Find out whether a husband loves or not test. Test - does my husband love me: the best ways to test the feelings of a spouse

Love is one of the most beautiful and at the same time mysterious feelings that we are subject to.

Its influence on a person is unlimited: it can change the perception of the surrounding world and events, worldview and attitude to life - make you happy or, conversely, deeply unhappy.

It all depends on the reciprocity of the feelings experienced ... And it doesn’t matter how many years you have been together, you are married or just dating!

Any representative of the fair sex wants to know what is happening in the soul of her soulmate. Whether they really love her or the relationship is “held” only by habit.

If you doubt the sincerity of your spouse and dream of finding an answer to the question: “Does my husband love me?” - the test and tips below can help you.

This universal test is based on identifying patterns that manifest themselves in the absence or presence of love in your soulmate.

Take the test

Try to answer the following questions as honestly as possible by choosing the appropriate answer.

"Does my husband love me" test:

  • How often do you hear words of love from your spouse?
  1. Every day.
  2. Several times a week, probably.
  3. I do not remember exactly.
  • Does your significant other share their experiences, secrets with you?
  1. Yes, I know about everything that happens in the soul of my husband.
  2. Yes, but we very rarely talk heart to heart.
  3. No, my husband is a very private person.
  • What changes have occurred in your man for Last year?
  1. He remained the same as before.
  2. The husband became more irritable.
  3. He became more calm and sometimes indifferent to what is happening.
  • How does your loved one prefer to relieve stress, relax?
  1. We love family holidays: we go to nature, etc.
  2. Drinking beer with friends.
  3. Hard to tell.
  • Do you think your husband is happily married?
  1. Probably yes.
  2. I am not sure.
  3. Hard to tell. Sometimes you hear him regret past decisions.
  • Do you often allow yourself to speak unflatteringly about your mother-in-law in the presence of your spouse?
  1. Rarely, I try to keep my opinion to myself.
  2. It happens sometimes.
  3. My husband knows how I feel about his mother.
  • What will you do if suddenly your husband's friends come to visit you?
  1. Put all your affairs aside and invite them to have dinner together.
  2. You will not interfere with them with their spouse.
  3. You won't pay attention to them.
  • What annoys your significant other the most about you?
  1. My certain appearance: too short skirt, bright makeup etc.
  2. Salted soup, burnt potatoes.
  3. Everything I do is criticized by him.
  • Do you have "household duties" - a list of tasks that each of you performs?
  1. No, we can always agree on who does what and when around the house.
  2. Yes, we have everything strictly scheduled.
  3. I usually do everything around the house myself.
  • Have you ever wondered what your life would be like if you were married to another man?
  1. Sometimes I think about it.
  2. I think about this very often.

If you have the most answers:

  • "1" Your relationship is built on trust and mutual love. You have no reason to worry, as you and your husband understand each other perfectly. Such relationships are rare in marriage, take care of them.
  • "2"- your relationship with your spouse is developing, as in an average family, where the husband is always dissatisfied with his wife and vice versa. If you want more, try to destroy these prejudices by filling your marriage with new happy emotions and harmony.
  • « 3"- your family is on the verge of destruction, because you do not understand and do not want to understand your spouse. Of course, you can stay together for a long time, but such a life is unlikely to bring you happiness.

Love does not love…

It is important to understand that not a single test can convince you of the sincerity of your loved one's feelings.

If you really want to understand if your husband loves you, pay attention to his actions.

Perhaps there is no reason for concern, but you simply stopped noticing his care and attention, and began to consider his gentle touches familiar.

Try to look at your relationship, communication from the outside. Maybe you had no idea how much envy your "modest" hugs in public cause.

In case you are lost in doubts about the sincerity of personal happiness, you most likely need real evidence.

Check the Feelings

The ideal way to test your soulmate is your own initiative.

Yes, yes, you yourself must show attention to your spouse: arrange a romantic dinner, surround him with care and affection, show how much you love him.

And if in such a situation a man does not go to meet you, moving away from you, this is a very bad sign. Perhaps he put an end to your relationship a long time ago.

You will have to make a lot of efforts in order to convince him of the opposite. ()

If a man really loves you, he will definitely show feelings, for example, he will give you an unexpected gift in response to a romantic surprise, etc.

“Does a man love me?”, “Is my husband faithful to me?” - to such questions, most of all, every girl wants to know the answers.

And it’s not at all about insecurity or fear of loneliness - it’s common for any woman to worry about her relationship.

Therefore, hint to your spouse that it is very important for you to see his feelings every day in insignificant actions, manifestations of attention.

And it does not matter at all whether it will be a lush bouquet of roses or just a compliment. Just do not forget that if you demand manifestations of love, nothing good will come of it!

Surround your husband with love and care, and he will do everything to make you happy with him!

Long-term relationships in a couple necessarily transform over time, acquire new meanings and new sensual aspects. And sooner or later, but you will ask yourself the question: “Do I love my husband?”.

At the beginning of a relationship, there is love. These are the most vivid sensations in terms of emotions. When you want to do everything for your loved one.

Often in this love we dissolve in our partners and forget about ourselves. This stage of the relationship is beautiful with strong impulses, strong emotions. It seems that life is picking up its pace. The body reacts in such a way that we begin to acutely feel even the slightest nuances of mood, there are forces to change ourselves. This is a very energetic stage. But time passes. And our psyche adapts to strong stimuli. The hormonal background calms down and calm comes.

This inner silence seems so unaccustomed and calm that one can be deluded and think that feelings have faded and love is no more. But the fact is that true love has not yet been. And there are still many years of grinding and the formation of a real look at the object of adoration.

When love passes, the illusory image of a loved one leaves with it. He no longer seems to be a "god", he, like everyone else, can swear, be dissatisfied with something, lazy, irresponsible, plunge into his fears and disappoint us.

This is normal in a relationship. Few people can immediately really look at a person. Yes, and we ourselves specifically, wanting to like it, create an image of ourselves, and do not show all our pluses and minuses. This creates a certain tension, which over time leads to the fact that we relax and no longer hide our features.

And then came the moment of disappointment. Here it is important to sustain this new image. Accept it and continue the relationship. Often, couples break up at this stage, as the disappointment is so strong that it cannot be experienced. But then again, we ourselves play a major role in creating an unrealistic image. And we are also responsible for the destruction of illusions.

When the stage of disappointment passes, the moment of acceptance comes. And here the task of the couple is to learn to live with each other already in real images. After all, now these are completely different people who have just opened the veil of their own mystery.

There comes a moment of acceptance, which then leads to a very calm relationship. It is no longer required to receive a feedback, each time to respond to impulses and expectations. Spouses accept each other for who they are. Everything that happens in a relationship is already being done, not because I want to please my soul mate, but simply because I myself want it so much. This is a very peaceful life.

Over time, when people have learned to be with each other, to accept and put up with some features of each other, their relationship becomes even closer. There are no more forbidden topics, everything is clean, transparent and open. You can safely joke, discuss some issues. In this case, there is a feeling of close friendship.

And only after that love is formed. At this stage, much becomes clear. Spouses feel each other. This is a deep true and close contact. There is no longer any question of illusions and expectations. If something is given, it is completely free of charge.

Not every couple reaches the last stage. Often relationships end at the first stage of falling in love. When it is absolutely impossible to give up illusions and accept the reality of a loved one.

To understand if there is love, think about these questions:

1. What stage of the relationship am I in right now?
2. What does love mean to me?
3. How do I understand what I love? How do I know that they love me?
4. Do I really perceive my loved one?
5. What illusions still hurt me?
6. Can I refuse them?

Love is often confused with infatuation. After all, falling in love is so strong in its emotional charge that it becomes almost tangible. And love is so calm and natural that it often seems like a simple routine. But in fact, it is love that conquers with its depth and sincerity.

5 /5 (3 )

Women quite often ask themselves the question: “Does my missus love me?”, But they don’t always get an exact answer to this question. The psychology of a woman is different from that of a man, so it is more common for girls to doubt certain aspects of a relationship. It will help to find out what the chosen one really feels and in what direction his thoughts are directed. test - does my husband love me.

How to understand if your husband loves you - test

Love is one of the most beautiful and pure feelings that people can experience. Its appearance in life can radically change the inner world and worldview of a person.

However, love can bring not only joy, but also sadness. It depends on whether it is mutual. And such moments as the term of the relationship, whether they are legalized or not, do not play any role at all.

All the girls want to know if their soulmate sincerely loves them or whether partners are kept near each other only by habit, and what the faithful himself thinks about it.

If you have doubts in your soul about the sincerity of your beloved, and you want to get an answer to the question: “Does he love me?”, Then the tips and test below can help you.

By signs

How do you know if your spouse loves you? We must take into account the fact that everyone's life is different, but still there are several features on the basis of which it is possible to determine whether a husband loves or not.

For 80% of men, words don't matter.

As a rule, the representative of the stronger sex, experiencing sincere feelings, shows an attitude towards a woman through behavior and actions, and not with the help of empty talk about love.

Reveal signs loving man very easy.

To do this, just look at it:

  • He always wants a wife in an intimate way, even if the partners have been married for a long time;
  • Strives to be close to his wife, tries to get home from work faster, likes to spend time with his wife, whether it's walking or going to the movies;
  • Likes to touch her at every opportunity;
  • He is interested in the life of his wife and tries to support any conversation;
  • Even if the spouses have been married for a long time, the man is not ashamed to call his wife affectionate nicknames;
  • He tries to please a woman with simple and unexpected gifts;
  • He does not disdain to help his wife with homework, even if he does not always want to do it;
  • Sincerely gives advice to the chosen one, if she asks for help;
  • Regardless of the situation, the man takes the wife's side;
  • He always notices a change in the mood of his beloved;
  • Praises the success of his wife, even if she does not hear it.

Watch the video. How to know if a man loves or not? Psychology of relations.

With the help of a test

This test is universal, and detects patterns that arise when your lover has or does not have feelings.

You need to consider the points below, choosing the option that is most suitable for your relationship.

Husband tells you words about love:

  • Constantly;
  • A couple of times a week;
  • I can not say exactly.

The spouse devotes you to his problems and experiences:

  • Yes, I know about the experiences of the spouse;
  • Yes, but we rarely speak frankly;
  • No, the husband keeps everything to himself.

Your spouse's internal changes over the past year:

  • No changes have taken place;
  • The husband became more aggressive;
  • He began to treat what was happening with great indifference.

Favorite rest of your spouse after a day of work or physical exertion:

  • Prefers family pastime: movies, walks and the like;
  • Spending time with friends and drinking beer;
  • I find it difficult to answer.

Your spouse is happily married to you:

  • I think yes;
  • I am not sure;
  • I can't answer exactly. Periodically I had to hear words of regret about the past.

You can afford to speak disapprovingly towards the mother-in-law:

  • No, I keep my opinion to myself;
  • Sometimes there are cases;
  • My husband knows my relationship with my mother-in-law.

What to do if your husband's friends come to visit you without an invitation:

  • Invite them to have dinner together, despite the fact that you have unfinished business;
  • You will not interfere with your spouse and his friends;
  • Pay no attention to their company.

In your opinion, what does your spouse annoy you the most?

  • My appearance: physique, manner of dressing, make-up and the like;
  • Failures in food preparation, whether it be undersalted soup or overcooked pasta;
  • All my actions are criticized by my spouse.

Does your family have a division of household chores?

  • My husband and I always agree on doing household chores: who can do what and when;
  • Yes, each of us knows his duties and observes their fulfillment;
  • I do all the household chores myself.

Do you think that your life could have turned out differently if you had not married or married another person:

  • Didn't think about it;
  • Sometimes there are such thoughts;
  • Often visit such thoughts.

Count the number of your answers.

If most of them:

  • "1" - love and harmony reign in your relationship. You have nothing to worry about, as you and your spouse understand each other very well. Not many can boast of such a relationship;
  • "2" - your relationship is similar to the relationship of the average family, in which spouses are most often not satisfied with each other. If you want to change something in married life, you must try to add positive emotions;
  • “3” - family relationships are about to collapse, since neither you nor your spouse have a desire to understand each other. Of course, your marriage can exist for many more years, but it will not bring any joy.

How to deal with the result

No test can fully assure you of your spouse's love. If you need to understand whether you are loved by your husband or not, first of all you should pay attention to his actions. Most likely, you got used to his care and stopped paying attention to it.

You need to look at your union from the other side. Perhaps other couples are jealous of what you think is a boring relationship.

If you still doubt the honesty of your spouse, other confirmations will be required.

How else to check the feelings of a husband

The main way to test feelings is to take the initiative on your own.

You can give your spouse a romantic surprise, shower him with kisses and show affection. Your husband needs to see how much you love him.

If a man has not reciprocated you, this is a sad signal. Most likely, he has already mentally ended your relationship. To convince the chosen one, you have to try hard.

If you are truly loved by your spouse, he will certainly meet you halfway and show his feelings.

Any girl asks questions about the love and fidelity of a partner, and everyone wants to know the answers to them, worrying about their relationship. And this does not mean at all that she is not confident in herself.

You should let your husband understand that it is important for you to receive positive emotions from him every day and see his love. And it doesn't matter how - with flowers, compliments or something else.

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However, it is impossible to demand the manifestation of feelings from a man, this will not lead to anything good. In order for your spouse to start paying attention to you, you need to surround him with care and affection.

Fortune telling - how to find out if a man loves you

Since ancient times, girls and women have been guessing for love. There is in the world great amount fortune-telling on the feelings of the chosen one. The first thing you can remember is fortune-telling on a camomile, familiar from childhood. But there are more complex and serious rituals.

on tarot

This type of divination is the most popular, due to its simplicity and accuracy.

First of all, the alignment reveals the feelings of a person, his plans and thoughts regarding your relationship. Fortune telling also helps to find out what binds a couple in this moment and does it have a future. You will be able to find out how your relationship affects your life - positively or negatively.

The main attribute for this divination is Tarot cards. Before the start of the ceremony, you should get together and formulate the question as accurately as possible. Next, take turns placing seven cards on the table.

Each card has its own position:

  • What thoughts do your beloved have when he sees you;
  • What feelings does he have for you. Is there love;
  • His true attitude. Does your lover appreciate you?
  • Does it make sense to continue a relationship with this person;
  • What to expect from your love union;
  • What bad aspects of the relationship should be warned against;
  • Tips from Tarot for improving and keeping a couple.

Fortune telling will be successful if you think about your soulmate during the whole process.

On playing cards

Before the beginning of the ceremony, a playing deck of 36 cards should be shuffled three times.

Think about your man, and then ask the cards your question, which must be formulated so that it can be answered with “yes” or “no”. For example: “Does my husband love me?”

Now take out three cards from the shuffled deck and place them in one row.

You should pay attention to the colors of the suits of the cards that you posted:

  • If all the dropped cards are red, then the answer is positive, if they are black - negative;
  • If it turns out that two cards are red and the third is black, or vice versa, then this implies “probably yes” and “probably not”, respectively.

On paper

For this divination, you need to take paper and a pen. At the top of the sheet, write the question that worries you.

A test to determine if a man loves you. This questionnaire takes into account the most accurate signs of a man's falling in love and will help answer the question: "Does a man love me." However, it also brings out your own psychological problems and illusions.

The exclusivity of the test lies in the fact that it not only scans a man's interest and sympathy for you, but also analyzes your personal difficulties and psychological conflicts. Very often, we see something that is not there and imagine that a man is in love with us, although this is not so. Answer exactly the questions and find out: is a man in love with you? Does he have sympathy and interest in your person?

How to win a man's heart? Millions of girls ask themselves this question every day. In order to soberly assess your chances and efforts, you need to understand if the guy has sympathy for you? This test will help you understand if your chosen one likes you.

Some women, not knowing the answer to the question "Does a man love me?" spend a lot of time on dreams, fantasies and waste their time. They look for signs of hidden attention in simple everyday things, justify his inattention, inactivity, and even simply ignore - if only to remain with the hope that a man loves her. This test not only determines whether the chosen one likes you, but also diagnoses the presence of false illusions and self-deception!

Self-deception in the question: Does a man love me?

The main ways how women unconsciously deceive themselves, flatter themselves with an illusion, hoping that the chosen one also has sympathy and wants to meet:

  1. Justification of his ignorance by "hidden fears of a man before relationships";
  2. The feeling that the success of a relationship depends only on the woman’s desire: “I don’t really like him ... But if I want, then he will be mine”;
  3. To see the desire of a meeting on the part of a man, even if he does not want it;
  4. The feeling that you need to be more active in the relationship and then "certainly the man will be mine."

Find out if your husband loves you! If you already know the answer and just want to do it for a laugh or are genuinely concerned, this quiz is perfect for you!
Love is a small word with a big meaning, a meaning that is a unique experience for everyone and can mean very different things from one person to another. A man can say that he loves a woman and doesn't feel it... or he can feel it strongly but can't say it. Knowing how he feels is much more difficult than just hearing the words. Fortunately, how much he loves you is something that can be measured and quantified, which is why we created this quiz.

Take this super easy quiz to find out if this guy really loves you and wants to devote his life to you.

The test will ask you 9 questions about your relationship. As long as you answer honestly, you will get amazingly (even shockingly) accurate results and will know for sure whether he loves you or not.
