Vadim Kazachenko left his pregnant wife. The abandoned wife of the singer Vadim Kazachenko almost threw a tantrum at "let them talk" It turned out that the court recognized the artist as a bigamist

Recently, the star of the nineties singer Vadim Kazachenko was urgently hospitalized in Moscow with acute heart pain. His young wife brought him to such a state. In turn, Olga Kazachenko claims that the singer inflicted a deeper wound on her. According to the girl, the conflict in the family began 3 months ago, when Olga told her husband about her pregnancy. Today in our studio, what caused the family conflict between Vadim Kazachenko and his wife Olga.

About transmission:“Let them talk” - a talk show by Andrei Malakhov - the leading figure of a bright and enchanting evening air. The guests of the “Let them talk” program are interesting and famous, the topics discussed are relevant and original. The show participants leave boring phrases outside the set and engage in heated debates. The program claims to be information-analytical, therefore the discussions are no less meaningful than emotional. “Let them talk” is a place where real metamorphoses take place - politicians turn into ordinary people, and simple people- in politicians. No matter what the conversation is, everyone has the right to vote.

Genre: TV show
Year of issue: 2016
Released: Russia, Channel One
Leading: Andrei Malakhov

The main theme of the program “Let them talk” was the intricate family drama of the popular singer Vadim Kazachenko. His ex-lover Olga came to the studio to tell their difficult relationship story.

The woman claims that Vadim has never seen and does not communicate with their common son, six-month-old Philip, whom she is raising alone. On the transfer, her mother supported her - Natalya Martynova. They talked about how the situation is developing now.

Real passions were in full swing in the studio - Olga did not hold back her emotions, raising her voice. It was clear that the comments from the audience provoked the girl to a breakdown, she could hardly restrain herself and was all on her nerves, behaving quite hysterically at times. The abandoned wife of Kazachenko, with pain and resentment in her voice, recalled that the artist persuaded her to have an abortion and, in her words, "threatened terrible consequences."

It is noteworthy that the singer himself had previously tried to prove in court that he had married a girl under pressure from a future mother-in-law, and their marriage was fictitious. “I did not know that he filed a lawsuit in October 2016 to recognize our marriage as fictitious. And after him three more lawsuits - illegal enrichment in fictitious marriage and the moral damage that I caused him, being with him in a fictitious marriage, ”says Olga. “Philip’s surname is Kazachenko, like mine. I gave birth from a loved one, what happened to him next - I don’t know, ”she admitted.

In turn, her mother Natalya Martynova said that she was against the marriage of the girl with Kazachenko. “We are a normal Moscow family. I gave my children everything: apartments, cars, education. Do you really think that for me, as for a mother, the ultimate dream is an elderly downed pilot? .. I dissuaded her very much, ”the woman said on the air“ Let them talk ”. “I had the feeling that we were in the looking glass, from our beautiful world plunged into some kind of fetid mud,” she comments on the history of a family conflict with Vadim Kazachenko.

Not all the guests in the studio took the side of Olga. They believe that the girl should have noticed Vadim's close communication with his director Irina Amanti. Moreover, the representative of the artist assures that she was constantly next to him. “No need to vulgarize, I didn’t climb into any family!” Olga said, breaking into a cry.

Also, journalist Yevgenia Kirichenko appeared in the studio, who said that Vadim Kazachenko was not faithful to either Irina or Olga, and communicated with big amount their fans. She admitted that her former boss Marina also admired the artist's work and met him on the forum. Evgenia remembered that the artist told her friend beautiful words. Kirichenko even vacated the apartment so that Marina and Vadim could arrange a private meeting.

At the end of the program, Olga Kazachenko's lawyers Katya Gordon and Yulia Yudina said that, according to the latest ruling, the artist's marriage to Olga's fan was recognized as legal. Talk show host Dmitry Borisov asked if the woman was ready to divorce the singer in this case. “When the time comes, he will come for a divorce. I don’t want to know him, for me he doesn’t exist as a man, I won’t comment, ”said the singer’s abandoned wife.

Recall that the scandal erupted in 2016, when Kazachenko left his pregnant wife Olga. In the studio of Andrei Malakhov’s “Let them talk,” she said that the singer kicked her out of the house when she was seven months pregnant. The public reacted vividly to the confession of Olga, who was left at the age of 35 without a spouse and housing and with a child under her heart. The case became resonant - Vadim was hunted down on the Web by outraged Russians. The situation was aggravated by the fact that already in April 2017, Kazachenko got married again. This time on a woman close to his age. The singer's chosen one was his faithful friend, director and producer Irina Amanti. However, soon the court declared this marriage invalid.

Published on 20.09.17 16:45

It turned out that the court recognized the artist as a bigamist.

The main topic of the broadcast “Let them talk” with Dmitry Borisov, which aired the day before on Channel One, was the personal life of the popular domestic singer Vadim Kazachenko in the 90s. The former lover of the singer, Olga, came to the studio of the program. According to her, Vadim has never seen and does not communicate with their common son Philip, who is now a year and a half. A woman is raising a baby alone, she is supported by her mother - Natalya Martynova.

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"Philip has a surname Kazachenko, I have too. She gave birth intkbbee a child from a loved one, and what happened to him then I don’t know, ”said Olga.

It was evident that she could hardly restrain herself and at times behaved quite hysterically. The abandoned wife also told how the singer persuaded her to have an abortion and "threatened terrible consequences."

The guests in the studio also said that Vadim Kazachenko was not faithful to his wife and regularly met with fans. One of those present even told how she provided an apartment for a private meeting of her friend and artist.

At the end of the program, the lawyer said that Vadim Kazachenko's marriage was recognized as legal, despite his statements to the court to declare it invalid. At the same time, relatively recently, the singer managed to marry producer Irina Amanti, who worked for him for 20 years. Later it turned out that the court declared this marriage invalid.

"Let them talk", Vadim Kazachenko VIDEO

December 08, 2016

TV presenter who this moment expecting a son, sharply condemned the musician for his act.

Last night, the young wife of Vadim Kazachenko came on the air of the program “Let them talk” and told Andrei Malakhov and the guests in the studio that her husband had not only evicted her from the apartment. Olga Kazachenko asked the TV presenter and all those who are not indifferent to help her resolve the situation peacefully. Ekaterina Gordon took the side of the abandoned pregnant woman. In support of her client, she wrote an accusatory post against Vadim Kazachenko and all men who act in this way.

The culprit of the family conflict Vadim Kazachenko / Photo: globallook

“My position and the position of my legal team is simple: we are for children. People quarrel, disagree, make mistakes... And children and pregnant women are right! This is the rightness of the earth, life, something sacred. Our Client is Olya Kazachenko, a legal, pregnant wife, and this is her holy rightness. Who did not watch "Let them talk" today - look. And support Olya. And you, men who leave women with your nascent children, know that you are almost killers, you risk your life in the bellies of women, and I don’t care at all what such goals encourage you to do this, ”Gordon emotionally commented on the release of the show.

By the way, today there was information that after another scandal with his wife, the musician and one of the perpetrators of the family conflict was hospitalized in one of the capital's clinics with a microinfarction. The doctors provided Kazachenko with the necessary assistance, now his condition has stabilized, the artist feels good.

Olga Kazachenko in the studio of the program “Let them talk” / Photo: frame from the program

Meanwhile, the women of the whole country could not stay away from the story of Olga Kazachenko and expressed their opinion on this situation under the angry publication of Katya Gordon. “Olga understood that it was time to give birth to her first child - she found a person to her liking. Let her give birth to health! The fact that he coveted the house is unacceptable. I feel sorry for her mother: she is worried. Olga will stay with what she wanted - a child. He - with the help of a wealthy lady. Mom is at home. And there is no need to spread panic”, “Katyusha, you are done! Applause to you! I am sure that you will bring this case to a fair ending! Take care of yourself!”, “Kat, where to find so much strength as in you? I never cease to admire, you are a great fellow, ”said the users of the social network. It is curious that Vadim Kazachenko himself has not yet commented on what is happening. According to the portal
