What to do if the ex-wife took all the property. The young man does not give up my personal belongings The wife does not give up personal belongings what to do

When declaring the division of things taken out by the spouse, one should remember the need to provide the court with documents confirming the fact of their acquisition - receipts, checks, etc. Without the provision of written (documentary) evidence, the division of the exported items cannot be made.

How to seize property in a divorce

Evidence in a property dispute can be very diverse - contracts, certificates of ownership, cadastral, technical, appraisal documents, receipts, checks, certificates, bank statements, other documents, photographs, testimonies, audio and video recordings.

The spouse wants to take the common property for himself, what to do

Moreover, it applies to any property that was acquired during the marriage. Here, of course, the question may arise, what if the property was not acquired during the marriage, but was before the marriage relationship appeared. In such a case, the property is still the property of one of the spouses whose property it was.

1. The division of the common property of the spouses may be carried out both during the period of marriage and after its dissolution at the request of any of the spouses, as well as in the event that the creditor claims the division of the common property of the spouses in order to levy execution on the share of one of the spouses in the common property of the spouses.

YurClub Conference

What could be theft here? The usual dispute about the procedure for using common property or about the ownership of property. The police won't help. For a husband, the situation is, to put it mildly, difficult. It is necessary to file a claim for the division of property, to try to seize everything that is possible. But in general, it is too late to drink Borjomi.

Is a wife liable for her husband's loan?

As you can see, the consequences can be extremely negative, but at least the bank does not have the right to take away the wife’s salary in this case. And he will not leave him without housing either - real estate, if it is the only dwelling of the family, according to the law, no one has the right to seize.

Can a wife's loan debt be recovered from her husband and vice versa

However, it is important to remember that it is possible to foreclose on the common property and on the personal property of the debtor's spouse (wife) only if there is an appropriate court decision. In other words, if enforcement proceedings were initiated only against the husband (the wife did not act as a co-respondent), then the bailiff does not have the right to describe and confiscate her share. That is, the provisions of Art. 80 of the Federal Law No. 229-FZ "On Enforcement Proceedings" (in more detail about the methods of debt collection and the rights of bailiffs). In this case, the wife will have to declare her rights to specific property or a share in real estate, which the bailiff will not be able to withdraw.

Can my ex-husband damage my property after a divorce? There was no division of property

5. Items purchased exclusively to meet the needs of underage children (clothes, shoes, school and sports supplies, musical instruments, a children's library, and others) are not subject to division and are transferred without compensation to the spouse with whom the children live.

Ex-wife removes things from the apartment that do not belong to her

The ex-wife of my husband, for two years, periodically comes to their joint apartment and takes out things. Things are taken out by strangers that do not belong to her and never belonged. The husband changed the locks, but she picked them, and the police say that since she is also the owner, she can take out anything. But her things have not been there for a long time, two years have passed since the divorce. The apartment already has my things and the things of our little son. What to do, if ex-wife does he take our things to himself? Is this theft? How should I act in such a situation?

How to get back your things that the ex-wife does not give

Pavel, good afternoon. You need to send a written notice to your ex-wife by registered mail with a notification and demand to provide you with your property located in her apartment, where you do not have access, while listing all the property belonging to you that was not recognized by the court as common property. In case of dissatisfaction ex-wife Your claims within a reasonable time, file a claim with the court at the location of the former spouse for the recovery of property from someone else's illegal possession (vindication claim). According to the court decision, the ex-spouse will be obliged to return your property to you. If she evades the execution of the court decision on a voluntary basis, you have the right to receive a writ of execution and receive your property forcibly by contacting the bailiff service. Sincerely.

What to do if the ex-wife took all the property

It is interesting to understand the psychology of ex-wives. during a divorce and after - ex-husbands are poured with mud, and when a new relationship appears with the former, they begin to call, “put pressure” on the child’s nerves. BUT NOT ALL GIRLS DO THIS. there are life examples where the former behave with dignity, and there are examples of “I’d better keep silent”.

How to take your property out of your husband's apartment

In October, by means of threats, he forced her to return, along with her belongings (which had previously been divided by themselves). We lived together for a month, again fights, beatings, coercion in criminal cases to give false testimony (in criminal cases she is an important witness). She left again. In December, there was one criminal case - Art. 139 part 1, sentence - guilty. There is one more case left, combined 2 in 1 (threat to life and beating) - a real term threatens. IN this moment he disappeared, most likely hiding (although he may have been nailed - he spoiled a lot of people ...). They will be put on the criminal wanted list.

How to take your property from a former partner

The fact is that your ex-spouse will most likely tell the police that he also partially financed the purchase of this property during the period of your joint residence, and therefore it will be simply impossible to see the elements of a criminal offense in his actions, which will become a direct obstacle to the real initiation of a criminal cases by the police. However, if you immediately file a lawsuit without contacting the police, then you will also have to prove the fact that the disputed property is really with your former partner, and to do this, as practice shows in cases where the defendant denies this fact is a very difficult case, but to lie he will not become the police, because he understands perfectly well that his property will definitely be found.

Legal advice in Yekaterinburg

A business is either an individual entrepreneur or an LLC (as a rule). And the concealment of business here means the concealment of property, that is, goods, materials, machine tools, equipment, etc. If the wife, for example, has a store, then the mass of goods can either be taken out (hidden), or re-registered for another LLC (fictitiously sold).

What to do if the ex-wife took all the property

Thus, you can count on the division of common property for the first two years of cohabitation, but.. You will need to statement of claim state all the actual circumstances and describe in great detail all the facts of buying expensive things. If possible, attach documents with which you can confirm the facts of the acquisition of property. Indicate witnesses (friends, acquaintances, relatives) who can confirm both the fact of living together and maintaining a common household, and the fact of making large purchases. Indicate what kind of property you are applying for and its value (according to the documents). Indicate what you consider disputed property general, since it was purchased with the money of both cohabitants for sharing.

Good evening!
For the first time on such forums, there is an urgent need to speak out and get an opinion from the outside.
I have such a situation .. I am a girl arriving, I moved to the capital six months ago with a clear plan in my head - to find a job, rent a house, and there you can think about your personal life. But as life shows, our plans are often not carried out the way we see it. I was looking for a job for three months, I managed to survive my first stress, but just as successfully get out of it. I accidentally met a native Muscovite, intelligent, smart and self-sufficient. In the course of meeting, I realized that he was in the process of a divorce, so I did not build far-reaching plans for him, I decided that I would just enjoy communication and his company in attending various events together. In the course of communication, it turned out that we were carried away by each other, there was romance and intimacy. I didn’t put pressure on him, I didn’t get into his problems, I didn’t impose and didn’t bother, because I saw that he sometimes closed in on himself. Once he mentioned that his ex-wife continues to call him, and he, out of pity for her (she is also visiting), despite the absence of joint children, helps her financially. There were absolutely no things left of her in his apartment, but, of course, I understood in my head that anything could happen - his wife would return, he would cut off our communication, finally closing in on the feelings of divorce, he would want to be alone, etc. Openly I talked to him and asked him to be honest, if he is not ready for a new page in his life, just tell me about it, I will understand everything. I will say by the way that he behaved with dignity, looked after beautifully, a month of communication was a pleasant pastime and getting to know each other, until one moment ..
What happened was what I least expected - at one moment everything somehow fell on him .. My father has health problems, the former, who actively calls him and the accumulated negative, late at night, after a great weekend spent together, he merges on me O_o For a man who did nothing wrong to him. It was like a brick to the head. I will not describe what he told me, but it was very insulting, it was as if a completely different person was talking to me. The problem is that the next day I had to pick up my things from him, because we spent the weekend together in his apartment. Further - worse. He doesn’t give them to me.. The situation is so stupid that it goes beyond my understanding - until that night we went to the store together, he bought me pajamas, hygiene products with the words: “I want you to be comfortable with me” .. Nothing foreshadowed trouble. But now I can’t return my things, I sincerely don’t understand why he needs them, a small bag with casual wear, underwear, an expensive cosmetic bag and a book. After a night conversation, the next morning I asked him to return my things by taxi, courier, whatever. He turned on the fool. After a week of silence, he calls, wildly apologizes, makes an appointment with me and swears that he will return the things to me personally and explain to me in private. From a telephone conversation, he understands that I am offended by him, said that "there are notes of aggression in my voice" and .. There comes the very moment when we were supposed to meet after work, I call him - he throws me off. I write - what about things? He reads and does not respond. The meeting didn't happen. The next day, flowers arrive at my office in the morning by courier, the postcard has a strange content about "my beautiful soul, passion and fire await us ahead, yours ..". I didn't react. I just don't know how to react to it at all. In our last correspondence a week ago, he wrote to me himself, asked how things were going, said that he had finally closed in on himself, periodically remembers me that he likes me a lot, that he is trying to figure out his life, that the former is calling .. For the third time I ask him to return my things, I inform you that I do not want to participate in the showdown of a couple of people. And again silence .. And there are no things .. Do you think things will return to me? Maybe when it cools down? Three times I asked him to return it and sincerely I don’t understand what’s stopping him and why he needs other people’s women’s things in the apartment

give advice on how to behave at a meeting, he did not explain the reason for the breakup, but I think there is no point in asking, I'm just so worried because I love him please support me. Or is it better not to go to meet him at all, because he will see that it hurts my pride to amuse ((((((how should I behave, I'm confused.

Psychology Forum

All this is very sad, of course, but I advise you to pull yourself together, calm down and look for another girl. And with this one you can’t cook porridge - the train has already left, and don’t even try to return it, don’t waste your nerves and strength on this thankless task. You are still very young, everything is ahead of you and new relationships too.

Husband left but didn't take things

The union of two people in the modern world is not based on the need for survival. Now a woman can easily live without a man, especially in a large city. Marriage is based not only on a sense of duty, but also implies a desire to be together and something of value that this union can give each other. And that is the quality of the relationship.

Sergey Kalmov

As a rule, it is better for the child to stay with the mother. It is not known how the husband's mistress will treat him, and the mother is the mother. The exception is when the child is old enough to express his opinion and he wants to live with his father. This is speaking in general, a specific situation requires a specific, individual approach.

Husband does not give things

Do not write nonsense. What is the decision to refuse to initiate a UD? I know very well what Art. 24 Code of Criminal Procedure. I repeat for the third time: a case of a civil nature. The division of property takes place either at the notary or with the court. No need to make bouncers out of police officers.

Ex-husband won't take things

I also warned him many times, then my patience ran out, I collected his things and put him on the stairwell. He came home, rang the doorbell, I didn’t open it for him, said through the door, take your things and leave. Then she went to court and divorced him. I haven't seen him since. Lana, I'm also going to file for divorce and alimony, I already went to court, rewrote sample applications. But we must first kick him out, because the statement says since when we have not lived together and have not run a joint household.

Ex-wife won't pick up her stuff from my apartment

After the divorce, my ex-wife's belongings remained in my apartment (clothing, books, magazines, kitchen utensils.), There are no claims for the division of property. The letters repeatedly asked her to pick up her belongings, but received no response. Do I have the right to throw these things away? Is my ex-spouse required to collect her belongings and is there a legal deadline for doing so? Thank you in advance!

Ex-husband won't take things

Is he registered with you? Victoria, he is registered with his parents, who live outside the city. So I’m thinking of taking his things myself (because he won’t leave in any way) to his parents or putting him out the door (then all the neighbors will know, but I wouldn’t want to, and he will also ring the doorbell, alarm everyone, we live in an apartment not alone, there are still relatives).

If the ex does not pick up things what to do

Hello, tell me please, I have the following situation, in September last year, Ms. Popova got a job at my company as a company lawyer, within a week she created unbearable conditions for the company's employees, after which they were fired due to own will, respectively, since we are a young company and have not yet recruited a permanent staff, there was no one to work in the office, (we are engaged in visa support), respectively, all the company's clients fell on my shoulders as a director, and Popova began to perform only the functions of a secretary, with grief in half we found a new courier, and I didn’t even physically have the strength to deal with the rest of the staff.

Ex-husband won't take things

Natasha, I really sympathize with you. All this is beyond human strength. But we must pull ourselves together and stop tantrums, for the sake of ourselves and our daughter. If you cannot cope on your own, turn to God for help. There is no need for any special prayers, just ask "God help." Ask sincerely, ask until it becomes easier, and it will be easier for sure. Now about your husband's head. So he doesn’t have it now, he thinks in a completely different place and does not understand what he is doing. In no case do not allow your daughter to communicate with his passion, so as not to spoil the psyche of the child and try to convince her husband not to do such things anymore.

MCH does not take his things in any way

I am not a psychologist. Faced the same. It seems to me that in this way a man shows that you are still his “territory”. Even if you broke up, he always has a reason to contact you, come, like, for things, and there, it will be clear and who knows how long the epic with things will drag on.

Ex-husband won't take things

With my ex-husband, we entered into a settlement agreement, which states that he has the right to come to the apartment at a certain time, warning me about his arrival for an hour. But he comes at any time, and tries to come when neither I nor my son are at home.

About husbands

As for the question " what to do with the things of the spouse?”, then everything is simple: WHAT YOU WANT. If you want, then tear it apart, burn it, but if you want, return it nobly by throwing it through a window or from a balcony. Things, unlike relationships, can be bought, so ruining them is not so scary.

She was married for 2 years, but lived together for 3 years. The husband changed the locks in the house and does not give me my things, and not just the property. It is impossible to agree with him on a voluntary division. What is the best way to divide property? His income was much more than mine, he is a director, and I work as an economist. In marriage, we bought a car, made repairs in the house, bought household appliances.


If ex-husband and the wife cannot reach an understanding and share what they have acquired in marriage, one should file a lawsuit in court.
The rules by which it is carried out are established by the Family and Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
Conducting a case in court involves the preparation and filing of a claim, participation in court hearings, presentation of arguments and evidence. After evaluating the arguments of the parties and the evidence presented, the court makes a decision stating what exactly is transferred to the plaintiff and the defendant, and if it is impossible or inappropriate to divide equally, then it indicates the recovery of monetary compensation from one of the parties or establishes shared ownership of the property.

Actual. Division of property upon the death of a husband or wife:

How exactly to divide, that is, what and to whom to transfer, is proposed by the parties themselves. They should explain why it should be done that way and not otherwise. For example, both parties can demand that the car go to the other party, and she must be compensated. Then the court will incline to the arguments of the party that proves that the other party needs the car more, for example, that it was the latter who drove the car in marriage, continues to use it after the divorce, etc.
When paying compensation, the court must be guided by the current market price of the property.

Who and in what amount received income in marriage has no legal significance.
