Happy birthday wishes. Touching poems of congratulations

Forget about all the sorrows
Forget about grief.
Today is your holiday
Today is birthday.
Do not be sad that it is imperceptible
So many years have passed.
From the bottom of my heart I wish you happiness
On your long, long age.

We wish you succeed
Implement plans into reality
So that everything you want comes true
Easy and interesting to live!
Treasured dreams, clear goals,
Love, care and warmth,
Don't forget that life is beautiful
Health, happiness and kindness!

May all shades of joy
Give a birthday
And it will be festive for a long time,
Great mood!
May all dreams come true!
Let the joy never end
And in a bright, sunny life
Wishes come true!

Happy birthday
And we wish, as always,
Laughter, joy, fun
And good luck for the year!
And we wish you together
Happiness to over the edge!
Well, if need be,
We are always with you! You know!

Let it be great today
Let there be laughter today!
They know everything around perfectly,
This holiday is the best!
Dancing, music, fun,
If you want - laugh, if you want - sing!
That's what birthday means!
That's what it means, your holiday!

Nice to meet again
And happy birthday to you!
Warmly and gently hug you,
Good luck, wish you good health!
Let life flow like a river - smoothly,
Calm, happy and nice!
And let it always be cozy in the house,
And happiness is complete - absolutely!

I wish you warm looks on your birthday,
Nice words, wonderful outfit!
General joy, delight and attention,
Your success is a friendly recognition!
I wish you inspirational congratulations,
Exciting and vivid impressions!
Health, fresh strength and renewal,
Let the poem come true!

We hasten to congratulate you on your birthday,
Good luck, wish you good luck from the bottom of your heart!
Do not know illnesses and avoid troubles,
Celebrate this holiday in the circle of relatives!
May your house be bright and joyful,
Let fun and laughter settle in it,
Let only friends always knock at the door,
Let there be a happy and friendly family!

We have been looking forward to this meeting.
You are now a whole year older!
Blow out the holiday candles on the cake
Let the new day draw you forward!
Let the vast world give only joy,
Opportunities for brilliant prospects!
And so that this moment remains in memory,
Let's look into the lens for a photo!

I wish you not to be sad on your birthday,
It's fun to laugh and joke!
Let the whole family come together
And all my friends will congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
I wish you health, happiness, laughter,
Prosperity, optimism and success!
May the morning dawn be joyful,
Cloudless and bright, bright years!

May it also be bright every year,
Luck accompanies imperceptibly,
May all that this holiday brings
Life will certainly change for the better
Will add strength, strengthen health,
Give happiness bright moments
And in a moment of dreams, any will embody
Great to be in the mood!

Delightful and bright
The holidays are back in the house!
Bring life as a gift
And hope and love!
Happiness, joy and luck,
Dream fulfillment!
Let it warm on your birthday
Heart is a ray of warmth!

His path is to lead
In his hands he holds the enterprise,
It's an honor to be the boss
But it's a tedious job.

So let the chefs all be lucky,
Let the case be argued for glory.
They are always a stronghold for us,
And the engines of the whole country!

Original business birthday greeting

We wish you succeed
Implement plans into reality
So that everything you want comes true
Easy and interesting to live!

Treasured dreams, clear goals,
Love, care and warmth,
Don't forget that life is beautiful
Health, happiness and kindness!

Business birthday greetings for a man

Live and laugh with ringing laughter,
Know neither grief nor worries,
Be moderately affectionate and kind,
And time will bring adulthood.

Business congratulations for your birthday

Let's go to the office together
Yours, with a gift in hand,
You wonder: “What do you need?
I'm busy today."

We say: "You forgot
Because of the affairs of your holiday?
We decided to congratulate you
Happy birthday with heart.

We sincerely wish you
Stay young
And we give you a gift
With collective warmth.

Short business birthday greetings

Our valiant leader, brother and friend!
Hope, a talisman and a raised banner!
On your anniversary, we all gathered in a circle
And he sees the future only with you!

Business congratulations in prose for your birthday

Today, our entire work team is in a hurry to give a bright bouquet sincere wishes the most indispensable boss, commander, chief. So, as you are the most kind, understanding, infinitely generous head of our team, the myth of the evil boss has come to an end! We wish to take from life only the most valuable gifts, and let the pitfalls be washed away by the stormy stream of the most sincere and bright feelings. Good luck, happiness, love, Have a good mood and may fortune smile in all good deeds. Happy holiday!

Happy birthday greetings in business verses

We wish you happiness and good luck!
Your birthday is a milestone
We were lucky to congratulate
Amazing person

And with all seriousness to wish:
That everything was fine with you
They didn’t scold us (we’re not bastards),
They praised us (there is something for that),
And they raised salaries,
Let there be good in the world!

Business congratulations on the birthday of a woman

Responsible, responsive, smart.
Slightly tired, but perky look.
You are the only boss.
May God and people bless you.

Let the years not be a heavy burden,
Birthdays are not upset by the score.
Let the stronger sex not ignore
Choking with his saliva from admiration!

Happy birthday business verse

Let us ask the question:
"Who is the best boss in the world?"
We will answer without embellishment:
“The best boss in the world is with us!”

We don't want a reward
salary increase,
If wages rise
We won't cry at all!

Let's just praise the boss
No question!

Happy birthday business greeting

We congratulate you with joy
May many years in a row
Ideas will be successful
Winner is the result.

We wish you inspiration
Good luck every day
energy, luck
For new important things!

Birthday congratulations business

Happy Birthday
Years pass, and nothing oblivion,
No matter how hard you try, life does not want to give,
But every time a birthday comes
To believe again, to win again.

So let it be bright and encouraging,
Like a ray of sunshine through a frozen window.
And you don't have to be sad about anything.
Trusting the coming spring.

The best business birthday greetings

Be strong woman in everything always has to
It will be even more difficult for the boss!
Deal with everything for a million again
And it remains to admire you!

Today is my birthday and it's no accident
Our team wishes to congratulate you!
We saved champagne in the morning
Well, a surprise awaits you!

Thank you for your patience, perseverance and perseverance,
The ability to lead to new heights!
Let everything turn out in life and personal well,
And there will be a path of roses, not thorns!

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