Once upon a time there were two brothers, the eldest was rich, greedy and evil. We walked with you

Boring fairy tales are small works, built in a special way: either without an end (in which the same piece of text is repeated many times), or with a suddenly fast end. A vivid example of the first type is “The Tale of the White Bull” or “The priest had a dog”, and the second type is the poem “A fly sat down on jam” known to us from childhood.

Under the term "boring fairy tale" it is customary to combine jokes of a fabulous nature, with which storytellers entertain children or try to arouse their excessive interest in fairy tales. A tedious fairy tale is offered instead of a fairy tale.

Boring fairy tales occupied a special place in children's folklore. To the children preparing to listen to a long and fascinating tale, the narrator suddenly says:

There were two geese
That's the whole story!

An outcry rises...

Boring tales usually begin with a preliminary deception of the child. The narrator will tell the one who wants to listen to the fairy tale: “Listen, I will tell you a fairy tale good-o-o-shu, d-o-o-ly.” The child, thinking that they really want to tell him a good and long tale, pricks up his ears and turns into hearing, but meanwhile he is deceived: the narrator begins to tell a boring tale.

Examples of boring tales

Once upon a time there were two peacocks
That's half the story.
There were two geese
That's the whole story.

The bear got up on the deck -
Bultykh in the water!
Already he is wet in the water, wet,
Already he is in the water kitty, kitty,
Wet, vykis,
Get out, dry.
The bear got up on the deck ...

There was a king Dodon.
He built a bone house.
Scored from all the kingdom of bones,
They began to wet - soaked,
They began to dry - the bones dried up.
Wet again
And when they get wet -
Then I'll tell.

Can I tell you a story about an owl?
- Tell!
- Fine! Listen, don't interrupt!
The owl flew.
Cheerful head.
Here she flew, flew,
sat on a birch,
She turned her tail,
I looked around,
I sang a song
And flew again.
Here she flew, flew,
sat on a birch,
She turned her tail,
I looked around,
I sang a song
And flew again...
Should I say more?

In some kingdom
In some state
There lived a king
The king had a garden
There was a pond in the garden
There was cancer in the pond;
Who listened -
That fool.

Once upon a time there were two crane brothers.
They mowed a stack of hay;
They put it in the middle of the ring...
Why not start again from the end?

In some kingdom
In some state
Once upon a time there was a king god-ha-a-a-ty:
He had a yard
There was a stake in the yard,
A washcloth hung on a stake.
Can't you tell from the beginning?

The crane thought to marry
Go seven miles through the swamp.
I thought about getting married
On a beautiful girl, on a heron.
If he starts pulling his legs out of the swamp, the tail will get stuck.
The tail will be pulled out - the legs will be tied.
He will start pulling his legs out of the swamp - the tail will get stuck,
The tail will be pulled out - the legs will be tied ...

In one swamp there lived a frog
By name by patronymic, a wah.
The frog decided to jump onto the bridge,
I sat down and........
She tied her tail in mud: pulled, pulled, pulled, pulled - pulled out her tail.
Yes, she tied her nose: she pulled, pulled -
Pulled her nose
Yes, she tied her tail: pulled, pulled, pulled, pulled - pulled out her tail.
Yes, she tied her nose, etc.

In some kingdom
In some state
There lived a crow
And she decided to fly
In the Far Far Away Kingdom,
In the thirtieth state.
Flying, flying, flying
Yes, I sat down
Sitting, sitting, sitting
Yes, she flew;
Flying, flying, flying
Yes, she sat down;
Sitting, sitting, sitting, sitting
Let it fly...

Once upon a time there was a grandmother
Yes, by the river.
Grandma wanted
Swim in the river.
And my grandmother bought
Soap and washcloth.
This song is good
Start over.

peeled potatoes,
They hit Antoshka.
Antoshka ran
The chairman said.
The chairman came running
What's the matter, what's the matter?
peeled potatoes,
They hit Antoshka ....

There were two brothers
Two brothers - a sandpiper and a crane.
They mowed a stack of hay,
Placed among the Poles.
Can't you tell the tale again from the end?

I was walking across a bridge
Look - the crow gets wet.
I took the crow by the tail,
Put her on the bridge
Let the crow dry!
I walked again across the bridge,
Look - the crow dries.
I took the crow by the tail,
Put her under the bridge -
Let the crow get wet!

Once upon a time, Yashka
He had a red shirt
Buckle on the belt
Hat on the head
A rag around the neck
In the hands - a bunch of bast.
Is my story good?

A stuffed meow was sitting on a pipe,
The scarecrow meowed a song.
Scarecrow-meow with red-red mouth,
It tortured everyone with a terrible song.
All around the scarecrow is sad and sickening,
Because his song is about the fact that
A stuffed meowache sat on a pipe ...

Once upon a time there were two brothers, two brothers - a sandpiper and a crane. They mowed down a stack of senza, put it among the polts. Can't you tell the tale again from the end?

Once upon a time there was a king, the king had a yard, there was a stake in the yard, a bast on the stake; can't you tell from the beginning?

Shall I tell you a fairy tale about a white bull?
- Tell.
- Tell me, tell me, tell me a fairy tale about a white bull?
- Tell.
- You tell me, yes I say, but what we will have, but how long it will be! Shall I tell you a fairy tale about a white bull?

Shall I tell you a boring tale?
- Tell.
- You say: tell me, I say: tell me; to tell you a boring tale?
- No need.
- You say: don't, I say: don't; to tell you a boring tale? - etc.

There lived an old man. I went to the mill to grind flour ...
- Well, here you beckoned, but you don’t tell!
- If only he arrived, told, and he, maybe a week will pass!

A goose flew, sat on the road - fell into the water. Mok-mok, kitty-kitty - got wet, vykis, got out - sat on the road and again fell into the water. Mok-mok, kitty-kitty, vykis, got out, etc.

Short boring tales for children

Once upon a time there was a king Vatuta,
And the whole story is here.

Once upon a time there was a king Dodon,
He messed up his hand.

The fly sat on the jam -
That's the whole poem.

Do you want a fox story?
She is in the forest.

The river flows
Bridge across the river
Sheep on the bridge
The sheep has a tail
Bast on the tail
Tell me first...

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There were two brothers. One was bo-o-o-o-big! chief, the other - just a doctor. However, no, not just, but an excellent doctor. The brother who was the boss strongly disliked the people who lived in the territories under his jurisdiction. He did not like it so much that during the years of his reign he killed at least 200 million people. So he managed the land that he inherited, that every year during his command, four and a half million children died of starvation before they reached the age of 5. True, he loved them. Loved very much. No less, probably, than his soulmate named Grisha.

In fact, the adult natives, whom he ruled with the blessing of the Rothschilds and all sorts of Sturmers, did not live very satisfyingly under him. There were, of course, those who set themselves a salary of 80 thousand rubles in gold a year, like the darling Pyotr Arkadievich, after whom they even named a newfangled toilet item for all kinds of lackeys, which, of course, had nothing to do with ordinary ties. But the rest died. From hunger, from diseases, because the presence of doctors in the territories under his jurisdiction, in contrast to, say, his own accounts in the Bank of England, which amounted to 200 million rubles in gold, did not bother the boss, and there were them, doctors, in rural areas, for example, 1 person for 26,000 souls. So not only hunger and disease reduced the number of mouths, but also industrial injuries, hard work, lack of electrification, poisoning with all kinds of rotten meat. And this decline amounted to 3-4 million adults and adolescents annually.

However, the bossy brother also liked to play war games. Both with neighboring infidels, and with their own subjects, who sometimes began to protest against their hungry and miserable existence. In the war with the yellow-faced infidels, the brother killed 1 million people (this is counting those who died from wounds and died in captivity). In the war with the pale-faced infidels, who, in truth, were compatriots not only to the bossy brother, but also to his dearest wife, more than 8 million people were sent to the next world.

Well, those who protested, the brother did not spare. Yes, and the wife advised the same: “My birdie, do not give anyone mercy!” she wrote to her beloved husband. And he issued orders for the "destruction by artillery fire of barricades, houses, factories occupied by revolutionaries", which were immediately executed and thanks to which the number of mouths decreased by another 3 million people.

In fact, not only the “slave” got it from the brother, but also people of any class, whose honor and conscience did not atrophy, like the “inner circle”. For example, Count Ignatiev tried to finish off the king in the style of the Orlov brothers, but he was ahead of him and some terrorist, who was in the service of the Okhrana, put five bullets into Alexei Pavlovich.

Whatever one may say, it turns out that the boss worked for the glory and profit of the Rothschilds, ruining at least 234 million subjects. Facts are a stubborn thing, only a ram will trample against them. According to the 1897 census, 129 million subjects lived in the territory subordinate to the bossy brother. In 1913, there were only 166 million of them, although the women managed to give birth to at least 400 million children.

And it was not in vain that we started talking about the Rothschilds. At the end of the 20th century, foreign capital owned and controlled about 30% of the wealth of the territory under its jurisdiction. By 1913, this figure was already 66%, and by September 1917 - 95%!

However, that we are all about this brother. Let's talk about something else. To be sure, they were brothers on the father's side. And to be even more precise, this article is, as you probably guessed, about Nikolashka II the Bloody and the wonderful Russian Soviet surgeon, full member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR (1945), Honored Scientist of the RSFSR (1935), member of the CPSU (b ) since 1944 - Sergei Romanovich Mirotvoretsev. Sovereign Emperor Alexander Alexandrovich, or Alexander III the Peacemaker, on one of his trips, sinned with a certain person, whom he asked to inform him if someone was born. In due time, the sovereign received a notice that a boy was born. In response, the highest telegram came: "Give the lad the name Sergius, the surname - by nickname."

So the half-brother of Nikolashka II was born.

Sergei Mirotvortsev graduated from Kharkov University. Being an excellent surgeon, he spent a lot of time on the front lines of the Russian-Japanese and World War I. He was also a participant in the Great Patriotic War. Here is what is written about him in the TSB, vol. 27 (1954). “Mirotvortsev developed the issues of collateral circulation, pathology and clinic of intestinal and bone sarcomas, issues of military field surgery, etc. Mirotvortsev proposed a method for transplanting ureters into the rectum. He was awarded two orders and medals. While one brother ruined his people for the sake of international capital, the other - faithfully served his Fatherland. And, as always, they both got what they deserved. More in this world.

Such is the story.

V. SELINA, Stalingrad

There were two brothers. One was smart and the other was stupid. The smart one did business in such a way that the fool had to work not only for himself, but also for his brother.

Exhausted completely, the fool in despair said:

“I don't want to be with you anymore. Give me my share of the property, I'll live on my own.

- Well, - said the smart brother, - today you will drive a herd of cows to a watering place, and I will feed them when you drive the herd back. Then the part of the herd that enters the pen will be my share, and the part of the herd that remains outside will be yours.

At that time it was winter.

The fool agreed and drove the herd to a watering place. When he came back, it became quite cold, the cows, feeling the proximity of warmth and the smell of food, quickly went to the corral. Only one sick bull-calf, barely dragging its feet, stomped outside, scratching itself lazily. He then made up the fool's share.

The next morning, having tied a rope around the neck of his bull, the fool led him to sell it to the market. On the way, he now and then had to drive the lazy bull:

- Hey, come on, bull, move your legs, hey!

And their path ran along the old ruins. The walls of the ruins echoed the fool's word:

The fool thought the ruins were saying "Hey" to him. He called out:

- You're talking to me, right?

The ruins echoed:

“I suppose you want to buy a bull from me?”

- Bull-a-a.

- How much money will you give? Can you give me ten roubles?

— Ten rubles-she-she.

Will you pay now or tomorrow?

- Tomorrow-ah.

- Fine. I will come tomorrow. I hope that the money will be ready.

- They will be ready.

The fool, deciding that the deed was done, tied the steer by the ruins and returned home, whistling joyfully.

The next day, waking up early, he went to collect the money. And last night it so happened that the wolves tore the bull to pieces. When the fool came to the place where he tied him, there were only gnawed bones. Fool said:

“So you slaughtered the bull and ate it, right?”

Was it tasty or not?

- This, of course, does not concern me, but you bought a bull from me, so pay money. And until you pay me off, I won't even think about leaving here!

- Go away!

When the fool heard this, he got angry in earnest: he grabbed a thick stick and began to beat on the dilapidated wall. Several stones fell to the ground. It so happened that someone had hidden a treasure in this wall for a long time. Here, when the stones fell out, the gold coins fell in a heap at the fool's feet.

“Great,” the fool exclaimed, but what should I do with it? You only owe me ten roubles, and that's only one gold piece. It means this: I will take only my money, and keep yours.

He took one gold coin and returned home.

- Well, did you sell the bull? the smart brother asked with a smile.

— Sold.

— Ruins.

And what did they pay you?

- Well, of course! They tried, it was, not to pay at first, but I beat them with my stick, and they showed me all their wealth. I took only one coin, in payment of the debt, and left everything else where it lay.

Having said this, the fool took out a gold coin from his pocket and showed it to his brother.

- Where is that place? the smart brother asked.

His eyes widened in surprise.

- Well, I do not. I won't tell you where it is. You are greedy. If I show you this place, you will take everything for yourself, and you will make me carry it on my back home.

The smart brother swore that he would bring the treasure himself if the fool showed where it was.

“Give me your gold coin and lead me to the ruins. I'll buy you some new clothes.

As soon as the fool heard about the new clothes, he immediately gave his gold coin to his brother and led him to the ruins. The smart brother brought all the gold home and soon became rich, but he never bought clothes for his brother.

The fool reminded his brother of his promise more than once or twice, but all in vain. Then he decided to complain about him to the judge.

“Oh, judge,” he said, “at first I had a bull, then I sold the bull to the ruins ...

“Enough, enough,” interrupted the judge, “Where did this fool come from?

“I sold the bull to the ruins,” the judge mimicked the fool and kicked him out of court.

The fool began to complain to others, but everyone laughed at him.

They say that this fool still wanders the world in rags, complaining to everyone and everyone he meets, but no one believes him, but only laugh after him. A smart brother laughs along with everyone.

Once upon a time there were two brothers - two Ivans: Ivan the rich, and Ivan the poor.

Ivan the rich man has a hut full of all good things, and his family is he and his wife. Rich Ivan has neither small nor big guys.

And poor Ivan has seven children. And in the house there is not a grain, not a torment.

There is nothing to do, Ivan the poor went to his rich brother:

- "Give me the brother of the martyr on loan. I'll work for you later."

- "Well, - says Ivan the rich, - You have a bowl of flour, and you will return the bag."

Ivan the poor man took a bowl of flour and went home. Just got to my gate. how the wind came up, blew all the flour out of the bowl - and flew on. Ivan the poor got angry:

- "Oh, you mischievous North Wind, you hurt my children, left them hungry! I will find you - I will make you answer for my mischief."

And poor Ivan went after the Wind. Wind in the forest - Ivan in the forest. We came across a big oak tree. wind in the hollow - and Ivan in the hollow. Wind says:

- "What, man, did you come to visit me?"

And Ivan the poor replies:

- "I carried a handful of flour to the hungry guys, and you flew in, scattered the flour. What will I come home with now?"

- "Do not grieve! - The wind says, - You have a self-assembly tablecloth on you: whatever you want - everything will be for you"

Ivan the poor man rejoiced, bowed to the Wind, and ran home. At home, he put a tablecloth on the table and says:

- "Give me, tablecloth-samobranka, eat - drink."

It just says - on the tablecloths and pies and rolls, and with cabbage soup, and pork ham, and oatmeal jelly.

Ivan ate with the guys and went to bed. And in the morning they just sat down to have breakfast, when Ivan the rich came. When he saw the full table, he blushed with anger.

"I owe you flour, I'll give it back now," says Ivan the poor man.

It just says - a bag of flour is on the table. Ivan the rich took the flour and left the hut.

In the evening, Ivan the rich again resorts to his brother:

- "Brother, help! Guests have come, but my oven is not heated, and the bread is not baked, there is nothing to regale. Give me your tablecloth!"

Well, poor Ivan gave him a self-assembled tablecloth.

He fed the richer guests, escorted them out of the yard. I hid the self-assembly tablecloth in a chest, and the same one for Ivan the poor, but only brought a simple tablecloth.
Ivan the poor man began to sit down with the guys for dinner. Spread the tablecloth:

- "Self-assembly tablecloth, let me have dinner!"

The tablecloth is white and clean, but there is no supper.

Poor Ivan cried, he went home. The day has passed, the second has flown by, the guys are crying, they are asking for food. in the house, not a grain, not a torment.

Nothing to do. Ivan the poor went to his rich brother:

- "Give me, brother, flour, or cereals, or bread."

- "I have no flour, no cereals. No bread. Take, if you like, in the cellar, on a barrel, a dish of jelly."

Ivan took a dish of jelly and went home. Goes down the road. and the sun shines, warms. The jelly began to melt, run from the dish, and spilled onto the ground.
Ivan the poor got angry:

- "Oh, you. The foolish sun! I will find you - I will make you answer for mischief!"

And Ivan went to look for the sun.

He walked, walked, the sun was still ahead, only in the evening it set behind the mountain. That's where Ivan found him. The Sun saw Ivan and said:

- "I carried jelly to the hungry guys," says Ivan, "And you, the Sun, as it began to warm up, play in jelly, began to melt jelly and spilled all over the road. What will I go home with now?"

- "Nothing, - says the Sun, - I hurt you, I'll help you. I'll give you a goat from my herd. You feed her acorns, milk her gold."

Ivan fed the goat with acorns and began to milk it. And instead of milk, the goat has gold.

Heard about the goat, Ivan the rich, ran to his brother.

- "Help me out, darling, give me your goat for an hour. I need to repay a debt, but there is no money."

- "Take it, but only without cheating."

Ivan the rich took a goat, milked the gold, hid the goat in a cage, and drove a simple goat to Ivan the poor:

- "Thank you, brother, rescued!"

Ivan the poor man fed the goat with acorns, began to milk it. Milk is flowing, there is no gold.

Ivan the poor ran to the rich man:

- "What have you done with my tablecloth, brother?"

- "I don't know, I don't know! Which one I took, I gave it away."

Poor Ivan cried, he went home.

Well, the days have passed, the weeks have flown by, the guys are crying, they are hungry. The winter has come harsh, and at home there is not a torment, not a grain. Ivan the poor went to his rich brother:

- "Give, brother, a handful of flour!"

- "You will not have any flour or cereals, but if you want - take yesterday's cabbage soup on the shelf in the closet."

Ivan the poor man took a bowl of yesterday's cabbage soup and went home. It's coming, the blizzard is buzzing. Frost freezes, frozen cabbage soup to the very bottom. Ivan the poor got angry:

- "Oh, you, Frost-red nose! You have a game, but grief for the guys! I will find you - I will make you answer for mischief!"

And poor Ivan went after Frost.

Frost in the fields - Ivan in the fields. Frost in the woods - Ivan in the woods. Frost lay down under a large snowdrift - and Ivan went there. Frost was surprised

- "What are you, Ivan, come to visit me?"

- "I brought yesterday's cabbage soup to the guys, And you started playing, the cabbage soup froze. What will I go home with now? My brother took away the tablecloth-self-assembled and the gold-milking goat, and you spoiled the cabbage soup."

- "Only something," Frost says, "you have a lifesaver for this. You say:" Two out of the bag! "- two will jump out; you say:" Two into the bag! "- two will hide."

Ivan came home, took out a bag and said:

- "Two of the bag!"

Just then, two pine clubs jump out of the bag, as they start beating Ivan, saying:

- "Do not believe, Ivan, the rich man! Learn to reason!"

Barely Ivan took a breath and managed to shout:

- "Two in a bag!" - as Ivan the rich ran:

- "Where were you Ivan? What did Ivan get?"

- "He was, brother, at Frost's, but he got a wonderful bag. You say:" Two of the bag! "- two will jump out, they will do what needs to be done."

- "Give me a purse for one day! My roof has collapsed, there is no one to fix it."

Ivan the rich brought the bag home, locked the doors:

- "Two of the bag!"

As two pine clubs jump out of the bag, as they begin to beat, they say:

- "Do not offend, rich man, poor man! Give, grow rich, Ivan a tablecloth and a goat."

Barely alive, Ivan the rich came, gave the poor man a self-assembled tablecloth and a goat.

Ivan the poor man began to live with his children, to make good. now there are seven guys - everyone is sitting on a bench, eating millet porridge. Painted spoons, butter porridge.
