Lamination of eyelashes for long eyelashes. What is eyelash lamination: Reviews, photos before and after the procedure

Every woman wants to be beautiful at any time of the day. But you need to spend a lot of time in the morning to look fresh and attractive. This is especially true for the eyes, the expressiveness of which every girl dreams of highlighting.

Therefore, women often resort to the help of cosmetologists. A popular modern procedure that improves the quality of eyelashes is lamination.

The method involves the use of special agents that have a therapeutic effect. But what is eyelash lamination and is it harmful?

Features of the procedure

Lamination is an innovative technology that allows you to lengthen eyelashes and saturate them with useful substances and minerals. After this, the look becomes more expressive. Many women prefer to do the procedure in the summer so as not to apply excess makeup to their face, which can run in the heat.

Various preparations can be used in the lamination process. Keratin is often included in the mixture. It is a natural component found in nails and hair.

Keratin lamination is useful because the protein can penetrate deeply into the hair, filling the voids. The substance increases volume, covers the eyelashes with a protective film, smoothing and fastening their scales.

Other means often used in lamination:

  1. Hyaluronic acid – protects, moisturizes, strengthens and accelerates growth.
  2. Tocopherol or vitamin E – lengthens, nourishes, increases volume, prevents hair loss and promotes growth.
  3. Collagen attracts moisture and retains it in the eyelashes, restoring them and making them stronger and shinier.
  4. Argan oil – saturates hair with natural acids and vitamins, prevents hair loss, gives shape and restores structure.

The procedure is divided into three stages. Approximate completion time: 3-4 hours. First, the specialist cleans and disinfects the eyelashes so that the nutritional components penetrate deeper. The eyelids are treated with a special composition, and a silicone mold is attached to the eyelashes.

During the second stage, a serum is applied to the hairs, which thickens and lengthens them. At the client's request, eyelashes can be tinted, then a special pigment is added to the product.

At the third stage, the hairs are coated with creatine, collagen or other selected drugs. The maximum lamination time is up to 1.5 hours.

For the next 24 hours, the eyelashes will be sticky and greasy. Also, you should not wash your face for the first day so that the substances are better absorbed and the structure of the hairs is not damaged.

No special eyelash care is required after the procedure. The lamination effect will disappear when new hairs grow. Corrections can be made every three months.

A similar procedure can be carried out at home. But this requires special knowledge and skills.

In addition to keratin, many women use a gelatin composition for lamination at home. Although it stays on the eyelashes for a short time.

Home lamination with gelatin is carried out as follows:

  • 15 g of yellow powder is poured into a bowl and mixed with warm water (50 ml).
  • Place the container on the fire for 5 minutes.
  • Remove the mixture from the stove and add 15 g of hair balm to it.
  • Eyelashes are combed with a special brush, cleaned of makeup, dust and degreased.
  • The eyelids are moisturized with cream and silicone pads or cotton pads, cut in half, are attached to them.
  • Then you need to apply the gelatin mixture to your eyelashes with a brush.
  • After 30 minutes, the composition is washed off with warm water.

Despite the short-term effect of the procedure, when it is carried out systematically, you can experience a number of positive changes. Eyelashes will become thick, long and voluminous.


The usefulness of the procedure is due to the mass of positive effects obtained after its implementation. Thus, the natural components included in the mixtures strengthen, nourish and promote the growth of eyelashes. Protein has a strong antioxidant effect, and keratin rejuvenates.

Moreover, the eyelids and skin near the eyes are also saturated with vitamins. The substances stimulate the growth of hair follicles, and eyelashes become thick, dark and shiny.

In addition to beauty, laminated hairs become protected from fragility and exposure to external factors. These are frost, heat, ultraviolet radiation and aggressive substances.

Other undeniable advantages of lamination:

  • expressive bend;
  • After the procedure, you are allowed to wear contact lenses;
  • cosmetics will not crumble or flow;
  • after each session, the hairs become longer and thicker;
  • the structure of eyelashes improves;
  • when using high-quality mixtures, there is practically no allergy;
  • After the procedure, you do not need to take special care of your eyelashes.

Lamination also saves time. After all, you don’t have to use mascara for the next 2-3 months. This is especially true for women who are allergic to brasmatics.

Harm and restrictions

The greatest danger comes from improperly performing the procedure or using low-quality materials. The consequence of this will be pain, discomfort, burning and redness of the eyes. In this case, you should immediately contact an ophthalmologist.

Is eyelash lamination harmful for people with any eye diseases? Ophthalmologists are confident that in case of such diseases and allergic reactions it is better to refuse such procedures.

Eyelash lamination is the coating of hairs with a specialized keratin-based composition. Aesthetic industry specialists have developed a large number of care procedures of varying costs and degrees of invasiveness. It is important for every girl to know the pros and cons of eyelash lamination.

When applied to the eyelash, protein fractions are absorbed and penetrate into the structures of the hair shaft. Its microcracks are filled, and the eyelashes become voluminous and fluffy.

Lamination is not synonymous with extensions; during the procedure, several layers of specialized preparations are applied successively to your own hairs. Natural or synthetic hairs are used for extensions. They are attached with glue to your own eyelashes. Hair extensions weigh down your own hair and can cause hair loss and damage.

Lamination Features:

  • your own hair is not damaged;
  • creates an attractive eyelash shape;
  • a care, not just an aesthetic procedure;
  • the eyelash acquires a bend, which allows you to avoid curling your hair for a long time;
  • the look becomes brighter, more pronounced, more attractive;
  • after the service, the hairs look thick, well-groomed, and do not need to use mascara to add volume;
  • the procedure is non-invasive, there is no risk of injury to the eye or skin of the veins;
  • the composition does not get on the mucous membranes, the likelihood of developing an allergic reaction is minimal;
  • eyelashes and eyelid skin receive additional nutrients, hair loss stops.

The procedure is carried out in medical institutions and beauty salons under aseptic conditions.

Advantages and disadvantages of lamination

Eyelashes are a delicate organ. They are easily damaged by chemical compounds, they grow slowly, and sometimes do not recover after experiments. Before you trust a specialist, you should carefully study the benefits and harms of eyelash lamination.

  1. Well-groomed appearance, strengthening hair.
  2. Volume without the use of specialized cosmetics.
  3. Saturated color.
  4. Beautiful hair curl.
  5. Protection from UV radiation and exposure to sub-zero temperatures.
  6. Nourishment of eyelid skin.
  7. Allowed when wearing contact lenses.
  8. Removing the coating is easy, you can do it yourself at home using warm water and soap.

The disadvantages of lamination include:

  • high price;
  • long – up to 1.5 hours – stay in a supine position;
  • development of an allergic reaction to keratin coating;
  • When applied to weakened hair, hair loss may occur.

If you decide to undergo such a procedure, it should be carried out in a salon by a specialist who has a license for such services. The specialist must use hypoallergenic compounds and conduct allergy tests before lamination to exclude the development of unwanted reactions in the client.

Benefits of the procedure

Aesthetic changes and effects will be visible immediately after.

The benefits of keratin hair coating are as follows:

  1. The structure of the eyelash is denser, the hair itself is less susceptible to damage.
  2. The thickness and length of eyelashes increases.
  3. The effect is noticeable within 2 months.
  4. Hair growth is observed outside of the fact of lamination.
  5. Eyelashes take a break from cosmetics, eyes take a break from makeup removers.
  6. No specialized care is required after the procedures.
  7. Additional nutrition for hair and eyelid skin.
  8. Laminated eyelashes can be colored, used with any decorative, skincare cosmetics, or applied with makeup.

Can lamination harm eyes and skin?

Lamination is not an invasive procedure, but it can negatively affect the health of the skin and the general condition of the lashmaker's client.

When is it better to cancel a session:

  • Lamination of eyelashes is harmful for pregnant and lactating women. The composition of hair treatment preparations is identical to natural keratin, but under conditions of hormonal imbalance it can behave in unexpected ways;
  • if the patient has a history of chronic eye diseases without exacerbation, cosmetic lamination should be discussed with an ophthalmologist;
  • the presence of intolerance to any food products. Food allergies have been found to increase the risk of developing a hypersensitivity reaction to keratin coating;
  • patients with a history of skin diseases of unknown origin;
  • weakened eyelashes. In this case, the coating will only increase the load on the hairs and may cause hair loss;
  • contact of lamination preparations with the mucous membranes of the eye can cause an inflammatory process and an allergic reaction.

Experts advise dividing care and cosmetic services over time. It is not advisable to inject Botox and do lamination at the same time.

Under what conditions can there be dangerous consequences?

Even a familiar safe procedure under certain conditions can be harmful to health, cause discomfort, and other unpleasant and sad consequences.

The lamination process is dangerous in the following cases:

  1. Conducting a session by a non-professional, non-compliance with the rules of antiseptics and preparation of the client.
  2. Neglect of hygiene requirements by a doctor and a girl. At-home procedures are especially dangerous.
  3. Use of unsterile instruments, uncertified compounds with unknown components.
  4. Failure to follow step-by-step instructions when processing hairs.
  5. No allergy tests before applying the composition to the skin.
  6. If the patient has not informed the doctor about existing vision problems, other diseases of the visual analyzer, or identified side effects after any other cosmetic procedures.
  7. The presence of a viral or bacterial disease in acute or subacute form at the time of the session. Especially in the presence of barley, other inflammatory processes on the eyelids, damage to the sebaceous glands, and the presence of areas of pigment accumulation such as melanoform nevus.

Contraindications to lamination

Nursing and aesthetic medicine procedures have a number of contraindications. Failure to follow the doctor's recommendations in this case will cause more harm than good.

Manipulations are prohibited in the following cases:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • allergic reactions to keratin-containing preparations in the past;
  • bacterial or viral disease in the acute or subacute stage;
  • chronic pathology in the acute stage;
  • any eye diseases in an uncompensated state without consultation with an ophthalmologist;
  • condition after general surgery on the eye system;
  • general serious condition of the patient.

Nothing spoils eyelash lamination more than the inept hands of the master and non-compliance with the manipulation technique. Weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of the procedure. Select a medical institution based on word of mouth, do not be tempted by the cheapness of a home session. Only in this case the result will please you, and not spoil your mood and appearance.

First of all, men pay attention to a woman’s eyes. Her attractive gaze can make anyone fall in love with her. But for the look to look like this, careful eyelash care is required. A new cosmetic procedure can help with this – eyelash lamination.


Many people talk about the procedure, someone has already tried it. There are many consequences of lamination. Mostly, of course, they are positive. But if you choose the wrong drug, it can negatively affect your health, so when preparing for it you need to carefully study the compositions and your body’s reaction to them.

Swiss specialists were the first to use lamination. They have developed a composition that nourishes eyelashes and strengthens them. The drug contains many vitamins and keratin. They protect hairs from the harmful effects of the urban environment and stimulate their growth.

After the procedure, the eyelashes become visually longer and more voluminous. In addition, they remain curved, thanks to which the female gaze becomes expressive. Immediately after lamination, the substances included in the preparation begin to act actively, and after a short time the eyelashes actually become larger. It is for this amazing effect that girls go to beauty salons.

The composition stays on the eyelashes for three months, gradually washing off. In addition, new hairs grow that have not yet been treated with the product. You can repeat the care procedure after one and a half to two months, it will not cause harm.

The procedure can be carried out both in the salon and at home. The first option is more expensive, but if lamination has not been carried out before, then it is better to visit a specialist. The master will tell you about all the nuances and apply the product correctly. At the same time, it is important to choose a salon that employs recognized masters of their craft who you can trust.

The cosmetologist cleans the eyelids and eyelashes of cosmetics, dust and grease. Then a cotton pad is placed on the lower eyelid. Some craftsmen use a special protective substance instead of a disc. This is necessary to protect the skin from contact with the laminating serum. Special glue is applied to the molds made of special silicone to prevent slipping from the upper eyelid. These shapes are needed to give the eyelashes a graceful and delightful curve.

Using the same glue, each eyelash is carefully glued to the form, forming a bend. The preparation is over and it’s time to apply the vitamin complex that saturates the hairs. He also gives them nutrition and strength.

After burning, which is what the previous stage is called, a layer of pigment is applied, which colors the eyelashes in the desired color.

As a rule, the client is asked to choose one of five shades. At the end of the procedure, the master applies a preparation that contains beneficial keratin. It fixes the bend. In addition, the eyelashes receive additional nutrition.

Sometimes girls worry and are afraid of this procedure, but it is completely in vain, because lamination is a harmless procedure that does not cause pain or discomfort if you do everything step by step and carefully.

Often girls are faced with the question of what to choose - lamination or extensions. Just a couple of years ago, this question did not arise, because apart from extensions, salons could not offer anything. Now any master will say that if a girl is ready to spend a little more on herself than usual, then she needs to pay attention to lamination.

This procedure is more harmless, since the substance applied to the eyelashes contains only natural ingredients. Under no circumstances should you combine lamination and extensions!

Advantages and disadvantages

The procedure has a number of pros and cons. The procedure has about as many negative consequences as positive ones. But they can be avoided if you are attentive to your health.

If the master in the salon is not a professional, then he can harm the client’s health. In small, cheap salons, they do not always monitor the classification of the specialist and the composition of the drug that is applied to the eyelashes. As a result, due to the unprofessionalism of the cosmetologist, the effect will be exactly the opposite of what was expected: the eyelashes will be too curved and as if broken. Some people think that they look like the legs of some kind of insect.

The worst thing that can happen during lamination is getting the chemical composition into the eye.

Immediately there is a severe burning sensation, itching, redness and lacrimation. You need to stop the procedure immediately and go to the doctor. As a result of an incorrectly selected drug or a drug that gets into the eye, vision may deteriorate, and swelling of the eyelid is possible.

Another unpleasant consequence that requires the help of a doctor is an allergic reaction. If this happens, it will be easier for the doctor to prescribe treatment if he is provided with an annotation for the drug.

There is only one struggle with other less dangerous, but still unpleasant consequences: time. We are talking about the incorrect shape that was obtained after lamination, as well as about eyelashes that lie incorrectly. In such cases, you need to rinse off the product or wash your face more often if the serum has already hardened.

It is important to note the benefits of lamination. Damaged eyelashes can be restored using this procedure. Growth accelerates, elasticity appears, due to which they fall out less often and stop breaking. The look becomes more seductive, which, of course, is the main goal of any girl.


  • Strengthens eyelashes and protects from negative environmental influences.
  • Gives expressiveness to the look.
  • The need to regularly use decorative cosmetics disappears.
  • There is no sensation of a foreign object on the eyelashes.
  • The hair structure is strengthened, causing eyelashes to grow faster and become stronger.

The greatest number of positive effects can be achieved during a salon procedure, because a professional cosmetologist knows how to use the drug correctly.

He assesses the condition of the client’s eyelashes and is able to select the most effective drug specifically for her case.

Experts' opinion

It is very important to know how doctors feel about this procedure, because it is performed in close proximity to a very important and complex organ - the eye. They do not give a clear positive or negative assessment, since the effects of the components that are applied to the eyelashes can vary greatly in each individual case. For some, the same substances cause an allergic reaction, for others they have a positive effect, as a result of which hairs grow by leaps and bounds, but for others these same components have absolutely no effect.

Cosmetologists are happy to do lamination for girls who want to create a mysterious image and become well-groomed. The effect lasts from one and a half to three months, it depends on the rate of hair growth on the body as a whole.

Experts, however, warn that you should not rely on the 100% natural composition of the drug. It does contain a small proportion of chemicals, since it is impossible to achieve an amazing effect only with biocomponents. That is why the procedure requires special care, because it is carried out near the eyes.

Sometimes clients confuse eyelash lamination and eyelash botox. These are indeed very similar procedures that produce similar results. Both preparations, which are applied to the hairs, are enriched with vitamins and strengthening substances. The application process is also similar. The difference can only be seen under a microscope.

Laminated eyelashes are, as it were, enveloped in the drug and are protected from the external environment.

One might even say, under the hood. Oxygen and other substances do not penetrate under this nanofilm. With Botox, the eyelashes are open. After the procedure, you can apply any oils that have healing properties and various restorative compounds.

What to choose is decided in each specific case by the client and the master, having discussed the situation and the goals that the girl sets for herself. The effect in both cases, when used correctly, has a positive effect on the appearance and health of eyelashes.

Ophthalmologists consider lamination harmless only for those girls whose eyes are absolutely healthy. Allergies and eye diseases are the only contraindications in their opinion. Some doctors are inclined to believe that this procedure should under no circumstances be carried out at home, as it could cause harm to yourself. Others are confident that a neat and attentive girl will be able to cope with the task without problems.

It is important to do lamination carefully so as not to damage the mucous membrane of the eye and prevent the product from getting into it. In this case, you should immediately contact an ophthalmologist.


Like any cosmetic procedure, lamination has a number of contraindications. The most important of them is extension. As mentioned above, these procedures cannot be combined. If a girl still wants to get eyelash extensions, then she will have to refuse or postpone lamination.

Experts do not recommend performing the procedure on short eyelashes. You cannot achieve the desired effect with them, since lamination is suitable only for those whom nature has gifted from birth. For those whose hairs are not long enough, this procedure will not help, but will only harm. With it they will look funny and ridiculous curls.

Lamination is much more dangerous for pregnant and breastfeeding women.

If you really want the look to be mesmerizing, then you will have to wait until the child grows up or use home lamination using folk remedies. The ban is due to the fact that during pregnancy and lactation, as well as when taking hormonal contraceptives, women's hormonal levels change significantly. Incredible, but true: the effect of lamination in pregnant and lactating women can be unpredictable and uneven.

If the substance that is applied to the eyelashes contains drugs to which you are allergic, the procedure will cause severe itching. In addition, severe tearing may occur. Tears will intensify the reaction of the drug on the eyelashes and it can get into the mucous membrane or into the eye. This can result in a chemical burn.

In the event that a girl has recently undergone eye surgery, the procedure is strictly contraindicated. Lamination is also prohibited when there are eye diseases, such as conjunctivitis, barley, or boils. In these cases, carrying out the procedure is not just harmful, but dangerous, since the condition can only worsen.

It is not advisable to carry out the procedure for those girls whose skin around the eyes is very dry or, conversely, very oily. This can significantly affect the result and quality of the procedure, even if the skin is well cleaned and treated before it.

At home

If a girl nevertheless decides to do the procedure at home, then she will need the help of a relative or friend, because it will not be possible to apply the drug to both eyes at the same time. In addition, if something goes wrong, it will be more difficult to cope with the situation alone.

Lamination can be done at home using both professional and folk means. The beginning of the procedures is the same: you need to wash your face thoroughly and get rid of any remaining makeup.

In the first case, the girl has a long choice of a suitable drug in the store. In recent years, various companies have been producing a huge variety of them. The best are considered to be: Yumi Lashes, Novel Lash Up, Paul Mitchell. Professionals note high quality Sexy lamination, Lvl lashes (Lvl), Wizard. No less good at work Lovely, Velvet, Si Lashes, Protein Twist. It is important to read the description of the ingredients on the packaging.

In addition, you will need a silicone mold. It is needed, even if the choice fell on folk remedies. It is important to choose a high-quality form so that it does not cause unpleasant reactions on the skin.

The form is placed on the eyelids, then a professional lamination agent is applied with a special brush.

The second method is much simpler and less dangerous. For it, in addition to the silicone mold, you will need 15 grams of gelatin, 50 milliliters of warm water and hair balm. After thoroughly washing your eyelids, apply a moisturizer. Then you need to dissolve gelatin in warm water, and, after heating this mixture, add a teaspoon of pre-prepared balm to it.

The resulting composition is applied to the eyelashes. Leave it on for about 25 minutes and rinse thoroughly with water. The result is no worse than in the salon with the only difference being that the eyelashes will not be colored.


No special care requirements are required. Experts advise using a high-quality gel-like product for washing after lamination to prolong the effect of the procedure. If you use simple soap, the product will be washed off much faster. In general, there are no restrictions on bathing and washing, although it is not advisable to wet your eyelashes on the first day. A cosmetologist will tell you more about care after each specific composition.

Laminated eyelashes can only be painted with high-quality mascara. It is advisable to brush them daily with a small brush. In addition, it will be very useful to rub olive or castor oil into your eyelashes. To do this, you can use a brush from an old mascara. These oils will not harm lamination, but will help strengthen and grow hair.

You can visit the bathhouse, sauna, pool or beach with lamination.

Girls often carry out this procedure immediately before going to the seaside, so as not to worry about using waterproof mascara every day and washing it off in the evenings. The effect of lamination can sometimes replace the use of decorative cosmetics.

Sometimes girls notice a sharp transition from laminated eyelashes to non-laminated ones, which managed to grow some time after the procedure. This upsets them very much, because their appearance deteriorates greatly. This effect is similar to undyed hair roots on the head. To avoid this, you should buy a special mascara, which costs a little more than regular mascara.

Stopping wearing makeup in the morning is the dream of many girls, which is why eyelash extensions, tattooing, eyebrow and lip correction are so popular now. According to experts, eyelash lamination looks most natural. The look becomes more open, eyelashes are bright and curled. Let's look at the pros and cons of eyelash lamination.

During the procedure, a special composition will be applied to your eyelashes, which contains keratin and a complex of beneficial vitamins. Lamination restores the structure of eyelashes and lengthens them.

Does lamination ruin eyelashes?

Experts say that high-quality lamination will only strengthen your eyelashes. They will stop thinning and falling out. The effect should last about two months; if the specialist suggests that you repeat the procedure earlier, you should look for another specialist.

Eyelash lamination procedure

First, the master will secure your eyelashes on a special roller, which will create a curl. Then he will apply a composition to consolidate the effect and a product with keratin. Afterwards the eyelashes are painted with soft paint. The final stage will be strengthening the eyelashes with oils and vitamins.

Some girls complain of burning eyes and tears during the procedure. Everything here is individual, depending on your sensitivity. You should be prepared for slight discomfort during lamination; the procedure lasts an hour and a half.

Is it possible not to wear makeup after the procedure?

As we have already found out, during the procedure the eyelashes are colored. It looks natural, like one coat of mascara. The effect will begin to decrease after about a month - the curl will become less noticeable, but the composition will not be washed off from the eyelashes. It will grow back slowly. Make-up should not be applied only during the first 24 hours.

Is the regrown lamination noticeable?

Experts assure that lamination will noticeably grow back only after two months. Then you can repeat the procedure or disguise a small flaw with one layer of mascara.

Contraindications for eyelash lamination

  • Study the composition to see if you are allergic to its components
  • You cannot laminate eyelash extensions.
  • If your eyes are inflamed, avoid the procedure.
  • Lamination is contraindicated for people who have undergone eye surgery
  • The procedure cannot be done during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Keratin eyelash lamination is a new method in cosmetology that will help make your eyelashes healthy and beautiful, and your eyes more expressive. After all, every woman dreams of being attractive and attracting the admiring glances of men! And for this you need to have a bewitching look yourself.

Lamination of eyelashes - an innovation in cosmetology

There are a huge number of photos and reviews about eyelash lamination on the Internet. What is this new cosmetic manipulation that arouses such keen interest among the fair half of humanity? Let's try to figure it out...

First, we need to say what keratin is.

Keratin is a highly durable protein that makes up skin derivatives, in particular our eyelashes, eyebrows, hair and nails.

Due to keratin, which is included in the lamination composition and penetrates deep into the hair, the eyelashes increase in volume, become healthy and strong.

Until recently, the concept of “lamination” was applied to a hair procedure that makes it smooth and shiny. Eyelashes are also hairs, only smaller in size. Therefore, lamination can also be done on eyelashes.

The lamination procedure allows you to increase the size and curvature of eyelashes, avoiding chemical perm, and strengthens their structure thanks to the nutrients included in the products. Yumi Lashes (Switzerland) products are popular for this purpose, hence the other name of this manipulation. It should be noted that eyelash lamination is a salon procedure and is not recommended to be done at home.

How does the eyelash lamination procedure work?

The eyelash lamination procedure takes about an hour to an hour and a half and consists of several stages. At the first stage of lifting, the master completely cleanses and degreases the eyelashes, this is done so that the nutrients penetrate deeper into the hairs.

Then a special preparatory composition is applied to the eyelids for protection, smoothing and softening the facial skin.

After this, to give shape, a silicone protector is attached to the eyelashes, along which they are combed upward.

The next step is to apply a nutritional composition (serum) to the hairs, which makes them thicker and longer. It is the basis for coloring eyelashes. The color is available to choose from, shades vary from black to those that you like. In this case, lamination can be carried out without pigment.

Finally, each eyelash is coated with keratin, which gives the eyelashes volume and strength. Eyelashes look luxurious and healthy!

During the procedure, dormant cells and bulbs are activated, and this contributes to the accelerated growth of young eyelashes.

Care for laminated eyelashes

On the first day after lamination, the eyelashes look glued together, as if they were smeared with oil. In this case, after completing the procedure, you must not wet your eyes for 24 hours, do not perform any active actions in this area (do not rub your eyes, do not sleep with your face in the pillow). Also, with laminated eyelashes, it is not recommended to remove makeup from the eyes with a sponge.

Read more about eyebrow and eyelash care in this article. You will learn more about eye makeup and the principles of using decorative cosmetics.

And this procedure has enough advantages. With laminated eyelashes you can:

  • Apply mascara;
  • Use eye cream;
  • Wash with cosmetics;
  • Wear lenses;

  • Swim in sea water;
  • Go to the sauna;
  • Sleep in any comfortable position.

For those who do not like mascara, there is also a pleasant moment: eyelash lamination allows you to go without using it for 2.5 - 3 months, because after the procedure the eyelashes look voluminous and lush.

Another pleasant aspect of this procedure is that lamination does not need correction. No additional care is required.

Eyelashes that have undergone the lamination procedure do not cause the sensation of a foreign body on the eyes, do not fall off, and do not “flow” like those painted with mascara. Keratin coating protects eyelashes from exposure to sunlight, frost, and polluted air.

To maximize the effect of lamination, it is advisable not to use mascara, greasy or alcohol-containing products to remove eye makeup.

And one more thing: Yumi Lashes do not require rinsing, the effect disappears as your own eyelashes grow.

Contraindications for eyelash lamination

Of course, like almost any cosmetic procedure, eyelash lamination has contraindications, some of them are serious, and should not be neglected.

  • Individual intolerance to individual components of the mixture - an allergy may occur.

  • Lamination is contraindicated after surgery in the eye area.
  • This procedure cannot be carried out in case of diseases of the mucous membranes or after suffering barley.
  • Not recommended during pregnancy and lactation.
  • Lamination should not be carried out on short eyelashes, as after the procedure they will look like curls or curls.
  • Before planning eyelash extensions, it is also better not to do lamination, since the composition for lamination contains a lot of mineral oils, so the glue for extensions will not adhere well.

In this regard, photos and reviews about eyelash lamination may turn out to be contradictory for one simple reason: the client did not take into account all the contraindications, and the master did not check.
