How to give your husband a romantic evening at home ideas. Romantic for a husband: secrets of happy wives

Representatives of both sexes face this question at least once in their lives. On the one hand, with your beloved (beloved) paradise in a hut with a cup of tea and a dried sandwich. On the other hand, you always want to celebrate a significant moment (and the thought of a romantic evening comes at a turning point in a relationship) and prepare something truly worthy of being called romantic dinner for your loved one.

Here are a few rules to keep in mind when organizing a romantic dinner:

Food should be prepared quickly, easily and without requiring the skills of a chef. This is understandable - who wants romance after 4-5 hours spent at the stove. I give my simplest and fastest recipes with photos.

For the process of sharing a meal to be truly romantic, meat, poultry and fish must be boneless. Let it be easy to use a knife and fork, and clean hands may soon come in handy.

I advise romantics to do without onions, garlic, salted fish and sharp cheeses. All these are unnecessary smells for the continuation of the evening, you will agree.

Cooked food should not cause discomfort after a couple of hours. Don't cook anything too spicy or fried. We will also leave beans and peas for less romantic occasions, for example.

Don't cook too many different dishes. Served table will lose all romanticism, if you force him with plates of dozens of appetizers. One salad, one hot dish and one dessert are enough.

The salad must be served directly on the plate. On two dishes, more precisely. Let it look like a complete masterpiece, like in a restaurant. You can do this with both a hot dish and dessert.

Prepare dishes, tablecloths and napkins without picture. It's better to decorate the table romantic accessories- candles, hearts, flowers and bows (see some examples in my article). Only in this case the table setting will not seem tacky.

Now about the products from which we need to prepare our home-made romantic dinner. I don’t know how effective aphrodisiac products are, but since every people inhabiting our planet has such products, it means there is something in it. Even the purely psychological effect of contemplation and anticipation of gastronomic pleasure in a pleasant campaign will triple us.

These are the products:

Avocado, bananas, mushrooms, caviar, nuts, coffee, strawberries, sesame seeds, honey, almonds, celery, dates, chocolate, eggs.

There is no meat on this list, but in the minds of Russian romantics, it is the most preferred aphrodisiac , so we prepare our favorite dishes with peace of mind.

What to cook for a romantic dinner: quick and easy recipes

Chicken breast in honey sauce, salad with cherry tomatoes and feta, strawberries and cream (25 minutes for everything!).

If you have the opportunity to prepare a candlelight dinner in advance, take this selection ():

If you had a very ordinary dinner, do this... The French serve it as dessert, so it all comes together :-)! Check out my article with pictures and tips on exactly how to serve different types of cheese with fruit and wine! Believe me, it's very cool! And if there is also a good film about love...

More options:

Salads and appetizers:

The recipe is in pictures, extremely simple and very successful.

Don’t make a salad at all; make do with a few canapés (small sandwiches on skewers) from my collection. There are elegant and quite romantic combinations of meat, fish and vegetables.

Main course:

(kebabs on skewers). Very quickly - a minute and a half on each side. Fry in a regular frying pan! Proven recipe with photos and videos!

Meat in a sleeve with sauce (prepared without the participation of romantics, but tasty and beautiful). Don't miss my detailed recipe in pictures.

Hello, dear friends and blog readers! Today we’ll talk about how to prepare a romantic dinner at home. A good reason to get to know each other better or renew a relationship, surprise your other half with a pleasant and delicious evening by candlelight.

You don’t have to wait for Valentine’s Day or your birthday; you can celebrate on any day or evening.

How to make a romantic dinner unforgettable? Let's start cooking.

Decorate the room romantically, turn on beautiful music. The color scheme in the room should be biased towards red and pink tones. If this is not possible, set the table with elements of this color. This is the color of love and therefore it is conducive to romance and sincerity.

Be sure to choose a beautiful dress so that you look seductive and mysterious in it. If you meet your loved one in a dressing gown, all the romance will disappear.

Don't turn on the TV, otherwise a romantic evening can smoothly turn into gatherings in front of a blue screen.

The lighting should not be bright, soft and subdued; a few lighted candles will be enough. Choose candles of different sizes; floating candles look beautiful.

If you are planning roses (when a man is preparing the evening), separate a few petals and place them on the table, you can lay out a heart with them, throw some petals into glasses with floating candles.

Let’s say there is a romantic dinner option without flowers, but what if you don’t have the opportunity to buy them that day or for some other reason, or the girl is preparing dinner. Ordinary balloons will help out, inflate the required number of red and pink balloons, write messages to your loved one on them. Heart-shaped gel balls look very impressive.

There shouldn’t be anything superfluous on the table, you don’t need to prepare ten dishes, three, and sometimes two, are enough. Food should be light with a predominance of fruits, berries and vegetables. For the main course, a dish of rabbit or turkey is ideal. Heart-shaped chocolates and marmalade will look good on the table.

It is better to take white plates, beige or red tablecloth, but choose red-pink napkins.

Everything is very simple, these are just standard tips, and you can prepare your own special romantic dinner, and instead of candles there can be just lanterns.

Several options for setting a romantic table - video

We've sorted out the organization of the evening, don't bother, improvise. Just take as a basis: candles, balloons, wine, chocolate and light, but not everyday dishes. And most importantly, a charming smile and a playful mood.

Romantic dessert - fondue

There are a huge variety, but we want something that is easy and easy to prepare. Fondue is ideal for such a dinner.

Fondue means molten, melted, stretchy. This is an invention of the Swiss, a national dish of their cuisine. There are many varieties of fondue: cheese, fish, sweet, etc.

The whole point is that you take a thick-walled, heat-resistant bowl and add the product that needs to be melted (cheese, chocolate, sauce, butter). A saucepan or any other vessel is placed on the fire; in the case of fondue, it can be a small burner or a candle.

The fondue pot is placed in the center of the table (modern fondue pots are very beautiful, comfortable and compact), and guests, using skewers or special forks, dip pieces of bread, meat, vegetables or fruits into the resulting mixture.

Today we will prepare fondue from strawberries and other fruits.

For this we need:

  • 200 gr. fresh strawberries (sold all year round), frozen ones will not work, they won’t stay on the fork, and they won’t look very nice.
  • Bananas, kiwi, pears - you can take any fruit or opt only for strawberries.
  • Sticks or forks for planting berries and fruits.
  • Chocolate 200 grams, dark chocolate.
  • 150 gr. cream
  • 2 tbsp milk
  • 50 gr. butter


  1. Break the chocolate into bars and place in a saucepan with milk, melt while stirring.
  2. Add cream, heat further, stirring constantly.
  3. Before boiling, add butter and stir again.
  4. This takes a long time to write, but is done very quickly.
  5. The magic mixture is ready, now all that remains is to cut the strawberries into 2 parts, and cut the fruits not very finely so that they don’t fall off the fork.
  6. Pour the finished chocolate into the fondue pot and turn on the heat. The chocolate will always be warm and soft. And when it’s time for dessert, place this wonderful device in the center of the table, and place forks and fruit next to it. All that remains is to place the strawberry and fruit pieces on a fork and dip them in warm chocolate.
  7. If you don't have a fondue maker, don't worry, this dessert can be prepared in advance. Dip the fruit, let the chocolate harden and place it beautifully in martini glasses or on a beautiful plate - a salad bowl.

That's all, a romantic dinner for two by candlelight is ready. All that remains is to do your makeup, fix your hair and put on a beautiful dress.

Oh yes, I completely forgot about wine, well, it’s a matter of taste... Wine and white will work well, too. Light chilled champagne is also an option; it in itself identifies the holiday.

Video - 2 types of fondue, cheese and chocolate

Make your partner happy, it's worth it.

Are you throwing a holiday dinner for your loved ones? Share your experience, it’s very interesting, maybe we’ll learn something new. Don't be greedy, tell us.

If this article about a romantic dinner was useful to you, share it with your friends and click on the social media buttons. I wish you many years of happiness and love.

It's a shame, but many girls don't know how to arrange a romantic dinner for their boyfriend at home. But nothing is easier than doing something nice for your loved one. It is worth noting that organizing dinner is not very difficult. But we can guarantee that your efforts will be appreciated by the young man.

Choosing the right time

On the day you have planned a romantic dinner, make sure that your chosen one is free. It is better that your loved one has a day off on this day, otherwise he will be tired and he will not be able to appreciate all the delights of this dinner. It is also advisable to exclude the possibility of guests or relatives coming to your home, which could ruin the whole romance.

Making a romantic menu

Choose dishes that contain aphrodisiac foods: eggs, oysters, strawberries, bananas, herbs and more. Such food will increase the sexuality of your loved one. A few days before dinner, experiment with dishes so that there are no unpleasantries during dinner. It is advisable to cook a little, but so that the dinner turns out to be satisfying and tasty. As for drinks, it is better to give preference to wine or champagne.

Choosing a hairstyle and outfit

On this important day, you should look great, not the same as always. Don't wear an expensive evening dress. It’s better to limit yourself to a short sundress that will excite your chosen one. Don't forget to wear chic lingerie. Are you ready to continue the evening? Be sure to take care of a beautiful hairstyle and perfect makeup.

What to wear before sex to please a guy?

Preparing the room for a romantic dinner

The room you will be in should be decorated in a romantic style. Set the festive table, light the candles, dim the lights. Don't forget about slow romantic music.

Having dinner with your loved one

Surprise your boyfriend: blindfold him with a scarf or handkerchief. Let him be surprised and find out what his beloved is capable of. During dinner, it is advisable that you sit opposite each other. By the way, in order not to run to the kitchen for dishes, you can put a small table near the table on which everything you need will stand.

Continuation of the romantic dinner

After dinner you will probably want to continue. You can dance a striptease for your loved one, or those who are especially shy can play an interesting game. You can also dance to slow music or watch a movie.

Tip 2: How to make a romantic evening for your loved one

Every girl in love has at least once puzzled over how to arrange a romantic evening for her beloved. And now candles are burning everywhere, the most beautiful linen is worn instead of the usual robe, and on the table there is not chicken and fried potatoes, but wine and strawberries with cream. This traditional romantic evening never goes out of style and never gets boring for lovers. However, there are still several good options for an evening for two.

Do you want to surprise your beloved young man? Then it's time to arrange a romantic evening for him. Here you can give free rein to your imagination, and there can be many different options.

  • A romantic evening in a restaurant is a great classic solution. Here it is important to choose a cozy restaurant in advance, be sure to pre-book a table, agree on the menu and do not forget about candles. Try to choose those drinks and dishes that your chosen one loves, everything should be thought out to the smallest detail. It is important that no one disturbs you during these romantic moments, and if the restaurant is in the countryside, this is the best solution, because here you are least likely to meet acquaintances who will be inappropriate.
  • Now about your look: you simply must look luxurious this evening. Wear a beautiful sexy evening dress, stockings, do evening makeup and a luxurious hairstyle, add a drop of perfume, and your irresistible look is ready. Your chosen one will be delighted.
  • An alternative to a romantic evening in a restaurant is dinner at home by candlelight, when it’s just you and him in the apartment. Upon entering your home, the guy should feel a mesmerizing romantic atmosphere. The light should be dim, the table should be beautifully set, candles should be lit, and pleasant music should sound. As for the menu, you can order your chosen one’s favorite dishes from the restaurant, or better yet, cook dinner yourself. A couple of light salads, sliced ​​vegetables and meats, fruits and, of course, hot dishes. Let everything be not only beautiful, but also tasty, because it’s not for nothing that they say that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.
  • A romantic dinner at home can be promising, so don't forget to create a romantic atmosphere in the bedroom: silk bed linens, candles and soft music will add romance and mystery to the atmosphere.
  • If the evening falls in warm summer weather, then here you can surprise your boyfriend with a romantic pastime on the banks of a river or lake. Take with you a soft blanket, wine, glasses, fruit, candles. Against the backdrop of a glowing sunset on the shore of a quiet pond, the evening will be simply magical. And don’t forget mosquito repellent - on a hot summer evening near the water it can be very useful.

The best option for a romantic evening would be on the eve of the weekend. This way, you and your boyfriend, without being distracted by extraneous thoughts and problems, can enjoy all the charm of romance. On this unforgettable evening, the newlyweds should be absorbed only in each other and not think about anything other than the wonderful time spent together.

Is your next marriage anniversary approaching or is this your first? evening in your apartment, in any case, you want to surprise your loved one. There are several techniques that will allow you to do this.

You will need

  • Tea candles (100 pieces),
  • Natural flowers,
  • culinary skills,
  • several discs of beautiful music,
  • aroma oils,
  • Nice dress.


  1. Decorate your apartment. Your home should turn into one evening to the magical cave of Ali Baba or simply to a space without time and boundaries. To do this, remove all the clocks, place tea candles (don’t forget the fire safety rules: hide buckets of water in several places), several candles can be placed in a crystal vessel filled with water. Light a fire in the aroma lamp. Choose a scent evening a - unobtrusive, loved by both you and your chosen one. If you want to use flowers, choose irises or orchids rather than traditional roses and experiment. Even a cactus can be imagined as a flower of passion and love if you approach this matter with imagination and humor.
  2. Prepare dinner. If you are a good cook, surprise your lover with a new recipe (to do this, you can try it in advance at a friend’s or mom’s house), but if cooking is not your thing, it is best to order dinner from a restaurant with home delivery or reheat store-bought ready-made meals . The main thing is beautiful original table setting and the atmosphere of a relaxed meeting. The evening will not be successful if you meet a guest in an apron with a flushed face.
  3. Become a fairy for the evening. Don’t forget that communication with you is the most valuable gift for your loved one. The food and atmosphere, surprises and gifts are all great, but without you it becomes meaningless. Don’t quarrel, put all claims and grievances aside. Put on a beautiful (preferably new and unusual) dress, do makeup, imagine that everything is just beginning (maybe it is?). The choice of image depends on what you want to get in the end: a stormy night or a gentle evening, which will end with watching a movie together.
  4. Don't forget about surprises. You can start it in the morning by leaving him a note telling him to go straight home after work. Send SMS, music messages by mail, buy small gifts or one that your loved one has been dreaming of for a long time. You need to learn to give gifts for no reason. Play his favorite music or “your” songs that will stir up memories. A guest musician can be an excellent solution. This option is more often suitable for open areas: there a violinist or flutist will be able to play melodies without hearing your conversation, filling the air with amazing sounds.

Video on the topic

Do not turn on the computer, TV, turn off your mobile and landline phones. Let nothing disturb the silence. Only music and your words.

Don't worry or be upset if something doesn't go as you planned. The main thing is not to ruin the evening for yourself and your loved one. Approach problems creatively: perhaps the evening will be even more interesting thanks to overlays.

Relationships without romance lose their charm and turn into a boring routine. Despite the fact that most people are very busy with their careers and everyday problems, it is necessary to find time to arrange a holiday for your loved one. There are several win-win ways to organize a wonderful romantic dinner at home.

You will need

  • - rose petals;
  • - wine;
  • - light snacks;
  • - candles;
  • - music;
  • - photographic photography;


  • First of all, think about yourself dinner e, that is, food. Don't cook too much. Still, you can have a good and hearty meal on any other day. Therefore, it is worth choosing a few light, pleasant dishes and, of course, wine. Focus not only on your partner’s taste, but also on your preferences. It's very important that you both have a great time. So, you can take fruit, make a canape of cheese, vegetables and ham, a light salad or sushi. Wine should not intoxicate, but lift your spirits, so when choosing, be sure to pay attention to the strength of the drink.
  • The room itself where you plan to spend the evening needs to be decorated. It is advisable to choose a bedroom for this, because it is there that it is easiest to create an intimate atmosphere. From the front door, scatter rose petals all the way to the room.
  • Buy a lot of candles. Bright light will be inappropriate. You can purchase floating candles and place them in a large vase with water. Even if a woman arranges a romantic dinner, flowers will not be superfluous as decoration.
  • It will be better if you sit on the floor. To do this, cover the place where the cooked food will stand with a beautiful blanket. For yourself, place soft pillows nearby.
  • Include some kind of entertainment program in your evening plan. But since this is a romantic evening, come up with something related to both of you. For example, make a beautiful slideshow of your best photos. Create a selection of songs with which you have the most pleasant memories.
  • Prepare the game. Place pieces of paper with questions related to your couple in a small bag. Each of you in turn must pull out a note and answer. Questions can be of this type: the month you met, your partner’s favorite dish, who was the first to confess their love, etc.
  • You will be the main decoration of the evening for your loved one. Therefore, try to be well prepared. You can go to a beauty salon in advance and get your hair done, treat yourself to a manicure, a good mood from pleasant procedures will play a role on a date. And of course you need to choose the sexiest outfit. Let your partner fall in love with you again.

Be sure to warn your partner that a surprise awaits him. Otherwise, the planned dinner may be disrupted due to various circumstances.

You can continue your dinner in a bathtub filled with foam and flower petals. You can also decorate everything with candles.

Tip 6: How to arrange a romantic evening for your loved one

Undoubtedly, movement is life! But all this daily bustle makes it difficult to enjoy the passing days and years. In a hurry, we stop fully communicating with loved ones, we forget to arrange little surprises and pranks. We move away from each other. Relationships move into the habit stage. Of course, it is important to maintain respect and love in the family, but maintaining attraction and excitement in a relationship remains the number one problem. A romantic evening for your loved one at home will help you solve it!

The first step is always up to the woman. Give your man a romantic evening. You can limit yourself to going to a restaurant or a movie, but in this case you will not fully reveal yourself. Show your skill and ability to intrigue. Set a date—it’s best if it’s the end of the week or a weekend. Send your loved one a card or letter. Phone and email are trivial. This option is not for you. Make sure that no one can interfere with you. Cancel all meetings, turn off phones, send children to grandma. Only you and him, your desires and dreams.

Next, think over the menu for a romantic dinner for your loved one. It should be light and nutritious, you can even use aphrodisiacs to add fire to the coming night. We put the grilled chicken, cutlets, borscht and porridge aside. No sandwiches. It's not romantic. Light snacks, fish baked with vegetables, salad, sushi, oysters and always good wine. Do not buy strong alcohol - the hops should be light. You shouldn’t prepare a lot of dishes, because after overeating a man will be drawn to sleep, and the purpose of the date is completely different!

The next step is location. Cleaning the house is mandatory. Decorate the room and make it romantic. Dim light is what you need. The ideal option is candles. The look in the flickering fire is mysterious and sexy. Don't forget about the little things: rose petals, napkins with hearts, small gifts. Change the bed linen - let it be red silk. Unusual for you? You must surprise today!

  • When thinking about how to arrange a romantic evening for your loved one at home, do not forget to pay due attention to yourself. How can you seduce and excite a man? Put on beautiful and exciting underwear, do light makeup, and style your hair. Today you must be extraordinary.

Think about what you will talk about in advance. Remember the brightest moments, look through family photos and videos. You must be close spiritually. Hold hands, dream. Live one life. Anything is possible this evening, because this is your fairy tale!

There are many more ways to arrange a romantic evening for your loved one at home. The main thing is to use your imagination, be guided by your heart and love for your man.

It is advisable to have a romantic dinner on Saturday, so that later on the weekend you can calmly wake up in each other’s arms without jumping out of bed and rushing to work. If you are planning a night of love, then you should take care of the foods that you can eat after lovemaking.

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Very often, girls think about what kind of romantic party to arrange for their loved one on this or that occasion? Each of us knows how to arrange a romantic evening at home, but sometimes we really want something bright and unusual.

Let's consider several scenarios for a romantic dinner that will be remembered by your loved one for a long time and will help, giving them a special warmth.

Romance of love notes

Get up before your loved one, and while he is sleeping, write a love note. The text can be anything. For example, “my Don Quixote, I’m waiting for you near the windmill, save me!” or “Your Cleopatra is waiting for you at the pyramids.”

To prevent him from being late for the appointed time, call him a taxi. Agree with the driver that the identification mark will be a red rose. In the note, write the exact address where you will wait for your soulmate.

This could be the place of the first meeting or a favorite corner of the city. Once you meet, take a ride around the city - remember the common interesting points. If you don’t have them yet, then treat your lover to strawberries with whipped cream.

And then the scenario of the evening can go differently:

Classic option: dinner at home

It’s worth blindfolding in any case - surprise is the key to success. For this you can use a silk scarf or scarf.

Turn off the lights, let garlands burn along the walls or candles on the floor to show you the way. Following the hallowed areas, you will find yourself in a living room or bath with floating candles, where you will move on to the next part of the evening - a romantic dinner.

Consider the option with a living room. If you like something unusual, have a romantic dinner on the floor: sit on a blanket, throw pillows, choose calm music.

When you sit down, facing each other, I suggest you not forget that this is not just a dinner, but a romantic evening, which simply must be special. Have cards or menus in front of everyone that tell you what you should do and what you shouldn't do.

For example, “I undertake to kiss every time I drink champagne, I give a compliment if I ask for a glass, bread, or something else. You can’t talk about work or watch TV.” Hide little playful surprises on the table.

Dinner should be light, use products that enhance sexuality - aphrodisiacs. These are seafood, onions, garlic (of course, if you both agree to this), eggs, rice, strawberries and bananas. In the article “” we have selected several recipes for such a case.

After dinner, you can easily move to the bedroom. And there, at your discretion, you can appear in the form of a geisha or Cleopatra. It depends on what is closer to you.

Summer romantic

Take warm clothes with you, take a blanket, sausages, sandwiches and go to the countryside.

How romantic it is to sit together around the fire. Many consider such a romantic evening beyond competition!

You can talk about your dreams, watch the stars.

Find out the weather forecast in advance so that rain does not ruin your mood and dinner.

Let's go on a trip

Rent a boat and take a sea or river trip. Find a secluded place, away from prying eyes, where you can completely relax.

For dinner, it is best to take fruit and champagne, but you can also have a seafood dinner - fish, crabs, oysters and other seafood. Arrange a photo shoot and you will remember this romantic evening for a long time.

Dinner under the stars

Before you arrange a romantic evening on the roof, make sure that no one disturbs you. Bring a small table and chairs in advance. If it doesn't work out, don't be upset. Spread out a blanket, take sandwiches, fruit and champagne with you. Enjoy the city lights. Take your laptop with you and turn on some romantic movie on it.

However, these are just a few options for what kind of romantic party to arrange for your loved one.

You can supplement all this with personal ideas, or even come up with something more interesting and exciting. Use your imagination and creativity. The main thing is not to overdo it: your loved one should be pleasantly surprised, and not discouraged by your surprises.

Perhaps even the most callous rationalists will not refuse a romantic evening in the company of a loved one. There is nothing better for two lovers than a frank heart-to-heart conversation in an intimate setting. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to spend money on an expensive restaurant if you know how to arrange a romantic evening at home.

It also doesn't matter what gender you are. Both men and women can create a pleasant romantic atmosphere. Moreover, all preparations, except individual ones, will be the same. So, regardless of gender and age, you can use the recommendations given in this article. Moreover, you can change them and adapt them to your conditions. After all, who else but you should know the preferences of your loved one.

In order to arrange a romantic evening you need:

  • Determine a suitable day and time;
  • Decorate the room;
  • Prepare dinner;
  • Create an atmosphere;
  • It is correct to present all this to your partner.

Let's look at each of these points in more detail. If you approach this whole process wisely, you will never have to think about whether or not. You can read these posts on my blog by following the link.

Decide on a date

Most often people ask about how to arrange a romantic evening for their loved one before the holidays. This is a great way to have a great time together. In addition to the fact that your partner is guaranteed to like it, you can also save a lot of money. Although this is not the main thing, it is often a decisive factor, especially for students for whom every penny counts (if the money issue is of great importance to you, I recommend that you read my posts about this and that).

However, if you arrange a romantic evening on an ordinary day, it can become a pleasant surprise. Agree that on holidays you still expect some special attention, but on an ordinary day you can hardly count on this. Although everything here is very individual and in some situations, on the contrary, it is better to attribute romance to certain days. For example, for Valentine's Day or an anniversary.

Calculate the date so that you don’t have to get up early in the morning and the day isn’t too busy. Otherwise, it can significantly ruin the whole situation. Imagine that you have prepared amazing dishes, created the most favorable atmosphere, and your significant other has arrived so tired that he cannot appreciate your efforts. Of course you will be disappointed. And if you have to get up early the next day, you'll have to go to bed early, which is rarely part of a good romantic evening.

Also, in an article about how to arrange a romantic evening for your beloved, one cannot help but touch upon the topic of personal employment. Imagine that you decided to go bowling with your friends in the evening, but forgot to tell your significant other. As a result, when you tell her about this, she gets very upset because she was going to give you a pleasant surprise. That’s why find out in advance, preferably a couple of days in advance, whether your partner has any plans for that day.

Of course, all this must be done quietly. Invite him, for example, to go to the cinema to see a new film, and then tell him that you have changed your mind. Although you can come up with more original, unusual approaches. You can also collude with your partner's friends so that they do not disturb your significant other on the chosen day.

Prepare the room

So the next step is the premises. Since we are considering how to arrange a romantic evening at home, the choice of a suitable option is obvious - your apartment. However, some problems may arise here. For example, you may live in the house not alone, but with your parents or other relatives. Therefore, it is necessary to ask them to leave the premises for that day. Say it's just for one day. It’s also better to ask two or three days in advance to be sure.

It will be more difficult for students who do not have their own housing or those who live separately. It doesn’t matter, often your roommates or dorm mates can also be asked to leave for a while, although this is a more complicated situation. As a last resort, you can rent an apartment for daily rent. In most cases, it will cost you 1000-2000 rubles, depending on the quality, but you can always find a more economical option through your friends.

Once you have found a suitable room, it is time to decorate it. In most cases, apartments are too bright to create an intimate atmosphere, so think about how you can darken the room. The ideal option is when the blinds are already weighed and can simply be closed. Otherwise, think about how to cover the windows with thick fabric.

When talking about how to arrange a romantic evening for a girl, one cannot fail to mention the premises. Again, you need to proceed from the available funds. If you have a special lamp that can change the intensity of light, then this is just great, but in most cases such devices simply do not exist. The ideal way out of the situation is candles. Buy several large simple candles (about 50 rubles for 5 pieces) and place them around the room.

Of course, you can have dinner in the kitchen, but it won’t be the same, so think about how to move the table into the largest room. If you have the opportunity and desire, you can buy a new snow-white tablecloth. If you are a fragile girl, then arrange with your friends in advance so that they can help you carry out the table. Of course, there are cases when there is nowhere other than the kitchen to have dinner, for example, the apartment is too small, but even in this case, hide all unsuitable options.

And lastly, don’t forget to clean up. It is very important. All romance disappears if chaos and devastation reign in the room. Let it be a simple cosmetic cleaning, but it still needs to be done.

Prepare dinner

The issue of dinner for a romantic evening is acute for both girls and guys, so I will show you the most versatile options. Of course, if you are an experienced cook, you will be able to cook something more original and complex, but in most cases, people do not know how to cook complex dishes and do not really strive for it. And since we are considering how to arrange a romantic evening for your husband, we should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Food should be prepared quickly and simply. Do you think you can fully enjoy the evening if you hang around the stove for several hours?
  • All meat must be cooked without bones. No one wants to pick at food and get their hands dirty during dinner.
  • You should also ignore sharp cheeses, salted fish, garlic and onions. Otherwise, the nasty smell will not allow for a proper continuation.
  • In addition, avoid overly spicy and fried foods. Otherwise, stomach discomfort may occur, which can also ruin a pleasant evening.
  • Don't try to cook too many different dishes, focus on 2-3 options.
  • Don't forget to decorate your dish. Let it look like in an expensive restaurant.

Recipes for a romantic dinner

So, now let's look at what specific dishes can be prepared. The simplest option that will suit almost every person is chicken breasts in honey sauce. First, take the fillet, rub it with salt, vegetable oil, and then fry on both sides. Wait for them to brown on each side. This will take approximately 10 minutes. Then add honey, a glass of water and apple cider vinegar to the remaining juice. Boil everything for 5-6 minutes and add to the meat. The dish can be served with rice or other side dish.

How to arrange a romantic dinner for a guy? Prepare him a delicious and quick salad. Cut 8 small cherry tomatoes in half, add 10 black olives and 10 green olives, and you can also add sweet onions for taste - but this is individual. Then add 100-150 grams of cream cheese, for example Feta. Finally, lightly season with pepper and drizzle with balsamic vinegar, salt to taste and olive oil. You can have time to prepare this salad while the breasts are roasting.

But the most important decoration of the evening is strawberries and cream. You can buy ready-made cream in the store or make it yourself. The last option is not optimal, because it is not so easy to do, you may simply not succeed. So just pour the cream into a glass and top it with some chopped strawberries. It is best, of course, to use a martini glass, but you can use any other transparent glass.

Create an atmosphere

So, the main preparations have already been completed. You prepared dinner, darkened the room, got ready and even took out the table. What to do next? You need to complement the atmosphere to get a truly outstanding result. To do this you can do the following:

  1. Choose beautiful dishes. Let it be some expensive plates and wine glasses. All this creates a special, unique effect.
  2. Buy alcohol. It is also worth approaching his choice thoroughly. Everyone understands that beer looks inappropriate at a romantic evening, but if your partner is some kind of gourmet, then you can stock up on a liter of some exclusive foamy drink. Likewise, if your significant other loves hookah, you can prepare it in advance. Of course, the most typical is wine or champagne. However, it is also worth getting acquainted with information articles on this topic so as not to make a mistake with your choice.
  3. Turn on the music. Perhaps this is one of the main conditions. You can find suitable assemblies online. In particular, on the social network VKontakte there are even entire communities dedicated to such music and selections, so the choice is really large. Adjust the volume so that the tracks are well heard, but they sound in the background.
  4. Place the candles on the table. Unlike other lighting, candles that sit on a table should cost more and be beautiful. Ideally, they will be made in the shape of a heart.
  5. When talking about how to arrange a romantic evening for your wife, one cannot fail to mention incense sticks. Many women love this, and you can take this device into your arsenal. It is enough to burn one end and a pleasant smell will be provided for the whole evening.
  6. Flowers have never spoiled anything before 😉

How to arrange a romantic evening - we present a surprise correctly

So, absolutely all the preparations are completed and all that’s left to do is present everything correctly. First of all, take care of your own appearance. You should look as attractive and desirable as possible. You shouldn’t skimp on a good perfume; if you don’t have one, you can borrow it from your friends. No one will laugh at you in this case.

It is best if your significant other enters the apartment blindfolded. However, she can predict your surprise in advance and it will not be so unexpected. Ideally, your partner should not realize until the very end that something unusual is waiting for him at home. For example, if you pick up a girl from school, chat about ordinary everyday things, and then take her home and surprise her.

In general, you can just have a great evening outside the walls of the house, and then come home and once again surprise your soulmate. She will be incredibly happy with this amount of attention and will love you much more. And love is a really important thing in our lives.

Well, we figured out how to arrange a romantic evening at home. If you have any questions or suggestions, be sure to write them in the comments and don’t forget to subscribe to blog updates. See you again!
