Sign language in love: gestures of sympathy for men and women in love. How to understand a girl's body language

Understanding the gestures of your interlocutor, controlling your own body in the most unpredictable situations - this is not the whole list of what knowledge about the basics of nonverbal communication can give us. Everyone knows the phrase “Language is my enemy” and sign language in this case is no exception. Failure to control yourself can lead to a loss of interest in your interlocutor, disappointment and subsequent lack of self-confidence.
Let's look at the main secrets that will help get rid of mistakes and add zest to our image. Knowing body language will also help you learn more about your potential partner and attract love into your life.

Fanatics are colorful, and humanity is more pleased to see gestures than to listen to arguments.
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

Secret 1. Natural behavior

Even the most confident people, when worried, can make serious mistakes. When experiencing minor stress, the voice begins to tremble or, conversely, speech speeds up, and unconscious tapping of hands on the table or other surface occurs. In this situation, it is recommended, first of all, to take several slow but deep breaths and exhalations and relax a little. Remember, ease is the best course of action in any situation.

Secret 2. Control of hand movements

No matter what situation you are in and no matter how calmly you deliver your speech, everything can ruin your hands. Have you ever attended conferences, seminars and listened to speakers or acted as a speaker yourself? Have you paid attention to what happens to your hands during such events?

Often all emotions and stress find their expression precisely in the behavior of the hands: jerky movements occur, one hand squeezes the fingers of the other, or some objects (pen, pointer, pencil, etc.). Also, in such stressful situations, you can often notice a convulsive shaking of a fist or forearm with one hand with the other, constant touching of any parts of the body or elements of clothing. All this reveals your inner state head on. Learn to control your movements.

Secret 3. Look

When you meet, without having time to utter a word, your eyes begin to speak from the very first second. You will be surprised, but they are the ones who are able to reveal your most secret feelings for your interlocutor. This can be extreme indifference, contempt, timid interest, and even a bold sexual appeal. Therefore, it is necessary to try to put the same emotions in the face and in the gaze.

Practice in front of the mirror, allow yourself the pleasure of goodwill and equanimity in your gaze.

Secret 4. Duration of gaze

Staring intently into the eyes of your interlocutor for a long time often indicates that he or she is the only object of attention in the room where you are (and maybe even in the whole world at that moment).

If the gaze is short, but direct and open, it produces a similar effect. At the same time, the chances of frightening the interlocutor, who is not ready for bold manifestations of feelings, are much less than in the first case.

Secret 5. Holding your gaze

Do not rush to look away from the object of your attention, even after completing his story or if the conversation was interrupted by another person. Hold your gaze for at least 3-4 seconds, and only then look away, however, slowly, making it clear that you are doing this reluctantly. After a while, return your gaze to your interlocutor.
It has been proven that the more time a person looks into the eyes of an object of the opposite sex, the more he falls in love with him.

Of course, a gaze sometimes even looks very indecent, however, periodically holding it or constantly returning it to your interlocutor makes it clear that you are much more interested in him than anyone else.

Secret 6. Pupil effect

Have you ever thought that the size of the pupils always conveys a lot of information to your interlocutor? Of course, it is very difficult to control their size, but creating the appropriate atmosphere so that they produce the desired effect is quite possible. As you know, the pupils enlarge when we think about something pleasant for us or look at something attractive. Dim lighting has the same effect, which is why dining by candlelight is one of the most romantic ways to bring out the magic of your look.

Secret 7. Appraising gaze

When the interlocutor's chin rests on the palm of his hand and his index finger touches his cheek, you can be sure that they are trying to evaluate you. This gesture is most common among lonely people, usually women.
The interlocutor also evaluates you when he rubs his palms against each other, rests his head dreamily on his hand, scratches his chin or plays with his glasses (wipes them, chews the frame, etc.). It is worth noting that the degree of assessment varies. Some look appraisingly at the interlocutor as an object of desire, while others look for hidden meaning in your words and are even ready to get into an argument.

Secret 8. Smile as a way to show sympathy

Smiling people always look more attractive. A simple smile can express a kind attitude towards your interlocutor, show your sympathy, and, most importantly, it is a great way to defuse any situation. Experiment, the result will surprise you very much, because soon other smiles will shine next to you.

Secret 9. Sexy wrist

When communicating, we all really value openness, because it is very important that a person is not afraid to trust us. This is the key not only to strong friendship, but also to more serious relationships. You will be surprised, but you can show your open attitude with the help of your hands, namely your wrists. Especially for men, it is an intimate part of the female body, because it is very delicate and contains many nerve endings and blood vessels. Therefore, showing an open wrist is one of the sexiest gestures. Don’t be afraid to open up to your interlocutor, relax your hands.

Secret 10. Smile + look = reliable weapon

A shy, but at the same time mischievous smile is one of the steps to winning male sympathy. If a man has noticed you, do not hesitate to give him a fleeting smile literally from the corner of your eye. At the same moment, try to quickly look away, as if your arousal was so sudden and enormous. Men are disarmed by such views.

Secret 11. Laughter – fixation of positive emotions

If you and your interlocutor have many common topics of conversation, and you feel at ease and at ease in his company, do not be afraid to laugh. Of course, laughter should not be provocative and too loud, however, its bold manifestation shows the person sitting next to you how fun and pleasant you are with him. In addition, after you leave, the interlocutor will have positive memories and a desire to communicate with you again.

Secret 12. Crossing arms - closedness or vulnerability

Many of us believe that crossing our arms is one of those postures when we turn on the so-called defense, wariness and even reluctance to communicate. However, the subconscious of men often interprets this position somewhat differently. If his interlocutor is a woman, then crossing her arms only shows how vulnerable she is and, indeed, requires male protection. You want to take such a woman into your arms and not let go.

There is an opinion that this hand position is an incredibly sexy gesture that appeals to men's most primitive instincts.

Secret 13. Crossing your legs is a big mistake.

No matter how stressful the situation you find yourself in, don't forget about the posture of your feet. One of the most popular and off-putting “closed positions” that expresses your nervousness is crossing your legs. A man may take it too literally and conclude that you are uncomfortable with him and may even find it unpleasant to communicate. Avoid this position, even if you think it makes your legs look more attractive.

Secret 14. Annoying interlocutor

It happens that the interlocutor really acts as a source of your irritation and nervousness. One of the best ways to hint this to him is to start coughing or lightly clear his throat. It is unlikely that he will have the desire to continue the conversation with you. At some point, he will want to leave without your request.

Secret 15. Tender ears

If you are a woman and in a conversation with a man you suddenly realize that you can no longer listen to his story, try playing with your earlobe. Such a gesture subconsciously blocks the input of unnecessary information from the interlocutor.

Secret 16. Nervous fingers

Sharp and chaotic movements of your fingers reveal your internal tension to your interlocutor. Unless you want to openly demonstrate this to him, avoid tapping your fingers on any surface, and also do not play with any objects (pen, pencil, lighter, etc.).

The best way to throw out your energy is to play with jewelry (run your fingers along a chain, bracelet or earrings). And you will be calmer, and from the outside it will look sexy.

Secret 17. Sitting correctly in a chair is not an easy task.

Many of us find it very difficult to relax and feel at ease. As a consequence, this problem affects the posture in which we sit or the way we maintain our posture when walking. For example, self-doubt may manifest itself by hiding crossed legs under a chair or stool. If you sit on the very edge of the chair and at the same time hold your purse in front of you on your lap, this creates a certain kind of barrier between you and the interlocutor. Try not to tense up; on the contrary, show your interlocutor your calmness and trust in him. Be open.

Secret 18. Playing with a shoe

Many women need to take into account that moving the leg back and forth has a magical effect on the male sex. It looks a little playful and sexy.

Secret 19. Leg length

Beautiful long legs always attract men. Avoid bending your feet or pointing your toes up when sitting next to your crush, as this will make your legs look shorter. On the contrary, try to pull your toe off - it looks very elegant and seductive.

Secret 20. Pose of the interlocutor

Remember to look after not only yourself, but also your interlocutor. For example, just by the way he sits in the chair, you can judge his attitude towards you. The “waddling” pose, legs stretched forward or placed one on top of the other clearly indicate a person’s bad manners, as well as his disrespect for you.

Secret 21. Sitting beautifully in a chair is not forbidden

When sitting down on a chair or armchair, first of all, you should take a position that is comfortable for you. In this case, the back and shoulders should touch the back of the chair or armchair, the legs should be slightly tilted to the side or held straight together, the hands should be placed on the knees or armrests, and the pads of the fingers should be joined. This pose looks very free, but at the same time restrained and pleasant in the eyes of the interlocutor.

Secret 22. Getting into a car beautifully is also an art

Mastering the skill of getting into a car quickly and at the same time beautifully is quite simple. To begin with, try to sit down on the seat and only then pull up your legs (two at once or one at a time, as is more convenient). The main rule is that you should not get into the car head first with all the packages and bags in your hands. Immediately place all your things in the car and then sit down yourself.

Secret 23. The image of an unattractive woman

A bad mood is not a reason for a real woman to look ugly. A man will never pay attention to your hunched back and head down.

Secret 24. Gestures of pity

If you do not want to arouse pity for yourself, do not resort to movements such as stroking your neck with your hand or straightening your hair. Like crossed arms, they symbolize your desire to protect yourself from your interlocutor.

Secret 25. The appropriateness of crossed arms and legs

A defensive reaction with crossed arms and legs becomes quite acceptable when the interlocutor makes you extremely unhappy.

Secret 26. The superiority of women over men

By confidently giving a man your hand, you demonstrate your superiority over him.

Secret 27. Head tilt

During a conversation, you can slightly tilt your head towards the interlocutor, which will allow you to express sympathy for him. Leaning slightly, but practically not touching your interlocutor, you can show more serious feelings for him. If you are really dear to him, he will also lean towards you, if not, this should be regarded as that he is not interested in you.

Secret 28. Touch

The main task of a woman is never to impose her movements on a man. Therefore, touches should be gentle and light, and in no case touch sexual areas. If a man is pleased with such attention, he will certainly reciprocate. At the same time, assertive gestures can, on the contrary, awaken in him hostility towards your actions.

Secret 29. Curling your hair on your finger

This gesture should be viewed ambiguously. On the one hand, if you catch yourself doing this during a conversation with a man, this can be regarded as being interested in him, and you even unconsciously began to flirt with him.

On the other hand, you need to be extremely careful with such a gesture, since men do not always perceive this flirtation positively. On a subconscious level, this can irritate them.

Secret 30. Nose wings

If you notice that the wings of your nose periodically swell during a conversation with you, rest assured that he wants much more than just communication.

Secret 31. When men are nervous

Even the most confident man can suddenly begin to worry and exhibit unconscious actions when he wants to please the opposite sex. Signs: hands reaching to the neck to straighten a shirt collar or tie, brushing off non-existent dust from clothing, for example, from the shoulder of a jacket, etc.

Secret 32. Aggressive male gesture

Be especially wary of a man's sexual behavior such as putting his thumbs in his trouser belt. Typically, there is nothing good about this gesture other than the fact that he is ready to spend the night with you. At the same time, he is often absolutely not interested in the interests of his chosen one.

Secret 33. Gestures of sexual interest in men

There are several simple behaviors and gestures of a man that tell a woman that he is interested in her:
  • talking "incessantly";
  • direct eye contact;
  • dilated pupils;
  • a look at sexually attractive areas of a woman’s body;
  • stretching out the lips as if to kiss.

Bottom line

Of course, all the secrets listed are not the entire alphabet of sign language. By gradually studying all the movements and postures of the body, you will be able to perfectly master the art of knowing the thoughts and feelings of your interlocutor. Moreover, it will help you present yourself competently in any situation and get out of them with dignity. Knowing sign language will give you confidence and irresistibility in the eyes of any interlocutor.

If a woman likes a man, she will show it in every possible way without noticing it. And all her intentions will certainly be revealed by body language. To understand how a woman treats you, you need to pay attention to her gestures.

Unlike men, who often demonstrate their interest with no more than 10-15 signs, girls have up to 50 different gestures that they use when flirting with the opposite sex. We will tell you only about a small fraction of these movements, but they will clearly indicate that you are being hunted.

Plays with hair

The first thing a woman does to attract a man’s attention is to preen herself. Seducing, the woman straightens her hair slowly and sensually, giving the man the opportunity to take a good look at her hands and hair. If you notice how a girl plays with her hair, shakes it, moving her hair collected in a lush armful from one shoulder to the other - this is a sure sign that she is trying to attract your attention, make you want to touch her.

Opens the neck

Women often lean back or turn their heads to the side, exposing their necks. This is how they strive to emphasize the beauty of posture and the tenderness of the skin. They also indirectly make it clear that men are open and not afraid. After all, the neck is a very fragile place, and our instincts tell us that it needs to be protected.

Often, to emphasize the gentle curve, a woman runs her hands along her neck. In general, such “unnecessary” gestures, meaningless from a functional point of view, are often aimed precisely at attracting attention.

Bares the shoulder

One or two is no longer important. The association of a rounded female shoulder with a female breast is firmly embedded in the consciousness of males. Have you noticed how the great Monroe poses? Exactly like that - showing his shoulder and looking coquettishly from behind it at the viewer. A glance cast in this way drives even women, let alone men, crazy! And although we called this movement “gaze,” it actually involves the whole body. It's a kind of secret weapon.

Often women touch their cheek to their bare shoulder, lifting it slightly. This gesture, on the one hand, emphasizes the vulnerability and defenselessness of a woman, and is intended to make a man want to protect her, i.e. hug and cuddle. On the other hand, he speaks of a clear desire for physical contact, a desire to feel the warmth of another person.

Licking lips

Probably the most sensual part of our body is the lips; it is on them that all attention is directed during a conversation between a man and a woman. Licking and biting lips, half-open mouth showing tongue, sucking a cocktail from a straw - what else is not clear?

Points his body towards you

If a girl likes you, then a sure sign will be the direction of her legs and the whole body - if she sits, turned in your direction or pointing her knees at you, you can confidently continue communication, counting on continuation.

Flirts with a shoe

The swinging of the shoe on the toes, causing the heel to be exposed and then hidden again from the male gaze, also eloquently testifies to the mood and course of thoughts of a woman. She can also smoothly and gracefully swing her leg from side to side, which will also indicate her intention to seduce you. In a sharper version, it may indicate a woman’s irritation.

Throws sideways glances

A look from under slightly lowered eyelids, often accompanied by a slight smile, also clearly indicates a woman’s interest and her desire to receive reciprocal signs of attention from a man. Women generally maintain eye contact more often than men, but they try to do it implicitly, gradually. And having more developed peripheral vision, they secretly observe the object of interest, looking not at it itself, but only in its direction. But, if a woman, with her head slightly lowered, looks into a man’s eyes, and mischievous sparkles play in them, then this clearly shows her interest in this man.

Plays with decorations

Such a rather subtle gesture as playing with an earring or jewelry on the neck can be more expressive than many phrases! Do you know why openly showing off your jewelry is often equivalent to saying “I liked you”? The subconscious mind of a woman playing with her jewelry makes her experience tactile pleasure and adds to her feeling of comfort. On the other hand, a woman subconsciously attracts a man’s attention to her appearance, “spreads her feathers” in the hope of arousing your sympathy in return.

All these gestures are unconsciously used by women when they see an attractive person in front of them. They are complemented by lively and active facial expressions, since a feature of the female psyche is its greater, compared to male, mobility and emotionality, which are clearly manifested in communication. Noticed something like this? Be sure that the girl is interested in you - write down her phone number!

Prostomen will talk about the psychology of female body language and teach you to “read” a girl through her gestures. Women gesticulate much more than men for two reasons. Firstly, they are more emotional, and secondly, the rules of decency, which have been formed over centuries, impose many “don’ts” on the behavior of beauties: you can’t be the first to take the initiative, you can’t show sympathy too clearly. Therefore, representatives of the fairer sex are forced to invent and look for other, non-verbal methods of communication.

Women's bodies, unlike their tongues, always tell the truth. Gestures are almost impossible to control. A man's success in love directly depends on his ability to pick up these signals. So, what do girls' gestures mean?

When communicating with a man, women use gestures of sympathy, sexual gestures and gestures of irritation.

Gestures of a woman in love or gestures of sympathy

She stands or sits and her feet are facing you.

She “points her skis” in your direction and says: “I’m interested in you.”

Dilated pupils (cases of chemical, drug and alcohol exposure are excluded).

“In your presence my pulse quickens, what does that mean? I guess I fell in love..."

Blush (except when you are standing outside in thirty-degree frost), rapid breathing, dilated nostrils (if she does not run away from you at night in the park).

“..., it’s at least 40 degrees, I’m squeezed to the maximum. I'm drunk today because of him..."

He preens himself: he smoothes out non-existent folds on his clothes, in front of you he looks at himself in everything that can reflect, he paints his lips.

“I want to look good... for you.”

Looks into the eyes.

"I'm trying to look into your soul."

Shakes his hips.

A presentation whose purpose is to demonstrate your bottom as best as possible.

A sidelong glance, furtive.

She teases you: “Cuckoo, honey!”

She smiled at you several times.

“I invite you to meet.”

She flirtatiously crossed her legs.

“Don’t mind flirting!”

Plays with a shoe (the heel then dives into it, then emerges), knocks with its toe on the leg of a chair or table.

These gestures signal the girl’s playful mood, that she is in the mood for a romantic wave.

Often touches hair, straightens it, throws it from one shoulder to another.

Hair is a sign of femininity, so she says that she sees a man in you and asks you to see a woman in her.

Invades your personal space.

It doesn’t matter if she stretches her legs in your direction, leans towards you, puts her bag on the table between you, or “accidentally” touches you, all these gestures say: “I want to be closer!”

Wrist demonstration

“With you, I can afford to be weak.”

Gestures of sexual arousal

Widely spaced legs, regardless of whether the girl is sitting or standing.

“I don’t mind continuing the banquet.”

Strokes your knees, calves or thighs.

“I love affection, perhaps I won’t mind accepting it from you if you play your cards right, but for now... you have to deal with it yourself.”

Licking his lips.

“You’re so sweet, I’d love to eat it!”

Open mouth.

“Delighted with you!” The girl's jaw literally dropped. You made an indelible impression with your valor, and she just can’t come to her senses.

Strokes cylindrical objects (glass, glass stem, lighter, pen).

She hints at the continuation of the evening.

Gestures of irritation

She clenched her legs tightly or crossed them.

Winks, licks lips, raises an eyebrow, or smiles broadly. Nonverbalism is something that is embedded in our subconscious. And it gives us information before we even have time to think about it.

Alan Pease, a writer, for example, claims that we receive about 93% of information by reading non-verbal signs. And only 7% - through verbal.

Since childhood, we learn to understand each other without words: gestures, facial expressions, intonations, glances, postures, touches, movements. And we constantly use this knowledge, but not always and not everyone is aware of this. This happens unconsciously.

Embarrassment and stiffness pass - and we can tell the most secret things to a complete stranger. It was so? Write in the comments!

Despite the fact that male and female psychology have a lot of differences. Nonverbal communication is similar in many ways for both sexes. Nevertheless, very often it is simply impossible for a man to understand a woman.

Today it is mostly mastered. To manipulate, you need to know the “victim” well and predict her thoughts like the lines of the actors in “Titanic” after the hundredth session.

So they use different approaches combined with psychological pressure, change their communication tactics on time and always remain in the black.

Many men leave this topic aside and in vain. What's wrong with learning to understand what your woman wants, sometimes even without words?

This is useful. It is necessary. And it’s also good for a man to understand that relationships become stronger and develop. Here the question is not so much about the ability to read faces, but about catching the right moment.

Let's figure out what the most basic nonverbal signs and gestures tell a man what you're thinking about.

1. Flirting

A useful skill is to understand when a girl is flirting, interested in meeting a man, and in his initiative. This will help you avoid and tell you in which direction to move.

The most interesting thing: when a girl flirts, she, of course, tries to please a man and show herself off.

And if a woman is also sitting, slightly tilting her body towards him, leaning or turning in his direction, there is no doubt at all.

2. Sadness

Very often, women complain about the lack of sympathy and support, consolation when necessary.

It's one thing to learn how to tell a man how you feel. It’s quite another to watch a woman get offended and remember significant moments.

In order for a man to provide timely help and support, he needs to understand when a girl is sad. may be completely different, but it is the manifestations that are important.

If a woman cries bitterly, she is definitely sad (just kidding).

In fact, it is very easy to recognize an upset person: drooping corners of the lips, a lifeless apathetic gaze (sometimes with a focus on one point), frowning eyebrows, drooping shoulders or literally a slouch.

3. Happiness

Is the woman happy with you? Watch how she behaves in your presence. Suddenly something needs to be fixed, and he even...

A woman is happy if her eyes “glow,” she is calm and often smiles openly (especially when she looks at her man). Her movements are energetic and confident, and her facial expressions are lively and emotional.

A separate nuance is posture. She is confident and walks with a straight back, the top of her head reaching towards the sun.

Psychosomatics often associate this with the fact that a person who does not slouch does not feel the “weight of problems” on his shoulders. Not because life is easy for him, but because he does not perceive them as a disaster.

4. Interest

If a woman does not return a smile with a smile, the chances of a successful acquaintance are minimal.

A slight stoop, a wandering gaze, a lowered head, indicative relaxation - loss of interest in a man. Does not make eye contact for a long time or often looks towards the exit.

The girl turns her body to the side, crosses her arms, puts some object between you and squeezes herself, taking on a defensive pose.

5. Stress

Understanding when a girl is worried about something will help a man at the right time and take the situation into his own hands, demonstrate masculinity and strength.

When a girl is worried or stressed, she blinks more often.

At such moments, fine motor skills come into play: a woman can not just straighten a curl in her hair, but simply rhythmically twirl it around her finger, for example.

Alternatively, roll up tubes or tear paper napkins, break toothpicks or snack skewers. If we talk about facial expressions: very often, with an increase in emotional stress, women purse their lips.

Watch your face

The male role in creating relationships is often downplayed. And it’s not just women who need to work on relationships.

Often all kinds of women's trainings are perceived with hostility by men, although it would be useful for them to understand the woman they love better.

Relationships are built between two people, which means that both should control their quality. Everyone has their own area of ​​responsibility, but this does not exclude participation itself.

Ideal couples are those in which both partners are interested in each other's life and feelings. This allows you to avoid sharp corners and prevent problems in relationships.

Therefore, do not forget about facial expression. Even the phrase “I love you” can lose all meaning if a person looks away.

Ksenia Litvin,
psychologist Growth Phase.

Every woman has openly flirted at least once in her life. This was manifested in conversation, facial expressions, and gestures. Every time a woman sees a man she likes, she tries in every possible way to show her sympathy. This could be a smile or pleasant words. But the most interesting thing a woman shows when she sees a handsome man is her gestures.

What are the gestures of female sympathy?

There is no clear answer to this question. Until now, neither psychologists, nor experts in Feng Shui and other sciences, nor seduction specialists, no one can develop one single scheme for the manifestation of gestures of female sympathy. Psychology itself as a science does not have certain standards, but is constantly being supplemented and expanding its horizons. This happens when environmental factors change.

How to determine women's gestures of sympathy?

Many men ask this question, turn to specialists, and draw analogies between different girls. But, the most interesting thing, as mentioned above, is that there is no specific scheme. Everything happens on the subconscious level of the girl; she involuntarily shows gestures of sympathy, without even noticing such a manifestation of emotions. For each girl they are different, for some they are gentle, for others they are active, for others they are seductive, and so on. It all depends on what feelings a woman has for a man.

Today, psychology experts identify several main manifestations of female sympathy. These are verbal and non-verbal means of showing sympathy. We have already spoken more than once about verbal means that manifest themselves in the form of communication, and we will talk more. This conversation can be continued endlessly. In this article we will try to understand in more detail and thoroughly the non-verbal means of showing female sympathy.

Nonverbal gestures of a woman's sympathy for a man

Non-verbal means of showing sympathy include gestures. For a woman who is, and therefore active, the manifestation of gestures is especially important. If a man can talk about something to his friend, while freely holding his hand down, then the woman will definitely gesture and show with her hands, lips, face, and everyone else.

Very often you can notice how a woman who is talking on the phone shows the subject of conversation with her hands. Although the interlocutor does not see her, the manifestation of emotions in the form of gestures certainly helps her in this.

In most cases, a woman may not understand why she is showing the subject of conversation. This happens on a subconscious level. The same thing happens with gestures that appear when she sees a man she likes.
So, what are the main nonverbal gestures of female sympathy?


First, straighten your hair. Appearance is very important for any female, and hair plays an important role in this. Before an important meeting, especially if it is a date, a girl will definitely do her hairstyle, which she will consider the best, with which she will consider herself the most attractive. Ideally, they will visit a special hair stylist. But the services of a hairdresser twice a week are not available to everyone, so you have to do your hair and styling yourself.

During a date, a woman straightens her hair and checks that her hair is not flyaway in order to look the most impressive. This gesture may look a little different.

For example, if a meeting or date takes place immediately after, say, work, or study, or another activity, when there is simply no time left for hairstyle, the girl simply shakes her head so that the hair is distributed evenly. This can be done not only by long-haired girls, but also by “short-haired” girls, that is, those who have their hair cut short.

Sometimes, as if by chance, a girl runs through her hair, as if enticing a man to touch it himself.
Some women pull their hair in their hands. This gesture can also be viewed in different ways. Sometimes this can be a gesture of sympathy, sometimes when the girl is nervous. And in some cases it may be the most common habit. Therefore, a man should not rely on such a gesture, but it is better to pay attention to others.


One of the very popular gestures that women show when they like them is showing their wrists. This gesture indicates openness and readiness for further communication. In the literature intended for the business community, psychologists argue that open wrists are half the step towards a successful and fair transaction.

As for relationships between women and men, open wrists are one of the signs of trust. But, in the case of showing the wrist, there are some nuances. For example, a girl communicating with a man constantly adjusts her watch or fidgets with her bracelet. On the one hand, she is showing her wrist, and on the other hand, this is a clear sign that she is bored with her interlocutor and wants to leave quickly.

In order to correctly determine that showing a wrist is a sign of female sympathy and nothing else, you need to understand how it is demonstrated. Movements should be smooth, sliding. In no way harsh or rude. Any girl, even not the slender one, knows how to be sophisticated. And if she shows off her wrist in a subtle and graceful way, then this is precisely a sign of female sympathy.


One of the important non-verbal signs of showing a man his predisposition is his lips. In a normal state, when a woman does not see the man of her dreams next to her, the woman’s lips are closed, and in a state of anger or upset feelings, they are compressed.

When a woman is next to a man in whom she is interested, her lips involuntarily part. Sometimes in such cases it seems that the woman is listening to the man with her mouth open. In fact, this is also a sign of openness. This gesture means that the woman is ready to accept the man, they are on the same level, and she understands perfectly well what the conversation is about.

Another important sign of a non-verbal attitude towards a man, which is also associated with lips, is licking lips. A man should make sure that the place where he communicates with a woman is not very hot and at the same time not very cold. If the room or hall where the couple is is very hot, then the woman may lick her lips because they are simply dry. If the temperature is comfortable, then such a gesture indicates that the woman is attracting the man to more active actions, say, in the form of a kiss.

Lipstick performs approximately the same function. By its color you can determine what exactly a woman wants in a given situation. If the lipstick is soft pink, one might say transparent, like gloss or balm, then this is a sign that the woman wants to please, but is not ready for active action. If the color of the lipstick is bright, for example, bright red, then most likely the woman is ready for more active action.


And, of course, one of the most important signs of female sympathy is the look. A gentle, languid look can suggest a lot, including sympathy. If a woman watches a man with slightly lowered eyelids, and, catching his gaze on herself, averts her gaze, then this is also a sign of interest. Some women use their gaze as a powerful weapon of seduction not only with a man who sympathizes with her but is unfamiliar with her, but also with a man with whom she has lived for many years.

To be honest, all nonverbal gestures of female sympathy can tell a lot about a woman. If a man can read a woman's gestures correctly, he can give her exactly what she wants.
