From the bottom of my heart with great excitement. Wishes Poems

Let the soul not know the cold

Good crowning kindness!

What do you think you are the best?
What do I always think about you?
That you have no equal?
What are you - the meaning of my life?
Well, you think right!
I'm crazy about you!!!

I'm crazy about you!
And all the time I want to repeat:
I love you, you hear, I love you!
And I don't want to lose!

I need your eyes, you know?
And a smile, and words - you know!
Why are you silent and do not write?
I love you, baby, very much, do you hear?

You warm my soul
You light up my life.
I'm with you, like in a happy dream!
You are a miracle! I love you!

We wish you wholeheartedly
Good health forever
Good endless love
And happiness without measure
In the work of lasting success,
And in life - sincere laughter!

Fate has led you along the way.

Bad weather bypasses
From the bottom of my heart, I wish you well

I wish life never ends
Trouble and sadness did not meet on the way,
Eternal happiness, good friends,
Good luck, health and sunny days!
Let the soul not know the cold
Like a clear day, like a garden in bloom.
May the heart be forever young
Good crowning kindness!

May the sun shine brighter this day
Flowers under the feet are carpeted,
I wish you good health, happiness, laughter,
All that is called good.

I wish you simple happiness
And the quiet joy of the earth.
May life's bad weather bring you
Always bypassed.
As always, take good care of
Beautiful features in the soul.
How to generously give to everyone
Fire of warmth.

I wish you joy, sun, laughter,
Fun, joy, success!
Live to be a hundred years old
Not knowing grief, tears and troubles!

I wish you a clear sky and a radiant sun:
Eternal peace and infinite happiness,
Health, joy, success,
More joyful laughter

With all my heart, with great excitement,
In which, without finding words,
I congratulate you on your birthday
Have a wonderful holiday

May the angel keep your life
Trouble doesn't know you
Let sorrow flee from you
Let friends not offend.
And what would all the enemies to spite
You have always been lucky in everything!

Wish You happiness and health,
I want to be young in life
Your beautiful road
Did not become a narrow path.
I wish you more love
Huge, clean as a tear,
And to smile more often
Your happy eyes!

May this day, like a song of a nightingale,
Cross out all the gloomy days of bad weather.
May your life be like a May dawn
Brings happiness every day in the palms!

Today is your birthday
May God give you good health.
Let peace live in your family,
Warmed by happiness, joy, love.

We wish you bright and joyful days,
success, health, reliable friends!
So that the years do not age you,
Friends would not forget
And despite all the hardships
You were always young!

Let the stars shine in your eyes
Let happiness sparkle like champagne
Let the tears never shine in them
And let sadness not knock on the heart.

We wish you wholeheartedly
Good health forever
Good endless love
Great hope, strong faith,
And happiness without measure
In the work of lasting success,
And in life - sincere laughter!

Don't let your youth fade away
And along with her - love and kindness.
May they be an eternal guest in your house
Peace and happiness, peace and warmth.

So that always under a lucky star
Fate has led you along the way.
In the house so that a full-flowing river
Life flowed calmly and peacefully.
Let only friends visit your house,
Bad weather bypasses
From the bottom of my heart, I wish you well
Long life, health and happiness!

I wish you happiness, joy
Don't get old and don't get sick
Like a fire always burning.
Long and beautiful life
Be loved and love.
At work, only success
At home - joy and laughter,
For youth to shine
For old age to recede!

Congratulations "With all my heart, with great excitement" good way convey your feelings and wishes to future holiday. In the Best Happy Birthday greetings category, along with this text, you should pay attention to Mommy, how are you, dear, I so want to hug you and My dear godmother. Congratulations and Gifts in any case are an integral part of the celebrated holiday. Close friends and relatives always want to be touched and surprised with something special in order to once again show your love for loved ones. That is why best congratulations happy birthday are always composed with kindred warmth, sincerity and love.

Coming up with wishes for a future holiday - Valentine's Day, Birthday or March 8, you should not forget that your words should emphasize the importance and festive mood of both the event itself and the heroes of the occasion. Everyone will be pleased to hear on an important day for them sincere and nice words love and happiness.

Everyone looks forward to the holidays and celebrates with pleasure, and sensual words are pleasant not only to receive, but also to give. Moreover, it doesn’t matter if it will be the best congratulations on your birthday, a girl on Valentine’s Day or a mother-in-law on a name day - any congratulation will be pleasant and will improve or correct your relationship with this person. If you want to congratulate your loved one on the upcoming celebration, use this congratulation or see the block of "similar congratulations" below.

anniversary toast

Very hard to put into words
What's on my mind right now...
No songs, poems
I can't surprise you anymore.
How I love, how dear you are to me,
Can you pick up words about that?!
How I pray to God, how I want
Make your life without burdens.
So that the disease does not torment you,
The soul would not hurt for the children,
So that the eightieth anniversary
Also met in a circle of friends,
She did not sigh: `Life is all behind`.
There are many bright days ahead.
Meet your children with grandchildren,
Pick berries in the forest
Make jam for the winter
Give the whole family a fragrant gift,
Good to hear from people -
Life is made up of little things!
Enjoy life to the end
You have to, that's why she's good!

70 is not that much.
After all, you still live and live,
There's still a road ahead
Very long lies.
May God give you health
Children - surrounded by love,
May your evening be cozy
As it used to be in the morning.

With all my heart, with great excitement,
With which, without finding words,
We congratulate you on your birthday
Happy 70th birthday to you!
Our native hero of the day, do not be sick
Don't get old, don't be sad, don't be bored
And many more years
Meet birthdays.

Today is your birthday
And how many years - does not matter.
So stay kind as always.
And let the heart never grow old.

Anniversaries will remind you of the past
Leaves a trace.
Everything came true, what was meant to be
We wish you new victories.
You are friends with a good joke,
Showing a sharp, clear mind.
They managed to save a sensitive soul,
Your heart is a fiery simum.
There is not a shadow of doubt in us,
You and after many years
With my spring soul
You will give warmth and light.

You have an anniversary today
He is not loud, but the sweeter.
Thirteen times already five
And we hasten to embrace
Happy birthday
And wish you patience.
In a difficult life, your own law:
Who is patient is not defeated!
It’s a pity to waste energy on disputes:
One despondency and sadness.
You are an optimist, and your whole life
You have proven it to everyone!
There is no one more reliable than you at work,
Your knitting is just class!
But the years still take their toll
It will sting there, it will sting here.
And wisdom whispers on the sly:
`Here it is loaded! Maybe in vain?
Health is the most precious thing...`
And in fact, God bless you
Stronger strength, love friends
And many bright, warm days.
For your help to all
To friends, relatives and relatives,
With a soul always open to everyone,
Do not be alone and forgotten!

These are the tricks, brothers:
Years do not run - they fly.
You go to bed - eighteen,
Wake up in the morning - sixty.
By the hero of the day, imperceptibly,
That lived for six decades.
Probably spent somewhere
He is the secret of eternal youth.
His special breed
Visible even to the blind.
And, apparently, the road
He did not forget women's hearts.
He is not deprived of health,
I am familiar with sports and work.
And he will cut anyone with a word,
And if necessary - with a fist.
Do not even doubt -
Only for other years fly.
Wake up in the morning - sixty,
And he wakes up - eighteen.

Today is the birthday
On your glorious anniversary
Accept congratulations
From all fellow friends.
Twelve times already five!
How we all want to hug
Happy birthday
And wish you patience!
In a difficult life, your own law:
Who is patient is not defeated!
You are an optimist, and your whole life
You have proven it to everyone.
You radiate warmth
And with you it's easy to breathe,
And often your wise advice
Hope lights up the light.
God has given us all life
One for good deeds.
You have invested the goodness of your soul
In your cares and deeds.
Rightfully full of pride
For my son and his work.
And where to find another mother-in-law,
To the daughter-in-law so that there is love ?!
And, giving the warmth of the soul to the grandchildren,
She blossomed with happiness.
And this is your priceless treasure -
If everything in your family is in order.
How endless is the road
You are all with whom fate brought you together.
Live as long as possible
For even more benefits!
And in fact, God bless you
Health is the most precious thing.
Stronger strength, love friends
And many bright warm days!

Glorious holiday in the team
Our most important person
Celebrates an anniversary!
Sixty springs rushed by
Autumn has come to life
With your grace.
Life experience gained
And adjusted on Saturdays
Recreational leisure.
There is more joy in life:
Mother's heart is a delight,
When the children come to the house,
They will bring their grandchildren with them, -
The house comes alive with sounds
Laughter, the noise of the players.
And such is happiness -
Take part in the game
Dropping twenty-five years!
May you live happily
Happiness is forged in joy
Autumn will be golden!
We wish you a birthday
And health, and luck -
Everything that you want the most!

How many wonderful dates there are
For those who are in love with life!
Not yet autumn sixty,
And velvet season!
Let your hair become whiter
And in your soul everything is more fun.
Fate with its severity
Makes us cleaner, kinder.
Today is your big day.
Gather all your friends.
Don't grow old in soul,
Create, love, dream!
Like an apple orchard in spring
Enchant again and again!
To meet a young soul
Love will always come.
