Plaids knitting 10 loops simple schemes. Blanket-knitting needles of ten loops

An interesting and practical method of knitting a blanket or plaid. This technique allows you to knit a blanket from the remnants of yarn, which will make it even more interesting.

Designer: Frankie Brown (2008)

Size: 107 cm x 122 cm

You will need: yarn and knitting needles of your choice, e.g. 14 skeins of Noro Kureyon, 5.5 mm needles

Description of work:

Cast on 10 sts.

Removing all the first loops, knit 9 scars (18 rows - all faces). Now execute an open double corner:

* Remove 1, 8 faces, thread before work, remove 1 as when knitting out, thread at work, turn. Remove 1 as when knitting out, thread at work, 9 faces.

Remove 1, 7 faces, thread before work, remove 1 as when knitting out, thread at work, turn. Remove 1 as when knitting out, thread at work, 8 faces.

Continue as established, knitting 1 less loop, and wrapping the trace. loop when turning to avoid holes.

When 1 st remains, knit it (and not just remove).

Now change the direction of the process, increasing the number of loops to 9 loops, and wrapping the loop when turning. "Work 1 hem on 10 sts, then knit the second corner, repeating from * to **

(when knitting a scar on 10 loops, you can knit so that the junction is neat, remove 1, pick up and knit the front 1 p, broach at the end of the first row)

This was the hardest part. From now on, you only turn the corner 1 time in each corner!

Now work in reverse along the side of the initial 9 ribs, joining the strip as you knit as follows:

Row 1: Slip 1, knit 8, slip 1, pick up 1 knit loop along the side, broach.

Row 2: 10 persons.

When you get to the next. corner, perform a single corner (from * to **) and go to the next. side. This is all! Continue until the desired size of the blanket is reached.

Ordinal instructions for the corner:

Insert these instructions between * and ** in the pattern above.

Row 1 : remove 1, 8 persons, thread before work, remove 1 as when knitting out, thread at work, turn.

Row 2 : remove 1 as when knitting out, thread at work, 9 persons.

Row 3 : remove 1, 7 persons, thread before work, remove 1 as when knitting out, thread at work, turn.

Row 4 : remove 1 as when knitting out, thread at work, 8 persons.

Row 5 : remove 1, 6 faces, thread before work, remove 1 as when knitting out, thread at work, turn.

Row 6 : remove 1 as when knitting out, thread at work, 7 persons.

Row 7 : remove 1, 5 faces, thread before work, remove 1 as when knitting out, thread at work, turn.

Row 8 : remove 1 as when knitting out, thread at work, 6 persons.

Row 9 : remove 1, 4 faces, thread before work, remove 1 as when knitting out, thread at work, turn.

Row 10 : remove 1 as when knitting out, thread at work, 5 persons.

Row 11 : remove 1, 3 persons, thread before work, remove 1 as when knitting out, thread at work, turn.

Row 12 : remove 1 as when knitting out, thread at work, 4 persons.

Row 13 : remove 1, 2 faces, thread before work, remove 1 as when knitting out, thread at work, turn.

Row 14 : remove 1 as when knitting out, thread at work, 3 persons.

Row 15 : remove 1, 1 persons, thread before work, remove 1 as when knitting out, thread at work, turn.

Row 16 : remove 1 as when knitting out, thread at work, 2 persons.

Row 17 : K1, thread before work, remove 1 as when knitting out, thread at work, turn.

Row 18 : remove 1 as when knitting out, thread at work, 1 persons.

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An unusual way of knitting a "10 loops" blanket from the remnants of yarn. The designer of this model is Frankie Brown.

Size: 107 cm x 122 cm

You will need: yarn and needles of your choice, for example, 14 skeins of Noro Kureyon, needles 5.5 mm

Description of work:

Removing all the first loops, knit 9 scars (18 rows - all persons). Now execute an open double corner:
* Remove 1, 8 faces, thread before work, remove 1 as when knitting out, thread at work, turn. Remove 1 as when knitting out, thread at work, 9 persons.
Remove 1, 7 faces, thread before work, remove 1 as when knitting out, thread at work, turn. Remove 1 as when knitting out, thread at work, 8 persons.
Continue as established, knitting 1 less loop, and wrapping the trace. loop when turning to avoid holes.
When 1 st remains, knit it (and not just remove).
Now change the direction of the process, increasing the number of loops to 9 loops, and wrapping the loop when turning. “Run 1 rib on 10 sts, then knit the second corner, repeating from * to ** (when knitting a rib on 10 loops, you can knit so that the junction is neat, remove 1, pick up and knit knit 1 st, broach at the end of the first row ).

This was the hardest part. From now on, you only turn the corner 1 time in each corner!

Now work in reverse along the side of the initial 9 ribs, joining the strip as you knit as follows:

Row 1: Slip 1, knit 8, slip 1, pick up 1 knit loop along the side, broach.
Row 2: 10 persons.

When you get to the next. corner, perform a single corner (from * to **) and go to the next. side. This is all! Continue until the desired size of the blanket is reached.

Ordinal instructions for the corner:
Insert these instructions between * and ** in the pattern above.
Row 1: slip 1, k8, thread before work, remove 1 as when knitting out, thread at work, turn.
Row 2: Slip 1 as in purl, yarn at work, knit 9.
Row 3: Slip 1, k7, yarn before work, slip 1 as when knitting inside, yarn at work, turn.
Row 4: Slip 1 as in purl, yarn at work, knit 8.
Row 5: Slip 1, knit 6, thread before work, slip 1 as when knitting out, thread at work, turn.
Row 6: Slip 1 as for purl, yarn at work, k7.
Row 7: slip 1, 5 knit, thread before work, remove 1 as when knitting out, thread at work, turn.
Row 8: Slip 1 as in purl, yarn at work, knit 6.
Row 9: Slip 1, knit 4, thread before work, slip 1 as when knitting out, thread at work, turn.
Row 10: Slip 1 as for purl, yarn at work, knit 5.
Row 11: Slip 1, k3, thread before work, slip 1 as when knitting out, thread at work, turn.
Row 12: Slip 1 as for purl, yarn at work, knit 4.
Row 13: Slip 1, k2, thread before work, slip 1 as when knitting out, thread at work, turn.
Row 14: Slip 1 as in purl, yarn at work, knit 3.
Row 15: Slip 1, knit 1, yarn before work, slip 1 as when knitting out, yarn at work, turn.
Row 16: Slip 1 as for purl, yarn at work, knit 2.
Row 17: K1, yarn before work, slip 1 as when knitting inside, yarn at work, turn.
Row 18: Slip 1 as for purl, yarn at work, k1.

Row 1: Slip 1, knit 1, yarn before work, slip 1 as when knitting inside, yarn at work, turn.
Row 2: Slip 1 as for purl, yarn at work, knit 2.
Row 3: slip 1, knit 2, thread before work, slip 1 as when knitting out, thread at work, turn.
Row 4: Slip 1 as in purl, yarn at work, knit 3.
Row 5: Slip 1, knit 3, thread before work, slip 1 as when knitting out, thread at work, turn.
Row 6: Slip 1 as in purl, yarn at work, knit 4.
Row 7: Slip 1, knit 4, thread before work, slip 1 as when knitting out, thread at work, turn.
Row 8: Slip 1 as in purl, yarn at work, knit 5.
Row 9: slip 1, 5 knit, thread before work, remove 1 as when knitting out, thread at work, turn.
Row 10: Slip 1 as for purl, yarn at work, knit 6.
Row 11: Slip 1, k6, thread before work, slip 1 as when knitting out, thread at work, turn.
Row 12: Slip 1 as for purl, yarn at work, k7.
Row 13: Slip 1, k7, thread before work, slip 1 as when knitting out, thread at work, turn.
Row 14: Slip 1 as for purl, yarn at work, knit 8.
Row 15: Slip 1, k8, thread before work, slip 1 as when knitting out, thread at work, turn.
Row 16: Slip 1 as in purl, yarn at work, knit 9.

Knitting master class beautiful pigtail(where the strips meet)

In order to explain to you in more detail the principle of knitting a blanket of 10 loops, I specifically typed 17 loops on the knitting needles for better clarity.

After I knitted a few rows up in garter stitch (all loops are knit, only 1 loop is removed, and the last loop is knitted like a hem purl).

Note! If you want to get a pigtail at the junction of each knitted circle, then you need to perform the wrong edge loop. If you want the border to be invisible, then knit the last loop with the front one.

In photo 1, the beginning of knitting made the 1st open corner. Each last loop is wrapped with thread as it is turned.

Photo 2 shows a pigtail, which is formed using an edge loop knitted from the wrong side.

In photo 3, a turn is connected and we proceed to knitting the joint and tying the strips.

Photo 4 The pigtail formed by the edge loops, when tied, turns inside out on the front side.

Photo 5 Half of the rows are knitted, the joint of the gray strip and the beige strip is knitted.

Photo 6-9 shows the process of knitting seam loops.

1) We knit the loops of the beige strip to the penultimate near loop to the gray strip.

2) Slightly unscrewing the hem pigtail, we stretch the hook through the thread under the pigtail (shown in photo 7)

3) We stretch the beige last loop through the gray one (shown in photo 8)

4) We put the resulting loop on the knitting needle and knit its faces. completing a row of beige loops (shown in photos 9-10)

5) We turn the knitting and knit a row with facial loops, removing 1 loop and knitting the last stitch as a hem purl.

The knitting method of 10 loops is very curious and advantageous in that it allows you to create a beautiful and very original plaid from the remnants of threads. It takes quite a bit to make a 10 loops blanket: a master class, threads and knitting needles. It is quite simple in execution, but at the same time very effective.

Possible colors

This blanket will look great in any color. But before starting work, you need to decide what kind of product we want to get in the end. Most popular options:

  • from two colors;

  • from several different balls of thread with overflows;

  • from several different balls of thread without overflows.

Use cases

If, suddenly, several skeins of yarn are left from previous work and you don’t want them to lie idle, but you doubt whether such a blanket is useful in the household, we offer some of the most common use cases:

  • a blanket of any size can be used for its true purpose, that is, as a blanket;

  • as a cover for a bed or sofa;

  • if the size of the product is small, it will come in handy as a seat on a chair.

knitting basics

Such a plaid is created using a garter stitch on 10 loops. We constantly remove the first loop, and make the last one by any convenient method. It is better to choose a method so that a side pigtail is formed from the edges. In this case, it will be easier to attach the strips to each other. So, now we collect 1 loop and knit the initial tape with facial loops on the face and on the wrong side. To make the plaid in the shape of a square, the tape must be nine grooves in garter stitch, eighteen rows.

And to make it rectangular, the tape should be longer. We will calculate its size according to the following formula: the length of the blanket - the width of the blanket = the length of the knitted ribbon.

If you plan to create a blanket with a size of 200 × 150 cm, then it will turn out: 200-150 \u003d 50 cm. It turns out that in this case we need to tie the original ribbon 50 centimeters long.

The next step will be knitting the first corner. The corners are knitted in short rows with an offset of 1 loop, wrapping the adjacent loop so that there are no holes. When the corner begins, in order not to get confused, you can count first from 9 to 1, and then, on the contrary, from 1 to 9 in order. If you are still confused, then this is not a problem. Since it is possible to simply dissolve to the straight part and start counting again. Do not forget that the first loop is removed.

The photo below shows the corner tied to the first loop. Counting from 9 to 1.

Now, under the countdown from 1 to 9, he ties the corner to the end. The first corner is finished.

Now we begin to knit the second corner. Again counting from 9 to 1.

We finish knitting the corner, counting from 1 to 9, not forgetting to make increments. 2nd corner completed.

It is time to knit the ribbon, at the same time attaching it to the side pigtail of the knitted fabric. To do this, we remove the tenth loop (thread behind the knitting needle), pull the front loop from the side pigtail of the knitted fabric and throw the removed loop over it. On the wrong side, we remove this loop, the thread goes in front of the knitting needle. The road will come out of the front loops.

There are two ways to knit the front loop from the side pigtail. The first way is knitting under both segments of the side pigtail. In this case, the scar comes out dense and voluminous, consisting of 2 roads of facial loops. The second way is to knit the front loop under the back section of the side pigtail. In this case, the scar will turn out to be smaller, it will consist of 1 road of facial loops.

The photo below shows the front side when using the first method.

The next photo shows the back side. Here you can see that a small groove forms in place of the scar.

Now we knit a corner again. It is marked in red in the picture below. Such a plaid is knitted in a spiral with the addition of a new part to the edge pigtail of an already knitted part. This is shown in the picture yellow. The arrows indicate the direction.

Thus, by making corners and connecting knitting in straight sections, it is possible to make a plaid of any desired size, anyway, there will always be 10 loops in the work. It knits easily, simply and comfortably.

Knit short rows

Now we are with detailed description learn how to knit garter stitch short rows and how to make turns correctly. How to make sure that the product does not have an unnecessary hole at the turn?

First, let's look at how to knit short rows correctly. To do this, we collect 12 loops on the knitting needle. And knit 2 rows of garter stitch.

In the 3rd row we knit 8 loops, and leave the other 4 on the left knitting needle.

At this point, we turn our product over. To do this, we throw working thread on the left knitting needle over the last loop and remove the same loop on right needle, as purl.

In this way, they twisted the extreme loop on the left knitting needle so that an unnecessary hole would not appear when turning the product. Now we turn our work and knit 8 loops on the left knitting needle.

So we got the first shortened row. We then follow the same procedure.

Video on the topic of the article

Plaid "10 loops" is obtained in any color as a very beautiful and original item. It will warm you on cold evenings or simply be used as a decorative element, pleasing to the eye with cheerful colors. And also such a blanket will be an excellent and very pleasant gift for the closest people, because the needlewoman puts her soul into each of her products. And in conclusion, a few more video tutorials on creating such a blanket.
