Magic rings are a famous trick of wizards. Trick with rope and ring Secret Trick with iron rings secret

Perhaps everyone in childhood believed in magic and took tricks in the circus or street performances at face value. As they grew older, the share of skepticism became more and more, and the tricks no longer seemed like something supernatural. However, you must admit, I always wanted to know how a magician levitates in the air or a woman “cut” in half remains safe and sound.

1. Soaring fakir

A popular trick with levitation is often practiced by street magicians. But in fact, this is nothing more than a cunning ploy. The whole secret of levitation lies in an ingenious design, the base of which is hidden under the rug. The main support is a staff that connects the lower support to the seat. It is almost impossible to see the design behind the magician's voluminous attire, so the trick looks very impressive and is still very popular.

2. Zigzag girl

The secret of one of the most popular stage tricks lies in the flexibility and ability of the magician's assistant. The girl climbs into a box with unusual holes. When the magician moves central part box, the girl arches her body, while her arms and legs remain in a position as if she were standing straight.

3. Sawing a girl

Previously, the trick with sawing the girl made the audience tremble with horror and wait with trepidation for the moment when the assistant would emerge from the box safe and sound. However, over time, the public realized that there was a catch in the trick and that no one was actually sawn. The thing is that the magician's box consists of two parts and there are actually two girls too.

4. Focus with a bill and a pencil

Tricks with money are always admired by the audience. But most often they have nothing to do with magic. Most often it is only dexterous movements magician and little tricks. For example, in a popular trick, when a magician cuts a banknote with a pencil, the main tool is a pencil, or rather its halves are connected by magnets. With a deft movement of the hand, the magician puts the edge of the bill between two magnets and carefully holds out the pencil.

5. The disappearance of the coin

A simple and at the same time spectacular and very popular trick with the disappearance of a coin can be seen in the circus or at children's events. Moreover, everyone is capable of learning to show such a trick. To do this, you need a white sheet of paper, a coin and a transparent glass sealed with paper. So that the guests do not see through the magician ahead of time, the glass must be kept upside down on the sheet.

6. Michael Jackson tilt

At one time, Michael Jackson was a real icon, striking fans not only with vocals, but also with dance performances. So, the famous 45-degree tilt, which was demonstrated by the singer himself and his entire troupe in the video for the song "Smooth Criminal", made a splash, although in fact it turned out to be only a well-thought-out trick. The whole secret of this tilt was hidden in the heels with special holes and metal pins that left the stage at a certain moment.

7. Rising ring

Another trick that anyone can master. To do this, you will need a ring and a regular rubber band for money. First of all, the gum must be cut. Next, we put the ring on the elastic band, and clamp its ends in our hands so that a long tail remains in the hand that is below. Hide it discreetly in your fist and slowly release it, the elastic will lengthen, and the ring will quickly crawl up.

8. The disappearance of the glass

Another trick that practicing magicians often show in their performances. The magician covers the glass with a napkin, moves it for a few seconds, and then abruptly raises the napkin, under which there is no longer a glass. The secret of the trick is extremely simple, at a certain moment, with a deft movement of the hand, the magician brushes the glass into a special bag attached to the table, or on his knees if he is sitting at that time.

9. Flying pencil

Can you move objects with the palm of your hand? No? You can learn right now. For this you will need props: two pencils and wrist watch or a tight-fitting bracelet. One pencil should be hidden behind the watch strap and use it to pick up the second one lying on the table.

The secret of the trick: When tying a knot in the center of the rope, leave a loop much larger than the ring. Place the ring on one end of the rope and hold the ring and rope.

Holding the ends of the rope with both hands, throw the ring into the loop (or drag it along the arrow). At the moment when the ring enters the loop, tighten the rope, and the ring will be tied in its center.

Insert the rope ring into the eye of the key and hang it to the viewer on the raised thumbs of both hands. Remove the key from the rope ring without dropping it from thumbs viewer's hands.

Secret of the trick: Grab the rope closest to you (one of the parallel ones) on both sides of the key with both hands, connect the grabbed parts of the rope in one hand.

Holding the key with your other hand, throw these parts of the rope around one of the viewer's thumbs. Pull the key towards you and it will come off the rope.

Place a ring (or small hoop) in the very center of an unclothed table. Pass a piece of twine to the audience and offer to put a ring on it. You can't touch the ring with anything. If the viewer does not figure out how to do this trick, take the twine and put a ring on it yourself.

To do this, slightly raise the edge of the table, allowing the ring to move one third beyond the opposite edge. It remains only to skip the twine through this part of the ring and pull the ring off the table.

Give the audience a nickel-plated ring and a thin rope, and let them inspect them as closely as possible. Then take the ring back and it will instantly disappear in your hands. Ask them to tie both hands around your wrists with a rope. When the audience has complied with your request, with a subtle movement, you will cause the ring to appear hanging in the middle of the rope between the bound hands.

Secret of the trick: Using the right distraction, very quickly and discreetly, you put the ring on your hand and raised your hands up. The ring slipped down your arm into the sleeve, where you held it a little, pressing it to your side with your elbow, until the moment when it should appear.

Once your hands are tied, in the same way, under the cover of a distraction, release the ring and let it slide down your hand. Bring your hands a little closer - and the ring will jump off the palm of your hand onto the rope with which your hands are tied. The diameter of the ring is selected so that it does not pass with a straightened palm, but so that it completely freely jumps off a bent palm.

Tie a piece of rope into a ring. Put this ring on the hands of one of the spectators. Invite him to change the position of the rope, in other words, make the ring "eight" without removing it from his hands. "Volunteer", most likely, will not be able to do this. Then you will do it on his own hands, without removing the ring.

And it's easy to do. Lower the upper part of the ring down, wrap it around the lower one, lift it up and put the part on one of the hands from the same side. Remove the first loop from this hand. This will result in an "eight".

With my hands tied

Put your hands behind your back and have them tied so that you cannot free them. Let the ring borrowed from the spectator be placed in your mouth. Spectators name which finger and which hand you should put the ring on.

For a few seconds, hide from the field of view of the audience. When you appear, the borrowed ring will be on your index finger!

Secret of the trick: When you hide, move your hands to the left so that the right palm is in such a position that when you turn your head to the left, the ring will fall on your right hand. Now the ring, which is in the hands, is not difficult to put on the index (or any other finger). To do this trick quickly and imperceptibly, you need to practice a lot.

Show the audience objects that have no secrets: a small colored ring (wooden or plastic) and a piece of rope. In front of everyone, put the ring on the rope and tie it in the center of the ring with some kind of intricate knot. Stretch the ends of the rope and pass them to the audience to hold. Grasping the ring and making a few subtle movements with your fingers with a knot, remove the ring from the rope!

The secret of the trick is that in tying an "intricate" knot, as it seems at first glance, there is nothing complicated in the trick. Such tying allows you to remove the ring from the rope, the ends of which will be in the hands of the audience until the very end.

The method of tying is clear from the figure. One of the ends of the rope, already tied with a simple loose knot, is passed into the ring, and then in the direction of the arrow. As a result, if we now tighten the resulting "knot", a loop will be obtained on the ring, threaded into the ring and encircling both parts of the rope. As soon as such a loop is slightly expanded and a ring is passed into it, the "intricate" knot will disappear, and the freed ring will be in the hand.

The ring closed in the rope loop is released, although the viewer is holding the rope.

Focus props: any ring and rope.

Trick Secret: Get someone to help you practice before demonstrating this trick. Tie one piece of rope into a loop as shown. Slip the ring onto this rope from one end of the loop. Pull both ends of the loop over the assistant's fingers, but not too tight. Take a piece of this rope and make another loop on the finger on the opposite side of the ring. Make sure you place the second loop below the first loop on your finger.

Take the original loop and carefully lift it over your finger. Have an assistant pull the rope. As soon as he does this, the loop will untie. The ring will fall, even though the rope is still on his fingers. Practice a few more times before demonstrating this trick.

Through the lace

Thread the string through the key and ask the audience to hold the string by the ends. Put a handkerchief over the key and put your hands under the handkerchief for a few seconds. Remove the handkerchief - the key is tied in the center of the cord. In front of everyone, release the key - remove it from the lace right in the center.

Trick Secret: You had a duplicate key hidden under a handkerchief. Slip your hands under the handkerchief, holding the duplicate key in your hand. Since nothing is visible under the scarf, attach a duplicate to the middle of the lace with a loop.

Hide the original key in your left hand. Right hand raise the handkerchief, showing the duplicate key to unsuspecting onlookers. Slide your left hand along the cord and take one end of it in your hand for a while.

Immediately give the end back to the viewer, managing to remove the original key with your left hand and put it in your pocket along with the handkerchief. Then grab the duplicate key and remove it completely from the cord.

Tie a knot around the match case. Pass the left end of the lace through the case.

Remove the resulting "knot" from the case and hide it inside. Then stretch the cord to the sides - and the knot in the case will disappear.

Tie an ordinary knot in the center of the rope, and tie the rope itself with a knot with a ring. Slightly stretching the usual knot, put it on your thumbs and sharply spread your arms to the sides. In front of everyone's eyes, this knot will disappear, although the rope ring will still remain tied.

The secret of the trick: The knot did not disappear anywhere, when you stretched it with your fingers, it simply moved and closed with another knot that tied the ends of the rope. From the side, two adjacent knots are easy to mistake for one, and it seemed to the audience that this knot had disappeared.

If you did everything right, the viewer will never guess what the secret of the trick is.

What are tricks with a chain (thread) and a ring? What kind of things are needed to demonstrate this type of trick? What is the secret of the "magic" of the chain and ring, and what skills do you need to have in order for the "magic" to work out, and the audience not reveal the secret?

Tricks with a chain and a ring, with a thread, with a rope there are several. And all of them are distinguished by bewitching simplicity and the fact that an ignorant person will never guess about their secret if the magician has done everything right.

Surprise with such tricks is possible anywhere. "Performance" takes very little time and requires a minimum of props, and the audience stays.

Focus with chain and ring

One of the most popular. In addition to the chain, a rope, lace and other similar things are also suitable. And a ring-shaped thing of any size.

Let's see how the "presentation" goes if we use chain .

  • First, you prove that there is no catch in any detail of the props.
  • Next, the chain needs to be fastened (if a rope or thread, then make a knot at the ends or just hold the two ends in a fist).
  • Holding the hoop in the air, draw the chain inside a couple of times, and then, when you hold the circle closer to the clasp (but not directly at it), sharply unclench your fingers.
  • The prop element falls, but the chain itself forms a knot and does not allow it to fall.

Exposing the trick with the ring on the video:

What is the secret of the ring and chain trick?

Things are really the most ordinary. The secret is in the trajectory of the fall:

  • It is necessary to hold the circle in a special way.
  • You hold one part with your thumb, while the opposite part lies between your index and middle fingers.
  • The chain should slightly touch the rim in a certain place.
  • And then you let go thumb, and the hoop, falling, makes a turn around itself, twisting the decoration into a knot.

Important! You should not demonstrate "magic" to your acquaintances if you managed to do everything right a couple of times. So that the mystery is not solved, and there are no mistakes, you need a lot of training.

Focus with thread and ring

Do not show things too close to the audience - they can guess what the catch is

Another popular one is with a thread and a ring. The ring is put on a thread, which is slightly under the slope, and the ring "self" rises.

What is the meaning of "magic"?

Everything is very simple. The thread along which the hoop "rides" up is not at all what it seems. It's a very tight rubber band. So if you don't want the audience to suspect a trick, it's best not to let them see things up close.

  • To make it work, the tip that is higher must be clamped between the thumb and forefinger, and in the other hand, from the opposite end, leave a small supply of gum and hide it in a fist so that no one sees.
  • You tighten the elastic, lower the one that should rise lower and then slowly begin to let go of the elastic from the end where you have a margin, while maintaining tension. The elastic is compressed and stretched, and the ring moves up.

That's why you need exactly the gum. First, nothing rolls down on it. And secondly, it can be compressed and stretched.

Important! If you do not want to be declassified, you must do everything very carefully. Therefore, before performing, practice at home in front of a mirror. The movement of the gum should be smooth and invisible to others.

The secret of the trick with a ring and a chain on the video:

Another trick with a thread and a ring

For this trick you need a thread or rope and a round thing with a hole in the center.

A hoop (or similar thing) is tied to a rope, which is pulled tight and then pulled, and the props "pop" out of the knot, leaving the rope completely unharmed without ties.

The secret is how to tie a knot:

  1. You thread the rope through the ring, pull it tight and turn it 360 degrees so that the rope twists through it.
  2. The first part of the thread will lie on top of the other part.
  3. The end, which is lower, must be threaded in part from above, so that on the other side the thread is twisted in the same way.
  4. Then you create tension and pull out the tied thing, at the moment of the jerk, slightly loosening the tension, and it pops out of the knot by itself.

Even the most complex often have a very simple secret. And with a little practice, everyone can learn to surprise the public with them.

Very often at magical performances, including in the circus, magicians use props such as metal rings. What kind of ornate figures they do not build from them! All this looks very exciting, bright and lively. Therefore, this item has not gone out of magical fashion for centuries. We will look at how these tricks happen and whether it is possible to do this yourself.

Outside trick effect

alt=" Focus with rings" width="300" height="244" /> Волшебник демонстрирует зрителям обыкновенные металлические кольца. Затем ловко перебрасывает их с одной руки на другую и обратно. Подходит близко к публике и затем действует по следующему плану.!}

  1. Offers any person two rings linked together and asks to separate them. Of course, no one can do it.
  2. The magician himself, easily playing with all the rings, instantly separates this pair.
  3. Then he starts doing very interesting things with the props: connecting them into a beautiful chain and separating them into links, juggling, building from rings geometric figures and just asymmetric patterns.
  4. Again gives any viewer props so that everyone can be convinced of their continuity (two of them). And also the fact that they are really metal.

This completes the focus. The audience is delighted, and the magician is seen as a really very talented and dexterous magician. Everyone is interested in only one question: how did he do it?

The main effect of the trick is that the magician is under the direct supervision of the audience. After all, everything happens right inside the audience.

Necessary props

What do you need to acquire in order to learn to show this trick just as deftly and beautifully?

  1. Metal rings in the amount of six, a maximum of eight pieces.
  2. The dimensions of the props should not exceed 25 cm in diameter.
  3. Demonstration table.
  4. Wizard jacket.

You can order these rings.
One of the acquired circles must have a slot. One in which other metal circles can be freely inserted.

For a greater external effect, it is better to purchase props in color or nickel-plated. Such circles will be more beautiful and shiny.

The secret of the trick

The "Magic Rings" trick hides only one secret: a ring with a slot attached to the inside of the jacket, which the magician can easily quickly detach and include in the trick. Thus, it is possible to build both figures and connect to a chain.
