How to hide pregnancy: from parents, at work and from friends. hide with clothes

Many young girls do not want to flaunt their pregnancy. This desire can appear for many reasons. For example, some are ashamed of their position, first pregnancy, age under 18, and much more. There are more good reasons- fear that they will be fired from work, you need to take a loan or mortgage from a bank, and in this case they do not like pregnant women.

The most common method is abdominal contraction. Up to three months, in principle, it is not visible, so it is not worth pulling it away during this period. Pulling will cause deformation internal organs who need access to oxygen, and pinching important arteries, veins, and even some blood vessels can lead to disastrous consequences. With a longer period, the child needs sufficient volume so that he can move, "breathe" and form normally. Here, pulling the stomach will also be superfluous, even for half an hour or a couple of hours.

There are several other ways to hide a pregnancy. Some of them will "pass" only up to 6 months of pregnancy, in rare cases, you can hide your position until the birth itself. But again, depending on who needs to be deceived and for how long ...

If we are talking about colleagues at work, relatives and loved ones, then the situation is simpler. In this case, the pregnancy should be hidden from the very beginning and covered with the usual overweight for many women. But this also needs a reason, you can “blame” everything on a large volume, and in this case you have to move more and work harder. Thus, two “pluses” will be developed at once, the first - the movement will help keep yourself in good shape and make it easier to endure pregnancy, the second - there will be an opportunity to earn more money, which will be very useful after childbirth.

In this case, you should not go on a diet, but you should not gain 5 kg per month either. Colleagues should not notice an active image, they should see that you are spinning like a squirrel in a wheel, you do not have time to diet and do fitness. Here you know better than to argue better.

But the most important thing is clothes. She can emphasize and hide pregnancy. You just have to choose the right one. If possible, visually enlarge the chest, bras on foam rubber or silicone inserts will help. DO NOT wear clothes under the bust! Clothing should fall smoothly from the chest to the stomach, and not lie down on a protruding tummy. Clothes here need to be selected clearly in size, emphasize the chest and hide the waist.

In summer, you can use a light T-shirt or T-shirt that is tight-fitting, but not tight and loose. You can put on a light jacket on top to the hips. In winter, a fluffy mohair sweater or the like, with elastic at the hips, is perfect. Women's cardigans can also “cut off” the figure well, while emphasizing the chest. If you haven’t worn such things before, then declare publicly that you have changed your image or this sweater was fitted to you by your distant grandmother. And you can't refuse her.

If you have to go to the bank, you can dress a little tastelessly. In your position, you can afford it, the main thing is that you are not seen through before signing a loan or mortgage agreement.

A reader of mine once puzzled me with this question. She asked if there were any general rules- what to wear, what to combine with, how to dress so that no one guesses about your situation. Since I have already completed this amazing quest twice, I can say that there are rules. And they will be discussed under the cut.

Indeed, sometimes in life it happens that you don’t want to joyfully shout to the world that you are waiting for a miracle. Previous negative experience in the form of an accidentally interrupted pregnancy (not your fault), when all relatives, friends and colleagues knew that your baby would be born soon, and for some reason he changed his mind about being born ... leaves an imprint on the subsequent pregnancy. And also signs or just secrecy and unwillingness to share their own happiness ...

As you know, having burned yourself in milk, you begin to blow on the water. Not a word to relatives until they themselves notice a rounded belly, you reduce communication with friends to nothing, you are careful with colleagues and also hide ... I don’t want to convince anyone in this case, since it was with Vasilisa that I had such a “hidden” and a very nervous pregnancy. At that time, I was not ready to state this publicly. She sat quietly and calmly in her hole, waiting for the X hour ...

There is another reason why some women want to hide their pregnancy. It is known that our society, although condescending to such periods of life (and even encourages!), But does not make allowances for this. And if you occupy some significant post, your pregnancy becomes a stumbling block on the path of professional achievements. For example, I have even gotten used to the idea that now, having two young children in my arms, it is unlikely that anyone sane will hire me. "Are you going to have more children," my friend was asked at the interview. "No. I've had enough," she replied. - "But how? You are not even 30 yet! And besides, even this already existing baby will get sick, you will start taking sick leave" ... After such words, for example, I would not want to continue the conversation further. I would turn around and leave. Because there is no need to decide for me and for my children who and when will get sick. In general, I hate talking about illness! Especially when people themselves "plan" them. But back to the topic.

It is not easy to hide (at least as much as possible) your position. You will be betrayed by a swollen face, and various other hormonal manifestations ... Toxicosis and a reaction to smells ... Morning lateness and unwillingness to stay late at work in the evenings .. And if you can still easily cope with all this by joining an entertaining acting game and having brought to the surface all their theatrical skills, it is already more difficult with clothes.

How to hide your pregnancy with clothes?

1. Do not buy maternity clothes in specialized stores.
This is horror and hell. This is what will betray you immediately with all the giblets. Such clothes can be seen for 3 kilometers, even if your stomach is still almost invisible to others. Therefore, as long as possible do without it.

2. Choose things with a simple cut.
Additional ruffles, flounces, skirts in several rows, jackets with patch pockets, and so on in everyday life are difficult wardrobe items that deserve more careful selection and "inclusion" in the daily look, not to mention pregnancy. Refuse any "complexity" in principle. Simple loose dresses with a V-neck will add more points to you than any 10 speckled and fancy ones.

3. natural fabrics, natural colors, lack of large drawings.
It is very important to surround yourself with calm things from beginning to end. Choosing something flashy, bright and intrusive, you draw much more attention to yourself than you would like.

4. Bulky sweaters to help you.
If your pregnancy fell on the cold season, then a barely noticeable tummy can be hidden with the help of sweaters. coarse knit. In the summer, layering also comes to the rescue - blouse + cardigan, big scarves, deep necklines will divert the attention of interlocutors, which will allow you to remain "invisible" as long as possible.

5. In no case do not wear something that will hold down your stomach, as this can harm both you and the unborn baby.
Everything is good within reason. And if your term is already long enough, and there is no reason for concern, it would be better to remain calm and confess to others. In this pregnancy, they began to ask me about my position even when the stomach was not yet visible (up to three months!). I do not know what worked in my case and why it was so easy to declassify me, but if such indecent and inappropriate questions arose - I honestly admitted - "Yes!" Why hide something that will become obvious to everyone very soon.

Take care of yourself and happy pregnancy!) It's worth it.

Many women, having learned about pregnancy, try to hide their " interesting position". Some are afraid of the "evil eye", the second - do not want to reveal the secret before marriage, the third - disguise their stomach in order to get a job. Life circumstances forcing future mother keep pregnancy a secret, everyone has their own. In today's publication, we will help you choose a wardrobe that allows you to disguise even a strongly protruding belly.

How to hide your belly during pregnancy with clothes

If you do not want to demonstrate your pregnancy, considering this situation a purely personal matter, then we suggest that you consider several options for clothing that allows you to disguise the “round man”. Modern designers offer expectant mothers a huge range of all kinds of outfits, tailored specifically for pregnant women. Therefore, for each you can choose a unique and beautiful outfit.

Let's start with underwear. It is made taking into account the anatomical forms of a pregnant woman, so it does not restrict movement, does not squeeze the stomach. With the help of slimming underpants or tights, as well as special bandages, you can effortlessly hide even a strongly protruding belly. We also recommend that you look for a good maternity bra. It will help emphasize the chest and divert attention from the stomach. Tight tights, loose tunics, and elongated cardigans are things that will help disguise pregnancy.

The main thing is that the clothes are comfortable. Never wear tight skinny jeans, skirts, dresses. These things not only highlight pregnant belly, but can also provide negative impact on fetal development.

Pants, blouses and other wardrobe items for expectant mothers should be comfortable, pleasant to the touch. Give preference to things made from natural materials: cotton, linen, knitwear. Starting in the second trimester, try to wear A-line shirts and tunics. They can be worn with shorts, jeans, trousers. If you prefer to wear dresses, then pay attention to models with a high waist and flared bottoms.

Also in your position can be worn bouffant skirts with jacket and blouse. Refuse hoodies and clothes of large sizes - in such an outfit a woman looks ridiculous. Replace straight skirts long sundress, voluminous sweater - knitted dress or tunic sweater. An excellent ensemble for expectant mothers can be leggings with a long T-shirt, shirt, blouse.

For going out, we recommend that you choose a dress with a loose cut with a high waist or a model with a slouchy ruffle. It is worth noting that a variety of patterns, embroidery, draperies will help hide the tummy, especially if the ornament fills the lower part of the costume. Choose clothes that distract the eye from the figure. These can be bright blouses with an interesting neckline in the chest area or a dress with an open back. In a word, clothes should be bright, free, interesting - then the outfit, and not your pregnant tummy, will attract the attention of the environment.

Concerning outerwear, then when choosing a coat, raincoat or jacket, straight-cut models should be preferred. A-line coat or down jacket is also suitable to hide the pregnancy. In this case, it is better to choose models with a bright pattern or ornament. This is necessary in order to distract others from your tummy.

And one more thing: accessories in maternity clothes play an important role. If you want to make your belly invisible, then cover it with a beautiful bag, shopper, suitcase. Long scarves, stoles, ponchos are a variety of accessories that allow you to hide your tummy from prying eyes in a matter of minutes. Large jewelry will help divert attention from the lower abdomen. It is recommended to wear it with straight cut clothes. It is better if the beads show off in the chest area. Also, to disguise pregnancy, you can use designer sleeveless jackets, fur vests, cardigans.

So, women who want to hide their pregnancy should use bright saturated colors, ornaments and accessories in their clothes. It is better to choose outfits with a free cut, but not too big and hoodie. Using the advice of experts, you can hide your pregnancy with the help of clothing almost until the very beginning of childbirth.

Especially for -Nadezhda Vitvitskaya

A well-known ancient sign says that a woman should hide her interesting position for as long as possible. This custom originates from ancient times, when medical care was at a primitive level and future women in labor relied on the will of God. One of the rituals of protecting a child from the evil eye and evil spirits of those times is the dressing of a pregnant woman in her husband's clothes. After that, she should work on an equal footing with everyone and not talk about her situation until the very birth.

Psychologists recommend sticking to this tradition for the first trimester. The expediency of its observance is explained by the fact that this period is considered the most dangerous for pregnancy and the fetus. Therefore, the future mother should take care of her psychological health, and excessive curiosity and guardianship of others will not help in this, but on the contrary, they can provoke stressful situations and even the threat of a breakdown.

In the first trimester, external anatomical changes do not appear, except that some have an increase in weight of 2-3 kg (for others, on the contrary, a decrease). But the appearance of nausea, dizziness and fatigue make it difficult to keep the pregnancy a secret. It is not always possible to hide these symptoms. You will have to work, as before, without counting on the support, understanding and sympathy of colleagues and superiors. People around you will begin to be interested in the reasons for your unimportant well-being. Therefore, you should always keep a ready answer in mind.

After the 5th month of pregnancy. The growth rate and size of the abdomen is individual for everyone. Therefore, there is no exact date when the position will become clear. If you are determined to keep the good news a secret for as long as possible, then be prepared to face some inconvenience.

If you and your husband decide not to let your parents know about your secret, relationship problems may arise. After all, your interesting position is the most desired event for future grandparents. Your good intention to keep a secret can be perceived as distrust. If relations with parents before pregnancy did not develop the best way, this will exacerbate the problem.

Think in advance if there will be competition between your parents and your husband's parents for the place of the “first grandparents”. If this situation can arise, try to bring both pairs up to date at the same time. This will help in the future to raise a child in love and harmony by all family members.

When communicating with parents and friends, the following “beacon” situations may arise:

  • - At the next holiday you refuse alcohol.

Think about how to explain why you suddenly stopped drinking alcohol. You can tell that you have decided to start eating right, get ready for future pregnancy or even recently "went through", so you even look at alcohol disgusting. Or maybe you have stomach problems? Or a doctor (any) prescribed medication that should not be mixed with alcohol?

  • - You have gained weight or your mood changes frequently. You can explain this with the use of hormonal drugs.
  • - You get tired quickly. Blockage at work will be a weighty argument that does not require further explanation.

It is impossible to predict all possible situations. By thinking through the possible reactions of parents and friends to your physiological manifestations of pregnancy, with the support of your spouse, you will be able to avoid unnecessary questions and increased guardianship.

How to hide pregnancy at work

When you find out you're pregnant, start planning when and how you'll tell your boss. If you are about to quit your job, then give your boss time to find a new qualified employee to fill your position. Leave beautifully, without slamming doors and without provoking, if possible, insults and scandals.

If you are planning to take maternity leave, try not to keep the boss "in the cold". As soon as he begins to suspect about your interesting position, tell everything. It is better to have a reputation as a responsible worker than to be known as a secretive, irresponsible person. It will be difficult to work at the same level as before pregnancy, so don't wait for a bewildered team to write you down in the category of bad employees.

And in the first three months you can hide the pregnancy with excuses like“I don’t drink because I started to eat right according to a trendy program”, “the repair that I started doesn’t let me sleep, that’s why I’m so tired”, “I’ve been scheduled to see a doctor - I decided to remove moles” and so on.

What clothes will help hide the pregnancy

Loose-fitting clothes will help you divert attention from rounded shapes. Bright shine and a large pattern emphasize the figure, revealing all its flaws. In no case should decorative details and drawings be concentrated in the abdomen - this attracts attention. Catchy details in the upper part of the case, as well as decorations, will be very successful. A light scarf with bright abstract patterns, a poncho, a dress with a yoke, loose tunics with large sleeves will help hide your interesting position from prying eyes. In summer, spacious sundresses will be comfortable, in the cold season - cardigans.

If suddenly you failed to hide your pregnancy, do not worry. After all, the main thing for the baby is your good health and good mood.

  • If you still decide not to hide your position from the rest - find out?
