Biography of Holly O'Hare. New games for girls My favorite lesson

So I'm wondering, do you know whose daughter I am and why I have such beautiful, long and silky hair? Do not know? Then I will open this little secret. I am the daughter of the famous fairy-tale heroine Rapunzel and my Long and Happily Come True exactly the same as Mommy's, I will be the same nice girl with long hair. I have a twin sister, but she is not allowed to be the second Rapunzel, because I was born a little earlier than her. Now I will tell my story - the biography of Holly O'Hair.

Horoscope: Twins.

Magic abilities: Well, my magical hair, of course. With their help, I can create strong ropes or weave thin silk threads.

My dreams and desires: Write your own story. Let me be in it main character like my mom Rapunzel. But the plot of this fairy tale should be different, kinder, without bandits and witches, without imprisonment in a tower, and only with the best happy ending.

Tale of my past: You guessed it, this is the tale of Rapunzel. How I want to grow up as soon as possible and continue Mamulin's fairy tale.

My weaknesses: I constantly have to sit in the tower, and it seems to me that all the doors are locked behind me. I'm afraid to be alone with my fears. Imagine how scary that is!

My favourite lessons: I think that the most necessary subject in the Ever After School is Rescue of the Princesses. After all, every fairy-tale hero must know and be able to save his future queen from the spell of an evil witch or dragons.

Favorite school subject: I hate Gymnastics and especially Swimming lessons. After visiting them, I have to spend at least three hours just to dry my hair and make beautiful hairstyle. I hope you understand me.

Romantic relationship: No one knows about this and should not know for anything! Swear that you will not give away my secret! I'm terribly in love with Daring Charming. How I wish I could be with him for the rest of my life, just me and Dering.

Roommate: I dream of living not in a tower, but in a quiet and comfortable room. But for the implementation of my Long and Happily, I have to lead just such a way of life.

Favorite food: To keep my hair in great shape, I have to constantly eat salmon with herbs. Mother always told me that this is the most useful food for hair.

Best friends: I love all the girls in the school, well, except for Duchess Swan, she's mean. And the best and dearest friends for me are my sister Poppy and the beauty Blondie Locks.

A pet: I don't have little friends yet, but I'll definitely get them. So it will be more fun.

What should a princess do, whose fate is to be imprisoned in a tower, if the princess is afraid of heights and enclosed spaces? Ask the beautiful Holly O'Hare, Rapunzel's daughter, about this.

Doll Holly Ohara is striking in the length of her hair, and this is not at all surprising, because this girl is preparing to repeat the fate of her mother, the famous Rapunzel! The future Rapunzel has a twin sister, Poppy O'Hare, who chose a completely different path and, instead of growing braids, makes chic hairstyles.

You can order twins in our online store in a large set or individually. There are also many items from the world of Ever After High.

The happiness of a girl is the kindness of her mother and a gift from her father.

But back to the Holly O'Hare doll! Apart from incredibly long and soft hair, which is just made for your daughter to experiment with hairstyles for her doll, Holly O'Hare is always dressed as a young girl should be. stylish princess. This girl is beautiful in any collection. So choosing which doll to buy is not an easy task! Here you will need your daughter's help, because only children know which toy is the most beautiful and worthy of taking a place in the collection! Especially by the way, this doll with braids to toe will be in the house where there is already a Blondie Locks doll (daughter of Goldilocks) - best girlfriend Holly O'hair, with whom no high towers are afraid and any Happily Ever After is achievable!

Holly O Hara

Daughter of Rapunzel

A few details about myself:

So, as I live out my fairy tale mission as the next Rapunzel, I'm seriously going to write new book fairy tales, where the characters will be all my friends!

Roommate: Poppy O'Hara

My "magic" talent:

Even if my hair is cut, it can easily be used for weaving, even strong rope or fine silk.

Romantic Story:

I don't really like Daring Charming. But just don't tell anyone (especially Apple White).

Exceptional moments:

Even though I've been in the tower for quite some time, I'm still very afraid of heights. In addition, the doors are always locked behind me and I will never get out of the tower!

My favorite lesson:

And of course: Rescue of the Beautiful Ladies. I am very pleased to be in the tower and write in my book, waiting for me to be rescued from imprisonment.

My least favorite lesson:

Gymnastics. And especially swimming lessons. It always takes me several hours to put all my hair under a bathing cap.

Holly and Poppy Ohair are twin sisters, daughters of the well-known Rapunzel. But, despite close family ties, the girls do not have a complete resemblance either in clothes or in their outlook on life.

Rapunzil's two daughters are sisters Holly and Poppy Ohair.

Biography of Holly

Holly was born on June 19th. It is Holly who will have to accept the fate of her mother, as she elder sister. She does not completely renounce her destiny. However, after living her life as the new Rapunzel, Holly has a dream to create a new fairy tale, where friends from her school Ever After High will participate: Poppy and Blondie Locks.

Photo from the cartoon Ever After High.

Holly's main magical feature is her hair. They are so thin and strong that you can even make rope or silk fabric from them.

Holly's heart is irrevocably won by Prince Dexter Charming. But Holly doesn't want anyone to know about it. Especially Apple White.

Clothing style like Holly

Most of all in Ever After High Holly's school loves such an unusual subject as Rescue of the Beautiful Ladies. In this lesson, the girls are locked in a high tower, where they wait to be rescued by a handsome prince. The heroine is very afraid of heights, she is scared when the heavy door slams shut, but the girl patiently waits in the tower for her salvation. And she successfully uses the available free time for writing in a blog or diary.

But most of all at school, Ever After High Holly does not like swimming and gymnastics. She has very heavy hair, and it takes several hours to collect it in a hairstyle.

From food, Holly likes salmon with greens, because such food makes her hair strong and shiny. Pictures on the site will help you better imagine and see this unusual image.

Poppy's biography

Poppy is significantly different in character from her sister, although they were born on the same day. She is more modern than her sister: she loves to listen to punk music, wears trendy short haircut. Her main talent is the art of hairdressing, and all the girls of the Ever After High school sign up for her to do a royal hairstyle. A girl works in a hairdressing salon with an interesting name "Tower".

Poppy takes good care of her hair and trims the ends every day. Being the daughter of Rapunzel, she has very valuable hair, so every day she contributes it to her account.

Poppy's character is resolute: she is a very purposeful girl. She likes to do hair and makeup, creating unique images of princesses. However, the heroine does not like to study princessology at school.

Clothing style like Poppy Ohair

Poppy's favorite food is chicken wings. But for the health and beauty of the hair does not disdain vegetables and fish.

The girl's best friends are her sister and Ashlyn Ella. The beauty's heart is not free: it was won by Sparrow Hood, but the boy is too narcissistic. At least he constantly sings songs about himself.

Poppy dreams of writing her own story, judging by her dedication, she will definitely do it.

Basic puppets

The Ever After High basic set includes two dolls: Holly and Poppy. The sisters' dresses are made in similar lilac tones, but the styles and hairstyles on their heads are completely different.

Basic Collection

Poppy is dressed in a fitted lilac and pink dress, decorated with a braided print. A silk gray scarf wraps around her neck, and on her feet are gray leggings and pink lace-up shoes. Poppy's hair is blond, with a lilac strand, secured with a raspberry hoop. Poppy, in comparison with her sister, looks more wayward and characteristic (at least, this impression is created by her image).

Box with dolls Holly and Poppy Ohair - daughters of Rapunzel

Holly is perceived as more tender and feminine than her sister, perhaps due to the light colors of her attire. She has a dress with a beige bodice and light lilac fluffy skirt, which is decorated with gold patterns and a floral print with a crimson hue.

Apple White is taller than Holly and Poppy Ohair

Holly has a golden necklace around her neck. On the legs of the heroine are transparent black tights and beige shoes with a texture in the form of braided hair. Holly's hair is loose, but one strand is braided in long braid. On the head is a neat lilac crown. Also, the braid motif is present in all Poppy and Holly's accessories: bracelets, handbags, belts.

Holly Ohair doll from Ever After High

The set also comes with a key-comb, a bookmark with the stories of the heroines and a stand.

Sugar Coated Series (2015)

All dolls from the Sugar coated collection.

Collection Unrestrained Spring

In this Ever After High series, Holly has a gorgeous dress in white and lilac tones. The white bodice is decorated with a gray floral ornament, and around the neck there is a magnificent collar of lilac flowers. The skirt, shortened in front, reveals the slender legs of the heroine in raspberry-white leggings with a braid pattern, and on the doll's legs are lilac ankle boots with lacing.

Holly Ohair in the Unrestrained Spring collection

Holly's head is decorated with a wreath of lilac and pink flowers with white butterflies. All accessories included in the set (comb key, belt, earrings, ring for a girl and for a butterfly-shaped doll, necklace) are made with the effect of old gold.

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