The best remedies for nail fungus. Exoderil (cream, ointment, solution) - description, instructions for use and tactics for effective treatment of nail fungus, skin of the legs and other parts of the body, side effects, analogues, reviews of the drug, price in pharmacies Is it possible to

Healthy nails without problems

According to research, every third person experiences fungal nail diseases. Moreover, nail fungus was quite rare a few decades ago.

According to researchers, the disease has become so widespread thanks to the benefits of civilization: the high availability of swimming pools, public saunas, gyms - everything that was created to strengthen human health. But when building muscle mass or losing excess weight, a person rarely pays attention to the threat that is next to him: pathogenic fungi that are just waiting to become one with a new “host”.

The consequences (and not only of an aesthetic nature) are not long in coming. Darkened, loose, peeling nails, unpleasant odor from feet and shoes are far from the worst manifestations of the disease. Without treatment, the fungus can spread to neighboring areas of the body, reduce local immunity and promote secondary infection - penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the tissues and blood, and also cause infection of others. Members of the patient's family are at risk - people whose skin comes into contact with surfaces on which microscopic particles of infected skin remain. It is for this reason that purchasing an effective nail fungus remedy for your home medicine cabinet is a great idea, especially if you go to the gym, swimming pools and other public places where there is a high risk of fungal infection.

So, what are the best remedies for nail fungus that the modern pharmaceutical industry and traditional medicine offer us?

The best medicines for nail fungus



Cost of a 10 ml bottle. about 650 rubles, tubes weighing 30 g - 400 rubles.

The active substance of Exoderil - naftifine - has a high “cumulative” effect. This means that when using the drug, naftifine accumulates in the tissues of the nail plate, and gradually reaches its maximum concentration, which is harmful to fungi. The excipients included in the drug facilitate the penetration of naftifine into the nail tubules, through which the fungus actually spreads.

Advantages. In addition to its antifungal effect, the drug prevents secondary infection of affected tissues, relieves itching and quickly relieves inflammatory processes caused by fungal infections.

Flaws. Clinical studies of the drug that would confirm or refute its harmlessness have not yet been conducted. Therefore, today Exoderil is contraindicated for the treatment of children, pregnant and lactating women, as well as people with intolerance to any component of this drug.

Grade. The complex action of Exoderil is its only, albeit significant, advantage, which provided the drug with 9 points out of ten in the ranking of the best remedies for nail fungus.

From reviews:“I treated fungus on the nails and on the skin between the fingers with Exoderil. Frankly, the fungus is survivable, but the itching it causes is not. This drug literally relieved the itching within a day, although the fungus itself was treated according to the instructions - until the nail completely grew back.”



The cost of a tube weighing 20g. about 400 rubles. Analogue - Mycozoral (15g/180 rubles).

The active ingredient of Nizoral - ketoconazole - has a strong antimycotic effect and is effective against most yeast-like, mold and other fungi. Penetrating into the nail tissue affected by the fungus, ketoconazole disrupts the metabolism in these organisms and destroys their cell membrane, which becomes a stopping factor for the formation of fungal colonies and their further reproduction.

Advantages. The high effectiveness of Nizoral has been confirmed by clinical studies, but the percentage of cure for nail lesions was taken into account last: the main attention was paid to fungal skin diseases. For this reason, it is difficult to say whether the cream is as effective for onychomycosis as for seborrhea of ​​the scalp. But what has really been proven is that when Nizoral is used topically, its active ingredients are not detected in the blood even with prolonged use of the drug. Therefore, this cream is approved for the treatment of nursing, pregnant women and people with any kidney or liver diseases.

Flaws. The not very convenient scheme for using the cream (twice a day) in combination with its consistency - not thick and oily, can cause difficulties. This is especially true for those whose treatment took them on the road or away from home.

Grade. Overall, Nizoral deserves 10 points out of ten. But insufficiently large-scale clinical studies regarding the issues that interest us here and now - the treatment of nail fungus - still reduce its rating. Therefore, we will focus on 9 points.

From reviews:“I liked Nizoral shampoo when I was treating oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp. Therefore, when I discovered a fungus on my nail, I immediately bought a cream of the same name. I haven’t noticed any obvious results on my nails yet - I only started treatment a week ago, but the skin around the nail started to look healthier.”



The cost of a 15 ml bottle is about 350 rubles.

The active ingredient, terbinafine, inhibits the growth and activity of various types of fungi, including those that cause nail damage. When the drug is used correctly according to the instructions, a concentration of terbinafine is created in the nail, which for a long time prevents re-infection.

Advantages. The convenience of Lamisil lies in the possibility of choosing a dosage form in the form of a spray, solution, gel or cream. All forms of Lamisil are equally effective. With proper use of the drug, obvious improvements are observed after 2 weeks.

Flaws. The high-quality treatment that this drug provides is due to the powerful action of terbinafine. But it is for this reason that Lamisil treatment of nail fungus in nursing, pregnant women and children under 12 years of age is contraindicated.

Grade. One of the best remedies for nail fungus, popular all over the world, but requires strict adherence to the “rules of the game.” Deserves 10 out of 10.

From reviews: “I think Lamisil is overpriced, although using it in spray form is really convenient. The fungus went away as the nail grew, I used Lamisil for about a month.”

The best varnishes for nail fungus


Varnishes for the treatment of nail fungus use various active ingredients, and the cost of such drugs varies widely:

  • Lotseryl (amorolfine). The cost of a 2.5 lm bottle is about 1300 rubles;
  • Batrafen (cyclopiroxolamine). Price for a 2.5 ml bottle is about 1570 rubles;
  • Demictene (formic acid aldehyde). The cost of a 2.5 ml bottle is about 280 rubles;
  • Mikozan (complex of active ingredients). The cost of the set is about 650 rubles.

These are the best and most popular nail polishes for treating fungal nail infections, and they all share the same advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages. Each of the active ingredients - amorolfine, cyclopiroxolamine, etc. - are strong antimycotic agents that inhibit the growth and activity of fungi. The convenience of using varnishes leaves no doubt - periodic or one-time treatment of the affected nail before the first (or each) use of the product, and then all that remains is to follow the instructions: “touch up” the nail once or twice a day or even once a week (as Loceryl promises).

Flaws. Unfortunately, despite all the effectiveness of the antimycotic substances included in the varnishes, they are ineffective against deep fungal infections, as well as when the fungus is localized under the nail plate. This deficiency is to some extent compensated by the ability of the nail to accumulate medicinal substances, which spread deeper over time. But even taking this into account, there is no guarantee that a few months after completing the course of treatment, the fungus will not appear “out of nowhere.” It is known where: from areas of the nail into which the active substances could not penetrate.

Grade. The inability to predict the effectiveness of treatment immediately deprives even the best varnishes for treating nail fungus of several rating points. But they immediately return, since Lotseryl, Batrafen, Demicten, Mikozan, etc. are the best means for the prevention of fungal infections. Therefore, those who visit public swimming pools, saunas and gyms will be interested to know the “dual” assessment of varnishes: we give them 7 points out of 10 as drugs for treatment, and 10 out of 10 as means for the prevention of nail fungus.

From reviews of varnishes against nail fungus: “I treated fungus on my big toe with Demikten - the effect was absolutely zero. True, I did not have the opportunity to steam my leg; I applied the varnish on a dry one. A few months later I bought Mikozan and did not regret it: the fungus had just begun to destroy the nail, I did everything according to the instructions. After 2 months there was no trace left.”

Tea tree oil
best folk remedy for nail fungus


The cost of a 10 ml bottle is about 140 rubles.

Tea tree oil contains terpenes, which serve as the basis for the antiseptic, antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects of the product. And viridoflorene, a powerful antimicrobial substance, has been identified only in tea tree oil to date, which makes it truly unique.

Advantages. Considering the 100% natural origin of the oil, it can be indicated for the treatment of fungal diseases of the nails and skin of the feet, even in pregnant women, breastfeeding women and children. It has a pronounced antimycotic effect, suppressing the growth of fungi, and thanks to the antimicrobial effect, it prevents secondary infection of areas weakened by the activity of pathogenic microorganisms.

Flaws. A strong scent that some describe as pleasant and fresh, while others find it somewhat "medicinal". The spectrum of action of tea tree oil is wide, but some types of mushrooms are resistant to viridoflorene, which makes this remedy useless in the treatment of some fungal infections. Also, the oil is not recommended for persons with individual intolerance to the components of this product.

Grade. The almost complete absence of contraindications, effectiveness, complex action - all this allows us to call tea tree oil the best folk remedy for nail fungus and award it 10 points out of ten.

From reviews: “I had to treat a recurring fungus on my legs during pregnancy. I was afraid to use synthetic drugs and preferred tea tree oil. I can say that I have never had a better remedy for nail fungus: from the “root” the nail began to grow smooth and pink. Now I constantly disinfect the inside of outdoor and indoor shoes with this oil - I’ve forgotten about the fungus for about 7 years now.”

What you need to know when treating nail fungus?

The effectiveness of nail fungus remedies can be significantly increased if you use the following “tricks”:

  • Before applying the product, wash your feet thoroughly in moderately warm water and soap (it is better to use baby soap or regular laundry soap), then change the water to hot and steam the affected nail for at least 5-7 minutes. This procedure will “open” the cells of the nail, which will allow the varnish or cream to penetrate deeper into its tissue. Just remember that hot foot baths are contraindicated for varicose veins, hypotension, and elevated body temperature.
  • Make sure that the overgrown nail is cut off in a timely manner. The protruding, “free” part of the nail plate should be removed as it grows in order to free up access for the drug to the soft tissues of the nail bed.
  • Treat not only the nail, but also the surrounding areas of healthy tissue. “Seize new territories” without hesitation, at least 1 cm from the nail: the fungus is able to survive a drug attack in nearby tissues, and at the end of the course of treatment return as if nothing had happened.
  • If the fight against fungal infections has become your way of life, and you live in the “remove the fungus - rejoice at the recovery - find the fungus again” mode, be sure to consult a doctor. Most likely, you will need a microscopic examination of a nail sample in order to identify the pathogen and subsequently prescribe drugs to which “your” fungus has not yet acquired resistance.

Attention! There are contraindications, consultation with a specialist is required

Cream Exoderil contains naftifine hydrochloride at a concentration of 10 mg/g, as well as sodium hydroxide, alcohols (benzyl, cetyl and stearyl), sorbitan stearate, cetyl palmitate, polysorbate 60, isopropyl myristate, purified water.

Part solution the active substance is included in a concentration of 10 mg/ml. Excipients: propylene glycol, ethanol and purified water.

Release form

  • Exoderil solution(Exoderil) 1%. Dark glass bottles 10 and 20 ml, cardboard pack 1.
  • Cream (ointment) Exoderil(Exoderil) 1%. Aluminum tubes 15 and 30 g, cardboard pack 1.

pharmachologic effect

Antimycotic , fungistatic , fungicidal .

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


Amorolfine is used for fungal infections of the nail caused by Epidermophyton, Trichophyton, Mycrosporum, Coccidoides, Cryptococcus, Wangiella, Pityrosporum, Candida, Hendersonula, Histoplasma, Sporothrix, Alternaria, Cladosporium, Fonseceae, Scopulariopsis.

The fungicidal and antibacterial activity of Exoderil is due to the properties of the synthetic antimycotic it contains. naftifina .

Since the drugs differ in composition, judge which is more effective - Exoderil or Lotseril - not entirely correct.

Lotseril used for treatment nail fungus , its analogue can be used both for treatment nail fungus , and for treatment ringworm . Moreover, the solution penetrates the nail plate better than varnish and acts the same regardless of whether the structure of the nail is damaged or not.

The disadvantages of nail polishes are their inability to penetrate into the channels of the nail plate, as well as into loose and crumbled nail plates.

Reviews allow us to conclude that Exoderil is quite effective against infections caused by the most common fungi today, however, it is powerless against some organisms that its analogue can easily cope with.

Thus, the choice in favor of one or another remedy must be made taking into account the diagnosis, pathogen and degree of damage.

Mikozan or Exoderil - which is better?

The drug is a kit for removing fungal infections from the nail. The product is available in the form of a serum and is supplied with disposable nail files and an applicator brush, which makes it easier to apply the medicine to the affected nail.

Active substance Mikozana - rye enzyme filtrate. When applied to the nail, the drug has a local antifungal effect , while increasing the density of the nail plate, reducing its porosity and creating conditions unfavorable for the growth of pathogenic fungi.

Experts often recommend using Mikozan for prevention, however, patients who have used this drug for treatment speak of it as an effective and really helpful remedy when it comes to onychomycosis .

If the affected area is not limited to the nail, then it is more advisable to use Exoderil to treat adjacent areas of the skin.

For children

There is no experience of clinical use in children, and therefore it is not recommended to prescribe drops/cream to this category of patients.

Use during pregnancy

Provided that the drug is used in accordance with the recommendations given in the instructions, its effect on the fetus/newborn is unlikely.

The results of teratogenicity studies indicate that there is no risk of any embryotoxic effects.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the medicine can be used only after a thorough assessment by the doctor of the expected effect of therapy/risk ratio.

Breastfeeding women should avoid getting the solution/cream on the skin and in the baby's digestive tract.

Reviews about Exoderil

Reviews about Exoderil cream, as well as reviews about Exoderil solution, can be found on forums that are different: for some, this drug helps restore the health of their nails and skin, for others, on the contrary, even after 2-3 months of using the product, there is no improvement notices.

Experts say that you can get rid of nail/skin fungus only if the treatment is carried out correctly.

Since in case of fungal infections of the feet, the pathological process in about half of the cases also spreads to the nails, it is considered advisable to combine ointment and drops: for example, a solution for nail fungus Apply in the morning, and at night the skin and affected nail plates are treated with cream.

Any external means (drops, cream or varnish) from nail fungus should be used regularly and over a long period of time.

At the same time, it is very important (especially during the treatment period) to properly care for your nails/skin (for example, once a week, give your nails a bath with soda and laundry soap), do not forget about personal hygiene and the need to disinfect all surfaces in contact with the fungus.

For severe forms of fungal infection topical antimycotics (Exoderil or its analogs) are combined with systemic drugs to achieve a positive effect.

How much does Exoderil cost?

Cost of the drug in Ukraine

The price of Exoderil in Kyiv is from 117 UAH. Ointment in tubes of 15 g can be bought for an average of 130 UAH. The price of Exoderil 10 ml in Ukraine is from 150 UAH, the medicine in 20 ml bottles in Dnepropetrovsk, Kharkov, Odessa or Zaporozhye costs 305-310 UAH.

Cost of the drug in Russia

You can buy Exoderil in Moscow at a price of 425 rubles: the price of Exoderil cream 15 g is 425-530 rubles, 30 g is 770-830 rubles; the price of Exoderil solution 10 ml is 510-710 rubles, drops in 20 ml bottles cost 860-1020 rubles.

Systemic agents (tablets, solution, etc.) are not produced under the Exoderil brand. You can treat nail fungus using both dosage forms of the drug according to the scheme: cream in the evening, solution in the morning.

  • Online pharmacies in Russia Russia
  • Online pharmacies in Ukraine Ukraine
  • Online pharmacies in Kazakhstan Kazakhstan


    Exoderil cream 1% 30g Sandoz GmbH

    Exoderil solution external 1% 30ml n1

    Exoderil solution external 20ml n1Globopharm Pharmaceutical Products/Sandoz GmbH

    Exoderil cream 1% 15g Sandoz GmbH

    Exoderil solution external 1% 10mlGlobopharm Pharmaceutical Products/Sandoz GmbH

Pharmacy Dialog

    Exoderil solution (vial 1% 20ml)

    Exoderil solution 1% 10ml

    Exoderil cream (tube 1% 30g)

    Exoderil cream tube 1% 15g

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The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Exoderil represents antifungal agent for external use. The drug is effective for the treatment of fungal diseases of the skin caused by fungi of the dermatophyte group: Trichophyton, Epidermophyton, Microsporum (mycoses of the interdigital folds, inguinal dermatophytosis, dermatophytosis of the trunk, epidermophytosis, trichophytosis, microsporia) and the genus Candida (skin candidiasis). In addition, Exoderil is used to treat onychomycosis (nail fungus), pityriasis versicolor and fungal infections of the skin complicated by bacterial infection. The drug is most effective in the treatment of fungal infections localized on the hairy areas of the body, as well as on the skin with hyperkeratosis.

Release forms, composition and names

Currently, Exoderil is available in two dosage forms:

  • Cream for external use;
  • Solution for external use.
Both forms of release are intended exclusively for external use. The liquid dosage form (solution) is often commonly called Exoderil drops, which is not entirely correct, but reflects the fundamental state of affairs - that the drug is liquid. Exoderil cream is also often called ointment in everyday life. However, the drug is not available in ointment form, so when they say “Exoderil ointment,” they always mean cream.

Both solution and cream Exoderil contain as an active component naftifine. Moreover, the concentration of naftifine is the same in both dosage forms, that is, both cream and 1% solution. This means that 1 ml of solution and 1 g of cream contain 10 mg of naftifine.

Exoderil solution contains propylene glycol, ethyl alcohol and purified deionized water as auxiliary components. The cream contains the following substances as auxiliary components:

  • Benzyl alcohol;
  • Sodium hydroxide;
  • Isopropyl myristate;
  • Polysorbate 60;
  • sorbitan stearate;
  • Stearyl alcohol;
  • Cetyl alcohol;
  • Cetyl palmitate.
Exoderil solution is a clear, colorless or slightly yellowish liquid with the odor of alcohol, and is available in dark glass bottles of 10 ml and 20 ml, equipped with a special dropper stopper.

The cream is a homogeneous, homogeneous or slightly curdled mass of white color, shiny, and having a characteristic odor. Available in aluminum tubes of 15 g and 30 g.

Therapeutic effect of Exoderil

Exoderil has an antifungal effect. This means that the drug destroys pathogenic and opportunistic fungi, which are the causative agents of fungal infections of the skin and nails in humans. Accordingly, the destruction of the pathogen leads to the fact that Exoderil completely cures fungal infections of the skin and nails in humans caused by fungi that are sensitive to the action of the drug.

Exoderil is fungicidal against some fungi, and fungistatic against others. The fungicidal effect is to destroy fungi at any stage of development. And the fungistatic effect is that the process of reproduction of fungi is suppressed, as a result of which they simply live out their term and die.

The antifungal effect of the drug is ensured by its ability to block the formation of ergosterol, a substance that is the most important structural component of the cell membrane of fungi. Due to the fact that ergosterol is not formed, the membrane of the fungus becomes fragile, allows various substances harmful to the microorganism to pass through, and it ultimately dies.

Exoderil has a detrimental effect on the following types of fungi that can cause infections of the skin and nails in humans:

1. Fungi of the dermatophyte group:

  • Trichophyton (Trichophyton);
  • Epidermophyton;
  • Microsporum.
2. Molds (Aspergillus spp.).

3. Yeasts:

  • Fungi of the genus Candida (Candida spp.);
  • Pityrosporum fungi.
4. Fungi Sporothrix schenckii.

In addition to the main antifungal effect, Exoderil also has antibacterial activity against a number of microbes (Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus, Escherichia coli), which often cause bacterial complications of fungal infections. Therefore, Exoderil can be used to treat fungal diseases complicated by bacterial infection.

Exoderil also has a moderate anti-inflammatory effect, thanks to which it quickly and permanently relieves itching of the skin, and also reduces the severity of inflammation, which promotes rapid healing and restoration of the normal structure of the skin.

Due to the fact that naftifine quickly penetrates into all layers of the skin and for a long time creates in them the concentrations necessary for the antifungal effect, to achieve a therapeutic effect, it is enough to apply Exoderil only once a day.

Indications for use

Exoderil solution and cream are indicated for use in the treatment of the same following fungal diseases of smooth skin, scalp and nails:

  • Fungal infections of the skin of the body (tinea corporis) and skin folds (tinea inquinalis) (for example, trichophytosis, microsporia, ringworm, athlete's foot, etc.);
  • Fungal infections of the interdigital spaces on the hands (tinea manum) and feet (tinea pedum);
  • Fungal infections of the fingernails and toenails (onychomycosis);
  • Skin candidiasis;
  • Pityriasis versicolor;
  • Mycosis (fungal infection) of the external auditory canal;
  • Dermatomycosis (fungal infection of smooth skin, scalp or nails), accompanied by itching;
  • Mycoses of smooth skin and scalp, complicated by bacterial infection.

Exoderil - instructions for use

Rules for choosing a dosage form

Both the solution and the cream are used to treat fungal infections of the smooth skin, scalp and nails. But Exoderil in solution form is more effective than cream for the treatment of fungal infections in the scalp or on smooth skin with areas of hyperkeratosis. Therefore, when the infection is localized on the head under the hair or on smooth skin with foci of hyperkeratosis, it is preferable to use a solution rather than Exoderil ointment, due to the higher effectiveness of the former in such situations. In all other cases, you can choose any dosage form that you like best for some subjective reason.

However, it must be remembered that changing the dosage form after starting treatment is not recommended. That is, if treatment is started with a solution, then this particular dosage form should be used until it ends. You should not start treatment with a solution, then switch to cream, etc. But, in principle, if for some reason it is impossible to complete treatment with the same dosage form with which it was started, then it is permissible to replace the solution with cream, or vice versa, for the remaining period of therapy.

Exoderil cream and solution - instructions for use

Exoderil cream and solution are used in compliance with exactly the same rules. Moreover, the rules of application, duration and frequency of use of the cream and solution are also the same, so we will consider the instructions for using both dosage forms together.

To treat smooth skin and scalp, the cream or solution must be applied in a thin layer to the affected areas, additionally covering at least 1 cm of healthy skin along the boundaries of the site of infection. It is not necessary to shave or cut the hair on your head, but this can be done to make applying the cream or solution more convenient. Before each application of the cream, it is imperative to wash the skin with warm water and soap and dry with a soft towel, clean rags or toilet paper.

To apply the cream, squeeze a small amount from the tube (0.5 - 1 cm) into the palm of your hand and distribute it over the affected skin surface with soft massaging circular movements. To apply the solution into the palm of your hand, measure out a few drops and rub them into the skin with massaging circular movements.

It is recommended to take a small amount of cream or solution at a time so that it is enough to treat an area of ​​skin no larger than 10x10 cm. If the affected area is larger than 10x10 cm, then it is better to take the cream and solution several times and treat the source of the fungal infection by sequentially applying the drug on small areas of skin. Sequential treatment of small areas is recommended to ensure that the entire surface of the skin with a fungal infection is covered with the drug.

After applying the drug for some time (5 - 10 minutes), leave the skin open, allowing the cream or solution to be absorbed, after which you put on any usual clothes.

To treat fungal infections of smooth skin and scalp, Exoderil cream or solution is applied once a day every day, preferably at the same time. The duration of treatment is determined by the type of fungal infection and is 2–4 weeks for dermatophytosis (for severe damage, the duration of therapy is increased to 8 weeks), 4 weeks for skin candidiasis and 4–8 weeks for other mycoses.

However, the duration of therapy can be determined individually, depending on how quickly the symptoms of a fungal skin infection disappear. But in any case, you should always apply Exoderil cream or solution for an additional two weeks after all the symptoms of the fungal infection have disappeared. This is necessary in order to ensure that individual fungi found in the deep layers of the skin are destroyed and, thereby, prevent recurrence of the infection.

To treat mycoses of the external auditory canal, it is necessary to moisten cotton wool with a solution or apply a small amount of Exoderil cream to them and insert it into the ear for 5 - 8 minutes, 1 - 2 times a day, for 2 - 4 weeks.

Treatment for a fungal nail infection should begin with removing the affected area of ​​the nail. The nail affected by the fungus is removed either immediately using scissors and a nail file, or after preliminary softening with urea. To soften the nail, lubricate it with a urea solution, then wrap it in polyethylene and apply a tight bandage for three days. After three days, the urea bandage is removed and the affected part of the nail is removed with scissors.

After removing the affected part of the nail, treatment of onychomycosis with Exoderil begins. To achieve maximum therapeutic effectiveness, a thin layer of cream or solution is applied to the entire remaining nail plate, nail bed and cuticle on the sides and at the base of the nail 2 times a day. To apply the cream, first squeeze it out of the tube, and drop the solution from the bottle onto your finger, which then spreads the drug in an even thin layer over the nail, nail bed and cuticle. After applying the cream or solution, apply a tight, tight bandage to the finger with the affected nail. Before each application of a cream or solution, the entire finger with the affected nail is washed and dried with a soft cloth. The duration of treatment of onychomycosis with Exoderil is 6–8 months.

If within 4 weeks of using Exoderil solution or cream the condition of the skin or nails has not improved and the focus of the infectious lesion has not decreased, then you should stop using the drug and consult a doctor for additional examination and clarification of the diagnosis.

special instructions

After working with Exoderil solution and cream, be sure to wash your hands with soap.

It is necessary to avoid getting the solution and cream into the eyes and open wounds. If Exoderil gets into the eyes or into an open wound, they should be rinsed with plenty of clean running water and, if your health worsens or unusual symptoms occur, consult a doctor.

After applying Exoderil solution or cream, do not apply sealed bandages.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, Exoderil solution and cream are recommended to be used only in cases of urgent need, when the benefits outweigh all possible risks. This limitation on the use of the drug is due to the lack of accurate data on its safety, although in animal experiments it was found that Exoderil does not have a negative effect on the growth and development of the fetus, as well as on the course of pregnancy.


An overdose of Exoderil solution and cream was never recorded during the entire period of observation of the clinical use of the drug.

Impact on the ability to operate machinery

Exoderil cream and solution do not reduce a person’s ability to control mechanisms, therefore, while using the drug, you can engage in any type of activity that requires a high speed of reactions and concentration.

Interaction with other drugs

Currently, there are no cases of significant interaction between Exoderil solution and cream and other drugs. Therefore, both cream and Exoderil solution can be used in conjunction with other medications. However, if Exoderil is used in combination with other products for external use, then an interval of at least 15 minutes should be maintained between their applications.

Side effects of Exoderil

The solution and cream are usually well tolerated, but in some cases they may cause the following side effects, which are the same for both dosage forms:

  • Redness of the skin;
  • Burning in the area of ​​application;
  • Allergic reactions.
All side effects, except allergic reactions, are reversible, that is, they disappear on their own after stopping the use of the drug. Accordingly, the occurrence of these side effects does not require discontinuation of treatment. But if a person develops signs of an allergy (itching, urticaria, etc.), then the use of the drug should be immediately discontinued.

Contraindications for use

Exoderil cream and solution are contraindicated for use if a person has the following conditions:

  • Individual hypersensitivity or allergic reactions to any components of the drug;
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • An open wound in the area where the drug needs to be applied.
Children under 18 years of age should use Exoderil solution and cream with caution.


Currently, there are two types of Exoderil analogues on the pharmaceutical market - these are synonyms and, in fact, analogues. Synonyms include antifungal drugs, which, like Exoderil, contain naftifine as an active component. Analogs include drugs that have a similar spectrum of antifungal activity, but contain other active substances, not the same as in Exoderil.

On the market of the CIS countries there is only one drug synonymous with Exoderil - Mikoderil (solution and cream).

The following antifungal drugs are analogues of Exoderil on the CIS market:

  • Atifin cream;
  • Batrafen gel, cream, nail polish;
  • Binafin cream;
  • Lamisil cream, spray, gel and solution;
  • Loceryl solution and nail polish;
  • Mycosidine ointment;
  • Mykonorm cream;
  • Mycoseptin ointment;
  • Nitrofungin solution;
  • Nichlorgin solution;
  • Nichlorofen solution;
  • Octicyl ointment and solution;
  • The nail polish has broken off;
  • Tebikur cream;
  • Terbizil cream, tablets;
  • Terbix cream and spray;
  • Terbinafine cream, spray, ointment;
  • Terbinox cream;
  • Terbifin cream, spray;
  • Thermikon cream, spray;
  • Ungusan cream;
  • Undecine ointment;
  • Fongial cream and nail polish;
  • Fungoterbin cream and spray;
  • Fungoterbin Neo gel and cream;
  • Zincundan ointment;
  • Exiter cream.

Cheap analogues of Exoderil

The following analogue drugs are cheaper than Exoderil:

  • Binafin cream – 70 – 250 rubles;
  • Mikoderil – 200 – 350 rubles;
  • Nitrofungin – 106 – 260 rubles;
  • Terbizil – 70 – 350 rubles;
  • Terbinox – 70 – 110 rubles;
  • Terbinafine – 50 – 250 rubles;
  • Fungoterbin – 230 – 350 rubles.

Analogues of Exoderil for nails

The following analogs of Exoderil can be used to treat nails:

  • Batrafen nail polish;
  • Binafin;
  • Loceryl;
  • Mycoderil;
  • The nail polish has broken off;
  • Fongial nail polish.

Exoderil is a popular antifungal drug that has long been used in dermatology to combat pathogenic microflora that affects the human body. Doctors call it an effective remedy, suitable for almost all patients, regardless of their age, but it should be used only after reading the instructions. Knowing all the features of the medicine will help you correctly plan the course of treatment and protect yourself from its side effects.

Exoderil is produced by the Austrian company Sandoz, known throughout the world. It produces the drug in three pharmacological forms:

  • solution;
  • cream.

They contain the same active component - naftifine hydrochloride. The difference between them lies only in the method of use, the set of additional ingredients and purpose.

In addition to naftifine, the liquid form of Exoderil includes:

  • propylene glycol;
  • pyrogen-free water;
  • ethyl alcohol 95%.

The varnish contains:

  • copolymers, in particular ammonium methacrylate;
  • butyl acetate;
  • ethyl acetate;
  • triacetin;
  • anhydrous ethanol.

Cream includes:

  • benzyl alcohol;
  • polysorbate-60;
  • cetyl palmitate;
  • stearyl and cetyl alcohol;
  • sodium hydroxide;
  • sorbitan stearate;
  • isopropyl myristate;
  • pyrogen-free water.

Description of the active substance

Naftifine hydrochloride was first synthesized in 1974. At that moment, it was found that the substance was able to cope with a large list of pathogenic microorganisms, both fungi and bacteria. In addition, Sandoz laboratory workers have found that it is absolutely harmless to the human body when used correctly and in accordance with the dosage.

Naftifine belongs to the group of allylamines. When applied externally, it has several effects at once:

  • antimycotic;
  • antibacterial;
  • anti-inflammatory.

When tested, it was found to be active against dermatophytes, molds, yeasts and yeast-like pathogens. Preparations containing naftifine hydrochloride have a fungicidal effect on the first two types of pathogenic microflora, and fungistatically on the latter. In this case, the properties of the substance increase with increasing pH level.

The fungicidal effect of naftifine is to block the synthesis of ergosterol inside fungal cells, which makes further development of the infection impossible. Then the mycosis dies. During fungistatic actions, metabolic processes within the structure of the pathogen are disrupted, which leads to detachment of the intercellular membrane and death of pathogenic microorganisms.

In addition to fighting fungus, naftifine hydrochloride destroys gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Due to this, it is often prescribed for pyoderma instead of gentamicin.

Indications for use

Exoderil solution and cream are prescribed for the treatment of diseases such as:

  • soft tissue candidiasis;
  • mycosis in the interdigital area;
  • lichen formations;
  • mycoses supplemented by bacterial infection;
  • fungus of the skin and folds;
  • dermatomycosis with and without symptoms;
  • fungus of the ear canal (solution only) and shells (cream only);
  • microsporia;
  • hyperkeratosis.

Occasionally, these forms of medication are used for onychomycosis. But it is not advisable to use them in this case, since the preparations are inconvenient to apply to the nail plates, they quickly evaporate and little of the active component gets into the keratin structure.

For the treatment of nail fungus, Exoderil is used in the form of varnish. It quickly saturates the affected area and forms a water-repellent film on it, which prevents bacteria and microbes from penetrating into the plate.

Instructions for use for nail and skin fungus

The method of using Exoderil depends on the location of the mycosis and the form of release of the drug. Below are all the schemes for the use of drugs for infectious lesions of soft tissues and the keratin layer.


When treating mycosis of the skin, the cream is applied once a day to the affected area, affecting 1 cm of the surrounding healthy epidermis. This will prevent the spread of fungal spores around the source of infection.

The duration of therapy depends on the stage of development of the disease. In the initial form, the cream is used for 2 weeks, in the average form – 20 days, and in the advanced form – about a month or more. The drug is also allowed to be used for the prevention of fungus. In this case, you need to smear it once every three days.

If the nails are affected, the cream is spread in a thick layer on the affected finger and plate, and then left until completely dry. The treatment is repeated twice a day for 1.5 months. If there is no result from treatment within 45 days, then you need to visit a doctor. He will order a laboratory examination and select another, more suitable drug.


Liquid antifungal agent Exoderil is used in almost the same way as cream. Only it is not smeared on the skin or nails, but rather applied with a cotton swab. A small amount of cotton wool, wrapped in a clean bandage or gauze, is soaked in the medicine. Next, the location of the fungus along with the surrounding skin is wiped with a swab.

For onychomycosis, you can use this method:

  1. A piece of gauze is folded 4 times to make a pad approximately 3x3 cm;
  2. It is moistened in the solution and applied over the sore nail;
  3. The gauze is fixed with adhesive tape.

Remove the bandage after half an hour. It is advisable to do the procedure early in the morning or before bed, as gauze on the finger will interfere with everyday tasks.

Exoderil solution should be used twice a day for 2-3 weeks. In severe cases of mycosis or an illness complicated by a bacterial infection, therapy is extended for another 10-15 days.


Before applying varnish to the nail plate, you need to prepare:

  1. Pour 2 liters of hot water into a container, pour 1 tbsp into it. l. baking soda and 3-4 drops of tea tree essential oil;
  2. Soak your feet or hands in the liquid (depending on which limb the nails are affected by mycosis) for 15-20 minutes;
  3. Afterwards, the plates are cut as short as possible, sanded with a nail file and cleaned of the decorative coating with acetone.

Prepared nails are smeared with medicinal varnish using a brush, which is located under the lid of the medicine bottle.

To be completely sure that Exoderil is exactly the medicine that is required in a particular case, you need to undergo an examination and consult with a specialist.

The affected plates are treated every 3-4 days. In this case, the old layer of varnish should be removed. Steaming and polishing your nails is done every time, but you need to trim them as they grow.

On average, treatment of onychomycosis with Exoderil varnish lasts from 15 days to 1 month. But even after getting rid of the fungus, you must continue to use the drug for at least another week. This is required to protect the plate from recurrent infection.

In order for the treatment of onychomycosis with medicinal varnish to be successful, you must adhere to a few simple rules:

  • During therapy, decorative coverings cannot be used;
  • You need to give up cosmetic manicures and wearing false nails;
  • A steam bath for feet or hands should be done not only before applying Exoderil. It is recommended to carry out the procedure every day. Only in this case, the soda should be replaced with sea salt, since sodium carbonate dries out the skin greatly;
  • After coating the plate with varnish, the surrounding skin should be lubricated with antimycotic cream. This is necessary because fungal spores are localized not only on keratin, but also on soft tissues;
  • To protect neighboring fingers from nail fungus, they also need to be treated with Exoderil.

Contraindications and side effects

Preparations based on naftifine hydrochloride have no contraindications other than allergies to auxiliary components, the presence of open wounds or ulcers of unknown origin near the site of the fungus. Under the age of 2 years, during pregnancy and during breastfeeding, you should consult a doctor. For persons with impaired liver or kidney function, Exoderil in any form is not prohibited, since it does not penetrate the blood.

When treating fungus with varnish, cream or solution, patients sometimes experience the following local negative reactions:

  • peeling;
  • swelling;
  • hives;
  • redness;
  • pain when pressed.

All these are symptoms of an allergy to the composition of the medicine. They disappear without outside help 5-6 hours after the last use of the drug. In especially severe cases, it is necessary to take antihistamines, both oral and external. If individual intolerance to Exoderil occurs, further treatment with it should be abandoned.

Cost of Exoderil in pharmacies and analogues

The price depends on the release form and packaging volume:

  • 1% solution 10, 20, 30 ml – 400, 800 and 1300 rubles, respectively;
  • cream 1% 15 and 30 g (in tubes) – 500 and 900 rubles;
  • nail fungus varnish (set) – up to 1100 rubles.

Many patients cannot afford the cost of the drug, so they are looking for substitutes at a more reasonable price. And there are cheaper analogues.

Solutions for fungus of the skin and nail plates, which contain components similar in the principle of action to naftifine hydrochloride:

  • Clotrimazole. Produced in 25 ml bottles by the Ukrainian company Borshchagovsky Chemical and Pharmaceutical Plant. The composition includes clotrimazole, a potent antifungal substance. The average price in pharmacies is 50-60 rubles;
  • . It is not an antimycotic agent, but it successfully fights against various types of pathogenic microflora, bacteria and microbes. It goes on sale in glass bottles of 50 and 100 ml, the cost of which does not exceed 50-80 rubles;
  • Nitrofungin. A drug based on chloronitrophenol. Manufacturer: Czech pharmaceutical company Teva. The solution is active against many representatives of pathogenic microorganisms and is used to treat mycosis of nails, skin and scalp. The product is quite cheap - up to 90 rubles;

You cannot independently choose a drug that can replace Exoderil. Its analogues have their own list of contraindications and side effects. Some of them, if used incorrectly, can cause health problems.

  • Fukortsin. A medicine containing fuchsin, boric acid, resorcinol and phenol. Available in 25 ml bottles. The manufacturer is a Russian pharmaceutical factory located in the Yaroslavl region. Price – 70-85 rubles;
  • Bifosin. One of the most popular antifungal agents, whose effectiveness has been proven by dermatologists not only in Russia, but also in Europe and even the USA. Bifosin is able to treat almost all known strains of fungus and is good against germs and bacteria. However, it costs a little more compared to other drugs - 120-150 rubles per package.

Inexpensive substitutes for Exoderil cream:

  • Lamisil. A broad-spectrum drug containing terbinafine. The list of indications for use includes fungus of the foot, nails, skin and mucous membranes. The price of the cream is 200 rubles;
  • Mikoderil. Designed to combat onychomycosis and pathogenic microflora that affect the skin on the legs. Manufactured by the pharmaceutical company Pharmstandard-Tomskkhimpharm based on naftifine hydrochloride. It is considered a complete analogue of Exoderil. The cost of a tube of cream is 320 rubles for 15 g;
  • Mycozolon. Hungarian ointment containing miconazole nitrate. Belongs to the group of triazoles and imidazoles. One package of medicine will cost 130 rubles;
  • . The drug is similar in principle of action and composition to Lamisil. Produced by Gedeon-Richter and costs up to 280 rubles.

Lucky analogues of Exoderil:

  • Loceryl;
  • Oflomil;
  • Demicten;
  • Amoderm Neo.

They all have a similar principle of action and are aimed at treating and preventing onychomycosis. Their price ranges from 400 to 700 rubles for 1 set, which includes:

  • disposable nail files;
  • medicine bottle;
  • applicator brush;
  • instructions.

Exoderil is used to cure many fungal diseases. Exoderil is also used for nail fungus. Reviews, price, its advantages, contraindications of the drug will be discussed in this article.

When is Exoderil used?

According to reviews from doctors and patients, Exoderil is able to cope with all these diseases, including nail fungus.

The use of the drug is justified for the following diseases:

  1. Microsporia. This disease is widespread. It mainly affects the skin, including the scalp.
  2. Athlete's foot. The fungus that causes this disease is active only in a humid environment. With this disease, the soles and interdigital areas are affected.
  3. Rubromycosis. Affects the nail plate. Caused by a microorganism called trichophyton red. The disease begins with damage to the area of ​​the nail at the base. The plate becomes dull and begins to peel off from the nail bed.
  4. Diseases caused by mold fungi. They are introduced into the nail when it is already affected by some kind of infection. First, the big toe becomes inflamed. The color of his nail changes and growth slows down.
  5. Nail candidiasis. The nail is affected by yeast fungi. Fungi invade the place where the roller comes into contact with the nail plate. The roller swells to such an extent that it hangs over the nail plate. Sometimes a small cheesy discharge appears in this place.
  6. Trichophytosis of nails. This type of damage to the nail plate is caused by ringworms, which mainly affect the fingers. The nail becomes gray in color and becomes lumpy. The disease is protracted and difficult to treat.
  7. Favus of nails. The causative agent is one of the types of fungus - trichophyton. Spots of yellow and gray shades appear on the nail plate. At first they are small, but gradually increase in size. This infection is difficult to treat because diagnosis is difficult.

The cost of treatment will depend on what form the medicine is used in, as well as the length of time it is used.

The principle of action of the drug Exoderil

The medicinal effect is carried out by the substance naftifine. It actively destroys many types of fungal infections. These are dermatophytes, yeast, mold fungi and various others.

The effect of the drug on pathogens varies. For some, naftifine has a fungicidal effect. Fungi will be destroyed at all levels of development. Other fungi will be susceptible to fungistatic effects.

The proliferation of fungal infections will be stopped. No new pathogens are formed

The drug blocks ergosterol. Ergosterol is an essential component of the fungal cell membrane. Due to the fact that it is not formed, fungi will have a weak membrane. It will easily miss substances that are harmful to such infections.

According to doctors (the price of the drug will be discussed below), Exoderil is used not only for nail fungus, but it also destroys other microorganisms.

Clinical trials have shown that the substance naftifine prevents inflammatory processes, which is why pathogens disappear so quickly. The itching stops bothering me after several uses of Exoderil.

Attention! If all symptoms of the fungus disappear, treatment should not be stopped.
It is necessary to use the medicine for at least 0.5 months after the external manifestations of the infection have disappeared.

Exoderil is used for topical use only. It is available in cream, ointment and liquid form.

Features of Exoderil ointment

It is sold in metal containers in the form of a tube, with a volume of 10 or 30 g. The ointment is similar to a regular whitish cream. Easily spreads over the skin and penetrates inside. Leaves no traces.

This is what Exoderil ointment looks like

The ointment is popular because of its ease of use. It is usually applied once a day due to its prolonged action. When only the nail plate is treated, the ointment is applied to it 2 times a day.

Attention! It is useful, before using the ointment, to properly treat the surface affected by the fungus. A good effect will be achieved when using hydrogen peroxide for this. Nail fungus will go away much faster.

The price of peroxide is low, so this will not increase the cost of treatment. The effectiveness of Exoderil ointment will increase significantly. Customer reviews confirm this fact.

Effect of Exoderil solution on fungus

To get rid of fungal infections on the nail plates, Exoderil in the form of a solution is often used. It is a clear, colorless or slightly yellowish liquid. It comes in bottles, the capacity of which is 10 ml or 20 ml. The bottle has a dispenser for more convenient use.

These are Exoderil drops

Using a solution to get rid of nail fungus has many advantages:

  1. Convenience. Thanks to the dispenser on the bottle, using the solution on the nail plates is more convenient than using ointment. The dispenser has a limiter, and the drug can be applied pointwise, which ensures its cost-effectiveness.
  2. Price. The price of treatment is lower when using Exoderil for nail fungus in this form. Numerous reviews from other people speak about this.
  3. Ease of use. When using a bottle with a dispenser, nail treatment is greatly simplified. You can apply the medicine precisely to a specific area of ​​the nail without touching healthy tissue. At the same time, the likelihood of allergic reactions for sensitive skin is less.
  4. Efficiency of application. The solution penetrates deeper into the nail plate than the ointment, which means its medicinal value is stronger. It is able to cope even with advanced forms of infection.

The effectiveness of Exoderil cream

Often the fungus affects not only the nails, but also the other surface of the foot. These can be the soles, spaces between the toes. In such cases, it will be more convenient to use a cream. You can also use it to treat nails, because the active ingredient in the cream and in the solution is the same. In this case, it is recommended to apply the cream 2 times a day.

Nail treatment process

It is allowed to use both remedies on the same day. In the morning the solution is applied only to the nail, and in the evening the entire foot is treated with cream.

For treatment to be beneficial, it is necessary to use the medicine correctly. Indeed, if used incorrectly, it may not help, or may not be effective enough.

Instructions for use of the drug:

  • clean the area affected by the fungus using a damp swab or napkin;
  • dry;
  • apply a thin layer of antifungal agent, covering 1.5 cm of skin not affected by the fungus;
  • rub in the product;
  • repeat daily.

If the nails are affected by fungus, they should be cleaned of fungus before applying the medicine. On the nail surface 40% urea is applied and left on it for 3 days. Healthy tissues are protected with zinc ointment.

The nail becomes soft and can be easily cleaned using a nail file or other similar tool. Then everything is done according to the instructions.

Treatment for nail fungus takes a very long time. It continues until the entire nail is replaced. Usually this is 0.5 years or more.

Advantages of Exoderil over similar drugs

Reviews from doctors about the cure for nail fungus with Exoderil are positive. It is more effective than its analogues, despite the higher price.

Analogue of Exoderil - Mikoderil

In Russia There is only one analogue of the drug Exoderil - this is Mikoderil. It contains the same active ingredient as the drug Exoderil - naftifine. Therefore, these two drugs have the same effect on the fungus.

Both drugs can help get rid of the infection if used correctly

Doctors analyzed reviews of sick people about treatment with these drugs. It turned out that, when Exoderil was used, allergic reactions occurred less frequently. Therefore, people with sensitive skin are recommended to use Exoderil for nail fungus.
