May. folk calendar

Today, 03.05.2019, the whole world celebrates a cheerful international holiday- World Sun Day, Japan celebrates Constitution Day on this day, and the UN countries celebrate World Press Freedom Day.

World Sun Day

Do you know what holiday is today? Today is the Day of the Sun - a holiday of all life on planet Earth. The sun is the closest star to our planet. Other stars are much further away from us. For example, Proxima is the closest star to Earth, which is located in the Alpha Centauri system, located at a distance of 4.22 light years.
The sun is a powerful source of cosmic energy for our planet, which forms the properties of the Earth's atmosphere and provides the light and heat necessary for the animal and plant world.
Without the Sun, there would not even be air necessary for the life of all life on Earth, therefore, for us earthlings, the most important feature of the Sun is that our planet is located near it, on which life appeared a very long time ago.
Since 1994, the European branch of ISSE (International Solar Energy Society), on a voluntary basis, organizes every year the Day of the Sun in order to draw attention to the possibilities of using this energy source.

World Press Freedom Day

The UN General Assembly in 1993 proclaimed May 3 as World Press Freedom Day.
This decision came as a result of the long work of the General Conference of UNESCO, which in 1991 decided that a free, pluralistic and independent press is an essential component of any democratic society.
As a result of the work of this General Conference of UNESCO, a holiday was established - World Press Freedom Day, which is now celebrated annually on May 3rd.
World Press Freedom Day is an opportunity for the entire international community to honor the memory of professional workers media that died in the line of duty.
On this day, in many countries, various journalistic associations and public organizations hold various mass events aimed at drawing the attention of the public and authorities to the problems of freedom of speech in the media.

Japanese Constitution Day

May 3rd is Constitution Day in Japan, a holiday that has been celebrated annually on this day since the first anniversary of the adoption of the new Constitution in 1948. This holiday is a public holiday in the country.

Unusual funny and cool holidays

On this day - May 3, you can have fun with friends to celebrate an unusual and funny holiday - Day of Sunny Fifteen and cool holiday-A day of positivity in the mind.

Day of sunshine

Do you know that there are spots on the sun? It's nothing but sun spots! You can play with them by moving them inside the solar circle, you can create huge funny emoticons from our huge Sun. On this day, May 3, you can have fun celebrating Sunny Fifteen Day and spend fun competition for the best sunny smiley.

A day of positivity in the mind

It is known that all thoughts can materialize, therefore, only with positivity in the mind, people can do the most beautiful things. Positivity in the mind today will give good mood not only to you, but to everyone around you. Let's go to this unusual holiday May 3, no matter what happens to us today, think only positively about everything!

Church holiday according to the folk calendar

Hail of the ancestors

Christians in Rus' believed that on May 3 the dead wish to see their relatives and mourn their earthly life. In this regard, it was customary for the people to visit cemeteries often, call their parents and lament at the graves of the dead. This, as a rule, was done at dawn by elderly women - mourners. They called on their dead parents at the churchyard: “Wake up, get up, look from your houses at us, at your orphans, and amuse us with your kind word!”.
Among the peasants, it was believed that the earth opens up on this day, and the souls of the dead fly out into the light of day, therefore, in order for the ancestors to make sure that their children and grandchildren live well, a hearty dinner table was laid on this day. On this day, before each deed, the whole family prayed. The work was treated with sacred awe. On this day, the people had such sayings: “If you want bread with honey, grab a shovel”; “A loafer on arable land is like a drone in a beehive”; "Lie on the floors - do not eat bread."
May 3rd was a very important day for fishermen; fishing on this day was considered a great sin for them. Such a belief may have occurred because at this time almost all river fish spawn.
On this day, the people were guessing by the young fish: if the fry disperse quickly, then you can sow early, and if they stay together for a long time, then you still have to wait.
Name day May 3 Alexander, Gabriel, Gregory, Nikolai, Fedor

May 3 in history

1943 - In the UK, all women between the ages of 18 and 45 are subject to part-time labor service.
1947 - A new constitution is introduced in Japan, approved by the parliament, the emperor and the people who expressed their opinion in a referendum (for the first time women have an equal vote)
1953 - The Deutsche Welle radio station went on the air in Germany
1957 - Decree on the transformation of collective farms into state farms.
1957 - Return of the deported Karachay people to their homeland.
1966 - US starts bombing Cambodia.
1988 - Donald Regan, former chief of staff to President Reagan, published a memoir in the United States in which he reported that Reagan set dates for important meetings and decisions in accordance with information he received from his wife's astrologer.
2001 - George W. Bush's wife is included in the list of the 50 most beautiful people America.
2003 - The birthday of the great commander of antiquity, the founder of the united Mongolian state, Genghis Khan, was celebrated in Mongolia.

The third day of May (April 20, according to the old style) is the day of St. Theodore, who during his lifetime wore only a sackcloth. According to popular belief May 3 is called the day of Fyodor Vlasyanichnik, they dedicate this day to the remembrance of the dead, and prepare for the sowing.

Rites of calling parents

It was believed that on May 3, people who had gone to another world begin to yearn for a past life, they want to meet their relatives and friends. There was a belief that the souls of ancestors fly into the world of the living through the opened heavens. This allows the living to meet with the dead.

Old and old women had a tradition - to call the dead. To do this, on May 3, early in the morning, they went to the cemetery and shouted there with weeping. At the same time, certain words were spoken. They told how bad life is without those who have gone to another world, they asked relatives to come out of the graves and reassure them with kind words.

  • If on this day to arrange a rich memorial table, then the ancestors in the next world will be fine.
  • If you do not make scandals and quarrels on this day, then the dead will see that there is peace and tranquility in their house.
  • Having fun on the day of hailing parents - incur troubles. This time is for remembrance only.
  • If May 3rd falls on a Saturday, it's called "Parent's Day".

On this day, they put on new clothes so that the ancestors could see how well their children, friends and grandchildren live. Contemporaries honor this tradition, go to the cemetery, bring pancakes, eggs, alcohol with them. On May 3, they do not start any important business, they do not plan either weddings or christenings.

Peasant traditions on Theodore's day

The peasants went out to the edge of the village, spread snow-white tablecloths, put rich treats, lit church candles in front of the icons. The holiday was called - "Birth Acne". People illuminated each other, and the upcoming sowing, prayed for a good harvest. When the family was the only stronghold, all relatives prayed before every important business.

The third day of May was important for the fishermen. Fishing at this time is a great sin - roach spawns.

Folk signs associated with fish:

  • If the roach disperses 3 or 4 days after Fedor, then you need to sow earlier;
  • If the fish stay together for 7 days or more, then you need to sow later.

In any case, they tried to sow early, because according to the legend: if you sow a day earlier, you will reap a week earlier.

Folk omens for May 3

  1. Lightning flashed after the rain, but there was no thunder - a harbinger of clear weather;
  2. - predicts an improvement in the weather on this day, but promises heavy rains soon;
  3. Nightingale singing among bare trees - promises a crop failure of fruits and berries;
  4. Daisies tilted inflorescences to the ground - bad weather is coming;
  5. The appearance of yellow primrose flowers - soon warming.
  6. A dry top layer of the earth - predicts the absence of a good harvest.
  7. An abundance of spruce cones - promises a good harvest of grain crops, a lot of pine cones - rye will be born well.
  8. What will grow first: grass or rye - that will be a rich harvest.
  9. On May 3, spring is friendly - you can sow.

Superstitions do not order Fyodor Vlasyanichnik to lie on the floor (do nothing), otherwise you can not wait for the harvest.

The Greeks named the last month of spring after the goddess of the mountains, Maya, as the mountains in Greece are covered with greenery at this time. The Romans Maya is the goddess of fertility, the spring renewal of the earth. The old Russian name for May is Yarets, named after the Slavic sun god Yarila. In Ukrainian, May is grass: grasses grow, trees turn green.

The average monthly temperature is +11.5 °C.

Folk proverbs and signs of May

The May heat is unreliable.

  • May will deceive and go into the forest.
  • A good start promises a cold second half of the month.

Often there is a return of cold weather: at the time of flowering bird cherry - bird cherry cold. The usual cooling at the end of the month is “seven years times”.

  • When bird cherry blossoms, the cold always lives.
  • Plow in shirts - sow in fur coats.
  • May - give hay to the horse, and climb onto the stove yourself.
  • May is cold - a year of grain.
  • March is dry and wet May - there will be porridge and loaf.
  • May dew is better for horses than oats.

The return of cold weather usually occurs in the first and third five-day periods. Sometimes it snows: May 9, 1909; May 15, 1913, May 21, 1927, 1971

But "the May frost will not squeeze out tears."

In the second half of the month, the weather is dry and hot - up to +25 °C.

The nightingale sang, which means that the birch leaf let out. The nightingale sings when it can drink dew from a birch leaf.

Birch turns green 5-6 days before the temperature rises above 10 °C. You can plant potatoes. In early spring, planting begins a week after the deployment of birch leaves - at the time of flowering bird cherry.

Finch rumbles (brings a trill like a cricket) - it will rain.

The peasant has a lot of work: "I would be glad to get married, but May does not order."

Calendar of seasonal events

Phenomena Term
average the earliest late
First spring thunderstorm May 2 March 23 (1915) May 31 (1908)
Morels appear the 6th of May April 18 (1922) May 26 (1924)
Air freeze ends the 6th of May April 19 (1960) June 4 (1930)
May beetles fly out the 6th of May April 24 (1950) June 22 (1947)
The swallows are coming 9th May April 24 (1950) June 16 (1958)
The nightingale sings May 10 May 1 (1916) May 18 (1918)
dandelion May 11 April 30 (1934) May 25 (1941)
gooseberry May 14 May 1 (1950) May 23 (1927)
bird cherry 16th of May April 25 (1921) June 13 (1941)
cherry May 17 April 25 (1921) June 11 (1941)
Apple tree May 20 May 7 (1950) June 15 (1941)
plum May, 23rd May 5 (1906) June 8 (1912)
Temperature transition above 10 °C 12 May April 24 (1934) June 11 (1941)
Swifts are coming May 14 May 8 (1921) June 24 (1943)
Planting potatoes May 15 May 3 (1935) June 1 (1944)

Detailed folk calendar for May

  • Egory came - and the spring will not go away.
  • Egory begins spring, Ilya (August 2) ends summer.
  • The sky is bright on Mark, the women are hot in the hut.
  • On Mark, the arrival of songbirds in flocks.

may 13- Jacob. Warm evening and a starry quiet night on Yakov - to a windy, dry summer.

  • It's nicer on Yeremey - the cleaning is good.
  • It’s bad weather on Yeremey - you’ll miss the whole winter.
  • This week after Yegorye (May 6) and another after Yeremey.
  • Borisov's day is a nightingale, the nightingales begin to sing.
  • The nightingale sang - the water subsided.

The color of bird cherry brings cold. Green grass - an increase in milk. The cow has milk on her tongue.

May 18- Arina nursery. Cabbage is planted in rows. At the same time, they said: “Don’t be ankle-sized, be pot-bellied, don’t be empty, be tight, don’t be red, be delicious, don’t be old, be young, don’t be small, be great!”

  • Job the dewdropper dismissed the dew.
  • Big dew - for the harvest of cucumbers.
  • Nikola would come, but it would be warm.
  • Egory (May 6) with a body, and Nikola with a cart.
  • Plant late potatoes from St. Nicholas of the spring.
  • 12 frosts (matinees) remained from Nikola, if not in the spring, then on Semin Day (September 14).
  • It's wet on Mokia - it's wet all summer.
  • If it is foggy and crimson sunrise on Mokiya, and rain in the afternoon - to a wet, dirty summer.
  • There's still a siverko on Sidor.
  • The Sidors passed, and the Seavers passed.
  • Siverko-summer is cold on Sidor.
  • Swifts and killer whales will fly to Sidor - and bring warmth.
  • Pahom came - it smelled of warmth.
  • Pakhoma is warm - warm all summer.
  • Fedot will come - he will unfold the last oak leaf.
  • The oak gets dressed - the cattle eats up.
  • Oak in front of an ash tree will let a leaf go - by a dry summer.
  • If the top of the head with an edge on Fedot on an oak tree, you will measure the oats with a tub.

Ascension is the last spring holiday.

Copes on the 40th day after Easter. Ascension does not have its fixed date and in different years falls on different numbers. From this day forward, spring gives way to summer.

From Ascension Day, spring then washes away, bows to the honest Semik, looks at the Trinity-Mother of God from under a white pen.

May is real holiday spring. The leaves of birch, mountain ash, alder, elm, hazel, lilac, jasmine, willow and many others are blooming. Bird cherry blooms and fades; apple trees, yellow acacia, blackcurrant, gooseberries, mountain ash and strawberries, lily of the valley, forget-me-not, lilac, celandine, budra, dandelion, primrose - rams, hoof (sometimes even at the end of April), in spring puddles - marigold; in damp meadows - swamp violet, bathing suit; strong flowering of sedges; colza blooms profusely, pig mushrooms appear.

The first call of the cuckoo; nightingale's first song. City swallows and swifts, flycatchers, warblers arrive. Finches build nests. Lapwings lay eggs. The crows begin to fly from the nest.

Elk gave birth to a calf, sometimes two; fox and wolf cubs. The bear sheds, cubs were born from a ferret, otter, mink - in general, for most animals this is the breeding season.

A viper wakes up, a legless lizard - godwit and other lizards. At the end of May, a common toad emerges from its burrow and lays eggs in long strings.

Used materials:

  • V. D. Groshev. Calendar of the Russian farmer (People's signs).

(April 20, old style) according to the folk calendar, a day called the Hail of the Ancestors is celebrated. Among the people, the ancestors, the deceased grandparents, were treated with respect. Residents believed that the souls of relatives visited living relatives several times a year. Therefore, on this day, the corresponding ceremonies were performed.

According to folk beliefs the souls of deceased relatives are in the world of the dead. There they miss the living and wish to return back. It is believed that on May 3, the gates to the earthly world open, but in order for the ancestor to come to his relatives, he had to be hailed.

The eldest woman in the family went to the cemetery at dawn. She approached the grave of the deceased and began to cry, telling him how the family had a hard time. She then called on the ancestor to return to the family. If the cemetery was far away, the deceased relatives were loudly called out, standing in the yard. The rite of hailing was considered by the people as a normal phenomenon, therefore the inviting was carried out without hesitation.

Hailing their ancestors, the inhabitants prepared a table with an abundance of tasty and satisfying dishes. Mistresses baked pies, brewed sour drinks. All food on the table was served hot, because the peasants believed that the souls of relatives were fed by hot vapors from it. At the exit from the village, a table was set up for the dead, covered with a tablecloth, church candles were set on fire, and bread and salt were offered to the dead.

On this day, quarrels and foul language were avoided. The girls put on new clothes. Housing was cleaned the day before. This was done so that the ancestors were convinced that the family lives in prosperity and peace, is well-fed, has something to wear.

In the evening, according to tradition, a fire was made in the oven, the family sat down at the table, but the place at the head was left free for the soul of the main forefather. First they ate three spoons of jelly, then the rest of the dishes. On the day of the Call of the Ancestors, it was forbidden to put your feet on the lower supports of the table or benches, believing that other spirits that appeared on them were standing.

The ancestors left their families at midnight. Seeing them off, the family went out into the courtyard to the porch and listened to the silence. When the first gust of wind blew after midnight, the souls again returned to the afterlife.

The Day of Hailing the Ancestors was dedicated exclusively to deceased relatives. Residents tried not to make plans for this date, avoided wedding ceremonies and children's christenings. The fishermen put off fishing for the following days, believing that there would be no catch.

Observing the flashing of lightning on this date, the people foreshadowed sunny weather on the following days. The abundance of primroses spoke of impending warming, and their closed inflorescences promised bad weather. A dry layer of earth predicted poor yields. If the fish fry were kept in a flock, it means that there will still be cool days, they spread out - it will get warmer.

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The folk holiday Hailing the Ancestors is celebrated on May 3, 2018 (the date according to the old style is April 20).

A folk legend says that on this day the souls of dead ancestors who long for earthly life can visit the world of the living. The barriers between the worlds disappear. But one still remains. To soul loved one was able to cross the line and step into the world of the living, it must be hailed and lamented. Only in this way will she be able to stay here until midnight.


From the graveyard, the soul flies after the relative to the house, where he watches how the descendants live, what is on the table, whether they are starving. It is believed that the souls of the dead on the days of commemoration eat steam, so hot dishes are specially prepared. After a day spent next to loved ones in this world, at 12 o'clock at night the soul returns to its world.


The Monk Theodore Trikhina was born into a wealthy family in Constantinople. In his youth, he retired to a desert monastery in Thrace and became a monk. Theodore was a strict faster, wearing only one coarse, prickly sackcloth, which is why he was nicknamed Trichin, that is, "haircloth". This name was also given to the monastery in which he labored. During his lifetime, the monk worked many miracles and healings. After his death, healing myrrh began to flow from his holy relics, which cured many diseases and cast out unclean spirits.

Traditions and rituals: what can and cannot be done

The main traditions of May 3

the rite of hailing the dead ancestors, a memorial meal. On this day in Rus', from the very morning, after lighting memorial candles and icon lamps, the eldest women in the family went to the cemetery. There, on the graves of their dead relatives, they called them, cried and complained about how badly they live, how they miss and grieve. This rite was considered the key that unlocks the entrance to this world. If the cemetery was far away, it was possible to call from the threshold of the house. The main thing is to do it sincerely and not be embarrassed by others.

For guests from the other world, a generous table was laid, on which jelly and hot dishes should have been present. The belief says that more than one kind gets up and visits the house. Therefore, it was not customary to put your feet on the crossbars at the legs of a table or chairs on memorial days. This is a place for deceased relatives. For the elder soul, a chair was placed at the head of the table.

The meals were to be as rich and satisfying as possible. Peace of mind depended on this. She saw that the family was not starving or in poverty. That was enough for her to calmly return back. The funeral meal necessarily began with three spoons of jelly, each of which is a memory of the deceased. To spend the soul, as a dear guest, they went out on the threshold. According to legend, at that moment, when a breeze blew after midnight, the soul left this world.

This day was important for everyone who was engaged in fishing: fishing on May 3 was considered a great sin. Perhaps this belief was due to the fact that around this time, many river fish spawn. By the way, the peasants also guessed from the young fish: if the fry disperse quickly, then you can sow early, and if they stay together for a long time, then it’s worth the wait.

Dreams dreamed on May 3

  • to turn a fur coat - to poverty;
  • to knock out shoes - to trouble on the road;
  • cough or hear a cough - to the cold;
  • butter bread - for a good deal;
  • speak a foreign language - to a strong shock;
  • spit in the water - for profit;
  • sculpt from clay - to a lie.

Signs and sayings

  • Spring is friendly on Fedor - the land is ready for sowing.
  • Lightning on this day promises clear weather.
  • If primrose flowers appeared, it will be warm in spring.
  • Daisies bowing to the ground promise rains and inclement weather.
  • On this day you can not fish - it is a sin.
  • It is forbidden to quarrel, otherwise the souls of the ancestors will be upset.
  • If you get a divorce on this day, you will have to go single for 3 years.
  • Those born on May 3 are under the protection of their ancestors. They should wear onyx.

Name day May 3

Nikolai, Gabriel, Alexander, Grigory, Fedor.
