How to understand that a girl wants you. Which girls do guys like the most according to statistics? Signs that she loves you

Hello, dear readers! Today I will reveal women's secrets. Girls are very difficult to understand. We already speak different languages. When one of the couple tries to hide information, it is not at all easy to understand the situation.
Today I will try to tell you how to understand that a girl doesn’t need you.

Many women are afraid to break up with their boyfriend and do everything to be abandoned. It is much more profitable to look like a defenseless victim of a “scoundrel” than to take on the courage and... Especially if they lasted more than two months.

However, there is another situation when, for other reasons, for example, he does not know how things can be different. She was accustomed to a certain model of relationships that she saw in her family. This scheme is completely unsuitable for a young man. He is convinced that he is no longer needed. In fact, people are just...

Heart puzzle.

How to understand the situation?

Have you met yet?

One of my acquaintances has been corresponding with a girl on VKontakte for 6 months now, and every time: she’s pregnant, then she’s giving birth, then she has to go film the beatings of her ex-husband. He just throws up his hands and says: “I don’t understand, is she playing with me or what?”

Some girls, through chatting with fans, increase their own self-esteem, prove that they are not a failure and can. They have no desire to move on; they are satisfied with everything as it is.
The best way to find out the truth is to stop communicating for a while.

Under no circumstances should you disappear silently or suddenly. Explain your action: “I am not happy with this state of affairs. If you ever get ready to meet, you can call me. I don't want to chat anymore. I have more important things to do."

A woman who values ​​relationships will definitely find a way to prove her affection: she will explain the situation or try to make concessions and meet. She is afraid of losing a potentially loved one. Not necessarily now, maybe in a week she will find a way. If not, you were right, the girl was just playing with your feelings.

The main thing is to be persistent; the situation should not return to normal without changes in your favor.

If you feel that you cannot cope and cannot find answers to important questions, together we will analyze the situation and find a solution.

Don't live together

The most obvious sign that a girl no longer needs you is that she has no desire to spend time together.

Situations are also individual, sometimes a girl may simply have other priorities. For example, preparing for an exam, competition, or getting stuck at work. If she values ​​the relationship, she will most likely tell you about it.

If they begin to hide something from you, this is a sign of reluctance to be together and a frank conversation will help to sort this out.

Why do we love you?

Personally, I really don’t like it when they say about men and women: “registration, sex” and so on. With such thoughts you humiliate yourself. Every person is good at something. Agree, we would call a man strange if we heard: “My girlfriend is with me only because I am incredibly handsome, smart and charming.” Now you are doing even worse by prioritizing things.

Your woman is wonderful. I am sure she is able to find another person with an apartment, a car and other benefits of civilization that will complement his good qualities. The same goes for you. Is money really all that a woman can be around you for? I'm afraid that such thoughts can plunge me into... They are dangerous.

Why do you feel like a girl is not dating you because of yours? If you are not satisfied with the relationship in some way, try to figure it out rather than look for external sources. Do you lack care, love, affection, alone time? Talk to your significant other about this. She may not even be aware that you are unhappy.

I can recommend you the book by Carl Rogers " Marriage and its alternatives" It tells in great detail how to learn to coexist together, develop and everyone to take their place in a couple. It will come in handy even if you decide to break up.

At least make every effort to improve them and become happier. If it doesn’t work out with this one, you’ll find another one and this knowledge will help you build a new love correctly.

If you are not satisfied with the personal qualities of the person who is nearby, do not try to blame him. Admit to yourself honestly that you want to break up because you think the girl is cold, angry, and not feminine enough.

You are beautiful. The fact that you have achieved success is a plus, a bonus, an advantage over other males. Only princes hide their property so that the young lady falls in love with them, and not with wealth.

Think of walruses fighting for females and territory. How would you react to a male who loses on purpose so that someone will fall in love with him?

Remember the book " Pride and Prejudice", the main character of which claimed that she fell in love with Darcy after she saw his estate. Of course it was a joke. He used his fortune to help the girl. , but a means. Something that helps make someone else happier.

Never allow yourself or others to think that money is your main quality. There is a lot to love about you. Do not humiliate yourself and your woman with such thoughts. Solve real problems.

Sign up for a Skype consultation with me, we will look at the problem together and find the most acceptable solution.

With this I say goodbye. Don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter and learn more about love and relationships in the book by Carl Rogers.

The question of what kind of girls guys like has always been and remains relevant for the fair sex. Young women want to be the center of attention and rely on men's opinions about their image. Let's look at which girls guys like according to statistics.

5 signs of an ideal girl from a male point of view

It is very important for a woman to feel attractive to the opposite sex. Nothing raises self-esteem more than the admiring glance of a handsome man. But it also happens that your friends say that you look great, but a prince on a white horse has not yet appeared on the horizon. Why does this happen: is it a sad coincidence or are your friends not telling you something? We will illuminate the male perspective on the qualities that an ideal girl should have.


Any man will say that his woman is the most beautiful, although other people may think differently. What kind of girls do guys like in appearance? It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally, since men have completely different tastes. Remember the same Sarah Jessica Parker or Yoko Ono. It cannot be said that these amazing representatives of the fair sex have unearthly beauty. But feminine charm makes them attractive. In addition to the fact that these famous ladies have inner magnetism, they certainly take care of themselves. Love for yourself and your body is simply necessary to be successful with men. What external attributes and elements of communication should not be forgotten if you want to please guys:

  1. Clean skin and hair. Yesterday's makeup and greasy bun are unlikely to attract the man of your dreams. Therefore, follow basic procedures: wash your face, apply cream and wash your hair on time. Then you will always look fresh and attractive. An important component of appearance is proper nutrition. Try to limit unhealthy foods in your diet, which will result in radiant facial skin and beautiful hair.
  2. Manicure and pedicure. Of course, the appearance of nails is a matter of taste. But the required minimum includes:
  • neatly filed and clean nail tips;
  • absence of burrs and peeling varnish;
  • moisturized skin of hands and feet.

If you don’t have time to correct a damaged coating, it’s better not to paint your nails at all. Many men pay attention to nuances. And such a little thing as the lack of well-groomed nails will push them away.

  1. Naturalness in makeup. Do you know which girls guys like the least according to statistics? Those with vulgar makeup and lusciously painted lips. Men simply don’t understand what a surprise is hidden behind a ton of makeup. And generous use of lipstick or a thick layer of gloss prevents any desire to kiss a girl. Therefore, natural beauty has been and will be in fashion. But don’t give up makeup completely: tinted eyelashes, a powdered nose and light blush will highlight your natural features.
  2. Smell. The unpleasant smell of sweat or unbrushed teeth will make a man turn away even from a beauty queen. Timely personal hygiene and the ability to use deodorant are an absolute necessity. Keep your body clean and please men. The use of perfume is encouraged. But you shouldn’t use it instead of water in the shower. A couple of sprays is enough for the aroma to be felt at a distance from your comfort zone. The guy should be intrigued by the pleasant smell of perfume, and not overwhelmed by a gas attack.
  3. Smile. Nobody wants to date someone who is always whining and sad. Try to be friendly and smile more often. Positive girls have always attracted guys like a magnet. Sincere joy illuminates a woman and makes her truly beautiful.

The list of complaints about the female form is quite extensive. But it depends on what kind of guys girls like in appearance. If you want to date a well-groomed, pleasant-smelling handsome man, be kind enough to match him.


Even schoolgirls 12–14 years old are already tormented by the question of what kind of girls boys like. Fat, thin or average – who is successful with the opposite sex? In fact, there is a connoisseur for any figure, but in most cases, guys prefer something in the middle. A man perceives a girl as a successor of her family. And for high-quality offspring, the health of the mother is necessary. Therefore, overly thin and overweight women are subconsciously perceived as painful.

In the modern world, athletic slimness has finally become popular. This doesn't mean you need to rush out to lift iron and drink protein. But a sufficient amount of physical activity is simply necessary. You will feel much better: your body will become toned and elastic, any clothes will fit perfectly on your slender silhouette. Therefore, do not neglect at least your morning exercises and get off two stops earlier when you return home from work or school. Even this minimum is enough to look better and catch the admiring glances of men.

Do guys like fat girls? Of course, there are fans of such forms among guys. If you are a charming fat woman and don’t worry about it, you will definitely find your prince. The main thing is how you feel in your body - liberated or like a hostage to appetizing forms.


Lonely bitches are rightly wondering, do guys like modest girls? It should be noted that, according to men, a lady’s modesty should be manifested not in relation to her significant other, but in her behavior in society. Not every guy wants to fight off annoying gentlemen from a girl, whom she attracted with flirting and carelessness. But at home, representatives of the stronger sex want to see uninhibited mischievous girls.

Men's preferences also depend on age. If a guy is young, then he wants to meet a relaxed lady to gain experience. And older men who decide to tie the knot will look for a modest girl - a homemaker.

Many girls fall in love with the so-called “bad” boys and want to know what kind of girls they like: rebels or shy ones. In fact, such men can show sympathy for both types of women. Hooligans will understand them like no one else, and modest women will play in contrast. There's no telling who the bad guy will have feelings for.

In any case, it is better for girls to behave naturally. If you play the role of a nun, but at heart you are a fatal seductress, sooner or later the truth will be revealed to the man. And it’s not a fact that she will pleasantly please him.


It’s not for nothing that they say that a man is the head and a woman is the neck. A girl’s behavior is the foundation for a harmonious union. A fury who is always scandalizing and nagging a man is unlikely to be able to make him happy.

What kind of girls do guys like by character:

  1. Caring. Almost every guy needs care. A woman who is attentive to her chosen one is worth her weight in gold. Men like it when they ask how their day was, how they are feeling, and if they are hungry. Such questions allow you to feel needed and plunge into an atmosphere of comfort.
  2. Calm. A man wants to relax next to a girl, and not regularly strain himself because of her quirks. Life as if on a powder keg could appeal only to a masochist. There is enough stress in everyday life. Therefore, guys prefer peace-loving and kind representatives of the fair sex.
  3. Smart. A pretty fool would be perfect as a mistress. If we are talking about a serious relationship, it is important to look into the future and understand that going through life with a stupid person is boring. Therefore, worthy men look at a girl’s intelligence not least. This does not mean that a woman should have an IQ much above average, but she should at least strive for self-development. Guys especially appreciate it when their chosen one shares their hobbies or tries to understand their hobbies.


For guys, good sex is synonymous with life satisfaction. The bed atmosphere completely depends on a woman’s behavior during sex. It is clear that every man has his own preferences. Therefore, it’s easier to say which girls guys don’t like in bed:

  1. Squeezed. It happens that a woman practically does not participate in the action, and a puffing man tries in every possible way to provoke her, without receiving passionate caresses in return. Surely the girl is hampered by complexes, and this tightness makes it difficult for both partners to arouse. At the same time, the quality of sex noticeably decreases. Ladies who are liberated and not afraid to experiment are more successful with guys than their uptight competitors. Talk about your fantasies and secret desires; there is no room for embarrassment in bed.
  2. Silent partisans. He tried his best, but all he saw on your face was sadness and dissatisfaction. To reasonable questions about what’s wrong, you remain silent or say: “Everything is fine!” Remember the main rule: you don’t need to remain silent if you are not satisfied with something in sex. As a rule, men perceive criticism adequately and will try not to make a mistake next time. Why endure unpleasant sensations if the problem is easy to discuss, thereby eliminating it in the future?
  3. Not expressing pleasure. Men are very excited by women's moans and exclamations during sex. If you feel good, accompany your lovemaking with at least passionate whispers. Don't hide your delight, and the guy won't be able to tear himself away from you. Try experimenting: a couple of dirty words during intercourse will add spice to intimate relationships.

We hope that our summary will help to better understand men's interests in the field of women. But still, guys are captivated by naturalness. Don't be afraid to be yourself: often flaws become advantages in the eyes of your other half.

There are endless ideas about why independent, successful and beautiful girls are most often single. Like most mysteries in our lives, there is no clear answer to this one either. Most often, we tend to look for reasons based on personal experience. If you are not one of the sultry beauties who perceive loneliness as independence, you probably have such a friend. So why can't a pretty girl find a mate?

1. She is not a fan of dating for the sake of dating.

Such a girl knows her worth too well and will never meet a guy without seeing a long-term perspective in the relationship. The beauty is not interested in victories on the personal front, so another date that does not lead to anything serious seems to her a waste of time. Of course, our heroine is interested in dating, she’s just more selective and won’t settle for little. The beauty is not interested in flirting for the sake of flirting, because she is confident in herself.
Instead of wasting time with another gentleman in a cafe or cinema, a pretty girl will prefer to devote time to herself. She will go to the gym to train or undergo cosmetic procedures. When the beauty meets her betrothed, she will look perfect.

2. She doesn't like the idea of ​​sex without love.

Beautiful girls are not used to playing a double game with guys, pretending to be hard to touch at the right time. They do not consider physical intimacy as something forbidden, but casual sexual contact is unacceptable to them. Such a girl cannot imagine that a guy will forget about her existence tomorrow. Pride will not allow her to become another item in the long list of victories of the ladies' man. In addition, sex, not supported by feelings, is seen as a meaningless act for our heroine. That's why she could wait forever for her ideal partner.

3. She doesn't need a relationship to fill the void.

Modern women have been successfully mastering various fields for a long time. For a long time now, no one has considered representatives of the fair half of humanity exclusively as mothers and keepers of the hearth. Girls receive an excellent education, build a career, and actively participate in social life. Like men, they are in demand in all areas of activity, so they never consider relationships as a fad needed to fill a gaping void.
If a beauty is truly in demand and successful, she simply has no time to think about how “unhappy” she is in her personal life. Contrary to the established stereotype, such girls do not torment themselves with the pangs of despair and do not cry into their pillows at night. Our heroines strive to achieve perfection in everything. Therefore, they will not start a relationship for show or because it is so accepted in society.

4. Guys don’t know how to approach such a girl.

Seeing a successful beauty in front of them, many guys do not risk maintaining a conversation or making an acquaintance. They are embarrassed by the status and self-sufficiency of our heroine. Many men are afraid of being rejected and receiving a severe blow to their pride. Some guys are too scared of emancipation and independence. Despite the fact that guys are very attracted to successful beauties, young people understand that such girls require a special approach.

5. A portrait of her future chosen one is formed in her head

A beautiful girl has long ago decided on her life principles. She knows that the path to success is thorny, it is not strewn with roses. Society suppresses unprincipled people. That is why our heroine has long set priorities in life. If there is such a person among your friends, and you are used to secretly feeling sorry for her, do not do this. Loneliness is considered by the beauty as a temporary phenomenon. A portrait of her future chosen one has long been clearly formed in her mind. When she meets her friend, the girl will not have a single doubt about the correctness of her choice. The day will come when those around her will no longer secretly feel sorry for the lonely beauty and pester her with stupid questions about her personal life, they will simply begin to envy her.


We hope that no one else will be tormented by the question of why successful beauties remain without a partner. We found out that this is a temporary phenomenon, and the girl does not consider herself deprived of anything. She is completely happy with life and views the clichés accepted in society as just another stupidity. This girl takes everything from life, including the best partner. If she doesn’t see a worthy couple, she never wastes money on trifles. Everything is fine with our heroine, and the saying that one must certainly be born happy is not at all about her.

7. She raises an eyebrow

This is an implicit sign of strong sympathy, so it should be taken into account in conjunction with others.

8. Position of her hands

If a girl crosses her arms over her chest, you can be sure that either she is cold or she is cold towards you.

9. Position of her palms

Another clue that the girl is interested is her open and upturned palms.

This position of the palms shows openness and readiness to develop relationships, while clenched fists are a bad sign.

10. She leans towards you

If she leans towards you when she doesn't really need to, take it as a sign. For example, she may lean in under the pretext that it is difficult for her to hear your words.

11. Showing off your body

Women know that men cannot resist women's charms, so a sure sign that a girl wants you is to show your loved one the open area of ​​her chest, legs, and shoulders.

12. Physical contact

Did she casually touch your hand or hit you on the knee while laughing? Women don't touch people they don't like.

A girl may not be into makeup, but if being around you thanks to cosmetics increases her beauty level, don’t forget to take note of this.

In addition, her outfit, which is, for example, a tight dress, is an additional argument to think about.

16. She initiates communication

If a girl does not wait for you to call her, but calls you first, it means that she is very interested in you and in the development of the relationship.

True, this happens very rarely, and much more often the girl initiates the development of communication implicitly.

For example, she may spontaneously give you 2 flyers to a nightclub, without really explaining anything, in the hope that you will invite her with you.

17. She invests in communication

The girl takes the initiative to do something for you, offers to help or treats you with something, for example, coffee.

18. She asks if you live alone

Why do you think she might ask you this? Right to make sure no one will disturb you when you are alone.

19. She talks about your possible girlfriend

This is a classic. When the interlocutor says something like “Your girlfriend should like this!”, the purpose of the words spoken, of course, is not related to concern for your passion, which, perhaps, does not exist at all.

It's just that your new friend is trying to determine your status to make sure that you are a guy who is not burdened with a relationship, and she is not wasting her time.

20. She makes it clear that she has no one

Has she told you more than once that she doesn't have a boyfriend? And why do you think? It’s clear that the girl wants you.

21. She initiates conversations on intimate topics

If a girl is not a journalist on the staff of Eros magazine, it is unlikely that she will raise intimate topics in communication with you.

Women won't have these conversations with men they don't see as romantic partners.

22. She teases you

If a girl gently teases you, it means the flirt switch is set to the “On” position.

23. She tickles you

A girl wants to touch you, but doesn't want it to be too obvious, so trying to tickle you should count as attraction.

24. She can't look at you without smiling.

A smile is one of the main indicators in trying to figure out a girl’s attitude towards you.

When a girl smiles at you, it is a good sign that she is feeling positive and enjoying your company.

If she flirts with you and smiles constantly, then most likely she wants you.

25. She kisses you

This does not mean that your friend will sleep with you 100%, but she is clearly preparing a springboard, so 99% is already yours.

As a result of the kiss, the girl will find out whether she wants more, so give her a really worthwhile kiss.

26. She notices details

It's all in the details. If a girl notices that you have a fashionable haircut, a toned torso, or a delicious smell of eau de toilette, this is a clear indicator that she is breathing unevenly in your direction.

27. She compliments you

How to understand that a girl wants you? Listen to what she says. Especially if a friend gives you gifts, tells you that she likes the way you look, or praises your intelligence, humor and your talents.

28. She's looking for a compliment

A girl might ask you: “What do you think about my hair?” or “How do you like my dress?” Satisfy your interlocutor's interest and tell her that she is beautiful.

29. She doesn't look at her phone.

Today, people rarely look away from their mobile gadgets. But if the interlocutor hides her phone and, having entered into a conversation with you, simply forgets about her mobile friend, completely focusing on you, know that there is not much time left before sin.

30. She asks questions

By asking questions, a girl shows that she is interested in you and wants to get to know you better.

31. She laughs at your jokes

If a girl constantly laughs at your jokes, she is definitely attracted to you.

Does this mean that your friend is ready to sleep with you? Most likely not, but you are definitely moving in the right direction.

32. She agrees to do everything you suggest.

Even your most boring proposals seem like a great idea to her. The girl wants to spend time with you, no matter what you do.

33. She shares her food with you

“Take it, try it.” Has this ever happened to you? That's it. No one will share their food with people they don't like.

34. She borrows your clothes

Have you started to notice that your sweater is increasingly hugging the girl’s shoulders, instead of keeping its owner warm?

It might just be cold outside, but most likely your friend wants to feel you closer to her.

35. She texts you at night

If a girl is texting you after midnight, she is thinking about you in a context that is definitely different from a purely friendly one.

Just don’t get ahead of the curve by trying to spice up your correspondence with piquant texts. Let her bring up the topic.

36. She always answers messages

Does a girl always respond to your messages without making you wait long? If so, then soon you will get to know her as closely as possible.

37. She really wants to meet

If a girl herself invites you to meet, especially if you accidentally bump into each other somewhere, she is clearly up to something. Or maybe the girl just wants you.

38. She herself offers to exchange contacts

In this case, the girl wants to get to know you better and, apparently, meet you again. A great sign of her strong interest.

It's great when a girl asks you to exchange phone numbers, because this doesn't happen often.

The girl’s desire to exchange contacts in order to quickly get rid of you is not taken into account.

January 26, 2014, 18:00

Today, one problem comes up more and more often: why doesn’t a good and worthy girl have a personal life? There are many girls who are beautiful, well-groomed, educated, adequate, and kind. In general, with all the advantages. But they are alone, completely alone. It seems like there is attention, but it’s not the same. It seems that “the same ones” exist, but somehow they don’t come across them. It seems like you’ve been wanting a relationship for a long time, and some people have been wanting a family, but it doesn’t work out. So what's the deal?

Of course, there can be many reasons, or rather, everyone has their own. But there is a very common tendency that prevents such worthy candidates from finding a suitable match.

The fact is that class stratification is developing very strongly now. The social structure of the state is changing more and more. In this regard, every young person has a lot of opportunities to be poor and stupid, rich and smart, just rich, just smart, beautiful and active, party-loving and glamorous, and maybe all together. In general, there are a lot of options. Of course, among all these men there is a share of those who are at the same time smart, handsome, wealthy and decent. That is, some images of “real men” have appeared, who seem to have quite a lot of advantages by modern social standards. This is what you need, this is what suits you! But, alas, there are few of them.

Unfortunately, it is much easier to be the same worthy girl, the same worthy bride. Why? Because the most decent, worthy, good girl can earn any amount. And a man who is counting on such a girl must earn a lot, even if he is a very young man, he must have a decent opportunity for courtship, probably a good car, and maybe even living space... This is the kind of prince we need, of course, isn’t it? is it?

Let's face it: is a beautiful, well-groomed and dressed-up girl ready to be courted by a very good and decent young man, but without a car, who lives with his parents, will rarely give gifts, and will occasionally take him somewhere to the “Chocolate Shop” or sushi? I think this one must be out of the question. And this means that simply a good person, a decent guy, disappears.

Then, of course, stupid people, drunkards, outspoken visitors, gays (of which there are many now), debauchees and preoccupied people, boors and rednecks (even wealthy ones) disappear. The circle of candidates for a decent girl is VERY narrow. Plus, let’s not forget that, in principle, we have fewer men than women.

I’m not talking about the fact that everyone chooses a man for themselves, like shoes in a store, but our unconscious, our gaze, our emotions automatically “sift” all candidates through the prism of their own ideas and that’s why no feelings arise, no falling in love, no sympathy. Every girl like this complains that she doesn’t see anyone who is worthy, suitable, or interesting. Of course, the circle of potential “suitors” for such girls, pleasant in all respects, is very small. And that’s why very active ladies start doing them. As a result, the “good gentleman” himself becomes passive. And as a result: either he is busy, or he himself becomes spoiled and overly “picky” (and, in fact, permanently lonely).

It is precisely because of this situation “on the relationship market” that worthy girls suffer.

So what should you do then? “Take the bull by the horns,” “rip out the claws,” or resort to some other tricks? Probably, this method of action is not suitable for everyone, and will there be true satisfaction from all this... But you can try to think about some things from a different point of view and change your life a little in order to take at least small first steps towards your destiny.

1. In order to find a relationship, you need to be open and ready for it. You need to simultaneously wait for them and do something yourself (use opportunities, come up with reasons, create situations). It is important to look at the world not from the point of view of “I don’t like anyone,” but “everyone is good, but I will find my feeling, my one and only, and it will find me.” The more open desire, intention in this matter, and not tightness, waiting, the more people will be able to “get to know” you and you yourself will look at them with different eyes.

2. You cannot be guided by only one source of your feedback to yourself: either your head or your feelings. Combine these two approaches. In some ways, think about and analyze a potential young man, but in others you just need to feel him, trust his emotions. Sometimes it happens that a girl thinks only with her head: good - not good, suitable - not suitable, needed like this - not needed. This is very difficult, you need to include emotions, be able to experience interest, drive, movement of feelings. And another case is when a girl is waiting for a flash, waiting for love, waiting for a fairy tale, but it still doesn’t come. But in fact, you need to think with a cool head: maybe you can at least try to communicate with this person first, people open up to each other gradually and emotions and feelings can also gradually come.

3. Look at your level: why don’t you like anyone? What are the shortcomings in the men around you? What is stopping you from showing even just an initial interest in them? It may turn out that your bar is simply too high, that you imagine your future chosen one to be too ideal. It may be worth re-evaluating some of your requirements. In addition to already established men, there are worthy young people with good potential. Happiness and unearthly love will not always be with a well-groomed handsome man; as a rule, men who are less spoiled by female attention are capable of giving more of themselves and being good family men. It is not always the one who comes from a “thoroughbred” and wealthy family who will be more worthy in life; often people who rose on their own understand much more in life and stand stronger on their feet in any situation. A man who doesn’t necessarily know a lot about cars and restaurants will also selflessly love your common children. It is not a fact that a person without difficulties will want to take on your problems if they suddenly arise. There are no ideals. Or they are extremely rare. So, maybe it’s worth re-evaluating some things: after all, somewhere behind some excellent qualities there are other big problems, and somewhere behind the external mediocrity great potential opens up.

4. Look at your social circle: who you have known for a long time, who you met recently, who you meet periodically. After all, feelings do not always flare up suddenly; everything is not always clear at first glance. Sometimes, in order to truly see a person, you need to know him well, look at him from a different side, or see him in a different situation.

Dear girls, think about all this, think about it, maybe it’s worth changing something in your life. And then a new vision of the situation will open, new meetings will happen, new chances will appear.
