Photos of stars close up without photoshop. Stars who, without makeup and photoshop, are not at all who Drew Barrymore claims to be

At 33, the skin of the body, face and posture of the actress look like she has long crossed the 50-year mark. Lindsey does not want to accept reality. On her Instagram, she publishes only successful and carefully processed pictures.

Lindsay Lohan at one time failed to cope with star disease. The temptations provided by fame and unlimited financial opportunities ruined the actress. The woman became addicted to alcohol and drugs. She repeatedly went to the clinic to get rid of these problems.

Over time, the actress began to gradually recover, but years of libations could not but affect her appearance. Unfortunately, at 33, the star looks like she has crossed the 60-year milestone. Recently, fans were able to see for themselves.

Lohan came to one of the parties in New York. To go out, she chose a silver dress with a deep neckline. The length of the outfit was modest - the hem partially covered the knees.

Due to the American armhole and pictures taken at the moment when the celebrity got out of the car, users saw that Lindsey's skin was wrinkled. The legs, face and body quality of the actress look like those of women over 60 years old.

The posture of a celebrity also speaks of health problems. She is too skinny and stoops a lot. This can be seen even in the commercials that Lohan is trying to present under the guise of funny vines.

Many users reasonably note that the star has become a prime example of why you should not abuse alcohol and illegal drugs.

The actress, meanwhile, denies reality. On her Instagram, she publishes successful photos, and carefully retouched. On them she is fresh, young and looks at her 33 years old.

Loyal fans regret that Lohan, having excellent external data and good acting talent, ruined everything with her own hands. They doubt that she will be able to fully recover.

On the red carpet, Jennifer Garner is a diva and a real star, but in Everyday life the actress does not bother about makeup, and she prefers loose and comfortable clothes to luxurious dresses. So, we think if one day you happen to meet Jen on a walk, you will not recognize her. She will be too unlike the beauty from the covers of magazines.

It seems that Lindsey's whole life - sheer deception. The actress regularly cheats some facts from her biography in interviews, and in in social networks trying to look like a completely different person. Fans caught the star on Photoshop more than once, after which Lohan corrected herself and at least occasionally began to show herself real. And thanks for that.

No matter how Renee Zellweger assures journalists and fans that her new face is not at all the merit of a plastic surgeon, it is hard to believe in it. Doubts, first of all, suggest pictures of the actress, in which she poses without makeup. However, at secular parties, the new Zellweger is not always recognized by colleagues in the shop.

For a long time, Kate Moss had serious drug problems. This affected the appearance of the model. For example, in those rare photos where Kate is captured without makeup, she looks much older than her age. But on the frames from photo shoots, Moss is drastically younger by 20 years. That's how mystic ...

Makeup and retouching every time turn Diane Kruger into a sexy beauty. In ordinary life, she does not like make-up, and often looks like a teenager. Compare, for example, these two pictures. They seem to depict a mother and daughter.

The stars in photographs taken up close and without post-processing in Photoshop look completely different than we are used to seeing them. It turns out that many celebrities also have problems with acne, rosacea and various skin rashes, which you can also see by looking at our star selection presented in the article.


Foreign celebrities have always fascinated us with perfectly smooth and radiant skin. Well, is it really so? Let's figure it out together.

  • Lindsey Lohan. This girl can be called a “walking problem”, because, having said goodbye to her acting career, she “plunged” into revelry and unrestrained drunkenness, which could not but affect her appearance. Today, Lindsay does not look her 32 years old, as her face is swollen and her skin is flabby. In addition, the ex-actress has already acquired deep wrinkles on her forehead and a second chin.

  • Jennifer Garner. Sometimes it seems that in the case of this American 46-year-old actress, time has literally stopped. However, this is not the case. A woman, although she has even skin without various rashes, she still has age-related wrinkles.

  • Kate Moss. The world-famous supermodel and actress has always caught the admiring glances of men. After all, a sexy physique, smooth skin and languid look left no one indifferent. But in reality, after 20 years of drug addiction, Kate has changed, and not in better side. A flabby face, pigmentation, wrinkles and bruises under the eyes turned the previously diva into a woman tired of life.

  • Rene Zellweger. This Hollywood celebrity recently underwent plastic surgery, which, unfortunately, did not help her get rid of age-related changes in the form of deep wrinkles on her forehead and in the nasolabial folds. But even despite these defects, Rene at 49 years old looks great.

  • Tyra Banks. The supermodel, who does not hide her real appearance and does not hesitate to post photos taken from a close angle, on social networks. And although Tara is not at all like the girl we are used to seeing in pictures in glossy magazines, she is still very attractive in real life.

  • Kylie Jenner. And who would have thought that this girl is only 21 years old? Porous skin, silicone pumped up lips and an already emerging second chin add a couple of extra years to the young representative of the Kardashian family.

  • Andy MacDowell. At 60 years old, this American actress looks very good, as her photo below proves.

  • Kristen Stewart. But this actress would do well to get enough sleep, because even the “heavy” stage makeup did not hide the bags under her eyes.

  • Melania Trump. The First Lady of the United States amazes everyone with her perfect sense of style and attractive appearance, which was worked on not only by Mother Nature, but also by a whole delegation of plastic surgeons. Unfortunately, age “takes” its toll and no matter how hard Melania tries to hide enlarged pores and already clearly visible wrinkles, they are still visible, even through an expensive make-up.

  • Katy Perry. Another member of the celebrity elite, who allegedly has smooth porcelain skin. In real life this is not the case at all. Katie has an oily skin type with enlarged pores. Also, the singer was not spared by such a problem as acne.

  • Pamela Anderson. At 51, Pam looks quite decent. Smooth skin, shallow wrinkles and not too enlarged pores indicate that a woman really takes care of herself.

Interesting! Pamela Anderson decided to change her usual image and completely removed silicone from her lips, which did her good.

  • Victoria Beckham. The skin of this star has always been problematic. Therefore, it is not surprising that in a photo taken close up and without Photoshop processing, all the flaws of a woman are visible on her face, and especially acne. Vicki struggled with this for quite some time, but the results were short-lived.

  • Avril Lavigne. Another celebrity whose skin is far from perfect. Avril since adolescence suffers from acne, which usually appears before a serious event. The singer, no matter how hard she tried to get rid of such annoying and painful rashes, but she did not succeed.

  • Chris Jenner. Mom Kim Kardashian is more like a wax doll. So much on her face foundation that gives the impression of a mask.

  • Angelina Jolie. The age of this famous American 43-year-old actress is given out only by traitorous wrinkles. But the condition of the skin in general, Jolie is excellent, which cannot but be envied.


Among domestic celebrities there are also many personalities who periodically, thanks to Photoshop, hide their true face.

  • Maria Sharapova. The skin of this tennis player always seemed perfect and caused only delight. But in reality this is far from the case. The pigmentation that covers Masha's face could not be removed by expensive means, not cosmetic procedures. Sharapova had no choice but to accept and pick up a good foundation.

  • Tatiana Bulanova. The singer, unlike other celebrities, is not at all shy about her skin problems and constantly “pleases” fans with new pictures that show her imperfections. Some admire the star for such openness, while others simply “sling mud”, because they do not consider this act worthy.

  • Svetlana Loboda. Despite the fact that the appearance of this singer, according to many, has undergone several plastic surgeries, the fact remains that even without Photoshop, Sveta looks very attractive and fresh.

  • Lolita Milyavskaya. A singer who never ceases to amaze the public with her eccentric antics. What are her close-up pictures without makeup, and sometimes without clothes, that Lola herself exposes on social networks.

Despite bright makeup age-related changes are still noticeable

  • Yulia Baranovskaya. The TV presenter and ex-wife of football player Andrei Arshavin is striking in her beauty. And even the freckles on her nose that a woman works so hard to hide under her layers. foundation, look cute and playful.

  • Christina Orbakaite. Famous singer and actress, as well as happy wife and the mother of three, despite her age, looks excellent. And although wrinkles are already visible on her face, and bags under her eyes have appeared, one can still say about her that she literally “glows”.

  • Alla Pugacheva. At 69 years old, the singer evokes a double opinion among the public. Some admire her attractive appearance while others are condemned for frivolous behavior. But if you look at the photo properly, you can see that Alla Borisovna looks her age, and youth clothes are just a bright “shell”.

As you can see, in many photos taken close up and without the use of Photoshop, the stars appear before us in a completely different “light”. After all, their faces are far from being as perfect as we previously thought.

Clothing in rich deep colors, as well as plain pastel items, always looks expensive, elegant and elegant. That is why stylists recommend using bright and neon colors in limited quantities.

Now natural beauty is in fashion, photos of celebrities on vacation have become especially popular this summer. It is absolutely normal that the stars are tired of daily makeup, which of course emphasizes their beauty and which they simply need to appear in public.

Therefore, when you can relax and unwind away from prying eyes, the stars prefer naturalness..

1. Lindsay Lohan. Lindsey has always been freckled, as a child she didn’t really care, but when she became famous, she tightly masks them with foundation.

2. Beyonce. The singer is 36 years old and she is often photographed without makeup and this does not spoil her at all. With or without makeup, she remains as beautiful as ever!

3. Chrissy Teigen. This presenter and model decided to take a break from work and all its external attributes for a while. Now she is raising two children and enjoying quiet family happiness.

4. Gwyneth Paltrow. The actress enjoys spending her free time on the beach with friends.

5. Jennifer Lopez. At 49 years old, the star looks just great and the lack of makeup does not spoil her at all. True beauty simply does not need it!

6. Drew Barrymore. The actress is a very positive person, she just simply glows! And never be afraid to show your natural beauty to anyone.

7. Bella Hadid. It's no secret that Victoria's Secret Angels are the most beautiful women in the world. Bella knows this, and even without makeup she looks great!

8. Kim Kardashian. Whether there is makeup on the face of a sunbathing Kim or not, the question is complex, which has remained unanswered ...

America's main party girl and brawler, Lindsay Lohan, never tried to be a role model. She lives for her own pleasure, trying not to limit herself to her beloved in anything - neither in drugs, nor in booze, because she naively believes that if you really live, then to "the fullest". It's a pity that many of Lindsey's fans follow her example in order to look like a childhood idol. Only one thing can be advised to Lindsey - “get out of this business, dear ...”, because the wrong way of life affects not only the inner world, but also the appearance, as we will see today.

I suggest looking at Lindsey's makeup, and in particular, how it has changed over time. Yes, and we can see the changes in her face quite clearly.

1. I like this Lindsey - smiling, sweet and almost red. Makeup, of course, is not the best, but her smile and eyes distract from everything else. I don’t know exactly what year it is, but it was at that time that Lindsey looked after herself and looked more than good.

2. I would definitely redo the hairstyle, since with the naked eye you can see that Lindsey is not visible behind such a “colossus”, and in general there is a feeling that this is a wig. If the actress liked this styling so much that it is impossible to refuse it, it would be possible to make a brighter make-up and focus either on the eyes or on the lips. There are no accents here.

3. Once she could be called a real beauty, because she was natural, flirtatious and cheerful. it is a pity that now there is no such make-up or such hair color on Lindsey. The makeup shown in the photo is beautiful!

4. "Hot thing" Lindsey I like, although sometimes she has a clear overkill with hotness, which leads to vulgarity. But it is in this photo that everything harmonizes beautifully. Hair color, dress, jewelry and, of course, make-up, sustained in the best traditions of Spanish women, are simply incredibly good. A big plus for Lindsey and her stylists for this look.

5. Eyeliner, pink glitter and brown hair may not be the best (in my opinion) combination for Lindsey, but I simply can’t say that I don’t like her in the photo, because here she is very beautiful. It looks like a funny fox from the old Soviet cartoon about Kolobok :)

6. Makeup is excellent - not vulgar and not faded. Everything in moderation. In the photo, Lindsey reminded me of Blake Lively, I don’t even know why ...

7. Long blonde hair coupled with the golden make-up, this is one of those "duets" that ruin Lindsey. Perhaps someone else like this combination came to face, but Lindsey - no.

8. Only yellowish hair and a dress that seems to have been unsuccessfully washed and turned into a rag (judging by the top) are striking. This makeup is familiar to LiLo.

9. But this is effective, so effective! Underlined eyes of a light shade, bright gloss on the lips, as well as dark hair are bearing fruit. Megan Fox could often be seen in this image, but this is the first time I see such Lindsey.

10. Fine. I really like makeup. Lindsey in this photo is unrealistically beautiful, compared to what we see now - this is heaven and earth.

11. How I don’t like her as a blonde ... Light shades of hair do not suit her at all, it would be better if she went cardinally black than like this ... Makeup in the photo is darkness. Why does a blonde have such dark shadows on her eyes???

12. Elegantly. This is the first time I've seen Lindsey.

13. The photo was taken almost half a year or a year ago, and if you compare it with the first photo, the difference is felt, and not small. Vulgarism is just like that. Why did she ruin herself so much and what prompted her to become like that?

14. I don't like the gel in my lips, the "before" was much better. And so the makeup, in principle, is not bad, just like the hairstyle. A smile would be nice, but it looks like we won't see it for a long time, as Lindsey scurries from one courtroom to another to avoid jail time.

15. In my opinion one of the best images LiLo. The clothes, of course, are not impressive, but the hair color and makeup are flawless and very suitable for the actress.

16. Regardless, I feel sorry for Lindsey. Putting an end to a career, having done it on your own and in a drunken stupor, is actually very scary. In the photo she is so nice, the makeup is good, though something is stuck in her teeth, but this is not very important if you do not consider everything in detail.
