Original scheme. The best cross stitch patterns with step by step instructions

The obligatory quality of a real lady is her ability to needlework. One of the most popular types of needlework is cross-stitch. The roots of this craft go deep into primitive culture. Initially, the cross was used for sewing clothes, later they began to decorate clothes with ornaments and create real works of art - embroidered canvases.

Embroidery different countries, eras and peoples are distinguished by ethnic characteristics. But this only emphasizes the versatility of this type of needlework. We have collected for you different cross-stitch patterns that will suit both experienced craftswomen and beginner needlewomen, and completely free of charge.

Features of the cross stitch technique

  • pattern width - 42 crosses;
  • it is recommended to perform the scheme on canvas Aida 14;
  • take the width of the canvas 11.6 cm, taking into account the allowance for the edges;
  • in the ornaments, we made an allowance of 3 cm from the bottom and top;
  • adjust the length of the canvas depending on the width of the intended towel;
  • for embroidery, use DMS threads in two colors;
  • the best combination of colors is red and black;
  • for a high-quality pattern, sew up the space between the elements of the ornament with crosses made with white threads.

Ornament with corner

Sometimes you need to decorate a frame with an ornament or sheathe a towel around the perimeter. For these purposes, the following scheme, made in motives, is perfect.

  • ornament width - 70 crosses;
  • there is a corner element;
  • to complete the work you will need Aida 14 canvas;
  • take a canvas 18.7 cm wide, taking into account the allowance for the edges of the ornament;
  • we provided for an allowance of 3 cm from the bottom and top of the ornament;
  • for embroidery, use floss threads of two colors;
  • the pattern looks great with a combination of dark blue and blue threads;
  • to make the work look decent, we recommend sewing up the gaps between the colored elements of the ornament with crosses made of white threads.


You can decorate postcards or souvenirs with a pattern. The cross stitch pattern for a beautiful butterfly is quite simple, anyone can handle it.

  • picture size - 130x110 crosses;
  • for work you will need canvas Aida 16;
  • use a canvas measuring 26.6x23.4 cm, taking into account the allowance;
  • the drawing is small, we provided for an allowance of 3 cm on each side;
  • for embroidery, use DMS threads in 7 colors;
  • All colors can be easily matched to the drawing.


These cute hearts will be a great decoration for a card or an independent gift for Valentine's Day. The drawing is simple, any novice craftswoman can handle it.

  • picture dimensions - 47x47 crosses;
  • for work, take canvas Aida 11;
  • you need a canvas measuring 16.9x16.9 cm, taking into account the allowance;
  • the picture is small, an allowance of 3 cm is calculated for the frame;
  • you will need floss threads of 4 colors;
  • you can choose the colors according to the picture, the gamma can be changed at will.


This cross stitch pattern can be attributed to ornaments. It is quite possible to embroider pillows with such snowflakes. The pattern is simple in execution, but it looks very impressive, especially on a colored canvas.

  • take FADE 14;
  • the figure shows 5 snowflakes of different sizes;
  • the size of the upper left: 37x37 crosses, on the canvas it occupies an area of ​​6.7x6.7 cm;
  • two lower snowflakes measuring 35x35 crosses will occupy squares 6.3x6.3 cm;
  • two small snowflakes measuring 17x17 crosses will occupy squares measuring 3.1x3.1 cm;
  • white DMS thread is used for embroidery;
  • you can use colored canvas.

Animals and plants

Here are selected several schemes depicting animals, birds and flowers, different in degree of complexity and size.

cute little sheep

Even a novice needlewoman can handle this little fun pattern.

  • picture size - 50x50 crosses;
  • you will need Aida 14 canvas;
  • take a canvas measuring 15x15 cm with a frame;
  • in the dimensions of the canvas, an allowance of 3 cm is taken into account on each side of the pattern;
  • select floss threads according to the picture;
  • you will need 9 colors in total.


This miracle bird will decorate any pillow. The drawing is quite large, but beginner needlewomen can handle it - it is simple.

  • picture size - 96x158 cells;
  • the work looks good on canvas Aida 14;
  • for work you will need a canvas measuring 23.5x34.7 cm, taking into account allowances;
  • the picture is relatively small, a frame of 3 cm is taken into account on each side of the picture;
  • DMS threads are required to work;
  • use 6 colors matched from the picture;
  • The range of colors can be changed to your liking.

  • picture size - 250x300 crosses;
  • We recommend using Aida 16 canvas;
  • use a piece of canvas measuring 50.6x42.2 cm with allowances;
  • the work is large, the size of the canvas includes an indent of 5 cm on each side;
  • use floss threads of 120 colors;
  • choose colors according to the picture.

prancing horse

This is a very beautiful cross stitch pattern. Recommended for needlewomen with experience.

  • embroidery size - 300x236 crosses;
  • the drawing made on canvas Aida 16 is good;
  • take a canvas measuring 57.6x47.4 cm with a frame;
  • the picture is quite large, the allowance for the frame is 5 cm on each side;
  • you will need DMS threads in 75 colors;
  • select all colors and shades according to the drawing.


This is a pattern of roses for cross stitch of medium complexity.

  • picture size - 200x155 crosses;
  • as a basis, take Aida 16 canvas;
  • for the diagram, use a canvas measuring 41.74x34.6 cm, taking into account the frame;
  • we took into account an indent of 5 cm on each side of the picture;
  • take floss threads of 60 colors;
  • All colors and shades can be easily selected from the picture.

Video with cross stitch master class lessons with patterns for beginners

This video shows the basics of the basics. It is told how to make crosses correctly, how to mark the canvas. The lesson uses a ready-made embroidery kit for beginners.

This video shows in detail one of the ways to cross stitch. It demonstrates in detail how to secure the thread using the loop method without turning the embroidery.

The video demonstrates in detail the "parking" cross stitch method. The essence and advantages of the method are described and shown in detail.

The video demonstrates two embroidery techniques: half-cross and tapestry stitch. Shows how to create both types of stitches and how they differ.

This video clearly shows how to embroider in two punctures. It tells about all the details of embroidery, shows how to quickly make half stitches.

Cross stitch as one of the types of needlework

Cross-stitch has always been considered a noble art. Secular ladies in fashion houses more than once spent their evenings embroidering their work in the company of other needlewomen. Possession of embroidery technique has always been considered something high, beautiful and was charged with the duties of every noble lady.

To date, there are a lot of embroidery patterns for every taste, color, size and any complexity of execution. You can buy embroidery kits, or you can choose any pattern and use a special program to develop a pattern for embroidery yourself. Share in the comments, do you like to embroider?

Embroidery is one of the most common and favorite activities of needlewomen of all ages. Among the variety of types of embroidery, it is cross stitch that has the greatest appeal and has not lost its popularity since its inception. This was partly due to the wide possibilities of this technique - cross-stitch patterns on clothes, tablecloths, pillows, napkins and other accessories and decor items, as well as create paintings and panels, while embroidery provides almost endless possibilities for embodying a variety of ideas - from simple pictures to paintings of world classics.

From the lesson you will learn:

We embroider a cross

Cross stitch is a method of embroidering a design on canvas using a needle and colored thread (floss) or other embroidery threads using the "cross stitch" technique. Cross-stitch is one of the countable types of needlework. The main element is the cross stitch, which consists of two intersecting oblique stitches. There are quite a lot of types of cross; in cross stitch, the technique of a full cross or half cross is usually used.

simple cross- represents two diagonal cross stitches. They start it, as a rule, from the right from the top diagonally to the left down, complete it - from the right from the bottom diagonally to the left up. An important feature of cross stitching is that all top stitches should lie flat and in one direction, lower - in the opposite direction.

Half cross- this is the first stitch when making a simple cross.

- a technique that is used less often, due to greater labor intensity. It is an alternation of simple crosses and small straight lines between them.

You can also distinguish other types of "cross": an elongated cross, an elongated cross with a line, a Slavic cross, a straight cross, alternating crosses, "Asterisk", Leviathan, Rice stitch, Italian cross.

Consider how to master cross stitch for beginners, where to start and what you need for this.

Cross stitch techniques

The cross stitch is the easiest stitch to learn. Even novice craftswomen will be able to perform simple cross-stitch, because it does not take much time and effort to master the technique. Cross stitch is easy to learn for kids too. For them, this is not only an exciting activity, but also a hobby that helps in the development of artistic taste and a sense of beauty, which brings up perseverance and the ability to concentrate.

You can make a cross in several ways:

1. classical technique cross stitch - English method or "Back the needle"

The traditional way of embroidering a cross, also called English, is to sequentially perform each individual cross.

2. Danish way

The use of the Danish method implies the execution of all lower stitches in a row, from left to right horizontally, then, after completing the row, closing them with the upper stitches, following in reverse order.

3. Simple Diagonal

Procedure: Using this technique, embroider, making stitches first from the bottom up, remembering to alternate the bottom and top, and then in reverse order - from top to bottom.

3.1. Double diagonal (left to right)

To try this technique, take a close look at the diagram. The section to be embroidered is represented by a double chain of red squares.

Procedure: start embroidering from the bottom with two single stitches in parallel squares. When you finish the side, go back down, closing the stitches and making crosses.

The step-by-step diagram is shown in the figure:

The technique of embroidery diagonally from right to left is very different from the same, but from left to right, despite the apparent similarity. If you have already mastered the double diagonal from left to right, then be careful when performing this technique.

Procedure: Start embroidering from the bottom, moving gradually up. Diagonal stitches must be completed by completing the cross, only in the outer row. When you reach the end, go back, completing crosses in the inner row from diagonal stitches.

The step-by-step diagram is shown in the figure:

Procedure: Begin to embroider from the top, making diagonal stitches down. Having done everything, continue moving up, completing the crosses with the top stitches.

The step-by-step diagram is shown in the figure:

Procedure: Start embroidering from the longest row. Sew diagonal stitches. After moving to a row with fewer stitches and completing it, do not embroider the entire subsequent row at once with big amount stitches. After completing the piece, complete the diagonal stitches in rows with a large number of filled "cells" of the canvas, going up. Next, complete the crosses, as indicated in the diagram.

Step by step diagram:

6. Tapestry (half-cross)

Separately, it is worth mentioning the "Tapestry" technique. Many people love this technique because it saves time on its implementation.

The tapestry stitch is a half-cross, which is done from left to bottom to right up. When embroidering a row from right to left, the direction of the stitch is changed - from right from top to left down. The stitches run strictly parallel to each other. The thread during the work should not be tightened.

An important feature of the "Tapestry" technique is the execution of stitches - they should all be directed in one direction, while the canvas should be tightly stretched on the hoop, but not overtightened to a skew. If the fabric is not stretched when embroidering, then after completion of work it will be difficult to align the finished pattern.

We fix the thread

There are no knots in perfectly executed work. How to achieve this?

Beginning of embroidery

At the beginning of work on embroidery, it is necessary to fasten the thread. This can be done as follows using the “Loop” methods: a piece of floss thread must be folded in half in the middle and the resulting loop should be inserted into the eye of the needle. Insert the needle into the corner of the “cell” of the canvas so that the needle comes out on the front side, and the loop that we made in the previous step remains on the inside. Having made a small indent, bring the needle to the wrong side, thread it through the loop and tighten the knot. Next, we begin to embroider.

If you still have questions about fixing the thread, then in the video you can see in detail how the “Loop” method is performed.

Continuation of work

Another common type of work with a thread is the attachment of a new thread. This technique may be needed in cases where it is necessary to change the color of the thread or has run out working thread. In order to carefully connect new thread, carefully pull it under a few stitches from the back of the picture to the place where you will start working with it. Make a back stitch in this place and continue embroidering.

Finishing the embroidery

To complete the embroidery, secure the thread using the "back of the needle" technique. This can be done in a similar way to attaching a thread. The remaining tail, about 5 centimeters long, pass through the next few stitches from the wrong side. Secure it with a back stitch. Ready.

Selection and work with floss

Traditionally, cross-stitching uses special threads called floss.

Mouline thread - a yarn obtained in a factory way, less often by hand-dressing, produced specifically for embroidery, as well as other types of needlework.

For your work, you can choose any thread, even ordinary sewing thread (it is better to use only for simple paintings), however, as a rule, it is better to choose from cotton or silk floss. In some cases, fine wool yarn will do.

Muline is the most different colors and shades. Modern productions do not limit themselves, trying to please even the most sophisticated craftswomen, and provide customers with a wide range of colors - from classic shades to the rarest ones.


Needles for embroidery do not require special parameters - any will do. Just remember a few nuances that will help you simplify the needlework process and make beautiful and neat embroidery.

1. Pay attention to the shape and size of the eye of the needle. The thread should be easily inserted into it, but the canvas should not be deformed when it passes through it.

2. If you have a coarse weave, take a medium-thick needle with a blunt tip.

3. The thickness of the needle depends on the density of the canvas: the denser it is, the thinner the needle.


Canvas- This is the basis for embroidery. It is a specially designed canvas, marked with cells, which are a place for embroidering a cross with threads. Canvas is made from various materials- cotton, linen, mixed materials, plastic.

In embroidery kits, you can find a canvas on which a pattern has already been applied. In the process of needlework, it is filled with embroidered crosses. This technique is called "printed cross". If the canvas is without a pattern, then the “counted cross” technique is used, i.e. you yourself will have to count the number of crosses.

If you choose the canvas yourself, then you should pay attention to its dimension. Dimension is the value from English traditions and means the number of crosses per inch of canvas. The dimension of the canvas can be recognized by its marking (the number assigned to the canvas).

Popular sizes are:

  1. Canvas #14(55 cells per 10 cm) - suitable for beginner embroiderers. It is quite large, so it is easy to embroider on it so that there is no need to use a magnifying glass or glasses. It can even be embroidered with two-fold threads, for better filling of the canvas. Embroidery on such a canvas turns out to be neat, but be prepared that the picture may turn out a little larger than on a canvas of a different dimension.
  2. Canvas #16(60 cells per 10 cm) suitable for experienced embroiderers. The size of the crosses on it will be smaller, so the picture itself is slightly smaller than on canvas No. 14, and the crosses will be denser. Here it is also recommended to embroider in two threads.
  3. Canvas #18- very small (72 cells per 10 cm). To work with it, you will need special tools (for example, a magnifying glass). You can embroider either with two threads or with one thread - depending on the desired embroidery density. This canvas is ideal for creating paintings that are highly realistic.

You can also find canvas No. 8 in stores - used for training (you can embroider with a cross, semi-cross), No. 11 - used for simple circuits, as well as for embroidering tablecloths, napkins, etc., No. 20 - the smallest, used for embroidery with a tapestry stitch or to give elegance to ordinary embroidery.

Canvas for cross-stitch is of several types - Aida (AIDA) And Hardanger. These are the most popular among needlewomen.

Canvas Aida is most convenient for counting cross stitch, as the crosses are even and neat without much difficulty. It consists of 100% cotton, and the canvas is a warp of 4x4 threads that form clear squares. It can be of the following dimensions: 8, 11, 14, 16, 18, 20.

Canvas Hardanger is a linen fabric with a uniform weave, so the embroiderer herself determines the size of the crosses. Most often, tapestry is embroidered on it, but cross-stitch or satin stitch embroidery is also possible. It is used only by experienced embroiderers, so for beginner needlewomen it is recommended to take Aida canvas.

An important point in working with canvas is the shrinkage of cotton canvas after washing. It happens along the shared line, so you need the correct cutting of the canvas so that the embroidered picture remains symmetrical, and does not stretch out in height. This is most relevant for paintings on the entire working surface; for paintings with an empty background, such deformation will be less noticeable.


Hoop - a device for fixing and stretching the canvas. There are different diameters and from different materials.

  1. A plastic round hoop is a convenient and inexpensive option for beginners. Lightweight, wide range of diameters, but fragile. They can also deform the canvas if it is too “loose”.
  2. Wooden hoop - can be not only of different diameters, but also shapes (round, square, rectangular). Lightweight, comfortable, versatile, canvas does not slip out of them, like plastic ones. The main advantage is that the outer ring is open, its diameter is adjusted by a screw, so the canvas does not deform when fastened. If you have a wooden hoop, then you can work with fabric of any thickness.
  3. The hoop-frame is a hoop and a frame in one. First, you stretch the canvas for embroidery, and then hang it on the wall in it. Universal, a wide variety of shapes and sizes, stretch the canvas well without deforming it.
  4. The chair hoop is an option for those who are seriously interested in embroidery. Thanks to the leg with a "foot" they are attached to the chair, which allows you to work with two hands. In addition to the fact that the process will go faster, your arms, back and neck will not get tired, since you will not need to hold the embroidery.

There are other types of hoops, but they are more expensive for professionals; for beginners, the listed options are enough.

The size of the hoop is very important: the larger the hoop, the less fastening of the canvas will be required to embroider fragments of the picture, thus there is less chance of damaging the canvas. Otherwise, choose according to taste and budget.

Choosing a ready-made kit for embroidery

So, now you have all the necessary knowledge and tools to start embroidery. It remains only to determine with a picture for embroidery. Manufacturers offer a wide range ready schemes and cross-stitch kits, and a variety of ideas for pictures will inspire even the most fastidious needlewoman. Since you are just a beginner craftswoman, then not just patterns are best for you, but ready-made cross-stitch kits. They have everything you need for needlework, so you do not have to choose a canvas and floss for a future picture, and the diagram is equipped with useful notes, thanks to which you will immediately find threads in the set desired color. All you have to do is choose an embroidery hoop and stock up on patience and enthusiasm.

So that the first work with embroidery does not become the last, you need to carefully approach the choice of a ready-made embroidery kit, otherwise you risk losing interest in creativity due to the complexity of the chosen embroidery.

How to choose the first cross stitch kit? These tips will be helpful for beginners:

1. What painting size should I choose?

Do not take large paintings with complex patterns. Yes, they are so beautiful that you will certainly want to embroider them all and hang them proudly on the wall. And you will definitely have such pictures, but it is better to start with something simple in order to understand how to work with embroidery. The best option would be a drawing 25x25 cm: this way you will practice, have time to feel the taste for needlework, and the resulting picture will decorate your room.

2. Which pattern to choose?

For beginners, paintings with a lot of small details are not suitable. In addition, it greatly delays the process. It is better to take a picture with large details: ornaments and “plot” drawings (houses, toys, ships) are embroidered rather quickly.

For example, you can try this scheme:

If you liked several sets, see which colors you like best, which threads will be more pleasant to work with. Also take a look at the diagram in the kit. Patterns for embroidery are available in color and black and white. It's a matter of taste here: some people like to immediately see the color on the diagram, while others think that black and white does not distract attention with a riot of colors, and the marks on it are more clearly expressed.

3. What kind of canvas should be in the set?

The sets may include a different canvas. Pay attention to the labeling. The canvas number is assigned depending on the size and density of the crosses. Canvas #14 is ideal for beginners. If there is canvas #16 in the set, then the crosses will be smaller and denser, so it will be more difficult for you to embroider. Canvas #18 is the hardest, you might even need a magnifying glass here.

4. What should be the first cross stitch kit?

First of all, you have to like it! Then embroidery will go easier, and needlework will be a joy.

Workplace preparation

The main requirement for the workplace is that you should be comfortable. Since it will take more than one hour to embroider, the place should be convenient. An easy chair is best.

The next requirement is lighting. You will be working with fine details, so the place should be well lit so that you do not have to "break your eyes" in the semi-darkness. It is most convenient for the light to fall from the left side for right-handers and from the right side for left-handers. If you work in the evenings, then in addition to the chandelier, it is advisable to turn on a table lamp.

It is advisable to place the cross stitch pattern closer to the light source. Everything else is random.

Everything, you can start needlework!

Getting started with cross stitching

If you bought the canvas separately, then before starting work, you need to process the edges - overcast or coat with a special transparent varnish or glue.

To make it easier to work with the canvas, you need to mark it up. To do this, fold the canvas in half twice and iron the folding points. Next, with a pencil or washable marker, mark the canvas into 10x10 cm squares.

Remember to leave at least 5 cm of free canvas for allowances. This is necessary for better stretching of the embroidery on the substrate. If your work is supposed to have an empty background, then remember how much you want to leave an indent from the picture to the frame or mat.

Hoop the canvas in the hoop so that the canvas lays flat, without distortions. Do not overtighten the canvas - this way you can deform it, and the canvas or embroidery will be damaged.

Choose the cross stitch technique that suits you and enjoy the process.

Completion of embroidery and registration of the finished work

After the embroidered picture is ready, it needs to be put in order and framed.

To remove a washable marker from the canvas, and also if your work gets a little dirty during preparation, soak it in warm soapy water and then rinse it, but in no case rub or wring it out. Dry the work in an upright position. After that, iron with a steam iron from the wrong side through a clean white cloth. Lay another white cloth or sheet on the board before ironing to avoid accidental staining.

The finished picture can be framed for photos or you can buy a special baguette.

Cross stitching for beginners is a good opportunity to calm your nerves and put your thoughts in order. IN Lately it became fashionable to decorate adult and children's clothes, knitted hats, bags, cosmetic bags, linen, pillows, things for the kitchen, cross-stitch. And if you have not tried your hand at cross-stitching yet, it's time to get carried away with this decor. We suggest starting with miniature cross stitch. It's not hard and you can see the result right away. Mini-embroidery can decorate clothes, accessories, hide stains, update old things. Or embroider a small napkin, arrange it on cardboard and hang it anywhere in the apartment.

What fabric should we use for embroidery? What are the best needles to buy? How to make drawings? Which hoop is better and more convenient? We will try to briefly answer the main questions for beginners to embroider with a cross.

If you are decorating a nursery or an adult ready-made clothes, then you take a piece of clothing, put a hoop on top, and work. The same applies to bed linen, tablecloths, and so on. If you are doing embroidery for decoration, you need to determine what it will be on. Experienced embroiderers prefer to embroider on Aida canvas. For beginner embroiderers, it is advised to take vinyl canvas.

Alternatively, large weave fabrics (linen, cotton, burlap, matting, canvas, and so on) are suitable for this purpose. All these fabrics have a noticeable cage for making a cross. The fabric should be with a small or large, clearly defined weave, it is better if it is light in color.

Interesting embroideries are obtained on colored fabrics, such as polka dots. We prepare our fabric for work: we overcast the edges or go over them with glue or varnish so that the threads do not spill out. We are looking for the central point of the canvas: fold the fabric in half 2 times. Mark the center with a pencil. So it will be easier for us to outline one or more drawings.

To make cross-stitch for beginners easy and simple, it is better not to save on needles, but to buy several pieces at once. In the process, you will understand which needle is more convenient for you to work with. Embroidery needles have the following difference: the smaller the number, the larger the needle.

There is one rule: the denser the fabric, the denser the weave of the threads and the thinner the needle for cross stitching.

Needles with a blunt, rounded end are desirable for cross-stitching. Such an end does not pierce, but “expands” the fibers. You can see the puncture points - it's easier to determine the stitch size. The long eyelet is suitable for wool and multi-strand floss.

Store needles and pins in a pincushion or pillow. Do not stick a needle into your clothes or put a needle or pin in your mouth.

For the convenience of cross-stitching, it is advisable for you to choose a hoop. They are different: metal, plastic, wooden, large square. Metal ones are not very convenient, they often leave dark marks on light embroidery. Plastic hoops are the cheapest and can be used as long as they don't slip off the fabric. Large square ones are convenient, but take up too much space. They are not suitable for small embroidery. And the most comfortable are wooden hoops. They can be with or without a screw. Choose a size of 20-30 cm. Take a piece of paper with you to the store, according to the size of your work, so it will be easier for you to choose the size of the hoop.

A variety of threads are suitable for cross stitching:

  1. Embroidery cotton (mulina).
  2. Melange.
  3. Mercerized cotton.
  4. Tapestry wool.
  5. Metallized.
  6. Fine wool.
  7. Silk (mulina).

The most commonly used threads are floss. Each skein of it is made of 6 thin threads, they must be separated before work. Otherwise you will get confused. First, carefully unwind the floss and cut off a piece of 65-70 cm. This thread length is the most convenient for work. Then we begin to pull the threads one at a time and wind them around small cardboard boxes so that they do not get tangled. Before embroidering, it is advised to draw the thread over a damp sponge - it will lie down more evenly. You can take any threads, the main thing is that the work gives pleasure and joy.

Preparing for embroidery

Before work, it is advisable to wash and dry the fabric, wrapping it in a napkin. Then the fabric is ironed. So you will be sure that the fabric will not shrink in the future. If the drawing is small, it is easiest to draw it in cells on a piece of paper in a box, coloring it with colored pencils. Then copy paper is placed on the fabric, and a pattern is placed on top. Secure the pattern with pins, and outline with a sharp pencil or pen. Then color all the cells with colored pencils.

There are three types of stitches that are most often used in this embroidery: cross, half-cross, and tapestry stitch.

  • What is cross stitch technique? These are two threads that lay crosswise, close to each other. There is nothing particularly difficult in this technique.
  • What is a half cross? A half cross is ½ of a cross. The background is usually embroidered with this stitch. It is in demand in large works, when you need to save threads.
  • What is tapestry stitch? It looks like a half-cross, only the wrong side of the stitch is different. Tapestry stitch embroider rows: vertically or horizontally.

There are several embroidery methods. The most basic and commonly used:

  • Traditional (English) - each cross is embroidered separately.
  • Danish - first embroider ½ cross, go through the entire row, and then go back, closing another ½ cross. And so on to the end of the row.

It is more convenient to embroider rows vertically with the traditional method, and horizontally with the Danish method.

  1. All stitches should be the same, in the same direction. Do not tighten the threads, let the stitch be free.
  2. Experienced needlewomen are advised to start with cotton floss threads, in 2 threads.
  3. Cross stitch always start from the center of the fabric. We have already found and marked the central point.
  4. Move from the center to the edge of the drawing.

Many write that the wrong side should look beautiful. This is not at all necessary, especially on pillows and paintings. Don't do extra work.

At the end of work

After finishing work, briefly put the fabric in warm soapy water for an hour. Then rinse without twisting. We iron from the wrong side. You need to put a terry towel down, otherwise the stitches will lose their shape. The fabric must dry completely. Next, you can start pulling on a special frame. The frame is made of cardboard. After pulling, wrap the edges and seal the wrong side with tape. Framed embroideries without glass look the most beautiful, as the structure of the canvas is visible.

Schemes for embroidery

We found such schemes to be small and clearly divided into cells. This makes them easier to redraw.

Our distant ancestors were engaged in cross-stitching. The art of needlework has always been held in high esteem. Due to the modern rhythm of life, everyone fewer women is engaged in needlework, nevertheless, cross-stitch is still popular today, since the occupation has a number of advantages. You can earn money with needlework, you can decorate your home life, or you can put your thoughts in order.

You can embroider anything your heart desires: bed linen, hygiene items (towels, scarves, etc.), home interiors (curtains, napkins, paintings), etc. One of the most difficult areas in this art is cross-stitching large-sized paintings.

The level of complexity of such needlework, as a rule, is suitable only for the most experienced craftswomen.

Embroidery itself, like beading, is a very painstaking work, especially when it comes to large amounts of work, not to mention the complexity of the variety. color palette in pictures.

An occupation of this kind can take no less time than it took to create the picture itself. Artists sometimes work for years on their paintings, and embroidery can take months or even years of work. The most difficult thing in the process of creating a large picture is to finish it, because it often happens that tired and desperate, needlewomen simply put their work away without finishing it. It is important to overcome this desire and continue. Completed lovely picture will be a wonderful reward for the labors and efforts.

How to cross stitch large pictures, kings

How to properly approach such a serious and laborious task. Many people take on large paintings too early, considering it just a set of small ones. But that's not the case at all. Embroidering a small picture, the master immediately sees the result. With a lot of work, there is no such effect. There is a lot of work with colors, shades.

Sometimes the sea, which is a fragment of the picture, can be embroidered for months, and if there is also a piece of the sky ...

Nevertheless, sooner or later, any craftswoman will come to want to create something more and beautiful than small drawings. How better to organize your work so that the process and the result would bring pleasure from the picture and satisfaction of the inner need to create great things.

There is one great tip that will help to simplify the embroidery of a large picture at least a little. It is necessary to take on two works at once, the first is a large and complex picture, the second is a small and unpretentious drawing with a large canvas. You need to work on the picture until patience runs out, and then put it aside and switch to a simple drawing (if possible, a contrasting picture). Such a little trick will help keep your enthusiasm up to the mark and learn how to embroider even the largest and most complex paintings quickly and with pleasure.

Schemes of large paintings

A pattern is required for cross stitching. Especially when it comes to big pictures. Themes of the executed schemes for embroidery can be very diverse. These are animals, and great kings, nobles, emperors, landscapes of nature and so on.

The museum collection is a great pantry for ideas for embroidering large paintings.

Modern patterns for embroidery can be found in specialty stores, or you can use programs that allow you to convert any image into a pattern.

Secrets of embroidering large paintings

Each craftswoman has her own secrets for embroidering large paintings. In particular, the benefits of marking the canvas with a pencil are known. Canvas, marked with small squares, greatly facilitates the task and allows you to notice your mistakes.

And now the most important thing! When embroidering, you have to look from embroidery to pattern and vice versa. This is very tiring for the eyes and slows down the embroidery process itself. But what if you take and transfer the pattern to the canvas, and then embroidery will become easier and faster, first transfer the entire pattern, and then embroider. You can embroider and at the same time talk with your family or watch TV shows. At the beginning, it may seem that this is a double job, because the process of transferring embroidery is no less laborious, but once you try it, you will no longer want to return to the previous method.

Summing up, some ways of simplification should be noted, along with the above:

  • Using an embroidery machine;
  • Pencil for marking the canvas;
  • Establishing the daily amount of work to be done;
  • Alternation of “large” and “small” embroidery;
  • Embroidery technique with the transfer of the scheme to the canvas.

Thus, despite the laboriousness of the process, applying the above tips, embroidery of large paintings can bring great pleasure and satisfaction from the work done. The finished works are not just embroidered paintings, but a work of art, in which a lot of time and effort has been invested.

Embroidery of a large picture "Home is where the heart is" (video)

Embroidery, full of soul, will bring pleasure not only to the craftswoman, but also to those around her. If you approach the issue of embroidery wisely, you can find many advantages from this type of needlework, while reducing the disadvantages to zero.
