Dictionary of minerals and rocks dictionary of stones. Dictionary of minerals and rocks Dictionary of stones Precious stone on sh

- a mineral of the zeolite group.
SHAMOZITE- a clay mineral belonging to a subclass of sheet (layered) silicates, to the group of chlorites.
- faceted glass imitation of gems.
SHATTUKIT- a mineral of the silicate class.
SCHEELIT- mineral, calcium tungstate. He is trimontite, tungstein, a heavy stone, sheelspat.
SHEELSPAR - synonym for scheelite.
- an artificial product imitating a diamond, chemical composition and properties are close to zirconium.
SHELL-AGATE- agate with inclusions of petrified mollusk shells.
(schorl) - a mineral of the tourmaline group; named after the place of discovery: the settlement of Schorl in Saxony (now Zschorlau, Germany), already known in the 14th century, near which tin was mined; in 1505, Schorl was described by Ulrich Rülein von Calw (1465-1523), mathematician, doctor, mining specialist, architect and even, for five years, burgomaster of the city of Freiberg; blue-black to black, sometimes brownish-black, rarely greenish-black; streak white (grayish-white to bluish-white);
Na (Fe 2+) 3 Al 6 (BO 3) 3 Si 6 O 18 (OH) 4
SHERL TALC- kyanite.
SHERLIT(schorlite) - schorl.
SHESSILIT- regular-shaped azurite crystals from the vicinity of Chessy in France.
SCHEFFERIT- mixed crystal of hedenbergite diopside from light to dark Brown.
SIDE- glassy common opal with blue opalescence.
SHIELD- flat cut small pieces of diamonds that are used to cover other gemstones.
SHIRLA- the name of the schorl in the Urals.
SHIKHTOPAL- opal doublet obtained by gluing two layers of opal, one of which is usually noble, the other ordinary.
DAMNING CONES- natural quartz glass, mined in Libya, popular name.
SHORLOMIT- a black mineral with a glassy luster, an analogue of titanium-rich garnet - black and brownish-black andradite.
SHOHAN- Shokshinsky quartzite.
SPAR- the old miner's name for all minerals with good cleavage.
SATIN SPAR- selenite, as well as fibrous varieties of calcite of white, reddish and greenish color.
SPAR ASHOVER- light yellow fluorite from Ashover, Derbyshire, England.
SPAR STINKY- anthosonite.
SPAR BLUE- lapis lazuli.
- dense aggregates of fine-grained fluorite of blue, blue color.
SPAR PEARL - Moonstone.
LIME SPAR- calcite.
ICELAND SPAR- a colorless transparent polycrystalline variety of calcite.
ICE SPAR- a fibrous variety of sanidine and adularia with a silky sheen.
RASPBERRY SPAR- rhodochrosite with a diamond-glass luster.
SPAR ORNAMENTAL- fluorite impregnated with resins.
SPAR- Moonstone.
FLUORSPAR- fluorite.
- see feldspar.
- calcite.
- rhodonite.
- the old Russian name for red rhodonite.
SATIN SPAR- selenite.
SPAR BLUE- lapis lazuli.
GLASS SPAR- fluorite.
SPAR GLASS- fluorite.
SPAR HARD- corundum.
SPAR HEAVY is an old name for barite.
SILK SPAR- spar satin (selenite).
SCHILLER'S SPA- bastite.
SPINEL- mineral red and blue color, composition MgAl 2 O 4 . Varieties of spinel: ceylonite and pleonast.
SPINEL ALMANDINE is the trade name for brown-red to purple spinel.
SPINEL ARIZONA- red or green garnet from Arizona (USA), incorrect name.
SPINEL NOBLE- blue spinel.
SPINEL VINEGAR- yellowish-orange spinel.
SPINEL HYACINTH- hyacinth spinel, rubicella.
SPINEL STAR- natural spinel with the effect of a four- or six-pointed star of gray, gray-blue to black, which appears due to needle-like crystals of rutile or titanite.
SPINEL CANDYAN- red-violet almandine from Sri Lanka, the wrong name.
- jewelry variety dark red spinel.
SPINEL SAPPHIRE- blue spinel, incorrect name.
SPINEL ZIRCONIUM- pale blue synthetic spinel.
SPRUDELSTEIN- cemented aragonite oolites.
STEINHEILIT- obsolete name for cordierite.
SHTRIGISAN- the local name for wavellite mined near Langenstrigis (Magdeburg, Germany).
SHUGILITH- luvulite.
SHUNGIT- an intermediate product between amorphous carbon and graphite.

  • Minerals and stones on the letter AMinerals starting with the letter A Minerals starting with the letter A. Stones starting with the letter A. Catalog of stones starting with A. Directory of stones starting with A. Description of stones starting with A. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter A
  • Minerals and stones with the letter JMinerals starting with the letter G Minerals starting with the letter G. Stones starting with the letter G. Catalog of stones on G. Directory of stones on G. Description of stones on G. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter J
  • Minerals and stones with the letter ZMinerals starting with the letter Z Minerals starting with the letter Z. Stones starting with the letter Z. Catalog of stones starting with Z. Directory of stones starting with Z. Description of stones starting with Z. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter Z
  • Minerals and stones with the letter MMinerals starting with the letter M Minerals starting with the letter M. Stones starting with the letter M. Catalog of stones starting with M. Directory of stones starting with M. Description of stones starting with M. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter M.
  • Minerals and stones on the letter NMinerals starting with the letter N Minerals starting with the letter N. Stones starting with the letter N. Catalog of stones starting with N. Directory of stones starting with N. Description of stones starting with N. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter N.
  • Minerals and stones with the letter OMinerals starting with the letter O Minerals starting with the letter O. Stones starting with the letter O. Catalog of stones starting with O. Directory of stones starting with O. Description of stones starting with O. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter O.
  • Minerals and stones with the letter PMinerals starting with the letter P Minerals starting with the letter P. Stones starting with the letter P. Catalog of stones starting with P. Directory of stones starting with P. Description of stones starting with P. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter P.
  • Minerals and stones with the letter TMinerals starting with the letter T Minerals starting with the letter T. Stones starting with the letter T. Catalog of stones starting with T. Directory of stones starting with T. Description of stones starting with T. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter T.
  • Minerals and stones with the letter UMinerals starting with the letter U Minerals starting with the letter U. Stones starting with the letter U. Catalog of stones with U. Directory of stones with U. Description of stones with U. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter U.
  • Minerals and stones on the letter FMinerals starting with the letter F Minerals starting with the letter F. Stones starting with the letter F. Catalog of stones in F. Reference book of stones in F. Description of stones in F. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter F.
  • Minerals and stones with the letter XMinerals starting with the letter X Minerals starting with the letter X. Stones starting with the letter X. Catalog of stones starting with X. Directory of stones starting with X. Description of stones starting with X. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter X.
  • Minerals and stones on the letter CMinerals starting with the letter C Minerals starting with the letter C. Stones starting with the letter C. Catalog of stones starting with C. Reference book of stones starting with C. Description of stones starting with C. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter C.
  • Minerals and stones with the letter HMinerals starting with the letter H Minerals starting with the letter H. Stones starting with the letter H. Catalog of stones starting with H. Directory of stones starting with H. Description of stones starting with H. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter H.
  • Minerals and stones with the letter ShMinerals starting with the letter Sh Minerals starting with the letter Sh. Stones starting with the letter Sh. Catalog of stones starting with Sh. Reference book of stones starting with Sh. Description of stones starting with Sh. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter S.
  • Minerals and stones with the letter WMinerals starting with the letter Sh Minerals starting with the letter Sh. Stones starting with the letter Sh. Catalog of stones on Sh. Reference book of stones on Sh. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter S.
  • Minerals and stones with the letter EMinerals starting with the letter E Minerals starting with the letter E. Stones starting with the letter E. Catalog of stones starting with E. Directory of stones starting with E. Description of stones starting with E. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter E.
  • Minerals and stones with the letter UMinerals starting with the letter Yu Minerals starting with the letter Yu. Stones starting with the letter Yu. Catalog of stones in Yu. Reference book of stones in Yu. Description of stones in Yu. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter Yu.
  • Minerals and stones with the letter IMinerals starting with the letter Z Minerals starting with the letter Y. Stones starting with the letter Y. Catalog of stones starting with Z. Directory of stones starting with Z. Description of stones starting with Z. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter Y.

TSAVORITE- a transparent emerald green variety of grossular with a high content of vanadium. Mined in Lualeny near Voi in the Tsavo National Park (Kenya).
FLOWER RODE- fluorspar.
FLOWERS IRON- sintered aragonite in the form of entangled fibrous aggregates white color branched, bushy form.
CEAZIT- silicified wood, impregnating agent is opal substance.
TSEBEKHA- Azabash.
CEGOLITE - magic stone antiquity. Pliny calls it tekolitos - "stone dissolver".
ZEIKSIT- Brazilian green tourmaline with needle aggregates.
CEYLON-BRILLIANT- colorless zircon with a brilliant cut, the wrong name.
CEYLONITE- transparent variety spinels green, bluish-green and brown, a valuable gemstone.
CEYLON SAPPHIRE- synthetic sapphire.
CEIRINGIT- a variety of turquoise-colored aragonite, the color is given by aurichalcite. Mined in Oberzeiring (Tirol, Austria).
CEYLONITE- pleonast.
ZEISSATIT - opal mined near Seis (Massif Central, France).
CELESTIN- a mineral of the subclass of anhydrous sulfates, isomorphic to barite and anglesite, SrSO 4 .
APPRECIATES- synthetic strontium titanate.
CERAGAT- variety chalcedony or Agatha golden yellow.
ZER-AGATE- ceragat.
ZERCONIER is a trade name for a colorless or pale yellow cerite.
CERULAN - calcite, dyed blue with an admixture malachite or azurite.
CERRUSIT- a mineral of the aragonite series, lead carbonate.
CECHNIT- synthetic strontium titanate, imitating diamond (diamond).
CIMOFAN- noble variety chrysoberyl with the effect of a cat's eye.
ZINCITE- mineral, zinc oxide (zinc ore, red, sparalite).
ZINC FAKE- sphalerite.
ZINNOBERMATRIX- synthetic sapphire, color is given by numerous inclusions of cinnabar.
QING-YU- red jade.
ZIRCON - a miner of the group of island silicates, ZrSiO 4 .
ZIRCON NOBLE -hyacinth.
ZIRCON BLUE- natural zircon, the color of which is artificially changed to blue, is also called synthetic green-blue spinel.
ZIRCON SIAMESE- natural zircon from Mongka (Upper Myanmar) and from Chantobun (Thailand), the blue color of which is the result of warming up.
CEYLON ZIRCON- green isotropic zircon from the island of Sri Lanka.
ZIRCONIUM - zircon.
ZIRCONIA diamond.
ZIRKOLIT- synthetic colorless sapphire.
ZIROLIT- an artificial product imitating a diamond, yttrium aluminate.
CYST-PEARL- full natural pearl without foreign nucleus.
CITRINE- transparent to translucent variety quartz yellow, light yellow, reddish yellow.
ZOSIT-SAPPHIRE- tanzanite, the wrong name.
ZOISIT- a mineral of a subclass of island silicates.
ZOISITE BLUE- transparent, blue to violet tanzanite, sometimes with iridescence.
COMIT - flint or jasper from Arizona (USA).
gypsy - Name Morion in the Urals.


chalchihuitl - sacred stone Aztec - blue-blue smithsonite mixed with hemimorphite, as well as the Mexican name turquoise , jadeite and other green minerals.
CHALCHUIT- old Mexican name turquoise.
CHAROIT - a mineral of the group of sheet silicates, named after the Chara River in Eastern Siberia, where it was found. As well as rock containing the mineral charoite, used as a decorative ornamental material.
CHAMBERSITE- a mineral of the borate group.
SHERVETS- old name for red gems - grenade or ruby.
CHERNYAVKA- Olonets name for a medium-sized black pearls.
- psilomelan, descriptive folk name.
BLACK JADE- jade, reminiscent of ink in color.
FUCKING BUGS- natural quartz
CHI-KU-PAI JAD- the Chinese name for ivory jade, as well as small decorative figurines made of jadeite, an ambiguous term.
CHIMBORASIT- aragonite.
CHILDRENIT- a mineral of the subclass of hydrated phosphates.


SHABAZIT- a mineral of the zeolite group.
SHATON- faceted glass imitation of gems.
SHATTUKIT- a mineral of the silicate class.
SCHEELIT- mineral, calcium tungstate. He is trimontite, tungstein, a heavy stone.
SHELBY- an artificial product that imitates diamond, chemical composition and properties are close to zirconium.
SHELL-AGATE - agate with inclusions of fossilized mollusk shells.
- iron-manganese tourmaline black, sometimes green-black, bluish-black and dark brown.
SHERL TALC- kyanite.
SHERLIT- schorl.
SHESSILIT- crystals azurite correct form from the vicinity of Chessy in France.
SCHEFFERIT- a mixed crystal of hedenbergite diopside from light to dark brown.
SIDE- glassy ordinary opal with blue opalescence.
SHIELD- flat ground small pieces diamonds, which are used to cover other gemstones.
SHIRLA- black name tourmaline(sherla) in the Urals.
SHIKHTOPAL - opal doublet obtained by gluing two layers together opal, one of which is usually noble, the other ordinary.
DAMNING CONES- natural quartz glass, mined in Libya, popular name.
SHORLOMIT- a black mineral with a glassy luster, an analogue of titanium-rich grenade- black and brownish-black andradite.
SHOHAN- Shokshinsky quartzite.
SPAR- the old miner's name for all minerals with good cleavage.
SATIN SPAR - selenite, as well as fibrous varieties calcite white, reddish and greenish.
SPAR ASHOVER- light yellow fluorite from Ashover, Derbyshire, England.
SPAR BLUE - lapis lazuli.
- blue john.
SPAR PEARL - Moonstone.
LIME SPAR - calcite.
ICELAND SPAR- colorless transparent polycrystalline variety calcite.
ICE SPAR- a fibrous variety of sanidine and adularia with a silky sheen.
RASPBERRY SPAR- rhodochrosite with a diamond-glass luster.
SPAR ORNAMENTAL - fluorite impregnated with resin.
SPAR - Moonstone.
- see feldspar.
