Where to make a hickey. How to give a girl a hickey on her neck

Hickey is one of the side effects of lovemaking. This feature occurs quite often when it comes to passionate couples. The main feature of hickeys is that they can remain on the body from 5 days to 2 weeks. Agree, such prospects are not very bright. Therefore, the question becomes how to get rid of the hematoma or disguise it. Let's talk about everything in more detail.

How to cover up a hickey on your neck

  1. You cannot come to work or school with such marks on your neck. For 5-15 days, while the hickey is still there, use effective ways to disguise it.
  2. Choose a foundation that will harmonize with the skin tone on your neck. Apply it not only to the hickey, but also to some area around the hematoma.
  3. If the consequences of a hectic pastime occurred during the cold season, wear clothes with a collar or a scarf. A turtleneck, a sweatshirt, or a shirt with a stand-up collar will do.
  4. If you have no contraindications to visiting a solarium or sunbathing, take advantage of this. On a tanned body, the hickey will not appear so clearly.
  5. Those with long or medium hair are advised to wear their locks loose. Do hairstyles that highlight your face and at the same time cover your neck.
  6. You can resort to tricks and use a transfer tattoo, mehendi or other services of this type. Apply the design over the hematoma.

Medicines for removing hickeys

  1. Currently, many medications have been developed that can remove a hickey in a short time. Such formulations should contain vitamin K and heparin.
  2. This ointment affects the skin, constricting blood vessels. As a result, redness is significantly reduced. It is important to apply the composition according to the instructions, otherwise you may harm the skin.
  3. As an alternative remedy, you can use iodine solution. The composition perfectly activates blood circulation, eliminating the damaged area. Apply the product with a classic mesh.

Folk remedies to combat hickey

The means at hand are no worse than ointments in coping with the consequences of a stormy night. You will find all the products listed in your kitchen.

  1. If you find a hickey almost immediately, use any product from the freezer.
  2. Arm yourself with ice cubes and wrap them in plastic wrap. Apply to the damaged area of ​​skin and wait until you feel cold.
  3. This will prevent bruising or make it less noticeable. Cosmetic ice works in a similar way, only it does not need to be wrapped in film.


  1. This method is similar to the previous one. It is suitable for cases where the hickey can be identified immediately.
  2. Prepare the slurry: sift the baking soda, mix it with filtered water at room temperature.
  3. Apply a thick paste to the site of the suspected hickey and wait 5 minutes. A bruise may appear, but it will be less pronounced.


  1. To carry out the procedure, you will need medium-sized young potatoes. Wash the root vegetable and pass through a grater. Apply to the hickey site and secure with gauze. Wait half an hour.
  2. You can also try adding half the potatoes without using any paste. Do the manipulations 3 times. Apply fresh compound each time.
  3. There is another way to get rid of a hickey. Squeeze the juice out of the potatoes. Soak a bandage folded several times in the mixture. Treat the affected area with patting movements. After drying, repeat the procedure 3 times.


  1. Some claim that you can get rid of a hickey in a short time using classic white toothpaste.
  2. To do this, just apply a thin layer of product to the skin and wait until it dries completely. After this, wash off the paste.

Aloe vera

  1. In the fight against such situations, aloe extract has proven itself well. To do this you will need a fresh plant stem.
  2. Squeeze out the gel. Mix the pulp with a small amount of alcohol. Blot with gauze and apply to the hickey site as a compress. The procedure must be done several times.


  1. A piece of raw beef will help in the fight against a fresh hickey. The method has worked well and is worth a try.
  2. Cut a piece of cool meat and apply it to the hickey. Wait about 20 minutes. Repeat the procedure every hour.


  1. Table 6% vinegar will help you get rid of a fresh hickey.
  2. Rub onto damaged skin. Repeat the procedure periodically.

Cosmetic methods for removing hickeys


  1. To hide a hickey on your neck, you will need foundation in two tones: one to match your skin color, the other lighter. Treat your skin with your usual lotion to remove oily shine.
  2. The foundation must be distributed over the entire neck and décolleté area. In the area where the hickey remains, use a product with a light shade. Powder the final result.
  3. Keep in mind that to achieve maximum effect you will need a foundation with a thick and oily base.


  1. Some experiments have shown that rubbing and massage can help get rid of a hickey. To do this, you can use your fingertips or a soft toothbrush.
  2. It is important to understand that manipulation must be carried out with extreme caution. Otherwise, you risk only aggravating the situation and expanding the lesion.
  3. An alternative is a contrast compress. To do this, you need to alternately apply hot and cold wet cloth to the hickey site. The effect should appear after a few tries.

If you don’t have the time and energy to remove the hickey, try to hide it using improvised means. The duration of this type of hematoma depends on the degree of damage and other aspects. Even in the most successful scenario, the hickey will remain on the neck for at least three days.

  1. Sweater. In the summer, this option will not be relevant. But it’s just right for winter. If you don't already have a turtleneck sweater, it's time to get one. A knitted attribute will not only hide the consequences of violent pleasures, but will also complement your image.
  2. Decorative cosmetics. There are cosmetics called concealers. They are designed to disguise skin defects, such as purple spots after acne, dark circles under the eyes, etc. To hide a hickey on the neck, choose a green-colored concealer. Apply it only to the damaged area of ​​skin and rub well. You can apply foundation on top. The method is not suitable for long-term masking, because after 4-5 hours the cosmetics begin to wear off.
  3. Shawl/scarf. We have already talked about these camouflage methods a little higher, but it makes sense to dwell on them in more detail. The scarf is suitable for girls; it can be worn on the head or tied around the neck. Men are advised to wear a scarf. It looks great in the cold season and emphasizes the jawline. Don't forget the main thing - these attributes hide hickeys on the neck well.
  4. Band-Aid. Not only women, but also men are concerned about the issue of hiding a hickey in a very visible place. A regular adhesive plaster will help you. Stick it on and tell everyone that you cut yourself with a razor during the corresponding procedure. Girls will have to use their imagination. Refer to the area of ​​skin burned by the curling iron or iron.
  5. Shants collar. If you are ready for drastic camouflage measures, use a collar that is designed to treat the neck. It is sold online and in medical stores. Of course, you will have to shell out a tidy sum and come up with a plot that will make those around you believe that you really injured your neck.

To get rid of a hickey, try the method that suits you best. It is strongly not recommended to use all methods at once. Otherwise, you can significantly damage the skin and increase the affected area. If you do not take any measures, the hickey will go away in 5-15 days. It all depends on the degree of tissue damage. Try not to let this happen in the future.

Video: how to quickly get rid of a hickey

A hickey on the body is a hematoma, appearing due to rupture of capillaries under the human skin.

Today, these marks are not accepted by society, but this does not stop boys and girls in love from leaving marks on their loved ones as a sign of love and tender feelings.

Usually hickeys are placed on the neck, chest, curves of the arms, back and stomach. In these places, the skin is thin, so it is easier to “get” to the capillaries with your lips.

Step-by-step instructions on how to do a hickey correctly:

  1. Initially, think about which part of the body you should put a mark on.
  2. Then touch your lips to your skin.
  3. Open your lips slightly and kiss your partner.
  4. Gently “suck” a small area of ​​skin with your mouth.
  5. Hold for 10 seconds, then release and repeat.

To make the mark more pronounced, you need to gradually absorb the skin.

After such a kiss, a reddish mark appears on the body, which in 5–10 minutes will turn into a bloody hematoma of small diameter.

Note! It is worth remembering that the technique of setting a hickey is very delicate.

If you move carelessly, you can injure your partner or cause him pain and discomfort, so it is better to follow the rules of conduct during this process.

Table: rules

Rule Description
Missing teeth Human skin is very dense, but it can be easily bitten by teeth. Therefore, you should not be zealous and use your teeth to make a more noticeable mark.
Agreement The mark in the form of a hickey is placed only with the consent of the partner. Otherwise, such a gesture will be regarded as an insult.
Relaxed state It is necessary to place a hickey only when the person is in a relaxed state.
Periodicity For a darker mark to appear, you need to adhere to periodicity. Initially suck the skin and then release it. Do this several times.
Duration It is advisable to place a mark on any part of the body for no longer than 30 seconds.

Guys and girls perceive such marks differently. For a girl, a strong hickey on the neck is shameful.

Many young ladies note that after passionate kisses from guys they have to hide such beauty with an abundance of cosmetics or things with a neckline.

Girls are more accepting of hickeys on invisible places (thighs, stomach). Such marks can be easily hidden under clothes, and the sign itself is regarded as a symbol of the love and affection of a guy for a girl.

For a guy, such a bruise symbolizes the devotion of his significant other. Many guys put similar marks to indicate that the girl is already taken and belongs to another man.

Hickeys on the face and lip are not perceived by both sexes. They are difficult to disguise, so people are afraid of being judged by society for vulgarity and immorality.

Learning how to make hickeys is not difficult. Training will require a little time and a suitable partner who will allow similar experiments to be carried out on him.

But remember that you should not open the hickey for everyone to see, it is indecent. Such a sign exposes a person’s personal life, so if possible, you should try to hide it with clothes or tinted cosmetic products.

How long does it take for a hickey to go away?

The length of time the mark stays on the body depends on the diligence and perseverance of the partner. Usually hickeys last more than 7 days.

After 5–6 days, the mark becomes bluish, then acquires a purple tint. At the resorption stage, the hickey becomes lighter.

Hickeys pass most quickly on such parts of the body as:

  1. Inner thigh.
  2. Inner side of the hand.

Important! Remember that a hickey brings not only moral discomfort to a person, but also physical discomfort.

From a physiological point of view, this is a bruise, so it hurts when you touch it.

If the “love mark” is placed on the neck, then the pain will be stronger, since the neck is one of the most mobile parts of the human body.

How to quickly get rid of a hickey?

Only a few people like to demonstrate the results of their love affairs. Most people try to urgently get rid of a hickey so as not to attract undue public attention.

You can remove a hickey at home in the following ways:

  1. Onion. This vegetable will help remove a bruise in a short time. To remove, cut the onion in half and apply one half to the bruise.
  2. Mixture of onions and table salt. Peel the onion and grate it on a fine grater. Add table salt to the onion pulp and stir. Apply for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Potato. This is a quick way to remove a bruise. Peel the potatoes, grate them and apply them to the bruise. The bruise will go away in 1–2 days.
  4. White cabbage. To eliminate this you will need a cabbage leaf. You will need to knead it with a rolling pin and apply it to the bruise.
  5. Iodine mesh. This method helps to quickly reduce fresh bruising.
  6. Piece of raw meat.
  7. Aloe juice. Squeeze the juice from aloe leaves and mix it with vodka in equal proportions. Soak a cotton compress in the liquid and apply it to the bruise, fix it with an adhesive plaster or wrap it with a cloth.

If you do not want to use traditional medicine, then you can turn to pharmacological products for help.

Remove bruises and bruises: “Rescuer” ointment, “Lioton” gel, “Troxevasin” gel, “Bruise-off” ointment, heparin ointment, “Zhivokost” balm, “Dolobene” ointment.

Bodyaga deserves special attention. This is a powder sold in pharmacies.

This product resolves bruises, relieves inflammation and promotes skin regeneration.

Application: the powder is dissolved in a small amount of water to form a mushy mass, which is applied to the face for 20 minutes.

If a person wants to prevent the appearance of traces of a passionate kiss, then he should use the methods below.

Table: measures to prevent hematomas

Useful video

A hickey is a bruise on the skin caused by a very strong kiss. It is not difficult to do, but given that such a “mark” will disappear no sooner than in a week, and the attitude in society towards it is not the most friendly, it is still worth thinking carefully about whether to put it or not.

How to give a hickey: instructions

In principle, you can make a hickey on any part of the body, but the area with the most delicate and thin skin is best suited. For example, you can place a hickey on the neck, one of the most vulnerable places on the body, or on the inner surface of the arm or thigh.

  1. Touch your lips to the desired place and take a small area of ​​skin with your mouth, as if creating a vacuum.
  2. This must be done without the use of teeth, otherwise, in addition to a bruise, you will also leave a wound.
  3. Loosen the “grip” and suck the skin again - you will need about 30 seconds of such manipulations to achieve the desired effect.

Don't expect to see the characteristic mark right away - it will take about 10 minutes to appear. As time passes, the color of the bruise will change and lighten until the bruise disappears completely.

However, before you get a hickey, think about the fact that such spots on the skin look extremely unattractive. Moreover, we are not talking about some serious damage to the skin, but about the attitude towards hickeys in society.

Attitude towards hickeys

People evaluate such marks in different ways:

  • Some believe that this is a clear indication of passion, the burning sexual desire of a partner who is overwhelmed by so many feelings that he is unable to control the intensity of his caresses.
  • Others perceive hickeys as a kind of expression of possessive feelings towards a partner. Like, since he put a bruise in a visible place, it means he wants to show others that this woman/man has a soul mate.

Moreover, the overwhelming majority of those who evaluate bruises from kisses quite positively are men. But among the fair sex, such “decoration” is considered provocative and vulgar, because from time immemorial, a lady’s demonstration of her intimate victories was considered indecent. If there are a lot of hickeys, then the woman is completely perceived by others as “walking”. It is this fact that should be taken into account before rewarding your partner with hickeys on open areas of the body.

If the stain has already shone treacherously in the most visible place, then you can turn to the article for help.

A hickey is a bruise that is formed by squeezing the capillaries on the skin. This sign is universally used by men and women to show sexual achievement.

As you know, in society it is considered unacceptable to show traces of passion to people around you.

Despite this, many representatives of both sexes actively pose them to each other, and the surprised looks of passers-by give them pleasure.

A guide on how to give hickeys will help you do it correctly and accurately.

Every woman, as well as a man, at least once in their life has encountered the manifestation of passion from their sexual partner.

The sign with a heart looks especially beautiful, which means skill, the ability to make hickeys on the body.

Not all ladies like purple manifestations: this color takes on a trace over time - the skin is compressed, capillaries burst, and a bruise forms.

You can see the signs on the neck, face or chest from the photo below.

Let's figure out what they mean:

  1. On the lip. The manifestation of passion on the lip indicates that during a passionate kiss the partners did not calculate the suction force, which caused a bruise.

    As you know, lips are covered with thin and delicate skin, so making a hickey in this area is not difficult.

  2. On the chest. Men are often so carried away by the process of sexual intercourse that they do not notice the marks they leave in the area of ​​the mammary glands.

    To remove a hickey, you need to use gentle methods to avoid harm to the breast. The mark on the chest part of the body in men adds a brutal touch of character to them.

  3. On the hand. The skin on the hands is quite delicate, so the marks here have a bright red tint. Hands are the most optimal place for self-hickey.
  4. On the face. Bruises on the face look especially unpleasant: in particular, a mark left on the cheek is unlikely to bring pleasure to a girl.

    Before you make such a mark, it is better to make sure that the lady does not mind, otherwise there is a risk of a major quarrel.

Sometimes hickeys decorate the body of a man or woman, but often cause irritation and disgust among others.

To hide manifestations of passion, use clothes made of thick fabric.

How to give a guy or girl a hickey correctly: video

To avoid unnecessary questions from parents or friends, you can learn how to make the right hickeys: they are beautiful and do not cause dissatisfaction.

To quickly leave a neat and painless mark on the body of a girl or guy, follow the rules:

  • First, you need to decide on the location: for brighter options, choose places with thin skin; for darker marks, it is better to place them where the skin is thick.
  • To give a hickey, a girl or boy must have a completely relaxed body - otherwise nothing will work.
  • Visually in your head you need to outline the area where the sign will be located.
  • When you touch the designated area with your lips, you must gently pull in the skin.
  • Waiting time - 30 seconds, if you want to leave a strong mark, increase the time.

You should not give hickeys to a person who does not want or does not expect it.

When carrying out the procedure, you should not use teeth or bites - this will damage the skin and cause discomfort. For better effect, the mark can be left overnight.

Important! Hickeys do not cause any particular harm, but they do not look aesthetically pleasing.

To get rid of marks quickly and effectively, begin gently massaging your skin immediately.

When answering the question of how long the blue mark of love lasts, it is worth noting the individual characteristics of each person’s skin.

Basically this period is from 2 days to 2 weeks. This video will help you make a hickey correctly.

How to give yourself a hickey using a vacuum cleaner or bottle

Fake hickeys are becoming popular among young people: teenagers use this sign to demonstrate their sexual activity and attract girls.

An artificial blue trail also helps to get rid of annoying young ladies, because it indicates that the guy’s heart is already occupied.

Note! Before you give yourself a hickey, read all the instructions for the procedure - this will help you avoid trouble.

Let's consider the stages of performing an independent fake hickey using various improvised means at home:

With a bottle Using eye shadow Using a vacuum cleaner
Stage 1 Choose a place for the mark: it is better to choose the area of ​​​​the neck from the sides The optimal place is on the side of the neck Prepare the device and select the most optimal nozzle - a crevice nozzle works well
Stage 2 Take a two-liter bottle, stand in front of a mirror and squeeze it.

Apply the neck of an open bottle to your neck and hold for 15 seconds: the pressure created will help create a bruise in less than a minute

Use pink, blue and purple eyeshadow to create the effect. Many may think that these are similar spots, but not hickeys, so work through each layer carefully Turn on the vacuum cleaner and hold its flexible tube to your skin
Stage 3 To make the bruise wider, apply the bottle again, a little to the left or right of the first mark. You can secure the work with hairspray - it will prevent the cosmetics from falling off Try to work carefully to avoid too much squeezing of the skin: it is better to vacuum a bruise on thick skin

How to quickly remove it at home

Blue marks from manifestations of love do not always become appropriate.

The problem of deletion arises when an official business meeting needs to be held in the near future, and there is no way to hide the trace.

Let's look at ways to remove a hickey in 1 day or more:

  • You can cover the stain with toothpaste - this must be done immediately, before the mark becomes brightly colored.
  • You can cure a long-standing hickey using an onion: cut the head in half and apply it to the affected area every 40 minutes.
  • To combat marks that have lasted for a long time, it is recommended to use garlic, aloe juice, and ice cubes.

Pictures of people with hickeys clearly demonstrate the beauty of such a mark, at the same time, warning against possible consequences in aesthetic terms.

To leave a beautiful mark means to treat your partner with care and love, without causing discomfort.

Useful video

Hickeys in various places on a person indicate his turbulent personal life. Some men don’t even try to hide these manifestations of passion, demonstrating to others how passionate the relationship with their other half is.

From a scientific point of view, a hickey is a bruise, which poses a danger to the delicate network of blood vessels, causing it to rupture.

Particularly dangerous are manifestations on the neck and in those places where the body is covered by a thin layer of skin.

Why do they give hickeys?

There is a big difference between a hickey and a kiss, which is considered a manifestation of tenderness and love for a sexual partner.

Hickeys by their nature are an expression of passion and leave behind a mark in the form of a bruise on the body.

Masters of this craft are able to quickly create a bruise on any part of the body using lips and teeth.

Such a mark stays on the body for a long time: let’s figure out why people give hickeys:

  1. A lot of men They consider this process fun - what could be better than, while fooling around with the woman they love, giving her a rough kiss.

    However, such games do not lead to joy; the girl has to take urgent measures to disguise this manifestation of fun.

  2. Label. This reason encourages men and women to mark. A bright blue mark on the neck means that this person already belongs to someone, there is no point in starting a relationship with her.
  3. Showing charisma. Many men try to show their sexual activity in this way, and also boast that passion and delight await the girl in bed.
  4. Calling a reaction. Some boys like to show off their blue marks in order to provoke a strong reaction from a woman about this matter, as well as to find out her attitude towards him.

In long-term relationships, it is unlikely that you will encounter the daily use of hickeys; this is a technique used by men or women at the initial stage of communication.

Some individuals also like to give themselves hickeys for the same reasons stated above.

How to disguise a hickey on your neck?

This problem is more of a concern to girls who tend to wear open dresses, jackets and blouses. It’s unlikely that colleagues at work will like to see a trace of their partner’s manifestation of love.

In addition, this will cause a number of gossip and rumors. Men also sometimes need to hide such traces, especially if their business style does not allow such oversights.

Several ways to make a bruise invisible:

  1. Usually a hickey stays on the neck for about 7-10 days, which becomes inappropriate for attending business meetings.
  2. Men and ladies It is recommended to hide the hematoma under clothing. In the summer, you can hide a large hickey by wearing light sweaters with a neckline.
  3. Use of ointments. A medicine with a resolving, wound-healing effect will help to cure and additionally disguise a bruise. These are drugs Sinyakoff, Lyoton-Gel.
  4. Patch. Another option to temporarily hide the mark while waiting for the hematoma to go away is to stick a piece of bactericidal plaster.

    It may look strange, but it is unlikely that colleagues or relatives would think to look under it.

Even if the hickey is beautiful, heart-shaped, or reminds you of the night before, you shouldn’t show it off. This will cause a number of confusion and give rise to gossip in the team.

Important! When you want to give your loved one a hickey, you should learn to do it in a place where strangers won’t be able to see it.

These methods must be used if the mark was left on the cheek, arm, chest, face, or lip.

In the latter case, the removal process will be difficult, because the skin on the lips has a different shade, the hickey will be dark.

Emergency measures to get rid of a hickey

Regardless of whether the hickey was real or artificial, caused by a vacuum cleaner or a bottle, sooner or later the need to urgently remove it comes. Emergency measures taken immediately will help remove the hickey.

Note! One of the unusual methods to get rid of the mark temporarily is to apply a non-permanent tattoo.

Let's look at several techniques that help remove fake and real hickeys in a short period of time:

Folk remedies

Some men prefer to leave the hickey so that it is visible to everyone around them and their friends. If such behavior is considered unacceptable, you can use folk techniques for eliminating bruises on the body.

To properly remove traces of passion at home, use the following methods:

  • Soda fights well with rough kisses: a paste of 1 teaspoon of soda and water is applied to the hematoma for 15 minutes.
  • Raw potatoes, cut in half, applied to the affected area, and after 20 minutes it is replaced by a fresh piece of vegetable.
  • Fresh A cabbage leaf will help the bruise resolve: apply it to your body for 30 minutes and wrap it in a scarf.
  • Iodine will improve the resorption of the hematoma: apply the product in the form of a mesh to the bruise.

All of these methods are considered effective and fast-acting, but each person has individual skin characteristics.

Do not allow hickeys to form on thin skin, then there will be no problems in eliminating them.

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