Motorist Day in Russia is celebrated on the last Sunday of October. Driver's Day in Russia - when to celebrate what to give the driver World Driver's Day

The road is a kind of symbol of endless movement. Because it is the roads that can connect us with our loved ones, show the world and let us enjoy the feeling of complete freedom. The road is essential attribute any state. On the roads different countries most of the world's population travels every day, so the idea to create such a professional holiday as Motorist's Day did not arise by chance.

The history of the holiday Motorist's Day

Every year the total number of cars, trolleybuses and buses is increasing at a tremendous rate. And all because the car has become an integral part of our lives. Thanks to the car, we have the opportunity to travel, while overcoming long distances and getting to the most secret corners of our planet. But if you look into the very depths of the history of the emergence road transport and Motorist's Day, you can find out that over the years, the car has gradually merged into a person's life:

  • In 1885, the first test of a home-made car passed;
  • In 1894, the first automobile competitions were held;
  • And already in 1903, the first automobile company was founded, known throughout the world and now Ford Motor.

At present, no one, even with a small degree of certainty, is taken to calculate the scale of the automotive industry in terms of the number of produced ones. Although, according to some researchers, there is an average of one car per inhabitant of the planet in his life.

The creation of such a holiday as Motorist's Day is a kind of expression of people's respect and recognition. Why is that? Because the driver is often responsible for life a large number people, and not just for the delivery of various goods.

The history of the Day of the Motorist is rooted in the distant October 1, 1980. When the Supreme Soviet of the USSR adopted a decree called "On Holidays and Memorable Dates", according to which the Day of the Soviet Motorist was celebrated on the last Sunday of October. In Ukraine, they decided to make this holiday common for both drivers and road builders. And in 1993, Leonid Kravchuk signed a decree on the establishment of such a holiday as the Day of the motorist and road builder.

Traditions of the Day of the motorist

Due to the rapid development of the automotive industry, the demand for professions related to the car is significantly increasing. The driver is one of the most widespread and mass professions. Accordingly, this holiday can not be called an unpopular holiday.

And yet, the Day of the motorist and road builder is a holiday that is dedicated not only to motorists and drivers, it is also a holiday for all workers and workers who have dedicated their lives to the road and vehicles.

If we talk about the traditions of the celebration that this day has for the road builder of Ukraine. First of all, it should be said that various organizations, clubs and movements of motorists, as well as various organizations whose professional activities are at least somehow connected with the car, celebrate it most actively. As part of the motorist's day, concerts are organized, the issuance of bonuses and incentives, etc. is timed. And, of course, which driver on Motorist's Day does not deny himself the pleasure of drinking a glass for the health of his work colleagues.

At professional holiday Russian motorists have a long history - in 2018 he will be 42 years old. Conceived as a holiday only for professional drivers, over time this day has become a real national holiday, and it is now celebrated by all motorists, in that strength and lovers. Day of the motorist in 2018: what date is celebrated in Russia, when is the professional holiday of drivers.

What date is Motorist Day in 2018

Since 1976, when this holiday arose, the principle of determining its date has never changed. Motorist Day in the Soviet Union, and then in Russia, is celebrated on the last Sunday of October. Therefore, Motorist Day in 2018 will be October 28.

Please note that a number of sources do not quite correctly tell about the principle of determining the exact date of this holiday. There is information about the fact that Motorist Day is celebrated not on the last, but on the fourth Sunday of November. Yes, this year there is no difference, but sometimes in October there are 5 Sundays, in which case there is some confusion.

Today, Motorist Day is celebrated in accordance with Presidential Decree No. 897 of June 25, 2012, you can find it on legal websites and make sure that the date of the holiday is correct.

The full name of the holiday in 2018 is the Day of the Automobile and Urban Passenger Transport Worker. Consequently, to the professional drivers driving cars, to whom this holiday was originally dedicated, today there are drivers of buses, trolleybuses, trams, subways and fixed-route taxis, whose involvement in the holiday was not so obvious before.

History of Motorist's Day in Russia

Motorist's Day, which arose in 1976 as a professional holiday for all drivers and drivers, in 1980 found confirmation of its place in the calendar during the great reform of the country's holidays that took place that year.
In 1996, this day was slightly modified and became a holiday not only for drivers, but also for people responsible for the condition of roads in Russia - road workers.

In 2000, these holidays were separated. Road workers were given the third Sunday in October next to Motorist's Day in the calendar. For professional drivers, they left the last Sunday of October.

Since 2012, the name of the holiday has been clarified, and now it also includes drivers of passenger transport.

Traditions of the Day of the motorist

Naturally, first of all, professionals can consider this day as their own - drivers driving trucks, dump trucks, taxis, special vehicles, etc.

In honor of these people, concerts are traditionally held in October, they are congratulated by the direct management and even some politicians.

Often, special events are dedicated to the Day of the Motorist: exhibitions and parades of rare cars, motor races and competitions.

It is logical that many fans consider the Day of the Motorist their own - people with a driver's license who take part in road traffic like drivers. And although various conflict situations can occur on the road, it is still always clear that motorists are a special brotherhood, always ready to help in case of a breakdown or an accident.

Motorist's Day unites all motorists and gives them the opportunity not to forget that the common road safety depends on everyone.

The professional holiday Day of the Motorist was established on October 1, 1980 by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. The holiday was called upon at the state level to celebrate the successes and achievements of road transport workers.

Day of the motorist: what date is celebrated

The celebration of the Motorist's Day was scheduled for the last Sunday of October (October 26, 2014), according to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 06/25/2012 No. 897 "On the Day of the Automobile and Urban Passenger Transport Worker". The holiday is celebrated annually, it is not an official holiday.

Separately, it is celebrated by military drivers, active and reserve servicemen of the Automobile Troops of the Russian Federation - May 29 in the Russian calendar is listed as the Day of the Military Motorist.

Who is celebrating

Motorist's Day is, first of all, a holiday of workers, managers and specialists of road transport, all those who, by the nature of their professional activity, drive a car, help drivers in their daily work, employees of transport companies (passenger, freight). In addition, ordinary motorists, who have become a great many in recent decades, are not averse to celebrating the holiday called “driver's day” by the people.

A little about the profession

The profession of a motorist appeared not so long ago, just over 100 years ago, and is associated with the appearance of the first car. Since then, it has become widespread: around the world, millions of people daily work behind the wheel of motorized wheeled mechanisms. It is difficult to imagine modern life without a car - cars deliver food, carry passengers, various cargoes, and work in all industries. Motor transport also played a huge role in the Great Patriotic War - cars transported the wounded, delivered ammunition and performed a lot of inconspicuous, but important and responsible work on dusty front roads.

Background of the holiday

In Russia, the first domestic car was introduced in 1896, and from 1909 the first production car was produced. These events, in fact, began the history of road transport in our country. But own memorable date motorists appeared only in 1980. In 1996, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 14, the holiday was renamed the Day of Road Transport and Road Workers, the last Sunday of October remained the date of celebration. The state leadership wanted, as it were, to reconcile two complementary industries - motor transport and road builders. However, in 2000, the holidays were divided: Day of Road Workers began to be celebrated on the third Sunday of October, and Motorist's Day on the last Sunday of the same month.

Motorist Day is celebrated today not only on the territory of the Russian Federation, but also in Ukraine and Belarus, however, unlike us, in these countries the holiday is still “shared” by motorists with road builders. In other republics of the former SSR, the holiday of motorists is either postponed to another day, or completely abolished.

In 2014, Motorist Day falls on October 26th. As always, this day will traditionally mark the achievements of road transport, the best drivers will receive awards and encouragement from leaders, state awards.

Day of the motorist (Day of the worker of automobile and city passenger transport) - a professional holiday of workers of road transport. Drivers of route routes, maintenance and repair personnel of carrier enterprises, workers, engineers and designers of automobile plants, factories for the production of spare parts and components take part in the celebrations. They are joined by teachers, students, graduates of specialized educational institutions, residents of settlements for whom the manufacture of wheeled vehicles is a city-forming industry.

In Russia, the holiday is celebrated annually on the last Sunday of October. In 2020, the day of the motorist falls on October 25 and is celebrated at the official level 44 times. The celebration has lost its exclusively professional significance, it has also begun to be celebrated by owners of personal vehicles and amateur drivers.

The essence of the holiday is to show the importance of motor transport in the country's economy and honor the workers of this sphere with respect.

On this day people who are involved in the holiday are congratulated. Corporate parties are organized at motor transport enterprises, where employees are awarded bonuses and gifts. Parades and displays of retro cars are held in cities. Racing enthusiasts take part in competitions and motor races.

One of the most popular holidays in our country is Motorist Day. Official name holiday sounds like the Day of the Automobile and Urban Passenger Transport Worker.

The transport complex is the most important component of the industrial and social infrastructure, a necessary part of our Everyday life. It is transport workers who set the working rhythm for all sectors of the economy, ensure the vital activity of cities and villages, and create conditions for investment activity in the region. Every day, millions of people in our country use the services of automobile and electric transport.

Day of the motorist in 2019

history of the holiday

The history of this professional holiday begins with the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of January 15, 1976, according to which the Day of Road Transport Workers was introduced into the calendar. Later it was confirmed by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of October 1, 1980 No. 3018-X “On festive and memorable days". The day of celebration marked the last Sunday in October.

Since 1991 Russian Federation became an independent state, but the tradition of celebrating the Day of Road Transport Workers remained. Only the name has changed, now it is Motorist Day. In addition to Russia, now the holiday of all car lovers is celebrated in countries such as Belarus and Ukraine.

On June 25, 2012, Decree of the President of the Russian Federation N 897 "On the Day of the worker of automobile and urban passenger transport" was issued. According to the decree, the Day of the Automobile and Urban Passenger Transport Worker is celebrated on the last Sunday of October.

Many people mistakenly consider Motorist Day a holiday only for professional drivers. It is also a holiday for the leaders of transport enterprises, workers involved in the repair of vehicles, engineers, and all workers in this field. The modern life of the city, its inhabitants would be impossible without people of these professions, people who are devoted to their work.

Cars have firmly entered world history, starting with the testing of the first home-made car in 1885. In 1894, for the first time in the world, competitions were held on cars, and already in 1903, the world-famous Ford Motors company was founded. This is not all events in the history of the formation of motor transport.
