Pavel Komarnitsky is far from the earth. Pavel Komarnitsky - far from the earth Download pavel komarnitsky far from the earth

Pavel Komarnitsky

Far from Earth

House of the Eternal Sun

The sky shone with a barely perceptible gentle blue, thickening at the zenith. Throwing her head back, Illea took a deep breath, drawing in the crystal-clear mountain air. Only here, in the polar mountains, the sky is so unrealistically blue. Nowhere else. Even on the highest mountain peaks in the Heat Belt, the sky looks ordinary - white, shining, like a well-polished aluminum plate. Such a huge plate, overturned over the world ...

And only here, near the very pole, the Sun is invariably gentle and there is never darkness. The House of Eternal Light… For more than six thousand days and nights it has been standing here, on a flat top. And before that, according to the chronicles, there was a primitive temple, rooted in unimaginable antiquity ...

Leaning on the parapet, the girl looked around the landscape. Yeah ... impressive, nothing to argue. Multi-colored fangs of rocks sticking out of a carpet of lush greenery, silver veins of mountain rivers, waterfalls shining with rainbows ... Then everything was drowned in a haze that shone furiously in the direction where the sun was hiding at the very horizon.

That's interesting, what is the visibility here ... thirty thousand steps? Or is it twenty? I forgot, wow, but I still taught at school ... In any case, it is unlikely that anywhere else you can easily survey the whole region like that. In the Belt of Heat, everything is already drowning in haze at three to five thousand steps, and there’s nothing to say about the Belt of the Winds ... No wonder pilgrims flock here from all over the vast Inome - delight is guaranteed ...

- Hello, Illea!

The girl turned around.

- Hello, Inmun!

The young man who appeared on the observation gallery of the House of the Eternal Sun was dressed much lighter than the girl - at least she had at least some kind of dress, though it left her chest open, not to mention the legs, since the hem of the robe was two narrow panels, descending from the very waist, in front and behind reaching the knees. Unlike his girlfriend, the entire costume of the mentioned Inmun consisted of some unthinkable flower, obviously artificial, which, in some ingenious way, kept on the genitals, serving as a shelter for them. The young man approached the girl and, without the slightest embarrassment, pulled her to him, holding her by the waist.

- M ... Leave me alone, Inmun, not the place and not the time ... - the girl licked her lips, washing away the juicy kiss.

- Always the place and the time. You are my bride, consider almost a wife.

- The bride is not yet a wife, - wagging her camp, she finally freed herself from the hands of an impudent guy. - If anyone sees, what will they think of our upbringing?

- Nonsense, a little envy and forget. As it is written in one ancient book: "The body of a man serves to carry the head, the body of a girl is created for caresses." And as beautiful as yours, I suppose, for continuous caresses.

- Big impudent and small flatterer! she laughed. - Who else is invited to the audience?

- They didn't tell me. They only said that the Most Honorable invites for an important conversation.

But do you know what it's about? - the girl again leaned against the parapet.

- I can only guess. However, you could too. Are you aware that the inhabitants of Innuru have already gone into space?

- In the know, of course. Listen, such funny rattles...

- I'm sorry to intrude into your conversation, - another character appeared on the gallery, a middle-aged man and a rather strong build. Unlike Inmun, he was dressed in a luxuriously embroidered apron. “The Honorable One will be released now, so please get ready.” Let's go to the reception, young people.

The three of them walked quickly along the gallery, turned onto a narrow staircase leading down. Fountains buzzed in a courtyard the size of a good town square. Wow, an extraneous thought flashed through Illea, it’s been six thousand days already, and nothing, the ancient hydrorams are working ... they are constantly and unfailingly raising water from the waterfall here, to the residence of the Patriarch ...

In the waiting room, painted with gilding and bright frescoes, a visitor languished in anticipation - a middle-aged man in an apron, no less luxurious than that of the escort who brought the guy and the girl here. Closing his eyes, he rested relaxed in an oval hoop, obliquely attached to the floor, hung in the air, not leaning on anything. In the corner behind the desk was a girl with a ponytail» tight mop of hair, black as pitch. The secretary briskly moved her fingers over the tabletop, looking at the text glowing right in the air.

- Revered Nolan! - the guy and the girl sat down at the same time in a welcoming curtsy.

- A! My brave students! - sitting in the gravity chair opened his eyes, smiling affably. However, I should have guessed...

- Sit down, - the adjutant nodded at the free hoops-armchairs. - I will now report to the Most Honorable.

We had to wait quite a bit.

- Ask! - the adjutant leaned out of the door. - All three, please!

Coolness and pleasant diffused light reigned in the spacious office. The Venerable One himself was sitting at his workplace in a gravity chair.

- Oh, most venerable Khasekhem! - all three sat down in a curtsy.

- Greetings, greetings, dear ones. You probably already know why I took the liberty of tearing you all away from your important business?

“We can guess, Most Honorable,” answered Nollan, the head of the team, for everyone.

- Yes, yes, that's right. The Innuru aborigines have finally made it to space. While they are trampling on low orbits, but, apparently, it will end just about. Therefore, we must immediately take this sphere of their activity under our vigilant control.

The Patriarch made a meaningful pause.

- Be that as it may, our incognito must, of course, be preserved. With any development of events. I would like to hear the opinion of experts on this issue.

Childish prank

- ... Well, did not change your mind? Or just brought binoculars? - Borka, putting his hands in his pockets, grinned impudently.

My binoculars will stay with me. And you let's prepare a cassette player!

Ha! Bold while it's light. Come on, move!

I just shrugged my shoulder, not wanting to enter into further empty bickering, turned around and walked towards the gate that marked the entrance to the cemetery. Borka with his seconds stomped behind with his shattered sneakers, so that it was possible to distinguish a step from the right and left foot. The right one is a spock, the left one is a chvyak ... probably, the sole is about to fall off ... It would be nice if our Borusik would fall off and limp back ... so it should be for harm to him ...

The fresh graves were over, and the evening twilight immediately gathered around. In this old part of the cemetery, between the grave fences, trees grew no worse than in a real forest, and the oblique pre-sunset rays could not break through the closely closed crowns - the leaf fall was just coming into its own, and only individual crimson-yellow leaves lay under your feet. And the graves themselves around have changed. Instead of monotonously dull iron pyramids and parallelepipeds, marble slabs and entire statues were piled up around, here and there stone crosses stuck out. Our cemetery is generally very ancient, almost from the time of Pushkin, and here, in this far corner, even before the revolution, all sorts of merchants of the first guild and counts were buried ... in short, various bourgeois. The peasants and workers tortured by those bourgeoisie were also buried, of course, but farther away. Only there almost nothing looked like a cemetery, even the graves could not be made out among the lush bushes. After all, workers and peasants in tsarist times could not erect marble monuments, and wooden crosses had long since rotted away.

The thicket finally parted, and a church appeared before us - an ancient one, with broken windows and a torn tent-roof. There was a large gap in the side of the building. My grandfather once told me that already before the war, in the forty-first, they decided to destroy this temple of God in order to save the liberated people from the priestly dope. And they even kind of wanted to blow it up in the heat of the moment. They allocated explosives to the Komsomol members, but only they partly used it for another thing - to jam the fish in the backwaters. So the remainder was not enough to bring down the chapel, only a hole was made in the wall. And then bam - war. Well, it was not up to the ruin of churches at once ...

Does it fit here? - I stopped at an ornate cast-iron fence, which had almost lost traces of painting and was very rusty - you see, relatives had not visited the deceased for a long time. Behind the fence, in the lush thickets of grass, one could see a massive gravestone made of pure white marble, but from a rickety bas-relief monument, the face of some general looked sternly ... or maybe even a count. In any case, the half-erased letters on the monument could no longer be made out without a lantern.

You can do it here too, why not, - Borka also looked at the monument, and the impudent grin somehow disappeared from his lips by itself.

Dimka, holding the edge, with an effort threw open the rusted gate, a heart-rending squeal of rusty iron resounded around. In the crowns of the trees, somewhere nearby, the cemetery inhabitants, gray crows and jackdaws, began to buzz and roar.

Whoa, cold! - Vitek, my second in this case, touched the tombstone with his palm. - It is necessary to throw grass on the stove, otherwise you can kill it by morning.

It’s necessary, it’s necessary, ”Borka again did not object. - At the same time, we will clean the grave of this decanter. My grandmother grit, it is a charitable business to take care of the dead ... Let's hurry, boys, it's getting dark now!

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© Komarnitsky P.S., 2017

© Design. LLC "Publishing House" E ", 2017

House of the Eternal Sun

The sky shone with a barely perceptible gentle blue, thickening at the zenith. Throwing her head back, Illea took a deep breath, drawing in the crystal-clear mountain air. Only here, in the polar mountains, the sky is so unrealistically blue. Nowhere else. Even on the highest mountain peaks in the Heat Belt, the sky looks ordinary - white, shining, like a well-polished aluminum plate. Such a huge plate, overturned over the world ...

And only here, near the very pole, the Sun is invariably gentle and there is never darkness. The House of Eternal Light… For more than six thousand days and nights it has been standing here, on a flat top. And before that, according to the chronicles, there was a primitive temple, rooted in unimaginable antiquity ...

Leaning on the parapet, the girl looked around the landscape. Yeah ... impressive, nothing to argue. Multi-colored fangs of rocks sticking out of a carpet of lush greenery, silver veins of mountain rivers, waterfalls shining with rainbows ... Then everything was drowned in a haze that shone furiously in the direction where the sun was hiding at the very horizon.

That's interesting, what is the visibility here ... thirty thousand steps? Or is it twenty? I forgot, wow, but I still taught at school ... In any case, it is unlikely that anywhere else you can easily survey the whole region like that. In the Belt of Heat, everything is already drowning in haze at three to five thousand steps, and there’s nothing to say about the Belt of the Winds ... No wonder pilgrims flock here from all over the vast Inome - delight is guaranteed ...

Hello, Illea!

The girl turned around.

- Hello, Inmun!

The young man who appeared on the observation gallery of the House of the Eternal Sun was dressed much lighter than the girl - at least she had at least some kind of dress, though it left her chest open, not to mention the legs, since the hem of the robe was two narrow panels, descending from the very waist, in front and behind reaching the knees. Unlike his girlfriend, the entire costume of the mentioned Inmun consisted of some unthinkable flower, obviously artificial, which, in some ingenious way, kept on the genitals, serving as a shelter for them. The young man approached the girl and, without the slightest embarrassment, pulled her to him, holding her by the waist.

- M ... Leave me alone, Inmun, this is not the place and this is not the time ... - the girl licked her lips, washing away the juicy kiss.

“There is always a place and a time. You are my bride, consider almost a wife.

“The bride is not yet a wife,” wagging her camp, she finally freed herself from the hands of an impudent guy. “If anyone sees, what will they think of our upbringing?”

- Nonsense, they will envy a little and forget. As it is written in one ancient book: "The body of a man serves to carry the head, the body of a girl is created for caresses." And as beautiful as yours, I suppose, for continuous caresses.

- A big impudent and a small flatterer! she laughed. Who else is invited to the audience?

- They didn't tell me. They only said that the Most Honorable invites for an important conversation.

“I beg your pardon for intruding into your conversation,” another character appeared on the gallery, a middle-aged man with a rather strong build. Unlike Inmun, he was dressed in a luxuriously embroidered apron. “The Honored One will be released now, so please get ready.” Let's go to the reception, young people.

The three of them walked quickly along the gallery, turned onto a narrow staircase leading down. Fountains buzzed in a courtyard the size of a good town square. Wow, an extraneous thought flashed through Illea, it’s been six thousand days already, and nothing, the ancient hydrorams are working ... they are constantly and unfailingly raising water from the waterfall here, to the residence of the Patriarch ...

In the waiting room, painted with gilding and bright frescoes, a visitor languished in anticipation - a middle-aged man in an apron, no less luxurious than that of the escort who brought the guy and the girl here. Closing his eyes, he rested relaxed in an oval hoop, obliquely attached to the floor, hung in the air, not leaning on anything. In the corner behind the desk was a girl with a tight mop of jet-black hair tied into a ponytail. The secretary briskly moved her fingers over the tabletop, looking at the text glowing right in the air.

“Revered Nollan!” - the guy and the girl sat down at the same time in a welcoming curtsy.

- A! My brave students! – sitting in gravikresle opened his eyes, smiling affably. However, I should have guessed...

“Sit down,” the adjutant nodded at the free hoops-armchairs. - I will now report to the Most Honorable.

We had to wait quite a bit.

- Ask! the adjutant leaned out of the door. - All three, please!

Coolness and pleasant diffused light reigned in the spacious office. The Venerable One himself was sitting at his workplace in a gravity chair.

“Oh, most venerable Khasekhem! All three bowed their heads.

“We can guess, Honorable One,” answered Nollan, the head of the team, for everyone.

- Yes, yes, that's right. The Innuru aborigines have finally made it to space. While they are trampling on low orbits, but, apparently, it will end just about. Therefore, we must immediately take this sphere of their activity under our vigilant control.

The Patriarch made a meaningful pause.

“Be that as it may, our incognito must, of course, be preserved. With any development of events. I would like to hear the opinion of experts on this issue.

Pavel Komarnitsky

Far from Earth

© Komarnitsky P.S., 2017

© Design. LLC "Publishing House" E ", 2017

House of the Eternal Sun

The sky shone with a barely perceptible gentle blue, thickening at the zenith. Throwing her head back, Illea took a deep breath, drawing in the crystal-clear mountain air. Only here, in the polar mountains, the sky is so unrealistically blue. Nowhere else. Even on the highest mountain peaks in the Heat Belt, the sky looks ordinary - white, shining, like a well-polished aluminum plate. Such a huge plate, overturned over the world ...

And only here, near the very pole, the Sun is invariably gentle and there is never darkness. The House of Eternal Light… For more than six thousand days and nights it has been standing here, on a flat top. And before that, according to the chronicles, there was a primitive temple, rooted in unimaginable antiquity ...

Leaning on the parapet, the girl looked around the landscape. Yeah ... impressive, nothing to argue. Multi-colored fangs of rocks sticking out of a carpet of lush greenery, silver veins of mountain rivers, waterfalls shining with rainbows ... Then everything was drowned in a haze that shone furiously in the direction where the sun was hiding at the very horizon.

That's interesting, what is the visibility here ... thirty thousand steps? Or is it twenty? I forgot, wow, but I still taught at school ... In any case, it is unlikely that anywhere else you can easily survey the whole region like that. In the Belt of Heat, everything is already drowning in haze at three to five thousand steps, and there’s nothing to say about the Belt of the Winds ... No wonder pilgrims flock here from all over the vast Inome - delight is guaranteed ...

Hello, Illea!

The girl turned around.

- Hello, Inmun!

The young man who appeared on the observation gallery of the House of the Eternal Sun was dressed much lighter than the girl - at least she had at least some kind of dress, though it left her chest open, not to mention the legs, since the hem of the robe was two narrow panels, descending from the very waist, in front and behind reaching the knees. Unlike his girlfriend, the entire costume of the mentioned Inmun consisted of some unthinkable flower, obviously artificial, which, in some ingenious way, kept on the genitals, serving as a shelter for them. The young man approached the girl and, without the slightest embarrassment, pulled her to him, holding her by the waist.

- M ... Leave me alone, Inmun, this is not the place and this is not the time ... - the girl licked her lips, washing away the juicy kiss.

“There is always a place and a time. You are my bride, consider almost a wife.

“The bride is not yet a wife,” wagging her camp, she finally freed herself from the hands of an impudent guy. “If anyone sees, what will they think of our upbringing?”

- Nonsense, they will envy a little and forget. As it is written in one ancient book: "The body of a man serves to carry the head, the body of a girl is created for caresses." And as beautiful as yours, I suppose, for continuous caresses.

- A big impudent and a small flatterer! she laughed. Who else is invited to the audience?

- They didn't tell me. They only said that the Most Honorable invites for an important conversation.

But do you know what it's about? – girl again leaned on the parapet.

“I can only guess. However, you could too. Are you aware that the inhabitants of Innuru have already gone into space?

- In the know, of course. Listen, such funny rattles...

“I beg your pardon for intruding into your conversation,” another character appeared on the gallery, a middle-aged man with a rather strong build. Unlike Inmun, he was dressed in a luxuriously embroidered apron. “The Honored One will be released now, so please get ready.” Let's go to the reception, young people.

The three of them walked quickly along the gallery, turned onto a narrow staircase leading down. Fountains buzzed in a courtyard the size of a good town square. Wow, an extraneous thought flashed through Illea, it’s been six thousand days already, and nothing, the ancient hydrorams are working ... they are constantly and unfailingly raising water from the waterfall here, to the residence of the Patriarch ...

In the waiting room, painted with gilding and bright frescoes, a visitor languished in anticipation - a middle-aged man in an apron, no less luxurious than that of the escort who brought the guy and the girl here. Closing his eyes, he rested relaxed in an oval hoop, obliquely attached to the floor, hung in the air, not leaning on anything. In the corner behind the desk was a girl with a tight mop of jet-black hair tied into a ponytail. The secretary briskly moved her fingers over the tabletop, looking at the text glowing right in the air.

“Revered Nollan!” - the guy and the girl sat down at the same time in a welcoming curtsy.

- A! My brave students! – sitting in gravikresle opened his eyes, smiling affably. However, I should have guessed...

“Sit down,” the adjutant nodded at the free hoops-armchairs. - I will now report to the Most Honorable.

We had to wait quite a bit.

- Ask! the adjutant leaned out of the door. - All three, please!

Coolness and pleasant diffused light reigned in the spacious office. The Venerable One himself was sitting at his workplace in a gravity chair.

“Oh, most venerable Khasekhem! All three bowed their heads.

- Greetings, greetings, dear ones. You probably already know why I took the liberty of tearing you all away from your important business?

“We can guess, Honorable One,” answered Nollan, the head of the team, for everyone.

- Yes, yes, that's right. The Innuru aborigines have finally made it to space. While they are trampling on low orbits, but, apparently, it will end just about. Therefore, we must immediately take this sphere of their activity under our vigilant control.

The Patriarch made a meaningful pause.

“Be that as it may, our incognito must, of course, be preserved. With any development of events. I would like to hear the opinion of experts on this issue.

Childish prank

“…Well, didn’t you change your mind?” Or just brought binoculars? Borka put his hands in his pockets and grinned impudently.

My binoculars will stay with me. And you let's prepare a cassette player!

– Ha! Bold while it's light. Come on, move!

I just shrugged my shoulder, not wanting to enter into further empty bickering, turned around and walked towards the gate that marked the entrance to the cemetery. Borka with his seconds stomped behind with his shattered sneakers, so that it was possible to distinguish a step from the right and left foot. The right one is a slap, the left one is a chvyak ... probably, the sole is about to fall off ... It would be nice if our Boryusik would fall off and limp back ... so be it for harm to him ...

The fresh graves were over, and the evening twilight immediately gathered around. In this old part of the cemetery, between the grave fences, trees grew no worse than in a real forest, and the oblique pre-sunset rays could not break through the closely closed crowns - the leaf fall was just coming into its own, and only individual crimson-yellow leaves lay under your feet. And the graves themselves around have changed. Instead of monotonously dull iron pyramids and parallelepipeds, marble slabs and entire statues were piled up around, here and there stone crosses stuck out. Our cemetery is generally very ancient, almost from the time of Pushkin, and here, in this far corner, even before the revolution, all sorts of merchants of the first guild and counts were buried ... in short, various bourgeois. Peasants and workers tortured by those bourgeois were also buried, of course, but farther away. Only there, almost nothing resembled a cemetery, even the graves could not be disassembled among the lush bushes. After all, workers and peasants in tsarist times could not erect marble monuments, and wooden crosses had long since rotted away.

The thickets finally parted, and a church appeared before us - an ancient one, with broken windows and a torn tent-roof. There was a large gap in the side of the building. My grandfather once told me that already before the war, in the forty-first, they decided to destroy this temple of God in order to save the liberated people from the priestly dope. And they even kind of wanted to blow it up in the heat of the moment. They allocated explosives to the Komsomol members, but only they partly used it for another thing - to jam the fish in the backwaters. So the remainder was not enough to bring down the chapel, only a hole was made in the wall. And then bam - war. Well, it was not up to the ruin of churches at once ...

- Does it fit here? - I stopped at an ornate cast-iron fence, which had almost lost traces of painting and was very rusty - you see, relatives had not visited the deceased for a long time. Behind the fence, in lush thickets of grass, a massive tombstone of pure white marble could be seen, and from a rickety bas-relief monument, the face of some general ... or maybe a count, stared sternly. In any case, the half-erased letters on the monument could no longer be made out without a lantern.

Pavel Komarnitsky

Far from Earth

© Komarnitsky P.S., 2017

© Design. LLC "Publishing House" E ", 2017

House of the Eternal Sun

The sky shone with a barely perceptible gentle blue, thickening at the zenith. Throwing her head back, Illea took a deep breath, drawing in the crystal-clear mountain air. Only here, in the polar mountains, the sky is so unrealistically blue. Nowhere else. Even on the highest mountain peaks in the Heat Belt, the sky looks ordinary - white, shining, like a well-polished aluminum plate. Such a huge plate, overturned over the world ...

And only here, near the very pole, the Sun is invariably gentle and there is never darkness. The House of Eternal Light… For more than six thousand days and nights it has been standing here, on a flat top. And before that, according to the chronicles, there was a primitive temple, rooted in unimaginable antiquity ...

Leaning on the parapet, the girl looked around the landscape. Yeah ... impressive, nothing to argue. Multi-colored fangs of rocks sticking out of a carpet of lush greenery, silver veins of mountain rivers, waterfalls shining with rainbows ... Then everything was drowned in a haze that shone furiously in the direction where the sun was hiding at the very horizon.

That's interesting, what is the visibility here ... thirty thousand steps? Or is it twenty? I forgot, wow, but I still taught at school ... In any case, it is unlikely that anywhere else you can easily survey the whole region like that. In the Belt of Heat, everything is already drowning in haze at three to five thousand steps, and there’s nothing to say about the Belt of the Winds ... No wonder pilgrims flock here from all over the vast Inome - delight is guaranteed ...

Hello, Illea!

The girl turned around.

- Hello, Inmun!

The young man who appeared on the observation gallery of the House of the Eternal Sun was dressed much lighter than the girl - at least she had at least some kind of dress, though it left her chest open, not to mention the legs, since the hem of the robe was two narrow panels, descending from the very waist, in front and behind reaching the knees. Unlike his girlfriend, the entire costume of the mentioned Inmun consisted of some unthinkable flower, obviously artificial, which, in some ingenious way, kept on the genitals, serving as a shelter for them. The young man approached the girl and, without the slightest embarrassment, pulled her to him, holding her by the waist.

- M ... Leave me alone, Inmun, this is not the place and this is not the time ... - the girl licked her lips, washing away the juicy kiss.

“There is always a place and a time. You are my bride, consider almost a wife.

“The bride is not yet a wife,” wagging her camp, she finally freed herself from the hands of an impudent guy. “If anyone sees, what will they think of our upbringing?”

- Nonsense, they will envy a little and forget. As it is written in one ancient book: "The body of a man serves to carry the head, the body of a girl is created for caresses." And as beautiful as yours, I suppose, for continuous caresses.

- A big impudent and a small flatterer! she laughed. Who else is invited to the audience?

- They didn't tell me. They only said that the Most Honorable invites for an important conversation.

But do you know what it's about? – girl again leaned on the parapet.

“I can only guess. However, you could too. Are you aware that the inhabitants of Innuru have already gone into space?

- In the know, of course. Listen, such funny rattles...

“I beg your pardon for intruding into your conversation,” another character appeared on the gallery, a middle-aged man with a rather strong build. Unlike Inmun, he was dressed in a luxuriously embroidered apron. “The Honored One will be released now, so please get ready.” Let's go to the reception, young people.

The three of them walked quickly along the gallery, turned onto a narrow staircase leading down. Fountains buzzed in a courtyard the size of a good town square. Wow, an extraneous thought flashed through Illea, it’s been six thousand days already, and nothing, the ancient hydrorams are working ... they are constantly and unfailingly raising water from the waterfall here, to the residence of the Patriarch ...

In the waiting room, painted with gilding and bright frescoes, a visitor languished in anticipation - a middle-aged man in an apron, no less luxurious than that of the escort who brought the guy and the girl here. Closing his eyes, he rested relaxed in an oval hoop, obliquely attached to the floor, hung in the air, not leaning on anything. In the corner behind the desk was a girl with a tight mop of jet-black hair tied into a ponytail. The secretary briskly moved her fingers over the tabletop, looking at the text glowing right in the air.
