Sewing machine made of fabric. master classes

Making leather crafts is a fun and interesting hobby. However, there is one difficulty: a shortage of tools. Some were lucky enough to purchase them on occasion, others ordered them from local craftsmen. At the same time, a DIY leather sewing machine is completely doable. Sewing with a regular needle with preliminary piercing of the workpieces with an awl is quite labor-intensive and complex. In addition, the thread constantly twists, “fluffs” and gets tangled. There seems to be a good way out - to adapt a needle from a regular sewing machine for sewing. The thread remains intact, but the needle itself cannot withstand such violence. At the slightest careless movement it simply breaks. Therefore, the very idea of ​​​​making some semblance of a manual typewriter could not be more relevant.

What will you need for work?

To make a manual leather sewing machine with your own hands, you will need:

  • An awl equipped with a collet mechanism.
  • Bobbin.
  • Needle from an industrial sewing machine for leather goods, No. 250.
  • File handle.


  1. First, remove the collet mechanism from the awl.
  2. Install a sewing machine needle into the mechanism and pass the thread through the collet. Do not forget to make sure that the collet is functioning properly.
  3. Now cut off any unnecessary material from the wooden handle and base. As a base for fastening, metal plates are used, soldered together in the shape of the letter P.
  4. Cut a groove for the thread to move and secure the bobbin with a self-tapping screw.

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It turns out to sew no worse than crocheting. In any case, much faster. The thread does not fluff or twist, as when sewing leather parts with a regular needle.



2. Pincushion:

So, 2 master classes, 3 patterns and several examples from the internet.

1 MK.Coffee-cinnamon pincushion.

So, we will need:
Cigarette packs - 2 pcs. (can be replaced with a board or other),
Self-adhesive paper or tape,
Acrylic paints,
A solution of coffee, PVA glue, water and vanilla with cinnamon.
Hands and a little desire))).

First, let’s print or transfer the pattern from the computer to a sheet of paper.

Let's transfer it to calico, I stitch it on a sewing machine, and then cut it out, you can do it as you like

Leave a hole for turning. Before turning, we make notches on the seam allowances so that creases do not form on the finished product.

We fill the blanks with padding polyester, holofiber, whatever you have at hand. Let’s leave our preparations and proceed to the base, on which all this beauty will be attached.

To do this, if there is no suitable box or board, take two cigarette packs, take out the insides and remove the lids, fill them halfway with cereal (I took millet), you can take anything as a weighting agent. We lay padding polyester on top so that the cereal does not fall out. It should look something like this

Only both packs should be filled evenly, that is, have a weighting material at the bottom and padding polyester on top of it. Next, we insert one pack into another and strengthen them with tape or self-adhesive paper to create a solid platform.

We wrap the box first with padding polyester, then with calico. It can be hemmed by hand or glued onto the web using an iron.

We sew the finished platform with our blank according to the principle of sewing a tilde snail.

That's all, all that's left is to paint it with a solution of coffee, cinnamon, vanillin and PVA.

Dry, decorate with braid, paint or decoupage the fabric (there is a master class from Edena Kogan). I made two pincushions so that I would always have them on hand when I sew. I hung the heart on a sewing machine.

In general, use your imagination and you will succeed))) Good luck!

2 MK. Sewing machine for Tilda

To sew such a sewing machine you will need:

  • scraps of fabric (small),
  • filler,
  • cardboard,
  • 2 wooden toothpicks,
  • threads,
  • glue,
  • flat button.

Pattern I drew it while looking at photos of old Singer machines. The pattern shows the dimensions of my machine.

We cut out the parts of the machine - the machine itself and the stand, 2 parts each with seam allowances of 3-5 mm. We sew, the width of the seam should not be made too small. Don't forget about the holes for turning out:

Turn it inside out and straighten it out. We stuff the machine part, and insert padding polyester into the stand and maybe cardboard for the mold. Take a toothpick. We break off part of the toothpick and stick the non-sharp end into the machine, directly into the seam where the needle was. This will be our needle. Its length can be adjusted later:

We also make a coil for the machine using a toothpick, putting 2 small cardboard circles on it and securing them with a drop of glue.

We wind the thread between the circles. The size of the coils, of course, should be small:

Now we insert this coil into the machine (into the seam), after dripping glue onto the tip of the toothpick. We place the machine on the stand and sew it with a hidden seam. We adjust the length of the “needle” and also secure it with a drop of glue.

We will make the flywheel from an ordinary flat button of a suitable size. Let's cut out 2 cardboard circles to the size of the button (one is the same size, the second is slightly smaller), and cover them with fabric (according to the yo-yoshka principle):

Glue the smaller circle to the button on one side (concave side):

Glue a larger circle on the back side of the button (more convex, curved):

After the glue has completely dried, we sew the resulting “flywheel” to the machine:

The car is ready. You can place a piece of fabric under the needle. A little trick: to prevent the needle from moving around the stand, you can sew a small button and fix the tip of the toothpick-needle into the hole of the button.

Today, sewing machine manufacturing companies most often specialize in producing foot-operated models powered by electrical energy. Such devices are very ergonomic, both hands remain free, and the time required to perform individual operations is significantly reduced. Unfortunately, the manual mechanical machines that our grandmothers used often gather dust without use. Completely in vain! Let's look at the question of how to set up a manual sewing machine, and over time you will be able to avoid the services of a sewing workshop, creating real sewing masterpieces.

A little history

Until 1829, all attempts to practically create a sewing machine can be considered unsuccessful, although the great Leonardo created drawings that could be used as a basis.

The first sewing device made of wood was created by the French tailor Thimonnier. Despite all its primitiveness, the productivity of this mechanism was several times higher than that of a person sewing by hand. The first sewing machine was greeted quite aggressively by workers, since mass production of such mechanisms threatened mass layoffs.

Subsequently, Thimonnier improved his invention. Some of his ideas are still used in today's models. Its peculiarity is that it can work even with the thinnest and most delicate fabrics, for example, silk.

A machine with a shuttle, vaguely reminiscent of the modern one, was invented by W. Hunt in 1834. This device was also equipped with a fabric advancement mechanism. The machine was equipped with a horizontal needle. For the first time, vertical movement of the needle was introduced into practice in the famous Singer machines.

How does a manual machine work?

Almost all old-style manual sewing units have the same operating principle:

  • On the right side there is a wheel called a winder. It is driven by hand.
  • Next to the wheel there is a lever through which the stitch length is adjusted.
  • On the left side of the machine there is a shuttle device and a needle with a presser foot. There is also a regulator for the tension of the upper thread and a lever for lifting the presser foot.
  • The working surface of the device is equipped with slats that advance the fabric during the sewing process.

How to set up an old sewing machine: general principles

The essence of the setting is to select the correct thread number and needle to work with a particular fabric. The quality of the stitch largely depends on how well the thread tension is adjusted. If the tension is incorrect, the seam “loops” from the bottom or top.

How to set up a manual sewing machine:

  1. You can adjust the bobbin thread tension using the screw located on the bobbin case. The more the screw is tightened, the stronger the thread tension.
  2. The tension of the upper thread is adjusted using a special regulator, which is located near the lever that raises the presser foot.

Rules for using the “Chaika” machine

Here are some of the most important rules for using a sewing unit of this brand:

  • You cannot start stitching without first lowering the needle and presser foot.
  • The handle should only be turned towards you.
  • To lubricate the machine, you must use only special oil.

Important! The machine should only be used on fabrics that are suitable for all types of stitches. Otherwise, the machine may become unusable.

How to set up a manual sewing machine “Chaika”? The most important point when setting up the “Seagull” is the correct installation of the thread and needle:

  1. By turning the handle, set the mechanism for pulling the thread to its highest position.
  2. Insert the needle into the holder as far as it will go, with the flat side facing the rod on which the foot is located.
  3. Secure the needle with a screw.
  4. Place the spool of thread on the special rod.
  5. Pass the thread through the thread guide and friction washers.
  6. Insert the thread into the thread tensioner, and then fix it into the thread guide and needle holder.
  7. Finally, the thread must be threaded through the eye of the needle.

All this concerns the top thread.

Let's figure out how to set up the lower thread:

  1. Wind the thread onto the bobbin.
  2. Insert the bobbin into the cap and bring the thread out.
  3. Insert the cap back until it clicks.
  4. Turn the handle of the machine to tension the threads.
  5. Thread both threads under the foot.

How to set up an old Podolsk sewing machine?

The peculiarity of this sewing machine is that it can be used to sew dense and thick fabrics, such as denim. The machine is quite easy to operate, but you need to follow simple rules that will extend the working life of the structure:

  • According to the instructions, the machine’s flywheel should rotate only in the “toward” direction (the direction of movement of the handle is away from the person working). Rotating the flywheel “pull forward” is unacceptable, as the thread in the shuttle may become tangled.
  • If the machine is not working, the presser foot must be raised.
  • Do not start the device without placing fabric under the presser foot, since the teeth of the device that advances the fabric may become dull.
  • Do not pull or push the fabric while working. The needle may break or bend. The machine itself carries out the advancement of the fabric.
  • When working, be sure to close the front plate tightly over the hook.

How to wind thread on a bobbin?

The Podolsk machine is equipped with a special winding device located at the rear of the machine, near the flywheel.

Important! The winder operates together with the lower thread tension device, which is located in the right corner of the platform. The sewing device mechanism should not operate while winding the thread.

How to set up an old manual sewing machine of this model:

  1. The first thing to do is to disable the flywheel so that it cannot start the machine moving. To do this, turn the friction screw located in the central part of the flywheel toward you.
  2. Place the bobbin on the winder.
  3. Place the spool of thread onto the spool pin.
  4. Pass the thread from the spool under the tension washer and then up to the bobbin.
  5. Push the winder frame down until the pulley rim contacts the flywheel.
  6. Hold the loose end of the thread until you have wound enough threads to secure the thread. Then tear off the protruding end of the thread.

Important! When wound correctly, the turns lie tightly and evenly.

Threading the bobbin into the cap:

  1. Hold the bobbin with your right hand and insert it into the cap. In this case, the oblique slot of the cap should be on top.
  2. Then pull the thread through the slot to the tension spring, and then into the slot at the very end of the spring.
  3. Place the cap in the machine, remove the free end of the thread and close the shuttle.

How to install the needle correctly?

The needle is installed when the needle bar is in its highest position.

Important! The needle must be installed correctly. Otherwise, the line will end up with gaps. The flat part of the needle flask is directed to the left, and the long groove on the blade is directed to the right.

Upper threading:

  1. Turning the handwheel towards you, set the thread take-up lever with the hole to its highest position.
  2. Place the spool on the pin and draw the thread to the eye of the needle.

Important! Thread the thread into the eye of the needle outwards - from right to left.

Preparing the machine for sewing

We figured out how to set up a manual sewing machine. Now let's get ready for sewing:

  1. First of all, pull the bobbin thread out. To do this, turn the machine's flywheel so that the needle first drops, catching the bobbin thread, and then rises again to the top position.
  2. After this, pull both threads back and place them under the foot.
  3. Place the presser foot on the fabric underneath.
  4. The machine is ready for use.

Features of setting up mini-cars

This is the best option for occasional use. Externally, this machine is similar to a stapler for fastening papers.

Important! The device can be easily placed in a handbag. The machine takes up very little space and can be held with one hand.

The resemblance to a stapler is not accidental. The principle of use is approximately the same, only instead of staples, a spool of thread is inserted on the side. Before threading, you need to wind the thread on a regular standard spool, which is supplied with the device.

Important! You can purchase several of these spools at the store and wind threads of different colors on them.

The compact, self-contained machine sews both thin and heavy dense fabrics well. You can use it both at home and while traveling. The design is extremely simple: press a button and sew the fabric.

Service Issues

It is best to entrust repairs to a sewing machine to a professional technician. However, there are settings that a seamstress can easily handle on her own. Moreover, in the process of work you have to deal with different types of fabrics. Knowing how to set up an old sewing machine when minor problems occur is essential.

Presser foot pressure

It can be adjusted by tightening or loosening the bolt that presses the foot spring. It is located directly above the foot and is made so that it is convenient to tighten it by hand.

Important! If you are going to work with thin fabric, you need to loosen the presser foot.

Height of teeth for tissue advancement

In the “Chaika” machine, regulation is carried out using a disk in 4 positions. The thicker the fabric, the more the teeth should protrude. When embroidering, the teeth are completely hidden.

Important! “Podolsk” has 3 positions for adjusting the teeth.

Adjusting the bobbin thread tension

This is done using a special adjusting nut. Adjustment is made, for example, if loops form at the bottom.

Adjusting the upper thread tension

To do this, there is a small screw located on the bobbin case spring. The adjustment is made if loops appear on top during the sewing process.

Important! Sometimes, when the bobbin rotates too freely inside the cap, the thread often breaks.

New models of sewing machines are equipped with special spring devices that press the bobbin. Old cars don't have this. You can simply solve the problem of how to set up an old sewing machine:

  • cut a circle from fabric or thin paper with a diameter slightly smaller than a hairpin;
  • cut a hole in the center for the axle.

All that remains is to put a homemade washer in the bobbin cap, drop special oil for sewing machines on it, and then insert the bobbin.

Care issues

  1. If you work on a sewing machine without lubricating it for years, it will, of course, work, but over time various problems will arise and the quality of sewing will deteriorate. But if you lubricate it regularly, it will last much longer. Lubricate the car once every six months to a year.

Important! When lubricating, you must use special sewing machine oil. Otherwise, a “drying oil effect” may appear, and the running of the car becomes more difficult.

  1. Equipment is cleaned of dust much more often. It all depends on what fabrics you use when sewing. There is especially a lot of dust from fur, wool and knitwear. After work, it is necessary to sweep away the dust under the covers, from the surface of the machine, under the shuttle and the needle plate. You can use a regular cosmetic brush for this.
  2. At the end of the work, you need to place a small piece of dense fabric (for example, denim) under the foot.
  3. The machine must be kept in a non-working state under a cover.

Video material

With proper care, the device will work flawlessly, and you will rarely have questions about how to set up or repair a manual sewing machine. This means you can easily create original clothes for yourself and look irresistible in them.

Have you noticed the magic and charm that vintage items have? It is no coincidence that they are in high demand these days. They manage to make the interiors of cafes and restaurants, business offices and offices stylish, and homes and apartments soulful.

Every piece of history can become an interior decoration. A regular sewing machine also has great capabilities. If you still have it in your pantry, see how you can use it differently.

How to use old sewing machines

Grandma's old car can still be used today! But if you find it more convenient to sew on a modern electric one, then the manual mechanism will decorate the room.

Moreover, it will easily fit into any space: living room, bedroom or work area for a needlewoman. In this case, the old machine will serve not only as an accessory, but also as a kind of organizer for storing sewing accessories.

Designers use such mechanisms both in a special case and without it. Of course, the machine itself needs to be carefully processed.

You can also carry out a dyeing procedure and use decoupage technology. An original idea would be to place an ornament on the surface in the form of flowers and geometric patterns.

Capabilities of foot-operated sewing machines

Well, if you got a foot-operated sewing machine, you’re even luckier! It can be used in everyday life, when decorating a bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, cottage or garden. The main thing in the process is to use your imagination, show originality and some design skills.

In this case, you can use both the product as a whole and its individual parts.

What can you make from an old sewing machine?

There are many ideas for using vintage devices.

Tables and tables

Various types of tables have become very popular. In this case, the sewing unit itself is removed, leaving a working surface.

Often the old surface is replaced with a more modern tabletop using only the legs.

By adding a small glass coating, you can get original coffee table which will decorate the living room.

Durable wooden or stone coverings will help you assemble a small kitchen table. It is useful for storing cutlery and towels.

Advice: using large-sized coverings, you can build a spacious dining table for several people.

If the room is small, you can use a table like this to decorate work area. And the foot pedal will help you place your feet more comfortably while working with important documents.

A win-win option would be placement in the bedroom as a dressing table. The sides are complemented by several drawers for storing jewelry and cosmetics. One or several doors with a mirror are placed on the table.

Important! The difference between such household furniture is not only originality, but also versatility. Depending on the design, such a table will harmoniously fit into any interior style.


Unnecessary foot operated unit useful as a stand. Here you can place a small collection of books or souvenirs.

Lovers of indoor plants use it to arrange flower pots.

By adding several drawers or slats to the area, you will get a bright rack for storing bed linen and bedspreads.

Sewing machine in the bathroom?

Yes, yes, and in the bathroom too! This option will be appreciated by lovers of interiors decorated in retro or Provence style.

In this case, a sink is mounted into the work surface. The base for it is the legs of a sewing machine. Such a sink can be decorated in any style, and the legs can also be additionally decorated with ornaments.

Use in the countryside

There are also many options for a country house.

A spacious box is placed on the surface, which in the garden will serve as an original flowerbed for your favorite flowers.

And by replacing the wooden surface with stable and strong materials, you can get a creative barbecue.

Addition: in a country house or gazebo, the option of using the vintage table described above will also be useful.

Have you already figured out how you will use the sewing tool you inherited from your grandmother? Or maybe they even came up with their own way? Your machine will cope with any idea and will become a real “highlight” of your interior.

Many who are interested in sewing very often have to work with natural and artificial leather. Handmade bags, leather jewelry, various crafts and even leather paintings look very original and stylish. But most often, working with leather involves repairing leather clothing, replacing zippers, restoring torn areas, etc.

There are many books on teaching the technique of sewing natural leather by hand or using a sewing machine, which tell in detail about the purpose of certain tools for working with leather.
I offer only a few basic recommendations that will be useful to anyone who decides to repair a bag, jacket, etc.

In this video you will see how easy it is to sew leather on an industrial sewing machine (or Podolsk type) by installing a Teflon foot on it.

Working with leather has many “secrets” and little details that you need to know and take into account. For example, when cutting out paired parts, you need to remember that leather stretches more in the transverse direction than in the longitudinal direction, so paired parts need to be cut in any direction, but only in the same direction.

Do not chip the skin with pins. Punctures leave marks on the leather, and if you change the zipper on a leather jacket or bag or jacket, you can easily see this.

Soft leather can be sewn on a sewing machine using a regular #80 or #90 needle. But for sewing rough leather or thickened areas, a special needle for working with leather is required. Even for hand sewing leather, the leather needle looks special, instead of a point it has a triangular tip.
When sewing leather, the stitch length of a sewing machine should not be too small, since frequent punctures will cause the leather to tear at the joints.

You need to cut the leather with a special shoe knife on a plastic board or plexiglass. You can also use a wooden surface, but then the tip of the knife will cut into the wood.
A shoe knife, rubber glue, adhesive seam enhancers, a thimble, strong synthetic threads and a small hammer with an awl - this is a mandatory kit for any home “furrier” who decides to replace a zipper in a bag or repair a torn section of a leather jacket.

What kind of sewing machine can you use to sew leather?

Not every sewing machine can sew leather; treat your sewing machine with care and do not try to sew thick and rough fabrics, leather products, especially bags. As a last resort, you can use a Podolsk or Singer manual sewing machine, but not modern “seamstresses”, which cost 5 thousand rubles.
To work with leather, special industrial sewing machines are provided or, as a last resort, the instructions should indicate that this machine can be used to sew leather clothes.

If you sew leather on a household sewing machine, be sure to buy special needles and a foot, with a wheel (as in the photo) or a roller. Then the skin under the foot will not “slip” and the machine will easily advance the product without forming a seat on the top layer of leather.

If you don’t have a foot or it doesn’t fit (Podolsk sewing machine), then in order to make the leather move easier under the foot, you can sew it through thin paper, which can then be easily removed.

Sewing machine threads need to be strong and elastic. But only nylon threads (as in this photo) are not intended for machine sewing. They are only used for manual leather work or industrial sewing machines.

How to sew a women's bag from genuine leather. Bag with lining and zip fastening. You will learn many useful tips on how to work with natural leather.

Technology of sewing genuine leather and suede

When sewing suede products, you need to take into account the direction of the pile, otherwise the parts will have a different shade.
The leather is ironed from the wrong side with a low-heat iron without steam through a dry cloth.
To prevent the top part from stretching relative to the other, purchase a special foot with a Teflon-coated sole, as in this photo. Teflon feet cost much less than special leather feet.
The ends of the seam threads must be securely fixed with several knots, since machine stitches on leather products do not secure them and therefore they tend to unravel easily.

Working with leather is impossible without glue. The glue is applied with a brush onto a cleaned and degreased surface. Universal adhesives such as PVA and Moment, as well as rubber glue, are very effective.
Repeat the procedure of applying glue several times to thoroughly saturate the skin. At the same time, make sure in advance that the glue is not too liquid, otherwise the skin will get wet.
Set the parts treated with glue aside until the adhesive has dried “to the point of casting”.
After some time, connect the parts together. Place the glued parts under the press. You can even lightly tap these areas with a hammer.
Using a cotton swab or rag, immediately remove excess adhesive solution so that it does not damage the front surface of the leather.

In this video you will see the technology of sewing a zipper into leather clothing. If you are interested in sewing leather goods, subscribe to our channel and you will learn a lot of useful tips.

How to install fittings on leather products

Any handmade leather item must be decorated with fittings. Large metal rivets and buttons, buttons, blocks, locks greatly decorate leather goods.
Buttons are sewn to the skin only if there are buttons on the wrong side.
Before punching holes for the buttons, they are strengthened either with pieces of leather or thick adhesive fabric.
Installing buttons requires a special tool. You can get by with homemade devices, but this installation method produces a lot of waste, then purchase more buttons than required.
Before installing a zipper into a leather product, you should secure it. Instead of basting with thread, adhesive tapes or glue are used. Sometimes even ordinary paper clips can “help”.
The edges of the cut skin areas are glued with special skin enhancers (tapes). On one side, a weak adhesive is applied to such a tape.
The puncture with a needle leaves holes, so the seam is done only once. As a last resort, a seam is laid along the old holes.

In this video you will see how to install a denim metal button on leather items.

After finishing working with leather, the appearance of the product can be refreshed.
You can remove marking lines with soap and water and ammonia, then wipe with a cloth moistened with petroleum jelly or glycerin.
Heavily contaminated areas on the skin can be washed with warm, unboiled milk, rubbed with whipped egg white or half an onion.
White skin is cleaned with a mixture of milk and beaten egg white.
Patent leather should be wiped with a cloth soaked in glycerin or cleaned with a swab dipped in milk.
Suede can be cleaned with sawdust soaked in gasoline (the remaining sawdust is cleaned off with a brush), or an ink eraser, as well as fine-grained abrasive paper.
Stains from household grease are removed with gasoline or talc and a solution of oxalic acid. But be careful, you can remove the paint along with the stain.

Leather paint in aerosol packaging is very easy to use: it is sprayed by holding the can at a distance of about 20 cm from the skin and quickly moving it along the surface to be painted. After a ten-minute break, the next layer of paint is applied. This operation continues until the surface of the skin acquires an even and durable color.

Some tips on how to sew and cut clothing items made of leather or suede.
1. Select patterns that do not require planting. Complex shapes in this case are easier to create using construction seams than using darts. In the past, tailors tried to use as few stitch lines as possible on leather goods. Nowadays, leather production has become thinner and softer and leather products have more seams; often even leather clothing or accessories are sewn from small scraps of leather.

2. Kimono and raglan sleeves are easier to make when sewing leather clothes than set-in sleeves. If you are making a set-in sleeve, measure the increase in fit. It should be no more than 1.5 cm. It is better to make a shirt-cut sleeve, as it has a looser armhole.

3. You must be sure that your patterns are correct. Therefore, it is good to use the pattern that you have already worked with. Or the prepared pattern should be checked on a mock-up made of non-woven material (non-woven fabric without glue) or inexpensive fabric, and only after that it should be marked on the skin and cut.

4. Before cutting the leather, mark holes and thin places on the wrong side of the leather so that you can avoid them when cutting. Carefully lay out the patterns, make sure that the paired parts (right and left shelves, right and left sleeves, etc.) are cut out in a mirror image. Mark contours, lines and marks on the underside of the skin with a ballpoint pen or soft pencil, or a special marking pen. Mark seam and hem allowances. Some marks can be made using notches or adhesive tape. The seam allowances should be the same width, which makes it easier to sew together the cut pieces.

5. Leather stretches in different directions in different ways, so when cutting it is necessary to maintain the same direction of paired and mating parts. When cutting suede, you must follow the direction of the pile. The pile should be directed from top to bottom.

6. The needle leaves puncture marks on the leather, so leather parts are not swept away and stitching seams are not ripped out. To pre-connect the parts, use adhesive tape or paper clips. There is also a special pencil for fixing seams from Guetermann. The pencil does not leave a mark on the sewing machine needle. By the way, glue is a certain problem when sewing. It clogs the eye of the needle, causing gaps in stitches and even thread breaks.

7. Use overstitched, overstitched or covered stitches. You cannot press or press seam allowances like you would on fabric. Instead, they can be glued with rubber glue or another, which remains elastic even after polymerization (drying). There are special adhesives from Rudolfix, as well as NT 2 glue from Gütermann. If you don't have glue, machine stitch the seam allowances in position.

8. It is recommended to use a special interlining for leather LE 420 as a gasket, which is glued with an iron.

9. The fastener is made with a zipper, loops (stitched, overcast and hinged) and buttons. The buttons must be riveted. They are installed in hardware installation workshops.

10. If you do not have such a convenient tool as in this photo, then smooth the seams with the handles of scissors.
First, place the seam allowances from the inside out using short taps and smooth them out. Then do the same on the front side with the seam groove.

11. Working with leather involves ironing the leather with a non-hot iron without steam through a dry cloth from the inside of the product. Before ironing the item, try it on a small piece of leather.
Ironing leather is not recommended because the hot sole of the iron can cause the leather to change its properties, become stiff and shrink in size. But sometimes when working with leather it is necessary to put an adhesive pad. Then you need to iron very carefully and always only on the wrong side, placing an iron pad under the sole of the iron.

Sometimes genuine leather needs to be stitched using a furrier's machine. In this video you will see how the 10B furrier machine works.
