Celebration of the end of the school year. material (Grade 3) on the topic

Nina Nikolina

The children run into the hall.

Dance with balloons to the song "Childhood Holiday".

Leading. Dear our children! Dear Parents! Today we are celebrating the end of the school year. Summer holidays begin.

The year rolled by in a motley ball,

But he passed for us not in vain.

How much have we learned

How many songs sang, friends.

Let's start our holiday with a song about kindergarten.


Leading. Guys, I invite you to travel back in time, to return to the beginning of the school year. And the Magic Book will help us (shows the Magic Book).

Opening the first page

Page "Sports".

Guys, are you friends with sports?


Sport straightens our shoulders,

Strength, dexterity gives us.

He develops muscles for us,

Calls us to records.

Warm-up "Radiant Sun".

Leading. Opening the next page -


Day by day a year goes by

Like a colorful round dance.

He laughs, then he is sad,

He makes everyone around him happy.

He's black, he's white

He is reckless and brave.

Now he is gloomy, then he is clear,

It's either green or red.

But always so wonderful

Unusual, interesting.

Opens the "Autumn" page

Leading. When the foliage flew around from the trees, the beautiful Autumn came to visit us.

Autumn is coming

In our park

Gives autumn

Gifts for all:

Red beads -

Pink apron -

Umbrella yellow -

Fruits autumn

Gives us.

(I. Vinokurov)



A rain of mischievous leaves swirled over me.

How good is he!

Where else can you find one like this?

Without end and without beginning

I started dancing under it.

We danced like friends

Rain of leaves and me.


Leading. And what season will the next page tell us? Solve riddles.

Lots of snow in the yard

All trees are in silver.

Who's to say, who knows

When does it happen?

Children. In winter!

Leading opens

winter page

Leading. If the forest is covered with snow,

If it smells like pies,

If the tree goes to the house,

What holiday?

Children. New Year!

Santa Claus is running.

Father Frost. You heard? You heard? They say the year is over. Really late?

Leading. I don't understand anything. Who complained to us? Is it Santa Claus? Hello Santa Claus!

Father Frost. Hello guys and everyone in this room!

Do you know who said that the year is over? Oh, what should I do? Where can you get a tree? Now I will take out a magic wand and the tree will be in place.

Opens the bag, looking.

presenter. Santa Claus! Seems like you messed something up.

Let's figure it out. Our school year has ended. Now summer is coming. Children will play, sunbathe, gain strength in order to start their studies strong and healthy from the new school year.

Father Frost. Ah, I got it all wrong! I heard the words “the year is over”, so I thought that winter had come and come New Year meet. It turns out that I was in such a hurry to see you in kindergarten in vain. We must go back to the winter kingdom.

Leading. Don't get upset. Father Frost. But you will visit our holiday.

Father Frost. And what is your holiday, because the New Year has not yet arrived? Leading. Celebration of the end of the school year.

Father Frost. I will definitely meet with them next year.

presenter. Santa Claus, get up with us in a round dance, the guys will sing your favorite song.


Father Frost. Well done, you made me happy. You will definitely receive gifts today. It seems that I'm melting, melting, gay. For some reason, I got hot.

Leading. What do we do, fly? Santa Claus warmed up, because it's summer. Let's send him to the kitchen.

Father Frost. What are you, what are you! In my opinion, everything in the kitchen is boiling, boiling. It's even hotter there!

presenter. Calm down, Santa Claus! In the kitchen, there really are stoves, but there is also a large refrigerator in which you can cool down, come to your senses!

Father Frost. Oh, this is my salvation! I'm going to sit in the fridge.

He leaves but does not say goodbye.

The presenter will open the page "Spring"


The harsh winter has passed

It's time for an update.

Again there are no streams of rest -

Day and night murmur in the bushes.

The golden sun is walking

In pure, pure skies.

And what holiday do we celebrate with the advent of spring?


Joyful spring holiday

Knocked on our door

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart

We are our beloved mothers.


Leading. Our journey continues.

And next

Summer page.

Summer coming

1 child.

Where does summer come from?

Does anyone know this?

2 child.

The mole looked fearfully from the mink:

"He'll probably come by train."

3 child.

The hedgehog snorted: "Read in the chat -

Ride on a scooter!"

4 child.

The serpent hissed: "Summer will come

On an old bike!

5 child.

Drozd whistled: "Well, you give!

Summer is on the plane!

6 child.

Magpie crackles: "This time

Don't take your eyes off him.

7 child.

I last year in May

I saw summer on the tram. "

8 child. - Not true! We are all used to

To fly on a motorcycle.

9 child. - I saw him being taken

In a white car.

10 child.

Not true! It's in the carriage!

In a carriage? Well, what's the answer!

11 child.

For those who don't understand:

Summer has a yacht on the sea!

12 child.

And summer came on foot

Circling in the meadows barefoot.

And everyone was surprised by it.

Hello summer!

(Jan Brzehva, trans. A. Samsonov)


The host opens the last page.


Childhood page.

What is childhood?


Child. Lots of toys in kindergarten

Our toys stand out:

Puss in boots, long-eared bunnies,

And a drum, and balalaikas.

Dolls dressed in braids are sitting,

Dolls look at hares and bears.

Child. We don't beat our toys, we don't break them,

We do not take them away from our comrades.

Our toys stand out

We have everything in common in kindergarten.


Santa Claus is back.

Father Frost. I cooled down nicely.

For the fact that you invited me to stay at your holiday, I give you gifts.

And now I say goodbye to you until the New Year!

Leading. The school year has flown by

Summer red awaits us.

You guys rest

Gain strength, health.

Scenario of the holiday of the end of the school year in the social center

"Behind the Eight Seals"

Presenter: Good afternoon, girls, boys, dear guests.So another school year has ended - all the children, both schoolchildren and preschoolers, have matured, learned a lot of new and interesting things.

  1. End of May, everything is blooming,
    The school year is over
    Schoolchildren run home
    The holidays are waiting for the kids.
  1. On vacation notebooks, books,
    Rest, kids!
    We don't need to go to school
    You don't need to memorize the rules
  1. And you can walk all day
    Run, jump, sunbathe,
    After all, we were friends with studies,
    And they deserve this holiday!
  1. Resting to the fullest
    Let's not forget about school
    After all, the red summer will pass,
    And again, the school is waiting for all of us!
  1. From childhood we love to play and laugh.

From childhood, we learn to be kind.

That's how it always stays

To smile and make friends.

The song "We are friendly guys"

LEADING: (shows a large book "Tales")

To us the heroes of good fairy tales

They are already in a hurry to visit the hall,

So that in the country of wonderful knowledge

Escort your kids!

Opens a book, “reads” against the background of music.

Beyond the high mountains
Beyond the distant forests
There is a painted tower,
Surrounded by a large wall…
And the rumor about it goes
What lives in that chamber
Not a witch, not a queen,
And a beautiful girl.
This riddle is easy...
In that tower lives .... (Children) ... Vasilisa the Wise!
Leading: (takes out chest)
She found out about our holiday
And sent a chest of surprises.
But the chest got to Koshchei ...

And Koschey bewitched him. (Pointing to the locks, on the chest)
On eight locks without keys
Closed the chest Koschei!
How can we disenchant the chest?
How can we continue the holiday now?
(Vasilisa the Wise enters the hall to the music of “Visiting a fairy tale”.)
Hello my friends!
I'm glad to meet you.
I am Vasilisa, girl,
Queen of all wisdom. (Goes to the chest.)
I found out that Koschey
eight locks - yes without keys -
Put on my chest.
Your help is needed here.
Will you help friends? (Children answer)
Need to complete assignments
To break spells:
You solve riddles
And take the lock off!

Now I will open a fairy-tale book and read magical riddles.

1. Gobbling up rolls,
The guy rode on the stove.
Ride through the village
And he married a princess. (Emelya)

2. This tablecloth is famous
The one that feeds everyone to the full,
That by itself she
Full of delicious food. (Self-assembly tablecloth)

3. Like Baba has Yaga
Not one leg at all
But there is a wonderful
Which? (Mortar)

4. The duck knows, the bird knows,
Where Koshcheya's death lurks
What is this subject?
Give me an answer, my friend. (Needle)

You guys are great, as one, all wise men!
The first castle opens!

Yes, it turns into a letter!

(Vasilisa flips the first lock, with the letter "k")

How to remove the second lock? ... (thinks)
Another key is needed here.
This castle, I will say, guys,
Untidy locked.

(Untidy runs into the hall to the music)

Ho-ho-ho! Here I am!
I know you guys.
My name is Untidy
I love riots
behavior disorder,
mood disorder,
Both in a briefcase and in a notebook
I'm making a mess!!!

Our children are not
And very, very different:
They are very careful
Careful and tidy.
Here you will not meet slovenliness,
We respect order!

Ha! Everything can be said here.
But it's not hard to test you. Let me take a closer look at you, maybe there are guys among you with dirty hands, dirty cheeks, unwashed eyes? Here you are ..., a girl - a spit,

(looks at her, spins her around)
No, everything is clean. Come on, this little stump boy, show me your hands. What about nails? And the heels? Also clean! I definitely don't like these kids! At me at once something has begun to be scratched in a nose. Oh-oh-oh, now I think I'm going to sneeze!
(Untidy walks around the hall, pretending to be about to sneeze.)
Vasilisa: (addressing the children in a way that Untidy does not hear)
Guys, if Untidy sneezes, he will infect everyone with the untidiness virus. We must try to distract her and talk.
(referring to Untidy)
Wait, wait, Untidy. I heard you like to give advice.
Yes I love!

Now, if the guys like your advice, then sneeze as much as you want. Agreed?
Untidy: (Tries to sneeze again but changes his mind)
Agreed. So! (takes out a scroll with advice, reads)

1.If your roommate
Became a source of infection
Hug him and go to school
You won't come for two weeks!


2. Do not be upset if your mother is called to school
Or dad.
Do not be shy,
Bring the whole family.
Let uncles, aunts come,
And third cousins
If you have a dog, bring her too!

Children: No no no! We don't like advice!

(Advice for parents)
3.If the son is washing
Mom suddenly discovers
That she does not wash her son
And someone else's, someone's daughter ...
Don't let mom get upset.
Well, she doesn't care.
There are no differences
Between dirty children.

Parents: No no no! We don't like advice!

I'm afraid that each of your advice
The guys are only to the detriment!

One more tip! I can show you how to assemble a portfolio.
(The untidy quickly collects the briefcase, throwing everything he sees there. The presenter analyzes her actions.)
Now, Untidy, see how the children complete this task.
Well, I'll take a look...
If the children are careful
Carefully and neatly
Will be able to complete the lesson -
I will open the lock for you!


Untidy: (sad)
As sad as it is to agree
But I have to confess
There are no bad guys among you.
Ah, what order are you!

Cheer me up with your beautiful singing.

song "Stubborn ducks"


I open my lock.
What's the letter here, buddy?
Children: "A"
Goodbye, I have to go!


Vasilisa: And now the game is waiting for you, called "Merry Score!"

Game "Funny score"

(Children dance to the music, at the end Vasilisa raises the number 1,2,3 - the children stand in pairs, threes and one at a time)


That's how we played together

We removed the third lock.


What is the letter on this lock?

The correct letter is "N"


And now my friends
It's time to rest.
You entertain your guests
Show me your dance.

This is not an easy thing - musical science.
So that we can remove the lock -
We need to play music.

Try your best,

Sing a song you on "BRAVO!"


You get five for the lesson - another lock is open!

It was not easy, there is a letter on the lock ... "I"!


Still waiting for a key lock.
What are we to do, friends?
After all, that castle is not simple,
And the castle is cunning.

Vasilisa: (Remembering)
How did I not guess?!
This Klyaksa tried!
To open the castle for us -
You need to defeat Klyaks.
(Blot runs to the music)
I can't be defeated!
I don't-po-be-di-ma-i!!!
I live in any notebook
I'm a friend of Untidy.
Who doesn't know me?
Soon I will come to your house.
I'll ask a question. Friends, -
Everyone shout loudly: "I!"

Who loves to smile?
- Who likes to exercise?
- Who is honest and obedient?
- Who likes to beat the buckets?
- Who likes to bathe?
- Who likes to get hot?
Who brushes their teeth in the morning?
- And who is bad and rude?
- Who washes their ears?
- Who likes to listen to songs?
- And who plays hide and seek?
- And who is the Untidy here?
- Who likes to play here?
- Who likes to dance?
- Who is the most beautiful here?
Who is lazy then?
- Who wants to go to school?
- Who is kind and cheerful?
- Who likes to make faces?
- Who looks like me?
(At each mistake of the children, Klyaksa rejoices. At the end, she expresses dissatisfaction that the children do not want to be like her and be friends with her)

It is clear to all our children:
It's dangerous to be friends with Klyaksa!
To break her spell
We need to play fast.
Let's have fun playing
We will look for letters.
"GAME "Make a Word"

Children are scattered. Each child has a card in their hands (PE - NAL, SHKO - LA, RUC - KA, BUK - VA, PAR - TA, ZVO - NOK, etc.)

Light music sounds; children run around the hall; with the end of the music, those children who have a card with the first syllable stop facing the audience; children who have a second syllable are looking for their “half” and stand next to them.

Blot: Ah well! You have letters on the cards, and I have on funny slippers, come in to me sweethearts!

The game "Smart paws or funny slippers"

4 pairs of slippers are required to play. Letters are randomly pasted on them, from which the word "Change" can be formed. Call 4 students to the central wall, and slippers are displayed at the other end of the hall. On command, the children run, put on slippers, return to the central wall and try to make a word.

So not fun to play
And it's completely unfair!
Children already know the letters

Think very fast!
I am no longer friends with you.
All! I'm leaving you!
(Angry Blob leaves)

You put the letters into words
And the castle was opened!
(Flips next lock)
Who has read? Who made it?..
What is the letter? Letter…
Children: "K"

And now the graduates

They will break our castles.


Preschool childhood is a golden time,

Happy days round dance.
It's a shame they go by so fast.

And now the school is waiting for you.
Today is a solemn day!

Girls are so divine

And the boys are all strict.

Graduates are worried - And how not to worry!
After all, soon they will go to school,

Go to class first.

And now our graduates are invited to the stage, who will go to the first grade in September.

1. I turned seven years old this year,

Now I'm big, I'm going to study!

Mom worked, cut, hurried,

My mother made me an apron with frills.

They bought me a beautiful, shiny briefcase,

Just like daddy, very real.

I will try, I will not be lazy.

I am very happy that I am a student!

2. I'm just a little worried, but still very glad

After all, in a quiet hour, I don’t need to sleep at all anymore,
I will soon sit down at the desk, and I will learn a lot ...

I really, really like that I'm already big!

3. Of course, the school will be interesting, After all, the school is an amazing place!
Learn to read, write in notebooks, I think everything will be all right!
4. And in my eyes, as if a speck:

A teardrop is about to roll,
And I want to go to school, but it’s hard to part with toys! ..

5. We'll sing goodbye, give everyone this song

And let it fly around the wide world on a spring day.


Here hangs the last castle,
Difficult castle, magical.
It's not just musical.
Music and dance!
Boys, get up quick
Invite the girls to the Waltz.


Farewell waltz, a little sad

It is not easy to spin in it.

farewell waltz,

In a light prom dress.

DANCE "Waltz"

Vasilisa: (turns the lock)
Here I unlocked the lock.
There is a letter here...
Children: "y"!


We all the locks, friends, opened together,

They turned them into a cherished word!

Children in chorus read: "KA-NI-KU-LY."


Vasilisa (opens the chest):

Here for you my friends
I saved gifts.

Everything you need for school
New and happy life!
I believe that among you
There is no mess and Blot,
That school notebooks
You will be all right.
Be smart guys
Good luck to you, schoolchildren and preschoolers!
(Vasilisa says goodbye to the children and leaves)


What is in our chest?

(diplomas, gifts and the bell "BELL")

The last bell is ringing.

Presentation of diplomas, certificates, gifts.

Sections: Extracurricular work

The holiday takes place in the assembly hall, the hall is colorfully decorated. Children of this parallel lead the whole holiday, perform musical numbers. Preparing a presentation on the nominations.

The holiday begins with the song “Last Bell” performed by the 7th grade ensemble “Romance”.

Spring-spring, drops ringing
And the merry chirping of birds!
Spring-spring, magical dream -
Wonderful colors waiting!

You have vivacity and enthusiasm!
And every day is lived with delight!
And in school for a very long time
In the spring every year they sum up!

We invite everyone to bright holiday,
A holiday of joy, fun, laughter!
Let the brave wind burst into the windows,
And another school milestone will be carried away with him!

We will return again to these walls
A little grown up, but still children,
The same Guli, Petit, Dili, Lena,
But we will get better, believe me!

We will gnaw deeper on the granite of science,
There will be fewer childish frills.
We swear in the classroom not to yawn from boredom,
But it will only be, but for now, congratulate us!

2 ved. Good afternoon We sincerely welcome you to our holiday.

3 Vedas. We really want smiles of happiness to light up on your faces ...

4 led. We are happy that a fun summer vacation awaits us ahead ...

1 led. And happiness that we will meet with you again in three short months

The holiday continues with a musical number - dance ensemble "Friendship"

1 led. - Ladies and gentlemen!

2 led. - Ladies and gentlemen!

1 led. - Friends, comrades!

2 led. – And now we will ask our esteemed director V.V. Parfenov.

1 led. – Dear Vyacheslav Viktorovich, let me interview you.

2 led. – Have you not been very upset with us during this year?

1 led. – How would you like to see us next year?

All ved. We promise to get better.

The word is given to the principal of the school. And according to school tradition, the principal rewards excellent students. who are awarded a commendation sheet and an excellent student badge. Help to reward - the guys of the 10th grade, contenders for the gold medal and the winners of the Republican Olympiads.


1 led. The word for congratulations to all excellent students of this parallel is given to the winner of the Republican Olympiad in Physics, Mathematics, Informatics Farkhutdinov Tagir 10th grade student

The response word of excellent students ( children are invited to prepare a short speech in advance in 3 languages: Russian, Tatar, English, where they could express their gratitude to teachers, parents)

They tried - word of honor!
Science is hard to understand
But not bad news either.
That only one is four, not five!

The holiday continues with a musical number - guitar -Barsukov Anton 7B

2 led. In nomination “Overcoming -2009” are awarded ... (children who have overcome their bar and finished the year with 1 “4”, for whom this is a great success!)

“Overcoming – 2009” invited Deputy Director for educational work Razumova Lyubov Ivanovna and the winner of the Republican Olympiad in English, the winner of the scientific and practical conference Alexander Vatskov, a student of grade 10A.

Rewarding. And wishes to all the guys.

My friends, do not hang your nose!
After all, exactly one year later,
Will you take this cross
And people will be added to the excellent students!

The holiday continues the dance with fans - the ensemble "Surprise"

Olympus is the steep mountain of the Gods.
The Olympics are not easier than this steep!
They are torturing themselves
We made our way to Olympus through the clouds!

In nomination “Olympics -2009“Awarded…

For awards in the nomination “Olympic Games – 2009” the winner of the city, republican Olympiads in Russian language and literature is invited Karine's haircut 10 A class student


Children's response.

Guys, you are not gods -
They won't give you wings.
Only hard roads
They will bring you back to Olympus!

The holiday continues with a song in performance Rakhmatullina Robert "My friends"

They are envied by both the Romans and the Greeks
They are our athletes.
They will conquer mountains, rivers,
Both the eldest and the youngest.

In nomination “Sport -2009“Awarded…

For awards in the nomination “Sport– 2009” the winner of the All-Russian competitions in "Judo" is invited Kalugina Anna student 11th grade


Sport is not for the weak
But you, friends, are strong as Lions!
We believe in victory, in your glory.
You will jump over your head!

The holiday is continued by the winner of the city and republican competition of readers Volkov Valery - an appeal dedicated to the year of sports.

Dance "Kankan" - Ensemble "Friendship"

Rus' is rich in a scattering of talents:
Poets, artists, singers...
And among us there are future grants -
Various works of art daring!

In nomination “Talent -2009“Awarded…

For awards in the nomination "Talent - 2009" the owner of the "Golden Diploma" of the international competition-festival of children's and youth creativity "Wind Rose" in the nomination "Pop Vocal" is invited; laureate of the international competition-festival of children's and youth creativity "Wind Rose" in the nomination "Variety vocal" (II place); winner of the international art festival “Week of Russian Culture in France”; Laureate of the International Competition-Festival “Autumn Artistic Meetings in Poland “Luck Talisman” nomination “Folk Vocal” (II place), nomination “Variety Vocal” (III place) laureate of the International Competition-Festival of Children and Youth “ autumn fairy tale” in the Czech Republic (I place) Gafiatullina Almira 9th grade student


The world without music is so small.
Presen without pictures and songs.
Friends create, you are needed!
Give warmth, for this they were born!

The holiday continues with the song performed by Anastasia Redkina “A drop of summer”

2 led. In this hall are those who are dear to us endlessly. Who helps us with advice and hope. You are always there and today you are with us.

Parents is a native word,
For us, there is no closer mother, father.
Your eyes always give joy,
So let the sadness disappear from your face.

The kindness of parents - what could be more beautiful
And so that everything goes well with us -
Give us parenting advice!

A word to parents and their musical number for the children.

Again a call with an iridescent trill
How to count the years.
The school will meet us with an open door,
She is always happy for us.

How many worries, hopes and worries
We are connected with you!
You open the way to the big world for us,
You have become our own.

In the meantime, we say: "Goodbye!"
Summer is waiting for us.
Sun, wind, water spray
All: Holidays ahead! Hooray!

The holiday ends with the song of the ensemble of boys of the 7th grade "Good deed".

Music sounds

Vedas: Good morning, Dear guests!

ved. - Good spring morning, dear children and teachers!

ved. - We welcome everyone to the traditional line dedicated to the end of the school year.

ved. - Here he comes, the last day of school,

May is a magician

admire yourself

Showered generously tender lilac

Lilac fragrant flowers.

ved. Control, lessons behind!

Let's say together we will answer!

Strengthens our strength

And our spirit tempers!

Performance of the Zarnitsa team.




    Thank you dear parents

Happiness to you, health, long years!

We have always seen helpers in you,

We don't have anyone else!

    For warmth, for your kind souls

And for helping us

For care and patience for a long time

Grateful and thank you!

    The word for the award is given ...


Friends! We often say words

What the great genius wrote:

"Master, before your name

Let me humbly kneel!

Thank you my teachers

For your hard and great work!

The earth is famous for teachers,

Her disciples will bring glory to her.

To the music, the presentation of flowers to teachers.

    Our holiday is coming to an end! And along with it, the academic year, which brought many victories and good fame to our beloved 529 school. This is our common merit.

    Lessons are over at school

We moved to the senior class,

Lie down in the sun

The river invites us.

    We'll take a break for the summer

Let's gather strength

And at the beginning of September

Holiday script

"Inseparable friends - adults and children", dedicated to the end of the school year.

Dear children, dear parents and guests!
Today can be a very different day
But he must be beautiful today.
Summing up the results at school
And let's remember what we remember more.
May is leaving so summer is near
Vacation welcomes you
Though it's hard to be a poet
But they can not be now.
And remember how we lived
in a difficult year
how fast we became friends
And they ran after each other.

Yes, the year has flown by. And what just was not during this time. There were tears, sorrows, but there was also joy and pride from the success of each and from great collective victories. This year has not been in vain for you guys. You have learned a lot, you have matured and wised up. May the sixth grade remain positive and successful in your memory. May all the victories and good undertakings that you had this academic year become the key to new victories and achievements in your life, which, I am sure, you will have a lot more. And today we have a holiday for all of us, both children and parents, "Inseparable friends - adults and children." And the guys and I have prepared a small program to cheer you up, and who has it so good to consolidate. To begin with, let's all look at the slides together about how this year went in our class, we will see the most bright moments, let's remember this school year and try to remember everything only good, and forget all the insults and sorrows completely.


Like all children of this age, our guys are very fond of dreaming. Listen, they will tell you about it themselves.

Silence in our class
For some reason I can't hear:
The line will fall
That gum will disappear
That under the desk of his Olya
Someone's slippers will find.

Someone grunts, someone barks,
Someone creaks, someone champs.

"Quiet! Sit down!” -
The teacher tells us.
Nothing happened again
We don't hear silence!

Flies through open windows

Nice spring day.

And everyone dreams

Dreaming of something

And maybe that day is not far off...

I dream of swimming like a fish.

And I, like a bird, fly.

I dream of distant countries

I want to travel all over the world.

I want to understand

foreign guests

And have conversations with them.

And I dream of becoming a great geneticist,
To solve the problems of old age!
And in the new century of the new millennium
Give immortality to a person!

All: But why?

But because since childhood I want to know:
Is it true or is it a lie
That parrots live 200 years?

I dream of becoming a builder
And build a house without corners.

All: Why?
Vadim: So that she could no longer love very much,
Mom put me in the corner! ..

I dream of becoming the head of the Central Bank,
The whole world to surprise in Russian:
all: how?

: Buy a ticket to a distant planet,

And send all the teachers there to live.

And my mother dreams for me
Dad, grandma, friends...
Everyone gives me advice in vying,
But I'll still be myself!

Ilya: And I want to be just a good man,
So that we can cheerfully walk in step with the coming century!

All: To keep up together - how is it?

Ilya: Know more, sleep less,
Protect girls at school
Be polite everywhere, always!
Do you want to eat candy?

Ilya: And the magic word?

All: Come on!


Dear adults, please, serious ones,
Don't frown on beautiful faces!
Do you remember your childhood
And let in your heart
The song will be repeated!

The song "Where does childhood go?" Tikhonova Nastya


We've grown big
Let's move on to 7th grade!
Today on this holiday
We dance for you!

perform a dance _________________

We are now for you, friends,
Let's sing ditties.
You delve into the content
Perk up your ears.

Olya, Ilmira, Maryam, Olya, Anya

Tired of being kids
We envy adults.
They don't have lessons to teach
They sit at the TV.

You walk all day cheerful
No need for school
And it's easy to work
It's good to be an adult.

What's wrong with this school?
Dad is tormented by a question
The boys decided
In the corridors, issue a cross.

Where can we sing, where can we dance?
The school is very crowded.
To chat with a friend
Not enough space.

Mom, dad and brother
That's all my family
Oh thank you dear.
That you are all I have...

Oh, today is a holiday in the house
Cabbage pies.
Vadik learned the lessons
All and even oral.

What are the gaps in the notebook?
Mom got angry.
- Well, - Lyosha explains -
Place for advertising!

Dad, mom, dear,
What is your allergy?
How do you take notebooks
Everyone is shaking in a fever.

Drink, children, milk
It's not easy to learn!
For education
Brains need food.

Mom laments loudly:
How is the program changing?
According to the notebooks of Vasya's son
I don't know what class he's in...

Oh, today at six o'clock
Parents meeting!
Put on a pillow
To the place of punishment.

We sang ditties to you
Is it good, is it bad
And now we ask you
For you to clap us.

And now we will see a scene in which children dream of exchanging places with adults. ( The scene was remade based on the story by V. Dragunsky “By”)

Natasha. How nice it would be if everything in the world were the other way around. So that children are in charge in all matters, and adults would obey them.

Maryam. Precisely, so that adults would be like children, and children like adults ...

Zhenya. Yes... Dad wouldn't like it

Dasha. And my mom too...

Sasha. And there is nothing to say about the grandmother.

Zhenya: I would remember everything for them ... (Dreams) If my mother were sitting at dinner, and I would say to her: “Why did you start a fashion to eat without bread? Here's more news! Look at yourself in the mirror, who do you look like! Poured Koschey! Eat now, they tell you!”.

And she would eat with her head down, and I would only give commands: “Faster! Don't hold on to your cheek? Thinking again? Are you solving the world's problems? Chew properly, you are my punishment! And don't swing in your chair!"

Natasha. And then dad would come from work, and he would not have time to undress, and I would have already screamed: “Aha, he came! You always have to wait! My hands now! As it should be, as it should be mine, there is no need to smear the dirt! After you, the towel is scary to look at. Brush three and do not spare soap. Come on, show me your nails. It's horror, not nails! It's just claws. Where are the scissors? Don't twitch! I do not cut with any meat, but I cut it very carefully. Don't sniffle. You are not a girl! That's it, now sit down at the table!”

He would sit down at the table, and they would begin to talk quietly with their mother. And I would have screamed immediately: “Talk at the table! When I eat, I am deaf and dumb! Remember it Golden Rule for life. Dad! Put down the paper now, woe is mine!”

Maryam. And they would sit at the table like silk. And when my grandmother came from a walk, I would squint, throw up my hands and say: “Dad, mom, admire our granny! What a view! The chest is open, the hat is on its side, the cheeks are red, the neck is all wet! Okay, nothing to say! Admit it, did you play hockey again? What is that dirty stick? Why did you bring her into the house? What? Is this a stick? Get her out of my sight now!”

Zhenya. Here I would have walked around the room, I would have told all three of them: “After dinner, sit down for lessons, and we will go to the cinema!”

Natasha. Of course, they would have whined and whimpered, “We are with you, and we also want to!”

Maryam. And we would answer them: “Nothing, nothing! Yesterday we went to a birthday party, on Sunday I took you to the circus. Look, I liked to have fun every day! Sit at home! Here you have 30 rubles for ice cream, and that’s it!”

Zhenya. Then the grandmother would have prayed: “Take at least me! After all, each child can take one adult for free!”

Natasha. And I would have answered her: “Adults over seventy are not allowed to see this film! Stay at home, ghoul!"

Maryam. And I would walk past them, deliberately stamping my heels. I would pretend not to notice that their eyes were wet.

Natasha. I would spin in front of the mirror, humming, and they ...

“Are you still sitting? Eat now! Look who you look like! Poured Koshchei!!!”

Teacher. Applause to our actors. You have seen what wonderful artists our guys are. And now we will see how artistic our adults are. We'll put on a little play. I will be the director. You will only need to portray what the director says.

Characters (Parents are invited): "SEA"

Dance _____________

The contest "Ringing of songs" is held. In turn, at the signal of the host, children and adults sing 1 verse from famous children's songs, a line for adults, a line for children.

"Blue wagon", "From a smile",

And now famous anthropologists will explain to us who are adults with scientific point vision

Vadim: Who are the adults? Adults, as a species, include the following subspecies: mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers (ours and others), uncles and aunts (ours and neighbors).

Lena: Adults play an important role in providing children with candy, cookies, chewing gum and a variety of toys.

Vadim: All adults hibernate in the evenings and persistently persuade children to follow their example.

Lena: During daylight hours, adults usually hide, hiding in some place. This place they call work.

Vadim:. Who are these mothers? Appearance they resemble girls, but are much larger. They love to lose weight. Every day they hunt for garbage, but they do not eat it.

Lena Who are these dads? They have a strong body, overgrown with thick hair on the chin and under the nose. Dad's neck is strong: the whole family can sit on it. Dad usually eats what mom gives him, for which dad gives her something for March 8.

Vadim: Attention! Dangerous adults are found in nature. Who are they? Dentist: armed with forceps and a drill. Terribly dangerous. Does not touch only those who brush their teeth 2 times a day.

Lena. A simple doctor: armed with a syringe and needle, pills. Dangerous but useful.

Vadim:. Hairdresser: armed with scissors. Bald people are generally harmless.

Lena. Teacher: armed with a red pen, can put a deuce. After school, almost harmless.

Vadim: Are children and adults different or the same? Look in the mirror carefully. Similar? That's it! After all, we, children, are your reduced copy. That's all that was required to prove!

And now I would like to give the floor to the parents. They will say parting words to you, as is customary.


Here is the desired time:
You are in the seventh grade.
Well, listen to us
We will give you all orders.

Wake up early in the morning
Wash well
In order not to yawn at school,
Do not peck your nose at the desk.

Get used to everything in order:
Don't play hide-and-seek with things
Treasure every book
Keep your briefcase clean.

Dress neatly
To be pleasant to look at
Don't giggle in class
Do not move the chair back and forth.

Don't tease, don't be arrogant
Try to help everyone at school.
Don't freak out. Be bold.
And you will find friends.

You have work ahead of you.
Solutions ahead.
There will be new worries
There will be new doubts.

Your path will not be smooth
Step on it boldly.
Let from any shortcomings
Mind and body do not suffer.

That's all our advice.
They are wiser and easier.
You can't forget them
Good luck, be brave, friends!

Summer is ahead, I wish you a good vacation, so that you can fully rest, gain health, harden your body, so that in the fall we all meet again with renewed vigor and a great desire to take up studies. Well, now the song is about summer, because it will come to us exactly in a week. Let's eat everything.

Song Starry Summer
