not be combed. When braiding a braid or styling a ponytail, do not hide your curls under clothes. In this case, they are more susceptible to static electricity and become tangled very quickly.

Products for easy combing of hair

If you cannot prevent the destructive process with banal caution, it’s time to turn to hair combing products. They can be purchased in specialized professional stores, or... made independently, at home.

Homemade masks

To make your curls easier to comb, you can use a wide variety of products. And of course, masks cannot be included in this category.

You should try these mask compositions:

  • Egg yolks + lemon juice + cognac;
  • Avocado pulp + full-fat sour cream (for dry hair) or kefir (for oily hair) + extra virgin (cold) pressed olive oil;
  • Peach pulp + banana pulp + low-fat cottage cheese;
  • Colorless henna + quail egg yolks;
  • Avocado oil + broccoli oil + jojoba oil (in the form of a compress).

Those whose hair is naturally very thin should use beer masks, rinses and compresses. It is not necessary to resort to products for easy combing of hair all the time, especially if they are professional and of high quality. In this case, it will be enough to spray the spray on your hair after washing your hair. If you use weaker products prepared at home, you should use them every day, before each combing procedure. This drink significantly thickens the hair shaft, promoting thickness and smoothness of curls along the entire length.

Hair spray

If you are tired of searching for your “perfect” product, or you simply don’t have enough money for the product that you already like, try sprays that can be made from a variety of available products. They will be in no way inferior to what you see in stores, and perhaps even surpass them, at least in the obvious benefits for curls.

Therefore, if you are still wondering how to easily comb tangled hair, we recommend that you take note of three golden recipes for homemade sprays for easier combing.

  • Lemon spray. This product is famous for its almost instant effect and ease of manufacture. To prepare it, you will need one ripe lemon and a glass of clean distilled water. Squeeze the juice from the lemon and mix it with water in the specified proportion. Place the mixture on the stove and heat until it boils. Next, make sure that the liquid begins to evaporate a little. Turn the heat to low and wait until half of the resulting liquid has evaporated. Next, remove the mixture from the stove, cool and strain it. Pour into a spray bottle and use with each brushing procedure;
  • Egg spray. This product has proven itself even better and is very popular among girls and women of different ages and social categories. This product, made quickly and independently, guarantees excellent results and ease of combing. However, it has one significant drawback - it can be stored for no more than four days, even if we are talking about the refrigerator. To prepare, grind two chicken egg yolks until smooth. Dilute it with a small amount of boiled or filtered water. Add a tablespoon of burdock or castor oil to the mixture (if you have the opportunity, add two tablespoons of broccoli oil). The resulting suspension should be shaken and water added if the product is not liquid enough. Pour into a spray bottle and use before each comb;
  • Herbal spray. Herbal medicine has always been famous for its tremendous effects on the condition of hair. And it can certainly make the combing process easier for you. And although herbal care seems labor-intensive and boring to many, we still strongly recommend that you give preference to it. Prepare a decoction containing a glass of water, as well as a teaspoon each of the following crushed plants: stinging nettle, string, hop cones, chamomile and loose leaf green tea. Place the liquid mixture on the stove and simmer over low heat for twenty minutes. Remove from the stove and let it brew. Then cool, strain and use. Your hair will definitely thank you for such care.
  1. If you have long but very thin hair, make it a habit to wear it in a variety of hairstyles. It could be a tail or a braid, a bun. Never wear your hair loose.
  2. Trim split ends once every 1.5 months. Don't backcomb your hair; it irritates your hair and makes it brittle. Avoid using a hair dryer and dry your hair naturally. Do not use straightening irons, curling irons, Velcro curlers or other thermal devices.
  3. Never go to bed with your hair down. Braid your hair in a braid or ponytail. Make sure that the strands are not over-tightened, otherwise the hair will begin to fall out. In a similar way, you need to monitor your hair while doing homework.
  4. Do not comb your hair immediately after washing, lightly dry it with a towel, then spread the spray over the surface to facilitate the procedure. Only after this, arm yourself with a comb with rare teeth and begin manipulation.
  5. Try to use hairspray, mousse, serum, wax or styling gel on rare occasions. They dry out the hair greatly, causing it to constantly become tangled. After using stylers, wash your hair.
  6. Many long-haired girls do not have enough time for all kinds of styling and hairstyles. In this case, it is recommended to have a short haircut or reduce the length to the shoulder blades.
  7. Get in the habit of using a leave-in conditioner like Sjoss, Gliskur, Pantin, etc. Such products will moisturize your strands for a long period and prevent tangling.
  8. Always protect your hair from harmful environmental influences. Wear appropriate headwear when visiting the bathhouse, sauna, swimming pool, fresh and salt springs.
  9. If your hair is very curly, like African girls, follow the correct washing technology. Before starting the procedure, divide the head into thin curls, then clean each of them separately.
  10. Choose the right shampoo to wash your hair. The product should not contain lauryl sulfate, a powerful foaming agent. Also, you should not buy products labeled “to increase volume.”
  11. Try to wash your hair only in the shower or bath. There is no need to tilt it over the basin, since reverse movements contribute to severe tangling.
  12. Do not neglect the use of masks, balms and caring gels that are applied to your hair after washing. They make the curls heavier, as a result of which they straighten and get tangled 2 times less often. Read more:
  13. If you notice that the running water is too hard, you need to boil it or soften it in another way. Pour in a 6% vinegar solution at the rate of 50 ml. for 6 l. water.
  14. Many people prefer to hide their long, flowing hair under outerwear. Girls do this especially often in winter. As a result of such manipulations, the curls become electrified, dry out and begin to become very tangled.
  15. After washing your hair, pat dry your hair with a soft towel, do not rub it. Gently squeeze your curls into a fist, then collect excess moisture, moving from the root area to the ends.

Video: how to comb very tangled hair

Healthy and shiny curls- the dream of many girls. Every woman tries to ensure that her hair retains its natural strength for as long as possible.

Particular attention is paid to the correct combing, which is not at all as simple as it seems at first glance. The likelihood of split ends and dandruff, oily scalp and a host of other difficulties that worry women throughout their lives depend on combing.

How often should you comb your hair?

You should comb your hair in the morning and in the evening. If you plan to wash your hair, you need to comb your hair immediately before applying shampoo. In this case, attention should be paid not only to the number of combings, but also number of brush movements.

Some women believe that regular and frequent combing is harmful to their curls. In fact, this is not so, the more often we comb our hair, the more movements we make, the better.

Confirmation of this can be found in works of art from different eras.
Old Russian beauties wore long braids, which were not only the subject of their pride, but also of special concern. The curls were combed long and carefully. Sometimes it took several hours to prepare for going out.

Modern hairdressers advise using the experience of our ancestors and not being lazy to comb your curls as often as possible. You should make at least 100-200 movements of the brush on your head per day.

What and how to comb

Regular brushing increases blood flow to the scalp, normalizes blood circulation, speeds up the process of secretion of the sebaceous glands. Combing is best done with a comb or a brush of various shapes.


The effectiveness of a comb is directly related to the material from which it is made. On store shelves you can find a large number of:

  1. wooden X;
  2. horny;
  3. metal;
  4. plastic ridges

Each of them has the right to exist and apply:


Using a brush as the main tool, you should pay attention to the following details:

The comb used should be clean. Washed and freed from dead skin cells, curls can quickly become dirty if a brush that is not very clean is used to comb them.

Having figured out how to comb your hair, let's look at how to do it correctly. Ideally, a girl should comb her hair while lying down:

Pleasant warm sensations indicate increased blood circulation, which helps strengthen and accelerate hair growth.

If there is no sofa nearby, or the situation does not allow you to do everything as written above, then you can simply squat down, bend your head down, lower your hair between your knees and comb it.

When combing you need to use not just a brush, but also a free hand, alternating the movements of the comb and stroking the curls with your hands. Fully combed hair must be properly smoothed with your fingers, which is necessary for better distribution of sebum, giving hair shine and maintaining their strength.

Quick and harsh combing is not allowed! The movements made should be slow and soft.

Long hair

Correct combing curls– a big problem for many girls. In a hurry, getting ready for work, meeting with friends, or even going shopping, women often try to comb their hair as quickly as possible, which is not recommended.

A big mistake is also combing from roots to ends. With this method, the hair is torn out at the base and the ends are split. You need to do everything quite the opposite - from tips to roots. This method allows you to maintain the integrity of the hair and untangle the knots that have formed on it.

IN video You can learn more about how to comb correctly long hair.

Short hair

Short hair should be combed in the same way as long hair, that is, from ends to roots, and nothing else. Otherwise, a girl with a short haircut may end up without one at all.

The most problems arise in girls with. Many of them try to wet their hair before combing, straighten some areas with a curling iron, and only after that begin the procedure itself. Such actions are fundamentally wrong.

The best way to prepare for combing is to run the palms of your hands through your hair, separating one curl from another using your fingers.

To comb unruly curls you should use wide-toothed brush, alternating the massage movements of this instrument with stroking the hair with your palms.

Hair extensions

Not all girls can boast of long hair. Trying to hide the lack of hair, many women resort to hair extensions. At the same time, hair extensions do not last forever; they can also become damaged, fall out, and lose shine.

Care consists primarily of proper combing. For this purpose they are used soft tooth brushes, or lint.

It is unacceptable to use brushes whose teeth are covered with protective heads! They are easily removed, get tangled in the hair and can damage the keratin capsules, which will lead to premature removal of artificial curls.

When combing, you need to hold your hair at the roots with your hand and avoid sudden movements.

Thin hair

Thin curls are extremely sensitive to any impact; when combing them, you need to pay attention to the quality and material from which the brush is made. It is better to avoid products made of plastic and metal, giving preference to a brush with natural bristles.

Tangled hair

Combing tangled curls begins from the ends and gradually move towards the roots.

Do not use brushes with flat, tightly spaced teeth! The sparser the teeth are set, the better the result can be achieved.

In that video you will learn who should not comb their hair before bed. And also how easy it is to comb very tangled hair using oil and which comb to choose.

To comb tangled curls, it is recommended to use not a brush, but wooden or horny ridges. If preference is still given to a brush, then you need to pay special attention to the presence of sharp teeth, length, and hardness of the bristles. The choice should be made on brushes with medium-hard bristles.

To comb your hair well and avoid tangling, you need to:

It is easiest to comb completely dried hair; to speed up the process, you can lightly spray the brush with water, or even foam.

Owners of luxurious hair need to know how to comb their hair correctly without harming it. Well-groomed, clean, beautifully styled or simply loose hair is the key to the ideal image of every woman, girl or girl. It is very important from early childhood to accustom the owner of long curls to proper care of them, to convince them to comb their hair in such a way that everyday styling brings pleasure.

Hair care

In order for your hair to be combed easily and without being damaged, it is important to organize proper care for it. The hardness of the water with which you constantly wash your hair is of great importance - the harder it is, the more difficult it is not only to comb your hair, but also to style it. The culprit is limescale, which over time forms a thin film on the surface of each hair and increases friction between them. This affects not only the appearance, but also the health of the hair. They become dull, hard, brittle and dry, the scalp flakes, and dandruff appears.

It is equally important to choose a shampoo that meets all your needs. Using conditioner gives good results, but it is recommended to use it separately, at the final stage of shampooing.

Never twist your hair or dry it with a hard cloth. It is enough to wrap your curls in a soft, dry towel for 10-15 minutes. Only after your hair has dried a little can you start combing.

Brush or comb?

How to comb long hair without damaging it or tearing it out by the roots?

Modern combs and combs are made from various materials - metal, plastic and their combinations, but natural products made from wood and horn are considered the most beneficial for hair.

It is better not to use metal combs for daily combing, since this material is quite hard on the hair: it can leave hangnails that will damage the scalp. Plastic combs have gained high popularity due to their reliability, durability and hygiene. They easily comb your hair, but at the same time they strongly electrify it. Wooden brushes or combs are rightfully considered the most gentle and delicate to hair. However, their naturalness also has a reverse, negative side - such products are difficult to maintain in perfect cleanliness, since dirt, bacteria and small skin flakes accumulate between the wood fibers.

What parameters should a good brush have? Firstly, the material from which it is made must be of high quality. You should not trust cheap products purchased in an underground passage or on the market: the plastic parts of such a brush often cause itching and irritation of the skin. Secondly, it is desirable that the bristles be placed on a soft rubber base, be long and sparse enough and not pull out tangled hair. Regardless of which detangling tool you choose, remember one important rule: it should always be clean and dry.

Technique for combing long hair

How to comb long hair correctly? Sooner or later, every owner of luxuriant hair asks herself this question. Cosmetologists and trichologists recommend combing at least 2 times a day, including immediately before washing your hair: this way you will not only improve skin circulation, but will also be able to more easily remove dirt.

Before combing your hair, you need to remove all the clips and unbraid your hair. To avoid tangling the strands, pull them to one side, and then, as you comb, divide your hair into small curls.

Start combing with light brush strokes from the ends and moving towards the roots, while holding the rest of the hair with your free hand. Carefully move the laid strand to the other side and repeat the manipulations until all the hair is combed. After that, comb them behind your back in the direction from the roots to the ends, and then lower your head down and brush again, but this time from the back of the head to the ends. The scalp massaged in this way will receive a good flow of blood circulation, which will promote the growth of beautiful and strong hair.

To make caring for your long hair comfortable and enjoyable, follow a few tips:

  • comb your hair slowly, easily and patiently straightening out tangled areas;
  • if you are the happy owner of charming long curls, use special sprays for curly curls;
  • To comb dry and highly electrified hair, use antistatic sprays or special creams that are applied to slightly dried or dry strands.

By adhering to simple hair care principles, you can achieve the desired result - a beautiful, well-groomed and healthy hairstyle that will definitely be noticed.
