Download cool love statuses. Statuses about love The best collections of statuses about love with meaning

We met with you by chance, out of a million thousand eyes, yours, like little sparks, it all started with ridiculous phrases. And we become closer and dearer to each other every day and the snow becomes whiter when we are together with you ...

I love to just watch you laugh, I love to call you my angel, I love to just look into your eyes and only you can say I LOVE YOU!

This is not the first time I have written that I love you. I want to meet the dawn with you, and fall asleep next to you at night. I want to look into your eyes and never die. I want to admire a smile, and never part.

Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night, turn to him, and I don’t believe that I can just hug him .. I kiss him quietly .. and suddenly I feel a strong hand gently pressing me to him .. at this moment I understand what happiness is .

Download cool love statuses: If a girl says she hates you, it means she loves you, but you are a goat!!!

In addition to "in active search" it is necessary to add "in passive expectation". Sounds sad, but more like the truth...

"Ideal husband" has a good heart and branchy horns :)

The "ideal man" can only be born by the most...

The women are holding the men. Stupid - by the throat. Smart - for a member. Wise - by the hand. Brilliant - do not hold at all.

I love you. - Thank you. - I expected a different answer. - Thank you very much o_o?

There are sawdust in her head, no-no-yes! But in the bra - paper ... Yes :(

If you cry, and the guy laughs, spit in his face, let him choke!!!

On Valentine's Day, I drank like a beast. All further garbage passed without me!

One must be able to often obey a woman in order to have the right sometimes to command her ...

“Give me the letter “I”. She is the best. This letter can connect any concepts: earth and sky, night and day, me and you.

The Chinese use the word "confused" instead of the word "changed"

You need to fall in love with someone whom you can then keep near you.

Do you know what's the difference between us? I will cry a little and forget you, and you will walk and remember, but it will be too late ...

Love is evil - eat poison from the cauldron.

As soon as you find your soul mate, other halves suddenly start walking around you and make you doubt.

You need to love the one before which you can kneel, and not the one that kneels before you.

I locked the door to my heart by sealing it and writing NO ENTRY. But love came to me and said apologetically - "I can't read."

Do you believe in love at first sight? No? Then I'll pass you by again!

I will stop loving you only when a blind artist paints the sound of a rose petal falling on the crystal floor of a castle that does not exist...

Come with me to the seventh heaven... I have already taken your place, on the best cloud.

When two people with the same dreams meet, they succeed.

I loved him more than life, I could only think about him, But as I saw closer, I could hardly take my legs!

They had a fight... she wrote a status that she went on a date... he wrote that he went to drink beer with friends... in the end they met in a bakery...

Download cool love statuses: One step from love to hate... to the left

Get bored - call! I'd love to see your missed...

A man enters a flower shop and asks: - Pick me, please, 100 roses for my wife. Saleswoman in horror: - Lord! What have you done, huh?

More recently, the statuses that many of us use on social networks and when communicating with friends have firmly entered and entrenched in our lives. As a rule, statuses reflect the mood of a person, his dreams, desires, feelings and experiences, as well as what he is doing at a certain moment. By the way, the concept of "status" implies two definitions. According to the first, this is the position of a person in society, but another definition, which is considered the most popular today, consists in certain phrases or expressions that personify the state of a person.

Everyone can love. But not everyone can be loved. If you want to become one, love the one who loves you.

Happy loving eyes decorate better than any makeup!

Only with that person is worth being near, at the mere thought of which there is a happy gleam in the eyes and warmth in the soul. Everything else is a waste of time.

With just three words, you can give a person a desire to live by saying “I need you”, with three words you can lead to crying by saying “Let's be friends”, and with three words you can make your heart beat faster by confessing “I love you”. And what important three words are you ready to tell me?

If I said “I love you”, then I will not betray my feelings, because life has taught me to be responsible for my words.

People sent to us by fate will never leave our lives, no matter what we do. And therefore, you should not worry if a person disappeared from your life, which means that it simply was not your person.

Separation has one big plus, because only after parting with a person, you feel who he really is for you, and how much you need him.

I don't have butterflies fluttering in my stomach ... I have hippos dancing samba.

A person who respects himself and his choice will never change!

You meet love exactly when you least expect it and look for it.

Do you think that happiness is looking like a glamorous bitch and gathering crowds of fans at your feet? No, happiness is being next to one beloved guy who appreciates and adores you even without makeup and in home clothes, just because you are you!

Appreciate those people who sincerely talk about their feelings, because they are the most courageous, loyal and reliable.

You are the reason for my idiotic love smile!

Every person is an angel with only one wing. Therefore, we can only fly by embracing our soul mate!

You can go crazy with happiness when in the morning a person, thinking that you are sleeping, gently kisses, admiringly running his hand through your hair, and you just lie with your eyes closed, dreaming that this happiness lasts as long as possible.

A loved one will always be perfect even with any of his shortcomings!

Never betray the people who love you, because in difficult times they will be the only ones who will stay by your side.

If you ask me to hug you as much as I love you, you risk being strangled!

So I want to be with you,
And forget the past with you
To love and feel always reciprocity,
Understand, this is not a whim, but a necessity!

Between people destined for each other by fate, there is an invisible thread connecting them, which can get confused, stretched, but still in an unknown way will lead these people to each other.

Only by giving a person freedom, you can understand whether he really needs you.

I need you... - For what? - Just for happiness.

Love is like the sun and sex is like the moon. Without one, there can be no life, and the other simply gives charm and pleasure.

Candy doesn't heal a broken heart, cigarettes don't soothe the stress of breakups, alcohol doesn't heal the wounds of the soul. Only a new love can make you alive again!

loving person he can love in silence, but he who screams a lot about his love does not always truly love.

Nowadays, every second person screams about love louder than anyone to be heard. Already on the second date, teenagers confess their love to each other, and the situation already comes to the point that the word “love” is depreciated and equated with the standard element of farewell “bye. I love. kiss”, losing its value and sacred, deep meaning. Only a few, unfortunately, treat this high feeling with due respect and attitude and prefer to keep their feelings in their hearts or on their page on a social network. People whose pages are filled with wise reflections and thoughts inspire respect and trust. And people whose page reflects wise statuses about love, even more so, have others around them. Reveal the whole true essence of this deep and important feeling, love, by posting wise statuses on your page.

Love, after all, is like a snowflake, it can fall on your hand and melt quickly, it can slip past your fingers ... or it can fall on a glove without feeling the warmth of your hands!

Take care of each other, love! Understand, always forgive ... And always cherish each other, Life can not be returned back, never ... I Love! - do not be shy, tell me, Light up ... native eyes, Hurry from everywhere to your loved ones, Be happy together, always!

And I remember ... even when we just met, said goodbye ... I went home and thought: Just not to fall in love, and my heart was already treacherously beating fast.

When choosing between two people, it is always worth giving preference to the second, because if the first were truly dear to the heart, the second would not have appeared!

Seconds without a loved one are hours, hours with a loved one are seconds...

Saying "I love you" will take a few seconds, showing how - a lifetime.

- I will love the one who will give me the most beautiful stone. – No, everything will be different. First you will love him, and then he will put an ordinary cobblestone in your hand, and you will call him the most beautiful stone (Wise love statuses for social networks)

Loving people will stay together, not because they forgot their mistakes, but because they managed to forgive them ...

To love is like standing on fresh cement. The longer you stand, the harder it is to break away ... and you can never leave without leaving traces.

There, behind, there are many hands and eyes, but only your face is the most precious. We love only once in this life, and then we look for people like him.

You have to be able to close a boring book, leave a bad movie and part with people who do not value you ...

Love is like a river: a man rushes into it at once, and a woman enters gradually.

Love is a drug that is not forbidden, but it is still very difficult to get your dose ...

Get your hands on the sand. Hold it in the palm of your hand - and the sand remains in it, but if you clench your hand tightly into a fist, the sand will begin to spill out through your fingers and some of it will wake up. It's the same in relationships. Treat a person the same way, do not infringe on his freedom, and he himself will stay with you!

You can go in for sports, work, but not love. Because you can leave sports, you can quit your job, but you can’t get away from love. (Wise Love Statuses for Social Media)

They say that it hurts to look at the sun, but it hurts even more to look at the lips that you love, but you can't kiss...

They say that it hurts, feeling love, to watch her leave ... But even more painful, holding her hand, letting go ...

You can’t buy love by order... You can’t choose the taste and color... It comes to some immediately... To others - after decades... One burns... The other smolders... Yes, let's face it, not Taya: "Love has no standards!"... Everyone has their own...

The more we chase after love, the more it runs away from us. And as soon as you suddenly start to run away from love, she is suddenly ready to throw herself on her neck.

Love asked friendship: “Why do you need me when I exist?” .. To which friendship replied: “To leave smiles where you leave tears ..”

Love does not literally cost money - love requires deeds. And actions cost money.

True love is not the story of Romeo and Juliet who died together. It is the story of Grandma and Grandpa who lived their whole lives and grew old together!

They don’t plan friendship, they don’t shout about love, they don’t prove the truth.

A loved one must be loved, just loved. And if you want to educate someone, buy a dog.

When you fall in love, it feels like you are flying higher and higher, towards the clouds. And then enlightenment comes, and you understand that you are in the clouds, and you forgot your parachute on the ground.

Be only with the one, at the mere thought of which there is a happy gleam in the eyes and warmth in the soul. The rest is a waste of time.

And he is in it - with his head, as if in a whirlpool. He kissed all her cracks in her heart. He will never give his infinitely beloved woman to anyone else...

A man always wants to be a woman's first love. Women are more sensitive in such matters. They would like to become the last love of a man.

We will never be together .. I will never touch him, I will never be able to hug and whisper: "I love you .." I will just love him with all my heart and wait for some miracle ...

Know that the blue of the sky never ends, as love will never end, and dreams, of course, come true if you really want to.

If someone falls in love with you, you feel lonely... trying harder and harder to find someone you can love.

A native person is able to feel the mood with which you knock on the keys of your keyboard, even if there is not a single emoticon in the text :)

And nothing that we are different! The main thing is that we are warm to be with each other, and that we know that we can always count on each other.

I want to destroy all distances.. hold your hand, no punctuation. I want to hug you and feel your breath.. (Wise love statuses for social networks)

You will meet me there... where I don't know... near the lake of our dreams. Where I gently hug you, where your eyes are forever clean.

Distance cannot destroy love, if it exists. It is not necessary to see a person for a day in order to continue to love him.

We are driven by impulses and motives. And not crazy and insane actions, we are pushed by one motive called “love”.

Here you look into my eyes and we are very close, but we are separated by three unspoken words - "I love you."

A real man, loving woman will do everything for her happiness... even if she is not happy with him...

Love is like a game .. Whoever said "I love you" first - he lost .. this time I'm the loser.

Don't forget how a man treats other women. Sooner or later he will do this to you...

If a man and a woman are separated by twenty steps, then you only need to walk ten and wait for your half, if you are not met, do not give another step, because you can go towards each other all your life. Each of the two must take their own steps.

In a relationship with your soulmate, do not try to achieve perfection. Just be sincere and honest always.

It doesn't matter what you look like, because there will still be a person who considers you the most beautiful creature on earth.

True love never ends. Maybe over time it changes strength and shade, but does not disappear without a trace.

Time does not stand still, someday you will understand how much you need her .. but next to her will be the one who understood this earlier.

We think love is easy. But few people understand that this is the strength of the heart, the greatness of the soul and the wisdom that comes only with age.

The feelings of a man are always reflected in a woman. The more he loves, the brighter she lights up, impressing him.

In order for a girl to fall in love, a man must give her wings .. and in order to love, do not interfere with her wide stroke.

A real man can be called not the one who has become the conqueror of hundreds of women's hearts, but the one who every day makes his only beloved happy!

If a man is stupid, he tries to re-educate a woman, a smart one will teach her, and only the one in whom there is wisdom will love her for who she is.

Loves not the one who cannot live without a person, loves the one who knows how to let go and live not next to a loved one ...

The proverb - "from love to hate is one step", is not entirely accurate. No... One step from charm to disappointment... But between love and hate there are hundreds of attempts to change everything, a sea of ​​words and tears...

If I said I love, then I answer. If I love, then I will not betray. If I said I give, my heart, without sadness. Just hold on and don't break in half.

Having embarked on the path of love, take firm steps. With a sparkle of eyes, flood everything on this path! And having reached the high goal, take a breath to shake the world!

You don't need an expensive car and a lot of money to love, it's enough that you have a heart that can feel...

The character of a woman is like a reflection of a man's love. The more his love, the more tenderness she has. And the one who treats women differently may not be surprised that he comes across evil women.

To make your lips beautiful - say kind words. To make the eyes beautiful - radiate kindness. The beauty of a woman is not in her clothes, not in her figure or hairstyle. The beauty of a woman is in her eyes, because this is the way to her heart - the place where love lives.

Love your soul mate just the way they are. If something goes wrong - correct the mistakes, and do not make a scandal out of the blue

Love me when I least deserve it, because that's when I really need love.

Do not give people hope for reciprocity if there are no feelings at all ... You spend their life waiting for your answer ..

Quarreled .. She set the status: "Gone on a date." he wrote: "Drinking beer with friends" .. then we met together at the grocery ..

What is love like? Touching first, new unrequited love at a distance, unhappy sad to tears and mutual sincere. A woman's love for family and children, a girl's love for a guy. Statuses about love is one of the most popular categories of statuses on our website. Love is a fundamental and central theme of world art and culture. Love, as a philosophical category, is described in the works of the ancients. And if Aristotle described the feeling of love as carnal, then in Plato it is a process of continuous movement and knowledge. In the Renaissance, thanks to Giorgiano Bruno, Marsilio Ficino, the philosophy of love takes the form of a doctrine of beauty. Love is a constant pursuit of beauty.

I want to tell so much, but when there are not enough words, try to pick up good statuses about love with meaning. Emotions are running high, there is no time to wait, I want to love. What words to choose? Love is unpredictable and gives not only joy, but also sadness, find the right status for your soul mate on the site. Tell all your friends about your happiness with a cool love status, giving joy is easy. And if quarrels sometimes happen and sadness covers you with your head, choose good statuses about love and conquer your soulmate.

The best collections of statuses about love with meaning

Do not know what you can put statuses about love? See our top picks. Whatever love is, former or real, unrequited and happy mutual, you will find a suitable status. We have a variety of statuses about love. Short and long, beautiful for girls, cool for boys, funny and cool for boys, funny about a beloved man. Viewing is free. The wisest life quotes about relationships, loyalty and pain from broken love. On the site you will find interesting love phrases about your husband, smart and very biting words about his mistress, new top statuses about life for social networks: VK (VKontakte), or WhatsApp.

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✔ You can fall in love out of jealousy alone. Stanislav Jerzy Lec

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✔ Do you think it hurts? Relax, she doesn't care for a long time and every word she says is a lie. She's lying, but only because she doesn't trust anyone herself. And you are the reason

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✔ You understand love when you lose it!

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✔ Death is worth living, but love is worth waiting for.

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✔ Love is a madness that lulls the mind

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✔ I just wanted to .. but anyway, it doesn’t matter, For a long time it’s not possible to return the past days, as if a paper boat had sailed away. You know: no one hurt me more.

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✔ You can't truly love a person you never laugh with.

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✔ Now Love is not easy for me female name.

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✔ Love and life are one and the same, but still love is more expensive

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✔ Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired.“ Robert Frost - “Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired“
