Tasks for boys 4 5 years old. Development of thinking in four- to five-year-old children

Developmental tasks for children aged 4-5 years

Tasks for children 4-5 years old should contain elements of play. The baby cannot sit in one place for more than 20 minutes, so you should allocate a little time to do the exercises, make them varied and exciting.

Cognitive tasks for children 4-5 years old

1. "Domestic and wild animals". Prepare cards with various animals: wolf, hare, mouse, fox, cow, elk, mole, cat, raccoon, deer, dog and others. Invite the child to divide the animals into two groups: domestic and wild. It’s good to play such games after a trip to the zoo. Such tasks develop horizons and understanding of the world around us, as well as speech (if you ask questions correctly and talk about animals, for this you can use the speech therapy cards below).

Topic: Pets

2. "Professions". Print pictures depicting people of various professions: cook, ship captain, driver, salesman, teacher, gardener, doctor, judge, fireman and others. In order for the baby to look for generalizing properties and name them, it is necessary to prepare separate objects (or pictures): a ladle, a pointer, a steering wheel, a mantle, a hose and others. The child chooses a picture with a person’s profession and looks for a suitable item for him.

3. "Spring". At 4 years old, the baby already knows the basic colors and shapes, so to continue the development of this topic, you can organize a game with “Fruto-nanny” baby food lids. The caps fit together perfectly and come in a variety of colors. Connecting them together is quite simple to create interesting objects. On a landscape sheet you can draw a circle, square, flower, cloud. From the lids, collect shapes of the same shape so that you can attach them to a sheet of paper.

Games to develop attention in children 4-5 years old

At the age of 4-5, logical thinking is actively formed; it is required to be able to focus on a specific task. In the future, this helps to develop perseverance.

1. Draw various objects on a landscape sheet: a flower, a balloon, a car, the sun. Ask your child to trace only the balloons with a pencil.

2. Cross out the letter “N”. On a landscape sheet, print out the letters of the alphabet randomly and ask the baby to cross out the letter “H” with a red pencil, all the letters “A” with a green pencil, and so on.

3. "Leaf fall." On a sheet of paper you need to find identical leaves. Ask your child to connect identical leaves with a pencil and color them. The game teaches you to determine the similarity of objects and develops spatial thinking.

Math cycle tasks

1. Buy magnets of different colors at any stationery store. With their help, it is convenient for the baby to understand numbers and concepts - more and less. Assignment: how many kittens does the cat have, and how many puppies does the dog have? Who has more children?

2. On a piece of paper, draw 5 stars in the sky. Invite your child to count and draw the same number of stars. How much should it be?

3. Draw snails and flowers in the picture. Give the task to circle the flowers with a green pencil, count the snails and draw a line to the flower (which snail likes which flower, do you think?). How many extra flowers are left?

4. Print a fly agaric on a landscape sheet. Give your child the task of counting the spots on the hat. Draw as many dots nearby as there are spots on the fly agaric. How many circles did you get?

5. Connect points from 1 to 15 in order. You should get a picture. Children really like such tasks and develop fine motor skills and teach counting rules.

6. Connect a group of three flowers with lines. Flowers are drawn on the leaf in a chaotic order.
You need to be careful and distribute all the flowers into groups.

Educational tasks with words

1. On the sheet in the center are written words in block letters: sea, flower, sun, snail. Match the word and the picture, draw a line.

2. Different words are written on the sheet: mom, cat, dog, dad, summer, spring, tree, flower. You need to cross out the letter A in the words. The baby learns perseverance and attentiveness.

3. Circles and triangles are drawn on a landscape sheet. The child is given the task to draw the letter M in each circle, and the letter C in each triangle.

4. “On the contrary.” An adult names any word, and the child must find the opposite meaning. For example: an adult says “hot”, a child answers “cold”, etc.

5. “A kind word.” Name the object, and the baby chooses an affectionate word to designate it. For example: ball - ball, house - house, leg - leg.

6. "Fruits and vegetables." Place various pictures of fruits and vegetables in front of the child. There are many options for games: ask the young student to put fruits in a basket. Ask to choose the vegetables from which mom makes a salad for lunch.

7. “Find the odd one out.” Tell your child a set of words in which the words belong to the same group, but one word is superfluous. The child must identify the odd one by ear. For example: tree, grass, flower, snail. The extra word is snail. The child must give an explanation of why this particular word is superfluous.

Tasks for the development of creative thinking

1. Create your own magazine or book. To complete this task you will need colored paper, clippings from various glossy magazines, colored cardboard, glue, and tape. Words for the book can also be cut out from magazines. It turns out to be a joint work.

2. Theater. Offer to perform a real puppet show. Make costumes, select props, prepare invitations for household members. You can choose any Russian folk tale and involve older brothers and sisters.

3. “An interesting continuation.” The task is useful for children 5 years old, as it teaches them to construct sentences, think logically and develop thinking. You should come up with a story on a specific topic. The adult says the first sentence, the child continues the next sentence. Then the adult comes up with a sentence again. The text should be coherent. In conclusion, we ask the child to retell.

Tasks for children 4-5 years old should be comprehensive and develop logic, thinking, speech, and fine motor skills. Thematic lessons can be adapted to the age characteristics of children, diversified with games and taught to compare, analyze, and think in a fun way. If you work with your child daily, he will enjoy learning the basics of math, reading, and other subjects.

Video educational tasks for children 4-5 years old

Through developmental activities with children 4-5 years old, you can master the alphabet and mathematics. The main thing is that homeschooling brings pleasure to the child.

Primary school teachers are well aware that young students come to school with completely different levels of preparation. And the better it is, the more confident the child feels in class, and the faster and easier the material is learned. However, you won’t be able to prepare well for school quickly. Even from kindergarten, with the help of games, it is necessary to develop the thinking processes of children, and later, through developmental activities with children already 4-5 years old, you can master the basics of literacy and mathematics.

Any parent can handle the preparation of a future schoolchild; the main thing is to know what knowledge and skills to teach at 4-5 years old, and how to turn home schooling into a “system.”

Program and planning of developmental activities

It’s good when every game, every walk turns into a developing activity. However, in such “spontaneous” learning, something can be missed, so everyone, even non-professional teachers, needs a clear lesson program.

It’s better to plan a week in advance. This way, the parent will be able to prepare some materials for lessons in advance, and will understand which tasks take the child a lot of time and which come too easily.

Thematic material:

As in kindergarten, daily classes with the child should be carried out in the following areas:

  • speech development and literacy training;
  • mathematics and logic;
  • creativity - modeling, drawing, design, appliqué;
  • physical development (this means a separate 20-40-minute lesson, dynamic pauses are present in each lesson once every 15 minutes);
  • broadening one’s horizons – ecology, rules of etiquette, safety, etc.;
  • fiction.

All these subjects should be evenly distributed in the program for the week, depending on the child’s capabilities.

Teaching literacy is taught to a preschooler only when he himself is interested in it. To learn how to understand that your baby is ready to learn letters, read the article Learning to read: where to start and how to teach how to add syllables.

A plan for developmental activities for 4-5 year old children at home could be something like this.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
speech development Description of the toy Making a story based on a picture Role-playing game with toys “Going to the doctor”
literacy training The letter “A”, its sound, graphic designation, words with this letter The letter “U”, its sound, graphic designation, words with this letter The letter “O”, its sound, graphic designation, words with this letter
mathematics and logic Earlier, later Number and figure 4 Square
creation Application "Traffic light" Finger painting Salt dough modeling Paper construction Games with a constructor Schematic layout of counting sticks according to the model and imagination
physical development Ball games Fitball exercises Swimming pool (or visiting the sports section) Outdoor games Swimming pool (or visiting the sports section)
broadening one's horizons Traffic Laws Signs of winter. Winter in the forest. Properties of water. Games with ice.
fiction Reading a folk tale Learning nursery rhymes "Winter hut of animals" fairy tale Introduction to the short story genre Nosov's stories

It is not for nothing that this planning includes daily physical education and creativity classes. It is extremely important for a growing body to splash out energy and develop coordination of movements. Well, creativity helps develop fine motor skills and develops imagination.

It is unlikely that it will be possible to include all subjects in one day. A 4-year-old child still gets tired quickly and can do one activity for no more than 15-20 minutes.

The number of developmental activities in the program depends not only on the child’s abilities, but also on whether he attends a kindergarten or a development center. If teachers are working with a preschooler, parents can allocate only a little time for home lessons in the evenings and on weekends.

In such lessons it is good to include the material that the child studied in the institution. Repetition will allow you to consolidate the acquired knowledge and skills.

What tasks are suitable for children 4-5 years old?

In the article: “” it has already been written about what a preschool child should know at the age of 4. Now you need to work on the same skills, deepening your knowledge and complicating tasks. A small list of what a baby will learn in the fifth year:

  1. use of prepositions;
  2. orientation in space (know left/right, etc.);
  3. understand where “more”, “equally” or “less”;
  4. use nouns according to numbers;
  5. Count to 10, to 5 - in reverse order.
  6. draw lines without lifting the pencil from the paper, etc.

If your preschooler is already coping with this, don’t stand still and deepen your knowledge. However, all classes should be interesting to him, otherwise excessive workload will only discourage him from studying for a long time.

Developmental aids 4+

Now about the tasks themselves. For children 4 years old you can find many printed publications, the exercises of which will not only help fill the lessons themselves, but will also tell you in which direction to move.

The most popular are the series of manuals by O.N. Zemtsova “Smart Books”, as well as the publication “School of the Seven Dwarfs”. Such textbooks contain tasks for the development of logical thinking, attention, plot pictures, games with stickers, and much more. etc.

An example of an illustration with tasks in mathematics and logic from the “Literacy” series.

For children 4 years old, the first copybooks are also suitable. By tracing simple patterns along the dots, children prepare their hands for writing. An example from the School of the Seven Dwarfs.

Reading ABCs and math books

If the baby is willing to study and is successful, the main subjects - literacy and mathematics - can be studied using real textbooks.

For teaching reading, Zhukova’s “Primer Book” is considered one of the best, which clearly shows how letters merge into syllables, and the methodology itself corresponds to school curricula.

Thematic material:

The Buneevs’ technique is also popular. At the age of four, the authors offer children the guide “On the Road to the ABCs.”

Also, primary school teachers highly value textbooks on mathematics by L.G. Peterson. For preschoolers there is an age-appropriate textbook called “Igrachka”. With it, already at the age of 4, a child will learn all the necessary topics in a playful way.

Tasks in pictures

In addition to manuals, you can use printed pictures with exercises during classes.

Studying right and left

To help your child remember which hand is right and which is left, you can use a poster with palms.

Pictures in which you need to circle the images with the desired direction will also help.


Coloring pages in which you need to connect the dots in order will help you consolidate your knowledge of the number series.

And such mathematical material will teach you how to correlate quantity with number.

Speech development

You can use the pictures to answer questions and write short stories.


To develop logical thinking, you can prepare the game “Find a Pair”.

Or finish a logical series.

Pictures for a lesson about space

A home lesson can also be thematic. After familiarizing yourself with the topic “Space,” you can offer your child various games to develop thinking processes.

Exercises and games

At four years old, all exercises should be of a playful nature only. Otherwise, the baby will quickly get tired and lose interest in learning.

For example, to develop memory, draw a grid with large cells on paper. Then, together with the baby, place several small toys in square houses. When the child turns away, move the objects to other cells. Invite your preschooler to return them to their places.

The “Book Detective” exercise will help consolidate knowledge of letters and the ability to isolate the first sound in a word. Assignment: guess a letter and ask you to find an object or picture in a book for a given letter. With several children you can play for speed. You can complicate the exercise with a task, find words with two letters or with a letter at the end.

Another game for literacy lessons. Glue cards with letters to objects in the room so that their names begin with that letter. The baby's task is to find which letters are attached incorrectly and correct it.

It’s good when parents are seriously involved in the development and education of their preschool children. However, you should not turn homework into a chore for your child or a chore. The child should enjoy the learning process and look forward to each lesson.

Every parent wants their child to be developed and inquisitive from childhood. What is not done to achieve this goal: countless books are bought, workbooks for the little ones, toys and coloring books. Now it is very easy to find tasks for a 4-5 year old child, and our article contains only the best exercises aimed at improving speech and general developmental tasks.

Logic tasks are some of the most important for children

Helps the child throughout his life. It is thanks to well-developed logic that the child does not get into childish “scrapes” and does not commit actions for which he can later be punished. Logic exercises are the first thing to start with in the development of a 4-5 year old child.

The tasks can be different, the most popular were and still are riddles. For example:

1. Gray furry beast,

Runs on four legs

He loves milk, believe me,

And he does everything on the sly.

2. They don’t like this little animal,

They are always afraid, squealing and catching.

Nobody will buy it in the store,

It's called kitten lunch.

Who do you think it is?

3. Little bird

In a gray jacket

Not a bullfinch, not a titmouse,

The cats chase him, and he collects the crumbs.

It is very important to communicate with the child while completing tasks, to give hints, to ask questions: “Do you know who this is? What are your thoughts?” Developmental ones don't have to be very complex. At the initial stages, you can show pictures with the answer after reading the riddle.

The second type of logical tasks is finding a pair, for example, cat - kitten, cow - ? (calf, decided according to the principle: mother and child); shirt - tie, trousers - ? (a belt is decided according to the principle: something with which the thing is tied from above); chicken - egg, bee - ? (honey is decided according to the principle: what an animal gives to a person). This series can continue endlessly; even the parent himself can create similar tasks for the baby.

Tasks for a 4-5 year old child such as puzzles are another effective and interesting way to help a child master logic.

Developing speech

Tasks for a 4-5 year old child should also include a complex. However, first you should find out which sounds the pronunciation is impaired, and only then select tasks.

The most effective way to practice missing or unpronounceable sounds is to pronounce words after the parent. For each sound there are 3 words (the problematic letter should be at the beginning, middle, end).

[C] - bag, paddle, kvass;

[Z] - hare, goat, cart;

[Ш] - step, pedestrian, reed;

[F] - giraffe, fire, crew;

[Ш] - goldfinch, lizard, ivy;

[L] - fox, scarf, crocodile;

[P] - crayfish, muzzle, ball.

By finding sounds in both strong and weak positions, the baby will understand that a word is not always pronounced as it is written. You can also practice each sound separately, starting with voiceless sounds and ending with voiced, complex sounds, such as [P].

Parents can create speech therapy assignments themselves. For children 4-5 years old, animal and cartoon themes are perfect. We must not forget that the exercise is not a boring lesson in which the child will fall asleep, but a fun activity that will help him improve his speech.

General development

At the age of 4-5 years, the child should already know the main animals: wolf, fox, bear, hare, squirrel, cat, dog, etc. Even the baby has difficulty, but still should know the months. First, you can show him association cards, for example, in December there is a Christmas tree, New Year, in March the snow melts, snowdrops bloom, in June the sun shines, schoolchildren are on vacation, and in September students, on the contrary, go to school. Such simple tasks for a 4-5 year old child will seem difficult at first, but he is just learning, getting to know the world, so if he fails, you should not scold him or punish him - after several lessons he will learn everything himself.

Small children do not always know how to tie their shoelaces, do not distinguish between right and left, do not know the days of the week, etc.

Here again, visual pictures showing a particular process will help. These cards can be printed or drawn with your child. The days of the week, for example, should be depicted as a tree with branches representing days; in order to learn to distinguish between right and left, draw little people who look either to the right or to the left (you can come up with active search games, for example, turn right, go straight, turn left, and at the end there should be a surprise waiting for the baby).

The importance of activities with your baby

Various tasks for a 4-5 year old child are extremely important, because it is at this age that he gets to know the world, discovers new things and learns things that will be useful to him throughout his life. The task of parents is to help their child achieve results in development and instill in him a love of knowledge.

The baby's toddler age is left behind. The child grows up, delighting his family with new skills. Sometimes he is lazy, fails to cope, sometimes cries and gets nervous. But is it necessary to interfere in children's fun and help the child play and develop? The answer is clear: “Yes!” It is better if parents actively participate in the child's development. Research shows that children who are happier, sociable and more socially adjusted grow up in a family where mom and dad spent enough time on the child: they played, drew, sculpted, and glued together. Therefore, it is better to put aside your affairs, turn off the TV and start developing the most important person!


Modern methods offer parents a lot of educational games. In order not to get lost in their diversity and choose the right ones, the first thing you need to determine is for what age group the classes are needed.

Children require the most attention before school. Usually this is a period of 4-5 years. The child already speaks well enough and is ready to listen and learn. But before choosing educational activities for children 4-5 years old, you need to figure out what they should be able to do at this age.

1. Determine the positions of objects (top, right, middle).
2. Know the basic shapes (circle, oval).
3. Be able to count to 10. Count objects in order.
4. Arrange items by counting.
5. Understand the comparison of objects, name their characteristics (thicker, thinner, big, small).
6. Distinguish numbers from letters.

Help for parents

So, the baby has all the necessary skills and is ready for classes. Where to begin?
Activities should be selected according to the child’s temperament. If the mother cannot cope on her own, a specialist can help her with this in individual lessons. Sometimes parents give preference to special development centers, where the program for children is drawn up by a teacher-psychologist. Most children attend kindergartens, where the teacher also plays with them.

But if the baby does not attend preschool institutions or the mother wants to work with the child herself, then educational activities at home will come to her aid. What are these? What should you pay attention to when choosing training programs?

Game form

The first thing you need to understand is that no matter what developmental activities parents choose for children 4-5 years old, they should be presented to their child only in the form of a game. And nothing else! During this period, children perfectly grasp any information if it captivates them. How else to interest a naughty girl, if not with a funny game?

Exercises and developmental activities for preschoolers

Let them be simple games without any theme to begin with. You can bring pencils or markers and a large sheet of paper. Invite your child to dream up. For example, a mother starts a drawing and a child finishes it. Then laugh together at the finished “masterpiece.” A good option is modeling or assembling a construction set. You can also make an applique with your child, play a board game, or even solve a crossword puzzle. All this is needed to understand what the baby does best. After all, if you identify talent at such an early age, there will be a real opportunity to develop it, and perhaps even make it your child’s profession. All adults know how important it is to do what you love in life.

Other activities

If your child is bored with such simple games or he does not show interest in them, you can look for other topics of educational activities.

1. The most important thing for any child is physical development. Parents just need to decide what they want: just keep their child healthy or make him an athlete. Again, focus on the child’s wishes. You can practice dancing, wrestling, cycling or scootering, roller skating, swimming, football. There are still plenty of options.

2. Motor skills. Perhaps as important as sports. You can build blocks, constructor sets, assemble puzzles, play in the sandbox, stack pebbles, sculpt from plasticine or clay, draw with crayons, or master “puppet theater,” among other things.

3. Creative educational activities for children 4-5 years old provide unlimited freedom for imagination. A child can be introduced to any type of art. You can teach him to draw, write poetry, sculpt, cut out paper, do theatrical performances, sing and even sew, embroider and knit (but only if safety precautions are observed and in the presence of adults!)

4. If the baby is already ready to study, you can work with him to master letters and numbers, thereby training his speech. Contrary to the belief that a child should learn everything at school, it will be better if the child goes to first grade prepared. This will make it easier for him, he will become more confident in himself, and, therefore, he will worry less.

5. Training in thinking, memory, logic. For these purposes, you can learn poetry, read and retell texts, name colors, shapes and volumes of objects, solve riddles and puzzles, assemble puzzles, play checkers and charades.

6. It’s great if the child also learns the rules of etiquette. He must learn to greet correctly, apologize, thank, give up his seat, and help adults. It's good when a boy knows how a gentleman should behave, and a girl learns to be a lady. No matter how outdated these concepts may be in the modern world, it is always nice when a child is well brought up and polite.

7. Some parents do not stop only at these common methods and offer their children individual developmental classes on rare topics. For example, they begin to introduce their child to space, mountains, rivers or rare animals and plants. Most often this happens due to the child’s spontaneous curiosity or is associated with the profession of the parents. In any case, no matter what a child is interested in, you should never leave his questions unanswered. He is growing up and wants to know everything. And the task of adults is to help the child with this.


And the most important thing in any activity with a child is that you need to stop at the moment when the child is tired and no longer wants to play or has lost interest in the subject of study. Under no circumstances force him to take classes, otherwise there will be no point in them!
Of course, any development of a child, regardless of age and place, is very important for his future life.

The kind of person he will grow up depends on how well and freely he can communicate, how well his speech, memory and culture are developed. However, you should not turn developmental activities for children 4-5 years old into some kind of duty or routine work. The child himself must regulate the time and duration of training. He should like the games, not his parents. Only then will he be able to fully enjoy the process and grow up as a happy and morally satisfied child!

Theme of the lesson: “Journey to the city of games.”

Target: formation of motive and motivation to achieve success in children 4-5 years old

Educational: consolidate the ordinal series of numbers, neighbors of numbers, teach children games for attention, observation, and logic.

Educational: develop children's emotional responsiveness and interest in games, develop attention, phonemic hearing, thinking, dexterity, and observation.

Educational: foster a sense of camaraderie and unity of action.

Equipment: Pinocchio doll, colored pencils, massage balls according to the number of children, magnetic numbers 0-5, pictures of gnomes, mushrooms, magnetic blue and green squares, toys.

Progress of the lesson.

Organizing time.

Hello guys! (Hello!). This morning they brought me a package to the club for us, I wonder who sent it? From Fixies! (open the parcel)

Guys, how interesting, where does Simka suggest we go?(Children's answers). Shall we go? And we will go to this city on a funny little train. Then quickly stand up one after another, bend your elbows. Everyone is ready, let's go!

Fun little train

Run on the rails!

Hurry to the city of Games

Bring us here!

Updating basic knowledge.

So you and I have arrived in the city of games, let's sit on the chairs. Guys, every street in this city has an unusual name. And the first street of Fingers. What do you think they are doing on this street? (children's answers). That's right, guys, you and I will play with our fingers so that they are the most dexterous, skillful and strong and never get tired.

Finger gymnastics “Winter” - guys, what time of year are we in now? (winter). Let's welcome our winter. Ready?

Exercise “Rings”. I say hello everywhere, at home and on the street, I even say hello to the neighbor’s chicken.

Games with a pencil “Swing” - I’ll swing it up and down, hold on to the pencil tighter.

Exercise: pebble - leaf, well - fence.

Games with a massage ball - the hedgehogs went for a walk at their mother's, exactly five of them, five - cheerful, mischievous, five - beautiful and funny.

You guys had a great time playing with your fingers, did you like it? Let's continue our journey, and you and I will find ourselves on the "Jolly Numbers" Avenue. Look who's greeting us? (gnomes)

    How many gnomes meet us on the left side of the street? (5)

    How many gnomes meet us on the right side of the street? (4)

    Place as many blue squares on the top strip as there are gnomes. And on the bottom strip there are as many green squares as the number of mushrooms the gnomes collected.

    Which squares are there more?

    What needs to be done to make the number of blue and green squares equal? How many blue squares are there? How many green squares are there? (5)

Game "Place the numbers"

    Guys, look at the numbers in order, are there any errors in this series? (children's answers, corrections).

    Name the neighbors of the numbers 3, 2, 4.

    Which number is between 3 and 5, after 2, etc.

On this street you and I completed all the tasks. Did you like the "Merry Numbers" Avenue? And I really liked it, but it’s time for us to move on. And he invites us to relax in the Otdykha park.

Physical exercise: “Pinocchio” - Pinocchio stretched, 1 - bent down, 2 - bent over, spread his arms to the sides, apparently he didn’t find the key. To get the key, we need to stand on our toes.

Game “How do you live?”

And now I will ask you questions, and you will show me the answer with a movement, you cannot talk. Ready? We won’t tell you where we were, but we’ll show you what we did:

How do you live? Like this

Are you swimming? Like this

Will you wave after me? Like this

How do you run? Like this

Are you sleeping in the morning? Like this

Are you looking into the distance? Like this

How do you jump? Like this

How do you wink? Like this

How are you frowning? Like this

How are you happy? Like this

How angry are you? Like this

How are you? Like this

How do you shout? Like this

How are you silent? Like this

Great, now let's stand in a circle.

We also know how to relax.

Let's put our hands behind our backs,

Let's raise our heads higher

And let’s breathe easily.

We had a great time, but it’s time for us to move on. We'll cross the bridge into the "Bukvoezhek" clearing and get there.

Street "Bukvoezhek".

Guys, what do you think we will do on this street? (children's answers)

Great, it’s winter outside and the birds don’t have enough food, right? Now let’s try to feed our little sparrows in our clearing. But I need your help, can you help? then now you will be hungry sparrows, and I am a very tasty caterpillar, and you want to eat me, if you correctly name the first sound in the word, then you take a step towards me. (duck, cloud, cheese, tail, echo, pen, watermelon, needle, elephant, screen, bridge, robot, drawing, sun, snail, dog). What a great fellow you are!

Summary of the lesson. Our journey in the city of Games has come to an end. It's time for us to go home. Quickly stand up one after another, bend your elbows. Everyone is ready, let's go!

Fun little train

Run on the rails!

You better come back

Bring us!

We sit on the chairs. Did you enjoy the trip? Do you want to return to the city of Games again? Tell me what you liked? (each child shares his impressions)

What did we do in class today? What games did you play? Name them.

Our lesson is over, see you again!
