Medium chemical peeling at home. Medium facial peeling at home: features of the procedure

After undergoing a facial cleansing procedure in a salon, many women wonder: is it possible to do a chemical facial peel at home? The answer is yes, but there are several nuances.

It is unlikely that you will be able to carry out deep facial cleansing on your own. And the point is not at all in the absence of drugs for such a procedure - they can be found. Safety and absence of complications are the main aspect.

But superficial cleansing with all kinds of drugs and home remedies is even welcome.

Let's delve into the essence of the issue.

Before you start choosing a peeling drug at home, you need to conduct an “internal investigation” - let's call it this way:

  • highlight the problems that you want to get rid of through the procedure;
  • choose the appropriate type of peeling;
  • conduct pre-peel preparation and stock up on knowledge about post-peel care.

Now we smoothly move on to the types of self-peeling. All the means used can be divided into four groups:

  • natural products that are available at home or can be purchased in the store. We choose those that have a peeling effect and based on them we create our own composition (recipes for the most effective ones are attached);
  • professional products that are used to perform procedures in salons. They can be purchased in specialized stores. Professional peeling at home is an excellent alternative to salon care. But carefully read the composition of the product, not only the effect, but also your safety depends on it;
  • pharmaceutical products that have a peeling effect. There are medications in pharmacies that can not only cleanse the epidermis, but also have a therapeutic effect on “damaged” skin;
  • products from stores selling components for soap making and cosmetics.

When considering peeling with pharmaceutical products, you should pay special attention to finished products. This is the optimal, safest option, since the composition is balanced and the risk of side effects is almost zero. For example, among enzyme peelings, “Enzyme-salicylic peeling Stopproblem” is very popular. It is perfect for young skin, cleanses and prepares the epidermis before applying nourishing masks or creams.

Acid chemical peels are more complex and more aggressive. However, such compositions are capable of combating a large number of problems and can be used at any age.

There are ready-made products with these active ingredients. Very often, acids are included in professional scrubs used for home peeling. However, you can purchase a separate acid at a pharmacy or specialty store and create a product for yourself.

The most commonly used acid components are:

  • salicylic;
  • glycolic;
  • dairy;
  • retinol;
  • apple;
  • pro-grape;
  • lemon;
  • almond and others.

Home chemical peeling is an effective facial cleansing procedure that should be performed regularly. This approach will significantly save time and money. However, you need to be absolutely sure that the manipulation will not harm.

Before you do a chemical facial peel at home, make sure that your skin will respond normally to such exposure. The method is quite aggressive and has its contraindications and warnings.

Peeling should not be carried out in the following cases:

  • allergy to the components of the product;
  • damage to the integrity of the skin (wounds, scratches, cracks), as well as in the presence of purulent pimples, exacerbation of acne;
  • exacerbation of herpes infection;
  • neoplasms on the face, regardless of origin;
  • inflammatory processes at the site of exposure;
  • mental disorders;
  • exacerbation of chronic ailments;
  • situational diseases in acute form, accompanied by an increase in body temperature;
  • pregnancy at any stage;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • age up to 18 years. Only for special indications and in the salon!!!

Side effects include the following:

  • skin redness;
  • dryness and flaking;
  • the appearance of swelling.

These manifestations may be present for a short period of time (from several hours to 2-3 days). With proper care, they disappear spontaneously and do not require specific intervention.

If after the session you notice severe hyperemia, swelling, or a burning sensation that gets worse, you need to seek qualified help from a cosmetologist or dermatologist.

It should also be noted that if contraindications are taken into account, all rules of preparation, execution of the procedure, and post-treatment are observed, negative consequences do not develop.

Before studying the specifics of the procedure, let us discuss an important point. If this is your first time using the active composition, you must conduct a sensitivity test. To do this, apply a drop of the prepared mixture to the inside of the elbow or to a small area behind the ear. If after a quarter of an hour no discomfort is observed, the procedure can be carried out.

Let's look at how to do chemical peeling for the face at home step by step. But first, let’s say that 2-3 weeks before the procedure it is necessary to limit exposure to the sun and apply a special cream at night that will prepare the skin for the effects of the active composition.

Now directly step-by-step instructions on how to do chemical peeling at home:

  • cleanse the skin of makeup and surface impurities. To do this, use gel or milk for washing;
  • skin preparation. Vaporization is carried out in the salon using a special apparatus. You can prepare your face at home in this way - apply a very warm compress from a decoction of medicinal herbs for 2-3 minutes;
  • treatment with active composition. You can apply the prepared product with a brush or cotton pad. Distribute evenly over the entire surface, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips;
  • The duration of the procedure is no more than five minutes. Some formulations may have less. During exposure, a slight tingling or burning sensation may occur - this is normal. If the sensation is too strong, immediately rinse off the product with water. To avoid side effects, you must immediately apply a soothing cold compress from a decoction of the string to your face;
  • After the specified time, the composition is washed off with a large amount of first warm and then cold water. Cosmetologists recommend stocking up on a product to restore skin pH and applying it to your face immediately after removing the working composition;
  • After five to ten minutes, apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream according to your skin type.

Helpful advice. It is better to carry out the procedure in the evening. And it is advisable before the weekend for the face to fully recover. Before going outside, use sunscreen with a high level of UV protection.

As agreed before, we provide recipes for chemical peeling of the face at home. Home remedies include ingredients that are either always on hand or can be easily purchased at a store, pharmacy, or market.

  1. "Fruit Paradise" Preparing the peeling composition is very simple. You need to use fruits with a high acid content: apricots, citrus fruits, kiwi, gooseberries, cherries, raspberries, currants, cranberries, lingonberries, strawberries. To make the procedure more effective, you can make a potion from several components. Just grind the selected ingredients into a paste and carry out the manipulation according to the above plan.
  2. Yogurt-lemon. This self-prepared chemical peeling will not only cleanse the skin of dead skin particles, but will also help cope with age spots. You need to take an equal amount of unsweetened fresh yogurt, lemon juice and cane sugar. Further everything is according to the standard.
  3. Calcium chloride. Do-it-yourself chemical peeling from a pharmaceutical preparation will have an amazing effect. The skin will become soft, smooth, tightened, fresh. But keep in mind that this is a mid-cleaning and you need to act very carefully. Apply the solution from the ampoule to the skin in several layers, and then use baby soap to roll it off along with dirt and other unnecessary particles.
  4. "Emergency help". You won’t be able to get a solution of salicylic acid in a pharmacy—it’s extremely difficult to find it in its pure form. But salicylic alcohol is commercially available. With its help you can get rid of acne, pimples, blackheads. But this is a slow and painstaking task. It is necessary to apply alcohol to problem areas using a cotton swab.
  5. Honey, lemon. Among cleansing compositions, honey-based products are especially popular. The bee product has bactericidal, nutritional and moisturizing properties. The simplest recipe is to mix equal amounts of honey and lemon juice. Apply the composition to a previously prepared face and leave for a quarter of an hour. Then rinse with water and apply moisturizer according to your skin type.

As you can see, there are many alternative natural remedies that are no less effective than professional ones. However, if there are serious problems, the help of a specialist is irreplaceable.

There is a certain “set of rules” that ensure the effectiveness of any cleansing procedure (salon or home). Failure to comply may result in negative consequences - remember this!

  • do not touch your face unless absolutely necessary - the skin is very thin and sensitive after the procedure, injury or infection is possible;
  • for the first three days, do not wash yourself with a running rein, use a cooled, boiled one for these purposes;
  • do not exfoliate the skin forcibly, so as not to injure the surface of the face;
  • regularly apply a moisturizer according to your skin type;
  • Before going outside, use sunscreen with a high UV protection factor;
  • do not visit baths, saunas, or swimming pools for a week;
  • month – taboo on solarium, beach.

Chemical peeling of the face at home is a procedure that should be performed regularly. But give preference to the autumn-winter period, when the sun is not so active.

Chemical peeling for the face at home according to individually selected recipes is a great opportunity to keep yourself in shape all the time. Cosmetologists not only do not object, they even strongly recommend doing such procedures yourself.

The opinion of experts is as follows:

  • a safe alternative to chemical peeling carried out in the salon - a jointly selected product, procedures, compliance with precautions and post-care rules. A cosmetologist will help you take all these aspects into account;
  • be sure to take into account your skin type in order to choose the right active ingredients and the regularity of “home cosmetology” sessions;
  • If you detect any incomprehensible manifestations that cause even the slightest discomfort, seek professional help.

Manipulations must be carried out extremely carefully, do not use highly concentrated products, and take into account the characteristics of your own body. Only then can good results be achieved.


The choice of chemical peeling products at home is very wide. You can purchase ready-made products for your own use, thereby ensuring simplicity and safety.

But for women looking for new means in the struggle for beauty and youth, the invention of exfoliating chemical peeling according to their own taste and taking into account their own characteristics is “a matter of honor.”

Incredible! Find out who is the most beautiful woman on the planet in 2019!

Homemade medium peeling is no worse than in the salon. What is this type of peeling and how to do it at home.


Peeling is a gentle cosmetic procedure that involves complete cleansing of the skin from the outer keratinized ball of cells. It helps to painlessly refresh the skin all over the body in a very short time. There are three main types of exfoliation (peeling cleansing), each of which is designed to correct a specific problem. Superficial peeling solves minor problems of young skin, deep peeling is aimed at maintaining youth, and medium peeling perfectly eliminates various cosmetic defects (scars, stretch marks, scars). Today we will discuss medium peeling for facial skin, how you can do it yourself, and how to care for cleansed skin after the procedure.

Medium peeling is a mechanical scraping of keratinized cells of the epidermal and partially basal skin layer. Compared to a light peel, which only targets the epidermis, a medium peel is designed to correct obvious skin imperfections on the face.

Medium peeling is considered a completely safe procedure. But this procedure is an aggressive penetration into the superficial layer of the skin, and therefore should be carried out only if there are direct indications, following all the rules and recommendations of the cosmetologist.

The skin after medium peeling quickly regenerates the scraped off cells, intensively releasing collagen. This process causes the effect of facial skin rejuvenation. But this is not the only skin improvement from the procedure.

After peeling, the skin noticeably changes its original appearance. At first it turns white, then becomes inflamed and red, and after 3-4 days it becomes covered with brown crusts. After 8 days, the skin is completely renewed. This period is called rehabilitation and lasts no more than 10 days. This is roughly what restoration of facial skin looks like after a mid-peel, day by day:

Medium peeling exhibits the following cosmetic properties:

  • The oval of the face is tightened, the integument becomes smooth and elastic to the touch.
  • Acne pits disappear, scars smooth out.
  • Pigment spots are destroyed.
  • Pores become smaller and oily shine disappears.
  • Signs of aging are significantly reduced.
  • Expression wrinkles are removed.

Interesting! The word “peeling” has English roots and comes from the word peel, which in translation sounds like “scrape.” This cosmetic procedure dates back to the times of the Egyptian pharaohs, and was considered one of the most effective anti-aging procedures.

To get the maximum and long-lasting effect, cosmetologists recommend performing several medial exfoliation procedures. For dry and highly sensitive skin, it is permissible to undergo 2-3 sessions with an interval of at least 1 month, and for oily and problematic skin - 4-5 sessions every 10-14 days.

To clearly evaluate the effectiveness of cleaning in this way, look at the photo of what the skin looks like after a mid-peel before and after the procedure:

What are the indications and contraindications for medium peeling?

Medium peeling, regardless of whether it is carried out in a salon or at home, must have compelling cosmetic reasons.

In what situations is a medium facial peel necessary:

  1. Deep scars after injuries, acne, pimples.
  2. Striae.
  3. Dark circles around the eyes caused by the structure of the skin.
  4. Age-related or facial aging - wrinkles, pigmentation.
  5. Hyperkeratosis is excessive synthesis of epidermal cells with subsequent disruption of the process of their separation.

There are several contraindications to medium peeling:

  • The tendency of the skin to form deep scars.
  • Skin inflammation of any origin.
  • Exacerbation of infectious diseases of the whole body.
  • Oncology and diabetes of any type.
  • Pathologies of the cardiovascular system.
  • Warts and papilloma growth.
  • All mental disorders and neurological disorders without exception.
  • Blood diseases, especially those related to the problem of blood clotting.
  • Skin diseases (eczema, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, herpes).
  • Tendency to allergic reactions.
  • Freshly acquired tan.
  • Pregnancy and lactation period.

Varieties medium facial peeling

Medium peeling is carried out using different tools and substances, therefore, according to the method of effect on the skin, it is divided into three types:

  1. Median mechanical peeling - mechanical cleaning using abrasive microparticles (scrubbing), masks, enzyme substances.
  2. Median chemical peeling - involves the application of certain acid-containing substances that dissolve dead epithelial cells without mechanical action.
  3. Median hardware― is carried out using a special laser device that evaporates the existing moisture in old tapholes, which leads to their removal.

All types of peeling are based on removing an unnecessary ball of cells that have long ceased to perform their functions. The skin, in turn, “responds” to external influences with the rapid release of hyaluronic acid and elastin. And, as a result, the face after medium peeling looks young, well-groomed, toned, without rashes or irritation on the skin.

There are no questions with mechanical peeling, because many of us do it using coffee grounds, salt and store-bought scrubbing gels. And the last two types leave some misunderstandings. So let's look at them in more detail.

Physical medium peeling

This type of peeling is carried out using devices equipped with a laser or diamond attachment. Depending on the severity of the cosmetic defect, the following procedures are performed:

  • Fractional thermolysis- treatment of the skin area with single micro-rays. This is the most gentle cleaning method, which does not cause global irradiation of the epidermis.
  • Laser peeling- a laser beam of a certain length is directed onto the skin, which fills the cells with energy, resulting in the evaporation of the stratum corneum.
  • Diamond dermabrasion― this is a medium deep peeling, in which the skin is deliberately injured by a diamond nozzle. Used to remove colloidal scars, stretch marks, pigmentation, keratosis.

Chemical medium peeling

Chemical cleaning involves the use of acids, less often alkalis. The peeling composition can be single- or multi-component, which depends on the depth of the mid-peel.

The most commonly performed types of medium-depth chemical peels are:

  • Medium peeling TCA- treatment of the skin with organic trichloroacetic acid, often in combination with fruit acids. The procedure has a cleansing, antimicrobial, whitening and regenerating effect.
  • Peeling Jesnerra― treatment of the skin with a three-component agent (resorcinol + lactic acid + salicylic acid) in order to activate the natural regenerating properties of aging skin. During cleaning, apply 3 layers of product at intervals of 5 minutes. The skin renewal period lasts no more than 5 days.
  • Salicylic peeling― this is the treatment of the skin with a 15 or 30% solution of salicylic acid. The method is ideal for eliminating excess fat, comedones, and infectious rashes. It is recommended to conduct 2-3 peeling courses of 10 sessions per year.

Medium peeling at home

For minor cosmetic defects that do not require deep cleansing of the skin, you can do a lighter version of medium peeling yourself at home. But peeling must be carried out carefully, taking into account possible intolerance to the selected component, skin type and the defect present.

Home medium peeling is carried out as follows:

  1. Choosing the right product.
  2. Cleansing the face from traces of cosmetics and sebum. It is important to refrain from applying nourishing masks, lotions, and moisturizing gels 2-3 days before peeling.
  3. Applying the peeling mixture. The duration of the procedure depends on its composition.
  4. After the frost effect appears (formation of a film on the face), the mixture is washed off.
  5. Applying a nourishing mask and treating the skin with a cream with a UV filter.

To prepare the peeling mixture, you can use the following recipes:

  • Salicylic mixture. Grind three capsules of acetylsalicylic acid into powder, add 20 mg of water and mix in a little honey. The mixture is kept on the face for 20 minutes and washed off.
  • Salt mixture. Prepare a mixture of one part salt, one part baking soda and two parts day cream. After 20 minutes, the mixture is washed off with soap or cosmetic milk. If a burning sensation occurs, you can rinse your face with chamomile decoction or make a mask of oatmeal and milk (2:1).
  • Lemon mixture. Dilute freshly squeezed citrus juice with non-carbonated mineral water in the same ratio. Apply several layers to your face with a cotton pad or brush, and after 10 minutes, wash with cool water.
  • Mixture with bodyaga. Take 3 tbsp. l. bodyaga powder and dilute with hydrogen peroxide until a mushy mass is obtained. Apply for 20 minutes.
  • Mixture with calcium chloride. You will need a 5% solution of this substance. They need to lubricate the skin many times (at least 10 times). After 15 minutes, a thick film forms on the face, which needs to be washed off with baby soap.

After cleaning your skin at home, you also need to follow some recommendations:

  1. After washing off the peeling mixture, treat the skin with an antiseptic to prevent infection.
  2. You need to moisturize the skin with a rich cream (there are special series for skin after peeling).
  3. It’s better to stay at home for the first 3-5 days, and if you need to go out urgently, use products with a high SPF factor.

You can evaluate the effectiveness of home medium peeling from the photo:

Skin care after a medium peeling session

Mechanical peeling simply does not require painstaking care and boils down to the application of moisturizers. But care after chemical and physical peeling is more serious and lengthy.

After cleansing, the skin is very sensitive to the external environment, so it requires care after a medium peel, which depends on the method of the procedure. It is important to remember that the rehabilitation period will last for 7 days, so you must strictly adhere to the following rules:

  • Do not peel off the crusts under any circumstances.
  • Do not use decorative cosmetics.
  • Apply moisturizer twice a day.
  • Use sunscreen for the face with an SPF factor of at least 40.
  • Protect your face from high and low temperatures - frost, heat, sauna, wind.

Medium facial peeling - reviews

Girls who use this type of peeling claim its amazing properties. Just a couple of courses completely transform your appearance - the complexion becomes ideal, there are no rashes, wrinkles appear more slowly, pigment spots and blackheads disappear.

Of course, to get this effect, you have to be patient a little. Most women feel discomfort when applying peeling substances. This may be burning, tingling, itching. Also, during the week, some inconveniences associated with the skin regeneration process are felt - it changes color, crusts appear, facial expressions become difficult. But after 7-8 days you get healthy, glowing skin without blemishes.

Next article

Medium peeling is an effective facial procedure that allows you to achieve excellent results. Using this technique, you can significantly rejuvenate your skin and always look flawless. To get the desired effect, you should choose the type of procedure and strictly adhere to the cosmetologist’s recommendations.

Peeling is considered one of the most popular procedures that promote skin rejuvenation. They are used by women who want to look perfect regardless of their age.

Medium peeling is a common type of technique. It is aimed at removing dead cells in the structure of the epidermis to the basal layer. Manipulation can be carried out not only for facial care. It is often prescribed for the neck, arms, décolleté and other problem areas.

Depending on the mechanism of action, medium peeling can have the following types:

  1. – in this case, skin cleansing is carried out using various abrasive compounds. To carry out the procedure, specialists use special scrubs, brushes, and enzymes. There is also a vacuum method.
  2. Physical - it is often called. Special devices are used to conduct the session.
  3. Chemical – provides an effect through the use of various acids.
    Medium peeling brings great benefits to the dermis. With its help, it is possible to get rid of wrinkles, eliminate small wrinkles, and correct age-related changes.

Indications and contraindications

Common indications for the procedure include:

  • the presence of small;
  • chloasma;
  • freckles and pigmentation;
  • facial irregularities;
  • warts and papillomas;
  • areas of hyperpigmentation;
  • scar defects;
  • formation of superficial keratomas;
  • hyperkeratosis;
  • symptoms of dermal aging;
  • acne marks.

Medium peeling is actively used to rejuvenate the dermis and restore the structure of the epithelium. It also gives the skin freshness and copes with scars.

At the same time, manipulation is not always possible. Key limitations to the procedure include:

  • open wounds on the face;
  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • tendency to form scar defects;
  • malignant tumors;
  • diabetes;
  • acute and chronic infections;
  • purulent and inflammatory formations on the skin;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • mental pathologies.

Advantages and disadvantages of the technique

The procedure has many advantages:

  1. The technique is considered quite well known in. This confirms its effectiveness.
  2. Peeling provides rapid achievement of noticeable results. Usually the first effect can be seen literally a week after the session.
  3. The results of the manipulation last for quite a long time. The effect can last from six months to 2 years.

In addition to the obvious advantages, medium peeling also has certain disadvantages. The main disadvantages of manipulation include the following:

  1. Pain during the session. If you compare medium peeling with superficial peeling, the discomfort will be more noticeable. A woman may experience an uncomfortable burning sensation as the acids affect the living epithelium.
  2. The need for a recovery period. It lasts 1 week after completion of the session.
  3. Undesirable reactions after the session. This type of peeling often provokes peeling and irritation of the dermis.
  4. Difficulty smoothing out deep expression wrinkles. Also, the procedure cannot cope with vertical wrinkles in the mouth area. To eliminate these problems, a more radical intervention will be required - contouring or injections.
  5. Inability to eliminate crow's feet near the eyes. More serious procedures will help to cope with the problem.
  6. Problems with eliminating deep . To do this you will have to undergo plastic surgery.
  7. The likelihood of impaired pigmentation of the dermis in women with dark epithelium.

Features of physical peeling

There are different options for physical peeling. The main varieties include:

Indications for physical peeling include various types of wrinkles, papillomas, and acne marks. The procedure is also prescribed for warts, hyperkeratosis, and scar defects.

The recovery period after medium peeling has certain features:

  1. It is not recommended to remove crusts in attempts to stimulate epithelial regeneration processes.
  2. You should use cosmetic products for 7-10 days.
  3. It is important to ensure reliable skin protection from the effects of high and low temperatures.

Types of chemical medium peeling

The middle chemical has different types. In any case, during the procedure, special acids act on the skin. In some situations, alkalis are also used. Peeling can be single-component or multi-component. In the first case, only one type of acid is used. The multicomponent composition also contains other active components.

Medium peel with trichloroacetic acid (TCA)

TCA medium facial peeling allows you to achieve the following results:

  • cleanse the skin of keratinized epithelial particles;
  • achieve an antimicrobial effect;
  • stop inflammation;
  • activate metabolism, achieve capillary expansion.

To carry out the manipulation, special compounds are used. Usually a mixture of trichloroacetic acid with a concentration of 15% and fruit acids is used. In addition, a mixture consisting of 20% trichloroacetic acid is used.

When performing a session, you should follow these recommendations:

  1. First, the skin should be cleansed of cosmetics and impurities with a special lotion.
  2. and treat with a special protective agent that will help avoid the aggressive effects of acid.
  3. Apply on. TCA can be applied in more than one layer. Trichloroacetic acid is often alternated with other compounds - nourishing or moisturizing.
  4. Then the surface of the dermis should be moistened with a neutralizing composition, which will neutralize the residual effect of the aggressive chemical.
  5. Finally, the entire skin is covered with a mask with anti-inflammatory, nourishing, moisturizing ingredients. When the effect of the composition ends, the epidermis should be lubricated with a moisturizing product.

In order for medium peeling to bring the required results, after completing the first procedure, a second one is done. However, it is allowed only after 3-4 weeks.

Medium salicylic peeling

This manipulation is also suitable for girls with dark skin. This is due to the more gentle effect of the active components on the surface of the epithelium. However, this is only true when using a 30% salicylic acid solution.

Medium salicylic peeling is performed according to the usual procedure. First, apply a sodium salicylate-based product to clean skin. Then the harm from its action is eliminated by the neutralizer. Finally, they are used, which have moisturizing and soothing properties.

There are 2 methods of applying a substance containing salicylic acid:

  1. Soft - in this case, the epidermis is carefully treated with the drug using a cotton swab.
  2. Hard – the medicine is actively rubbed into the skin with a cotton pad.

The onset of peeling action is demonstrated by the appearance of a white layer on the skin. It's called frosting. Manipulation must be carried out in courses. A total of 3-4 sessions are done with an interval of 10 days. You should undergo 2-3 courses of therapy per year.

Median Jessner Peel

This term is understood as mid-superficial. The active substance has a concentration of 14% and includes the following components:

  • lactic acid;
  • resorcinol;
  • ethanol;
  • salicylic acid.

The method of application and dose of the drug depends on the thickness of the dermis and the required depth of penetration of the composition. The product is applied to thin skin with a sterile applicator. For those with thick dermis, use a gauze pad. The course of treatment includes 3-4 procedures, which are carried out at intervals of 6 weeks.

Retinoic peeling

This procedure also has a superficial-medium effect. The manipulation is often called yellow peeling. Different acids are used to conduct the session. The medicine must contain acid.

Manipulation should be performed on women over 35-40 years of age. At the same time, it can be performed in the summer, which is prohibited with other types of peeling. However, in this case, you should definitely use sunscreens with a protection factor of at least 50.

A contraindication to retinoic peeling is an allergy to vitamin A. Also, the procedure is not performed for people with liver failure.

  1. First, the doctor cleanses the skin and applies a special preparatory solution to it. It must contain glycolic or salicylic acid.
  2. Then you can apply the peeling composition itself. A variety of substances are used to carry out the procedure. The specific remedy is selected by the doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body.

You only need to keep the product on for a quarter of an hour. In this case, the doctor himself removes the remaining composition from the face. Sometimes the substance is left on the skin for 12 hours. In such a situation, a girl can wash off the product on her own, following medical recommendations.

Features of rehabilitation

Recovery after medium facial peeling includes several stages:

  • coagulation of protein elements - a couple of hours after the burn, the white coating acquires a reddish tint;
  • the formation of foci of inflammation and swelling - the skin becomes rougher;
  • desquamation of the epithelium – this period takes 1-2 weeks;
  • formation of new layers of dermis.

Care after the mid-peeling is selected by a cosmetologist. During the recovery stage, you should definitely use sunscreens with an SPF of at least 35-60. To cope with the feeling of tightness, you should use moisturizing creams.

Performing a Medium Peel at Home

At home, medium facial peeling should be done extremely carefully. In this case, it is imperative to monitor the body’s reactions to this or that drug. The most effective recipes include:

  1. Salicylic peeling. To do this, you need to take 2-3 aspirin tablets, mix with a small amount of water and honey. Apply to the skin for a quarter of an hour, then wash with water.
  2. Salt peeling. Mix 1 part baking soda and salt, add 2 parts. Keep the finished composition on your face for a quarter of an hour. If a burning sensation occurs, you should quickly rinse off the product and apply a moisturizer.
  3. Lemon peeling. To do this, lemon juice is mixed with the same amount of water. It is recommended to wipe your face with the finished product. This composition is perfect.

Medium, which helps make the skin more beautiful and tightened. To achieve excellent results, it is necessary to choose the right type of manipulation, taking into account the characteristics of the epithelium.

Facial peeling at home differs from professional peeling in lower concentrations of active components, which in case of application errors will not allow you to cause irreparable damage to yourself. Remember that improper peeling can lead to facial skin burns and subsequent appearance of superficial scars, as well as hyper- or hypopigmentation of the skin.

Peels use acids as active components, which reduce the pH of the skin and controllably “burn” the upper layers of the skin. Professional cosmetologists can quite easily control the depth of skin changes during peeling by choosing the desired acid concentration and the right time for applying peeling to the skin. But at home, managing these processes will be much more difficult.

Face after peeling: Before and After photos

Types of facial peeling –

  • Medium and deep facial peeling
    During medium peeling, the active components penetrate through the epidermis up to the middle layers of the dermis (Fig. 4). This type of peel is usually performed under local anesthesia. Medium facial peeling is effective for treating:
    → significant pigment spots on the skin,
    → actinic keratosis of the skin, photoaging,
    → superficial scars caused by acne,
    → allows you to reduce the depth of fine wrinkles by increasing the amount of newly formed collagen in the skin.

    With the help of deep peeling, which is carried out only under anesthesia or local anesthesia, you can effectively fight scars, scars and wrinkles. The chemical components of this peeling penetrate into the lowest layers of the dermis.

Important: Facial peeling at home should only be superficial, i.e. active ingredients should not penetrate deeper than the surface layer of the skin (epidermis).

Preparations for superficial peeling at home –

Facial peeling at home is best done with products based on alpha or beta hydroxy acids, i.e. Manufacturers use acids obtained from organic sources in peeling products, such as citrus fruits, sugar cane, and willow bark.

  • Alpha hydroxy acids
    used for superficial peeling. The most commonly used is glycolic acid, but other fruit acids can be used: citric acid, lactic acid, malic acid and tartaric acid (the latter is produced from the skins of grapes).

    It should be noted that facial peeling with glycolic acid can be both superficial (at an acid concentration of 25-40%) and medium (at higher concentrations). Peels with alpha hydroxy acids are mainly indicated for patients with dry and normal facial skin.

  • Beta hydroxy acids
    This type of acid includes, for example, salicylic acid. Beta-hydroxy acids have some advantages over alpha-hydroxy acids because... they have the ability to penetrate deeper into the pores of the skin, which means the ability to use lower concentrations of acid (which reduces the risk of complications)

    In addition, salicylic acid has anti-inflammatory properties, which means it is preferable for use as a peel for people with sensitive skin. In addition, salicylic acid is fat-soluble, and therefore peels based on it are especially recommended for people with oily skin and acne.

Professional brands of superficial chemical peel products containing alpha and beta hydroxy acids: MD Forte, Agera RX, Skin Obsession, Dermaceutic, Jan Marini, LA Peel, ICP, Mene & Moy, Skinceuticals Gel Peels, Mandel, Cosmedix, NeoStrata.

Preparing for home peeling –

  • Select a peeling product
    Taking into account your skin type (dry or oily), the absence or presence of acne, the level of dark skin and the results you want to get, choose a peeling product. You can also prepare your own peeling using products that you always have at home (see recipes below).
  • Prepare your skin for an at-home chemical peel
    using a facial scrub – exfoliate the surface dead skin layer approximately 24 hours before the peeling procedure.
  • Test the drug on a safe area of ​​skin
    If you are using peeling products with a high acid content or allergenic ingredients, you must first test the composition on a small area of ​​skin on the forearm or just below the ear (at the hairline). Leave the test solution for 1 minute.

    After 24 hours, you need to check the condition of the skin area: if the skin looks normal, then you can proceed to peeling the facial skin. If there are signs of an allergic reaction, intense irritation or redness (moderate redness is normal), then try a lower concentration of active ingredients in the peel solution. After that, take another test.

  • Cleansing your face before applying a chemical peel
    Use warm water and be sure to only use a mild cleanser to avoid drying out your skin before you begin.
  • Apply Vaseline to your eyebrows, eyelids, nostrils and lips before exfoliating to prevent chemical burns to these very sensitive tissues.

Home peeling: recipes

Below we present four good recipes for facial peeling at home, the last of which we especially recommend.

1. Recipe for home peeling with alpha hydroxy acids -

2. Recipe for home peeling with beta hydroxy acids -

How to do this peeling at home -

  • Step 1– Clean your face with a mild cleanser.
  • Step 2– wipe the skin with alcohol to degrease.
  • Step 3– prepare a soda solution in a separate container, which you will need to neutralize the peeling.
  • Step 4– Apply Vaseline to your eyebrows, lips and nostrils to protect them from the peeling solution.
  • Step 5– Pour a small amount of glycolic acid into a glass container.
  • Step 6– using a brush or brush, quickly apply the solution to the skin, starting from the forehead, moving down to the nose and chin, and then to the cheeks.
  • Step 7– Apply one layer evenly, avoiding the eye area, lips and neck, and note the time.
  • Step 8– as soon as the time is up, wipe your face with a soft cloth soaked in the neutralizer solution. After 1 minute, wipe your face again. When the solution is washed off, it may sting the skin. After this, rinse your skin with water.

  • What to Expect During a Glycolic Facial Peel –
    1) The skin will tingle - this is a good sign! After 30 seconds, the tingling sensation usually decreases, but this does not mean that the peeling has stopped working.
    2) In no case should it hurt or sting too much, but minor discomfort is possible. If this happens, immediately wash off the solution with a neutralizer.
    3) The skin may become red, this is normal.

    How to behave after facial peeling -

    To avoid side effects and complications, which may include burns, superficial scars, hyperpigmentation, hypopigmentation, carefully follow the following recommendations.

    How to care for your face after a superficial peel –

    • cleanse your face only with mild cleansers,
    • moisturize your facial skin 2 times a day,
    • Do not peel off flaky skin, because... this can lead to skin depigmentation and even small scars,
    • You should not go out in the sun without sunscreen for 4 weeks, otherwise there is a risk of developing hyperpigmentation (brown spots on the face).

    How to care for your face after a medium or deep peel –

    • if necessary, use analgesics (paracetamol or Nurofen),
    • clean your skin with warm water and mild cleansers,
    • Apply a thin layer of antibiotic ointment (usually included) several times a day to reduce the risk of infection;
    • often during the healing process itching may occur; Antihistamines will help cope with it,
    • 2 days after treatment, go to your doctor for a re-examination,
    • avoid physical activity for several weeks,
    • Avoid scratching the skin to avoid the risk of scarring;
    • avoid direct sunlight and use sunscreen (after the skin has healed) for 6 weeks,
    • You should contact your doctor immediately if you notice signs of infection or pigmentary changes.

    We hope that our article on the topic: Facial peeling at home was useful to you!

Everyone knows that girls are ready to do anything for the sake of beauty. In youth, girlish freshness can be simply emphasized with skillful makeup; after a few years, masks and cleansing are added to daily care. And after some more time, more serious procedures are needed. And at this moment, many young ladies begin to think about peeling. However, there are a great many varieties of it: home and salon, factory-made and self-made, light and with a deeper degree of impact... The components that form the basis for the procedure also differ. So what should you choose?

As practice shows, medium peeling is most popular among ladies. What it is, what it is like, and whether such a procedure can be carried out at home will be discussed further.

What it is

The word “peeling” itself is a derivative of the English verb “peel”, which means “to scrape off”. In other words, it is a procedure that helps get rid of unnecessary, dead cells and stimulate the growth of new and healthy ones, thus making the skin fresher and younger.

Medium peeling, or, as it is also called, medium peeling, is a kind of collective concept that combines several types of exfoliation. All of them have a moderate effect on the skin. That is, unlike superficial peeling, medium peeling can correct cosmetic defects such as wrinkles, scars, spots, but it is not as traumatic as deep peeling.

Medium facial peeling can be physical or chemical.

The most common physical exfoliation procedures are laser and diamond dermabrasion. In the first case, the cells are treated with a laser beam, in the second - with a nozzle coated with diamond dust.

But among ladies, medium chemical peeling is still much more popular. They call it peeling using acids. The most popular ten acids look like this:

  • fruit (apple, lemon, wine),
  • dairy,
  • koevaya,
  • ascorbic acid,
  • retinol,
  • almond,
  • glycolic,
  • salicylic,
  • malonova,
  • trichloroacetic.

It is the dominant acid that most often gives the name to one or another type of peeling.

For example, a TCA mid-peel refers to a procedure using trichloroacetic acid. This exfoliation remarkably cleanses the skin, stimulates regeneration processes, tightens pores, regulates lipid metabolism, accelerates collagen production and rejuvenates.

TCA peel is done with trichloroacetic acid

Accordingly, retinoic peeling is carried out using retinolic acid, the same applies to mandelic, glycolic, salicylic and other types.

In addition, medium chemical peeling is divided into medium-deep and medium-superficial. It all depends on how much intervention the patient requires.

Superficial-medium peeling is indicated when the young lady has just begun to show the first signs of aging. For example, fine wrinkles, slight decrease in skin elasticity, acne marks, age spots. The acid concentration for this type of peeling is 20%.

Medium-deep peeling is used at older ages and for more serious problems. It can get rid of deep wrinkles, significantly correct the shape of the face, and remove hyperpigmentation. And the concentration of acids is required higher - from 30%.

How does the procedure work?

Of course, a consultation is required first. There, the cosmetologist examines the patient, recommends the most suitable type of peeling and finds out if there are any contraindications to it.

For a month before it is carried out, it is necessary to prepare the skin for peeling, treating it with the help of preparations prescribed in the beauty salon. This will improve the effect of the procedure and speed up the recovery period. On the day of the session and a couple of days before it, you should not use greasy and nourishing skincare products; a simple tonic or lotion is enough.

The procedure begins with cleansing the skin of cosmetics and dust. Then the specialist applies the selected peeling composition. When acids begin to affect the skin, the so-called frost effect appears. That is, the face becomes covered with a dense white coating. After this, the master removes the acid with a neutralizing agent. Finally, a mask is made to soothe the skin and consolidate the effect of the mid-peeling.

The difference in the appearance of the skin before and after a medium peel is staggering

The rehabilitation period lasts from 10 to 14 days.

In the first two to three hours after the session, the face becomes red. This is a consequence of burns of the upper layer of skin by acids. Then, against the background of inflammation, slight swelling may appear. And finally, then the skin peels off, peels off and is renewed.

But the skin before and after chemical peeling is, as they say in Odessa, two big differences. At the end of the rehabilitation process, she looks younger, healthier and fresher. The effect lasts from six months to a year.

However, during rehabilitation the skin requires special care. The cosmetologist will tell you which facial cosmetics can be used taking into account the type of peeling performed on an individual basis. But, as a rule, it is mandatory for everyone to use a cream that protects against ultraviolet radiation with a protection factor of at least 30 units. It needs to be used for a month after peeling before each time you go outside.

After peeling you need a cream with sunscreen filters

Indications and contraindications

Since such an intervention is quite traumatic for the skin, peeling should be done only if it is really necessary. In addition, there are also restrictions for this procedure.

So, you can’t do medium peeling if you have the following problems:

  • viral and infectious diseases;
  • mental disorders;
  • allergy to any of the components of the peeling composition;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • hypertension and other vascular problems;
  • presence of wounds and scratches on the face.

This exfoliation is recommended for those women who want to heal and improve their complexion, cope with wrinkles and overcome age spots, remove dark circles under the eyes and acne marks, smooth and rejuvenate the skin and tone it.

Do-it-yourself TCA peeling

Unfortunately, nowadays not everyone can afford to spend money on a medium chemical peel. In such a situation, you should try to do this procedure at home yourself. The main thing in this matter is a competent approach and strict adherence to instructions.

And, of course, you will have to visit pharmacies and stores in search of the necessary components. So, to carry out the procedure you will need:

  • trichloroacetic acid;
  • regular baking soda;
  • alpha hydroxide lotion;
  • gentle facial cleanser;
  • any astringent.

For an at-home TCA peel you will need triple antibiotic cream.

As before a salon procedure, prepare for a home TCA peel in advance. Preparations begin a month before the procedure. Namely, you need to wipe your face with alpha hydroxide lotion, try to avoid greasy cosmetics, do not sunbathe or scrub your skin.

A day before peeling, you should prepare a TCA solution, that is, dilute trichloroacetic acid so that it reaches a 25% concentration. This is done in glass or plastic containers. You can't do it in metal! Next, you need to apply a little solution to your wrist or the inside of your elbow, hold for 5-10 minutes and rinse. If no side effects have occurred within 24 hours, you can proceed with facial treatment.

First of all, using a mild cleanser, the skin is removed from makeup and degreased. Then wipe the face with an astringent. Then the TCA solution is carefully applied to the skin in an even, thin layer. After 3-4 minutes, it should be removed with a cotton pad soaked in a soda solution. Then wash your face several times with purified water and apply triple antibiotic cream to your face.

During the rehabilitation period, facial care is no different from care after a salon procedure. You must carefully protect your skin from ultraviolet radiation and use antibiotic cream for another two weeks.

Attention! Home chemical peeling should be taken very seriously! This procedure is quite traumatic for the skin, so if you are not sure of its successful outcome, it is better not to undertake it. Moreover, there will be no one to file a claim if something goes wrong.

However, if everything is done correctly, the result will certainly please you. Good luck with your mid peel. Salon or home, let it bring the long-awaited effect and improve your skin!
