Long earrings made of beads and a cone cap. DIY earrings - photo of creating jewelry at home DIY creative earrings made of large beads

Earrings are a special accessory that women choose with special attention. With their help, it is possible to give the image a complete look and emphasize certain facial features. Beaded earrings deserve special attention. You can easily make them yourself and as a result get the perfect and unique decoration.

Earrings are a special accessory that women choose with special attention.

It is no coincidence that dangling earrings are very popular. They look gentle, refined and elegant. For their manufacture, only the minimum of time is required. Even those needlewomen for whom beading is still little known will cope with the work without any problems.

It is no coincidence that dangling earrings are very popular.

What is necessary:

  • black beads;
  • beads in the form of hearts;
  • black fishing line;
  • needle;
  • pins;
  • a pair of ear hooks;
  • a pair of conical metal bases;
  • wire cutters;
  • scissors;
  • pliers.

Weaving steps:

  1. String beads on the string.
  2. Now put a red heart and three more black elements on the blank.
  3. Count three beads from the red part in the other direction and thread a needle with fishing line through all the rest.
  4. In the same way, make a couple more parts, but not as long as the first. String them on a couple of elements less.
  5. Connect the blanks together, and tie the ends of the fishing line.
  6. Thread a pin through the loop that has formed.
  7. Pass the pin through the cone-shaped part and thereby hide the connection points.
  8. Cut off the rest of the pin with wire cutters.
  9. Form a loop with round nose pliers.
  10. Attach ear hooks to this loop.

Gallery: beaded earrings (25 photos)

How to make beaded and beaded earrings

Making a pair of these earrings is quite simple. O. The execution technique is very unusual, but interesting. Naturally, in this case, the decorations also turn out to be special, bright, and stand out among others.

Making a pair of these earrings is quite simple.

What is necessary:

  • soutache;
  • beads;
  • beads;
  • a pair of beads in the form of drops;
  • cabochon;
  • needle;
  • a thread;
  • scissors;
  • lighter;
  • felt;
  • faux suede.


  1. Glue the cabochon to the felt and sheathe it with beads using the technique of mosaic braiding.
  2. Cut off excess felt.
  3. Cut three pieces of soutache and sew them around the cabochon, while threading the needle exactly in the center of the lace.
  4. Sew a bead at the junction of the ends of the lace, and connect the ends themselves with a few stitches.
  5. Bend the ends of the soutache and sew.
  6. Insert a bead and sew the ends to the wrong side.
  7. Cut off the excess with scissors, set it on fire with a lighter.
  8. Also process the ends on the second side.
  9. Cut off a couple of pieces of soutache and sew them to the end wrapped on the wrong side.
  10. Do the same on the other side of the workpiece.
  11. Sew a bead in the center and bend the ends.
  12. Sew on a bead on each side.
  13. From three pieces of soutache, make the top of the product.
  14. Bend the ends and stitch them, insert a bead.
  15. Trim and burn the ends.
  16. At the bottom, fix the bead in the form of a drop.
  17. Attach secure ear hook.

Sew suede on the wrong side.

The easiest beaded earrings for beginners

Weave earrings in the form of flowers under the force and novice needlewomen. The work will take even less than an hour, and as a result, another unusual decoration will appear.

Weave earrings in the form of flowers under the force and novice needlewomen

What is necessary:

  • dark red, yellow and mother-of-pearl beads;
  • wire;
  • ear hooks.

You need to adhere to the following scheme:

  1. String red and yellow parts alternately on the wire.
  2. Close the structure in a ring.
  3. Put ten white beads on both ends of the wire and form petals.
  4. Bring the tips through the yellow details.
  5. Make five petals in this way.

Attach the ear hook to the back.

DIY openwork beaded earrings

Made in oriental style jewelry always causes delight and attracts special attention. That is why they are in great demand. Making them is very interesting, since this process is in many ways different from other types of weaving.

What is necessary:

  • round blanks for earrings;
  • fasteners;
  • brown threads;
  • hook;
  • beads.


  1. String beads on a thread and fasten it immediately on a round piece.
  2. Knit in single crochet stitches, inserting a hook into each of the holes.
  3. Move one bead closer to the beginning and knit it with a column.
  4. Form an arch by collecting seven air loops.
  5. Fasten the chain in the next hole and knit the next bead.
  6. Perform such actions until the entire row is knitted.
  7. To give the product the necessary shape in each next row, you need to reduce the arches by returning to the center of the arch and knitting seven stitches.
  8. According to this pattern, knit to the end.
  9. Tie the thread and then attach the fasteners.

Tip: you can improve an already amazing decoration with silk. It is enough just to sheathe metal rings with them to make the product look even more delicate.

How to weave beaded earrings with parallel weaving

Among the many types of weaving, it is worth noting this one. The technique of its implementation is very simple and therefore not only experienced, but also novice needlewomen resort to it. Ornaments are especially bright and unusual.

Among the many types of weaving, it is worth noting this one.

What is necessary:

  • beads;
  • fishing line;
  • fastener details.


  1. String one bead onto the string.
  2. After that, the number of elements must be increased and now place two beads at once on one of the ends of the fishing line.
  3. Cross the fishing line in the holes of the beads.
  4. In each new row, increase the number of elements by one.
  5. After there are eleven beads in the row, continue weaving without adding.
  6. Continue working until the earring is the desired length.

Hide the ends of the fishing line inside the product and fix it in the upper part of the fastener.

Beautiful beaded hoop earrings: how to do it yourself

This is perhaps one of the easiest ways to make earrings at home. It is with such simple work that it is recommended that beginners begin to master beading. Moreover, in addition to practice, as a result of the work, a new piece of jewelry will appear in the collection.

(pliers, wire cutters, pliers - standard set or 3 in one)
Hats in the form of a cone. We now only have copper color left, but we will bring more later.
Embossed or molded small hats 5-9mm.
Hook fasteners.
Beautiful beads with a diameter of 10 mm, in this case I have a fine edge 10x8mm, emerald color, 8x6, small 4x3 mm
Metal balls.

Perhaps someone is trying to create earrings for the first time, so let's repeat one more time how to bend the pin. We string beads on the pin, bend it to the side with pliers, thin pins are better with a finger, cut off so that 7-8 mm remain before the bead. Using round nose pliers, we turn the loop in two movements. With the first movement, we fold the pin, holding it by the very tip, with the second movement (see photo) we intercept the pin at the fold:

The cone is long, one pin is not enough, you need to build it up. We connect another pin to the loop, I only had carnations at hand, I cut off the hat and rolled the loop. We add one or more beads to it, depending on the diameter, then a cone and wrap the loop. Already and so it is possible to attach to the shvenza.

But I decided to add one more bead to make the earrings even longer.

Here's a couple more oldies:

Small glass beads and metal beads are used on top of these earrings. Caps below are cast, inside long caps instead of small beads are metal balls.

For these earrings, pins with balls are used, openwork beads in bronze look are used at the top. Beads from polymer clay.

The most magical holiday in a year - . And, of course, every girl wants to shine and stand out from the rest. They can help with this.

DIY brush earrings

For more than half a year, all fashionistas have cast their eyes on a novelty in jewelry - tassel earrings. They can be made of leather, beads, threads, fringes, metal threads. These earrings are easy, spending quite a bit of time. In addition, you can make earrings for any outfit, any colors, and for any mood. You can add brush earrings with beads, rhinestones, beads, stones and various decorative elements.

To make tassels, you will need: silk threads, floss threads, beads, wire, ribbon with rhinestones, accessories for earrings, decorative items.

The easiest manufacturing option:

For beaded earrings, you can use metal wire, colored or plain beads and various small beads. Beads will need to be strung on several identical pieces of wire. Then fasten these pieces together and hang the threads to the fastener.

DIY beaded earrings

Another original version jewelry - beaded earrings. There are a lot of options for execution, from the simplest to the most difficult. Most easy way- buy beads and earring. String one or more beads on the mount and the earrings are ready.

A more difficult option is to use beads of different sizes and skip the chain between them. All this is strung on a metal wire or a dense fishing line.

In needlework stores, you can find almost finished earrings, for example, metal rings. These can be worn immediately after purchase, or supplemented with beads of different sizes. Wooden beads will look unusual.

With the help of a thin wire, various beads in the form of pearls can be attached to the same rings.

Those who like to experiment with beads can make beautiful beaded earrings, complemented by plain beads.

Another option is to take pieces of leather, cut out of them, for example, butterflies. With the help of threads and a needle, sheathe the butterfly with beautiful beads mixed with beads. Attach to the fastener and everyday jewelry is ready.

DIY thread earrings

You can make beautiful tassel earrings from threads, but this is written above. So let's look at other options. If originality is your forte, then you can make ball earrings. Two balls are made of floss threads, approximately in appearance like balls of wool. Using a fishing line or wire, connect the hook-pendant and balls. String beads or beads on the fishing line. Insert decorative knitting needles made of wood into the balls. Such knitting needles can be made from a toothpick and a wooden bead.

An easy option is to take a few colored floss threads, tie them to the shwenze. From the ends of the threads to make beautiful bows. Earrings can be decorated with a bead or metal fittings.

DIY beaded earrings

Another option for homemade earrings is from beads. These are perfect for both jeans and evening wear. For beginners, you can try easy options, for those who are no longer new to it, you can take more complicated schemes and decorations.

You can make brush earrings from beads, and if the pieces of wire are not the same in length, you will get beautiful wing earrings.

You can make various figures from beads - butterflies, Christmas trees, nesting dolls, peacocks and other animals or plants. They can be made flat or voluminous.

Those who have been actively engaged in beading for a long time can make beautiful voluminous orchids or other flowers from beads with the addition of small beads.

Beautiful DIY earrings

In fact, earrings can be made from anything. Are there any pieces of skin? Then make feather earrings out of them by adding sparkles or colored threads. You can also cut out any figure, animal, plant from the skin and sheathe the pieces with rhinestones, beads or beads. Leather can be used to make braided or twisted earrings.

For lovers of the marine theme, we can advise you to make earrings from marine small pebbles, shells, stars. You can even make a pearl in the shell.

If you have various feathers in your arsenal, then you can make an ornament out of them by adding beautiful beads. And feathers can be varnished with sparkles.

Those who can knit unusual earrings for themselves. By the way, earrings can be made of dense lace, and decorated with beads or small pebbles.

And the most the simplest option- buy any accessories in the store and simply attach it to the hook pendants. In stores you can find a variety of decorative items - these can be butterflies, dragonflies, anchors, Venetian masks, various flowers, semi-antique medallions and much more.

Love exclusive jewelry? Do you consider yourself a creative person? Try to make original earrings with your own hands in various needlework techniques! This amazing activity so captivating that, without having time to enjoy the new man-made masterpiece, another grandiose project is already ripening in my head. For starters, we offer you some interesting workshops and video tutorials with step by step instructions with which you can make more than a dozen earrings self made. Our ideas will come in handy not only for beginners, but also for experienced craftswomen who have experienced a creative crisis. We hope that we will be able to inspire you and direct your thoughts in a creative direction.

Let's make earrings from ready-made accessories

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Homemade ganutel earrings

These amazing earrings can be made with your own hands literally “out of nothing”. At minimal cost, the end result will exceed all your expectations! The ganutel technique is an ancient type of Maltese needlework that has survived to this day in the monasteries of the Mediterranean, where nuns create elegant outlandish flowers from thin spiral wire, silk threads, beads, pearls and beads. unearthly beauty to decorate the altar.

The term "ganutel", apparently, comes from the words "canutillo" (Spanish) and "canutiglia" (Italian), which in medieval Europe called a wire of gold or silver curled into a spiral. In Russian, this word has obviously turned into a "gimp". The ganutel technique is quite easy to learn. All you need to create your own masterpieces is perseverance and accuracy.

We will need:

  • thick and thin wire
  • knitting thread iris or silk thread for embroidery different colors
  • wire cutters
  • scissors
  • ruler
  • earplugs
  • wire winder (let's try to replace it with improvised means)
  • beads (optional)

Earrings in the technique of ganutel step by step

  • Step 1: Making the base springs

We cut off the required length of thick wire with wire cutters and gently wind a thin wire around it with a spiral. To speed up the process and give the product a professional look, you can use a wire winder. If we can’t get one, we make a homemade one from a Kinder Surprise egg-box and knitting needles with a bent end. The thickness of the needle should be 2 mm. We pierce the egg through with a knitting needle.

IN left hand we take our navivatel, we pass the end of the wire into the ring of the knitting needle, as shown in the photo.

We fix the end of the wire on the ring and turn it several times so that the wire holds tightly and does not fly off during winding. The egg will act as a stopper. We wind the wire, tightly pressing it with our hand to the egg.

We wind the wire, tightly pressing it with our hand to the egg.

The length of the winding depends on the size of the earrings. When the length of the spiral suits you, bite off the wire with wire cutters, leaving a small tip.

  • Step 2: Stretch the Springs

We remove the resulting spiral from the knitting needle and stretch it a little, like a spring. Ideally, equal gaps should be formed between the curls, equal to the thickness of the thread.

We no longer need the ends of the wire, so you can safely bite them off.

  • Step 3: Making the Frame

In order for our earrings to keep their shape well and not flatten out, it is necessary to insert a frame wire inside the spiral, which should be slightly thicker than the wound one.

  • Step 4: Create the Shape

We decide on the shape of our earrings. The first thing that comes to mind is a circle. Why not?! After all, round earrings always look spectacular. If desired, the base spring can be given a wide variety of shapes: oval, droplet, petal, heart, rhombus, triangle. When you get a little stuffed in your hand, by all means try to make earrings using the ganutel technique in the form of a peacock feather. We create a loop and twist the ends of the wire at the very base.

  • Step 4: Wrap the base with threads

Now we proceed to the most interesting stage of work - winding the frame with threads. The color scheme is selected individually exclusively for your taste and color. To get curious bindings, you can wrap the base in different directions, alternating threads of different colors. One turn of the wire spiral - one step. Most simple ways winding thread on a wire frame, which are perfect for the first experiments:

parallel winding

and winding "from the middle"

Within 5-10 minutes you will see the result of your work. Perhaps it will be something like this:

Finished earrings can be additionally decorated with beads, rhinestones, sparkles, feathers. And, of course, do not forget to attach the earring so that all this beauty can be worn.

It is unlikely that you will be able to stop at one model, and soon you will have your own collection of homemade ganutel earrings. Original handmade earrings are also an excellent gift. In addition to earrings using the same technique, you can make a pretty pendant. Enjoy your creativity!

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How to make original paper clip earrings

Such a luxury, like ordinary paper clips, is sure to be found in any home. Sleight of hand and a little imagination will help turn a pair of banal paper clips into an exclusive piece of jewelry. To make original and stylish triangular earrings, we need threads, scissors, epoxy glue, hot glue or Moment Crystal glue, ear hooks and metal clips. The technology for creating staple jewelry with your own hands is outrageously simple. By varying the color of the thread and the method of weaving, you can create an exclusive pair of earrings for any outfit. This is not sold in stores, so you can be sure of the uniqueness of your creation. And you won’t have to be upset if you lose a staple earring, because in a matter of minutes you can always make a duplicate.

We take the most ordinary paper clip and with the help of a couple of simple manipulations we turn it into a triangle. The illustration shows the disconnection points. In principle, if you wish, you can try to give the paper clip any other shape, for example, a heart, but the simplest and most organic paper clip is transformed into a triangle. So that there are no gaps in the base, we fasten the edges of the triangle with epoxy or hot glue.

Using hot glue or Moment Crystal glue, glue the thread to the paper clip. After 10-15 minutes, when the glue dries, wrap the thread around the paper clip, and then wrap the triangle in any convenient way, purposefully or randomly forming an earring ornament. We also fix the end of the thread with glue.

We fasten the fasteners and our masterpiece is ready for fitting! For a neat classic looka, horizontal stripes are perfect. Fantasy nets will also look spectacular. If you first string small beads or beads on a thread, your collection of handmade jewelry will be replenished with a pair of glamorous pendants. By experimenting with colors and the method of winding threads on a triangle base, you can make original sets of pendants in various styles, ranging from classic and ethno to avant-garde. Triangular paper clip earrings are a great accessory for boho style outfits!

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DIY Earring Ideas

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Fantasy gossamer earrings

Elegant and sexy hoop earrings almost never go out of style. And if they leave the fashionable Olympus for some time, then only in order to return even more effectively. Large hoop earrings, called Kongo, apparently got their name from the country of the same name, the inhabitants of which obviously love to adorn themselves with these colorful accessories. And they do it right! Hoop earrings are a universal accessory that will suit any face shape and any hairstyle, whether it be naughty curls, glamorous curls, a strict bun at the top or ponytail. In any case, it will be very sexy.

If you approach the matter creatively, ordinary hoop earrings can be decorated in a very extraordinary way. One of the most beautiful ways is to crochet openwork cobwebs on the rings. To make original gossamer earrings with your own hands, it is not at all necessary to be an experienced knitter. It is enough to have basic crochet skills.

For work, we need a round base for earrings or old hoop earrings that have become familiar, which can be done with a creative upgrade, iris or Maxi threads, and a hook 0.5-0.75. For a glamorous decor, beads and beads may come in handy.

We tie the base for earrings with a single crochet. The second row is similarly knitted with a single crochet. Well, then everything depends solely on your imagination and desire. You can knit a neat openwork mesh (1st / n., 2 v / p.), Or deliberately rough holes of a large format ((1st / n, 5 v / p.). Do not forget to reduce each subsequent row by 1-2 arches. We finish knitting We cut off the end of the thread and hide it in knitting.

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Video lesson: how to crochet simple earrings

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Video lesson: Red Phoenix beaded earrings

Homemade earrings are an opportunity not only to have fun, but also to get a unique accessory. Homemade jewelry looks no worse than purchased, but it brings more satisfaction. How to make earrings with your own hands and what you need for this will be discussed in this article.

Accessories and tools for creating homemade earrings

Before you start making earrings, you need to think about what you will wear them with. The advantage of homemade earrings is that you can choose the material and color that perfectly complements your outfit. Show your imagination and think of what kind of earrings it should be. If you have already drawn them in your mind, feel free to bring the idea to life.

The next step is a trip to the store for materials. Beads, beads, stones, leather, lace, polymer clay What do you need to create your earrings? Choose details by carefully considering the combination of colors, materials and shapes.

In addition to jewelry, accessories are needed for earrings - devices on which all this beauty will be attached. Here are the details you can't do without:

  • Shvenzy. This is the part that is inserted into the ear.
  • carnations. They can be chosen instead of shvenz. There are carnations different sizes. In addition, there are carnations to which jewelry is attached, like to a schwenze, and there are those to which a bead is simply glued.
  • Pins (jewelry studs) and pins for fixing parts. They come in different sizes and colors, so choosing the right one is easy.
  • huggers. In addition to their decorative function, they fix the bead when jewelry studs fly out from behind a large hole.
  • Stoppers. Designed for inconspicuous fixation of some elements of earrings.
  • chains. You can put decorations on them.

When we decided on the material and accessories, it was time for the tools. To make handmade earrings, you will need pliers, round nose pliers, thin nose pliers and wire cutters.

Step by step guide to making beaded earrings

Easiest to make beaded earrings. Even a novice craftswoman will find it easy to make these beautiful earrings. Take two beads (one for each earring). In principle, if desired, this number can be increased. Two earwires and two jewelry studs, or pins. Now the procedure:

  • String beads on jewelry studs. The hat should look down.
  • Secure the stud using needle nose pliers. To do this, bend its upper part so that it is perpendicular to the bead.
  • Leaving a twig about 7 mm long, bite off the excess with pliers.
  • Take the bead so that the bent part is facing the master, grab the tip of the stud with round-nose pliers and make rotational movements clockwise. In this case, the tip of the carnation should, as it were, wrap around the cheek of the round-nose pliers.
  • Stop when the ring is closed. You can lightly press the tip of the ring to the base.
  • It remains to attach the earwires, slightly pushing the rings on the studs. After fastening the parts, close the rings again.
  • Earrings with beads are ready.

Do stud earrings even easier: just glue the bead to the workpiece, and the decoration is ready.

If you're not new to making earrings, you might want to try something a little more intricate. For example, polymer clay earrings. Here the scope for imagination is huge - after all, clay can take any shape you want. You can mix colors to get new shades.

Lace earrings look interesting and unusual. Delicate and fragile, they can complement even Wedding Dress. And making them is not at all difficult, especially if you already have some experience in making homemade earrings.

Creating beaded earrings is a rather time-consuming process, but at the same time very exciting. Using different techniques weaving, you can create great amount unique and beautiful jewelry.

Tassel earrings are made simply and quickly, but they look very impressive. A novice craftswoman can try her hand at creating just such earrings.

Making homemade earrings is a very exciting process. And how nice it is to put on a piece of jewelry made with my own hands, accept compliments and praise!

Homemade earrings: master classes
