Proverbs and sayings about the elderly. Sayings, sayings, aphorisms about old age, retirement age, folk and wonderful people

// Proverbs about old age and old people

  1. There are two wills in the field (old, field, duel). There are two wills in the field - which one will take (whose is stronger or: whose is to the right, that one is stronger). They come to the field, they are not considered a family (from localism).
  2. In their corners is not the headman pointer.
  3. Pouring old wine into new wineskins.
  4. Time colors, timelessness ages.
  5. God would give to look younger, would know how to grow old.
  6. Long gone, old man.
  7. She lived to old age, but did not find a change.
  8. Good old saint.
  9. Remember good, but forget evil! The old good is good in a dream.
  10. Live the old way and talk the new way!
  11. Live the old way, live longer; shallow in a new way, you will grind more (about improvements in the economy).
  12. And there is a hole in the old woman.
  13. To whom is God's mercy in battle (old, from court fights).
  14. Cut a new caftan, and try on the old one!
  15. Whoever remembers the old, that eye out.
  16. Whoever remembers the old, the devil will pull to reprisal.
  17. Whoever remembers the old, that eye out.
  18. Maremyana the old woman is sad about the whole world (for the whole world, a sadden, a star-worker).
  19. You will know a lot - you will grow old soon.
  20. Young - toys, and old - pillows.
  21. Youth is a bird, and old age is a turtle.
  22. On whom God (rock), on that and good people(or: and headman).
  23. Our great-grandfathers lived - honey, drank beer, and like jug brew - our old man pan.
  24. Don't ask the old, ask the seasoned.
  25. Seek new happiness, but don't lose the old! Wish a new friend, but do not get rid of the old (happiness)!
  26. It will be washed, wiped off - everything will go on in the old way.
  27. According to old memory, as in literacy.
  28. Shake the old one.
  29. Hiding (buried) small for the old, old for the small.
  30. Let it be the old way, as mother put it.
  31. Saryn to the kichka (i.e., barge haulers to the murya, to the bottom, do not interfere with robbing. Robbery, old, Volga.).
  32. From time immemorial, as the world stands, it has been customary from time immemorial.
  33. The old people died out - they did not wait for us; the young were born - we were not asked.
  34. The old people, tea, knew no less than ours (the answer to any innovation, admonition).
  35. An old man with a brain.
  36. Old man, old man, but it didn’t reach us.
  37. Old man, what a wonder.
  38. The old one was better.
  39. Ancient style (cut, old-timer).
  40. Elder Sophia dries up about the whole world, no one sighs about her.
  41. Old - stubborn, unfriendly; young - husky, uncaring.
  42. An old bird is not caught with chaff.
  43. Do not rejuvenate an old fool.
  44. Do not rejuvenate the old, but beat it.
  45. The old good has passed, the new has not survived.
  46. Old in the old way, but again nothing.
  47. The old grows old and the young grows.
  48. Old age is not joy.
  49. The old woman said in two.
  50. The old woman remained with her, and she would die with her.
  51. Shake old.
  52. Walks in the old days, and the wig is on the side.
  53. At least in the old way, at least in a new way, but you can’t live without bread.
  54. What has passed - remember what? To remember the old is to move the bones.
  55. What is old, then deed.
  56. What does the old woman have for money! All pennies.
  57. To flaunt from youth, and to die of hunger in old age.
  58. This hole was under the old governor.

What is old age?

Retirement age is old age. And although there are professions whose representatives retire at 30-40 years old, they are an exception. The majority of pensioners are elderly people, who have lived, have tasted the blessings and thorns of life. With what did they come to the sunset of existence? What is old age? How do people of advanced years feel, feel? This is folk wisdom

Sayings about old age of famous people

    Leon Trotsky (November 7, 1879 - August 21, 1940) - revolutionary
    Old age is the most unexpected thing that awaits us in life

    Seneca (4 BC - 65) - Roman philosopher, poet, statesman
    Old age is an incurable disease
    The oppression of (retirement) age is felt only by the body, not the soul

    (February 26, 1802 – May 22, 1885) French romantic writer
    The further I move on my life path, the simpler I become.

    Bernard Shaw (July 26, 1856 – November 2, 1950) was an English playwright.
    In old age there is only one consolation: what you could not get in your youth, you no longer need.

    We are starting to change
    And we must, as old-timers,
    Give newcomers a place, -
    Save us then, good genius,
    From cowardly reproaches,
    From slander, from anger
    On a life-changing;
    From a feeling of hidden anger
    To a world that is renewing
    Where new guests sit down
    For the feast prepared for them ... (Tyutchev)

    Aristotle (384-322 BC) - ancient Greek philosopher
    Old people are attached to life, and the closer to last day, the more

    Cicero (January 3, 106-December 3, 43 BC) - ancient Roman orator, statesman, philosopher
    Everyone wants to live to old age, and when they live, they blame her
    Old age is naturally too talkative
    Old age is strong thanks to the foundations laid in youth

    Pliny the Younger (61-113) - ancient Roman politician, writer, lawyer
    A calm, orderly life suits the old people: it’s too late to strain your strength, it’s a shame to achieve honors

    Pierre Abelard (1079 – 21 April 1142) French philosopher, poet and scientist
    What we sin in youth, we have to atone for in old age

    François de La Rochefoucauld (September 15, 1613 – March 17, 1680) was a French philosopher and writer.
    That's why old people love to give good advice that are no longer capable of setting bad examples

    Samuel Johnson (September 18, 1709 – December 13) was an English literary critic, critic, and poet.
    Old age is usually boastful and tends to exaggerate events and deeds long gone.

    Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin (April 4, 1745 - December 12, 1792) - writer, playwright
    Happy is he who keeps all his feelings in old age

    Anton Pavlovich Chekhov (January 29, 1860 - July 15, 1904) - writer, playwright
    And why is it precisely in old age that a person monitors his feelings and criticizes his actions? Why wouldn't he do it when he was young? Aging is already unbearable

    Twilight clings easily and sweetly
    To the old man's gray hair.
    Drink a cup without a trace -
    You see gold at the bottom.
    But not darkness and not danger
    The night is preparing for you
    And saving clarity
    In the comprehension of being.
    All that burned, that depressing,
    Retreats into the world of shadows.
    Aging is just the beginning
    Your new lightness.
    Before you, parting,
    Days pass and years
    The life with which, parting,
    You are connected like never before... (Stefan Zweig)

“The tragedy of old age is not that a person grows old, but that he remains young at heart” (Oscar Wilde)

Folk sayings about old age

  • Old age is not red for years, but for deeds
  • Old age will come - weakness will come
  • Youth is stronger with shoulders, old age is with your head
  • Youth is not a sin, and old age is not a laugh
  • Young - go crazy, and old - will not change
  • To teach the old to heal the dead
  • You can't train an old dog to chain
  • The old horse will not spoil the furrow, but it will not plow deep either.
  • Old age is not happy, but it is either dead or wretched
  • Old age is rich in experience
  • Old age writes in the sand, youth writes in stone
  • The old man does not make bellies, but live days

Retirement jokes

    When I retire, I will do absolutely nothing. The first months I will just sit in a rocking chair.
    - And then?
    - And then I'll start to swing (Faina Ranevskaya)
    Release to retire! I'll get old - I'll work!
    I don't like all this talk about increasing the retirement age... I would like to have a rest during my lifetime!
    Raised the retirement age. We go to work with a friend - we remember that we are working, but we don’t remember where
    I feel like I'll enjoy my retirement! You don't have to cook. I ate pills, drank some water ... And on holidays I drank some water, ate a pill
    The New Russian Roulette - Live to Retirement
    Die before retirement, comrade, save the budget of your country!
    Already old age is approaching, but there is still no pension
    Girl, what time are you working?
    - Now up to 63's
    In Russia, only those who do not need it live to see a pension
    Gentlemen, let's unite and take revenge on the state with longevity in retirement

Proverbs and sayings for schoolchildren. Youth and old age in proverbs and sayings for children and adults.

Proverbs and sayings about youth. Proverbs and sayings about old age

For the young, time drags on, for the old, it flies.

Young in years, old in troubles.

No matter how long you live, you can't be young twice.

Youth is a golden time: eats and drinks and sleeps in peace.

While young, neither heat nor cold is terrible.

You will be old, but never young.

Young in body, old in deed.

Youth is not in years, but in strength.

The head is gray, but the soul is young.

The elderly have experience, the young have enthusiasm.

The old horse does not spoil the furrow.

Do not teach tricks to an old fox.

Youth is stronger with shoulders, and old age is with a head.

The tooth is rare, but the eye marks.

Young - for battle, old - for thought.

The older, the more to the right - the younger, the more expensive.

The old is pulled down, and the young up.

Youth is a bird, old age is a turtle.

The old is like the small: they create one thing.

Old age is not in time, sickness is not to the point.

  • You won't live two centuries, you won't cross two youths.
  • While away youth - not to see old age.
  • Golden time - young summers. Golden time - young years.
  • The older, the more right; and the younger, the more expensive.
  • They don't ask the father, they ask the young man.
  • A man lives twice as a fool: old and small.
  • Old and small - twice stupid.
  • Old, that small, and small, that stupid.
  • They do not die of old age, nor live of youth.
  • Not years, but grief ages.
  • Not the old one dies, but the ripe one.
  • Don't live in old age, and don't die in youth.
  • The young die by choice, the old without exception.
  • The young work, the old mind gives.
  • Young for service, old for advice.
  • Do not do mischief to the old man.
  • Do not laugh at the old, and you yourself will be old.
  • Youth is not a sin, and old age is not a laugh.
  • Years are not freaks.
  • Not years of freaks, but people.
  • And you can't exchange an old cuckoo for a hawk.
  • Young for battle, and old for thought.
  • And old, but cheerful, and young, but gloomy.
  • And old, but a rooster, and young, but rotten.
  • He is old, but his soul is young.
  • The old dog will not deceive.
  • The old raven does not croak past (experienced).
  • Gray hair in a beard - the mind in the head.
  • The old horse does not spoil the furrow.
  • Old soldier and try glad.
  • You can't fool an old sparrow on the chaff.
  • You can't drive an old wolf into a net.
  • Old man, better than seven young ones.
  • A kid with a gray hair will come in handy everywhere.
  • The old goat has more horns.
  • Small and stupid - they beat more; old and smart - two lands in it.
  • The old tree cracks, the young flies.
  • Oh, poppy, yes green; good small, but young.
  • The young crane flew high and sat down low.
  • The young mind is not strong. Young is green; old - yes rotten.
  • Young, but walks around the world; old, but he feeds his family.
  • Knocked-down dishes live for two centuries.
  • What we ask in childhood, we will give up in old age.
  • A small one asks, but when he grows up, he will leave.
  • He fought young, and in his old age he was allowed to go home.
  • The child falls - God lays down the feather bed; the old one falls - the devil substitutes the harrow.
  • Old fools are dumber than young ones.
  • Under old age, a person is either smarter or stupider.
  • To teach the old is to heal the dead.
  • You can't train an old dog to chain.
  • The old woman is a midwife grandmother: she survived from the old mind, she did not take root in the new one.
  • We live the old mind, we do not make a new one - we will die fools.
  • The young gets old - gets smarter; the old one is getting old - getting stupid (stupid).
  • Young - go crazy, old - will not change.
  • Gray hair, but no conscience.
  • Old cat, but loves oil.
  • Young people have no life from old fools.
  • Amuse the young - hang the old.
  • Don't call an old dog daddy. Popov's dog should not be called dad.
  • Old age is not joy.
  • Old age is a mutilation; old age is hardship.
  • Old as a dog, small as a puppy.
  • Old ladies, soft edges.
  • Earn from youth, and live in old age.
  • Old bones wanted to visit.
  • A worn coat does not warm. A sheepskin coat is worn - a bald patch and a skin.
  • An old husband is a rotten deck.
  • Up to thirty years, the wife warms, after thirty a glass of wine, and after - the oven does not heat.
  • Grandmother is old and has little money.
  • The old horse - not in the old way.
  • From youth hunting, and under old age dandruff.
  • Old age will come - fun will not come to mind.
  • Neither a young fellow, nor an old man in old age.
  • He was young - he flew on wings; I have become old - I am sitting on the stove.
  • The old one wants to sleep, and the young one wants to play.
  • Young with toys, old with pillows.
  • If I were to be born again, I would know how to grow old.
  • Adam's summers from the beginning of the world.
  • Lived a century - not for canvas fur.
  • The years have flown away like spring waters.
  • Youth cannot be returned, and old age cannot be overcome.
  • Still the first head on the shoulders, and the skin is not tossed.
  • From a young age, a crow did not fly through the skies, and will not fly even in old age.
  • The old man does not make bellies, but live days.
  • Roosters perch, and old people fall on the stove.
  • Old men in the teeth. Not our food is nuts, but ours is porridge.
  • Old age will come - weakness will come.
  • The old are sick, the young are flogged.
  • The old gets old, but the young does not get younger.
  • Old age is not a joy, but there is no one to kill.
  • He was young - and lived with sin.
  • Youth is not without stupidity, old age is not without stupidity.
  • To the young to brag, to the old to grunt.
  • Old age is not old, only with dashing disappeared.
  • Not years old, but stubborn.
  • The young do not believe the old (and vice versa).
  • Now youth - look and come on.
  • Youth prowls - seeks good from good.
  • Whoever is not healthy (not good) at twenty, not smart at thirty, and not rich at forty, will not be like this for a century.
  • Small, that is stupid, and stupid, that is small.
  • Young is green; old - yes clumsy.
  • An unripe grape is tasteless, and a young person is unskilled.
  • Green grapes are not sweet, and young people are not strong.
  • Wort is not mash, youth is not a person.
  • Youth is stronger with shoulders, old age with head.
  • Youth tears the belt tugs, old age and rushing on the ly-chag.
  • Young is green, it is ordered to take a walk.
  • A young mind, that spring ice.
  • The young will not get mad, so the old will go crazy.
  • Don't ask the old, ask the seasoned!
  • They didn’t teach as long as he was stacked across the bench; but stretched out in full - you will not teach.
  • You can't be young twice. Not two youth to live.
  • Blooms that poppies color. Blood with milk.
  • Wet behind the ears. I'll put milk on your lips in the morning.
  • Though not a bite of bread, but well done without a mustache.
  • Learn, since the cartilage has not grown together.
