Shell curtain. sea ​​shell curtain

Beautiful shells can be collected on any sea coast. Another question is what to do with them? By themselves, they do not look too much like souvenirs, but if you connect them together, you can make a charming shell curtain that will zone the space in your home, or replace bulky doorways and interior doors.

Materials for work:

  • Shells of various shapes and sizes;
  • Drill to drill holes in them;
  • Scotch;
  • A small wooden block for work;
  • Sufficiently thick nylon thread;
  • Beads or beads;

We need a bar in order to drill holes in the selected shells. It is convenient to use it instead of a cutting board, which is just a pity to spoil.
When all the tools are at hand, you can get to work. We take a shell, and carefully outline the place for the hole. Without prior preparation, the shell may crack during operation, so that this does not happen, just stick a piece of adhesive tape in the desired mass. And it needs to be done on both sides. When the work is completed, the adhesive tape is easy to remove from the surface of the shell.

The more shells you decorate, the brighter and more interesting your curtain will be. As a result, we take a thread of the desired length (measure the height of your doorway), and tie a small knot at the end. Next, we string the bead, and tie a knot again to fix the bead on a piece of thread. Further, slightly departing from the first element, we form another knot, and with its help we fix the already prepared shell. So we move until the thread is completely decorated with beads and shells.

There can be any number of threads. You can also take any basis for such a curtain. A straight round stick found on the street or a small wooden block will also look good as a base. Threads can be tied to it, tied, or secured with small studs. In general, you yourself choose the option that is pleasant for you, and decorate your house with an original curtain that will remind you of your vacation on the sea coast.

Curtains made of shells will prolong your memories and will not only remind you of your summer vacation, but will also decorate and transform the interiors of any room!

Panels or curtains made of shells organically fit into various interiors: from a marine style to a classic one. And the shells that you brought from your vacation will not lie in boxes unnecessarily.

You will need

  • silk thread or hemp rope

  • decorative trunk made from natural material, such as bamboo

  • sharp knife

  • various shells - decorative or simple

  • scissors

  • thin drill

  • starfish or other decorative items

Manufacturing process

Shells must be prepared before manufacturing. To do this, they need to make neat holes in them using a thin drill or awl.


Then take a decorative trunk and measure the length you need on it - saw off the excess. You will get a frame for the future curtains, in which it is also necessary to make holes for the ropes. Choose the number of holes at your discretion, it all depends on how you plan to decorate the curtain and on the number of decorative elements.

Feel free to string shells on hemp ropes or silk threads in random order. Each shell can be easily secured by tying a rope at the bottom with a knot.

Alternate shells with starfish or other marine decor items. It all depends on your imagination.

After all the ropes are ready, all that remains is to attach them to the bamboo frame and the curtain is ready!

This is how a very original curtain made of shells is made quite simply. Where to place it is up to you. Such a piece of furniture will look very impressive in any room and constantly remind you of summer and relaxation!

Summer has come to an end, but you don't want to part with it! Shell curtains will prolong your memories and will not only remind you of summer holiday, but also decorate, transform the interiors of any room!

Panels or curtains made of shells organically fit into different interiors: from a marine style to a good one. And the shells that you brought from your vacation will not unnecessarily lie in boxes.

You will need

  • silk threads or hemp ropes
  • decorative stem from natural material e.g. bamboo
  • sharp knife
  • different shells - decorative or simple
  • scissors
  • narrow drill
  • starfish or other decorative items

Manufacturing process

Shells must be prepared before making. To do this, you need to make neat holes in them using a narrow drill or an awl.

After that, take the decorative trunk and measure the length you need on it - saw off the excess. There will be a frame for the future curtains, in which, in addition, you need to make holes for the ropes. Choose the number of holes at your own discretion, it all depends on how you are going to decorate the curtain and on the number of decorative elements.

Feel free to string shells on hemp ropes or silk threads in random order. Each shell can be easily secured by tying a rope at the bottom with a knot.

Change shells with starfish or the second marine decor items. It all depends on your imagination.

After all the ropes are ready, all that remains is to attach them to the bamboo frame and the curtain is ready!

That's quite a very unique curtain made of shells. Where to place it is up to you. Such a piece of furniture will look very impressive in any room and always remind you of vacation and summer!

See in the domestic gallery what you may have!

Talisman Wind Music from shells with your own hands! — Successful project — Inter

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A beach holiday is exactly the time period that you want to repeat again and again. And, of course, keep memories of him, so that the whisper of the waves and the silkiness of the snow-white sand will warm you on long winter evenings. Not only banal magnets and the same type of photos will help to save and increase positive emotions. Unusual shell curtains can become a stylish and exclusive reminder of a serene time, especially since you can make them yourself, warming the accessory with the fire of your soul.

Classic shell curtains can divide a room or decorate a window with them.

Diverse marine theme

Decorative elements made using shells will perfectly fit into many interior styles. But such accessories will look most organically framed by coarse textiles, natural wood and stone. Supplement any interior decoration from seafood you can use a rope and stylized figurines of a beach theme. This can be a steering wheel of a yacht, a miniature copy of a sun lounger, or an outdated model of sunglasses.

Shell curtains are good because there is no clear rule for their creation. You should focus only on your taste and the existing design of the room. Seafood curtains of the following types look stylish and modern:

If there are not very many shells, then you can place them on a thread at a certain distance from each other.

  1. Classic curtain. Such a weightless and original screen can decorate a window or divide the functional areas in a room. The curtain can be classic (all threads end at the same level) or decorated with an arc.
  2. Curtain with ties. Such an original shell curtain can act as an independent accessory or complement curtains made of dense material. Such an element of decor is carried out according to a scheme similar to the manufacture of a garland, only the final design differs, the threads are pulled apart and fixed with the help of original pickups.
  3. Shining garland. Such a decorative element can serve as a night light and will not allow you to plunge into winter despondency. In order to make such an exclusive lighting fixture from shells with your own hands, it is enough to glue the seafood to the plastic frame of the Christmas tree garland bulbs.

I'll tell you how I made a shell curtain with my own hands. If you do not have shells, then the curtain can be made from other materials.

My result:

So, look around the house (your own and all your neighbors), if you have any beads, cute buttons, small toys (if the curtain is for a nursery), details of sorted kinder surprises (including the testicle containers themselves), unpaired earrings (you can also gold;)), incomplete checkers, colored washers, etc. Everything will work. All this, for simplicity, we will call curtain elements.

It is important to have beads of any color. The beads will serve as a fixative for the rest of the elements on the fishing line. However, if you do not have beads, do not rush to buy them. If, moreover, you do not have a fishing line, and you were going to make a curtain from a strong thread, then there are other ways to fix it. More on that below.

Collect all these minerals together. For convenience, you can sort them by type and put on tea saucers. Prepare the fishing line and measure the maximum length for the future curtain. And also decide whether the bottom edge of the curtain will be even or torn. Simply put, will the curtain threads be the same.

To cut the fishing line, it is better to use wire cutters (even manicure ones). The wire cutters do not flatten the end of the line and it is convenient to then pull it through any small holes. The thickness of the fishing line can be up to 0.5 mm. Quite enough and 0.3-0.35mm. Choose the color yourself.

All curtain elements must have holes through which the fishing line can be passed, or the shape of the element must be such that it can be tied with fishing line.

Holes can be made like this:

- in plastic - with a hot awl or knitting needle

- in a tree - with a drill (I hope you don't have to plow much - art should be fun;))

- in shells - either with a drill (although this is not always possible, because some are extremely hard), or like this: take a tool with a sharp metal end (knife, manicure scissors), attach it to the shell in the right place and tap the shell o smooth stone. There must be a hole. Since I don’t always succeed, for curtains I’m looking for already holey shells on the beach. I find quite a few.

Well, we are ready. Let's start, perhaps.

Measure the fishing line of the intended length plus 20 cm for knots and fasten the curtain thread on top. String the lowest bead first. We tie a knot, string the next element and pass both ends of the fishing line through its hole. We need to hide the short end of the fishing line, because. no need to cut it off.

Now our goal is to string curtain elements on the fishing line, fixing them at some distance from each other. Determine the distance depending on the size of the elements.

How to fix the elements on the fishing line? The first way - with beads - stringing it from the bottom of the element and threading the line twice through the beads. For beauty, you can string a few beads (fixing only the bottom one) below and above the element itself. The second way is nodes.

If you work with beads, then it can be both an independent element, an addition, or just a fixative. Examples of elements from beads: a ring, a chain, more complex elements (depends on your imagination and skill).

Once again, a bead retainer is a bead that supports the element from below, into which the fishing line is threaded twice. If the hole in the element over size beads, then you can: string more large bead, tie the element with a fishing line and only then thread the fishing line into the bead a second time, tie the element with a fishing line and secure it with a knot.

In general, as you can see, it is quite possible to do without beads - only knots. True, with beads and fishing line - faster, and with thread and knots - slower.

If you have a thread and beads. Dip the end of the thread in super glue (not rubber) or stationery glue and roll between your thumb and forefinger until dry. The end of the thread will become hard and sharp enough to go through the beads without using a needle.

Now that you figured out how and how much to string, go ahead and have fun. You can do it on TV. Make sure you have good lighting in your work area. You need a lot of vision.

It is desirable to hang the finished threads in full length. Having finished making the first 5-6 threads, figure out how far they will need to be hung in the selected opening. Thus, you decide how long you will stretch this pleasure.

You can fix the finished threads in the opening in several ways:

- like a curtain: on hooks to the curtain (like rails). Each thread on a separate hook.

- on a rail that is attached to the opening.

- on buttons (decorative). Each thread on a separate button.

- in some other way.

All is ready? Take a photo and send it to your friends. Don't forget me ;)!

All the best!
