Lighten up jeans. Whitening jeans in affordable ways and means


Jeans have long been at the forefront of modern fashion. They are an integral part of the wardrobe, regardless of gender and age. Every season, new models appear on the market - light-colored jeans are popular today.

In order to look stylish and keep up with fashion, you can transform the old pants in your wardrobe. This will save the budget and get a new, completely exclusive thing.

A few facts about bleaching denim pants:

  • jeans dark shades can be lightened, but they will not become completely white;
  • the darker the initial shade, the darker the result will be;
  • white color can be given to jeans blue color;
  • it is not recommended to bleach colored jeans, as the dyes used for them react differently to bleaching agents;
  • lightening jeans completely is much more difficult than doing it with stains, such as "boiled".

Do not immediately take the thing that you want to give a second life, carry out a trial procedure using unnecessary material, this will help to identify errors and not ruin the jeans.


When working with aggressive bleaching agents, first of all, you need to think about safety. To do this, follow a few rules:

  • First of all, you need to choose a suitable place. A bath is perfect for the whitening procedure;
  • protect your hands with rubber gloves, contact with the skin of chlorine can cause burns;
  • the bleaching room must be ventilated, otherwise there is a risk of poisoning with toxic fumes;
  • avoid getting the product in the eyes, if this happens, rinse them well with running water;
  • if it gets into the throat, rinse it with boiled water;

How to whiten jeans at home

To lighten jeans at home, you can use various improvised means. The most famous and available are:

  • white;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • lemon acid;
  • baking soda.

It has long been known about the ability of these substances to lighten the fabric, but they must be used following the instructions.

Bleach whiteness

Whiteness is the most popular means used in everyday life for bleaching things, including denim. It will help give the new kind old jeans, top them up various patterns, fashion scuffs.

Prepare a bleach solution with water. It is better to use an enameled container: a bucket or a basin. Fill it halfway with water, then put it on a hot stove and heat it up, but don't boil it. Add 1 cup whiteness, stirring, bring to a boil. Then you can put prepared, twisted jeans and cook.

The effect appears after about 15 minutes of cooking, if it is absent, add more whiteness. You need to keep jeans on fire until the shade suits you. After reaching desired result remove the item from the container, rinse and hang to dry.

Watch the video on how to whiten jeans with bleach and get a designer pattern.


Baking soda is used to lighten jeans if they are made from thin fabrics.

The lightening process occurs as a result of washing. It is necessary to add soda to the powder, then pour this mixture into the container of the washing machine. Depending on the initial and desired tones, it is recommended to repeat the procedure several times.

Hand washing can also be a bleaching method. The advantage here is that the machine will not be damaged by a solution of soda. You will also have the ability to control whitening. The required amount is about 20 grams of soda per 1 liter of water.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is great for quick and effective whitening denim clothes. The main criterion for this method is time saving.

Changing the shade of jeans will not help a large number of of this solution, added to the machine during washing, two tablespoons will be enough. The procedure is carried out once, it is not necessary to repeat it several times.

When hand washing and using this product, three tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide are added to the soap solution. Hands should be protected with rubber gloves.

You can also use soaking jeans in soapy water with the addition of a solution of one tablespoon per liter of water. After finishing, you need to wash the thing.

A very good result is obtained by using citric acid or lemon juice.

One tablespoon of acid or juice must be diluted per liter of water. Jeans are soaked in this solution for several hours until the resulting shade satisfies you. Then take out the jeans and dry them.


In addition to the substances listed above, you can use Domestos. The solution is prepared in the following proportions: a glass of the product is taken for three liters of water. The bleaching process is carried out by soaking the jeans until the desired tone is obtained.

After that, you need to dry the pants, then wash in the machine. If you are not satisfied with the result, repeat the soaking process.

The procedure does not take much time, but it must be carried out, observing safety precautions, using protective equipment.

Potassium permanganate

Potassium permanganate can perfectly whiten jeans, along with hydrogen peroxide.

We prepare a solution. For this: take 30 gr. potassium permanganate per kilogram of material, pour into a prepared container with water, add a little citric acid. We soak the thing for about half an hour, pull it out, rinse it in clean water and dry it.

Chlorine is used according to the same instructions as whiteness, since it is its main constituent. We heat the water, add bleach, boil the jeans, stirring constantly.

The process lasts several minutes, no more than 20, then carefully, without touching hands, we take out the pants, rinse in running water and dry.

If you want to achieve the effect of streaks on the fabric, tie the jeans in loose knots.

In order to get stains, twist the jeans, securing the necessary places with clips or ropes, the main thing is that they do not have a coloring effect.


To lighten jeans, prepare an aqueous solution of ammonia and turpentine. Things are soaked in it for several hours until the desired result is obtained. Then rinse and machine wash.


Hydroperit tablets for bleaching are used along with hydrogen peroxide. One tablet is equal to a tablespoon of a 3% solution. We dissolve the tablets in water and soak or wash the trousers.

Types of bleaching: in a washing machine or with your own hands

There are several ways to lighten clothes, choose which one is more convenient and easier for you.

  1. Wash at high temperature with the addition of these funds - one of the most effective ways.
  2. Hand washing with lemon soda or peroxide is also effective.
  3. Using bleach or bleach requires cooking but saves time.
  4. Soaking is the simplest procedure, bleaching agents such as Domestos, citric acid and ammonia are suitable for it.

They are all equally effective and will provide the desired result, giving things individuality and a stylish look.

We have considered the methods and means of whitening, now let's talk about what options for creating original jeans exist.

  1. Partial illumination. Does not require digestion, you just need to get wet those places that you would like to bleach. In this way, you can create patterns on the fabric. The more time the bleach is in contact with the clothes, the lighter the shade will be.
  2. You can get a pattern in the form of stars on jeans during the cooking process, holding the fabric with wooden clothespins.
  3. You can lighten part of the pants by soaking only it in the solution used.
  4. You can create an original pattern using a spray gun, spraying it on the fabric in a chaotic manner.

Procedures after whitening

After bleaching or lightening, jeans should be rinsed, then machine washed and dried.

A few tips to follow for the best effect:

  • blue or indigo jeans lend themselves better to bleaching;
  • a gradient pattern can be achieved with a regular sponge;
  • patterns can be created with a solution of citric acid using a stencil;
  • to achieve a blur effect will help spraying with a spray gun in different places solutions of varying degrees of concentration;
  • sandpaper can also be a way to bleach or create scuffs;
  • jeans fabric after treatment with bleaching agents becomes thinner and softer;
  • achieve the desired result gradually, try not to overdo it with aggressive means.

When choosing a method of clarification and carrying out the procedure, follow the instructions and observe safety. Using the available tools that everyone has, a house can be created original thing while saving a little time and money. Don't be afraid to experiment, you will definitely succeed!

Jeans are considered the most practical and indispensable type of clothing. A similar thing is different in style, fabric, models and colors. With the onset of the new season, designers come up with new models, but sometimes there is not enough money to buy them.

Recently, white jeans have gained popularity. Do not be upset if it is not possible to purchase them, since you can lighten jeans at home on your own. To do this, you need to find old jeans, and then follow the instructions.

Light-colored jeans are currently the most popular among young people.

Many, especially young people? interested in the question of how to whiten jeans at home, so as not to spoil the thing? There are several ways to implement the conceived idea. Regardless of the method, you must use one of the bleaching agents:

  • Lemon juice;
  • Hydrogen peroxide;
  • soda;
  • whiteness.

Each bleach lightens jeans differently. One tool is best used for thin fabrics, another for removing yellowness, and a third for partial bleaching. Regardless of the method, you need to remember that the bleaching process must be carried out strictly according to the instructions, otherwise the jeans will be damaged.

Compliance with technology

To lighten jeans, you need to weld them. If this is not done, all efforts will be in vain. The question arises: how to cook jeans? It is necessary to prepare a container in which the clothes will be cooked, and then pour the bleach.

In the next step, clothes are placed in the liquid, which will be lightened. It is important to constantly mix your jeans. This can be done with a stick.

It is best if the cooking will be carried out for no more than 20 minutes. Leaving things in chlorinated water for a long time will damage the fabric.

When carrying out the procedure, it is imperative that the water in the container covers the jeans. In addition, do not overdo it with bleach. If bleaching is not carried out according to technology, things will be damaged.

How to make beautiful stains on jeans

Divorces on jeans can be done using simple tools that can be found in every home.

To make beautiful stains on your pants, you need to decide on the tool that will be used to create a whitening effect. After that, you need to prepare. To cope with the task, you must have at hand:

  • Tassels;
  • Sponges;
  • stick for stirring;
  • Container for cooking.

With the help of sponges and brushes, you can create a pattern that you want yourself. If you don’t want to “bother” like that, it’s best to weld jeans.

Using chlorine bleach

The use of chlorine bleach will allow you to quickly and effectively cope with the task. It should be noted that 2 types of bleach are sold in stores. The first is based on chlorine, and the second is with active oxygen.

Water is poured into a metal container and bleach is added. The amount of bleach poured will determine how well the jeans will be lightened. At the same time, an extra amount of funds will not lead to anything good.

The resulting solution is mixed with a stick, and then jeans are placed in it. The container is put on fire and after boiling, the clothes are cooked for another 20 minutes. Periodically, the pants must be mixed.

Hydrogen peroxide

A simple but effective way to whiten can be considered the use of hydrogen peroxide. The item is placed in the washing machine and then added washing powder and 2 tbsp. tablespoons of peroxide

The advantages of this method include the fact that neither things nor the machine will suffer. As a result, the pants will be much lighter than before washing.

If you do not want to completely discolor your pants, you can use sponges and brushes to create real masterpiece. A solution of water, soda and powder can be applied to the pants, and then the pattern can be removed.

Lemon juice

Denim can be lightened with lemon juice. To do this, you need to prepare a solution. For 1 liter of water, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of lemon juice. If there is no lemon juice, you can use citric acid in the amount of 1 teaspoon.

Lemon juice is an effective natural clarifier

The thing is soaked in the resulting solution for several hours. When everything is ready, you need to rinse the jeans in clean water and then dry them.


Sometimes a situation arises when it is necessary to illuminate jeans made of thin material. In this case, it is not recommended to use aggressive substances. Then how to make new jeans lighter? It's simple: it's best to use soda.

It should be noted that with the help of soda you can get several new shades.. The lighter your jeans are, the longer they need to be washed.

Safety Rules for Lightening Jeans

The use of bleaches implies compliance with safety rules.

Before bleaching jeans with whiteness, you need to purchase latex gloves. In addition, it will be useful to use a respirator and goggles.

Of course, the probability of getting poisoned is minimal, however, it exists.

Household bleach is best diluted in warm or cold water. Everything must be done carefully, as haste will not only ruin the thing, but also cause harm to health.

In case of contact with the skin or eyes, it is recommended to immediately wash the area of ​​​​the body. If this is not done, a chemical burn will occur.

We make fashionable scuffs on jeans

Making fashion scuffs at home is not at all a difficult task.

Sometimes there are times when you do not need to completely bleach your pants, but just make a few scuffs. To do this, you will need bleaching powder or whiteness, as well as a piece of pumice stone.

First you need to rub with a pumice stone in a place that will be worn in the future. You need to carefully work with a pumice stone so as not to wipe the hole. When the work is finished, use a sponge or cotton wool to apply bleach to the pants. This will not only soften the fabric, but also lighten it.

In the near future, small holes may appear on scuffs. It is important to choose such pants, the material of which is quite dense.

New life for old jeans

Going through things, many find old jeans in the closet that fit well, but have already lost their color. Do not throw them away, as the pants can get new life. They can be bleached, thereby eliminating the faded color. The process is identical to what was described above. A welded denim suit or separate pants will take on a new shade.

If desired, the pants can be trimmed into shorts, which can also be bleached. You just need to show your imagination.

Bleach or not?

Some people are afraid to bleach their clothes, because they may not succeed. If fear appears, it is recommended to check everything on old jeans, which are not a pity to throw away. If everything works out, you can move on to your favorite pants. Everyone will like a bleached denim suit, so it's worth the risk.

Many mods are interested in the question: " How to lighten jeans?» and this is not surprising. Although in our time there is great amount all kinds of jeans models, but the originals are on the alert! Everyone wants to look unusual and unforgettable, and when you have three pairs of almost identical denim trousers in your closet not very original. You have to come up with something new. A good way out is to lighten denim trousers at home. You will not spend extra money, but you can completely transform clothes and give it originality. For recommendations on how to evenly lighten jeans, you can read in our article.


With whiteness, you can best way to lighten jeans. To do this, do the following:

  • If you want to whiten your jeans completely, then you just need to find any container, fill it with whiteness and put the jeans in there for a while.
  • If you still decide to bleach gins with patterns, then proceed to the next step. To do this, you will need rubber bands and clips. Jeans must be twisted into tight bundles and secured with elastic bands.
  • Then take half of the iron container of water, put it on the stove and boil. When the water boils, pour one glass of whiteness into it, carefully stirring the contents of the container.
  • In order not to damage the skin of the hands, it is necessary to wear rubber gloves, then take the jeans twisted into bundles and lower them into the boiled solution for 15 minutes. If after 5 minutes you have not noticed that the shade of the jeans has changed, then you should add a little more whiteness to lighten the jeans more effectively.
  • When the color of the denim pants changes, you can carefully remove them from the solution, rinse them in cold water, untie the elastic bands and wash the jeans with powder to get rid of the smell of whiteness. After bleaching and washing the jeans, you should send them to dry, after which you can admire the result.


You can lighten jeans at home with baking soda. You can use this method if the jeans are quite light and probably will not survive the aggressive effects of whiteness on the material. To lighten jeans in this way, you need add some fine soda to washing powder when you are going to wash your jeans in the washing machine. This way you can brighten jeans one or two shades maximum. If you need a more noticeable result, then you need to wash your jeans with soda several times.

Washing your jeans with baking soda in the hand wash process can achieve a completely different result, as you can control the bleaching process. But in this case, it is better to work with rubber gloves, especially if you have wounds on your hands. Soda will certainly have an effect on them, which you are unlikely to like.

Hydrogen peroxide

How to lighten jeans with hydrogen peroxide: jeans should be washed in the washing machine in the usual way, however, add two to three tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide to the laundry detergent along with the detergent. The amount depends on the desired degree of clarification of the jeans.

Hydrogen peroxide can be replaced with any toilet cleaner., only in this case it is necessary to dilute half a glass of this product in three liters cold water, then soak the jeans in the resulting solution. When they are lightened to the desired degree, then you should rinse the bleached jeans in clean water and hang them up to dry.

Surely, those who follow fashion or those who are simply tired of the color of their jeans, but change to new model I don’t want them, we faced such a task as to lighten jeans at home. How much you can change the shade of the fabric, how to do it right and whether it is possible to lighten not all jeans, but only certain parts of the trousers - you will learn all this from this article.

How to whiten jeans using improvised methods at home?

There are many ways to whiten and bleach jeans at home. Each of the methods has its own peculiarity - both positive and negative. All this you need to know to make jeans lighter, but not spoil the material:

  1. Chlorine is quite aggressive towards fabric fibers, it smells strongly and unpleasantly during use. But it quickly gives the desired effect. It is thanks to this tool with the help of a variety of auxiliary tools, such as: brushes, sponges, spray gun, you can get an unusual pattern. As an alternative to bleach powder, you can whiten jeans with “Whiteness” - it also contains this substance.
  2. Whitening with soda gives a much weaker result. In order to achieve the desired shade, sometimes it is necessary to lighten the fabric at least 3 times, and this is an additional waste of time. To avoid unpleasant consequences from such bleaching, it is undesirable to whiten jeans with soda in washing machine because it may damage the drum. But despite this, thanks to this method, it is possible to bleach the model of trousers, which is made of thin fabric.
  3. Citric acid is sometimes used for partial bleaching or to create a pattern on the surface of trousers. The effectiveness of this method is low, but the harm to the material is minimal, and the process itself is quite safe.
  4. Hydrogen peroxide - gives a high-quality result, but you need to take into account its high aggressiveness and speed so that the updated pants look beautiful.

Important! By the way, all of the above funds are very widely and sometimes in the most surprising ways used in everyday life for various purposes. We hope you will be interested in learning more about using these available tools that can help you out at any time:

Use of bleach

There are those that are made on the basis of chlorine, and there are also products that contain active oxygen.

Important! Using the second type of chemistry, you won’t be able to change the color much, but the use of bleach will change the color of your jeans dramatically.

To lighten and brighten jeans at home as much as possible, you need to have on hand:

  • bleach - “Whiteness” is perfect;
  • a metal container - for example, a bucket or a deep basin;
  • stick, which is necessary in order to interfere with jeans.

The whitening process itself is quite simple:

  1. Draw water into the container of your choice, add bleach, the amount is determined by eye - the more bleach, the lighter the fabric will be. But there is no need to be especially zealous, because bleach corrodes the fabric, so a large amount of it will have a detrimental effect on your jeans as a whole.
  2. Thoroughly stir the solution with a stick, then put the jeans in it.
  3. Place your container of jeans on the fire.
  4. Boil water, cook jeans for 20-30 minutes. Don't forget to stir them occasionally.

Important! It is necessary to mix the jeans so that the product acts evenly on the entire fabric on the product, and not on its individual sections.

Use of baking soda

Lighten jeans with soda in cases where they are made of thin fabric. Whitening "Whiteness" for such jeans will have a devastating effect - they will simply crawl in your hands.

In this bleaching option, proceed as follows:

  1. Mix ordinary washing powder with soda in a 1: 1 ratio for the total amount.
  2. Dilute with water - the volume should be such that the pants are completely immersed in the solution.
  3. Soak your jeans for 1-2 hours.
  4. Wash them thoroughly.

Important! You can repeat the procedure several times in order to achieve the desired effect.

Use of hydrogen peroxide

As a rule, the question of how to lighten jeans with such a familiar, as well as multifunctional hydrogen peroxide, is asked by those who are reluctant to boil trousers or torment their beloved washing machine baking soda. To reduce the intensity of the initial coloring of the clothes, it must be washed again inside the automatic machine. To do this, add washing powder and a few tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide to the liquid container.

You can also use a product called Domestos, which is designed to disinfect plumbing. In this case, to lighten jeans at home:

  1. Half a glass of this substance must be diluted in 3 liters of water.
  2. Put on rubber gloves and soak your jeans until they lighten to your desired level.
  3. Then thoroughly rinse and dry your jeans, and repeat the process several times as needed.

Important! Please note that Domestos is a harsh chemical that can reduce the strength of even very dense denim. Therefore, do not repeat the process several times in a row, wait at least a few days.

Using lemon juice

Lemon juice has an incredible brightening effect. This means that it can also be used to whiten jeans at home. To do this, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Dilute in 1 liter of warm water 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice or 1 tsp. citric acid.
  2. Soak the jeans in the solution for several hours.
  3. When the time is up, take your jeans out of the solution.
  4. Wash and dry your jeans thoroughly.
  • It is impossible to make dark-colored jeans completely snow-white. You can lighten only a few tones.
  • For lightening, you need to choose jeans that are light blue or blue, but in no case “indigo”.
  • It is easier to lighten jeans with stains than evenly.

Important! And we have prepared for all lovers of experiments with clothes some useful posts based on fashion trends and popular queries:

Clothing made of denim material has been at the peak of fashion for quite a few years now and it seems that it is not going to become a thing of the past. Every year more and more new models of denim pants, shirts, jackets, jackets and more are being created. But especially popular this year are light-colored jeans, almost white.

It is not worth buying light shorts or pants, as it will be very expensive. You can whiten your own How to lighten them at home? You will learn about this by reading the article. It will be much cheaper and you will not fall behind the fashion.

Ways to lighten jeans at home

How to lighten jeans at home? This can be done in four ways:

  1. Bleach: Of all the methods, this is the most effective.
  2. Soda: It is used for thin denim.
  3. Hydrogen peroxide: it helps to remove yellowness, suitable for light-colored jeans.
  4. Lemon juice: used to create an effect such as partial whitening.

How to lighten jeans with baking soda?

How to lighten jeans at home with baking soda? Clarification occurs in the process, it is added to the washing powder, then the resulting mixture is poured into a special container and the machine is turned on. In the event that jeans need to be lightened by several tones, the washing process with soda must be repeated a couple more times.

You can also use baking soda to bleach jeans during hand washing. This is the best option, since soda will not damage the washing machine. In addition, it will be possible to control the whitening process, adjust the intensity. Soda put approximately 10-20 grams per liter of water.

How to lighten jeans with hydrogen peroxide?

How to lighten jeans at home without bleach? This can be done with hydrogen peroxide. To do this, take 3 tablespoons of peroxide and pour them into a small bowl of water. Jeans need to be soaked for a while.

If the pants were dark, then they will only lighten up a little, and those places where there was yellowness will become white.

You can also wash jeans in the washing machine. Mixed with powder does not harm her.

How to lighten jeans using citric acid?

If desired citric acid You can always substitute natural lemon juice.

How to lighten jeans at home with citric acid? This process is carried out as follows:

  1. It is necessary to take 1 tablespoon of lemon juice or 1 teaspoon of citric acid and dilute in 1 liter of water.
  2. Jeans are soaked in the resulting solution for several hours (at least an hour).
  3. After a certain time, the jeans are pulled out. If the result does not satisfy you, then the thing can be left for some more time.
  4. At the end, be sure to dry the jeans to see the final result.

Lightening jeans with bleach

How to lighten jeans at home? Of course, this is easy to do with bleach. This is the easiest, fastest and most efficient way.

To date, there are two types of bleaching agent:

  • based on chlorine;
  • with active oxygen.

For a dramatic color change, a bleach containing chlorine is best suited.

To change as much as possible, you need to stock up on such materials:

  • chlorine-based bleach (best of all "Whiteness") - you can buy it at any hardware store;
  • a metal container, a bucket or basin is quite suitable;
  • stirring stick.

So, bleach jeans. How to lighten them correctly? You need to take a metal container and pour water and bleach into it. The more product, the lighter the jeans will become, but do not overdo it. Too much bleach can cause holes in the fabric.

The solution must be well mixed with a stick, and only then put jeans in it. A metal container is put on fire. After the water boils, you need to boil the jeans for another 20-30 minutes, sometimes they need to be stirred.

Creative bleaching of jeans

Do you want original and trendy jeans? How to lighten, you already know. Now we connect the fantasy.

In order for various original divorces to appear on the jeans, they need to be twisted, it is important to ensure that they are not very tight.

The shape of the resulting streaks depends entirely on the way the jeans were rolled.

If the pants are simply rolled up and clamped, we get vertical streaks. If the product is folded across and secured, the stains will be horizontal. If desired, you can even get patterns in the form of stars, for this you need to pinch the jeans with clothespins.

How to partially lighten jeans?

How to lighten, for example, the bottom of the legs? To partially lighten jeans, you can use both bleach and citric acid. But most often preference is given to bleach.

To partially lighten jeans, you do not need to completely boil them. You just need to soak a pre-prepared sponge in bleach, and then use it to blot those places on the pants that you want to lighten. This way you can create patterns. It is important to note that the longer the bleach is on the fabric, the lighter the stains will remain.

It is worth refusing to keep the product for too long (more than 5 minutes), as it will begin to corrode the fibers and holes may form or the fabric will become more brittle and tear quickly.

After partial application of bleach to the trousers, they must be thoroughly rinsed in water, and then washed using powder.

Whichever way you choose to lighten your jeans, you will succeed if you follow all the above instructions clearly. You need to choose a method of clarification depending on the desired result. If you want to lighten your jeans a lot, then bleach will help you here, and if you just want to get rid of the yellowness and refresh the color a little, then you should stop at hydrogen peroxide.
