Baby shower is a holiday for the expectant mother. "Baby Shower" Pregnancy Party Contests

Party for the unborn baby Baby Shower (Baby Shaue)- originally from the USA. Today, the tradition of celebrating the "Baby Shower" is spread all over the world. She would have reached Russia a long time ago (as or, for example), if it were not for the widespread popular belief that a future baby cannot be given and purchased a dowry in advance.

Oh, how many doubts and disputes, both within the family and on women's forums, raise the question “Should I buy a dowry for a child before childbirth? " Not good folk omen unequivocally forbids doing this, and common sense answers - "It is necessary!" Brain future mother just breaks. On the one hand, only before childbirth a woman can freely manage her time and prepare for a meeting with a baby. And on the other hand, the notorious folk sign does not allow to fully prepare for this meeting. During this period, the moral support of relatives, friends (and especially the husband) is extremely important, who should try to protect the expectant mother from worries and worries.

Moms from Russia can only envy (in good sense of this word) to American mothers. In the USA, without a doubt, they buy, make their own hands and receive as a gift children's things almost from the very day they find out about their pregnancy. As soon as the sex of the child becomes known, it is also not kept secret.

And in honor of the "interesting position" of the expectant mother, a magnificent celebration is arranged - Baby Shower (Baby Shaue), sometimes even more than once during pregnancy! For example, a separate Baby Shower for childhood friends, a separate Baby Shower for colleagues and colleagues, a separate Baby Shower for close relatives can be organized. Everything rests only on the financial capabilities of the organizers. It is often called close girlfriend future mother, aunt or future grandmother.

The main idea of ​​Baby Shaue

The default Baby Shower is purely women's gatherings. Women of all ages are invited to attend. It is desirable that among them there are mothers with many children who have rich experience in giving birth and raising children.

The main idea of ​​the Baby Shower is moral support and parting words to the expectant mother, how to behave in childbirth, how to care for a newborn, how to breast-feeding etc.

Here's why the Baby Shower is a must-have celebration expecting first child. For the second and subsequent children, it is arranged exclusively at the request of the parents and in a narrower circle.

When is the Baby Show held?

The Baby Shower Party is usually held in the last months of pregnancy., its preparation requires a lot of effort and time from the organizers. Therefore, often the child is born earlier than the planned date of the celebration. In this case, the Baby Shower takes place approximately one month after birth when mom and baby are more or less stronger.

Making a Baby Shower Invite List

The list of invitees is made by the person who organizes the Baby Shower and finances it. Of course, this list will certainly be consistent with the hero of the occasion - the expectant mother. However, if there is a strained relationship between the organizer of the Baby Shower and those whom the pregnant woman wants to invite, then the organizer of the holiday has the right to refuse her.

Who finances the holiday, the decisive word is given in inviting guests to the Baby Shower. For example, if a relative of the husband arranges a Baby Shower, and there are strained relations between the relatives of the husband and wife, then the organizer of the holiday has the right not to invite relatives from the side of the pregnant woman - they, if desired, can organize a Baby Shower “for their own”.

Holiday invitations are issued on beautiful postcards and traditionally sent by mail. Nowadays, invitations are increasingly sent out in the form of, but this significantly reduces the solemnity of the event.

Is it possible for the future father to attend the Baby Shower?

Why not, unless of course he himself so desires. In this case, care should be taken that he does not get bored alone, and ask some of the invited women to come along with their husbands.

Should I invite women who have been unsuccessfully trying to conceive or who have recently lost a baby to the Baby Shower?

You should definitely invite them, and they will decide for themselves whether they can attend this holiday.

Can children attend the Baby Shower?

If there is no one to leave a small child with, then you can take him with you. In this case, the guest will have to think for herself what to do with her child. If possible, women come to the Baby Shower without children, leaving them under the supervision of a nanny or dad.

However, the presence of older girls at the Baby Shower is not only welcome, but even mandatory. After all, in this way they are attached to the sacrament of motherhood, prepared for the role of a woman-mother.

Organizing a Baby Shower

Baby showers do not have to be done at the home of a pregnant woman. You can arrange it in the house of the organizer of the holiday, in a restaurant and even in nature.

A special attribute of this holiday - Baby Registry- a list of things that the expectant mother wants to receive as a gift. Helping the expectant mother to compile the Baby Registry and bring it to all the invitees is one of the most important tasks of the organizer of the holiday. The Baby Registry can list both inexpensive items, as well as larger and more expensive items that are bought together by a group of guests (for example, work colleagues).

The Baby Shower celebration is designed for 2-3 hours. First, guests are offered refreshments. There is absolutely no place for alcohol at the Baby Shower, and there is simply not enough time for guests to absorb a three-course dinner. Therefore, only light snacks, drinks, sweets are served at the table.

After that, entertainment begins - lotteries, games, competitions dedicated to the topic of motherhood. The winners and active participants of the festival are sure to receive memorable prizes.

The final stage of the holiday - unpacking by the expectant mother of gifts and demonstrating them to everyone present. Sometimes this ritual alone takes more than 2 hours. There are times when gifts are sent by mail from other cities or countries and do not have time to reach the holiday. Then all guests are shown photos of these gifts sent by e-mail.

Traditional gifts for a newborn are beautifully decorated baskets with baby things, diaper cakes (diapers, towels) and bouquets with roses from baby socks.

The organizer of the holiday keeps a strict record of each gift to later send a thank you card back, like, "Thanks for the great juicer!" The one who gave a particularly expensive gift is sent not only a thank-you card, but also some souvenir as a keepsake.

Two hours to consider gifts is a difficult test for guests, so the organizer of the Baby Shower should try very hard so that the bulk of the time is still occupied by entertainment and sincere communication with the expectant mother.

Baby Shower Decoration

The place where the Baby Shower is held is decorated with balloons - blue or pink, depending on who will be born, a boy or a girl. in the same color scheme the whole holiday is arranged. As we said earlier, practical Americans do not keep the sex of the future newborn a secret.

For the hero of the occasion, a stylized “throne” is equipped, which is also decorated with balls, flowers and ribbons.

Baby Shower organizers compete in ingenuity. As salt shakers, pepper shakers, as well as bottles with ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard, baby bottles with nipples are used, in which wider holes are made. Instead of napkin rings, silicone teethers, pacifiers and rattles in the form of rings are used. Garlands of diapers and baby clothes are strung across the room.

Homemade are hung everywhere congratulations posters. Here are some of these congratulations in anticipation of a girl, a boy and twins (of course, they are all in English).

If a girl is expected:

We have been blessed with a girl from above
a darling daughter for us to love!

sugar and spice,
Baby girls are so nice!

A little girl is wonderful
A very special part

We cherish in our hearts


We are tickled pink and happy to say
a darling baby girl is on the way!

Precious is she and Oh So Sweet!


Tiny fingers, tiny toes,
Little itty bitty clothes.
Dresses, ribbons & hair to curl,
We're tickled pink she's having a girl!

and promised her the moon!

But you'd better hurry 'cause she's almost here!

If a boy is expected:

A little boy is wonderful
A very special part
Of all the hopes, dreams and plans
We cherish in our hearts

We have been blessed with a boy from above
a precious son for us to love!

Come join in (name of future mother)'s joy,
She's expecting a bouncing baby boy!

Precious is he and Oh So Sweet!
Tiny hands and adorable feet!

Hey Diddle Diddle with a laugh and a giggle
our baby arrived not a moment too soon
We laughed and cried tears of joy
and promised him the moon!

Come celebrate a precious baby dear,
But you'd better hurry 'cause he's almost here!

Oh the miracle and the joy (name of future mother) having a boy!

If twins are expected:

Double the trouble, double the fun
Life with twins has just begun!

double diapers,
Double the toys
(name of future mother) is having 2 little Boys!

Double the trouble
Double the fun
(name of future mother) is having two not one!

(name of future mother) is double blessed!

Double Trouble!
It's a Twins Baby Shower!

Twice as Nice!
It's a Twins Baby Shower!

To be or not to be a tradition of celebrating the Baby Shower in the CIS time will tell. But already today, some young families awaiting additions are not at all opposed to arranging such a celebration. They can learn more about organizing a Baby Shower on numerous English-language sites dedicated to this holiday.

The period of expectation of the baby is shrouded in pleasant excitement and anticipation of a long-awaited meeting. To give the expectant mother even more positive, they organize an original and fun party— Baby shower. It is unique in that it is organized in honor of a baby who is just planning to be born, as well as in honor of a pregnant woman. The holiday is only gaining popularity in Russia, so it will be interesting to know how to organize it, what design to choose, what is appropriate to present as a gift.

The Baby shower holiday has foreign roots. The literal translation into Russian is “baby shower”. Such a name for the celebration can be called at least strange. But you don't have to take everything literally. Such a translation can be interpreted as “throwing gifts for the baby”, “showering gifts”.

In this sense, the name is ideal for this holiday: guests bring gifts to the expectant mother and baby, they say pleasant words, instructions. The effect of surprise is also important. Usually the holiday is prepared in secret from the pregnant woman in order to surprise her. But modern women often they take over the organization to take into account all the nuances and the celebration went the way they want. This is important during pregnancy and at the time of an early meeting with the baby. I want everything to be perfect during this period. This is possible if you stick to a certain plan of action.

History of the Baby Shower Party

The history of the Baby Shower party dates back to the time of Ancient Egypt. Then the tradition was born to pay tribute not yet to a born baby and his mother. That version of the celebration did not resemble anything modern version celebrations.

In a more familiar form, Baby shower began to be held at the end of the 19th century. At that time, it was considered bad manners for a pregnant woman to attend noisy parties and meetings. Therefore, the holiday was arranged after the birth of the child. As now, it was customary to give gifts to a newborn and a woman, to bring pastries and various goodies.

After the Second World War, the traditions of the celebration became more loyal. Now it was arranged almost before the very birth, and the holiday became the progenitor of the modern party. It gathered an impressive company. The more fun it was, the better.

A modern holiday is also arranged in the last months of pregnancy, many friends are invited. Particular attention is paid to the design of the hall, refreshments, competitions. Also, a share of intrigue is not ruled out: often at such parties the gender of the child is announced.

The history of the Baby Shower party does not stand still. There are new nuances that make this holiday even more beautiful.

Holiday of the unborn child: how they celebrate in the USA

The holiday of the unborn child is very popular in the USA. It is also actively organized in Europe.

They begin to prepare a party when a woman is 7 to 9 months pregnant. A pregnant woman should feel good, because she will have to lead an active lifestyle, listening to congratulations and participating in competitions. If there is a threat to the health of the baby or his mother, then the party should be postponed or canceled altogether. After all, excessive positive emotions can also harm, as well as negative ones.

A Baby shower is usually arranged at the home of one of the pregnant women's friends. IN Lately the option of celebrating in a restaurant or cafe is selected. For the expectant mother, the party should be a surprise.

Who is invited to the party? All friends, whether they have children or not. In the classic version of the celebration, the environment should be exclusively female. But now men are also invited to the Baby Shower.

It happens that one cannot do without the help of a pregnant woman during the organization. This is especially true when a woman wants to tell the sex of the child. Then the room is decorated in a certain color. You can also prepare a surprise for the future father in the form of sealed boxes. When he opens them Balloons blue or pink color will prompt the answer to an exciting question.

The room is beautifully decorated. Named garlands, balls, toys can be used. The woman is seated in a comfortable place so that she can comfortably receive congratulations.

Separately, you need to think over the menu for the holiday. Usually they resort to a buffet table: they prepare fruit slices, snacks, sweets.

A themed cake will add to the atmosphere of the celebration.

By tradition, such a holiday is arranged before the birth of the first child, but few people pay attention to this nuance.

Hall decoration for Baby shower

Of great importance for holding a holiday for a baby is decor. The decoration of the hall at the Baby shower should be appropriate, using themed accessories, photographs, children's products and toys.

Before you think about what jewelry to buy, you should decide where the event will take place. If the room is small, then you need to choose a minimum of accessories, but they should all be “on point”.

If the hall is large, then you can resort to massive decor (constructions from balloons, hanging garlands, etc.).

If the party will take place in a cafe, then you need to take into account the “native” decor of the room and successfully combine it with the theme of the party.

The choice of style is another important point when decorating the hall. Of course, you can resort to the classics and choose the cute theme "Waiting for the baby." And you can come up with something more interesting. Popular areas are:

  • cartoons;
  • sweets;
  • "boy or girl";
  • costume party;
  • “waiting for a super hero”, etc.

Decorating a room should start at the front door. This is what balloons are for. Nearby should be placed a table on which you can put gifts. original solution- place a Book of Wishes next to it. In it, everyone can leave a written congratulation to the parents and the future newborn. To do this, you can buy a simple notebook with a suitable decor or order the scrapbooking style option.

Walls are the perfect palette for ideas. You can decorate them with:

  • garlands, name banners, flags;
  • photographs of the baby's parents in childhood;
  • put on a clothesline and hang up cute baby things.

One of the most important points is the decoration of the table with treats. You can choose from two directions:

  1. Decorate the table in the chosen theme, but “in an adult way”;
  2. Select the "children's" design option.

The latter option means that drinks, for example, can be served in baby bottles, each guest is given a bib, and food is in baby food jars.

Often the table with treats is also decorated with balls, paper flags, flowers.

Food can be varied, but it is best to give preference to light food: fruits, canapes, sweets.

The usual cake can be replaced with a "healthy" one - from diapers. Such a decision will not only surprise others, but will come in handy in the first days of a baby's life.

It is necessary to beautifully decorate the chair of a pregnant woman. The main thing is that it should be comfortable. You can attach balls at the back, and wrap the railing with ribbons or serpentine. You can also attach a funny inscription to the back of the chair, for example, "I'm in charge here."

Baby shower decoration

Decorating a Baby shower celebration means not only decorating the hall, but also many other important details.

First you need to think about invitations. They must be sent to each guest indicating the place and time of the party. The theme of the invitation should exactly match the theme of the holiday.

Then you need to start decorating the venue. It is best to divide it into separate zones: in one there will be gifts, in the other - a place for competitions and dances, in the third - a place of rest, etc.

It is important to do the design of contests and games. From the beginning, you need to figure out what kind of entertainment to choose so that everyone has fun. Then - to pick up everything you need for the competition. Don't forget about the prizes for the winners.

All preparations can be done by hand. If desired, all the burdens of design will be taken over by a trained person - a decorator. He will be able to embody all ideas and desires. This is especially useful when you need to do everything in a short time.

Scenario of the holiday Baby shower

A Baby Shower party can be led by an experienced host or have "self-management" in the form of one of the pregnant girlfriends. In any case, a holiday script will be needed. It should include a welcome speech, contests, games, and gift viewing.

Host (girlfriend):

"Dear guests! Today we have gathered not just to eat delicious cupcakes, but to congratulate our friend Yana on an important event - the upcoming birth and the birth of a long-awaited baby. I would like to note that perhaps this is our last party, which will not be repeated for the next 3-5 years. Therefore, I suggest everyone to have fun from the heart.

Guests take snacks, approach the pregnant woman and congratulate her.

Then the host offers to have some fun and play:

“As we all see, Yana became the owner of a perfect waist. Who can guess how many centimeters she is now? But the numbers do not need to be spoken, you need to take toilet paper and measure as much as you need. Whoever is closest to the truth will receive a prize."

After an active competition, you can offer to play a quiz. Questions can be varied:

  • who will be the future baby according to the horoscope;
  • when his parents met;
  • when was the first ultrasound done, etc.

“Now let’s see who we have the fastest. I need three applicants. In front of you on the table are three juices with a straw. You need to drink it as soon as possible. Go!"

For outdoor activities, the host offers to choose those who wish again and again arrange a competition for speed. But this time, the winner will be the one who dresses the baby doll the fastest.

The leader then says:

“And now I invite everyone to feel like a fortune teller. On the table you see sheets of paper and a pen. You need to take turns to come up and write on the sheet the date of birth of the baby. We put all the answers in a box and analyze them after delivery. Someone will get psychic status in our company.”

“Everyone managed to write their prophecies? Then let's go to the center of the room and ask our pregnant woman to perform an important procedure - to throw a pacifier to her friends. Let's see who should take over the "pregnant" baton next."

After that, the guests settle down near their girlfriend and open gifts, enjoy conversation and pleasant company.

Baby shower contests

Baby shower contests should be thematic and touch the life of the mother and the future baby. It is best to alternate active and passive options. So it will be easier for a pregnant woman to keep up with everything, because she will also want to participate along with her friends.

karaoke to the last

This competition involves the participation of two teams. The goal is to sing as many children's songs as possible. You need to do this in turn. Whichever team knows more of these songs wins.

culinary competition

Jars of baby food without a label are placed in front of the participants. You need to guess what exactly the participant ate. Given the fact that some vegetable purees have an outlandish taste, this will not be easy to do.

competition for the best poem

At first glance, it may seem that this contest will be easy for those who are good at rhyming lines. But the task is complicated by the fact that the leader offers his own word, which must be in the poem. And this word is not easy. For example, powder, bib or diaper.

Baby shower games

Games on the Baby Shower, like competitions, should be varied. Often popular games for erudition and ingenuity.

erudition game

Each participant receives a list of words in which the letters are scattered. For example, it is written not “crumb”, but “hakro”. Each word should be in the "pregnant" theme. Whoever quickly gives the words a normal look, he won.

like animals?

This game will also make you "wiggle" your convolutions. Each participant takes a sheet in his hand, a pen and listens to the facilitator. The latter names the animal, and the rest must guess how many months it bears its cub. Then the answers are compared and whoever has the most correct answers (or at least close to it), he won.

game "Hold it - pass it to another"

The rules of this game are familiar to everyone without exception: while the music is playing, you need to pass the children's thing. When the music has stopped, the one who did not have time to get rid of it is out of the game.

Wishes for the Baby Shower

Most best regards at the Baby Shower - they are sincere, from the bottom of their hearts. If your own imagination failed, you can use the following options:

Song on Baby Shower

A pregnant girl will definitely be touched if all the guests sing a song in her honor and in honor of the future newborn. You can take a famous hit as a basis or come up with something of your own, as, for example, the heroes of the video below did.

What to give for the Baby Shower?

The theme of gifts is especially important for this holiday. I would like to give not only a beautiful thing, but also a useful one. These tips will be useful to those who are far from the topic of childbearing and cannot come up with a gift for a newborn on their own.


Guests will be very pleased if they are noted not only with a word of thanks for the visit, but also given small souvenirs. It could be soap self made, chocolate in the original wrapper with a photo of the hero of the occasion, a composition of flowers.

If only women are present at the celebration, then you can give handmade jewelry, body cream. The moment will be especially sweet if you give all the guests invitations for the first birthday of the crumbs.

for girl

Usually, for such a celebration, gifts are given for the unborn baby without separation by gender. There are plenty to choose from: bottles, creams and powders, diapers and clothes that will suit both a boy and a girl. But if it is known for sure that a daughter is expected, then you can present:

  • handmade doll (the girl will grow up and appreciate it);
  • outfits, shoes and accessories;
  • gold or silver jewelry;
  • pacifier in the form of lips;
  • carrying in a girlish style, etc.

The main thing is not to give soft toys. They are indifferent to babies, and when the baby grows up to them, soft toys will be covered with dust.

for boy

The boy will be the way to give:

  • bow tie or handmade tie;
  • quality toys (cars, railroad, etc.);
  • clothes and shoes in the form of booties;
  • spoon with engraving;
  • certificate for the first photo session, etc.

When choosing a gift, it is important to also take into account the tastes of the parents in order to please them as well.

Baby Shower Party Ideas

A successful holiday consists of small details, so special attention should be paid to ideas for holding a party.

What will new parents need in the first months of a child's life, like air? Of course, diapers. On this topic, you can original crafts- flowers, paintings and even rolls.

You should prepare themed cupcakes and other sweets. Recently, gingerbread prepared to match the holiday has become very popular.

The next idea is to use interesting toppers and decorations for dishes.

You can also get inspired by ideas by watching the video:

To please a pregnant woman is the main task of the Baby Shower holiday. This goal is noble, because such a party must be held by every expectant mother.

The party can be decorated with balloons, children's toys, flowers. It makes sense to make a small photo zone for guests where each of the women who came will be able to try on pregnancy with a small pillow that can be hidden under clothes.

First Lunch Competition. Taste must determine the content baby puree(for parents with experience, name the age at which this puree is given to children to eat) you can also come up with a joke puree, mix any adult products in a blender, such as juice and chips, and present it to guests in a jar of baby puree.

Competition "Cake for Mom". Divide guests into pairs or teams and give the task of preparing a cake from diapers, diapers, soft toys, ribbons and more. The expectant mother chooses the most "appetizing" cake.

Competition "Where do children come from" We all know how curious children are. One day they will ask their parents a tricky question: where did I come from. Let's help the future mom and dad come up with a decent answer to this question. The host selects two couples and gives them a prop to choose from: balloons and a pump, a head of cabbage, elements of a bird costume, preferably a stork; you can also use a Santa Claus costume with a bag or a wizard. The task of adults is to come up with and act out a scene without words for recording on video, which they will then allegedly show to children in response to the question “Where did I come from”.

Competition "Guess who?" This competition requires the preparation of guests. It is necessary to ask in advance all those present at the party to bring with them a photo where they are in the early childhood, how fewer topics better. Photos should be shown to everyone present so that they can guess who is who. It makes sense to hold a competition if the majority of those present met in adulthood.

Contest "Psychic". All guests are given a pen and paper. It is better for a future mother to prepare a box in advance. The task for the guests is to write on the sheet: who will be born (gender), date of birth and time, weight, height, name of the child. Then all the leaves are collected and placed in a box. After the birth of the child, the mother will be able to get the box and tell her loved ones which of them guessed what.

Competition "Feed another". Guests are divided into pairs. One in a pair is blindfolded, the other is tied with a bib. A blindfolded participant is given a jar of mashed potatoes or yogurt, and a spoon - he must feed his partner, the partner must keep his hands behind his back and not help. The winner is the couple who ate the fastest and lost the least in the process.

Make a Baby Contest. While young parents are waiting for a real baby, guests are invited to make a baby out of balloons. Props: balls different sizes, large small shdm, a pump, double-sided tape, felt-tip pens, you can also give guests children's clothes to dress up baby dolls.

Competition "In position". To better understand a young mother, one must become one. To do this, guests are invited to take big ball and tie or tuck it under the clothes after that everyone is given shoes with laces - guests need to tie their laces, put on socks, change shoes.

Competition "Care". A baby doll is needed for the competition, or you can use balloon babies from the previous competition. Guests are required to swaddle the baby. Depending on the dexterity of the guests, there may be different options:

  1. together right hand one and left hand another tied couple can only use free hands.
  2. Blindfolded one person.
  3. One dresses - he is blindfolded, the other directs with words.

"Do not buy anything before the birth of the child", "do not tell anyone what gender the child should be born", "do not show the baby to anyone after his birth during the first month." These tips make my head spin! Do you believe in it too? It is high time to run away from such prejudices. Not the whole world follows such rules ..

We have many signs associated with the birth of a child. Some future mothers follow them unquestioningly, continue to believe in this nonsense, while others enjoy pregnancy, not paying attention to signs.

I, too, only welcome all the good and pleasant that we can borrow from others ...

Secrets of Western countries, how to spend the last trimester happily

Europeans and Americans, for example, look at this big event in a completely different way. About a month and a half before the birth of the baby, they arrange a special celebration - Baby Shower. Why not? To be honest, I also don’t know much about mothers who haven’t bought anything at 7-8 months or haven’t found out the sex of the baby.

So what is it? Baby shower - a custom to have a party for a future mom!

Baby Shower (Baby Shauer) is in a nutshell a bachelorette party before childbirth. Usually it is arranged by the end of pregnancy and only women are invited to it - of course, no one will kick out men as well as children, but still the celebration in a close female circle is much more pleasant. Why? Because this is one of the last opportunities to relax before childbirth, especially when the child is not the first, to relax in good company and have fun during the female-mother competitions.

The main purpose of the party:

Cheer up a pregnant woman


Distract mom from the experiences associated with the upcoming birth and motherhood.

Just have fun!

A shower of gifts and good impressions, support and love from friends - that's what awaits the expectant mother at this wonderful party.

Party on the moon

Baby Shower is traditionally held in the house of one of the friends of the expectant mother. But of course, such a holiday can also be held at the home of the hero of the holiday, in a cafe, in nature, but anywhere, even on the moon! To make it doubly pleasant, you can organize a holiday so that the pregnant woman does not know anything, and it becomes a surprise for her.

Without what the holiday will be "off topic"?

Sweet - bar (sweet table, candy bar)

diaper cake

Beautiful, decorated room in the theme of the holiday,

Original script and party style,

Funny contests, jokes, jokes

Lots of gifts!!!

Give her an umbrella!

BABY SHOWER is a shower of gifts! By the holiday, be sure to prepare gifts for the baby and his mother. If the pregnant woman knows about the party, then you need to ask her to make a list of things that she would like to receive as gifts, and if the party is a surprise, then the closest girlfriends will have to discreetly find out that the expectant mother has not had time to buy yet, but plans to.

Then from this list, everyone chooses what he will give. This procedure is necessary so that the gifts are not repeated. Gifts must be beautifully packaged, because the main event of the evening is their joint unfolding and tenderness with various miniature socks, hats, vests, rattles.

You can prepare a beautiful box for a pregnant woman with wishes or tips and read them together. Useful for the expectant mother will be the advice of friends who have already given birth.


The main attribute of the holiday is a “cake” made of disposable diapers, and original bouquets from children's clothes, beautifully designed Sweet - bar, room decor. Of course, it will be important to plan this day correctly, choose a venue, come up with a theme, do not forget about invitations, decoration of the holiday, delicious food and about pleasant trifles for the child. This beautiful, fabulous day for mom and baby should be the most memorable first holiday on the way to a new life!

After all, from such a party, the expectant mother will receive a lot of positive emotions, good mood which will be passed on to the baby.

So what is better: with fear to believe signs and superstitions, or arrange a holiday and let the baby know that everything is ready for his appearance and everyone is looking forward to it!

P.S What a pity that 5 years ago, when I was pregnant, I did not know anything about this holiday ...

"Baby shower" is a wonderful holiday that is given to a pregnant woman before the birth of her baby by her relatives and friends. This party has its own characteristics that should be considered when preparing for it.

Traditional for European countries and the USA "baby shower" still a novelty in Russia, although successfully gaining popularity. After all, a fun party in honor of an unborn baby is a great opportunity for girlfriends and relatives of a pregnant woman to take care of a future mother.

Baby shower holiday - what is the point

This kind and cheerful holiday is organized by close friends and relatives of the future mother a few weeks before the birth. Among them there must certainly be girls, girls and women who have already known the joy of motherhood. The party, according to tradition, is not held in the house of a pregnant woman, but at one of her girlfriends.

Sometimes the future hero of the occasion may not even know about the organization of this event, because. it can be arranged secretly from her. Such an unexpected but pleasant surprise!

The event should be kind and interesting, with a mass funny contests and, of course, gifts for the pregnant woman herself and her unborn baby.

The main idea for which the “baby shower” is conceived is that friends and relatives can give the pregnant woman all their love and affection before the upcoming birth.

Baby shower design

Create a special atmosphere design corresponding to the theme of happy motherhood. Many people use already quite familiar objects for this: multi-colored balloons, funny inscriptions and posters, touching pictures with babies, plush toys, dolls, baby dolls.

Can also be done original jewelry in the form of children's things hung on a clothesline and fastened with clothespins.

The hero of the occasion on this day, according to custom, should sit on an armchair specially prepared for her. To make the chair stand out against the general background, it can be decorated with ribbons, flowers, bright beautiful cloth, tulle. Fantasy in this case is only welcome.

The main thing is to make it clear that the one for which all this is being started will be located here.

Don't forget the treat. It is worth agreeing in advance what you will set the table with.

What to give for the "baby shower"?

Gifts are the most enjoyable part of the holiday. Usually they are folded in one corner before the start of the party. During the holiday, everyone gives the hero of the occasion his gift, presenting her with a cheerful joke and saying his wishes.

Almost always given as a gift items that the expectant mother will need to care for the baby. It can do anything: hygiene items, baby clothes, breast pumps, baby dishes, kits, diapers, toys and much more.

If the party is arranged in secret from the pregnant woman, then the girlfriends should find out in advance, without hints of the upcoming holiday, what she needs most now.

Baby shower contests

Some women who have already taken part in such an event more than once may note that the contests are the same every time: a question-answer on the topic of motherhood, guess the size of a pregnant woman's tummy, swaddle a doll, recognize the guests of the event by their children's photos.

On the site, we offer you the latest ideas for baby shower contests:

  • Storytellers

Girlfriends with the help of a children's counting rhyme find out who will come up with the beginning of a fairy tale. Then each in turn continues the tale, inserting one sentence at a time. The result is a fun fairy tale, with an unexpected plot and an interesting ending.

  • buzzwords

Write the child's initials on a piece of paper. If the name has not yet been invented, you can limit yourself to the surname and patronymic. The game is to come up with as many new words as possible from a given set of letters. Whoever says the last word wins.

  • Let's sing songs together...

Girlfriends take turns humming the first line from a well-known children's song or poem. The task of the pregnant woman is to correctly guess the name of the song or rhyme and continue them.

  • Wish card

When the contests come to an end, you can send a huge postcard so that each of the guests can write their wishes to the expectant mother. Such a card will delight the hero of the occasion and remind her of this wonderful holiday for many years to come.

Baby shower cake

For such a holiday, you can start cooking a cake, both real and inedible.

  • The first option - the traditional one, will undoubtedly bring a lot of positive emotions to both the expectant mother and her guests. Girlfriends can cook it themselves, or they can pre-order a beautifully decorated cake with decorations in accordance with the theme of the party.
  • The second option is baby shower cake made of diapers, an amazing and useful gift at the same time, from which the hero of the occasion will be simply delighted.

To build it, you will need "cakes" of diapers rolled into rolls. Tie each roll tightly. beautiful ribbon, connect and tie several rolls wide ribbon to make a tier of cake. Make several tiers with this method: the largest at the base, then the middle and the smallest. You can decorate the cake with anything: bottles, toys, ribbons, bows.

"Baby shower" is a wonderful tradition that can help the expectant mother take her mind off the heavy thoughts about the upcoming birth and have plenty of fun. And the main task of her friends is not to spoil fun party scary stories from the hospital and stories about future sleepless nights!
