What should a wife be like in order to be able to recapture her husband from her mistress? “The husband does not want to choose between me and his mistress. The husband cannot choose.

The choice between a wife and a mistress is a painful situation, so try to look from the outside. To make an informed decision, it is important to separate short-term emotions, outbursts of passion, possible resentment and other husks, to expose real feelings of love, affection, desire to care, readiness to be, as they say, next to a person "in wealth, poverty, trouble, joy." Think logically, discard the feeling of guilt, it aggravates the situation. Be responsible, fate, personal happiness depend on the choice, so it’s worth weighing, analyzing all the pros and cons.

Imagine there are two projects on the table in front of you that should be analyzed, looked for possible miscalculations, decided and put into development. Creating harmonious relationships is also work, no less important than building a safe house for operation. Projects have different stages of development, but they have one goal - to make your life happy. Marriage is a voluntary union, which, like a project, has a certain duration, beginning with a candy-bouquet period and a honeymoon, and ending with a divorce or death of one of the spouses.

There is another option - the slow fading of feelings, cooling, indifference of partners, communication difficulties, turning into irritation, hatred. If it's about your family life and attempts to restore mutual understanding are ineffective, it is better to leave the family. Is it worth it to torture each other, trying in vain to fan the extinct fire of the family hearth, if attempts to resurrect past feelings prevent you from becoming happy individually?

It is necessary to understand the specific goal of each project, the time for implementation, and take into account the budget. Please note that leaving the family for a mistress does not cancel your right and duty to be a loving, caring father to your children. Regardless of the circumstances, you are their protection and support in this difficult world. Try to avoid demonstrative mutual accusations, typical wars in which a wife and mistress are involved. Children are not to blame, they experience the separation of their parents most painfully. Their small world is crumbling, where everything is clear, laid out on shelves. When you leave your family, keep in touch with them, explain how you love them.

Once, in the vastness of the Runet, an instructive story came across. The child could not accept the divorce of his parents, closed in on himself. An experienced psychologist listened to a confession married man, who for a long time could not decide how to choose between his wife and his mistress, invited his wife, the mother of the child, to the room, then called the baby. She asked the boy what kind of girl he likes in the kindergarten. The child replied that at first he sympathized with cute Anechka, now he likes cheerful Katyusha. Then the psychologist asked: “Why then should dad live with mom if he fell in love with another woman?” The kid looked at her carefully, approached his parents with the words: “Come on, I understand everything!”

I love both

Who will win in the struggle of heart and mind, the lawful wife or mistress?

Typical confession of a married man: I'm not a goodie. They lived well, peacefully, quietly, only had sex once a month. I fell into a depression, but did not change. was flirting with different girls, did not go beyond. I went into myself, was silent, actively watched porn, worked, and now I understand that my wife felt my secrecy, doubted my love for her. I started drinking but quickly stopped. At that moment, another girl appeared. There is a huge difference between a wife and a mistress. It turned out that I was a good lover, I felt young, full of strength. But the girl is angry with me, screaming that I'm using her, and then immediately confesses her love. I went through a lot with my wife, I love her too, but in a different way. Can't say mistress better than a wife. I don't know who to choose. Confused. I seem to lose a part of myself by making the final choice.

First, let's deal with the concept of "love". If we understand affection by it, then it is permissible to love two or three people. But, understanding by this word mutual care, devotion, support, we realize that feelings are directed at especially loved one. With such a strong connection, we do not need anyone but the object of love. Often, instead of such feelings, people experience emotional dependence, habit, lust, persistent interest, confusing it with true love. This explains the typical phrase "I love both in different ways."

There is another interesting point of view. Attraction to two women at the same time is considered through the analysis of physiological and psychological causes. Some psychologists advise looking for roots first of all in oneself, in early childhood. The boy always requires constant attention, mother's care. Having not received love, he matures, becomes an adult man and the desire to have endless maternal love turns into the need to receive affection, care from other women. Psychologists say that more often than not, the cause of romances on the side is the unfulfilled children's need for love, attention, and not the sexual aspect, as the majority believes.

How to break a love triangle?

The psychology of a married man who has a mistress creates a specific pattern of behavior. The need to hide relationships on the side, to constantly control one’s own speech, to seem calm are unpleasant moments, but they pay off with the absence of the usual reproaches, reading morality, which the wife often abuses, renewal of intimate life, the illusion of free relationships. A man tries to live up to expectations, but, letting a person into his own life, he becomes vulnerable, susceptible to manipulation.

But the motives of the girl should be taken into account. What pursues, expects a new hobby? Over time, the lover will either begin to rigidly demand more attention, effort, financial support, skillfully manipulate feelings of guilt, affection, or will find a more suitable option. Of course, the exception is real love, which will help to overcome all obstacles, fire and water, business bankruptcy, prolonged lack of money, a serious illness, will not fade away from routine and life, but such cases, unfortunately, are rare even among legitimate chosen ones, not to mention a new lover.

Most often, a girl is looking for a married partner who has already reached certain heights in order to win him, perhaps even give birth to a child. Thus, she kills two birds with one stone - increases her self-esteem, status and gains material security. Skillfully playing on weaknesses, family misunderstandings, problems that bother you, but there is no one to discuss them with, she will achieve what she wants.

Need to be determined. An unfinished relationship is like a thorn in the finger. They interfere with enjoying life, constantly threaten to aggravate the situation, the appearance of an abscess, and can lead to a nervous breakdown. If the connection is alive, try to restore it.

When we live in vain hope, regularly compare a potential partner with the former one, we ourselves do not change inside, there is a threat of repeating the mistakes of a previous marriage. The novelty is gone. Romance is slowly moving into everyday life. The new lady of the heart imperceptibly loses her angelic appearance, turning into an ordinary woman with her own problems, demands, claims, reproaches. Vicious circle.

This is how stereotyping, stereotyped thinking is created. We justify ourselves by believing that "all women are the same" or "again made a mistake, did not meet that one." However, the real reason is deeper. It is necessary to revise values, analyze mistakes, work on oneself. Therefore, before starting a new relationship, you should definitely end the old one.

Psychologist Kristina Kudryavtseva argues that the triangle cannot be broken if it is perceived in the plane of competition between two parties for attention, significance for the third. Focus on yourself, internal conflict. Is it a choice between what for you? What you are striving for, understand the essence of the search. What's missing from the old connection? Is it possible to fill an empty niche of marriage, to complement your project?

It is permissible to seek help from an experienced psychologist. Independent analysis is not always effective. Barriers, psychological self-defense work, distorting the perception of the situation. A critical appraisal is needed.

If we are not aware of what is happening inside, from the outside it seems that this is fate. - Psychologist Carl Gustav Jung.

The presence of relationships on the side indicates problems, stagnation in the family. Take into account the advice of a psychologist: make a decision consciously. Analyze the situation, calculate the risks, predict possible consequences, scenarios, take into account the strengths and weaknesses. Do not be guided by someone else's opinion, the advice of friends, do not succumb to manipulation. You are responsible for your own life, your choices. No one knows better than you what decision to make.

The husband cannot choose between me and another. How to help him?

Having married, Olesya and her husband were happy. The situation was aggravated by great jealousy for no reason on his part, he cut off all contacts with her, insisted that she quit her job. After the dismissal of her husband from the army, relations escalated due to financial problems. The husband found a mistress, but is still torn between her and his wife...


Olesya . Were together for five years. My husband and I were introduced by a mutual friend. We dated for two weeks, then he proposed. He moved to me, as he lived in another city and worked in the Airborne Forces under a contract. They lived very well. After two months, he offered to move into a hostel.Married after dating a year later.

Before the wedding, there were no quarrels. Hisparents always tried to push us headfirst(they live far away) with their calls, lies and manipulations, to which he did not want to succumb. His relationship with his parents is not very good.

Olga Chikankova. Yes, this is a factor that often gets in the way. Thisthird party influence: best girlfriend, a mother who cares a lot. They very often just get in the way. They, of course, do all this for the good, as they think. But what they don't know is that every casually thrown word about a wife or a girlfriend can actually lead to big problems in a relationship.

Olesya. Then because of jealousy at first he forbade me to put on makeup, meet friends, etc.

What is the real reason for jealousy?

Olga Chikankova. This is generally insolent. I want to tell you for the future, never fall for this thing.If a person is jealous, then this indicates that you do not accept any help and support from him, etc. You do not take his attention. That is, maybe he wanted to help somewhere, but you did not accept. And because of this, a person feels jealousy. That is, jealousy is not because you put on makeup, but because somewhere you didn’t accept something that he wanted to give you.

For example, to help with something, to suggest, to provide an exchange. You take care of him (cooking food, doing something else) and he wanted to give you this exchange too, andyou didn't accept it. Accordingly, then the person experiences jealousy. When we want to help someone, but someone else does it for us or simply refuses our help, we feel jealous.

Accordingly, there is no need to stop painting. You have to stay the way you were when he fell in love with you. This is the main feature forto keep interest. And, of course, develop.

Olesya . For all attempts to change something,was constantly swearing. In general, he did everything so that I could sit at home. We took out a loan for a wedding, and we couldn't pay it off because I was at home.

Olga Chikankova. So you didn't work, did you? Write, please, did you work?

Olesya . He started arguing because I don't work.

Olga Chikankova. Well done such. He himself said that she should sit at home and not work, but she cannot provide. Then he began to scandal himself: “Why are you not working?” I understand you perfectly - my first husband is also like this: he will say one thing, then you will do it, but he is not satisfied. He was unhappy all the time.

Olesya . But all attempts were exhausted by jealousy of other men. He was jealous of his bosses, workers and even passers-by. God forbid someone will call me on the phone, and he will hear a male voice, he considered it a betrayal. When he retired from the army,more financial problemsand thus more scandals. I couldn't resist and drove him away.

We've been living apart for nine months now. He constantlywent and begged for forgivenessetc., but I stood my ground that I did not believe him. He lives in a house, I live in an apartment. Our dog gave birth to puppies, and I had to quit my job until I sold them, as the neighbors complain about us, and we are practically one foot on the street.

He offered me to make an aviary in the house and againquietly build our relationshipalready new. I agreed. We went and bought seeds, decided to plant vegetables in the garden. A week later he arrives, and I understand that he has someone.

Olga Chikankova . How did you understand? Write, please, how did you understand that he had someone. Fine? How did you define it?

Olesya . The first time was a scandal from my submission. I felt that betrayed me . Thoughts entered his head that he just wanted to take all the litter, and, living with new girl, sell it. Scandal, of course, I have achieved nothing. Made the situation even worse.

I accidentally saw yours on youtubeand started correcting myself. A week of tantrums before your training, I lost 8 kg.With the help of your advice, I almost found myself again.

Olga Chikankova. Good girl.

Olesya . All your advice is working. Thank you.

Olga Chikankova . Yes, of course, please. The main thing is to use it.

Olesya . But against all oddsI made my first mistakeand she called him about a week later.

Olga Chikankova . Yes, you shouldn't have done that.

Olesya . The next day he arrived and saw the old girl he met 5 years ago. He was shocked!

Olga Chikankova . Cool. This is good.

Olesya . Our passion flared up that day, and we ended up in bed.

What if his behavior changes every day?

Olga Chikankova . You see howit is important to keep the girl he fell in love with.So he saw you the way you were, and his passion flared up. So this will be your main weapon when we return it.

Olesya . He began to travel every day, and on May 9 guests came to him - our mutual friends from another city. I don’t know how they did it, but this girl left him. True, she did not take the bag. They told him that it's not right if youif you want to save your family. He succumbed, and I came to him with all the things and animals.

On May 10, when friends left, they began to "reveal" even the smallest things, and in sex he became cold. As if this is not my husband, but a completely different person.

Olga Chikankova . You see, here is a moment - in sex it became cold. When your loved one begins to move away, it means thathe is hiding something from you.In this case, he hides from you what they talked about with friends, for example. He hides from you that romance or not romance, and that he had some kind of sex or flirting in 9 months anyway. This is what he is hiding from you now. Therefore, your task is to gently reveal it.

That is, in someintimate conversationto say heart to heart: “Can you imagine, we were apart for 9 months, so I will understand you perfectly if you had someone. Therefore, you can not worry, and you can safely tell me just so that we can communicate with you well.

In your case, of course, you need to work on yourself well so that it doesn’t hurt you emotionally. So that you can listen with a calm face to everything that he tells you, anddo not react emotionally.It is very important. This is the main feature when you are trying to gain the trust of another person, andTrust is what relationships are built on.

Sometimes you have to do things like this. That is, your task is to reveal someone else's jamb, and when a person really confesses this, then it is important for you not to react to it. You should say: “Thanks for saying! Okay, I get it." That is, you do not agree whether it is good or bad. You don't evaluate, you just say, “OK, I got you. Everything is fine."

And praise because the person told you something. Because just imagine that you want to establish trust with a person, and you bring him to a conversation. And he confesses to you in some kind of jamb, for example, how he spat in the neighbor's soup in the third grade. Imagine that if you tell him: “Oh, well, you are a bastard in general! How could you? And I live with you for so long, or maybe you spit in my soup too?

What will this person's reaction be? Imagine that you are talking with your loved one, and you tell him your cant, which you hid from him, and imagine that he will tell you: “Well, you do! You are bad!"Would you like to trust himany other bugs of your own? Of course not! This is important in a relationship.

When Artem and I started building right relationship in order not to hide anything from each other, it was very difficult, especially at first, not to give in to emotions. You need to separate the moment when a person confesses something to you from your personal relationship.You need to look at the situation from the outside.It's like you're a psychologist or a personal trainer.

Your task is simply to reveal it so that the person does not hide anything from you. If a person does not hide anything from you, thenthere will be no such distance between partners.In your case, during the establishment of your relationship, you will need to bring him out little by little to confessions and gain his trust.

But not immediately, but start with little things.For example, “Darling, remember, I asked you to wash the dishes, but I came, but you didn’t wash it. So I want to tell you and confess that I do this sometimes too. Therefore, I am not offended, you can safely tell me that I just did not have time. You start small and work your way up to a high level of trust when he talks about deep topics. Such topics that a person can hide (treason or something personal).

You can ask me in Skype chat how and when to bring him to these conversations. Because we have a special level of SMS when we disclose these issues.

Olesya . While he was sleeping, I sat down and thought that it was not right that he was not ready. When he woke up, I decided to calmly discuss the situation. I told him that my friends put pressure on me because I see thatour relationship has changed in the bud and become empty.He agreed with this and said that he needed time and everything would be fine. We decided to part ways again and meet for the time being, until we understand that the time has come to move to a new stage.

Olga Chikankova. Great. Super!

Olesya . But as soon as I left, this girl returned. He motivates this byhe has serious problemsand that he can't even feed himself by working around the clock. She works and feeds him.

Olga Chikankova . Are you working now?

Olesya . She told our friends that she was feeding him, and that I would never get my husband. Since I do not work, he will pull everything on himself. He said that as he would fix all these problems, he would kick her out.

To be honest, I'm confused and already I can’t figure out this “Santa Barbara”.I do not know what to do.Puppies are sold for a very long time, and even in theory, if he had not told me to look for a job, I would have found it anyway.

Olga Chikankova . Well done for looking for a job. About animals. There are ways to sell them quickly. Without details, I will say that I sold chinchillas, and we did not get hung up on one city. It is necessary to take into account this moment of distance when dealing with animals.

Olesya . We can't sell two more puppies.

Olga Chikankova . Well, sell not to Moscow, sell to St. Petersburg. This can be solved and doing good business on animals.

Bring back the girl he fell in love with -
most the right way return it

What do you need to do in your situation? The first is to regain your full identity. You need to find a job andbecome independentso that you don't depend on him. You were working when you met, weren't you? It's not very good. Both partners must somehow self-realize themselves. When you sit at home all day long, don’t communicate with anyone and do nothing (I’m sorry, I don’t want to offend you), then you degrade.

This is degradation. This is not an ethical act on the part of a man towards you. He did everything that you get less pleasure from life, achieve less goals. That is, you are degrading. I don't want to offend you, nothing personal.

Olesya . Yes, exactly, it is.

Olga Chikankova . You see, yourthe task now is to develop.Development is all power. In development, the chip of life. We communicate all the time: with people, with ideas, with objects. You even interact with dogs! In life, the only thing we do is communicate. The more you communicate, the better. Therefore, your task now is to find such communication that will develop you.

Olesya . He is now jealous again.

Olga Chikankova . We’ll talk about jealousy separately and we can settle it. I will personally tell you later how to do it.Your task is to restore that personality.Well done for starting watching the video. I will gladly take youif you are not in training yet. Write, are you at the training with me or not?

Olesya . I'm still in debt and waiting for the sale of the puppy.

Olga Chikankova . While you decide financial question, then now you are engaged in the return of your personality. If that girl says such nasty things about her man, that he "can't get away from me, that I feed him." This suggests that their relationship will not last long, becauseshe uses it.

I usually do not take couples in which the partner has found someone for himself. But in your case, this behavior on her part is not ethical towards a partner, so we are together.We will be able to solve this issue with the help of proper communication and SMS.The main thing for you is to start moving and return yourself. For now, find the amount at least for the economy package, it will be enough to start, and then you can switch to.

When you pass training, and do twice as much. That is, if I say that you write five chips, then you write ten. There you make a decisionreturn it or not.Because there are people who have received some awareness about themselves, and then change their minds about returning a man. Therefore, you too, please think very well about this and work through the 5th and 6th lesson, where we decide to return or not.

work it out and his jealousy. When will you be on, then you write to me about it and remind me in the chat. You write it down for yourself and remind me. I'll send you some materials on this topic. Olesya, is it clear what to do, and was it useful for you to listen to feedback?

Olesya . Yes, I'll sign up for a consultation.

Olga Chikankova . Great. Just at the consultation, I will tell you about his jealousy andI'll tell you how to go out with him for confidential dialogues and communication.

 If your story is similar to this, you can safely register for the training
Do not waste your time, because in such matters

time must not be missed!

In many couples' relationships, there may come a point where it's tempting to find something else. Most often, it is men who begin to be tempted to have a mistress. Every marriage, no matter how strong and enduring, has its ups and downs. Life changes, circumstances change. So is it still worth being tempted, cheating on the closest and native person? We will tell you a story to remind you that there is no compelling reason to cheat on your partner.

Wife and mistress - which one to choose?

A man who was happily married was tempted and began to build a relationship with another woman. He was happy with his mistress, but he also could not leave his wife. Then he decided to ask for advice wise man. With whom should he be - with his wife or mistress? The sage handed him two pots and said: one of them contains a rose, and the other contains a cactus. What plant will you choose? Such a question did not cause any difficulty for the man, and he immediately chose a rose. After all, it is obvious that a rose is a more beautiful flower. The sage just shook his head and replied that he deserved neither.

Cactus or rose?

In fact, the rose and the cactus were fictitious. There were no plants in the pots. Very often, in pursuit of bright and new relationships, many men forget about their faithful and devoted wife in order to have a mistress. The cactus will always remain so, and the capricious rose must be carefully looked after, creating special conditions. Some men, chasing beauty, choose what is brighter. They completely forget that their mistresses can also find someone more interesting and richer. But if you take care of a cactus, then it can also bloom. Just like the woman you live with. From gentle and affectionate treatment, she will only become more beautiful and desirable. Think, is it worth changing something in your life? After all, your wife loves you the way you are. Knowing your shortcomings, she still remains there. She is interested in your joys and victories, she will support you in difficult times. While the mistress is not interested at all. And the wise man said that a man does not deserve a single flower! After all, a diamond is waiting for him at home, but for some reason he started searching and collecting stones.


It is very easy to destroy relationships, but to return them is not at all easy, and sometimes even impossible. Think about this before chasing a flamboyant relationship. After all, you risk crashing in both cases!

- this is shock and humiliation, the first thing in the head of a dumbfounded woman is scrolling various options How to beat off a husband from his mistress. Sometimes the longing for the former spouse sticks.

Before achieving a global goal, it is advisable to calm down, drink a glass of water (tea?) and understand yourself. How to remove a competitor is a simple question, it's all about family relationships in general.

You can seduce a man who has a wife.
You can seduce a man who has a mistress.
But you can not seduce a man who has a beloved woman.
Omar Khayyam

They go not to whom, but from whom

All cases are individual, but there are regular situations of “bored” family life:
  • A man was married to himself (due to pregnancy; taken away from; when there is no love, but simply “two loneliness met”). So why be sad! You need to be honest with yourself: ex-spouse it's time to let go.
  • The mistress took him away with the help of "black magic". Science is skeptical about such a manifestation, but does not exclude the negative impact of hypnosis, suggestion. The church can help you sort this out. Ordering services in health does not hurt.
  • The wife turned into a "hen", became a caring "mother" in a warm bathrobe, cooking amazing soups. She thinks about satiety and purity of her husband, but forgets about intimate needs. And male nature requires physical temptations and affection!
  • When omissions and claims accumulated over the years, the woman ceased to be a Muse.
Before you take your husband away from his mistress, it’s enough to think about whether the love of a devoted wife is enough? Will she disdain to go to bed with her “reclaimed” husband? Perhaps he truly fell in love with a woman, and should he be let go?

When this frank self-examination is over, and the decision to fight off her husband is finally made, it's time to take care of yourself and make your reflection in the mirror happy and beautiful! Is the king gone? Long live the Queen!

  1. "Captain, captain, pull yourself up!"
    Before the operation "How to get a husband back from his mistress", it would be nice to take care of your health and appearance. Need to figure out how to get rid of excess weight with the help of regular exercises, corrective underwear and separate nutrition. Properly selected clothes can hide up to 5 - 10 kg!
  2. "Love me, love!".
    Get rid of bad mood entertainment, interesting activities will help. You can sign up for a pool, go to karaoke, learn the basics of oriental dances. In the course of circumstances, light flirting with handsome male representatives is not prohibited.
  3. Dress is a woman's second nature.
    It also doesn’t hurt to review the wardrobe, but how to cross out a few years from the passport? Pick a stylish hairstyle!
Now there is no doubt whether it is possible to remove the husband from the hated rival. Even necessary! It's time!

When the homeowner is to blame

How to return the most expensive of men from the "networks" of a mistress, suggest the advice of experienced psychologists, family consultants. This also applies to former partners in the same way.

3 main directions in the art of "how to remove a competitor":

  1. They advise you to just wait as if nothing happened. Men understand that they have a honeymoon with their new lover, they hardly want to take on the burden of her problems.

    A fling for a few weeks means nothing. Here is a relationship on the side for more than 3 months - already a serious habit, it's time to act, and not think about how to discourage your husband from a new hobby.

  2. There are lifelong ladies' men. Marrying such a woman, a woman does not build illusions about his monogamy. These men are wolves in sheep's clothing. You can only feel sorry for the naive girl, the “homeowner”.
  3. Another type of action that dictates how to remove the third superfluous is to become better, more precisely, yourself (after all, once his wife drove him crazy)!
The advice of the men themselves and the unspoken “mistress code” will help with this issue.

Why not use its principles:

  1. "Sex is the head of everything." They leave the family to another not for delicious pastries, but to plunge into the ocean of intimate desires. Who, no matter how the spouse knows, that the beloved loves in bed, what turned him on for a single year? A wife needs to forget about embarrassment, awkwardness, and make her man truly happy, without remorse.
  2. "Gold fish". It is foolish to believe that the spouse keeps only intimacy near the other. The mistress, silently, listens to how he dreams of skydiving or is afraid of the dentist. And she never asks for anything.
  3. "Play with me!". It is better to visit a sex toy store with your loved one or arrange a homemade striptease. Even such a detail as forgetting to wear underwear under a dress will always turn a man on.

A man needs to be able to listen and not fill up with household requests openly. Before you ask to pick up the baby from the kindergarten, you can kiss your spouse and gently look into his eyes, and not command him and order.

How to return everything, tell ... the behavior of the most confused person. Does he like homemade meatballs? Have you ever wanted to go to a concert or a hike? An understanding, like-minded wife is the best gift for him.

In addition, you can build on the Buddhist formula, when it is advised to eat, love and be sure to pray. The partner needs to be given this - to cook deliciously, love him, sometimes make him jealous and believe him. This is an effective technique for separating the legitimate other half from the wrong connections.

Brilliant thought from the sociology professor's blog:
- If your husband left for another, then her husband left for a third, and so on.
Wait, soon someone's husband will come to you.
They must go somewhere!

Keep close to you

If you didn’t need a partner in family life, you just wanted to regain faith in yourself and it turned out perfectly, it’s worth discussing everything with him honestly. It depends on his views on the future and the motives of his wife herself, whether they will go one way or whether everyone gets freedom further - from obligations, pretense, unnecessary attachment. Such a traitor will leave on his own or will do everything in the name of sincere forgiveness.

And if you really need a partner, and it became clear only now, you need to build married life again.

To keep your loved one near you, you can do things that are not without psychological tricks:

  1. Use perfumes that he associates with happy periods of life together.
  2. Prepare breakfast in bed.
  3. Sometimes it's nice to dress up and run away with friends (both sexes) to a cafe. In the role of a comforter or a “home psychologist”, friends are not always suitable, but sharing the fun is easy!
  4. Before throwing everything old and unnecessary out of life, you can view joint photos and remember good moments.
  5. Book a night at a hotel or visit the restaurant where He proposed.
  6. Go on a long journey together. Yes, not the cheapest. However, such an event will help replenish the piggy bank of a new happy page in the family album.
  7. Before and after intimacy you can stroke your husband's back, stretch your feet, and at the end - kiss, for example, on the neck. By repeating such a ritual, reflexes are fixed. They are also made for love.


Each wife in such a situation intuitively feels what can be done and whether it is worth eliminating her rival. But truly Great can be called such a spouse who was able to rekindle the fire of feelings, sincerely forgive and forget what they usually don’t get away with.

Perhaps that is why the woman is called Keeper Family Hearth . For the sake of such love and such a wife, the husband will do anything!
