Genital piercing is all about punctures in intimate places. The most unusual and terrible piercing! Intimate piercing: urination

Some women now decorate their bodies not only for the sake of beauty, but also for the sake of getting sexual pleasure. It is for this purpose that cosmetic gynecology today offers such a procedure as intimate piercing. Today, there are many types of it.

"Christina" - piercing with a long healing period

Women rarely decide to make themselves this type of puncture. Firstly, it heals for a long time - within 4 months. And secondly, the anatomical features of many representatives of the beautiful half of humanity do not allow this. Finally, such a piercing can cause a lot of inconvenience while walking, constantly scrolling.

"Christina" is an aesthetic decoration of oneself. During sexual intercourse, no additional pleasure can be obtained with it. This piercing is a piercing of the hood of the clitoris under the Mount of Venus. The decoration to be used in this case should be L-shaped.

Most popular vertical puncture

One of the most popular types of intimate piercing among women is the vertical piercing of the clitoral hood. Such a puncture heals within 4-8 weeks. Suitable for this piercing variety of options jewelry.

This procedure is not difficult for a professional. The patient does not experience pain. After all, the fabric that needs to be pierced is very thin. The result of such a piercing is not only beauty, but also stimulation of the clitoris during sexual contact with a partner.

Horizontal puncture is a great pleasure

For aesthetic purposes, women also make a horizontal puncture of the clitoral hood. It heals within 6-8 weeks, which is also pretty fast. With it, you can also get additional sensations during sex. In this case, you need to choose the right decoration with one or two balls. It is necessary to install the product so that these balls fall on the clitoris.

It is impossible to do such a piercing on your own or with unverified masters. You need a preliminary consultation with a professional who will determine the abundance of blood supply to this area. Only after that, an experienced specialist will do everything according to the rules.

Puncture of the labia minora - for yourself and for a partner

Most often, the labia minora is pierced in order to enjoy the stimulation of the clitoris. This is only possible if the decoration is set quite high. During sex, such a piercing and a partner can get considerable pleasure.

Most often, small rings are used as decoration for such a puncture. Many women even try to make several punctures in this place. However, it is worth remembering that this can lead to tissue stretching.

These piercings require special care. He may bleed for the first 4-5 weeks. Therefore, immediately after the procedure, it is recommended to use special pads. And in the future, you will have to resort to hygiene procedures very often. After all, after each trip to the toilet, you will have to rinse the piercing with warm water.

Puncture of the labia majora - only for beauty

When doing labia majora piercing, many women dream of instantly getting a lot of pleasure from intimacy. However, this option is only decoration. The most pleasure can be felt from the punctures of the hood of the clitoris. However, the popularity of such piercing does not decrease. Moreover, the right jewelry can stimulate the partner's male penis.

This piercing heals within 2-3 months. It uses a wide variety of decorations.

There is much large quantity different kinds intimate piercing in women. However, most of them, due to the anatomical features of some of the fair sex, are simply impossible to implement. Therefore, one desire to decorate oneself in this way is not enough. It is necessary to consult a specialist.

Night. Two people kiss in bed. And suddenly you notice that your Serezha has some extra detail on his tongue. This is a pretty dumbbell, which only spices up the process. Or do you have a nightmare that on a black-black night somewhere in Amsterdam, in a black-black nightclub, an uncle in a black-black vest is standing on the stage, who has a ring in a causal place, and any metal junk of a kilogram and a half is suspended from this ring. Nightmare on Elm Street is resting. Or someone else who has something like a huge nut stuck in their earlobe and you can safely stick your finger in there. Here are some jokes. And it's all called one kind word- PIERCING.

But ten earrings in your ear now will surprise few people. It's not so relevant anymore. Young people began to rape the body in more sophisticated ways.

Attention girls! The hit of this season is the navel. And we must hurry to heal by the summer. Heals usually 1-3 months. The maximum term is 10 months. In general, the navel and brulik in the nose look very feminine and sexy. Unless, of course, the nose is pierced from the side, and not in the middle.

And if you are more aggressive, you blue hair and a cool outfit, then they advise - a lip, an eyebrow.

Well, thrill-seekers can pierce the tongue, nipple or anything above the knees and below the navel. Insert a ring or dumbbell - and enjoy the rest of your life. Feelings, they say, indescribable. Especially during oral sex. By and large, this is what they prick for. Fans.

Girls, as usual, are always dear to us, and it’s more difficult for guys. Not all masters will agree to pierce their causal place, they say they have their own, good, beloved and not pierced, and it is unaesthetic to pierce someone else's, although the functions are not violated. On the contrary, it's cool.

If you haven’t made up your mind yet, then take any German magazine of aggressive body rape, you will see jokes that you won’t forget even in a dream: a pierced bridge of the nose, an ear pierced through, nipples with rings on which hang iron chains, and their owner sits in a tie and smiles cheerfully. In short, fantasy has no limits. When I saw such photos of our masters, I could not sleep for 3 days.

The act of piercing itself takes place in a chair, with a master in gloves, with a bunch of creepy tools, clamps and, of course, a needle. An earring is usually inserted into the needle and pierced with it. Then they twist the earring on top and sprinkle or smear some kind of rubbish. It hurts, I understand. Sometimes anesthesia is done at will, but it will come out more painfully.

If you do not lose your head after this, which sometimes happens, and take proper care, then all organs will heal in 1-3 months. And remember - the master must explain and show you everything; the needle must be disposable, everything else must be sterile, well, except for the master, of course. Feel free to ask questions, up to the following: "Can I spit at Vaska Pupkin from 10 meters and not miss if my nose is pierced?"

Well, now about the prose. That charming ring or dumbbell that will decorate your sirloins is usually brought from America, Canada or France. Earrings are usually made of surgical steel, but anatomical metal is more recommended. If you want something very cool and exclusive, unobtrusively ask the master. Sometimes they have their own personal belongings that are much cooler than the standard, or they will order you.

And, of course, prices. Prices are almost the same everywhere: $20 for a piece and from $10 to... for an earring.

Since time immemorial, people have tried to somehow embellish their appearance. And one of the most ancient types of "decor" is piercing. At one time, warriors going into battle adorned themselves with earrings in their ears and nostrils. Now piercing can be seen more on a woman than on a man.

But for many girls, a simple ear or navel piercing is no longer enough, they want more. Some just choose a special procedure in the secret corners of their bodies. Why do piercings on int. places in girls, how do they do it and does it hurt? You will learn about this from this material.

Where is intimate piercing done?

Usually the puncture is located:

    On the clitoris. Usually, either the clitoris itself or the fold above it is pierced. This type is not suitable for everyone, since the structure of the clitoris is different for everyone. And for many girls, the puncture of the clitoris can cause discomfort and pain.

    On the nipples. A very common type of piercing, especially among young people. With the help of such a puncture, you can give a new one that will make the breast more beautiful, as well as exacerbate the sensations during sex.

    On the labia minora. It is considered the fastest healing puncture in such places, it practically does not cause inconvenience.

    On the labia majora. It is very important to make a puncture in the right place so that nothing rubs and does not interfere when sitting. In this place, the wound heals for a long time, and it is more painful to pierce here.

    Why do this procedure

      girls who get pierced in intimate places often want to emphasize their individuality and peculiarity;

      it just looks beautiful and gives aesthetic pleasure to the woman herself;

      decorations in such a place really like the opposite sex, it turns on;

      it can diversify sex and bring new sensations;

      piercing in such a place stimulates not only the girl, but also the partner.

    Selection of jewelry

    Now there are many different "intimate jewelry" in stores, and, of course, among all of them there are good and bad ones. It should also be noted that they must be chosen based on the individual characteristics of the structure of the body. All these decorations differ in different parameters, namely in color, material and shape. An experienced craftsman will always help you choose the right earring. So, the most popular jewelry for piercings in intimate places:

      Banana. This decoration in the form of an arc is used to pierce the nipples and genitals. Most often made of titanium, as well as gold.

      Horseshoe. The name speaks for itself, there are wraps around the edges of the product.

      Barbell. This type is most often used for nipples.

      Rings. A popular decoration for the nipples and genitals.

      Spiral. Best suited for labia piercings. It is made from almost all materials.

      You should be especially careful about the choice of material, because each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

      For example, surgical steel is good because over time it does not change shape, does not rust or oxidize. It is also not demanding on storage conditions and a lot of jewelry is made from it. The price of products from this material is small. However, such steel quickly changes temperature, which is inconvenient when visiting a sauna.

      Another popular material for female intimate piercings is titanium. Its advantages are that jewelry from it weighs little, and therefore problems such as stretching of fabrics and inconvenience when wearing can be avoided. Titanium is also resistant to rust, stable in contact with water. When wearing such earrings, the likelihood of allergic reactions is very low. A big plus is the huge selection of a wide variety of colors for jewelry. But there are also disadvantages. Titanium is also sensitive to temperatures, so it is not very comfortable to wear titanium jewelry in winter or in a sauna.

      Bronze is a popular jewelry material because it is fairly inexpensive and can last quite a while. But you should carefully buy earrings, because products made of this metal from unknown manufacturers may contain hazardous substances. There may also be traces of jewelry on the skin, and this does not look very aesthetically pleasing. Unfortunately, bronze oxidizes, and the decoration can change its appearance.

      If you choose silver jewelry, then you will have a lot of choice, because the metal can be different, for example, light or dark. Such a decoration will last a very long time, and at the same time it also looks beautiful and expensive. However, please note that some people may experience it because it contains various impurities. Metal becomes dirty over time, and therefore it must be cleaned periodically. Well, the price silver jewelry much higher than many other species.

      Also, piercing earrings can be made of plastic, glass, porcelain, gold, wood, etc. All materials have their own characteristics, so carefully read all the characteristics of the jewelry before buying.

      clitoris puncture

      This type of piercing is not suitable for everyone, since this organ is very sensitive and all women have a different structure. If it is small in a girl, then the nerve endings can be damaged as a result of improper placement of the jewelry. For a puncture, the clitoris must be large. Also, it should not be covered with a thick layer of skin. This organ can be decorated with a banana, a ring or a barbell.

      The hood can be pierced vertically, that is, the needle passes through the skin above the clitoris. Also, a puncture is made horizontally. Then the needle is passed through the fold of skin above the clitoris in a horizontal direction. Such a puncture is the most popular. Hood piercing allows you to increase the pleasure during sex and get new sensations. Decorate it with rods, rings, half rings and horseshoes.

      "Decor" chest

      As a rule, when nipple piercings are done, anesthesia is always performed first. That is why this process is almost painless. Most often, nipples are pierced as follows:

        vertically - they do it least often;



      You can pierce both one breast and two. It depends on your taste.

      How to make a piercing in intimate places: labia

      The procedure depends on where you want to "place" the decoration. If you make a puncture on the labia minora, then you need to pay attention to their thickness. After all, it will pass through the skin of the inner labia. The thinner they are, the lighter and will pass faster procedure. To decorate the piercing, rings with or without a ball are most often used. Thrill-seekers adorn themselves. It should be noted that the piercing of the labia minora is the simplest piercing on int. places for girls. Therefore, this decor is popular.

      Large labia are also pierced. But in this place, healing takes longer. The piercing goes through the skin of the outer labia, so the thickness of the skin is also important. It should be noted that it is not necessary to make a puncture at the edge of the lips, so that there is no irritation from frequent contact of an unhealed wound with clothing. For jewelry, rings, arcs are most often used, less often rods.

      Care after a puncture

      After piercing on int. In places, girls may experience various inflammations, bleeding, allergic reactions, which can subsequently lead to serious problems. Wounds in such places need to be looked after especially carefully.

      During the first two or three weeks, the puncture must be washed 5 times a day with a special disinfectant solution (miramistin, hydrogen peroxide, etc.). You also need to apply an ointment with a healing effect.

      Naturally, you need to control hygiene, do not touch the piercing with dirty hands, and keep this place clean and dry.

      Until the wound is completely healed, baths, saunas, swimming in pools and reservoirs should be abandoned. Sexual contact is also better to exclude, so as not to be injured.

      You should not change the piercing jewelry until the wound is completely healed, because there is a risk of infection.

      It should be remembered that the healing time for each individually. In addition, much depends on the puncture site and the choice of jewelry. The main thing is to follow the recommendations of the master, then everything will heal well.

        it is best to wear underwear made from natural fabrics during the healing period of the wound;

        only a specialist in a good salon should do the procedure;

        during the healing period of the wound, try not to let the clothes come into contact with the decoration;

        you can make several punctures of the labia at once, but you must be sure that you can cope with the care and possible pain;

        you can re-pierce in the same place, but only after the old wound has completely healed.

      Who can do this procedure

      In salons, genital piercing is done only to those girls and boys who have reached the age of 18. If you are less, then be patient for a few more years. At the same time, you can think carefully about whether you need a female genital piercing or a nipple piercing.

      In some salons, you can come with your parents, then perhaps you will have this procedure.

      Also piercing on int. places in girls are not recommended if there are such factors:

        blood diseases;

      • reduced immunity;

        allergy to metals;

        skin diseases;

        high sensitivity to pain.


      If you have done this procedure with good master in a proven salon, followed all the rules for caring for the wound, then you should not have deplorable consequences. However, if mistakes were made in the process, then after a puncture, you may face serious troubles. Negative consequences intimate piercings:

        infection, up to hepatitis B and AIDS;

        allergic reactions - redness of the skin, first near the site of the wound, and then throughout the body;

        if you did this procedure on the clitoris not quite in the right place, or if you chose the wrong jewelry, then during sexual contact you can injure yourself;

        if the nipples are pierced incorrectly, sensitivity may disappear.

      How much does the procedure cost

      The cost of piercing intimate places is varied. It depends on the city where you will do it. An important role is played by the choice of the salon in which the procedure will be performed. The level of the master also affects the price, a beginner will charge less money for a puncture than a professional. On average, the cost starts from a thousand rubles. A nipple piercing will cost about one and a half or two thousand rubles. But the puncture of the labia or the clitoris will cost more, about four thousand. Decoration is not included in this price. In addition, you should additionally purchase various ointments, patches and bandages that the master will advise.

Types of piercing

Piercing types can be classified according to many parameters. So, there are classic, extreme and intimate piercings.

  • Classic refers to regular piercings of the ears, face, navel, etc.
  • Extreme means non-standard solutions - an unusual puncture site (for example, eyelids), etc., as well as tunnels, microdermals and transdermals.
  • Intimate piercing refers to areas of the body such as the nipples, bikini area, male and female genitals.

You can do a surface piercing or implant piercing.

  • Implantation piercing - implantation of a barbell earring under the skin. This is a popular microdermal today.
  • Other types of punctures are considered superficial.

It is customary to classify piercings according to the puncture site.

Eyebrow piercing. It is diagonal, vertical and horizontal. Heals on average 30-40 days, in the first days small hematomas may form at the puncture site.

Ear piercing. prick like soft tissues(earlobe), and cartilage (helix, rook, conch tragus, etc.), make two punctures and connect them with a barbell (industrial), install tunnels and more. The healing process takes from a month to six months.

Nose piercing. The upper (bridge) and lower (septril) parts of the nose are pierced, the earring is inserted into the septum (septum), a horizontal plane puncture AustinBar is made.

Lip piercing. It implies the piercing of the lips themselves in the styles of Monroe, Madonna, Snake bite.

Tongue piercing. They pierce the tongue itself and the frenulum under it. It requires special care, as several large vessels pass through the tongue.
