The most unusual and terrible piercing! Genital piercing - all about punctures in intimate places Piercing and sex life.

A collection of the most extreme oral piercings and body modifications from around the world:

1. Lip window (Lip Window)

A labret is a fairly common piercing, and is a puncture under the lower lip, where a bar with a ball or spike is most often inserted. This type of piercing is so common that you probably know someone who has gotten one.

See what happens when someone stretches their labret hole, the way some people stretch their ears, and after the hole is big enough, a transparent tunnel is inserted into it. Thus, a lip window is obtained.

2. Gum piercing

Gum piercing is a puncture between the roots of the front teeth, where the labret is inserted. This piercing is so extreme that even the BME guys (known for the craziest body modifications) don't recommend it.

3. Vampire piercing

Vampire is called the piercing of the frenulum of the upper lip, the tissue that connects upper lip and your gums. Whether your teeth are pointed or not, this piercing is honestly a bit creepy, but still interesting and quite visually appealing. However, with this type of piercing, care must be taken to avoid thinning of the tissues and gums in the area of ​​the mouth where this piercing is located.

4. Very large tongue piercing (XL Tongue Piercing)

Check out Michael's incredible 30mm tongue piercing. He's huge, not to mention the 11.5mm philtrum piercing and 22mm oval labret.

5. Lip Sewing

Lip stitching has its origins in body modification culture, and is considered a ritual modification with symbolism associated with the idea of ​​closing the lips with play piercings.

The stitching of the lips can be done for aesthetic reasons, or to promote meditation by helping the mind to focus, removing the temptation to say anything.

6. Oral-nasal piercing (Oral-Nasal Piercing)

Hobosteve's strange piercings match his quirky tattoos. One of these piercings is this highly unusual "oral-nose" piercing that runs from the inside of the nose, under his upper lip. Steve got this piercing done at Somatic Salon in Long Beach.

7. Piercing of the uvula

A uvula piercing is a piercing of the tongue located on the soft palate between the tonsils. In palatine uvula piercing, rings with balls or other small rings are most often used.

8Smiley Piercing

A frenulum lip piercing is a piercing that goes through the upper or lower frenulum of the lips. These piercings are relatively simple and heal quickly, however they have a high tendency to fail over time.

9. Massive tongue piercing

Heather Simone has thirteen tongue piercings. She originally planned to make six of them in the shape of a cross, but by the time she got close to that goal, she got too addicted and now her piercing design motif is more like "Where else to fit?".

All of her piercings are size 14, and as she got more and more of these piercings, she had to start getting smaller ball piercings under her tongue to fit all the jewelry.

10. Tattooed tongue with piercing

Combination of tongue piercing and tattoos.

Someone will say that it is vulgar or even stupid, and someone considers it very sexy. Disputes on this topic do not subside even today, although punctures of intimate places can hardly be called a curiosity. If you are reading this article, then you are interested in intimate piercing. How safe is the procedure, how it goes, what complications can arise, in what places intimate piercing is done, and whether an earring in an intimate place can really enhance sexual sensations, we’ll talk about this.

Genital Piercing Technique

Sexual piercing, like any other type of it, is a puncture of the skin with a needle, into which the master will put a specially designed jewelry. The procedure should only be carried out by a professional with experience in this field. In no case do not do this manipulation to yourself at home! If suddenly for any reason you thought that this was a trifling matter, stop and read the article to the end. Intimate piercing is not for you. There are many subtleties and dangers here. Not even all salons have a license to carry out this manipulation. If you decide to take such a step as genital piercing, approach the search for a master very responsibly.

The step-by-step piercing scheme is as follows:

  1. The master treats the skin at the site of the future puncture with an antiseptic.
  2. A mark is made on the skin where the puncture will be located.
  3. If necessary, an anesthetic injection is given.
  4. With a special puncture tool, one edge of which looks like a regular needle, and an ornament is inserted into the second, the master will make a “hole”.
  5. Simultaneously with the puncture, the jewelry will already be installed in the right place.
  6. The master will fix it by winding a ball on the bar or fastening the ring of the earring.
  7. The procedure ends with recommendations from the master regarding the care of the puncture site.

Where can a hole be made?

Types of intimate piercing in women

  • Inner Labia. Puncture of the small labia. This labia piercing is considered the easiest to perform and the fastest to heal.
  • Outer Labia. Puncture of the labia majora. The piercing site can be chosen individually, depending on whether you want to receive additional clitoral stimulation or give pleasure to your partner. In the first case, the “hole” is made next to the clitoris, and in the second, closer to the vagina. This labia piercing is quite complex, healing takes 3 to 4 months.
  • Hood. Puncture of the fold of skin over the clitoris. It is considered the most popular type of piercing. Can be done both horizontally and vertically.
  • Clitoris. Clit piercing. The anatomy of not all women allows for this genital piercing. Here, a miniature decoration is used to preserve the sensitivity of the organ. The healing period is from a month to two.
  • Christina. The puncture is made at the point of contact of the labia majora and the pubis. The decoration does not stimulate erogenous zones, but carries an aesthetic load. Such piercing in intimate places is very impractical: you will certainly feel discomfort if you wear tight jeans.
  • Nefertiti. Deep genital piercing from the skin above the clitoris to the Mount of Venus. Healing is long. Piercing is dangerous because it is along the nerve of the clitoris.
  • Superficial genital piercing. This type involves a puncture of the skin on the pubis. It is possible to implant one or more. Such piercing in intimate places is not practical, needs increased attention during healing and is often rejected.

There are many blood vessels in the puncture zone of the intimate area, so you need to be very careful not to cause severe bleeding and infection. You can also experience pain when urinating. After the procedure, it is necessary to wash the “affected area” at least 2 times a day with a disinfectant solution for 2 weeks. Do not visit baths, swimming pools, postpone trips to the sea, go to the solarium. If you find redness, feel pain, immediately consult a doctor and remove the metal bauble.

Types of intimate piercing for men

  • Dydoes. This variant appeared not so long ago. When performed, paired punctures are made on both sides of the head. Small rods are inserted. According to the owners of this type of genital piercing, sexual sensations after the procedure are reborn with renewed vigor.
  • Frenum. Came to us from Europe. It is a stimulant for long-term pleasure. The decoration is placed in the skin at the base of the head, where the ring is placed around the penis. During sex, the ring compresses the organ, delaying ejaculation. This is the simplest type of male genital piercing.
  • Prince Albert. Came to us from the Victorian era. Prince Albert was a very unusual person and wore a ring that was threaded through the head of the penis to support it. The puncture was made through the urethra to the base of the head. The procedure is easy and does not entail negative consequences. Since the skin is very thin, it heals quickly enough. After such a piercing, sexual abstinence from 1 to 2 weeks is necessary.
  • Ampallang. A rather unknown type of genital piercing. It is used by Indonesian tribes when a boy is initiated into a man. The decoration is pierced horizontally through the head. The earring passes both through the urethra and next to it.
  • Apadravya. Vertical punch. There is an intersection of the head, in which the lower ball is located at its base. Such a sexual piercing was even mentioned in the Kama Sutra, as it brings a lot of pleasure. Apadravya can be called the most difficult, in order for the puncture to heal, you will have to refrain from loving relationships for several months.

Dangers of intimate piercing

If you decide to get an intimate piercing, you need to know what dangers may lie in wait for you:

  • There is a risk of bacterial infections. Keep the instrument sterile.
  • Possible nerve damage. The procedure should only be carried out by a professional.
  • In case of an allergic reaction to the metal, the jewelry may be rejected.
  • If you get tired of the genital piercing or you are forced to remove it, an unaesthetic scar may remain at the puncture site.

Rules for a successful intimate puncture

In order for intimate piercing in girls to bring pleasure, and not disappointment, it is necessary:

  • Check for genital tract infections.
  • Step by step follow the instructions for caring for the puncture site with your own hands.
  • To carry out manipulation only in specialized salons, there can be no talk of any independent puncture.
  • Do not save on jewelry, purchase only high-quality rods or rings made of gold, titanium or implantium.
  • Follow all recommendations: refuse to visit the sauna, solarium, swimming pool for the duration of healing.
  • Do not have sex until the wound is completely healed.
  • Do not remove jewelry until the wound is completely healed.

Intimate puncture - does it hurt?

The most pressing question: "Intimate piercing, does it hurt?" Great amount nerve endings causes the pain of the procedure in this area. Assessing soreness on a 10-point scale, intimate piercing in women can deservedly get a ten. But it all depends on the individual characteristics and pain threshold of each woman. Some note that wound healing is much more painful than the five-second puncture itself. If necessary, the master can give you local anesthesia.

Contraindications to intimate puncture

Like any other manipulation associated with a violation of the integrity of the skin, genital piercing has contraindications:

  • blood diseases;
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • skin diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • mental disorders;
  • decreased immunity;
  • an allergic reaction to an anesthetic or metal.

How to care for a wound

Compliance with cleanliness and banal rules of personal hygiene is the key to successful and rapid wound healing. A fresh puncture needs careful care: at least twice a day, wash the wound with a special disinfectant that the master will advise you. Do not use greasy creams until the wound is completely healed. If you experience burning, soreness, or severe redness, see a dermatologist right away. In the event of an allergic reaction to the metal, the jewelry may need to be removed.

Piercing and sex life

Intimate punctures are most often done either to decorate intimate places or to enhance sensations in bed. Regarding sexual sensations and new emotions during sex, there are opinions for and against that should be considered:

  • Argument FOR. Many people really get sexual pleasure from a small piece of metal in an intimate place, which provides stimulation of erogenous zones. Some are turned on by the thought of having an intimate piercing jewelry for a partner.
  • Argument against. Others, on the contrary, are frightened even by the thought of having a piece of metal on the body of a partner. The fear of getting hurt does not allow you to fully relax and get the most out of sex.

That is why before getting a genital piercing, consult with your partner. If he is open to such experiments, why not diversify his sex life in this way?

How many people exist in the world, so many opinions you will hear about intimate piercing. One way or another, intimate female piercing is intimate for that, so that you personally decide whether or not to be on your body.

More recently, young people considered tattoos and piercings to be something optional and even scary, but today every third person you meet can see a ring in his eyebrow or somewhere else, and special salons are located almost every block.
It is worth saying that in addition to beauty and pleasure, piercing carries a considerable danger to the human body. For example, one of the most ardent piercing fans, who pierced her tongue, noticed a few days after the piercing that her tongue began to slowly inflame. The rod was immediately taken out, but it turned out that everything was much worse. The infection that got into the tongue got to the brain through the blood vessels, and the shell of the latter became very inflamed. Six months of treatment pulled the girl out of the world, since then she swore off doing piercings.
A sensational story happened to the Englishwoman Becky, who, during a thunderstorm in one of the Greek resorts, was struck by lightning directly into a metal rod fixed in her tongue. The case, of course, curious, but, nevertheless, there is a place to be. By the way, the girl survived.
But, and this is not the worst thing that can happen in the world of piercings and tattoos. The most dangerous operation of our time can be safely called brain piercing - the introduction of a ring into a human skull. The fact is that brain piercing is done on the basis that the ring threaded into the drilled holes will affect the pleasure center located in the back of the head. The effect, according to people who have tried this innovation, is amazing.

Piercing (English piercing - “puncture”) is one of the forms of body modification, the creation of a puncture in which jewelry is worn. The term "piercing" itself can refer to both the process of piercing and to holes made by piercing. There are a number of ambiguities in the history of piercing due to the lack of publicly available information.

The reasons for getting pierced or not getting pierced can be very diverse. Some pierce for religious or spiritual reasons, while others are motivated by the need for self-expression, aesthetic value, a desire to improve sexual experiences, affirm their belonging to a culture or protest against it. Some types of piercings remain controversial, especially among young people.

Piercing traces its history, if not from the same time as the tattoo (at least 10 thousand years), then approximately from the same place - from the African continent, from the islands of Polynesia, from South and North America. In ancient times, the piercing procedure was endowed with a special, even sacred meaning. American Indians pierced their earlobes to demonstrate their belonging to a particular tribe.

In ancient Rome, harsh legionnaires pierced their nipples in order to temper their character, show their courage and courage, and even fasten their cloaks (tunics) to these rings. In India and Nepal, it is still customary to wear nose rings. And the pierced navel of an ancient Egyptian indicated that its owner was a free citizen.

Piercing for everyone is no longer something out of the ordinary. Women and men, grandparents no longer look with horror and exclamations, groans and gasps at young people passing by with pierced noses, lips, eyebrows and other parts of the body hidden under clothes.

However, piercing remains a trendy phenomenon. And it's not a secret for anyone that hundreds of teenagers, girls and young people dream of a cherished puncture, and think about where to do it, so that it is fashionable, not like everyone else, and beautiful.

Some practice extreme types of piercing. Among the Guinness record holders there are owners of hundreds and even thousands of permanent and temporary punctures.

But the main reason for piercing remains a burning desire to stand out from the crowd. The desire to attract attention, sometimes it goes beyond all conceivable boundaries.

Some combine piercing and tattooing, it turns out like a mask of an aboriginal from some African tribe, although a real aborigine has much less metal on his face.

I wonder if a simple layman looks at this photo, what will he say about the person who is depicted in it? Perhaps this person visited the lego store too often as a child, where he played for hours, composing people, cars and houses from different parts. And, having matured, he decided to decorate his face with “details”. Of course, it looks terrible, but in a person, the main thing is not the appearance, but the soul. Is it true?

Night. Two people kiss in bed. And suddenly you notice that your Serezha has some extra detail on his tongue. This is a pretty dumbbell, which only spices up the process. Or do you have a nightmare that on a black-black night somewhere in Amsterdam, in a black-black nightclub, an uncle in a black-black vest is standing on the stage, who has a ring in a causal place, and any metal junk of a kilogram and a half is suspended from this ring . Nightmare on Elm Street is resting. Or someone else who has something like a huge nut stuck in their earlobe and you can safely stick your finger in there. Here are some jokes. And it's all called one kind word- PIERCING.

But ten earrings in your ear now will surprise few people. It's not so relevant anymore. Young people began to rape the body in more sophisticated ways.

Attention girls! The hit of this season is the navel. And we must hurry to heal by the summer. Heals usually 1-3 months. The maximum term is 10 months. In general, the navel and brulik in the nose look very feminine and sexy. Unless, of course, the nose is pierced from the side, and not in the middle.

And if you are more aggressive, you blue hair and a cool outfit, then they advise - a lip, an eyebrow.

Well, thrill-seekers can pierce the tongue, nipple or anything above the knees and below the navel. Insert a ring or dumbbell - and enjoy the rest of your life. Feelings, they say, indescribable. Especially during oral sex. By and large, this is what they prick for. Fans.

Girls, as usual, are always dear to us, and it’s more difficult for guys. Not all masters will agree to pierce their causal place, they say they have their own, good, beloved and not pierced, and it is unaesthetic to pierce someone else's, although the functions are not violated. On the contrary, it's cool.

If you haven’t made up your mind yet, then take any German magazine of aggressive body rape, you will see jokes that you won’t forget even in a dream: a pierced bridge of the nose, an ear pierced through, nipples with rings on which hang iron chains, and their owner is sitting in a tie and smiling cheerfully. In short, fantasy has no limits. When I saw such photos of our masters, I could not sleep for 3 days.

The act of piercing itself takes place in a chair, with a master in gloves, with a bunch of creepy tools, clamps and, of course, a needle. An earring is usually inserted into the needle and pierced with it. Then they twist the earring on top and sprinkle or smear some kind of rubbish. It hurts, I understand. Sometimes anesthesia is done at will, but it will come out more painfully.

If you do not lose your head after this, which sometimes happens, and take proper care, then all organs will heal in 1-3 months. And remember - the master must explain and show you everything; the needle must be disposable, everything else must be sterile, well, except for the master, of course. Feel free to ask questions, up to the following: "Can I spit at Vaska Pupkin from 10 meters and not miss if my nose is pierced?"

Well, now about the prose. That charming ring or dumbbell that will decorate your sirloins is usually brought from America, Canada or France. Earrings are usually made of surgical steel, but anatomical metal is more recommended. If you want something very cool and exclusive, unobtrusively ask the master. Sometimes they have their own personal belongings that are much cooler than the standard, or they will order you.

And, of course, prices. Prices are almost the same everywhere: $20 for a piece and from $10 to... for an earring.
