New law on child seats. A child in the front seat - at what age can you drive under the new law? When will the new rules for transporting children in a car come into force?

According to traffic rules, the driver must wear seat belts when driving and not carry unbelted passengers. Particular attention is paid to the safety of transporting children. Let's look at it in detail:

  • what are the rules for transporting children in a car?
  • What is a “Child Restraint”?
  • what devices exist for transporting children;
  • what are the requirements for child restraints;
  • what are the rules for installing restraint devices;
  • what is the fine for incorrect transportation of children;
  • what changes in the rules await us.

What is a "Child Restraint"

The concept of a child restraint system is given in GOST R 41.44-2005 ().

According to this standard, a child restraint system is a set of elements consisting of:

  • straps or flexible elements with buckles;
  • control devices;
  • fastening parts;
  • and in some cases, an additional device (for example, a bassinet, a removable child seat, a booster seat, and/or an impact shield) that is attached to the interior of the vehicle body.

The device must be designed so that in the event of a collision or sudden braking of the vehicle, it reduces the risk of injury to the child and limits his mobility.

Child restraints are divided into five weight groups:

group 0 (group 0) - for children weighing less than 10 kg;
group 0+ (group 0+) - for children weighing less than 13 kg;
group I (group I) - for children weighing 9-18 kg;
group II (group II) - for children weighing 15-25 kg;
group III (group III) - for children weighing 22-36 kg.

What devices can be used

The device can be used if:

  • it corresponds to the weight and height of the child;
  • its design complies with GOST R 41.44-2005.

Child restraints can be of two types: one-piece and non-one-piece.

One-piece retention devices. They are a set of all the elements necessary to secure the child in the device. Examples: bassinets, car seats.

Non-integral restraint devices. Includes a partial restraint device that is used in combination with an adult seat belt and together form the complete child restraint system. Examples: boosters and seat belt adapters.

Rules for installing restraint devices in cars

Statistically, the safest place is the middle seat of the back row. The most dangerous is the front passenger seat. Consider this information when arranging restraints in your vehicle.

Car seats can be installed both in the front passenger seat and in the rear.

If you install a seat in the front, be sure to take into account the design of your car. If it has a front passenger airbag, it must be disabled for rear-facing child seats.

What rules for transporting children were in force before July 2017?

You can transport children in a car provided that their safety is ensured. In this case, the design features of the vehicle must be taken into account.

Children under 12 years of age may only be transported in vehicles equipped with seat belts. using child restraints, which correspond to the weight and height of the child, and also other means, which allow you to fasten your child with the seat belt provided in the car.

Transportation in the front seat of a passenger car is permitted only with the use of child restraints (clause 22.9 of the Russian Traffic Regulations).

New rules for transporting children 2017-2018

(Addendum from 07/03/2017)

On July 10, 2017, amendments to the Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation regarding the requirements for transporting children, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 28, 2017 No. 761 ().

Now in accordance with the new requirements: transportation of children to under 7 years of age in a passenger car and the cabin of a truck must be carried out using child restraint systems (devices) corresponding to the weight and height of the child. In other words - only in a car seat.

Transportation of children aged 7 to 11 years (inclusive) in a passenger car and the cabin of a truck must be carried out using a car seat or using seat belts, and in the front seat of a car - only in a car seat.

In addition, according to the new rules, it is prohibited to leave a child under 7 years of age in a car while it is parked in the absence of an adult (clause 12.8 of the Russian Traffic Regulations).

Is it possible to use a booster seat when transporting children?

Boosters can be used when transporting children if the device meets the requirements of GOST R 41.44-2005 (Russian standard PCT) and is selected in accordance with the weight and height of the child being transported. When preparing this material, a request was sent to the traffic police to clarify this issue. The answer is attached below:

What is the fine for improperly transporting children?

Violation of the requirements for transporting children established by traffic rules entails the imposition of an administrative fine on the driver in the amount of 3,000 rubles, on officials - 25,000 rubles, on legal entities - 100,000 rubles (Part 3 of Article 12.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

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Anyone who has experienced transporting children in a car will confirm that the most important thing on such a trip is to ensure the safety of the baby and calm him down. A child car seat copes well with these tasks. However, in addition to it, there are other holding devices. At what age should they be used and how to choose the right one?

What the law says

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, in the country, children aged 0 to 12 years old must be transported in a special restraint device that is attached to the car seat. But since the height and weight of a toddler are individual indicators, the law specifies: a car seat is used until the child reaches 36 kg and 140 cm.

Children are constantly growing, so over time you will have to change from one car seat to another. In this case, you need to rely on the following points:

  • the safety belt exit points of the device are below the level of the baby’s shoulders;
  • the head rises 1/3 above the upper border of the device.

Experts advise: if a child is over 12 years old, but his height does not yet exceed 140 cm, it is still better to put him in a car seat. This way, in the event of an accident, the teenager receives additional protection for his neck and back from injury.

Types of child car seats

Russian GOST supports the global classification of car seats according to the weight and age of the small passenger. The basis for choosing a device is the baby’s body weight.

Groups of car seats depending on the age and weight (in kilograms) of the baby - table

Group name* Weight Approximate age Installation method
Group 00–10 kgFrom birth to 6 months.Sideways to the direction of travel.
Group 0+0–13 kgFrom birth to 1 year.Facing against traffic.
Group 19–18 kgFrom 9 months to 4 years.Face in the direction of travel or against, if the baby is heavier than 9 kg, but younger than 9 months.
Group 215–25 kgFrom 3 to 7 years.Face in the direction of travel.
Group 322–36 kgFrom 6 to 12 years.
*In addition to individual age groups, car seat manufacturers also produce mixed ones, for example, 0+/1, 2/3, 1/2/3. Interestingly, the category 0+/1 device can be installed both in the direction of travel of the car and against it, depending on the age and weight of the child.

Types of car seats that can be used by drivers - photo gallery

In a group 0 car seat, a baby can only be transported in a lying position perpendicular to the movement of the car. A group 0+ car seat can be used as a carrier on average until the baby’s first birthday
A group 1 car seat allows you to transport a child up to 3 years of age in the car.
Group 2/3 car seats will be required for children over 3 years of age and heavier than 15 kg
Group 1/2/3 car seats are very popular among buyers because they are designed for children weighing from 9 to 36 kg

Some features of attaching a car seat in a car

To the question “How many options are there for attaching a car seat?” we can confidently answer: four. The device is allowed to be placed:

  • in the back seat on the right - a fairly safe position, given that the sidewalk is always on the right, but the driver will have to install an additional rear-view mirror, since it will be difficult for him to see the toddler in the standard one;
  • in the back seat on the left - it is considered safe for cars in which the steering wheel is located on the left, since during a collision the driver instinctively turns it to the left side, deflecting the impact away from himself;
  • in the back seat in the center - the safest installation method, since the baby ends up in “free space” both in a collision from the right and in a collision from the left, but not all car models allow you to secure the seat in the center;
  • in the front passenger seat - makes it possible to entertain, feed and control all the actions of the little one in a traffic jam, but is unsafe, since the seat next to the driver is the most vulnerable in an accident.

So, the safest way to install a car seat can be considered the rear-center position, and the most dangerous way is in the front seat.

A group 0 car seat is attached only to the rear seat perpendicular to the direction relative to the vehicle's movement. When installing a 0+ car seat in the front seat backwards, it is imperative to turn off the airbags (ignoring this requirement will result in serious injury to the baby in the event of a collision). The device of older age categories is fixed facing forward, but the pillows do not turn off, and the seat itself is moved as far back as possible.

How to transport a child in a car seat - video

The amount of the fine and the procedure for its imposition in case of violation of the traffic rules of the Russian Federation and the absence of a car seat

Since January 2017, the fine for transporting a child without a car seat is 3,000 rubles. Therefore, if you carry two children, then there should be 2 seats, if there are three, then 3, etc.

Even if you are going to transport 10 children in a car without restraints, the fine will still be 3,000 rubles, since the offense is the same: “transporting children without a car seat.”

A fine of the same amount is provided if:

  • The toddler sits in the arms of an adult (regardless of whether he is wearing a seat belt);
  • The baby is too tall for a car seat in terms of height and weight, although he has not yet reached the age of 12;
  • the child is in a car seat, but is not fastened with seat belts or is fastened incorrectly;
  • the car seat is installed incorrectly, for example, the car seat is fixed in the direction of travel;
  • 2 or more children sit in one device;
  • The car does not have standard seat belts.

When the penalty does not apply

The penalty is not charged if:

  • transportation of the baby is not carried out;
  • the child is fastened with another means that ensures the safety of his transportation.

What other restraint devices can be used to ride in a car with a child?

The traffic rules establish a rule according to which children under 12 years of age must be transported only in restraints that correspond to the age, weight and height of the small passenger. What is meant by this term?

Child restraint systems: a set of elements consisting of straps or flexible elements with buckles, adjusting devices, fastening parts and, in some cases, an additional device (for example, a cradle, a removable child seat, a booster seat and/or impact shield) which may be attached to the interior of the vehicle body.

GOST R 41.44–2005

Based on this, it turns out that, in addition to the seat for transporting children, you can use a number of other devices:

  • booster;
  • adapter for FEST belt;
  • frameless car seat.

To transport children, you cannot use carriers, stroller blocks or other devices that do not have a 5-point passenger securing system and are not properly secured to the vehicle seat.

When can you put your child in a booster seat?

A booster seat is a seat without a backrest, which is used to transport children from 15 kg or from 5 to 12 years old, which is convenient when the child already weighs more than 36 kg and is even less than 140 cm tall. The passenger is secured using car seat belts, which are threaded through special latches in the device. Thus, your child is fastened together with the device.

The booster does not protect the child from side impacts, so it is recommended for use when making short trips.

FEST to secure the baby and move the seat belt away from the neck

FEST is a special overlay for a standard car belt, which is unsafe to fasten on a person shorter than 150 cm: the strap will pass in close proximity to the neck, significantly increasing the likelihood of injury in the event of an accident. The adapter simply moves the belt from the cervical region to the chest area.

You can use FEST to transport a child from 3 to 12 years old, while the height of the passenger should be from 100 to 150 cm. Weights vary depending on the model of the device. So, with an additional strap to encircle the child’s hips, the adapter is designed for a weight of 9–18 kg, without this part - for 18–36 kg.

Frameless chairs with seat covers

Frameless car seats are designed for weights from 9 to 36 kg (from 3 to 12 years). The fixation system in them is a 5-point seat belts, which, according to the manufacturers, provide protection for the child’s spine and internal organs in an emergency.

From an economic point of view, the frameless seat-pad and the FEST adapter are a good buy, since they are inexpensive and allow for a large variation in the weight of the passenger. But at the same time, their design will not save the baby in the event of a side collision. The devices also showed a low level of safety during crash tests. If we compare these devices with a car seat, the latter provides a much better level of protection.

The driver is obliged to do everything necessary for the safety of the passengers traveling with him in the cabin. Young children are especially at risk. There are transportation rules aimed at ensuring favorable conditions for the child’s survival in the event of an accident.

Features of transporting children in a car

To ensure safety, the following rules are established for transporting children in a car or truck:

  1. Children must be present in the passenger compartment, whether it is a car or a truck.
  2. Infants are placed in a car seat, and preschool children are placed only in a special chair.
  3. Children should not be placed in the back or trailer.

Particularly problematic for many parents is the need to install a car seat. You should not use various tricks to save money on this device. Neither a stroller basket, nor an airbag, nor a standard retainer will not only be able to protect you in an emergency, but will also cause harm and lead to injuries that are sometimes incompatible with life.

Since July 2017, “substitutes” for car seats have been prohibited in Russia when transporting children in a passenger car:

  • boosters;
  • soft chairs
  • adapters.

These alternatives have been found to be ineffective

Important! Children aged 7-12 years old in a passenger car, as is clear from the legislation on the transportation of children, can be secured with standard car devices, but the passenger must sit behind the driver.

Transportation of the little ones

New parents should be especially interested in how to transport an infant in a car so that the baby does not suffer serious injuries in the event of an accident.

Newborn children are transported in a car in a car seat until they are 6 months old. It is secured along the rear seat using standard clamps. It is designed in such a way that it protects the baby from damage and secures it with its own belts. The newborn passenger is located in it in a horizontal, most comfortable position. If the horizontal position is selected, then the wide belt holding the child passes through the stomach. If the position is semi-recumbent, then fixation is carried out using a three-point belt.

The disadvantage of a car seat for infants is that it takes up significant space in the car interior and is expensive, so you can immediately purchase a car seat for children under one year old, which corresponds to a car. It has an adjustable back. It needs to be installed at an angle of 35-40 degrees. This position is as comfortable as possible for the baby, safe for the skeleton, muscles and from the point of view of creating favorable conditions in an emergency. To ease the strain on the cervical muscles of the neck, it is recommended to place fabric bolsters on the sides, but not towels.

Important! The weight of a baby when transported in his arms at the moment of emergency braking of the car increases 17 times, so he will definitely fly off his knees.

Using child seats and seat belts

Standard car seat belts are designed for people taller than 1.5 m. If you fasten a shorter person in the seat, the belts will put pressure on the neck. That is why a device is needed that will safely and securely hold a small passenger.

Important! According to the new rules on transporting children in a car, a child over 11 years old can be transported without special equipment, although previously this rule was valid up to 12 years old.

It is at the age of 11-12 that children usually grow to 1.5 m, although this can happen earlier or later.

The special device is mounted at the front or rear. It is attached either with special fastenings using the Isofix system. But the seat can only be placed forward with the airbag turned off, otherwise it will cause damage in the event of an accident. A pillow is only needed if there is no child seat and the passenger is fastened with standard seat belts.

Important! The safest and most preferred place to install the device is considered to be the central place in the back seat.

Car seats are divided into 5 classes. Each class is designed for a certain age and weight of the passenger.

Important! Buying a product for growth is unacceptable.

Class 0 0+ 1 2 3
Weight, kg) 0-10 0-13 9-18 15-25 22-36
Age (g) 0-1 0-1,5 1-4 3-7 7-11
Peculiarities Three-point seat belt Three-point belt and reclining position, can be set with the backrest in the direction of travel Five-point harness Backrest height adjustable and fastened with standard seat belt You can unfasten the backrest and leave only the booster

It is recommended to select a device together with your baby. He should be comfortable in a chair, because driving a car is also possible. The most popular models are transformers, as they can carry a child weighing from 9 to 36 kg. They are able to grow with him.

When choosing a holding device, the main attention should be paid to the strength of the frame and the presence of a certificate indicating that it has passed the tests. Next they look at the upholstery. – it is desirable that natural, breathable materials are used when sewing it. Various “conveniences”, such as cup holders and pockets, will be needed last – you shouldn’t overpay for them.

Transportation of children under 7 years old

Children under 7 years of age can be transported either in the back seat of the car or in the front, but only with restraint devices such as a car seat or infant carrier. Devices are selected based on weight, height and age.

The rules regarding transporting children in car seats also apply to taxis. To prevent long troubles, when calling a taxi, you should say in advance that you will have children with you and clarify their age. The taxi driver will have to come with the chair and install it.

Transportation of children from 7 to 11 years old

During this period, the child can also be transported in the front or back seat of a passenger car. But if, when transporting children in the back seat, it is not necessary to install a seat or booster (although a booster is recommended for the convenience of the passenger), then a seat must be installed in the front seat. Boosters and adapters are not allowed for use in this case.

Important! You need to make sure that the standard seat belts are secured properly and do not go through the throat. This can cause suffocation or a broken neck in an accident.

To make your words addressed to the inspector regarding age sound more convincing, it is recommended to take documents with you. A photocopy of your birth certificate will do.

Over 11 years old

Having reached the age of 11 years, a child, from a legal point of view, is considered an adult and no further devices are needed.

Features of transportation in the front seat

The first row of seats on the right is considered the most dangerous. And all because in an emergency, the driver exposes the right side of the car to impact. The rules for transporting children in the front seat state that children under 11 years of age must sit in a car seat in the front seat.

On some older car models, only the front seats are equipped with standard seat belts, so you have to place the child seat in the front seat. If it is a car seat, then it can be installed against the direction of travel, with the back facing the airbag. The airbag must be turned off.

Note! If possible, sit the baby back and do not listen to persuasion, think about safety.

Is it possible to leave children in the car?

The main rule: infants and preschoolers should not be left alone in the car for more than 5 minutes. Even if a child is sleeping, he can wake up, damage property and harm himself. Experience shows what can happen:

  1. Hijacking. An attacker in a hurry will not even notice the sleeping baby in the back seat and will leave the parking lot with him.
  2. Road accident. You can never predict what kind of prank will arise in the head of a preschooler during the absence of an adult. Even a completely reasonable child, copying the actions of an adult, can recklessly start the car, press the gas, or release the parking brake. In the event of a fatal combination of circumstances, serious traumatic situations are possible.
  3. Car evacuation. A baby who is not yet able to announce his presence or is sleeping may well be evacuated along with the car. And such cases are not uncommon.
  4. Accidents. A machine is a technical device that runs on a flammable liquid and is stuffed with dangerous elements from the inside. The same first aid kit and fire extinguisher pose a serious threat to a child’s health. There are known cases of strangulation due to seat belts and power windows. Banal parking of a car in a parking lot can lead to suffocation. The temperature in a closed car rises to 60-70 degrees in a short time.

Fine for violating the rules for transporting children

Failure to comply with the rules is punishable by a fine. Even if the design does not provide fasteners or straps for installing a child seat, this does not serve as an excuse for its absence. If previously a car owner had to pay only 500 rubles, now he will pay at least 3,000. And if he drives the car by proxy, the amount will increase even more. Moreover, you will have to pay not only for the absence of a chair, but also for its installation not according to the rules. They will also be fined for using devices that do not comply with the law.

If the inspector decides to fine you for leaving a child in the car, the fine amount will be 500-2500 rubles. But in order to increase the indicators, a criminal case may even be initiated (leaving in danger), and this is a real case and an impressive fine or sentence.

Only a car seat can sufficiently protect a child in a moving car, so the driver should not be afraid of a fine, but of what could happen to a small passenger if he is not sitting in a car seat at the time of the accident.

The rules for transporting children in a car are something that every driver who is carrying a child must know. And due to the increase in the number of accidents, the Russian authorities introduced new restrictions. The goal is to create safe conditions for the movement of parents with their baby on the road, since, according to the latest statistics, more than 200 children have died this year due to violations of transportation rules, which is 25% more than in previous years.

In 2019, there were no changes to the traffic rules. They were taken on July 12, 2017. Previously, it was possible to use boosters, frameless car seats, and belt adapters. But since 2017, it is allowed to transport babies only in frame car seats.

Another innovation is the division of children into 2 categories. The first is for children from 0 to 7 years old, the second is from 7 to 12 years old.

Children under 1 year of age can only be transported in a transport seat in a suitable infant carrier. It has a more reliable system for securing the baby, a more comfortable backrest and more space for the baby’s legs. It is installed in the rear seat and secured with seat belts perpendicular to the movement of the car.

The car seat weighs up to 13 kg, on average – 10 kg. It is easy to carry in your hand. Even though it takes up more space in the car than a car seat, it is definitely better for an infant. The design is made in such a way as to normalize the baby’s breathing and protect fragile bones from possible damage.

Car seats must be used for children aged 1 - 7 years. Take the device of group 1. You can adjust the angle of inclination (recommended value 30 - 45 degrees). Then the baby’s protection from a frontal collision will be maximum.

When the child reaches the age of 7 years, he is transferred to a group 2/3 car seat. It combines chairs of groups 2 and 3. The chair perfectly secures the child, designed for children weighing up to 35 kg and height 130 cm. Only the headrest can be adjusted. The tilt of the backrest is firmly fixed and cannot be changed.

Transportation of children aged 7 to 12 years

Transporting children in a car at this age is permitted without the use of a car seat. But they must be fastened with seat belts.

Children 7 - 12 years old are allowed to sit in the back seat only! If transport is carried out in the front seat, a car seat must be used. Selected according to the weight and height of the baby.

Rules for transporting children over 12 years old

In such a situation, there is no need to use a car seat or other assistive devices. It is enough to fasten the child with seat belts.

Parents are always very concerned about the health and lives of their children, so they try to observe the highest safety measures. And some of them have drawn up certain rules for transporting children in a car, according to which it is carried out in the front seat or behind the driver.

7 tips from parents and experts for safely transporting children.

  1. Buckle up. Children under 12 years of age must wear seat belts. But, besides this, the driver must do the same action.
  2. Don't eat on the road. It is not recommended to give food to a child while driving a vehicle. This can easily cause problems with the stomach or respiratory system. If your baby really wants to eat, it’s better to stop and have a snack together.
  3. Take a first aid kit. Its mandatory components are antipyretics, painkillers, tablets for headaches and stomach cramps, medications for vomiting and nausea, and dressings. Anti-allergy tablets and ointments for burns are also useful. Important components are tools, i.e. tweezers, hemostatic tourniquet, bandage, office scissors, flashlight.
  4. Close the locks. This is especially true for the rear doors, because when driving at high speed or making sharp turns, the doors can open and the child can fall out. Another option is that if the door is not locked, the baby may play and accidentally open it (especially if the car is modern, where the doors open with a slight movement of the hand).
  5. Lock the power windows. A very unsafe car part. In Russia, there have even been cases of children dying due to poor locking of power windows. The worst option is that the baby presses and opens the window, sticks his head inside and suddenly, accidentally presses the button to open the doors.
  6. Do not leave your baby alone in the car. It doesn’t matter if there are adults or parents nearby, the child is fast asleep. Get out of the car and take your baby with you. If you leave your baby alone in the cabin, he may get scared and the process of developing mental disorders will begin.
  7. Maintain order and cleanliness in the salon. No leftover food, cigarettes, lighters, or cutlery around the baby. It is prohibited to transport large, bulky items in the same vehicle with a child. If possible, do not even place personal items in the rear seats. If heavy objects are carried (even in the front seat), they are secured with straps.

It is enough to follow these safety measures to ensure that traveling with your child is joyful and stress-free. Remember, a nervous parent is a bad driver.

Fines for violating the rules for transporting children

Any violation of traffic rules is considered an administrative offense. Fines are used as punishment. Statistics say that in 2017 and 4 months of 2019, the number of children killed in accidents increased by 25%. This also includes children who have suffered severe injuries and injuries.

According to Art. 12.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, for violation of the rules for transporting children aged 0 to 12 years, a fine is provided:

  • for individuals – in the amount of 3,000 rubles;
  • for officials - in the amount of 25 thousand rubles;
  • for legal entities - in the amount of 100 thousand rubles.

A fine is applied if, instead of a car seat, belt adapters and other seat belt guides were used for children aged 0 - 7 years. Another typical case, due to which the driver will have to pay 3 thousand rubles, is transporting a child who is not fastened in any way.

This fine also applies in situations where a baby is transported in the front seat without a car seat or infant carrier.

Punishment for leaving a child in a car unattended

Until July 12, 2017, there were no penalties for leaving children unattended. But as a result of cases of child theft, mental disorders and irresponsible behavior of parents, vehicle drivers began to be fined. Other reasons why such a rule was introduced are frequent cases of overheating, hypothermia, heat stroke, and frightening children.

The minimum penalty is 500 rubles. Another option is a warning, but this is rarely used.

Sometimes a child being alone in a car can amount to a traffic violation. Then the fine will reach 3 thousand rubles.

There is an addition to this penalty. If the violation was recorded in Moscow or St. Petersburg, the fine will be 2,500 rubles (according to Article 12.19.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

In some cases, a fine is applied under the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation under Article 125. It states that if you leave a child alone, without adult supervision, even for some time, this is a potential threat to him and can be punished with a fine of up to 80 thousand rubles or the amount of wages for six months. It is possible to apply other punishments to the violator (correctional labor, for example).


Driving in a car with a baby requires special safety, and the driver needs to know the rules for transporting children in a car if parents want to transport them without threat to life. The first is the purchase and transportation of babies in car seats or infant carriers. The chair is selected according to their weight, height and age. Be sure to secure the device with seat belts. Currently, children under 12 years of age cannot be transported in the front seat without car seats. For such violations, a fine of 3, 25 or 100 thousand rubles is issued (depending on the legal status).
