Selfie of a woman with small breasts. Nudity, inappropriate selfies, breastfeeding and photos with the American flag: for which stars are regularly criticized on social networks

What is Instagram without a selfie, a photo with the “beloved family”, happy kids, huge bouquets, lift bows and other boring pictures. But if one part of people uses such trends from time to time, then the other actively abuses them, which betrays all their hidden problems, thoughts and outlook on life. What do the same photos on Instagram say, learned from psychologist Anna Khnykina.

Open mouth, lips close up

The mouth is read by the unconscious as an expression of needs. Therefore, when a woman has an overwhelming number of such pictures on Instagram, we perceive her as a person with the attitude “I want everything, I will do everything, wrap two.” But do not rush to treat her negatively: perhaps such a woman just loves to live. You will not find such photos in a person in a depressed state.

Photo of nails

Here we are talking about aggression, a demonstration of strength and power. Long nails women do not grow to please men (they do not like such things), but to destroy competitors. These are some ritual demonstrations in the women's circle. Even if we are talking about a rather gentle manicure, a la “girl-girl”, in the style of an anti-vamp, its subtext does not change.

Excessive sexuality

When people openly demonstrate their sexual attractiveness in a photo, this first of all speaks of their sexual unfulfillment: either there is no sex at all, or there is, but not with those with whom they would like, and very little. Well, and, of course, the “product” is represented by a face. A large number of such pictures are nothing more than a desire to sell yourself at a higher price.

Photo from the gym

If we are not talking about professional athletes, many go in for sports to maintain health, to take care of themselves. However, it does not occur to any sane person to photograph how he brushes his teeth, goes to the toilet, changes clothes, etc. Being “in sports” is a trend and, moreover, a veiled way to sell yourself more expensively: “Look at my butt, biceps, legs, etc., who wants to take all this?”. Surprisingly, taking a picture of your ass at home is vulgar, but in the gym it is socially approved.

Huge bouquets of flowers

Of course, this is a way to attract attention. We read between the lines: “I am so good and in demand (or already attached), and I have a need to be loved.” This is especially true for those persons who buy armfuls of roses for themselves, there are plenty of them. There is even a service for them, especially popular on March 8: a courier with flowers on call for photography.

When a woman is constantly given flowers, this is a normal part of her life, she will not lay them out, and if this happens once a year, then, of course, everyone, everyone, everyone should be informed about such a “great holiday”.

Brand packages

This is nothing more than: "Now let everyone think that I go to expensive shops every day, or Look where I've been." A cheap way will get closer to the desired lifestyle, because people who really have money do not do such things - their branded package can only be a meaningless background.

A similar story is with girls who go to expensive stores, even try on something there, take selfies and go home with nothing. They really want to be who they are not in reality.

Photos with luxury goods

This is a very common story that is broadcast by people who want to appear successful and rich, but are not. They madly want attention and a sense of significance, but, alas, ah. Usually in such photos you can find small nuances that easily give people away: short socks, a squeezed face of a bad color, worn out shoes, clothes that don’t fit, etc.

Of course, there are people who look good and do not dissonate with luxury goods. In this case, it's just an attempt to show everyone around how expensive they are. Again, users who are not trying to sell themselves at a higher price do not post such photos.

Photo with family

The life of a healthy person consists of 30% of the family (parenthood and marriage), 30% - work, 30% - personal, active life. If the feed contains only family photos and happy faces of relatives, this is very similar to a demonstration of something that is not really there. Apparently, there are some gaps in the career and on the personal front that a person is trying to fill in and tell everyone: “Nothing like that, I am mega-successful. The most important thing is family. I do not need anything else". By the same analogy, poor people say that happiness is not in money. A person who has grown up and lives in prosperity will never say so.

Photo with children

The abundance of pictures with children suggests that an adult does not live his own personal life and actively exploits someone else's childhood, which he himself did not have. He wants to tell his parents: “Look how I can do it, but you couldn’t give me such conditions!”. Another option: a person feels guilty for not being able to become a mom or dad for a long time, and now it finally happened, so he proudly declares to everyone: “Here are my kids. I'm done".

Photo of animals

In this example, a person broadcasts his life to the world through an animal. If you carefully read what is written on the page, you will easily understand what is happening to him. Why does communication happen through a dog, a beloved cat or a hamster? For different reasons. The most common is self-dislike and fear of criticism.


If you post selfies four times a day (and some even more) - this is already a diagnosis. There is a clear bias towards appearance here. A person asks for love, approval and attention: “Tell me how good I am, what wonderful eyes I have, a chiseled figure, etc. Praise me." Such things are rooted in childhood - there, apparently, they either did not give love, or they did, but not in the right way. And Instagram helps a lot in this sense - here you can buy both crowds and likes not for expensive, a field for expanse.

While the new mothers in your community share photos of themselves and their babies eating with family and friends, celebrity moms share theirs with millions of fans around the world. While some say they post pictures to show something "natural and beautiful," others do so to voice their political views.

Alice Milano is one of the nursing mothers for Lately showing off her hungry baby. The actress posted a selfie with her three-month-old daughter Elizabella, who was eating, in the caption, which included a quote from the Czech and French writer Milan Kundera about the beauty of breastfeeding. Read on to see which other moms showed up with their photos (hint: this is the Victoria's Secret Angels trend).

Julie Bowen

Breastfeeding twins is not an easy art, but Julie Bowen demonstrated how it's done during her appearance on Lopez Tonight in 2010. She showed a picture of herself breastfeeding twins John and Gus and said, "It's like you're wearing two liposuction devices. They suck the fat out of you. The name for this is “double football grip”. You hold one here and there [gestures against his chest] like a pair of soccer balls… They are there doing God’s work, helping me to return to my original form.”

Angelina Jolie

Shortly after the birth of the twins Knox and Vivienne Jolie-Pitt, Angelina Jolie posed for her then-boyfriend Brad Pitt for a series of personal portraits. The November issue of W magazine featured some of them, including the one of the actress breastfeeding on the cover.

Angelina, speaking about her breastfeeding experience, said:

“I was left without a mother, with a baby, I was breastfeeding, and I, as a woman, experienced a situation of extreme nervous tension. I subconsciously understood this and talked to Brad about how if I could find something that would give me the feeling of being hugged and caressed again, it would be some kind of therapy, because I was crying over everything possible. ".

Mayem Bialik

Mayem Bialik has become an outspoken advocate of long-term breastfeeding and natural parenting, going so far as to post a picture of her feeding her three-year-old son Fred on the New York subway. She accompanied this frame with an essay explaining her decision, which stated:

“I have previously written about my three-year-old son Fred and his diet. As a summary: for 12 months Fred was fed without all sorts of complementary foods, without any food, and without even a single sip of water. He began eating solid foods at about 18 months of age, but continued to receive breast milk throughout the day (using bottles and expressed milk when I was at work) and at night on demand. A typical night involved at least four wakings, sometimes six (every two hours, as scheduled, for 12 hours of sleep - this was in the order of things). This went on for almost three years."

Gisele Bündchen

Supermodel Gisele Bündchen was an illustration of the pumping, multi-tasking mom when she posted a picture of herself getting her hair, makeup and nails done while breastfeeding baby Vivian. She wrote: "What would I do without this beauty team after a 15 hour flight and only three hours of sleep?"

Miranda Kerr

For a Victoria's Secret Angel Miranda Kerr it was just one of the working days, when during the filming she demonstrated how she breastfeeds the little Flynn. Dressed up for a lingerie photo shoot, the mom model captioned the photo: "Working days."

Doutzen Kroes

Back at work after the birth of baby Phyllen, Doutzen Kroes posted a picture of herself nursing her son on set for L'Oreal, commenting: "Working mom ;) feeding my precious baby between shoots..."

Jamie King

Proud breastfeeding mother Jamie King posted this sweet photo on her Instagram over the weekend, writing: “#James Knight is 8 months old today! These are the moments every mother lives for. Breast-feeding should not be banned, and bottle feeding should not be condemned - EVERYTHING is a joy for the whole family :).


An album cover shoot can't come between breastfeeding Pink and her daughter Willow. The rocker shared the snap with her fans on Twitter, writing, “Lunch break filming for an album. Deborah Anderson does beautiful photos:)».

Natalya Vodyanova

Russian model Natalia Vodianova recently posted this adorable photo of herself breastfeeding her one-month-old son, Maxim, on Instagram.

Gwen Stefani

Rocker Gwen Stefani showed off the beautiful backdrop around breastfeeding in her selfie feeding five-month-old Apollo Rossdale in Switzerland.

Alanis Morissette

On a recent Flashback Thursday, Alanis Morissette posted a photo of then-two-year-old Iver breastfeeding in a car during his mom's trip to Europe.

Olivia Wilde

Olivia Wilde has been cautious about sharing photos of her son Otis. But when it came to Glamor magazine, she not only included her son in the shooting, but decided to feed him on them. She said of her decision:

“Being on set with Otis is so wonderful because at the moment any portrait of me is incomplete without my particularity of being a mother. Breastfeeding is the most natural thing. I don't know, today I feel like Otis should always be at my chest. There was a feeling that we were trying to capture the image of the multifaceted woman that we were discussing. You can be someone who is both a mother and a professional and a sexy woman and a self-possessed person. [But] I mean, I definitely, by God, don't look like this when I'm [usually] breastfeeding. And, as a rule, this happens with the participation of the diaper.

Alice Milano

Alice Milano posted touching photo while nursing his almost three-month-old daughter Elizabella, signing it with a quote from the Czech and French writer Milan Kundera, which reads: “Ah, the joy of breastfeeding! She tenderly followed the similar fishy movements of her toothless mouth and imagined that her most intimate thoughts, ideas and dreams flowed into her little son with her milk.

The stars, whose pages on the Web are visited by thousands of people every day, have a hard time. They are written not only by admiring fans, but also by negatively minded citizens. Even one caustic comment can spoil the mood for the whole day, imagine what they have to do? We have collected vivid examples of condemnation of stars for their publications on social networks.

Photo of Victoria Boni in a T-shirt with Vladimir Putin

Victoria Bonya published a photo in her account in a designer T-shirt with the image of Russian President Vladimir Putin. The picture is quite harmless, and the T-shirt does not seem to offend anyone's feelings. However, this picture caused a terrible scandal.

The fact is that the star has long been living outside of Russia. At first, she and her family lived in Monaco, and then flew to California. Bonya also prefers to relax abroad. Subscribers were outraged by the double standards of the girl: “You are a patriot, like an astronaut from me”, “How convenient it is to love Putin while living abroad. Patriots are such patriots”, “Patriotism is not in T-shirts with presidents”, “It's funny to see how those who preferred life in Europe defend Russia with its president”. The star ignored all this.

Photo of Anastasia Reshetova with the US flag

Another scandal in the field of patriotism happened in the account of Anastasia Reshetova. The model posted on her profile a picture from Los Angeles, where she poses against the backdrop of the American flag. Strange, but this greatly outraged her subscribers.

The model was bombarded with comments: “In connection with recent events, being photographed against the backdrop of the US flag is not from a distant mind. You need to be a patriot, love, respect, appreciate our country”, “Very“ patriotic “”, “The level of patriotism is going through the roof”. Unlike Boni, Anastasia decided to comment on the caustic attacks in her direction. She said that she loves Russia, but does not see anything bad in photography.

“I don’t want to read these false arguments and stupid comments from people who don’t know what they are talking about. I'm Russian. I love Russia. And I will always love, regardless of the location and events taking place in the homeland. At the same time, I can also enjoy the time spent in a foreign land, taking pictures against the background of their national flag. I didn't sign up for membership in the Patriot Society. Then you would have a reason to condemn such a step. Wake up, observer. Look at yourself,” Anastasia replied.

Photo by Svetlana Bondarchuk near the memorial to the victims of the Holocaust

Scandals constantly flare up around this memorial. Israeli satirist Shahak Shapiro even made a photo project, the meaning of which is that it is not worth taking pictures with such monuments - they were not created for this.

Svetlana Bondarchuk, most likely, did not see the photo project, so she took a few shots inside the memorial together with her friend. The complex consists of 2,700 gray slabs of different heights, reminiscent of tombstones.

It is obvious that the star did not want to offend anyone's feelings, but nevertheless a flurry of criticism fell upon her. Bondarchuk was accused of disrespect for the genocide of Jews during the years of the fascist dictatorship. Svetlana did not respond to criticism.

Photo of Anastasia Volochkova in skimpy lingerie

The second topic for scandals is, of course, nudity and candid photos in lingerie. Former ballerina Anastasia Volochkova is not shy about her body. The star has more than 500 thousand subscribers, and she publishes photos with enviable regularity. The “chips” of the star are twine in unexpected places and revealing underwear.

Volochkova's "miniature panties", for example, became so discussed that two years ago a serious scandal erupted over a piece of fabric. Fans of the star began to criticize her for being too frank. A serious dispute flared up in the comments, but the ballerina sharply responded to attacks in her direction: “Envy silently if you can’t put on such miniature panties on your pussy ... It’s just that you are anti-sex! That's why you don't understand! But I am pleased that you even climb into my panties, spreading your fingers on the phone screen ... I sincerely wish that at least someone spread them somewhere else.

Photo absolutely naked Olga Seryabkina in full height

Why be ashamed of your body? This is exactly what Olga Serbyakina thinks - the girl is clearly without complexes. Candid shots seem to be not uncommon for her fans, but this "naked" photo caused a flurry of criticism. Many subscribers attacked the singer with harsh criticism and accusations of vulgarity.

Photo of Alesya Kafelnikova with a deep neckline

The daughter of a famous tennis player has a bright appearance and good figure, which she demonstrates to her subscribers on social networks. Thus, she constantly gives fans reasons for discussion. Recently, the model posted on Instagram a photo in a revealing outfit with a very deep neckline.

Naturally, few appreciated such frankness. A conservatively minded audience believes that the girl chooses images clearly not by age.

Photo of Anna Semenovich in lingerie

In April, Anna Semenovich published a picture in which she is dressed in a light lace bodysuit. The singer is already 37 years old, so her fans did not really appreciate such frankness. She was accused of vulgarity and cheap shocking. Others accused the star of excessive photoshop. True, part of the subscribers bombarded Anna with compliments.

Anna did not remain silent: “There were so many comments on the previous post !!! Someone praised me and made compliments, and someone accused me, however, I did not understand what. Here's what I want to tell you, my dear subscribers: my body and my thoughts are the result of a lot of work on myself, and instead of lying on the couch and writing (nasty) comments to other people, I go to the gym or read interesting books " .

Photo of the daughter of the President of Kyrgyzstan, breastfeeding

It's not easy being the president's daughter! Aliya Shagieva, the daughter of the President of Kyrgyzstan, recently became a mother and shares her happy moments of motherhood in her account. While pregnant, Aliya posted a photo of herself in lingerie online, which drew criticism. In the opinion of the majority, the daughter of the president should not take such candid photos.

Some time after giving birth, Aliya showed how she was breastfeeding her son Tahir, and again she faced negativity. Aliya responded to the criticism: "For a very long time, people forgot about the true purpose of the female breast and turned it into an object of gratification for the gaze of men."

Inappropriate selfie by Olga Buzova

The former host of "House-2" came to cheer for the team ex-husband, football player Dmitry Tarasov. On the podium, she met a Dagestan athlete, world champion in combat sambo Rasul Mirzaev. Olga took a selfie with him, which was not appreciated at all by the fans of the star.

The fact is that the sambist was a participant in a tragic story in which a 19-year-old student died. In the fight he hit young man He died 6 days later. The court sentenced the sambist to two years in prison for causing death by negligence. The case was so resonant that it is still remembered today. So in the comments to the picture, Olga was branded with shame.

Photo of Timati's daughter playing with guns

Usually three-year-old Alice causes only tenderness among subscribers. The rapper is delighted that his daughter is a real "bandit" - so he gives her the appropriate toys. So, the singer posted on Instagram a photo where Alice is holding a gun in her hands.

The photo of the girl caused outrage among the rapper's subscribers - after all, the child has a firearm in his hands! Few people could appreciate the singer's joke, so some of the fans accused him of neglecting his daughter.

Photo of Ksenia Sobchak without makeup

It is rare that a photo of a star does not become an object of criticism. Either she is accused of bad taste, or that she is traveling without a child, or something else. The last reason for active discussion was the photo of the star without makeup. The TV presenter was called "terrible", and they also advised her to correct the shape of her eyebrows. “She exposed herself without makeup, and shit rushed through the pipes of the beauties of Instagram. In order for the flow to be inexhaustible, I confess: I love myself like this, I don’t hide my face, I don’t throw tantrums because of unsuccessful photos for my friends. Yes, appearance never helped, but it didn’t stop me from achieving my goal, and with male attention there have never been problems, rather, on the contrary, ”Xenia answered the haters.
