Nice words to the guy in your own words. Beautiful words in prose, SMS, congratulations, compliments

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How to make a beloved guy, a man a compliment? What can be nice?

Many people think that words are important only to a woman. How about men? They also have ears, they also have feelings, they also have souls and hearts. For some reason, female representatives notice this less and less. Some do it because it suits them. Some - because they live by stereotypes. Some - because they believe that men do not need words that make them feel good.

Men love the word yes. But, unfortunately, not all women understand the importance of this word for men. “Yes” is not only consent to intimacy. It is, in addition, a small word of great importance.

Men are pleased to hear: "I want you." And this, alas, is a rarity, a “compliment”. Women, as it were, are embarrassed to say such a phrase. Why - they themselves do not know. It is assumed that they are used to hearing pleasant things more than talking.

Tell your dear that he is the best. He will shine with happiness and joy. He will adore you with his eyes. You will feel it immediately. Being the most - the most radiant - is more pleasant than anything else.

"Love" is no less a pleasant word. It is, of course, very banal. But how much romance in it! How many, in a word, beautiful and sincere notes! These five letters are letters that kindle the fires of feelings.

Guys and men are incredibly pleased when a woman talks about their merits. Let, at first glance, it seems to them, a mere trifle. The main thing is attention itself. And attention, as a rule, is pleasant to everyone. Without exception.

A man is very pleased if he receives words via SMS, or via the Internet. Any phrase, even a standard one, such as “how are you?” will make it clear how warmly you feel about him. Write to the mobile, in a personal, to the guest. Write on virtual postcards, in all kinds of chats ....

Don't find something to say? Try to smile. One smile, "painted" on your lips, can replace thousands of pleasant and affectionate words. Smile - and your man will understand everything by reading, in the sparks of a smile, invisible words.

If he does, for you, at least something - tell him "thank you, darling." These words are of the utmost importance. It seems that there is nothing special in the words. But it only seems.

It's nice when (if), every morning, you will tell him that you love, adding " Good morning, Sun". Likewise, in the evening. Just say, "Good night, my love." Pleasure will not be the limit. If you don't believe me, check it out for yourself.

Now let's talk about words that not everyone understands. They may, in your opinion, be very affectionate and "pleasantly listenable", but, as they say, not for everybody.

WITH see the list:



Tiger cub.

Nice little one.

Tiger cub.

Well, and similar words. You probably love being called that. But, there are those girls who are unpleasant to hear words of this kind in their own address. So it is with men.

It's nice when you call a dear little man by name. Only, by mistake, do not call your loved one by another name. Otherwise, failure. There are different people. Someone will not pay attention, someone will be offended, but it will cool down quickly, someone, for a long, long time, will “dig into” the truth in order to find out the real reason for the “foreign” name that you called your soul mate.

Nice when, in the address of a person dear to you, poems “fly”. Not necessarily the ones that someone has already composed. Those that you personally come up with are much cooler than someone else's. Even if you know that he is trying, with your help, to forget his ex woman, there are pleasant words that are worth saying, albeit through moral pain:

I know you're thinking about her again.

It hurts me to know that this is so.

But I'm ready to endure all the pain,

If only he was with me... Just!

Believe me, I don't need anything

Except the notes of your warmth.

Before you, my dear, I am unarmed.

All my life I've been waiting for you.

The best is you. I don't want another.

I need you like day or night.

I beg you: tell me, at least a word.

Only this, now, will be able to help me.

Don't be afraid to talk about feelings! They are sincere. Avoiding sincerity is stupid. You need to strive for it, but, in no way, do not shy away from it. In this world there is one girl who wrote many lines in order to leave her feelings on them. But she was so embarrassed to open them that she left what she had written with her. Mom, once, managed to read something. She was not surprised, because she saw from her daughter that something was wrong with her. Mom, noticing how much her daughter was suffering, decided to help her. She sent several poems by mail to the right addressee. Result…. Daughter Masha, and her beloved Kiryushka, meet. They have, very soon, a wedding celebration (their own). They are planning, already, how it will take place. For the heroic deed that the mother did for the sake of her daughter's happiness, Masha loves her much more than before him. Mom and daughter, now, almost the coolest friends. Relationships of this kind are extremely rare. Especially in our time.

A man is pleased with any words, if they are said by women in a good and soft tone. Raise your voice to a man - loses his temper instantly. But do not be surprised that he himself, sometimes, can raise his voice without noticing the "increase" of his tonalities. So, unfortunately, almost all men are arranged. Whoever did not try to change them - it turned out, only, everything was “zero”. Tip: never try (don't even try!) to change anything in men. Useless!!!

Healthy - pleasant words- these are those that are said consciously, on a sober head. If you drank a little, try not to say big words. And then, there were so many cases when a girl, having drunk, answered “yes” to many questions of a guy, and then, instead of pleasant words, they have to stop at a choice: either a guy, or freedom. The choice is not the easiest of all choices. In general, ideally, do not drive, but choose what is simply closer to your heart.

The heart is a very strong magnet. But I want all your motors to reach for him, and let's talk about the second halves.

We continue. . .

A big compliment for him. -

Often girls have such a question: what can you write to a guy so that he is pleased, that words give him pleasure, make a pleasant surprise, for example, in VK. Men, if you look, no less than women "love with their ears." And they also want to know what they think about them, dream about them, love them.

This is important for a man at any stage of a relationship. Sometimes girls are also interested in what to write to a guy to hurt him, so that he begins to pay more attention to his chosen one.

Psychology of messages

Do not think that a few good lines a day will show your loved one that you are completely in his power and ready to fall at his feet, unless, of course, you send your SMS messages 20 times a day. Such concern is more likely to cause irritation than to bring any pleasure. Therefore, when expressing in writing their tender feelings for a guy, the main thing is a sense of proportion. Do not overdo it, because it is only important for you that he smiles after reading your words.

In addition, the exchange of notes, sms, letters, messages on VK and other social networks containing various pleasant words can turn into an interesting exciting game. Once again, you will begin to wait for the next message from your loved one, and he - from you.

Do not forget, when exchanging messages, to communicate on bed topics - this can be very pleasant for your boyfriend and make him miss you while he is without you. What are the ways to write something nice to a guy?

Social media

This is a modern way of communication, which, as well as possible, is suitable for communication between a guy and a girl if they are already dating, but do not yet live together. nice postcards, words about love, romantic photos - there were and are many ways to show your love and say joyful words to your soulmate on the web.

The only condition is that it is better to write such a personal pleasant message in a private section, and not on a general page, so as not to embarrass all the other participants in the conversation, your subscribers and VK friends.


A wonderful way for the older population. Perfect for you if both of you are busy and you don't have enough time to "chat" on VK. By e-mail, as well as Vkontakte, you can send photos and various cute pictures.

Sometimes these can be quite explicit images if your relationship has already reached the appropriate phase. Such messages will spice up your relationship, and your loved one will be very pleased to receive them.

regular mail

For a long time we have not received letters in ordinary paper envelopes, unless the tax or pension authorities pay their attention. But if you think what to write to a guy to get him interested, that's your choice. It will be a big pleasant surprise for a guy to receive a letter from you in the mail. Here will be a surprise for your loved one, nice if you send him a letter by mail.

In this case, you can choose the appropriate envelope and decorate it - it will be even more pleasant. In a letter on paper, you can lay out all your feelings for this guy, tell how much you love him, how often you think about him, and other nice words. Tell us how your life has changed after the appearance of a loved one in it, who decorated it, and so on.

The advantage of paper writing is that it:

  • Firstly, it’s very nice, everyone likes such a letter
  • Secondly, this letter can be kept as material evidence of your love and the current period of your relationship.

And then, when your relationship has already moved into a stable family phase, get it from time to time and remember this height of feelings with a smile of the word.


SMS messages are the easiest and most frequent way to write nice words to your loved one. By SMS, you can communicate every day, as in VK. The only wish is that your messages should be short enough. Therefore, the best thing you can write to a boy in SMS is short messages like: "I love, kiss", "you are the best" and so on. Let it be a little trite, but such words do not have any time frames, statute of limitations and restrictions - they are always relevant.

Through convenient and fast SMS messages, which are very popular now, you can wish each other good morning, and arrange a meeting, and make peace after a quarrel with gentle words, and confess your love. Yes, much more is possible! There would be a desire and time. But, of course, it’s better to communicate in person, through SMS messages and VK, it’s worth writing to your beloved man only when he is far away.

SMS messages are also convenient because with the help of numerous emoticons, you can convey all the rich range of feelings that you experience when communicating with your loved one.

If your communication is just starting to develop, it is better to choose a neutral tone of messages, no need to overwhelm an unsuspecting guy with confessions and frank words. Let him first show more initiative - this is useful in general for the development of your relationship.

Guys always want to "move" the relationship themselves. Therefore, the math is this: on your own initiative - only one message. The next - only after his answer, every guy likes such a "rhythm". At the beginning of a relationship, it is especially important not to seem intrusive to him. Otherwise, the relationship can end very quickly. What should I text a guy to get him to reply?

One could wish good luck before an important meeting or exam, good luck, if he is going somewhere, and so on. When you already had a joint night, the options for messages to a man can be significantly diversified. In this case, a slightly vulgar tone is already available, if both of you like this manner, and various intimate memories, references, and so on.

Message Options


Wishes for good morning, evening, night: "Good morning, beloved / dear / bunny / bear cub" and so on. Such pleasant messages are simply aimed at making the guy smile.


During the day, you can write to the boy if you have been dating for quite a long time, reminder messages about how you miss him, want to see him, wait, can’t wait for the meeting, and so on - you always like it.

Apology messages

An indispensable way if you are guilty of something and now your boyfriend is avoiding meetings. In the message, one could ask for forgiveness, admit one's guilt, promise that such a night / morning / day / evening / act will not be repeated. Explain to the guy how bad you feel without him, how you suffer, what a fool you were, how you ruined everything with your own hands, and so on.

A sincere message of apology can be a bridge that will take you back to your old relationship and even improve it.

Romantic Messages

They will always be appropriate, not only at night. You can confess your love, tells the guy that he is the best and the like. Each girl can come up with a lot of options for such messages.

Messages for the night

Usually, many couples practice, before they live together, to "put" each other to bed with pleasant words before going to bed. You can write such messages both in SMS and in Vkontakte. What phrases to write to your beloved man before going to bed, so that he is guaranteed to dream at night? You can consider options with the following words:

  • “Dear, you are the best man on earth, who is very dear to me. I wish you good night and a good rest, because tomorrow you will need a lot of strength - because we are meeting tomorrow. Kiss"
  • "My joy, you have a wonderful night ahead. I hope that today in a dream you will see me and I can personally tell you how much I love you"
  • "Darling, I know how you dream of a vacation on a beautiful tropical island. So, I want you to dream about the island that you like today. And that I should be there by your side. Good and happy night"

When you write pleasant things to a young man, write sincerely. You should not come up with something through force, because in this case any phrase will sound strained and false. Better think about what you really love in this person, appreciate and consider good. Be sincere about your positive thoughts.

What to write a nice guy in SMS

There are not many characters in SMS messages, so you need to be able to write concisely and succinctly. You can express all your feelings with a short phrase and an emoticon. Sometimes it’s enough to write “I love” or “think of you” to please a guy.

If you are not dating a man, it is better to choose neutral messages.

Through telephone messages, you can send good morning wishes and Good night. If the interlocutor has an important matter (exam or interview), wish him luck. Write that you believe in his strength, and he will succeed. The guy will be pleasantly surprised by your wishes, and this will give strength to cope with all the difficulties.

Send a compliment at work to cheer him up. You can write "I love your strong hands, I want to feel your hugs sooner." Or something intimate like "I miss your sexy ass." Emoticons can be used to set the tone of a message so that your mood is clear.

What to write to a guy on a social network

On the Internet, it is much easier to express your feelings. More characters are placed in the messages, which means that nothing will hold you back. Write him a verse of your own composition or find one that suits your mood. You can drop a quote that reflects your feelings.

Take advantage additional features social networks . You can leave not only nice text, but also accompany it with an image or a song suitable for the occasion. You can even leave your own drawing with graffiti.

Write a letter

If you do not like your own handwriting, you can print the letter on the printer.

Think how nice it will be to receive a handwritten letter on a piece of paper. There you can use all your imagination to beautifully frame the message. Add a picture of your couple or a lipstick kiss mark.

Write an email. It can be sent to a work address so that in a series of work routines a man receives a reminder of his beloved. He will be pleased to take a break and read your letter. But for corporate mail, do not use too intimate information, because the text may be available to other employees.


The world of modern young people is mainly concentrated in social networks. Now it has become bad form to get acquainted with real life. The Internet makes life easier for girls and boys. After all, it’s really true, a representative of the opposite sex liked it, came home, found his page on VK, learned everything you need and don’t need about your sweetheart, perhaps even added her as a friend, and then, as they say, a stupor sets in. This especially happens with the weaker sex, girls are more indecisive in matters of dating.

We were taught from childhood: the guy should be the first to take the initiative. Of course, you can continue to study by heart the profile of a guy who has sunk into your soul, or you can muster up the courage and write a few simple, but overnight well-chosen words to the person who will become your destiny. How to do this, we will understand below.

How to write a guy to like him?

Initially, you need to distinguish for yourself that the words addressed to the guy you see for the first time, and then according to your VK profile, and the man with whom you had a relationship before, will be different.

We start a correspondence with a guy we didn’t know before:

  • The first word you write to a young person will say everything and almost nothing about you. Simply and banally: over time, the guy will generally erase his memory of how you greeted him at the beginning. However, it will depend on this main word whether they will answer you. If you want an exact answer, write "hello" or "hello", put a well-chosen emoticon. Of course, you can pass for the original and ask the guy right off the bat any question regarding his photo on the avatar on the social network, any of his interest. Just remember to say hello. Men welcome clarity, logic and common sense more.
  • Write first, but don't be intrusive. Men love proactive young ladies. At first, there will be enough light secular chatter “about this and that”, the main thing is to use positive language more often, embellished with healthy wit.
  • Remember: few people like whiners. You should not immediately write to the man you like about the tragic death of your beloved poodle and the impact of his death on your mood. Although, if you present this information with humor, you can write. Just remember that while you are not connected with this guy, he will not waste his time comforting your person.
  • During the conversation, cling to what specifically interests your sweetheart. If he is interested in football, you can criticize the game of some player or sincerely (!) resent the game of his favorite team - this will make the guy interested and want to discuss with you. The main thing here is to know the measure and not push away young man Push.
  • A categorical mistake is the use of the words “kitty”, “zaya”, “baby” in the first days of correspondence, because in this way you cross the intimate line of your interlocutor. These words appear in the correspondence of people who are in love with each other in a natural way, and this happens, as a rule, mutually. You just have to wait until the guy you like becomes yours. Then you can already swim in the sea of ​​tenderness.

The exchange of sms, letters, messages on VK and other social networks containing various pleasant words can turn into an interesting and exciting game. Once again, you will begin to wait for the next message from your loved one, and he - from you.

Why do men need beautiful words?

Some girls are convinced that men should take more initiative in relationships, constantly look after their lovers and give them gifts, so they don’t really pamper their chosen ones with special signs of attention. This is a fundamentally wrong opinion, because it is very important for the stronger sex to feel like someone his beloved admires, to be surrounded by her care and warmth, and also to constantly increase her self-esteem due to the pleasant words spoken to her.

No matter how selfish it may sound, beautiful words benefit both partners. A man always needs an incentive, he will not try for that woman who does not appreciate him. Praise will make him feel confident and he will have the desire to achieve new heights, because there is someone for whom. Is it worth it to say nice words to your beloved guy? Undoubtedly yes!

We write pleasant words to the guy in VKontakte (vk, vk)

About what is pleasant and how you can write unfamiliar guy in contact, we reviewed above. Now let's think about what words to choose for a man you know in real life using a social network. After all, it is during a long correspondence that people now open up completely, sometimes exposing the most hidden nooks and crannies of their souls.

What is pleasant to write in VK to your beloved guy whom you know for a long time? Here you have been corresponding with a guy on VK for a long time, you have a period of mutual exchange of tenderness and amenities, and you do not want to lose such good communication. This period is indeed one of the most important, because it will completely affect your future relationship with your beloved guy.

How to avoid it?

  1. Write about everything, the main thing is not to inspire boredom, that is, avoid messages like “Darling, I'm bored”, “I'm sitting here without you and I miss you”, “Darling, I'm lonely”.
  2. It is on the social network that you should write to the young man directly about your feelings. You will never go wrong with a wording like “How glad I am that you appeared in my life” and so on, “Thank you for understanding me.”
  3. Be patient and do not start a conversation with phrases like “Where are you?” If a person is online and simply wants to take a break from communicating even with you.

We write pleasant words to a man in the morning

Finally, you started dating a guy and you want his morning to start with your SMS message if you live apart for now, or so that your SMS pigeon finds its addressee at work if you already live together.

What should you write in the morning?

  • "Good morning, my dear. I slept so sweetly with you, and I didn’t notice how you left”, “Good morning, my love. How did you sleep without me? And so on. Bring his attention to you. It’s bad if he woke up without you, but if it’s good, then veiledly thank you that you woke up together.
  • Pick up clue words, if you are dating your loved one for a long time, do not be afraid to write to him tender words: “Darling, my pillow smells like you. Come home quickly."
  • Psychologists say that poems of their own composition are a good clue. The main thing is to use this technique if you really have a talent for rhyming. If not, use cool ready-made rhymes from the Internet. Poems are more original than letters in prose.

Nice night messages

Letters at night depend on the degree of your relationship. When you had only a few meetings with a man, it would be wrong to write “I would like to be next to you now”, “I can’t sleep without you”. Why? Guys do not find any romantic halo in such a phrase, they perceive it as a signal for intimacy.

When you and your boyfriend are in a long-term strong relationship and for some reason you sleep apart, don't forget to write: "I want to sleep on your shoulder." Men are very greedy for such gentle and touching formulations overnight.

If you don’t know the guy well, you can laugh it off and write: “Good night and let me dream about you.” Here again, the main thing is to transfer the attention of the guy you like to your favorite person. It’s also a good idea to have some kind of unobtrusive rhyme sent to the guy in time before he goes to bed.

Pleasant SMS for a loved one is a whole art

SMS is short message, which can attract the attention of a guy even more than correspondence on social networks. Writing a good SMS to interest a person is a whole art. What's nice about sending SMS?

  1. A very, very, very funny joke. Such that not only the young man would laugh, but also his mother. Everyone knows that God is hidden in a sense of humor. Be lively and witty. A spontaneous joke will boost the mood of the young person you like for the whole day ahead.
  2. Again, my own poetry. Your young man will know that next to him is a creative girl who can write not only messages in prose. A beautiful rhyme your sweetheart can brag to his family, colleagues and close friends, which will certainly increase his mood and self-esteem. After all, for the sake of it, they even go to writing poetry! Only a very callous and mundane person will not like this approach. Here, too, do not overdo it and send a rhyme once every six months.
  3. Praise words. Your boyfriend will only be happy if you remind him more often how good, sweet, handsome, kind, the best he is in the world.
  4. Ask the guy for some advice more often. How do you find a particular store? Where is the best place to fill up in your area and more. This approach is especially good if you know the guy quite recently.
  5. Send him an invitation to an event. Everyone loves unexpected surprises. Be Santa's grandfather for the guy. More often rejoice with all sorts of unexpected invitations somewhere.

If your communication is just starting to develop, it is better to choose a neutral tone of messages, you do not need to overwhelm an unsuspecting guy with confessions and frank words. Let him first show more initiative - this is useful in general for the development of your relationship.

What should not be written or typical mistakes of girls?

  • Don't write with mistakes. When the guy you like doesn't have perfect literacy, don't stoop to the same. Be for him initially an authority, at least in matters of spelling and knowledge of his native language.
  • Never right off the bat do not demand increased attention to yourself. Does the guy not respond to you for a long period? It means he is either busy or has lost interest in you. And with questions like “Where have you gone?”, “Answer me, I’m waiting,” you will not return attention to yourself, but rather push the person away from you. Interested guys will always find time to write. Wait and be patient, it will pay off later on.
  • If a loved one does not want to write to you, do not try to blackmail him with SMS messages like “If you don’t answer, I will jump out of the window” and other similar formulations. You will not return a guy like that, but even this way you will leave only bad memories behind you.
  • Do not humiliate the guy in the correspondence. You can poke him in moderation, make fun of him, but you must always remember that all people are selfish, and once you have strongly hurt the feelings of an unfamiliar young man, you will hardly return those pleasant impressions that he initially made about you.

We write pleasant words to the conscript soldier

One of the most pressing is the issue of correspondence between a girl and a young man who carries military service. Write him long letters about how you are waiting for him and miss him. The main thing is not to be overly sentimental, because your boyfriend also has a hard time being separated from you. Lively and interestingly describe everything that happens in your city, on your street with your families and mutual friends. The undeniable truth is that loving heart will always find the right words, no matter how difficult it is to pick them up and write to your beloved guy. Be decisive. Dare!

nice words for husband

Sometimes it is necessary to leave aside all your household chores, caring for children and pay attention to the man with whom fate brought you. Tell him that he is dear to you. Below are some phrases to express your feelings.

  • Since you burst into my life, peace has appeared in my soul, and happiness in my heart;
  • You are the most best husband, being your wife is a great happiness!;
  • I still remember the day when we, two parts of each other, united. I pray that we will never be separated;
  • I am a happy woman. Will you ask why? Because I got the best husband!;
  • You are my own kitten (bunny). I need your love so much
  • For so many years you and I have been united by the bonds of marriage, and you still deprive me of my mind.

Send your husband a message when he is at work, at home, or on a business trip. You will see, he will come home in an excellent mood.

Psychologists advise girls to be open, friendly, nice when communicating with a guy in correspondence and remember that you should never get hung up on any person, because this leads to personality breakdown. After some attempts to get a man interested in you, stop it and turn your attention to someone else.

Often girls also ask other questions regarding correspondence with young people. They are interested, for example, how to regain the trust of a man with whom you broke up through correspondence. There is also a way out here. Try to start with your former conversation the same level as you had at the dawn of the initial acquaintance. Greet him and write about common acquaintances, common interests and about what once united you. Most importantly, don't be pushy.

Let for the world you are just someone, but for someone you are the whole world!

First date, kisses, tenderness and romance... How wonderful it is! Love inspires, makes people so happy and beautiful. In order to keep these magical feelings throughout life, one must " add oil to the lamp so that it does not go out". There are many ways and they are the most diverse, one of the simplest - romantic sms for boyfriend(from gentle, sublime to intimate with a train of mystery).

Here your man is sitting at monotonous work in the office and suddenly ... he receives SMS from you:

Sunny, I can’t forget last night, I felt so good… Just don’t get tired at work today, I bought… such seductive red underwear and you will see in the evening how I will… slowly… take it off…

With a similar SMS you will deliver pleasant moments to your loved one, he will think about you and wait, wait (!!!) to meet you. I love to compose text messages for my man myself, because only two people know what exactly will affect a person dearly, what will cheer him up and make him remember the magic of last night of love, dream up what awaits him tonight ...

If it’s difficult to come up with something unusual yourself, you can use ready-made texts romantic sms for your loved one, but it seems to me that even in this case it should add something of your own


A heart escaped from my chest, I ran after it, and it ran for the porch. If someone suddenly knocks on your door. This is my heart! You let him in, okay?

You warm my soul

You light up my life

I'm with you, as in a happy dream,

You are a miracle! I love you!

My sweet, gentle, dear,

My best and favorite!

My affectionate, so dear

And so necessary in life!

I've been missing you for a long time

I want to say but I can't

Now I reveal the secret

that I love you very much

The light was turned off in my heart.

And there is no comfort in the soul,

What happened with me? I answer…

I miss you greatly!

Your appearance is mysterious, and your eyes are hazy,

You are unique, brilliant, sexy!

All this is true, but do not be conceited,

Keep loving and smiling.

I love you, my (name of the beloved)! I live with you! My love is inexplicable, But I love you, I LOVE!!! You are all the sweetest in the world! You are alone in my soul! I give you a kiss! Come back soon!


Oh, it's just a win-win option to make your loved one think about you! Write SMS to a loved one with erotic overtones, and he will look forward to the end of the working day with such impatience! You will excite his thoughts and kindle a fire in his heart ... And do not forget to prepare for a special evening - new beautiful underwear, or maybe an erotic costume - a loved one should remember the magic of intimacy.

I want to love you.

To touch your lips with your lips,

I want to drink you to the bottom

And never part!

Darling, first I kiss you on the lips, then the tummy, and then ...

I'm in the bath... and thinking about you...

If you are next to me under a love starfall,

I will justify all hopes if you are without clothes!

Caress my body, sliding your lips ...

Kiss me boldly - I'm only yours ...

And in a fantasy world we'll be alone

During ecstasy you take me ...

When I was little, they told me that there is nothing sweeter than honey in the world, but now I know that yours are sweeter than honey ... kisses

Come soon, beloved - there will be unique sex ...


Honey, do you have a conscience? Then do me a favor, get out of my mind...

I wanted to send you something beautiful, tender, erotic, smart and fun,

but I don't fit on the screen...

I am a small text message.

I'm cold and hungry.

Ran on air rails

And finally, it has arrived.

I was sent by someone who loves me.

Now I'm kind of for her.

You warm me up and

She is also warm at the same time.

If you come to me in a dream, I will be frightened, but if you come in the daytime, I will scream. Come on…

I'm joking, I'm kidding - you know - I love you so much!

One goddess created two angels. Ani were so beautiful that she envied their beauty and threw them to the ground. I didn't get hurt! And you???

20% of the population now drink coffee, 60% make love, 19% watch TV and only one dunce reads this SMS.

I don’t have breakfast in the morning, because thinking of you.

I don’t have lunch during the day - I think about you.

I don't have dinner in the evening - I think about you.

I don’t sleep at night - I WANT TO EAT! :-)

Romantic sms for a loved one at night

If you are separated from your loved one...

I kiss you from nose to heels!

And again, good night, I write for you!

I can't sleep now!

I want to look into your eyes!

I want to return to you for a moment,

Touch your lips with your lips!

The night has come and the moon is shining brightly,

sleep sweet kitten

and what would you have beautiful dreams,

I gently kiss your lips!

Good night honey!

Let sleep on soft paws enter your door, and longing will subside, and sadness will fall asleep. I miss you, I pray for you... Be patient, my love, I'll be back soon.

Evening comes, the city falls asleep, know that in this world you are dear to someone ...

Let when you close your eyes, you will have a sweet wonderful dream, and when you wake up in the morning, it will actually come true!

Fantasize and send romantic SMS to your beloved man! May your love be as long as your life!

I miss your passion, dear, like mercury in a thermometer high temperature! So I want to get sick with you as soon as possible, indulging in the boundless, fiery heat of uncontrollable feelings!

Beloved, longing for you eats me up like a worm grinds a ripe cherry. Come on, hurry up to taste your juicy berry before its taste is spoiled by excessive expectation!

Cat, your affectionate kitty has already sharpened her claws, fluffed her soft ponytail, polished her delicate fur, and is impatiently waiting for your noble male attention!

My dear, fires of passion flare up in different places of my body, and it’s scary to say where the brightest and hottest of them burns! Hurry up to warm yourself with its blazing warmth!

My beloved, I am a tasty grape of passion, in the bunch of your love! Rip me off quickly, enjoy the fantastic taste of tenderness, which has become perfect while waiting for you!

I will turn into a sweet forest blackberry to touch your lips, my dear. And when I dissolve with a delicate and unique taste in your soul, you will understand how incredibly I miss you!

Dear, imagine a hedgehog without needles ... It would be an eccentric, but defenseless creature with sad eyes ... I feel like such a hedgehog in longing for your embrace when you are away ...

Did you know, honey, that bees don't sleep in winter? They dream of rainbow-colored spring meadows and delicious nectar. Hurry and you to your bored flower, which is already at the limit of passionate fragrance!

A barbecue lover cannot replace his favorite delicacy with a vegetable salad. And I, my love, cannot replace your kisses with any gourmet dish known to me, and I miss you endlessly!

No matter how luxurious and unsinkable the liner of my destiny is, dear, it needs an anchor! Hurry to me, stop my dreary everyday sailing at your exotic pier!

Darling, without you the Moon is like a faceless Gingerbread Man. Without you, the stars are like annoying cockroaches. Without you, the sky is like a rain puddle. This longing distorted everything, without you. Hurry to me, I want to go back to the fairy tale!

My beloved, I am like a highlight in endless sadness for you. No, of course, I have not turned black and wrinkled, just waiting to get into the lush cake of your sweet adoration!

I'm waiting for your caress, dear, as cosmic galaxies are waiting for the merger! Let's quickly light a unique starlight in the sky, and illuminate the Universe with the brilliance of solar euphoria!

I am your radiant butterfly, my love, be my wings! I'm your rainbow caterpillar, be my paws! I am your velvety peach, be my core! I am your mouse, be my mousetrap! I miss!

Even an octopus needs all eight of its limbs to be complete. And I, my dear, without you, look like an octopus with one paw, I can’t fully function in any way, I just miss it!

I ate a chocolate bar - I don’t feel the taste ... I drank coffee, but it was without aroma ... I looked out the window - the flowers are black and white, and the sun shines like a small match ... In short, without you, dear, everywhere is a disaster!

You, my love, are not around, and I'm like a lighter in which all the gas is burned out. I scatter sparks around, but there is not enough fuel for the fire. Come and let me burst into a real fire of love!

I'm like a homeless dragonfly rushing over the gray everyday surface, dear. Become a lotus flower in the midst of this dullness, in the petals of which I will get drunk on the desired nectar of passion, driving away boredom of the heart!

My knight, may your sword remain sharp, with which you will slay the fire-breathing dragons on the way to my silky tenderness! Just hurry, otherwise the malicious longing attracts more and more of these monsters!

I am waiting for you, dear, for aromatic tea, or strong spiced coffee, or a glass of amber wine ... Although I want more intoxicating sensations from our date! I miss you incredibly!

I want you, the only one, to penetrate my honey tenderness, as swiftly as a supersonic plane penetrates milky clouds! Hurry soon, let color fantasies speed up your flight!

Cat, become a trap for my predatory passion, become an oasis for the realization of my dreams, become an iridescent pearl in the casket of my adoration! Just become a light that drives away my longing!

Dumplings boiled in a saucepan, a kettle boiled on the table, a hot passion boiled inside me! Darling, everything is ready for your arrival, and dinner, and dessert, and irresistibly tasty me!

Honey, I look like a catfish on a fishing hook ... No, not so mustachioed and big-headed, but suffocating in anguish for your attention! Quickly throw me into the abyss of your bottomless male caress!

To dissolve my icy heart sadness in your smile, dear, you will have to become a titanic torch radiating the Olympic fire of passion!

Dear, the raging elements of the tsunami are just a small grain of the passion that awaits you at the end of today. I want you to look forward to the evening with a wonderful mood!

The cockroaches in my head are having a rift, love. Some say that you are an Ideal man, and others that you are Mr. Perfect. How can I reconcile them if they are all right?

In you, my beloved, there is a spring of caramel sweetness, the sources of which are mysteriously hidden. I plan to look for him thoroughly today, after our romantic rendezvous!

My dear, I broke three cups and five plates, burned the kettle and bent the frying pan, turned off the faucet and tore off the door handle - everything falls out of my hands today! You must be in a hurry to get to me!

Let your degree of labor optimism, dear, be as hot as a lava avalanche bubbling in the bowels of a volcano! And of course, with a warm temperament, rush to me at the end of the day!

To relieve your stress, dear, I will send a spark of intrigue in this message. Turn on your fantasy and draw in your imagination the most desired plot of our date, which your fairy will certainly fulfill!

I have no doubt about the boundless masculinity and super abilities of my beloved. Use all your resources to turn dreams into success, although not all, leave something for me!

My dear, you are the captain of my life journey, you are the pilot of the plane of my happiness, you are the machinist of the composition of my desires! I know it's hard, but hold the steering wheel of my fabulous days with a firm hand!

I'm like a tiny housewife mouse, dear. I am impatiently waiting for my exemplary worker to bring a piece of delicious cheese into my mink, and something else very tasty ... Have a good day you!

Dear, I want to get a tattoo and capture your portrait on my body, but I don’t know which original place to choose to implement this idea .... Just kidding, you're already imprinted in my heart!

I want to share your work worries, honey, like a cup of morning coffee. I want to unite in a kiss, like a white cloud and azure sky. I want to raise your positive spirit as much as possible, and a geyser of passion!

I oversalted all the cooking, dear. Dinner will probably have to be washed down with wine, you grab a bottle on the way home. But there is also good news - with the sweetness of the dessert, I definitely did not lose!

I will distract you a little, my good, and share the following thoughts. If you make a list of the world's goodies and gourmet delicacies, then you, cat, will be the head of this list!

Dear, today I heard a theory that a frequent smile stabilizes the hormonal balance of each male organ. Now I understand why you are so harmonious and inimitably unique!

Then a moth of passion flew past the window, my love, so I gave him a couple of hot kisses that will hint at a stunning surprise awaiting you this evening!

I need to give up delicious, dear, I gained 300 grams excess weight! Or maybe you will agree to conduct individual fitness classes for me? I think you are the perfect instructor!

My adored knight, I don’t know about yours, but today my thoughts are naughty somehow in a special way. I wonder if our fantasies will coincide in the evening, although if not, we will certainly synchronize them!

When the artist of Destiny painted the panorama of my life, the very bright colors he used for your portrait, love! I firmly believe that you are a uniquely special person!

With a boundless stream of tenderness, an unstoppable river of passion, a stormy waterfall of love, an endless downpour of happiness, I will excite you, dear, every moment of the day and every second of life!

My heart, dear, is connected with your honey of sincere love! I want drops of my unctuous tenderness to penetrate from the lines of SMS into your day, making its minutes sweet nectar!

I want to become a caterpillar eating the sweet leaves of your masculinity, my dear. I want to become a bee enjoying the flowery treat of your passion, my beloved. Have a good mood!

Darling, I was given some kind of unnatural diagnosis today! Explain quickly what this means: the patient has an extreme degree of cardiac euphoria, caused by boundless passion for her beloved!

Dear, you are the fuel for the train of my love, you are the gearbox of the car of my passion, you are the helm of the plane of my tenderness, you are the compass on the ship of my well-being! Always be in good working order!

There will be no dots, no commas, and no words in the phone sms-glass that I will send to my beloved… But it contains the ambrosia of my kisses, the fruit juice of my passion, the intoxicating wine of my love!

Let the perimeter of your undertakings, dear, bypass the storms of disappointment. And you, radiant, like the amber of the Sun, warmed our joint evening of pleasure!

  • Let this SMS send a million sweetest kisses to my beloved, and every moment of your busy day will turn into candy pleasure! ... Let a drop of passion, located in ...
  • The real happiness of a person consists of small daily joys. It is doubly important if these joys are given to him by the most beloved person. You don’t need any golden mountains, and you don’t have to get out of your skin. Just a drop of attention and a little imagination - even in nice sms. It's not so difficult, and a charge of vivacity will appear in the morning. Yes, and a light, unobtrusive “break-up” during the day in the form of messages on a mobile phone will also be nice surprises. How to do this for a beloved man?

    First, let's learn how to write SMS messages correctly. No, it is clear, of course, that everyone can press buttons, but sometimes even these innocent SMSs for the subscriber turn reading time into a living hell. Therefore, we are guided by several rules:

      SMS cannot convey intonation, exactly the one that is clear to the writer. Therefore, emoticons at the end of a sentence will definitely help express all feelings: are you smiling now, or are you sad.

      It is advisable not to use the "auto-correct" function. Sometimes there are well-known curiosities when, through inattention, you send out such nonsense, because of which the reader comes to a stupor. If you use "autocorrect", then be sure to double-check the text.

      Be friendly with spelling and punctuation. And this is not because your man is picky about literacy, but because texts written in a blunder are difficult to read. And, frankly, illiteracy does not paint a girl.

      Again, long messages cause difficulty in reading. SMSs are needed more for a dialogue than for an epistolary monologue. Even if your boyfriend did not immediately answer some of your questions, wait a while - he may be busy.

      Do not mix pleasant messages with a showdown in correspondence. If you really want to bring joy to your man, and not ruin your relationship with him, then it’s better to hold back at some point if something goes wrong.

      Small surprises, in the form of text messages, should be light as a kiss, short as a gunshot, and often unanswerable. When sending a text message, just think about how your lover will now just smile after reading it.

      Double-check the written text addressed to a man, in any case, and imagine if you yourself would like to receive such a love message.

      Never try to make a “surprise” if a man warned you that he would be very busy at some time (meeting or driving), and you, so mysterious, still wanted to provoke him with SMS of a sexual nature. This will be off topic, and will rather piss off your young (or not so) person.

    In the modern world, it has become difficult to be in a secret love relationship. Gossip grandmothers on a bench at the entrance no longer “have weight”: cameras and hidden “eyes” are everywhere, and only SMS, calls to a mobile phone and correspondence on social networks are generally time bombs.

    If your man is married to another woman, and you really don’t want to “shine”, then be more careful with communication on all these means of communication - only at the time appointed by your lover. Yes, and you, most likely, are recorded on his phone not with your name, but with some “Ivan Ivanovich” from work.

    Now imagine if in the morning you decided to pamper your not free man with SMS, and suddenly his wife accidentally stumbles upon the phone. And SMS like this:

    Kitty, good morning! Love and kisses!

    Here are three options for her guesses:

    • This is 100% love!
    • My husband is a closeted homosexual!
    • A certain Ivan Ivanovich is clearly from a hangover, and mixed up the phone number!

    So don't even think about writing something like that. I am convinced that your married man is outside the family zone - you can purr a few words to him in SMS - that you love, that you miss, that you are waiting for a date. But it's better not to get carried away. AND, Golden Rule: I drank too much with my friends - turn off or hide the phone away, otherwise you’ll do such things that you don’t even wake up in the morning.

    Messages to my own husband

    SMS native person should "smell with the aromas of the day" (in a figurative sense, of course). Morning SMS should “smell” with cheerfulness, freshness and positive, daytime SMS with support and optimism, evening SMS with mystery and eroticism. It is with all this that messages should be “charged” throughout the day.

    The husband is almost your "blood". And if you have been married for a long time, and your relationship has “settled down”, the former passion for each other has passed, then it is short messages that can stir up cooled feelings. Let's distribute SMS a little by daily parts and imagine an approximate family regimen.


    You left for work first. The husband stayed to sleep until his time. You know how sleepy he is, and you usually call him on your cell phone with the usual demand to get up. He's used to it and doesn't expect anything else from you. And then suddenly: "deelin" - the sound of SMS. And there the text: “Wake up, sun! Good morning!” Well, a couple more control times. Wouldn't he be pleased to wake up from such kind words?


    Work bustle for everyone. Your head is full of thoughts about business, you completely forget that you even have a family. But here's a break, you drink a lunch cup of coffee and get distracted from work. And you think - well, how is he, my head man, maybe too tired, twirled, nervous. Make sure he smiles. Write at least one word: "I love you!" It won’t take much time, but what a balm for the soul this word will be for your spouse!


    Tired time, when everyone just wants to stretch out on the couch, so that no one touches. But your darling, on the way home, is predetermined out of habit severely: now something will be wrong from the threshold, nit-picking, questions. And you take it here and send him a text message from you: “Darling, I miss you so much! I cooked a delicious dinner, I can’t wait!” Set up another one right now!

    Almost night

    You are still spinning in the kitchen, and he has already gone to bed. Somehow there was no sex for a long time, but I really want to. Well, why don't you throw a message through the wall to him: “Kitten! Want you! I'm in the shower and soon to you in bed! He, of course, can pretend to be asleep, but most likely it will excite him out of surprise. Little tricks, but what an effect they have!

    Messages for the groom

    Your man is your future spouse. Then you need to especially try with imagination and literacy, because he still decides to take a serious step in his life, connecting it with you. More affection in words, without obsession and edification - just be a good boy.
