How to make shuriken out of paper. Detailed instructions with photos and videos

The most common throwing weapon in Japan is the shuriken.

Literally from Japanese, the word itself can be translated as "a blade hidden in the hand." Today, this type of weapon is inextricably linked with the image of the ninja (“war of the night”), but it cannot be assumed that only ninja used these weapons. Shurikens were part of the mandatory equipment of any samurai warrior.

There are three main types of shuriken:

    “bo shurikens” or “bojo shurikens” (cylindrical rods are long and thin, of various shapes and thicknesses). There are about 50 varieties.

    "hira shuriken" (flat, multi-beam, star-shaped metal discs), also called "shakens" (a foreign name), later converted into Japanese

    "senban shuriken" (thin rectangular or square metal plates)

In principle, “hira shurikens” and “senban shurikens” are plates and they are often combined under the general name of shakens (a non-Japanese foreign name for this throwing weapon), later the Japanese began to call them “kuruma-ken” - “sword blade”. The number of variations regarding the shapes and sizes of shurikens of both types exceeds 50 types!

Such a variety of shapes and sizes is due to the various technical forms of training used by numerous martial arts schools, but of course initially main reason there was an individual preference and skills of the war. Shuriken could easily be hidden under clothing, this was the main convenience. A samurai could carry up to 8-10 syaken and the same number of shurikens, the first ones were worn like a stack of coins wrapped in cotton fabric, spread out or hidden in any number of pockets of clothing specially designed for this purpose; the latter could be hidden in the sleeves or worn in the hair, like a kind of "hairpin".

Shurikens are a multifaceted weapon, not only throwing, but also cutting, stabbing, designed both to hit a long-range target and close combat. It is also a good auxiliary tool, they were used as chairs for making fire, used when climbing trees, etc.

The basic techniques for throwing shurikens vary somewhat in different schools due to the shape of the blades and, accordingly, the methods of throwing. They were thrown not only one at a time, methods of throwing two and three syakens at the same time are known.

Particular attention should be paid, perhaps, to such types of shaken as tetsumari-shuriken and manji (nagare-manji)-shuriken. Tetsumari shuriken were made from two metal rings in the shape of a windmill wheel. And manji-shuriken and nagare-manji were treated with poisons and intended for inflicting scratching wounds.

Shuriken is a hidden ninja weapon. Varieties of this weapon exist a large number of. Shuriken can be in the form of a star, a square, or simply a round shape. Such devices are melee weapons, so before you learn how to make a shuriken, you must take into account this fact and not use these weapons in the future to cause harm. Also, do not use shuriken for fun, to fool around, as the risk of causing damage to yourself and others is very high.

Shuriken can be made from paper, various kinds metal and wood. You can make such weapons yourself from improvised means, for example, from an ordinary disk. There are many ways to make shurikens. The most difficult, but interesting, is the creation of a metal shuriken.

We will need the following:

  • Metal plate. You can choose any, but it is best to take the "stainless steel", because it lends itself well to processing and practically does not deteriorate. The thickness of such a plate can be from 3 to 5 millimeters;
  • Drill;
  • Hacksaw (for metal);
  • File;
  • Blade sharpening stone.

How to make shuriken

Before you make a shuriken out of metal, you need to make a blank from a metal plate. To do this, you need a little patience and the ability to draw straight lines. Lay the plate, distribute it into as many parts as you need vertices. We will be making star shuriken or hira shuriken. You need at least three such vertices, but maybe 12, as you please. You can choose the average, draw on 6-8 vertices. In the middle of the future shuriken, you can make a hole for better weapon dynamics, but you can do without it.

If you decide to make a hole in the center of the shuriken, use a drill, and when the hole is ready, file it with a file to make an even circle.

Take a drill to make holes around the perimeter of the shuriken. They are necessary in order to make it easier to work with the workpiece with a file, making contours on a metal plate. Now use a hacksaw to remove excess metal and get a full-fledged star. Take a file, they need to make clear outlines of the shuriken. Treat them with the rays of the star from the middle to the ends.

If you need to know how to make an 8-pointed shuriken to make it a full throwing weapon, you need to sharpen the star beams. Take a stone for sharpening knives. You can also use the "skin" to give the shuriken more streamlining, remove small protrusions on the metal. It is necessary to sharpen the rays only at the ends on one or both sides.

Safety regulations

Before using the shuriken, put on gloves. Under no circumstances should you work with bare hands. You should also be careful when working with a drill, the drill can “chew” a glove or sleeve of clothing.

Use goggles to keep shards of metal out of your eyes. Throw the shuriken carefully. The shuriken star is a dangerous weapon that can cause serious injury to yourself and others.

It is designed for concealed wear. In Russia, shuriken is better known as "Asterisk", although the name is rather general. The present can take many forms.

These are pointed or curly stars with a different number of rays, and either blades, and sharpened coins, and even nails.

Dream boys and criminal elements

The art of owning these weapons has been brought up in Japan for years. Russian teenagers learned about him from films in which heroes skillfully defeat enemies by throwing an asterisk at them. Of course, after watching such films, every boy wanted to have his own shuriken. No one knew how to make it, so gramophone records, pieces of tin in the form of stars, sometimes even ordinary plates, were used. During the troubled perestroika years, weapons attracted the attention of criminal elements. And although only a few were able to throw this terrible weapon correctly, almost every “kid” or “brother” dreamed of having a shuriken. How to make it, they invented themselves. They sharpened knives, spoons, flattened nails, threw bicycle gears, pieces of fittings, made something out of steel that remotely resembled a throwing weapon. By the way: this item is considered a melee weapon, and you can get a significant punishment for wearing it. Today in our country, shurikens are made even by teenagers. The most suitable material for them is computer disks.

How to make shuriken with your own hands?

To practice throws, you will need a weapon in the form of four-pointed

night stars. For the "stars" you need to find a hard metal that cannot be bent. Only such a shuriken will fly. How to make it at home? You need to follow the instructions.

  • To begin with, a blank is drawn on paper. Its shape must fully correspond to the finished product.
  • The pattern is glued to the metal and a shuriken is cut out with a hacksaw.
  • The finished product is polished, and its tips are sharpened so that they stick into the target.

Warning: you can practice throws with the help of real metal shurikens only at home: wearing and using edged weapons is prohibited in Russia.

How to make paper shuriken

For children's games, not real, but paper shuriken is more suitable. If it is painted, for example, with silver (or other paint), then the weapon will look like a real one.

  • First, a square of paper needs to be cut into two equal rectangles. Remember: the more accurate the work, the more beautiful the finished shuriken will be. How to make the cuts smooth and the parts even? Use sharp scissors and a ruler.
  • One of the rectangles is folded in half again, and the corners of the resulting figures are folded in different directions.
  • At right angles to the first folds, the second ones are made. You should get two and isosceles).
  • The same, but in mirror image, is done with the second rectangle.
  • The resulting triangles are superimposed on each other. The corners of the bottom are brought under the upper triangles. Then the figure is turned over and the action is repeated. The simplest shuriken with four corners is ready.

And so, gentlemen, craftsmen - do-it-yourselfers, you and I learned how to make various ones, now it's the turn for such original throwing weapons as japanese shuriken or in the common name - an asterisk. Shuriken (shaken) in translation means: "a blade hidden in the hand." In close combat, the shuriken is a rather formidable weapon and, with skillful possession, can disable a significant number of enemy man-units. classic shuriken really resembles an asterisk and can be with two, four six and eight sharply sharpened rays. However, Japanese ninjas could use shuriken: nails, coins, knives, needles, and similar small items that could be hidden in the hand.

We will make the classics, that is, a beautiful star with six rays. To do this, we need to purchase a metal plate with a thickness of two to four millimeters. If you find a stainless steel plate, it will be even better: it will be possible to process it qualitatively only once. Plain steel will rust at times and you will have to re-grind.

Apply outline of the future shuriken on the plate, you can use a stencil. We knock out points along the perimeter at a distance of five, ten millimeters (depending on the thickness of the drill) and drill holes through them. To do this, you can use a drilling machine or a powerful drill.

The next step will be file processing, here, of course, you will have to sweat, the work is not easy. After we have processed the asterisk to your liking, we proceed to sharpening.

Here you should decide why you need a shuriken: if for beauty, then a stainless steel star, or rather its rays, are carefully sharpened on both sides and put on a shelf. If you want to practice throwing at targets, then you should sharpen only the ends, in order to avoid serious cuts due to inexperience. So we got our first combat shuriken. In general, there are those that allow you to turn your product into a real work of art.

You can sew a special waist bag for them, similar to the one in the picture, but be careful. It will turn out beautifully from a leather substitute, I'm not talking about the skin itself.

If you used simple mild steel, then the ends of the shuriken can be, then they will bend less when they hit the target
