The largest Easter egg in the world. Master class "Big Easter egg

The small Canadian town of Vegreville is home to a large number of ethnic Ukrainians. It was their hands that created the largest Easter Egg in a world made up of…. aircraft wreckage. Its length is more than 8 meters, and its diameter is 5 meters, and this unusual "pysanka" weighs almost 2.3 tons. By the way, this egg not only decorates the city, but is a weather vane, it easily turns from the wind, despite its considerable size. It will take 20 people to grab this masterpiece, and no “Ryaba chicken” can break it. And, of course, the most important thing is that not a single chicken was harmed during its manufacture!

In the town of Saint-Nicolas (Belgium), 26 employees of a chocolate factory made the world's largest Easter egg from pure chocolate. The dimensions of the giant sweet are 8.32 meters by 6.39 meters, and the weight is about 2000 kg. To create it, the craftsmen worked for about a week, using 50,000 chocolate bars.

Easter "tree"

The tradition of decorating a Christmas tree for Christmas has taken root for a very long time. What's worse than Easter? This is exactly what the German Volker Kraft decided and more than 50 years ago he began to dress up for bright holiday a young tree growing in his garden with painted eggs. The tree grew every year and required more and more decorations. Over time, Volker switched from real eggs to shells, wood and foam blanks. In 2015, more than 10,000 eggs decorated the tree, and this number is increasing every year. Therefore, we can say for sure that there is not only a Christmas tree, but also an Easter tree!

198 years. That is how long the oldest Easter cake in the world is stored, which one of the residents of London inherited from her granddaughter. For almost two hundred years, this piece of traditional pastry has retained its flavor, and on its top you can see the cross that adorns it. The most amazing thing is that under normal storage conditions, the cake does not show signs of mold! Unfortunately, history no longer remembers the name of the wonderful London pastry chef who once cooked this pasta. The owner of this unusual Easter record is 92 years old and she intends to continue to pass it on by inheritance.

Krashenka park

Easter eggs are the main object of entertainment during the holiday. At first, they decorate them in every possible way, and then they roll, beat, throw and even play hide and seek with them. The tradition of searching for Easter eggs originated in Northern Europe and then spread widely in America. The night before, parents hide eggs all over the house, and on Easter Sunday, children search the house for "nests" easter bunny. Amusement parks could not stay away from such an exciting activity and many offer their visitors to take part in the search for eggs on this day. At Easter 2007, a record was broken in Winter Haven, Florida - about 10,000 people came to this park to find hidden 510,000 chocolate eggs, a thousand of which were a surprise from event sponsors. It took the participants only one hour to find them all.

The Guinness Book of Records has a section dedicated to records related to the Christian holiday of Easter. On the eve of the main event of the entire Christian religion, people compete to see who will bake the largest Easter cake, a dyed egg, easter bunny, and jewelers strive to create the most expensive precious egg.

The largest Easter cake in the world was baked by Ukrainian culinary specialists in the city of Sinelnikovo (Dnipropetrovsk region) in 2009. To make a 450-kilogram Easter cake with a height of 1 meter 90 centimeters and a two-meter circumference, seven cooks needed 170 kg of flour, 25 kg of raisins, 75 kg of sugar, 20 kg of margarine, 1.7 kg of salt, 8.5 kg of yeast, 60 liters of milk, 750 eggs, 2 kg of decorative sprinkles and 0.5 kg of vanilla.

Five years before the Ukrainian culinary record, culinary masters from Nizhny Novgorod created Tsar-Kulich, which for some time was considered the largest in the world. Easter 175 cm high and weighing 641 kg 200 gr was made by 15 people. After the consecration of the giant Easter cake by the priest, Easter was cut into 5300 pieces and distributed to people. Local media then wrote that one of the miracles of Jesus Christ came true in the 20th century, when five thousand people were fed with one loaf of bread. To make a giant Easter cake, the cooks needed 200 kg of flour and fudge, 50 kg of margarine and sugar, 21 kg of cake crumbs, 735 eggs, 10 kg of yeast and 5 kg of raisins.

Age the world's oldest easter is ... 196 years. Kulich was inherited by a resident of London to her daughter. And already the daughter passed Easter to her granddaughter. For almost two hundred years, the smell of Easter has been preserved, and on its top you can see the cross with which the cook decorated the Easter cake. In addition, there are no traces of mold on the cake. Her age can be guessed due to the fact that she is very hard. Unfortunately, the name of the master and the recipe have not survived to this day. Easter owners are going to continue to pass on the culinary masterpiece from generation to generation. The modern owner of the ancient Easter, 91-year-old Nancy Titman, claims that the first owner of the Easter cake was her great-great-great-grandfather William Skinner.

Bakers around the world are surprised how a culinary specialist managed to create such a product in 1820, because modern Easter cakes deteriorate after only five to seven days. Perhaps Easter was kept in a very warm and dry place, or it was opened with colorless varnish.

The world's largest Easter egg is located in the Canadian city of Vegreville. An egg weighing 2270 kg, 8 meters high and 5 meters wide was made from the wreckage of an aircraft. At the same time, krashenka performs not only decorative functions, but also is a giant weather vane and turns in the wind. In order to embrace the masterpiece, twenty adults are needed. The largest Easter eggs in Russia were installed in Sochi last year. On the streets of the city, in parks and squares, meter-long eggs, silver and gold, appeared.

The most expensive Easter egg is valued at $100,000. Confectioner Christoph Laurens decorated chocolate egg, height 65 cm, 100 diamonds of 0.5 carats. The owner of the egg from La Maison du Chocolat was forced to put a guard on the jewel. The largest Easter tree in the world is located in the Berlin Zoo. More than 75,000 krashenkas hang on the branches of the tree.

The largest Easter service in Russia was held in 2015 in Moscow. From 1.15 million people (according to the Moscow Main Department of Internal Affairs) to 1.5 million (the Russian Orthodox Church) came to Moscow churches on Easter night for services. Thus, 10% of the population came to the capital to serve.

This year the list of Easter records may be updated. Students of the Kherson State Agrarian University (Kherson, Ukraine) collected world's largest easter basket, in which 500 Easter cakes fit. On this moment this is the biggest basket. Now it's up to the experts of the Guinness Book of Records. After confirming the record, Easter cakes will be sold at the fair, and the proceeds will be transferred to the orphanage.

Sergei Sidorin

Easter is considered the most important Christian holiday, and Easter eggs in the modern world have gone beyond the boundaries of religious tradition and have become a kind of fetish and real works of art. In our review of 10 record-breaking Easter eggs from around the world.

The largest Easter egg in 2011 was created in Belgium. The giant Easter sweet 8.32 meters high took 50 thousand chocolate bars - 1950 kg. 25 pastry chefs worked for 525 hours to create the egg of the record holder, which later got into the Guinness Book of Records.

In 2012, Argentine pastry chefs decided to break the record of their Danish counterparts by creating an Easter egg 8.5 meters high and 5 meters wide. It not only turned out to be 20 cm higher than the previous record holder, but also became the heaviest Easter egg in history. The weight of the finished product is 4 tons. 27 confectioners worked on the masterpiece for almost 2 weeks. The egg was installed on the main city square, and after fixing a record in the Guinness Book of Records, the sweetness was broken into pieces with a crane and treated to everyone.

3. Most Expensive Easter Egg

In 2007, an Easter egg covered in gold-pink enamel and studded with diamonds sold for $13.4 million. precious stones and nods her head four times. This egg was made in the Faberge workshop for the family of Russian monarchs, and was bought at auction by the French aristocrat Baron Edouard de Rothschild as a wedding gift.

4. The Very First Easter Egg

According to biblical legend, after the resurrection of Jesus Christ, his followers dispersed throughout the world, proclaiming the good news. Mary Magdalene dared to come with this message to the Roman emperor Tiberius himself and brought him a chicken egg as a gift as a symbol of life. But when the emperor heard about the miraculous resurrection, he only laughed and said: "It is also impossible for your white egg to turn red." As soon as he finished the phrase, the egg in the hands of Mary Magdalene turned completely red.

5. The most famous Easter eggs

The most famous Easter eggs in the world are Faberge eggs - - series jewelry firm of Carl Faberge, established between 1885 and 1917. In total, there are 71 items in the collection, and 52 eggs were made specifically for the Russian imperial family. Emperor Alexander III ordered the first egg as an Easter gift for his wife. The “chicken”, as the first egg is called, was covered with white enamel imitating the shell, inside the egg, as it should be, there was a yolk - a golden hen.

6. The most daring Easter eggs

In the UK online stores you can order Easter eggs of a very bold design, which are likely to be appreciated by hipsters and adherents of informal movements.

7. The most "artistic" Easter eggs

High art lovers will appreciate Easter eggs inspired by paintings by Banksy and Pollack.

8. Easter eggs on a tree

German pensioner Volker Kraft turned a young apple tree in his garden into an Easter tree in 1965 by decorating it with 18 Easter eggs. It became a good tradition in the family, and every year at Easter more and more new eggs appeared on the tree. In 2015, the Kraft tree decorated 10,000 Easter eggs.

The largest Ukrainian pysanka

Ukrainian pysanka is an egg painted using a specific technology with wax and dyed with natural dyes. The largest pysanka is installed in Canada - it is a monument to the Canadian Mounted Police. As conceived by the authors of the monument, it symbolizes life, good luck and protection. The 10-meter Pysanka is a huge mosaic of 524 stars and 1108 equilateral triangles. It has 3512 outer faces and 177 inner braces and consists of 6978 parts.

10. The largest scattering of Easter eggs

The largest scattering of Easter eggs was arranged in the Cypress Garden Amusement Park in Winter Haven in the US state of Florida. On the Easter holiday in 2007, 501,000 eggs were scattered in the grass, which were searched for by 9,753 children with their parents.

However, you can absolutely calmly decorate eggs on your own and without any extra investments, if you know at least.
