Fingers like a Chinese fan. Quotes from the book by Daria Dontsova "Fingers with a Chinese fan"

Dasha Vasilyeva: Lover of private detective Dasha Vasilyeva- 44

Chapter 1

Men are divided into two types: those who helpfully refer old fur coat wives to dry cleaning, and those who buy their wife a new coat.

I turned to the windowsill and turned on the electric kettle. Maybe, having looked into the light without an invitation, the girl will finally realize that it is high time for her to leave? The right word, there is no strength to listen to her moans.

Dashenka, what do you think, - meanwhile the uninvited guest continued, - what is the main thing in the future wife? Ability to earn or non-conflict character?

It is best if the chosen one earns decent money and at the same time is a kind, non-greedy person, - I answered. And, defiantly looking at her watch, she exclaimed: - Wow! How imperceptibly half a day flew by, and I still have so much to do!

Worries will not go away, - the guest brushed aside, - especially at home. Why do you think I never have more than two dates with the same guy? What am I doing wrong? Pour another cup of coffee, please.

I silently reached for the jar that holds the grains.

It is true what they say, there is nothing easier than to complicate your life. A week ago, an old acquaintance Rita Grebneva rushed to me and right from the doorway, before she had time to take off her boots, chattered:

If you do not help, my happiness will collapse, and I will die under its rubble!

I know that Rita lives in a tiny odnushka, where even a not very obese rabbit will be cramped. But Grebneva has elder sister Zinaida, who lives beyond the Ural Mountains, who sincerely believes that relatives should see each other as often as possible, and once every six months, at the end of winter and in August, rolls into the capital to hug her youngest. And since Zina is a family woman, gently loving husband, three children and a father-in-law with a mother-in-law, then she will certainly take the whole family with her in full force.

How can so many people fit in twenty-five square meters? Well, the sister and her husband sleep on the couch in the room, and the husband's relatives settle down on the floor. The children are stacked in a pile in the kitchenette - the little son crawls under the table, and the little girls snort at the stove and sink (it’s good that Grebneva’s nephews don’t go to school yet, but when they grow up, a problem will arise). Rita herself is comfortably located in the bath. True, the plumbing in the apartment, if we use the automotive term, is small, but this is sheer nonsense.

In earlier centuries in France, the aristocracy believed that one should sleep exclusively in a semi-sitting position, which is very healthy. This was told by a guide in the Palace of Versailles, and I, I remember, almost sobbed from pity for the unfortunate Queen Marie Antoinette when I saw her bed. Since then, I have been tormented by the thought: what if all the recommendations of modern doctors are as erroneous as the advice of their colleagues from the time of Louis XVI? Maybe you should not lose weight, eat low-fat foods and torture yourself with sports activities? Suddenly, after two hundred or three hundred years, some one hundred and fifty-kilogram Dashenka Vasilyeva, eating cakes with whipped cream, will shed tears of sympathy for her namesake from the twenty-first century, having learned that she ate lettuce leaves and rattled dumbbells, wanting to maintain health, as the science of the future will prove : fullness and ravenous appetite - a direct path to immortality? After all, we now know that you need to rest lying down, and not sitting. Although Marie Antoinette died quite healthy. Well, yes, I digress from the main topic of the story, sorry.

As a rule, Zinaida lives with her sister for about a month. She and her husband work as web designers, there is no need to go to their service, the main thing is to have a laptop at hand. After the departure of her beloved relative with her children and household, Rita's right eyelid twitches for another couple of weeks.

Last summer, a day after another invasion of the Ural Cumans, Grebneva's neighbor forgot to turn off the tap in her bathroom, and Margarita's apartment was flooded.

Daria Dontsova with the novel Fingers Chinese fan to download in fb2 format.

As you know, the initiative is punishable! But could Dasha Vasilyeva pass by mysterious history? And it all started quite innocently: she was asked to live in the house of Maya Mikhailovna, the sick mother of a friend, to take care of the hostess's favorite - a luxurious cat named Rudolf Ivanovich. It turned out that Maya Mikhailovna, who lived not far from the neurosis clinic, was a homegrown psychotherapist. And in her absence, Dasha had to play this difficult role! One of the patients, teenager Ivan, told a chilling story - his stepfather killed his sister, then his mother, and now he is encroaching on the life of Vanechka himself! Of course, the lover of private investigation rushed to the rescue, but she had to be distracted by another "client" - the sweet girl Elechka dreamed of getting married, but all the suitors ran away from her on the second date. And how can Dasha find out what is the reason? Only ... hiding in the closet of the unlucky bride!

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To date, the Internet has a large number of electronic literature. The edition Fingers with a Chinese fan is dated 2013, belongs to the Detective genre in the Ironic Detective series and is published by the Eksmo publishing house. Maybe the book hasn't been released yet. Russian market or did not appear in electronic format. Do not be upset: just wait, and it will definitely appear on UnitLib in fb2 format, but for now you can download and read other books online. Read and enjoy educational literature with us. Free download in formats (fb2, epub, txt, pdf) allows you to download books directly into an e-book. Remember, if you liked the novel a lot, save it to your wall in social network let your friends see it too!

Men are divided into two types: those who helpfully take their wife's old fur coat to the dry cleaners, and those who buy their wife a new coat.

I turned to the windowsill and turned on the electric kettle. Maybe, having looked into the light without an invitation, the girl will finally realize that it is high time for her to leave? The right word, there is no strength to listen to her moans.

“Dashenka, what do you think,” the uninvited guest continued in the meantime, “what is the main thing in the future wife? Ability to earn or non-conflict character?

“It is best if the chosen one earns decent money and at the same time is a kind, non-greedy person,” I answered. And, defiantly looking at her watch, she exclaimed: - Wow! How imperceptibly half a day flew by, and I still have so much to do!

- Worries will not go anywhere, - the guest waved them off, - especially at home. Why do you think I never have more than two dates with the same guy? What am I doing wrong? Pour another cup of coffee, please.

I silently reached for the jar that holds the grains.

It is true what they say, there is nothing easier than to complicate your life. A week ago, an old acquaintance Rita Grebneva rushed to me and right from the doorway, before she had time to take off her boots, chattered:

- If you do not help, my happiness will collapse, and I will die under its rubble!

I know that Rita lives in a tiny odnushka, where even a not very obese rabbit will be cramped. But Grebneva has an older sister, Zinaida, who lives beyond the Ural Mountains, who sincerely believes that relatives should see each other as often as possible, and once every six months, at the end of winter and in August, rolls into the capital to hug her youngest. And since Zina is a family woman, dearly loving her husband, three children and her father-in-law with her mother-in-law, she will certainly take the whole family with her in full force.

How can so many people fit in twenty-five square meters? Well, the sister and her husband sleep on the couch in the room, and the husband's relatives settle down on the floor. The children are stacked in a pile in the kitchenette - the son crawls under the table, and the sweet daughters snore at the stove and sink (it’s good that Grebneva’s nephews don’t go to school yet, but when they grow up, a problem will arise). Rita herself is comfortably located in the bath. True, the plumbing in the apartment, if we use the automotive term, is small, but this is sheer nonsense.

In earlier centuries in France, the aristocracy believed that one should sleep exclusively in a semi-sitting position, which is very healthy. This was told by a guide in the Palace of Versailles, and I, I remember, almost sobbed from pity for the unfortunate Queen Marie Antoinette when I saw her bed. Since then, I have been tormented by the thought: what if all the recommendations of modern doctors are as erroneous as the advice of their colleagues from the time of Louis XVI? Maybe you should not lose weight, eat low-fat foods and torture yourself with sports activities? Suddenly, after two or three hundred years, some one hundred and fifty-kilogram Dashenka Vasilyeva, eating cakes with whipped cream, will shed tears of sympathy for her namesake from the twenty-first century, having learned that she ate lettuce leaves and rattled dumbbells, wanting to maintain health, as the science of the future will prove : fullness and wolfish appetite - a direct path to immortality? After all, we now know that you need to rest lying down, and not sitting. Although Marie Antoinette died quite healthy. Well, yes, I digress from the main topic of the story, sorry.

As a rule, Zinaida lives with her sister for about a month. She and her husband work as web designers, there is no need to go to their service, the main thing is to have a laptop at hand. After the departure of her beloved relative with her children and household, Rita's right eyelid twitches for another couple of weeks.

Last summer, a day after another invasion of the Ural Cumans, Grebneva's neighbor forgot to turn off the tap in her bathroom, and Margarita's apartment was flooded. A friend called me at five in the morning and, interspersed with sobs, asked:

“I beg you, take us in for a day.” We stand on the street with small children and two old men.

Now evaluate the situation. At that moment I lived alone in a huge house in the village of Lozhkino. The main part of my family, along with the dogs-cats, moved to France, where we have a cottage in a small place near Paris. True, I accidentally acquired new pets and hired a Ukrainian Angela as a housekeeper, but my bedroom is much larger than Rita's entire apartment, and there are many empty rooms in the mansion near Moscow. Put yourself in my place: would you turn your tongue to refuse hospitality to a homeless family with three small children? Of course, I brought all the "drowned" to Lozhkino, where they liked it so much that the camp stayed with me for three months.

Then I took the noisy family to the airport and, waving a handkerchief after them, fell into euphoria. Only the presence of Rita kept me from dancing a jig right outside the reception. Then I invited the cleaners, and they cleaned the house, bought a new set to replace the broken one, changed the carpet on the stairs, which the kids burned with the help of the Young Chemist set, threw away the bed linen, thoroughly covered with brown spots (Zina's mother-in-law is a big fan of coffee in bed) , I bought a new mirror instead of the one that my friend's father-in-law accidentally broke ... Well, I won't list all the damage now, it's petty.

A month and a half after Zinaida's departure, the house in Lozhkino acquired its former appearance. I finally exhaled calmly, life flowed in the usual order. And then a week ago, Ritulya rushed to me and hardened as usual:

“My happiness depends on you!”

I hope you, knowing how the family of her Ural relatives stayed in my house, do not judge me for what I immediately said to Grebneva:

– Ritulya, I’m sorry, I can’t discuss your problems right now, I need to urgently pack my bags.

- You are leaving? she gasped. - In Paris?

Actually, I'm not good at quickly coming up with good reasons for refusing at the right time, but that day I was distinguished by amazing quick wits. The brain worked like a powerful supercomputer, and calculated all the options in a split second. So, now is the very end of winter, therefore, Zinaida again soaped herself in Moscow. Rita's sister really liked Lozhkino, she wants to make me happy again with a visit. Just before leaving, her mother-in-law said: “You have a wonderful plot, why don’t you plant a garden? We'll return to Moscow in the spring, and I'll dig up a dozen beds in a clearing. It’s sunny there, the cucumbers will quickly grow in growth ... "

As soon as I remembered her words, my tongue blurted out of its own accord about the departure. But Rita decided not to give up and asked if I was flying to Paris. And what will happen if I answer, they say, yes, as always, a flight at twelve-thirty from Sheremetyevo Airport? It’s as if Grebneva will shout: “Please let mine live in your house! They won’t bother anyone, the mansion will be empty anyway!” And then what do you want me to do?

The decision came in a second. I lowered my eyes and began to lie with an inspiration that Baron Munchausen could envy:

What Paris? I started renovating the cottage. Here comes the construction team. Can you imagine horror? I can't receive guests, I have nowhere to go myself.

- You have nowhere to live for a couple of months? she clarified.

- Yes Yes! I confirmed. - I'm not planning anything radical, just a cosmetic update, I think ... er ... finish by the beginning of autumn.

- And the animals? Rita did not calm down. “Where are you going to put Athena and Hector?

Ironic detective stories are loved by readers for the fact that with them you can relax, forget about all the problems and enjoy reading almost anywhere. The language of the narrative is so simple that you do not have to spend incredible efforts to understand what is written. One of these books for relaxation can be called the book by Daria Dontsova "Fingers with a Chinese fan." The writer always manages to come up with something extraordinary and funny from the most ordinary life situation. In addition, her books contain some subtext and uplifting.

Dasha Vasilyeva constantly gets into some kind of trouble. And here it’s hard to say whether she is looking for adventures, or whether they find her. After all, sometimes it is very difficult to leave something interesting, even if you know that it will not bring anything good. And for Dasha Vasilyeva, this is an impossible task. It started off easy enough, but then...

Daria came to the house of a friend's mother to look after her beautiful cat while she was being treated. In general, there was nothing complicated about it. That's just the owner of the apartment provided people with psychological assistance. Now Dasha has begun to play this role! The boy Ivan came for help and said that his stepfather killed his mother and sister, Vanya himself should become the next victim. This story just makes my blood run cold. Of course, Daria must certainly help the boy. And then a girl showed up who can’t understand why the guys run away from her after the second date. Dasha needs to find out the reason. And she knows how to find the most unusual ways get to the truth...

On our website you can download the book "Fingers with a Chinese Fan" by Darya Arkadyevna Dontsova for free and without registration in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format, read a book online or buy a book in an online store.

As you know, the initiative is punishable! But how could Dasha Vasilyeva pass by a mysterious story? And it all started quite innocently: she was asked to live in the house of Maya Mikhailovna, the ill mother of a friend, to take care of the hostess' favorite - a luxurious cat named Rudolf Ivanovich. It turned out that Maya Mikhailovna, who lived not far from the neurosis clinic, was a homegrown psychotherapist. And in her absence, Dasha had to play this difficult role! One of the patients, a teenager Ivan, told a chilling story - his stepfather killed his sister, then his mother, and now he is encroaching on the life of Vanechka himself! Of course, the lover of private investigation rushed to the rescue, but she had to be distracted by another "client" - the sweet girl Elechka dreamed of getting married, but all the suitors ran away from her on the second date. And how can Dasha find out what is the reason? Only ... hiding in the closet of the unlucky bride!

A series: Private detective lover Dasha Vasilyeva

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by the LitRes company.

Parents left, and Ivan went to bed and pretended to be asleep. About ten minutes later the door to the nursery opened slightly, and the father said:

- Vanyasha, let's go to dinner.

The boy sniffed hard. The surgeon went to the bed, stood for a couple of seconds, then tucked the blanket in from all sides and left, and Vanya unexpectedly quickly fell asleep for real.

- What's happened?

Nikolai Petrovich, without saying anything, rushed to the stairwell. One of the aunts hurried after him, the second answered:

We are an ambulance. Your mom has a bad heart, we're taking her to the hospital.

She won't die? Ivan whispered.

- You are already an adult, are you not afraid to be left alone? the woman continued, ignoring his question. “Dad is coming with us.

- I want too! Vanya exclaimed.

- There is only one free seat in the car, - the aunt snapped, - Nikolai Petrovich is an excellent doctor, he will be more useful than you.

When the adults left the apartment, the boy rushed to the balcony and managed to see how slowly, without turning on the siren, a white minibus rolled out of the yard, followed by his father's jeep. He's been lied to again! The SUV is full of space!

Nikolai Petrovich came home at about eleven o'clock in the morning, and Vanya immediately understood from his face that a misfortune had happened.

“Our mother is no more, we are left alone, son,” Lavrov said. - Be a man, stay strong.

Ivan rushed off to his room and sobbed there.

How the days passed before the funeral, he does not remember. He was again covered with red spots that itched desperately, and he scratched his skin to the point of blood. People were constantly jostling in the house, mostly colleagues of Nikolai Petrovich. The guests did not leave the surgeon alone for a minute. And a woman, whom everyone called Yulia, literally stuck to Ivan. She fingered the teenager, forced him to swallow pills, smear marks with smelly cream, put food in his mouth and brought Vanya almost to hysteria with her worries. The only place where the boy managed to hide from the obsessive aunt was the toilet. So he took an iPad and locked himself in there.

There were several bathrooms in the apartment, Ivan retreated to the one adjacent to the bathroom, and in order to somehow calm down, he began to read his favorite poems. Lavrov Jr. is an absolute humanist. He is fond of the poetry of the Silver Age, he composes verses that he does not show to anyone, and does not understand anything at all in physics-mathematics-chemistry.

Before he could catch his breath, Julia began to knock on the door:

Vanya, open up!

The boy ignored her request, but the nasty aunt did not leave, on the contrary, doubled her efforts:

- You feel bad? Answer! Vanechka! Expensive! Kitty!

From the last word, Ivan began to itch again, he lost patience and wanted to yell: “Back off!” But then a woman on the other side of the door said to Yulia:

- Stop it!

“He must have lost consciousness,” she often pestered, “the door must be knocked out.”

As soon as Ivan thought that it might be better for him to go out, a rustle came from the corridor, and then suddenly from somewhere in the ceiling came the voice of this very second woman:

- What are you doing, huh?

Vanya was not surprised. The bathroom and toilet have a common ventilation pipe, so sounds can freely penetrate from one room to another. So, now one of the visitors managed to push the malicious aunt-sticky into the bathroom with a jacuzzi.

“The boy suddenly lost his mother,” Julia replied, “he needs sympathy. Here is grief!

“But not for you,” another woman interrupted angrily.

“God, Lika, what are those words?” Julia was outraged.

– I know everything! Lika interrupted her.

- What? - with a challenge asked "stuck".

- Do you think that since Regina died, Kolya is yours? Reptile! .. – Lika swore. – I can see that you opened a safari on Lavrov a long time ago.

- Do not talk nonsense! Julia hissed. – I am his operating sister, so I am always there. Don't repeat stupid gossip. I do not prey on anyone's husbands.

“That’s right,” Lika unexpectedly agreed, “you don’t shoot openly with a gun, you creep into someone else’s family like a snake. Get away from the boy, don't you dare make him the object of your manipulations.

- Stupid! Julia yelled.

Hey, can you wash your hands? shouted from the corridor.

The women stopped quarreling and left...

Ivan interrupted the story and looked at me.

Do you understand? Lavrov killed my mother. I realized that she was ready to reveal the secret to me, tell me where Anya had gone, and killed me. Mom never complained about her health, she didn’t run to the doctors. Why would she suddenly die? And right after you decided to confess everything to me? I instantly guessed what she was going to tell. But Nikolai could not allow this. He never quarreled with Mom either… well, except for that time on the balcony. The father seemed caring. And soon after the funeral, Yulia and Nastya settled with us.

I was surprised.

“Did your father bring another woman into the house?” And who is Nastya?

“Julia’s daughter,” Vanya explained. - She is good, a year older than me, she studies at the institute. We became friends with her.

- And how did your father explain the appearance of Julia in the apartment? I wondered.

Ivan hunched over.

- Very simple. We have a large apartment, two-story, eight rooms. My parents' and my bedrooms are upstairs, with the library between them. Downstairs there is a living room, a dining room, a kitchen and three empty rooms. After my mother's death, Lavrov hired a house worker, but she stole money, and had to kick her out. He probably complained at work that there was no one to cook, and Yulia came to cook dinner. At first, she just taxied to visit us, helped with the housework, then a fire broke out at her house. Julia has little money. She is a nurse, but not one that gives injections to the sick, but an operating room, their relatives do not give them anything for their care. She can’t afford to rent an apartment, and she also needs to repair her kopeck piece, buy new furniture. Julia did not take money from her father for cooking, washing, cleaning. So he offered to help her in return. And it looks like it stuck with us for a long time, the repair in the apartment does not begin. She's so nasty!

I sympathized with the boy

- Does he educate you, constantly makes comments, scolds and praises his daughter Nastya?

- So they didn’t guess, - Ivan objected, - quite the opposite. Caring to the point of horror, does not let me take a step.

The boy opened his eyes wide, smiled stupidly and squeaked, clearly trying to imitate Yulia's voice:

- “Vanya, eat pies, I baked them specially for you. Vanyatka, put on a hat, you'll catch a cold. Vanyusha, don't sit at the computer, you'll ruin your eyes. Kitty, why didn't you finish your soup? I do not like? Now I'm making a new one."

He winced.

- Not a second behind. It would be better if she rotted me, otherwise it’s just like chocolate with honey and whipped cream. But Nastya is her Yulia spying. "Don't touch the buns! Why do you need them, and so fat ass. She baked them for Vanyusha, he is an orphan. I won’t buy you new shoes, still good old ones, I bought a sweater for Vanechka, he needs clothes more. Immediately turn off the channel with songs, let Vanyatka watch the educational program. I’m uncomfortable in front of Nastya, but she’s done well, she’s not angry with her mother. Even though she's embarrassed. A couple of times I noticed how Nastya, after her mother's beating, ran to the bathroom and turned on the shower there. Probably crying. Here is stupid Yulia-Velcro! And I, you see, the cat Vanyatka ...

Ivan grinned darkly and fell silent.

Why did you end up in the clinic? I asked a tactless question.

The teenager cringed.

- I got sick. It will throw you into the heat, then into the cold. The stomach rebelled, constantly vomited, the dream was gone. I complained to Nikolai Petrovich, and he calmly replied: “Vanya! I know about your problems with math. The tutor told me that the situation with algebra and geometry is completely unhappy. I understand that you are afraid of the control tests that will begin before the end of the trimester, and you hope to miss them due to illness. But it's not right. You can’t hide your head in the sand, stop pretending, start working hard!” It only made things worse for me. Whatever I eat, it jumps out, my head is spinning, my hands are shaking. In the end, Yulia noticed that I was bending over, and she snitched on Nikolai. He didn't believe me, but he didn't doubt Velcro's words. He took me to his work, where he dragged me through the offices, and the doctors diagnosed me with neurosis. That is, according to the doctors, in principle, I am healthy, but due to the stress caused by the death of my mother, my nerves have become loose, hence the poor health. A day later, Nikolai brought me here. In fact, after a week I felt better, but it will take a long time to stay here. Nikolai Petrovich said that later I would go to external studies, I would not return to my class, I would not catch up with the program. He asked me not to worry, he would do it so that I would get a good score in the Unified State Examination, and I would certainly get into the journalism faculty of Moscow State University. And different thoughts entered my head. Why did I feel sick at home, but in the clinic I just resurrected? For what reason did Lavrov decide to take care of my USE? Before, he itched: “Study well, achieve everything yourself, don’t count on a good dad. You are a man, you must make a career on your own. When I complained about nausea and dizziness, Lavrov dismissed it, and as soon as Yulia made a fuss, they immediately shoved me into the clinic. As they put me in jail, they took away my iPad, mobile phone and laptop. Well, Mayechka Michalna secretly gave me a cell phone to correspond with us. Why is Lavrov behaving like this? Stopudovo, he poured some kind of poison into my food at home. I thought about killing me quietly. He sent my mother to the next world. An experienced doctor knows how and what medicines to use for this. Turns out it stuck to me and saved my life. She is a nurse, so Nikolai Petrovich was afraid that everything would be revealed. He quickly placed me in the clinic, he wanted to show Yulia how caring he is. But I will return home, and what will happen then? Oh!

Ivan suddenly jumped up and dived under the table, covered with a tablecloth hanging down to the floor. I was overcome with pity. I bent down, lifted the edge of the linen fabric and asked:

– What scared you?

Vanya pressed his finger to his lips.

Hush, he's here.

- Who, my friend? I asked carefully, realizing that the boy was seriously ill.

“Nicholas,” the boy whispered. - I'm scared. Do you hear footsteps under the windows? You must save Maya Mikhailovna. Nikolay will bring his plan to the end. He pushed Nikolaeva under the car. It did not work out to kill her, he will try again! I'll tell you everything, everything now ... I know, you think I'm crazy, but it's not. Warn the doctors where Maika Michalna is lying, so that no one is allowed to see her at all. She unearthed the truth about Anya's death.

I crawled under the table and hugged Vanya. He did not resist, buried his face in my shoulder and fell silent. I gently stroked the boy on the head and shook the boron:

- Everything will be fine…

Ivan wiped his nose with his fist and pulled away from me.

- Yeah. Mom will rise again, return from the other world, bring the murdered Anya, Nikolai Petrovich will be punished, Yulia will rush away, and we will live happily ever after and die on the same day. Can you help me?

I had already firmly decided to go to the clinic, find the doctor responsible for Ivan, and ask him to take a closer look at him. It is unlikely that the boy's father will be pleased to learn that the boy, suffering from persecution mania, aggravated by delirium, walks around the territory and tells stories to those he meets and crosses. Now we need to take Vanya to the building and hand him over to the medical staff.

- Can you help me? the unfortunate child repeated in a voice ringing with tension.

“Of course, dear,” I said. “But let’s take a deep breath, hold our breath, count to three, and exhale slowly.

Ivan smiled.

- You're just like my mom. He left?

“No one has come here,” I said recklessly.

The boy's face twitched.

“But I heard. Maiechka always keeps the window open in the kitchen because of Rudolf Ivanovich, so the sounds from the street penetrate into the house. So you don't believe me. You think you're insane.

I came to my senses.

“Sorry, I misunderstood. Strangers did not break into the house. Now I'll see if anyone is standing under the window.

“Please,” Vanya whispered. - It would also be nice to check out a small terrace, from there there is an exit to the street.

“Sit still, I'll be back soon,” I promised and hurried to Maya Mikhailovna's bedroom, where there is a telephone on the bedside table that directly connects the owner of the cottage with the hospital.

“Dasha Vasilyeva worries you,” I introduced myself. - I have been friends with Maya Mikhailovna for many years, and while she is in the hospital, I will look after Rudolf Ivanovich.

- Understood. I already know what happened to Mayechka, - there was a reply. – My name is Rosa, I work as a head nurse. At first I thought that Nikolaeva had run away from the clinic, because she exclusively uses this phone. You have problems?

I told about Vanya's visit and asked:

Can someone take the boy away? This must be done casually so that he does not get the impression that I called for help. I do not want him to decide that all adult traitors and liars. Vanya is a good guy, but, in my opinion, he needs a doctor's help.

“Don't worry,” Rosa reassured me, “there are all such artists here – Hollywood is crying. Can you hold out for another quarter of an hour? Please don't be afraid, Lavrov is not aggressive, not dangerous, he just can't get used to the thought of his mother's death.

- We are talking quite peacefully, - I assured, - but I am afraid that the boy, having left the house of Maya Mikhailovna, will run away altogether. Please come get him.

“It’s impossible to escape from here,” Rosa assured, “all patients have an electronic bracelet fixed on their leg, it has a button. Clients are sure that this is a call from the medical staff. If a person becomes unwell, his head, say, begins to spin, or his heart hurts, you can immediately call for help. And it is true. But the bracelet has another function that we do not tell our wards about - this is a beacon. If a person tries to cross the borders of our territory without permission, a signal is triggered by the guards.

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The following excerpt from the book Fingers like a Chinese fan (Daria Dontsova, 2013) provided by our book partner -
