We make a cool bag from an old T-shirt. Bag from an old T-shirt

Hello! Perhaps you also like to prolong the life of things that are a pity to throw away. For example, such a bag old t-shirt with your own hands, you can make without sewing in 5 minutes. I offer you a simple and affordable master class, after watching which, you will definitely be able to remake old T-shirts stored around the house idle into new and useful bags. They will be useful to you for shopping trips, trips to nature and walks to the sea. Also, in bags made in this way, you can store many necessary things in the house, ranging from children's toys, etc.

AND The idea to make such a thing came when I urgently needed a new beach bag. From the narrow and small backpack that has served me so far, it was inconvenient to get things. At first I began to knit it, but soon I realized that in 5 minutes the bag would not work, although I had a crochet hook big size and the thread for knitting is thick ...

But we are all inventive needlewomen in life, we come up with various ways of transformations. For example, one of these simple and available ways: a remake that results in a bag from an old T-shirt with your own hands in just five minutes!

So let's start by choosing the right T-shirt. and lay it out on the table. Cut out the neck as shown in the photo.

It turns out a T-shirt bag (as in the photo).

We cut the bottom of the product into strips of fringe (each strip is about 1 cm wide).

Then we tie the cut strips of the front with the strips of the back into a knot. It turns out a fashionable fringe on the bottom of the bag. If you want a smooth bottom, turn the bag inside out and tie the strips inside the bag. Turn inside out and get a stylish handbag quickly and easily!

We continue a series of articles dedicated to the conversion of old things into new ones. In the previous article, we considered . And this time we will talk about how to make an original fashionable bag out of an old T-shirt or T-shirt.

Do you think it's impossible? In vain!

T-shirt bag

DIY T-shirt bag

Going to the market or shopping, we just need a roomy and comfortable bag. And this can easily be made from an old summer T-shirt or T-shirt.

So, choose an old t-shirt or t-shirt for a makeover. Lay it out on a flat surface and draw the silhouette of the future handbag.

Cut out carefully. You should have two identical halves. Lay them face to face and stitch. Make cuts as shown in the photo, pull the fabric in different directions. A trendy slit pattern is formed on the bag.

In order for the bag to serve for a long time, it is important to seal the fabric of the bag in the area of ​​​​the handles. To do this, you can use any dense fabric, for example, dense denim or attach handles from old bag. Make more of these bags for mom and grandma. These bags are very practical, roomy and washable. Bags can be used to store vegetables and fruits.

Crochet bag from a T-shirt with your own hands

And now another version of the T-shirt bag. With such a bag, even to the beach, even to the market!

If you are not bad at crocheting, then you will like this alteration option. By the way, for those who do not know how to crochet, but really want to learn, there is a useful cheat sheet:

Cut your old t-shirts into long strips of the same width and pull them up to make a neat bun. From the resulting "threads" start knitting. Tie the two halves of the bag and the bottom. Sew the pieces together or tie them together.

Handles for such a bag can be made from braided braids from the same knitted cords, or you can use a different material (handles from an old bag, leather lace or belt).

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Master Class

And even put toys or coloring books there, read our material.

If you are at home, then he will probably soon want to carry an adult with him and, like older children. But if there is still a year or two left before school, now you can make a small backpack-bag for him. For junior schoolchildren such a bag-backpack will also be indispensable. It can be sewn in a standard size or a little smaller to wear a separate change or uniform for sports or dancing.

A personalized felt letter on the backpack will help the baby, firstly, quickly find his backpack, and secondly -. If you intend for a uniform, instead of a letter, you can sew on an image of shoes, equipment, or the name of a circle / section.

To sew a backpack bag with your own hands, you will need:

  • Sewing machine
  • Threads to match the fabric
  • 2 pieces of fabric measuring 30x35 cm
  • Thermal adhesive tape
  • pins
  • Felt for a letter or image
  • 2 laces 150 cm long
  • Safety pin
  • Scissors

How to sew a do-it-yourself lace-up backpack: a step-by-step master class with a photo

Step 1: Attach the hot-melt tape to a piece of felt cloth. Print out the letter you want to be printed on your backpack bag and attach it to the hot-melt tape. Cut out a letter from felt.

Step 2: Take two prepared pieces of fabric for a bag-bag or cut from a larger piece of material (dimensions 30x35).

Step 3: Remove a sheet of paper from the felt letter and glue it with an iron on the front side of one of the pieces of fabric.

Step 4: After you have gone over the letter with an iron, carefully sew it with a contrasting thread. Make the stitches long, but neat, because the letter on the backpack-bag will attract attention in the first place.

Step 5: Smooth out the front side of the future backpack on three sides about a centimeter from the edge, and leave the fourth side unfinished. Sweep the three smoothed sides.

Step 6: Do the same with the inside of the backpack - that is, with the second piece of fabric that you set aside for sewing a backpack-bag.

Step 7: On both pieces of fabric, indent from the unsmoothed edge by 6-7 centimeters and mark it with a pen. Bend literally 1 centimeter first, and then stretch the remaining 5 to attach to the mark.

Step 8: Sweep the edge (1 cm) and sew exactly along the marked line to get a "loophole" for the lace of your future backpack-bag.

Step 9: Do the same with the second piece of fabric. A string will slide along the “tunnel” and tighten the backpack-bag for the child.

Step 10: Now fold the pieces of fabric right sides inward, lining up the top edge where the string will go, and secure with a safety pin. Sew the sides of the bag, making a small seam - starting from one end of the drawstring eyelet and ending under the second.

Step 11: Turn the backpack inside out and iron it. You just have to pull the drawstring into the backpack-bag, which will tighten it!

Step 12: With a pin hooked onto one of the laces, thread the entire lace, starting from the right side of the fabric with the letter on the right side. When you are done, both ends of the lace should remain on the right side - that is, the lace comes out already from the second part of the backpack, but also on the right side.

Step 13: So, both ends of the lace hang on the right side of the backpack. Line them up and tie them in a knot at the bottom.

Step 14: Repeat step 12 with the second lace, but starting on the other side. Both ends of the lace should now remain on the left side. You are almost done sewing your DIY backpack bag!

Step 15: Turn the backpack inside out again and move a couple of stitches at the bottom of the backpack, at the corners. Pass the tied ends of the lace between the stitches and bring them out at the corners of the same side on which they hung.

Step 16: Sew the "break in" diagonally a few times to keep the knots in place.

Step 17: Turn the backpack inside out again, this time right side out, and spread the laces around the sides so that they are taut. Backpack bag is ready!

Now the child will be happy to carry his own toys, food, uniforms or shoes in a new backpack, because you made such a wonderful do-it-yourself backpack bag especially for him. Yes, and you will enjoy it. And who knows, you might finally be able to afford to carry a smaller bag so you don't carry tons of baby food and clothes around with you.

Everyone in the house has an old T-shirt that has not yet been thrown away. Perhaps you loved this T-shirt very much, or your hands just don’t reach to clear the closet of unnecessary things. Now you have the opportunity to give the T-shirt a second life. I'll show you how to quickly and easily make a bag out of a T-shirt.

For this you will need:

  • t-shirt;
  • scissors;
  • needle and thread (or sewing machine);
  • plate (optional)
  • lace and pin (optional).


The shirt must be turned inside out. Sew the bottom of the shirt. My sewing machine refused to sew at the most inopportune moment. But as you know, "hunting is worse than bondage", and I decided to stitch it manually.

To make the bottom of the bag neat, I sewed the corners like this.

So that the corners do not teleport, I sewed them to the bottom of the bag.

Turning out the T-shirt. Lay out on the table. You will need to decorate the top of the bag. An ordinary plate will help us with this. You can, of course, do without it, and draw a semicircle by eye and cut it out.

Next, cut off the sleeves, forming the handles of the bag. For this, I used a plate instead of a pattern.

That's basically it. You managed to make a bag out of a T-shirt with your own hands! Everything is simple and very fast!

You can do without sewing. But for this we additionally need a lace and a pin. For the design of the handles, we do the same as in the first version.

And the bottom is a little different. Turn the shirt inside out and lay it on the table. Use scissors to make a small hole in the hem of the T-shirt.

Fasten a pin to the lace and thread into the hem.

Then pull the string tight. So that there is no hole, you can still tie a T-shirt.

Get a bag from an old T-shirt without sewing.

First option Second option
