Day of formation of the obep. Beautiful and funny congratulations on the day of obep (obhss)

OBEP Service Day (OBKhSS) 2020

On March 16, Russia celebrates its professional holiday employees of the OBEP (Department for Combating Economic Crimes). Protecting finances is the lot of smart, smart and educated people who have the skills of a psychologist, sociologist and who know a lot about money transactions. On the shoulders of the employees of the OBEP lies a great responsibility for the preservation of capital at state-owned enterprises, ensuring the protection of property, trade enterprises, consumer cooperatives and savings banks.

OBEP Day has been celebrated in Russia since the days of socialism. The work of this organization was especially in demand during the period of active activity of counterfeiters and speculators. In order to restore order and establish a fight against economic crime in the country, on March 16, 1937, the government created special units at the Main Police Department of the NKVD. Later, they became known as OBEP and continued to catch criminals and prevent the development of illegal economic activities.

To date, the duties of the OBEP employees include, first of all, the fight against corruption, illegal operations in financial institutions, trade enterprises and all facilities where there is a large turnover of financial resources.

OBEP Service Day (OBKhSS) 2020 - congratulations

Protecting property is no easy task.
But everything is under your control, of course!
I wish you good luck in OBEP
Let nothing ever bother you!

Forgeries, bribes, various kickbacks -
All this you can recognize.
Today I wish you guys
Move forward and reach your goals!

So that everything in your life is excellent,
And so that fate leads you forward!
So that luck rewards everything,
And may only the best come to you!

On the day of OBEP I wish you
Keep everything under control!
After all, a thief, reaching a goal,
May offer a bribe

You don't rely on it
Honesty is the most important thing!
Better just smile
And then good things await you!

Let a decent salary
Always waiting for you
Everything in life will be as it should!
Never be sad!

OBEP is a special structure,
What a property in the answer!
Let everything in life be cool
And let the wind blow!

Love, hope and believe
That only happiness is ahead!
And all the worries and losses
Easy to leave behind!

Postcard for the Day of the OBEP Service (OBKhSS) 2020

Click on the repost to copy to social. net

They are afraid, that's a fact. Even those who do not have their own business. Even those who are pure as a tear. OBEP checks can come unexpectedly and pretty fray your nerves. And not because the employees of the department want to take away the last shirt in favor of the state. On duty, they have to respond even to calls from dissatisfied and suspicious customers.

The specifics of the profession oblige them to guard the financial security of the country. Therefore, the keepers of state property, as they are also called, are worthy of respect and recognition, especially on a professional holiday.

When is OBEP Day?


Day of employees of the department for combating economic crimes is celebrated annually on March 16.

The history of the holiday OBEP Day


It all started in 1937, when the first department to combat the theft of socialist property was created in Moscow that day. Then it was called OBKhSS. The department checked various organizations and institutions of state trade for fraud and speculation. Later, such units were created throughout the Soviet Union. The tasks of the OBKhSS also included investigating cases of counterfeiting, petty sabotage, control over grain harvesting, and the like. During the war, the staff of the department struggled with food speculation.

After the collapse of the Union and the establishment of market relations, the work of the service increased. In the early 90s, the structure was reformed and renamed the Main Directorate for Combating Economic Crimes, which became part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In the early 2000s, they created the Federal Service for Tax and Economic Crimes, which was later reformed and named the Department of Economic Security. OBEP is now part of it. Today, the structure is engaged in the fight against corruption, the shadow economy, the detection of illegal transactions in financial organizations, trade, and the like.

Whom to congratulate on OBEP Day?


In Russia, for more than 80 years, congratulations have been given to current employees and veterans of the Economic Crime Department (OBKhSS) on March 16. If your friend, relative or acquaintance is guarding the economic stability of our state, congratulate him wholeheartedly on his professional holiday, thank him for his hard work and encourage him to continue effective work.

Universal gifts for the OBEP day


We choose serious presents for representatives of a serious profession.

Russian fighters against economic crime celebrate today, March 16, their professional holiday - the Day of the formation of economic security units in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The predecessor of this service was the famous department for combating theft of socialist property and speculation (OBKhSS), created on March 16, 1937 as part of the Main Police Department of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs of the USSR. In the adopted regulation on OBKhSS, in particular, it was said that it was being created to "ensure the fight against theft of socialist property in organizations and institutions of state trade, as well as to fight speculation."

Tasks of economic security units

Currently, employees of the economic security units are actively involved in the areas of control over the use of budget funds for their intended purpose, counterfeiting and combating bribery and corruption. The tasks of economic security units in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs include the identification and suppression of violations of laws governing the circulation of national and foreign currency in the field of operations of the external and internal economy. The body is in charge of illegal acts in the theft of precious and non-ferrous metals, the financial and credit system, strategic materials and other state resources, as well as the forgery of securities and state treasury notes.

In February 1992, the Main Directorate for Economic Crimes (GUEP) was created as part of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, which was renamed GUBEP five years later. In June 2001, it became part of the Criminal Police Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and two years later, the Federal Service for Economic and Tax Crimes began to operate within the structure of the ministry. As a result of administrative reform, it became the Department of Economic Security.

The issues of reliable protection of state and public property in our country, the organization of the fight against acquisitive crimes have always been in the focus of attention of the government and local authorities.

Of course, the specialists of the country's economic security units are only highly qualified employees with higher legal or economic education, who also participate in operational activities. On the holiday of March 16, on the Day of the formation of economic security units in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, solemn events awarding of specialists, as well as gratitude to distinguished professionals.

History of service BHSS - BEP

In fact, the beginning of the formation of the BHSS service - BEP fell on 1919, when the NKVD, having examined the state of the security that existed at the enterprises, decided to immediately organize the so-called industrial police, which was entrusted with the task of combating the theft of national property, with the disorganization of the economic and industrial life of the country from illegal use in private interests of nationalized means of production and raw material reserves.

The period 1927-1930 is characterized by the expansion of the functions of the NKVD, the assignment of new tasks to it, due to the deployment of the construction of a new socialist economy throughout the country, the need to strengthen the protection of the national property, and the intensification of the fight against economic and malfeasance.

In March 1920, as part of the Main Police Department of the NKVD of the RSFSR, an industrial police department was formed, whose functions included the protection of objects of the national economy and the fight against theft and petty theft of socialist property.

In May 1922, the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR approved the Regulations on the NKVD of the RSFSR, which entrusted the police with the task of protecting civilian institutions and structures of national and exceptional importance: telegraph, post office, water supply, structures on all lines of communication, stations and backwaters, factories, factories, mines , forests, plantations, public nurseries, fuel depots, raw materials, agricultural products, etc.

In August 1932, the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR adopted a resolution "On the protection of property of state enterprises, collective farms and cooperatives and the strengthening of public socialist property."

On March 16, 1937, as part of the Main Police Department of the NKVD of the USSR, a department was formed to combat theft of socialist property and speculation - OBKhSS GUM NKVD of the USSR. The Regulation on OBHSS was also adopted. It stated: “OBKhSS is being created to ensure the fight against theft of socialist property in organizations and institutions of state trade, consumer, industrial and disabled cooperation, procurement bodies and savings banks, as well as to combat speculation.”

The apparatus of the BHSS is established in the republican and local police bodies.

During the war years, the protection of the national economy from criminal encroachments acquired vital importance. In this most difficult time, the apparatuses for combating the theft of socialist property and speculation, fully realizing the significance of the tasks assigned to them, focused on strengthening the protection of rationed essential items that go to provide for the army and the population, suppressing the criminal activities of plunderers, speculators, swindlers and counterfeiters. .

Under special control, the BHSS service took procurement and supply organizations, food industry enterprises and a trading network.

A characteristic feature of the theft of that time was that criminals plundered most often not cash, but commodity and material values, putting them on sale at speculative prices, in a number of cases resorting not to large, but to petty theft and squandering of products.

The activities carried out by the BHSS employees made it possible to identify shortcomings and put things in order in the distribution of products, improve their accounting and safety, ensure reliable storage of forms of strict accountability, receipts, invoices, warrants, passes for the export of goods and other documents. The security of food warehouses was strengthened, the printing houses where coupons were printed were put in order, and a monthly change in their grid was introduced, which excluded the possibility of their reuse. In general, thanks to the hard, selfless and painstaking work of the BHSS service, during the war years, it was possible to ensure the effective functioning of the entire infrastructure of the region, its employees made a significant contribution to strengthening the economic power of the country, returned significant material assets and funds to the state, created the necessary conditions for achieving victory .

The main task of the militia in the period of the post-war restoration of the national economy was to eliminate the consequences of the war in the field of protecting public order and combating crime.

In the difficult conditions of the post-war period, the fight against speculation, bribery, and abuse in the rationing system acquired particular importance.

An order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs issued in 1947 determined measures to review the staffing of the operational departments, the criminal investigation department, in order to maximize the number of qualified operational workers.

In June 1947, the BHSS department of the GUM of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR was transformed into the Directorate for Combating theft of Socialist Property and Speculation (UBHSS). The BHSS service was entrusted with the task of organizing the fight against theft of socialist property in state trade, consumer cooperatives, ORSs and food supplies. industrial enterprises and industrial cooperation, in the supply and marketing departments, in industries that manufacture food and industrial consumer goods. An important task was to combat speculation, bribery, counterfeiting, private business activities and speculation in currency values.

In October 1949, the militia was transferred from the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the Ministry of State Security of the USSR (MGB USSR).

On August 23, 1950, the USSR Ministry of State Security reorganized the Main Police Department. As part of the GUM MGB of the USSR, three departments were formed, one of them was the department for combating theft of socialist property and speculation (UBKhSS GUM MGB of the USSR).

On March 6, 1953, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and the Council of Ministers of the USSR decided to merge the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of State Security into one ministry - the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR. In 1954, when the state security agencies were again withdrawn from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the UBKhSS remained part of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs.

On April 11, 1955, the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted a resolution on the organization of the republican Ministry of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR. The Russian Republic received its own administration to combat the theft of socialist property and speculation.

By order of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 0068 dated November 24, 1958, the staff and structure of the Main Police Department of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs were announced, which also included the BHSS department.

The period of the early 60s was characterized by a significant stabilization of the socio-economic situation in the country. This inevitably affected the criminal situation. In particular, the number of criminal cases initiated by the police has decreased (by about 26%), as well as the number of persons prosecuted (by about 34%).

In 1963, the ministries of internal affairs of the union republics were renamed the ministries of public order. The BHSS service became known as the UBHSS MOOP of the RSFSR.

In February 1992, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR were merged into the Ministry of Internal Affairs Russian Federation and by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 35 of February 10, 1992, the Bureau of Crime in the Economy of the Criminal Police of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs and the BEP of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR merged.

The new division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs received the name - Main Directorate for Economic Crimes (GUEP MIA RF).

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OBEP - stands for "Department for Combating Economic Crimes."

From the moment of its inception, the Soviet government sacredly protected the country's socialist property from theft at trade enterprises, consumer cooperatives, and savings banks, and also protected the Soviet people from speculators and counterfeiters. To combat crimes in the economic sphere, on March 16, 1937, special units were formed as part of the Main Police Department of the NKVD, now renamed the departments for combating economic crimes. With the change in economic and political realities, the main activity of the OBEP is the fight against corruption, the detection of crimes in the sphere of credit and financial organizations, at industrial facilities, and the protection of the economic and national interests of the country.

Show congratulations

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My friend, you work in such a serious and important structure as the Economic Crime Department, and today is your professional holiday. Perhaps someone considers your work harsh and uncompromising, but this is what helps to maintain order in our country. I, like no one else, know that in life you are very a kind person, ready to come to the rescue of relatives and friends at any moment. This is your holiday, spend it, resting from everyday work and worries for at least one day.


May there not be a large influx of economic crimes on your professional holiday and there will be a simple opportunity to sit in the office like a human being, celebrate this significant day with a cup of tea with colleagues. May you continue to unravel the most difficult cases. Let good luck accompany you in your work and the country's economy is not in danger of ruin.


That's why there is OBHSS,
So that the thief does not get into the property with his own hand,
So that the people's wealth is not plundered,
The OBEP set traps so cunningly!

Let the robbers be unpleasant
Not salty slurping let them turn back.
It's a tough time for thieves...
So congratulations to OBEP! OBHSS - hurrah!


OBEP - property custodians,
So beware, robbers!
It will be difficult for you to live in the world,
Because nothing "shines"!
For those who work in the OBEP,
We dedicate congratulations.
Let their service go without trouble,
And the robbers - a lesson!
Health, happiness, long life
To you, all OBEP employees!


People have been accustomed for many years:
For a positive answer
In an important matter to receive,
You have to grease and pour.

Our bureaucracy
I am very happy with this approach.
Not one hundred percent. But the moment
Suddenly there are precedents.

There are many types of crimes:
Kickbacks, bribes and theft.
OBEP should stop them,
And discover and reveal.

We wish OBEP together
Temptations to avoid unnecessary,
Fulfill your duty with dignity.
For this in March they deserved
16th on Service Day
We will be orders and titles
Under the solemn march to hand over!


The law is not weak, not blind,
In economic affairs.
After all, the OBEP monitors day and night
Courageously, heroically.

To keep track of the treasury
bankers and officials.
To be taken under escort
All evil culprits.

So that bribes do not flow like a river
Into their hands are raking.
So that there were no jokes with the treasury,
They were afraid that the stealers.

And on OBEP Day wish
I want you prosperity.
So as not to be tired of revealing
Forever you are atrocities.

Let your shoulder straps shine
From new shining stars.
Good luck, happiness to you, friends,
Income increase.


In our life without OBEP,
There would be a lot of trouble
Many broken destinies
Because of the crime
Terrorism would flourish
made attacks,
Laundered would black cash
And they gave bribes.
On the thief that is so ferocious
There would be no management.
It's good that there is OBEP!
Glory to this service!


Criminals can do a lot
OBEP has known this for a long time
For the truth they will ask very strictly
Yes, only ... the song is sung ...
Can work with paper
And sometimes it gets worse
After all, there is courage in the arsenal!
They figure it out better...
When is it time to congratulate the OBEP
... but it also happens
The hand reaches out to fix everything ...
To calm my nerves...


Treasury robbers
Only at first glance are menacing.
But they found control -
The OBEP is doing a great job.
Paid my taxes
Sleep at home and on the road.
You don't take bribes anymore -
Know that you are not worth a penny.
That's what it takes,
For the service to exist.
We wish you success
After all, the work is not funny,
And luck in work
They knew that OBEP is everywhere.


You are friendly with the economy,
You are the law in it, you are the order in it.
How air is needed for her,
So that there are fewer mysteries in it.

Take control of everything
Transparency honestly you observe.
Your leading role
You put honesty on the scales.

And on your professional day
Please accept our congratulations.
So that a shadow does not fall on you
And there was no doubt in everyone.


You serve in the OBEP,
Sometimes difficult
And of course you get tired
But not in vain: wasted
Now those who are trying
Laws are broken
After all, you check them, just a little,
And everyone knows this.
You fight against bribes
And honestly, and successfully,
Come on, relax on a holiday
Gradually, slowly
I wish you from the bottom of my heart
In your work of success,
Hold your positions
Let there be no laughing matter
To any criminals in the country
Deal with them quickly
And you yourself be doubly happy,
Working well, clean!


You protect our economy
You are immediately protected from fraud.
And if someone dared to take a bribe,
To you for analysis, he immediately thundered.
You carry out checks, audits,
You immediately reduced the percentage of crimes.
We congratulate you on the holiday today,
We wish you good health
The highest success at work,
Well, we always respect you.
Let everyone pay their tax
And you accept congratulations.


Fighters against corruption today hello -
Holiday OBKhSS, and now OBEP!
To keep property safe
Carries out OBEP protection!
We wish you skill, great patience,
To vanish the plunder,
Let the schemer hide in a corner!
We will dedicate congratulations to the OBEP service!


Today there is progress
What do we enjoy less?
OBEP became OBKhSS,
Even though the crimes are the same.

Who, where, to whom gave on the paw,
The native country will return the favor.
Have to, stole or not stole,
Sing OBEP congratulations.

The Department for Combating Economic Crime has existed since the Soviet Union. When the Soviet government clearly and carefully monitored the safety of the socialist property of their country and in every possible way protected it from theft at trading enterprises, in savings banks, and tried to protect its inhabitants of the country from swindlers or counterfeiters. Only then did it have a different name and for the first time special departments were formed on March 16, 1937. This department was under the control of the Main Police Department of the NKVD. Today, the scope of this organization is an active war against corruption, as well as the protection of all the interests of the country, both external and internal. Date, we celebrate the day of the OBEP (OBKhSS) service - March 16.

There is important and necessary work
Eliminate financial intrigues.
After all, the main concern in the Fatherland
Observe law and order.
We wish you luck and good luck,
Checks of virtuoso, high-profile cases.
Complete, efficient, dedication work,
So that vile chaos has sunk into summer.

You save so much money for the country
What if only a tenth
You received from the money of those -
Already walked on the Riviera would be plenty!
For your skill, for honesty, for work
The country should be grateful!
And those who steal and take bribes -
Never wash yourself with anything!

Thunderstorm of bankers and trade,
Such a cross has fallen in life,
We say - OBEP today,
Once upon a time there was OBKhSS!
For every ruble of the people's treasury,
Ready to continue the fight
Good luck in the noble cause,
Great happiness, do not get sick!

Being an OBEP member is an honor,
Everyone here is a specialist
And an experienced operative
And a knowledgeable economist!
No shooting like in the movies
No spectacular fights -
The criminal is an expert in the economy,
Well, so you are not born with a bast!
And so we hope
We are on you
More than once you have demonstrated
Top class!
We wish you a holiday
Cool to relax
Relax a little -
And again - on the road!

Being an OBEP member is not easy -
Here is your responsibility:
Economy gains
Track, not in the eyebrow, but in the eye!
Just taking advantage of the moment
I want to say a lot
criminal elements
Wish you less!

For the country to grow and prosper,
So that the economy, like a garden in spring, thrives,
To eradicate corruption
We need to appreciate the OBEP.
Today is your holiday, we congratulate
We wish you victory in all matters,
Let your career develop
Thanks to your invaluable work,
May you always be able to overcome adversity.

Someone wants to live at the expense of others,
And the pocket is bursting at the seams, due to deceit,
Here the OBEP in the blink of an eye will heal everything, heal,
Quickly close the path for a charlatan.
Allow me to congratulate the employees of the Economic Crime Department on the holiday of all,
May success await you more often in your work,
Let there be peace and harmony in your personal life,
Fortunately, let there be no barriers.

OBEP country, as clean air, is necessary,
The state treasury and enterprises have a reliable rear,
Figures with facts will be compared in two counts,
For fraud, of course, someone will answer.
May your holiday be held in excellent mood,
Let congratulations be sent to you at the banquet,
Let there be a waterfall of joy and happiness,
Let life flow without knowing obstacles in the way.

Who does not want to live honestly, they will definitely force him,
They will direct you in the right direction without any problems,
Ready to fight corruption and fraud,
The entire economy of the country will be put on strong feet.
Congratulations on the day of the OBEP workers,
We wish you an easy service in a difficult matter,
Let intuition and experience help you,
Let luck and success walk side by side.

So that in any economic sphere,
Not leaked parosti scam,
OBEP will come with a check,
He will put things in order in two counts.
Today is your holiday, fighters, rest,
Enjoy a pleasant company
Let weekdays be always bright too,
May the angel keep you from troubles and evil.
