December 1 is the name day for women. Name day in December: female and male names

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Name day December 1


Name origin. Nikolai is a good name, reliable and a little harsh. It is formed from the ancient Greek name Nikolaos and in translation means “ruler of the peoples” (“nike” - victory and “laos” - people). It was widespread in the last century, but gradually became rare. It is now starting to gain popularity again.

Short form of the name. Kolya, Nikolasha, Nikola, Kolyunya, Kolyusya, Kolyukha, Kolyusha, Kolyanya, Kolyan, Kolyakh, Kolyasha, Koka, Nikolayka, Nikolakha, Nika, Nikusya, Nikusha, Nikolka, Klaus, Klas.


Name origin. Roman is a popular male name that has a double meaning. According to the main version, it comes from the Latin romanus and is translated as "Roman", "from Rome", "Roman". Some researchers believe that the name has ancient Greek roots and means "strong", "strong". There is also a version that Roman is a derivative of Romulus and Remus, thanks to the combination of which the name of the city of Rome was formed.

Short form of the name. Roma, Romchik, Romasya, Romulya, Romanka, Romaha, Chamomile, Chamomile, Romanya.

Signs for December 1

  • If the weather is good on December 1, it will be fine and early spring.
  • How many times the weather changes on this day, the winter will undergo the same changes.
  • Thaw with southwest wind - expect stable cloudy, snowy weather, without big frosts.
  • If on this day fresh rust appeared on the latch, then there will be bad weather soon.
  • If a mosquito flies around the room - wait for a thaw.
  • The blizzard on this day will repeat on Shrovetide.
  • What is December 1 - such a winter will be.
  • It’s warm in the morning - there will be thaws at the beginning of winter, cold and a blizzard at noon - this will be the middle of winter, and if in the evening it howls, a snowstorm spins, then winter will reluctantly leave us.
  • A crow walks along the road - to warmth.
  • In winter, the noise of a flying plane is heard louder and sharper than usual - to warming.
  • At the burning torch, the end turns black - expect warmth.
  • Rooks appeared in flocks of jackdaws - by a warm winter.
  • If the month in the sky seems to be in a circle, there will be snowfall.
  • If there is radiance or bright glare on the sides of the month, it means that there will be frost.
  • December takes everything and gives nothing back.

Orthodox holidays December 1

  • the memory of the martyr Plato (302 or 306);
  • the memory of the martyrs Roman the deacon and the youth Varul (303);
  • the memory of the martyrs Zacchaeus, deacon of Gadara, and Alpheus, reader of Caesarea (303);
  • the memory of St. Nicholas Vinogradov, confessor, presbyter (1948);

Men's name day on December 1 according to the church calendar

  • - from the ancient Greek name Nikolaos - "winner of the peoples."
  • - from the Latin romanus - "Roman", "from Rome", "Roman".

Name of the day December 1 - Eldar

The roots of the name Eldar are not exactly known. The name is called Portuguese and Danish, translating as "clear" and "pure". Sometimes the name is called Persian, translated as "clear light". Now it is customary to consider this name eastern.

The first syllable "El", which begins the name, is a powerful combination of sounds and letters. This syllable concentrates energy and directs it towards the goal. It is no coincidence that this syllable in different languages, and in magical texts too, is considered to be directly related to the source of higher powers and knowledge.

Eldar may be in danger of being addicted to religious cults. He quickly becomes a leader, but where he will lead followers depends on what potential the person with the name has accumulated in the past incarnation.

Eldar is smart and wise in the Eastern way. His task is to develop trust in people.

good helper in the life of Eldar - the aroma of jasmine, it helps to restore strength and get rid of unpleasant emotions, it sharpens intuition especially strongly. The fragrance will help you find the right path or discover what you could not see due to the blindness of perception.

A field planted with tulips portends an unprecedented rise in life and the fulfillment of desires, victory in a struggle or battle. White tulips are heralds of romantic love, platonic novels and sometimes unrealizable, but beautiful dreams. But yellow tulips, alas, to separation or defeat.

Name of the day December 1 - Ruslan

The name Ruslan is Turkic and means "lion" in translation. Needless to say, Ruslan is bold, plastic and smart, like a real lion. Just as the lion is the "king of beasts", Ruslan strives to become, if not the "king of this world", then to achieve great power. He tries to control any situation and delve into unimportant details so much that sometimes he loses sight of the most important thing.

Failures can harden his heart, and hardening creates an energy cap, a blockade around a person, through which it is difficult for others to break through. People may not understand Ruslan, may not appreciate his noble impulses and spiritual outbursts.

Ruslan's life is rich in adventures, travels and dreams, and when dreams break into reality, the bitter smell of almonds helps. The velvety and soft smoke of incense is able to carry away sad thoughts and inspire self-confidence. Almond awakens a craving for learning new things, helps to feel the charm of learning and expand the boundaries of perception, to see your dream come true. The aroma enhances the attractiveness in the eyes of others.

The golden lion is a powerful patron of the name. It enhances the positive qualities of Ruslan and weakens the negative ones. A lion can be made of malachite or ivory and be sufficient. large sizes. The little lion cub, often worn on key rings, has no effect. A large image of a golden lion at the workplace will not let enemies approach Ruslan, and if it does, Ruslan will immediately determine whether this offer is honest or not.

Multi-colored small dragonflies portend a period of calm existence and a streak of luck. But if dragonflies gray color and with bulging eyes - luck is not on Ruslan's side, a period of anxiety and change for the worse awaits him.

Our people love various holidays, so domestic calendars are simply filled with all sorts of dates that we usually celebrate. Now I want to tell you, people with what names will have a name day in December.

All in all

At the very beginning, I would like to say that every day Orthodox calendar- name day. Some names are repeated several times a year, or even a month. So do not be surprised if the holiday comes to someone more often. It is also important to say that there are also such names in the calendar that today it is almost not customary to name children, but they still have a place to be.

From 1 to 10 December

So, who celebrates a name day in December? The first number is legally occupied by Roman and Plato - men. The second of December belongs to a woman named Aza, as well as to the guys Illarion and Varlam. 3rd number: who is celebrating their holiday today? Anna, as well as Anatoly, Ivan and Grigory. The fourth of December belongs to the ladies Ada and Mary, as well as defenders with such old names as Prokop and Yaropolk. December 5th is a purely men's day. Peter, Michael, Valerian and Arkhip are celebrating. December sixth: Grigory and Mitrofan - again only guys. The seventh of the name day in December ( female names exclusively) at Katerina and Augusta. 8th: Peter, Klim, and also Claudia. 9th - Innokenty, Yakov, Yuri, Yegor and Georgy. The tenth number belongs again only to men: Roman, Gabriel and Vsevolod.

From 11 to 20 December

We go further, now I want to know who can celebrate in December, more precisely, in its very middle. The 11th is again a purely masculine day, celebrated by Vasily, Ivan, Stepan, Fedor. Olga and Neonila celebrate their holiday, as well as Paramon. The next day, Andrei and Arkady are congratulated (on this day in Russia, girls on the 14th - Naum and Filaret - men with such beautiful old names. On December 15, only a male company from Stefan, Ivan, Stepan and Athanasius gathered again. 16- th number for Ivan and Fedor, 17th - for Ivan and Gennady, as well as ladies Varvara and Juliana. Who else celebrates name days in December? 18th: Zakhar and Anastasia, 19th - Nikolai (a holiday for children when brings them gifts under the pillow), and ends this block with the Christmas time Pavel, Ivan and Anton, who celebrate the name day on December 20th.

From 21 to 31 December

Who else celebrates a name day in December? Male names fall on the 21st: Cyril and Potap; 22nd: Stepan, Stefan and beautiful Anna. The next day they congratulate Foma, Ivan, Evgraf and Angelina. December 24th belongs to Nikon and Daniel, 25th - to Spiridon and Alexander. The next is the day of Arkady, Arseny, Orest and Eugene, again, only men. The 27th of December belongs to Apollo and Philemon, the 28th to Paul, Stepan, Stefan and Tryphon, the 29th to a girl with the southern name Marina, and the 30th and 31st again men's days. First, Stefan, Mikhail and Daniel will celebrate the name day, and then Semyon, Modest and Sevastyan.

Characteristic of the month

All people who celebrate name days in December can be combined according to certain criteria. So, those born in winter are talented, purposeful people, but very quick-tempered. Such persons are characterized by excessive emotionality, women can be very whiny. The positive side of the character: straightforwardness, but not everyone likes it. But such a comrade will never cheat and deceive, which is good. In addition, those born in December are open people, ready for new contacts, very friendly. They are also great hard workers who take on everything at once. However, they do not always manage to finish the work they have begun, because often they simply lose interest in it. And they say that all those born this month are long-livers. However, such people are more likely than others to suffer from pneumonia, tonsillitis, and have problems with blood circulation. Children often have adenoids.
