Blue topaz from the evil eye. Which zodiac sign suits jewelry with topaz?

One of the most beautiful minerals among the large “family” of topaz is, undoubtedly, blue topaz. It attracts so much attention that it can elevate any piece of jewelry with its clean and cool shine.

This mineral can have many shades - from light blue to dark blue: these are varieties of the same color spectrum, most often obtained through professional processing, because both blue and dark blue topaz are very rare in nature.

A little about the properties of the stone

The most notable and useful characteristic of the blue mineral is its hardness. At the same time, it lends itself well to jewelry processing of various kinds: from polishing and cutting to giving it one or another shade - in order to make it brighter and more attractive.

In addition to high hardness levels (eight points on the Mohs scale), blue topaz has quite a lot of weight, and it is not by chance that it is popularly called “heavyweight”. It is on the basis of its “solid” mass that it can often be distinguished from a skillful fake in the form of quartz or ordinary glass.

In order to discover all the secrets of its indescribable beauty in this stone, professional jewelers have to subject it to a labor-intensive and difficult process of grinding and cutting. After skillful manipulations, topaz is blue in color and acquires that very unique shine, thanks to which the popular opinion arose that it is a precious stone. However, to be more precise, blue topazes, like all representatives of this group, belong to the category of semi-precious stones.

From the history

It is still unknown how the mineral got its name. The most popular description contains information that the island of Topazion, which is located in the Red Sea, became the starting point for the naming of these stones. The first and most popular version: the blue topaz stone was originally discovered there. But later it turned out that other minerals were discovered on Topazion, which are called chrysolites. Therefore, the most probable assumption should be considered the Sanskrit origin of the word “topaz” - in translation it means “fire” or “fiery”.

Interesting fact: when the first archaeological excavations were carried out in the Ural Mountains, women's jewelry was found in the form of jewelry made specifically from topaz. Already in those days, this stone could be judged not only as a means for decoration, but also as a material from which tools of human labor were made: the hardness of the mineral became the main reason for its use for domestic and economic purposes.

During the Renaissance, blue topaz acquired a truly luxurious life, because only members of the nobility could afford to wear jewelry made from it. Its luxurious shine perfectly corresponded to the original and sophisticated fashion of the time.

Where are the stone deposits located?

In Russia, the traditional place for topaz mining is the Ural Mountains. It is no coincidence that they received the figurative name “Ural”. This may seem incredible, but it is in the Urals that you can find specimens whose weight often exceeds tens of kilograms. At the same time, they are famous for their high quality and purity. Here they find not only blue topaz, but also stones of other colors and their shades: dark purple, brown, greenish and even completely colorless or transparent, which can acquire a brighter color during man-made processing.

In Ukraine, on the territory of Volyn, a topaz stone was found that weighed as much as 117 kilograms. Volyn specimens can be seen in many famous world collections and as museum exhibits.

Abroad, minerals are found on the island of Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Brazil.

Topaz as a healing and magical stone

During the Middle Ages, it was believed that this stone contained miraculous power, thanks to which one could recognize whether there was poison in food or drinks. There are still legends that if food or drink is poisoned, topaz changes its color. This is probably why it was most often used to decorate the cups of emperors and other important persons.

Topazes are still used to make amulets and amulets to this day. The magical properties of blue topaz lie not only in the fact that it can give its owner a sign in case of danger of poisoning. If the person who wears the stone is honest and his conscience is clear, he will receive invaluable help from the mineral in solving the most difficult life situations.

The wonderful properties of topaz can help pacify the sea elements, which is why sailors especially value it. The magic of the stone will always help you avoid getting caught in a strong storm, and if the ship has lost its course in the fog, it will help you find the right path. Medieval crusading knights often presented blue topaz to their ladies as a gift - as a sign that the lady would always remember her chosen one during his wanderings to distant lands.

Proponents of such a trend as lithotherapy (treatment of diseases with the help of stones) argue that the blue variety of topaz is designed to be responsible for the safety and health of the immune system. From a psychological point of view, it helps to get rid of despondency and even deep depressive states. The mineral can be used to successfully cure sore throats, infertility and bone diseases.

This stone is often talked about as a good remedy for calming the nervous system as a whole, which helps prevent dangerous diseases such as heart attack and stroke. Wearing blue topaz helps restore vision, as well as sound and healthy sleep.

Blue topaz and representatives of different professions

Depending on what field of activity a particular person is engaged in, the stone will show its best features, helping the owner in his endeavors, which is important and decisive for many. If a person is in a leadership position and requires good communication skills, blue topaz will help him positively influence other people to achieve the best results in his work.

If the owner of the stone is a judge, lawyer or investigator, the mineral will help him expose lies, solve crimes, and develop intuitive skills so as not to allow opponents or offenders to fool him. As already mentioned, sailors can always take advantage of the special protection of blue topaz: it will help them, protecting them from natural disasters on the water, from bad weather and raging water elements.

In addition to the listed professions, the stone is perfect for those people who are excessively ardent and fussy. It will contribute to their inner peace and making reasonable, correct decisions in various matters.

Mineral and Zodiac signs

Which zodiac sign is topaz suitable for? The unanimous opinion of astrologers about this stone was in favor of Scorpios. The properties and meaning of this mineral are ideal for Scorpio. He gives them, first of all, determination, because precisely those who were born under this constellation according to their zodiac sign are distinguished by natural indecision, which often gives rise to mental anguish associated with making the right decision.

Scorpios can and should wear all topazes without exception, not just blue. The mineral will help young representatives of this sign to gradually acquire the necessary wisdom and prudence, which they often lack. When Scorpios lose control of themselves in anger, become conflicted and do not want to listen to anyone, the meaning of the stone for them can be decisive. It will contribute to the restoration of lost relationships, reconciliation, and the establishment of broken interpersonal connections.

It is Scorpios who are most suited to the blue type of mineral with its possible shades. It provides the closest connection between topaz and its owner. Thanks to the stone, a person born under this sign will constantly learn self-knowledge and spiritual improvement, harmonious interaction with society. Scorpio men, when wearing topaz, acquire worldly wisdom and restraint, and women of this sign acquire amazing charm and magnetism.

Despite the obvious favor towards Scorpios, the uniqueness of blue minerals is that they are suitable for almost all signs.

An exception exists however for Libra, Taurus and Pisces. The stone can come into slight conflict with Libra, which can bring a feeling of disharmony to those born under this sign. For Taurus, it is also recommended to choose a different gem, because this constellation is in direct opposition to Scorpio. Topaz will have a “cool” relationship with Pisces and, at a minimum, will not have a positive influence. If you are a Pisces horoscope, it is better to refrain from wearing it, because sometimes blue topaz can contribute to the destruction of family relationships.

Sagittarius women, by the way, can wear topaz of any color, depending on which one they like best. You just need to listen to your inner voice or, more simply, intuition. The same applies to a man whose zodiac sign is Sagittarius: the mineral will help him pacify his temper and learn moderation in food and alcoholic drinks.

Male Sagittarians are also recommended to wear darker tones of blue and even blue stones. This contributes to the development of self-discipline and gives men charm, thanks to which any victories on the love front become possible.

Aries and Leo do not “conflict” with blue topaz in terms of energy. However, the mineral will maintain cool neutrality in their regard. For Aries and Leo, it is better to choose minerals of reddish, golden colors. And if representatives of these signs still prefer cold tones, a purple stone will be an excellent alternative for them.

Blue topaz is recommended for Gemini women - if a representative of this sign is prone to depression and frequent mood swings. In this case, the stone will help harmonize the energetic and psychological state. For Capricorn and Virgo, it is better to recommend stones of lilac and colors, as well as.

From the point of view of astrologers, the hardness of blue topaz, combined with the influence of the constellation Scorpio on it, encourages any person to objectively look at the world around him, notice many subtleties and develop a strategy for interacting with society, based on the knowledge gained with the help of the stone. That is why the mineral is most favorable to Scorpio. Sagittarius is located next to this constellation. This is where such a harmonious and productive interaction of blue crystals with these signs arises.

How much does such a beautiful crystal cost?

Of course, it makes no sense to give an exact price here. The cost of natural blue mineral depends on many factors. First of all, this is the quality of the stone and the level of its jewelry processing. Typically, professionals determine the price of a particular specimen based on color, crystal clarity, cut quality, size and weight.

It would be useful to know that there are several popular varieties of blue crystal. For example, it is considered one of the most expensive. Its color is the thickest, brightest and most saturated of all possible types of blue. A specimen called blue topaz is also called: the stone actually appears dark blue in spectacular evening lighting.

And finally, the stone, which the jewelry lovers community calls, is indeed reminiscent of a clear blue sky in color.

How to wear it correctly

Any mineral can be worn in different ways. This could be a ring, necklace, earrings or statement beads. If we are talking specifically about blue topaz, it is best to wear it in the form of a ring: either with a scattering of small stones, or in the form of a ring with a large stone of good quality and cut. It is better to put rings and rings on the “leading” hand: left or right, depending on whether you are left-handed or right-handed. It is not recommended to wear the ring on fingers other than the index finger. Because it is this finger that will help the stone show the owner the right, reasonable path.

You can wear the stone in the form of pendants or bracelets. To make the blue crystal look more advantageous, it is better to add a crystal to the “ensemble”. Since ancient times, the proximity of topaz to other stones has meant an increase in its basic strength and impact on humans. Especially when we are talking about crystals of the same family of a different color shade.

Blue topaz and its varieties are an excellent choice if you want to achieve success and recognition in society. It helps a person in many areas of activity, harmonizes physical and psychological health. His unique beauty will always attract new fans.

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Topaz and esoterics

Topaz is an incredibly beautiful stone, classified as a semi-precious nugget, which also has a large number of healing and miraculous properties. The composition of the mineral is aluminum silicate; with the addition of various impurities, the gem acquires a wide palette of colors. There are many versions of the origin of the name “topaz” - one of them indicates that the stone was first found on the island of Topazios (Topazion) in the Red Sea. Currently, these amazing gems, striking in their diversity, can be found in the Urals in Russia, Ukraine, Brazil and on the island of Sri Lanka.

Thus, in 1970, an amazing polychrome topaz was found on the territory of modern Ukraine - a stone with several colors at once. Since then, this territory has repeatedly surprised the world with the most unusual and stunningly colorful gems.

Most often, the stone is distinguished by its transparency, while its strength can only be compared with diamonds, sapphires and rubies. It is worth noting that topaz is distinguished by one feature. A stone that has a rich bright or dark color loses its color under the rays of the sun and becomes almost colorless. However, this process is reversible. To restore the palette, it is necessary to place the mineral in a dark place for several days.

Application of topazes

Topazes are most often used to create jewelry. Stones framed in gold look luxurious on absolutely all women, regardless of their age and position in society. Jewelers prefer to use dark, deep colors. Considering the fact that such stones are not often found in nature, manufacturers have learned to change the color of a natural gem. If a nugget is irradiated, it will turn brown. When heated strongly, the mineral will turn bright blue. Such simple manipulations make the jewelry more sophisticated, but over time the topazes will return to their true colors and become transparent, which will unpleasantly surprise the new owners. Unfortunately, it is only possible to find out whether topaz has been pre-treated or not using special equipment.

Given the unique strength of the stone, it is often used in equipment for grinding difficult-to-cut surfaces. Topaz can also be used in the metallurgical industry.

Magic of stone

Topaz has long been considered a stone of goodness and wisdom. Esotericists and magicians use the mineral to achieve the following effects:

  1. Helps to find the truth;
  2. Creating an amulet or talisman to preserve vital energy and scare away evil spirits;
  3. Helps solve problems and find the right solutions;
  4. Those who strive to get rich in an honest way by wearing the stone every day achieve what they want;
  5. Calms the owner’s internal state and also influences weather conditions;
  6. Helps you find true friends;
  7. Protects against evil eyes.

Healing properties of topaz

Along with its magical properties, topaz has a large number of miraculous healing qualities. Thus, in ancient times, royal cups and dishes were framed with the mineral. It was believed that if there was poison in food or liquid, the stone would change color. In modern times, alternative medicine continues to use the gem in the treatment of such diseases:

  • Sore throats;
  • Diseases associated with the endocrine system;
  • Cardiovascular problems;
  • Myopia;
  • Insomnia and nervous disorders;
  • Pressure stabilization.

All the healing and magical properties of the stone strongly depend on its color, since the addition of certain impurities and the conditions for the formation of the gem have different effects on the magical characteristics of the mineral.

General information (composition and physical properties)
Group of island silicates
The magical properties of topaz
Who is Topaz suitable for according to their zodiac sign?

Blue topaz magical properties of the stone

Blue topaz allows you to calm down the most aggressive owners. It returns a person to a cool head and allows him to sensibly assess the current situation. With nervous shock, clinical symptoms often appear, such as nervous tics, stuttering, and skin rashes. Blue minerals help eliminate these symptoms.

It should be noted that the blue colors of topaz, with rare exceptions, are formed as a result of heat treatment of the stone. The initial color of the nugget is blue or white. Therefore, all other characteristics are similar.

Blue topaz magical properties of the stone

In the Middle Ages, sailors were required to take blue topazes with them on their trips. It was believed that they would contribute to a successful, problem-free road and level out storms and storms. The stone also has the following magical properties:

  • Blue topaz does not recognize deceitful people; if the owner of the mineral is planning to deceive, the stone will definitely bring him out. And, conversely, in the case when someone wants to fraudulently direct the owner of the gem in the wrong direction, the lie will be revealed, and the deceiver will be punished.
  • For people searching for information or unraveling a complex case, a blue topaz talisman will be an excellent helper;
  • The nugget relieves depression, restores good spirits and confidence in the future;
  • People suffering from high blood pressure need to wear topaz jewelry every day. The person’s condition will gradually return to normal;
  • If you have asthma, you should also wear the stone close to your chest. In this case, topaz will work towards preventing attacks;
  • In case of sudden quarrels in the family or in the work team, the gem will help calm down everyone present and find a way to reconcile.

Topaz London magical properties of the stone

One of the most beautiful stones is topaz called London blue. It has a rich blue color, but does not turn into blue shades. When exposed to sunlight, the mineral loses its magnificent color. At the same time, real London topaz always returns its color after keeping the gem in a dark place for a long time.

Topaz London has the following unusual properties:

  • Brings out a lying person;
  • Returns good spirits and vitality;
  • Promotes reconciliation between friends;
  • Helps reduce epilepsy attacks;
  • Normalizes blood pressure.

Yellow topaz magical properties of the stone

One of the most common topazes are yellow shades. Such stones are often edged in gold - this enhances the miraculous properties of the nugget. Thus, they are able to eliminate depression and eliminate suicidal tendencies. In addition, the gem normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract - closes ulcers, promotes the speedy healing of gastritis. People with a weakened nervous system, in constant contact with the yellow stone, regain peace and good spirits.

Polychrome stone often contains yellow color. In this case, all the properties of the yellow color act on a par with the magical qualities of the other colors of the mineral.

Golden topaz magical properties of the stone

Golden topaz is one of the varieties of yellow shades. This variety was very popular in Ancient India. They noticed that in addition to the calming effect, the stone helped restore the liver and also accelerated metabolism.

As for magical properties, esotericists have noticed that they meet the following characteristics:

  • Lies and insincerity are brought out; a person possessing golden topaz cannot be deceived;
  • The ring worn on the right hand protects against damage and the evil eye from enemies. For left-handers, the ring should be worn on the left hand.

Lemon topaz magical properties of the stone

Another variety of yellow topaz that should be discussed separately is lemon gems. Their transparent structure with a slight tint of delicate yellow color will complement almost any decoration. Such delicate stones are recommended to be worn by young girls who are just beginning their adult journey in life. These stones will help them recognize deception on the part of cunning people who are trying to drag them into obscene affairs.

In addition, lemon gems have properties that help prevent colds. It is recommended to use such nuggets especially during seasonal epidemics. If you cannot avoid a cold, you should infuse the gem in water, and then drink the warm infused water in small sips.

Honey topaz magical properties of the stone

It is also worth noting the properties of thick yellow topaz, which is called honey stone. It helps get rid of the following ailments:

  • Epilepsy - a gem relieves symptoms, in rare cases helps to completely get rid of a neurological disease;
  • Angina;
  • Viral infections acquired during epidemics of colds;

Honey nuggets are an excellent material for creating amulets that protect the owner from the negative effects of black forces and the treachery of insincere people. Fraudsters trying to use the owner of honey topaz for their own selfish purposes will feel their deception for themselves and get what they deserve.

Topaz imperial magical properties of the stone

Topazes found in Brazil in the Oro Preto region are called imperial or "imperial". Moreover, the color of such nuggets should be orange-brown with light notes of pink. Considering the high cost of such incredibly beautiful stones in color and purity, you can often see fakes in jewelry stores. After all, few people have seen the original color of the imperial. Identifying a true nugget of this species will require expert advice.

Such minerals have the following mystical properties:

  • Relieves depressed people from suicidal tendencies;
  • Considered the stone of lovers, young people often present jewelry with imperial topaz to their loved ones;
  • Relieves nervous disorders and insomnia.

Red topaz magical properties of the stone

Finding dark red topaz in nature is considered a real success. Such specimens make up less than one percent of all discovered stones. However, with prolonged exposure to the sun, such minerals lose their saturation and acquire pink tints. Therefore, when talking about the magical or healing properties of a stone, they should be considered from the point of view of pink nuggets. It should be remembered that if red topaz really got its color as a result of exposure to natural conditions and not human factors, all magical characteristics double their strength and power.

Pink topaz magical properties of the stone

Topazes of pink shades give their owner sanity, prudence and wisdom. In any, even the most critical situation, the mineral will help the owner maintain a sober and cool mind, which will help make the right decision without referring to emotions. Let's take a closer look at the magical properties of pink topaz:

  • Has prudence, which he transfers to his owner;
  • Relieves nervous shocks that can lead to suicide or madness;
  • Drives away evil spirits and prevents damage;
  • Attracts kind and intelligent people, with whom many years of sincere friendship can subsequently begin;
  • It is a symbol of love relationships; it is believed that the owner of pink topaz will have a happy family.

The healing properties of the stone have long been used in alternative medicine. People suffering from cardiovascular problems often use the stone to prevent dangerous diseases. Wearing the stone daily relieves sudden strokes, blood clots, and stabilizes the functioning of the heart. People suffering from high blood pressure also need to constantly look at the stone.

Green topaz magical properties of the stone

Green topaz in old times in Rus' was called the witch's stone. Witches used it to cast a love spell on their beloved men. Whether these legends are true is unknown. However, it has been proven for certain that the green gem is recognized as the nugget of lucky people. Even in the most difficult circumstances, the owner of topaz incredibly found a way out of the current situation.

With a systematic lack of minerals in the body, as well as a lack of vitamins in winter, green topaz restores vitality and improves immunity. In case of toothache, a stone should be applied to the painful tooth - the pain will subside and help alleviate the suffering until medical assistance is provided.

Purple topaz magical properties of the stone

Purple topaz occurs naturally in pastel colors. Color saturation can be obtained exclusively artificially. Such stones have the following miraculous properties:

  • Detects false and fraudulent plans swirling around the owner of the stone;
  • Helps cope with negative energy emanating from unpleasant acquaintances;
  • Prevents you from meeting unnecessary negative people;
  • Promotes the development of communication skills;
  • Protects the house from evil spirits;
  • Contributes to obtaining financial profit;
  • Relieves insomnia.

Brown topaz magical properties of the stone

Brown topaz is part of the yellow stone group. Its price varies from 200 to 300 dollars per carat. In gold or platinum, such a stone receives a higher price. In addition, the noble metal has a positive effect on the energetic power of the mineral. It has a balancing property. Overly aggressive people become calm, and the phlegmatic owner of brown topaz transforms into an assertive and energetic person. The gem also has a protective property that helps get rid of colds. The nugget normalizes metabolism and helps the proper absorption of food.

Mystical “Rainbow” topaz - magical properties of the stone

Rainbow topaz has a truly mystical appearance. Its edges shimmer with all colors. However, the gem received such incredible beauty thanks to human efforts. After processing and polishing the nugget, it is exposed to radioactive radiation, after which a very thin layer of titanium or gold is applied. After these steps are completed, the topaz begins to sparkle and cast colorful reflections. Most often, a transparent mineral is used as the basis for a rainbow stone. The stone first received this design in 1993 thanks to an American jewelry company, which gave this stone the name mystical topaz.

It is worth noting that during manipulations with the stone it does not become synthetic and has absolutely the same mystical and healing properties as ordinary topaz. Thus, this incredibly beautiful and truly magical polychrome gem has the following characteristics:

  • Maintains stable functioning of the thyroid gland, ensures the level of hormones responsible for the human endocrine system within normal limits;
  • Looking at the rainbow stone every day relieves spasms of eye accommodation and reduces the level of myopia;
  • Fights insomnia, calms the nervous system;
  • Brings to light the surrounding people who are contemplating ungodly thoughts;
  • Protects the owner of the mineral and his home from damage and the evil eye;
  • Brings financial wealth.

Mystical or rainbow topaz is in great demand in the jewelry industry. Its incredibly attractive appearance creates a festive look for any decoration. The stone looks especially beautiful in gold design. In this case, the mystical properties of the precious metal enhance the characteristics of the topaz itself.

Black topaz magical properties of the stone

It is very rare to find black topazes in nature. Although they have this color only upon initial inspection, in fact the stone has any dark color other than directly black. It has a luxurious appearance; in ancient times, witches endowed it with black powers. It has now been proven that these minerals cannot bring misfortune either to the owner of the stone or to those around him. This gem helps develop intuition and drives away evil spirits. We invite you to take a closer look at the unique abilities of this mysterious nugget:

  • Recommended for creating talismans. At the same time, the owner of an amulet with black topaz is able to control the thoughts and will of other people. It is important to remember that the stone only works when the owner does not have negative intentions.
  • Contributes to the fulfillment of a cherished desire;
  • Wearing a black gem every day prevents colds;
  • Positively affects the functioning of the liver and kidneys;
  • Stabilizes the state of the nervous system, eliminates nervous tics;
  • Prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases: reduces the risks of strokes and heart attacks. At the first signs of varicose veins in the legs, you should lift your legs up daily and apply stones to the inflamed areas.

Colorless topaz magical properties of the stone

Colorless specimens, which are sometimes called white, are relatively young stones that have not had time to become saturated with additional impurities. Such gems were most likely created under the sun's rays. Most often they are presented in a transparent form, which is worth discussing separately, but there are also smoky or matte nuggets.

A nugget was often confused with a diamond, so there is a funny story associated with this gem. In 1740, a huge diamond measuring 1,680 carats was found in Brazil. It was presented as a gift to the Portuguese monarch, after which the crystal began to adorn his crown. However, after some time it was proven that the crown contains not the largest diamond stone in the world, but an incredibly beautiful, but still simple topaz. Currently, the location of this mineral, called “braganza,” is unknown.

Colorless topaz has the following mystical properties:

  • Develops an analytical mind and intuitive abilities;
  • Wearing the mineral helps to ignite the love and passion of a partner.

From the point of view of alternative medicine, colorless topaz is used as an antispasmodic. In case of toothache, the gem is applied to the diseased tooth; in case of headaches, the jewelry with the nugget should be worn around the neck. It also successfully fights insomnia and eliminates nightmares.

Transparent topaz magical properties of the stone

Transparent topaz belongs to the subgroup of colorless stones and has the following magical properties:

  • It is a symbol of the creation of everything new, so it is often worn by people who are about to embark on new endeavors, regardless of the direction of action: creativity, financial issues or family relationships;
  • Protects against evil eyes;
  • Psychologists often use this stone when working, as it helps to reveal the opponent as much as possible;
  • Prevents nervous disorders;
  • In conflict situations, they help maintain sanity and help overcome misunderstandings.

Topaz, one of the most beautiful, sophisticated and noble stones, is endowed with a large number of magical properties. What mysteries and secrets does this beautiful gem hide?

A pure mineral without impurities of other elements has a transparent structure and is colorless. Stones can come in a wide variety of colors and shades, but the most common representatives of this crystal are:

  • yellow,
  • green,
  • blue,
  • wine,
  • pink,
  • red.

In very rare cases, there are multi-colored exhibits, or more precisely, polychrome ones, which differ from simple ones by the presence of several impurities at once.

In the ancient East, the gem, thanks to its extraordinary shades and varieties, as well as its transparent structure, was considered a symbol of enlightenment and intuition. People believed, and still believe today, in its magical property of helping to gain and comprehend clarity of thought and feelings.

Protective talismans and amulets with gemstones have the strongest counteracting properties. It is able to prevent any attempts to cause harm, and any other type of damage.

Topaz of any color and shade is a mineral that is endowed with the magical property of recognizing lies; it can also reveal bad intentions and evil deeds.

Blue topaz stone: magical properties

One of the most popular stones among this family is blue topaz. It not only looks expensive, but is also rightfully considered one of the most aristocratic and sophisticated gems.

Since ancient times, there have been legends about the magical abilities of this stone. He cannot stand deceitful, unfaithful, and insincere people and favors only selfless, kind-hearted and valiant people.

The stone is a talisman and amulet for everyone who is in any search, no matter for themselves, a new business, any object, information or truth, since the mineral will help to find out the truth and put everything in its place.

In ancient times, all sailors knew about the power of the blue crystal, because it was believed that any journey during which this gem was on board the ship would certainly be successful, profitable and profitable.

Topaz is a gem that has the ability to endow its owner with positive thinking; it cures sadness, melancholy and depression. A blue crystal in the form of a ring or pendant will bring happiness, good luck and success, and protect against evil spells, the evil eye and other attempts at negative influence.

A powerful and strong magical talisman will protect and protect from problems, all that remains is to figure out how to wear it correctly, for this you need to know topaz according to your zodiac sign - who suits it best?

Topaz stone: who is suitable according to the horoscope

Topaz is suitable for all signs of the Zodiac circle, but you should wear a product or jewelry with this stone depending on its color. The blue mineral is best suited for representatives of the Scorpio sign. A yellow, golden and colorless crystal will be an excellent patron for the constellation Gemini. Can Aquarius wear topaz? The answer is positive - signs can easily choose any jewelry regardless of the color of the crystal. Here you will find the largest range of products with natural stones at affordable prices in St. Petersburg.

Topaz is a semi-precious stone. It got its name from the place where it was first discovered: on the island of Zeberged, located in the Red Sea. The island was formerly called Topazion (Topazios). According to another version, the name of the gem comes from the word “tapaz” (Sanskrit), which means “warm”. In the old days, Ural miners called it “Heavyweight” due to the fact that, despite its small size, it weighs quite a lot (high specific gravity).

What does the description look like?

The chemical composition of the mineral is aluminum silicate with a high fluorine content. It is a valuable jewelry stone, with characteristics second only to diamond.

The hardness of topaz on the Mohs scale is 8. The crystal has a high refractive index. Does not react to chemicals, temperature changes, high humidity and other negative influences.

They are mined in Japan, Russia (Ural), Ukraine, Brazil, Sri Lanka, North and South America, Madagascar, Australia. The most famous deposits of jewelry topaz:

Diamantina and Ouro Preto in Brazil. Famous for the fact that stones of almost all existing colors are found here. Even the rarest one is the red one, which the locals call the Brazilian ruby;

Ceylon, also known as Sri Lanka, is famous for its crystal deposits in the form of open deposits. Colorless gems predominate;

Schneckestein, valued for greenish-transparent stones. Due to their color they are also called Saxon peridots;

Volynskoe (Ukraine) deposit - brownish-yellow and transparent;

Ural placers on the Kamenka and Sanarka rivers with rich red and purple gems.

Modern chemistry makes it possible to create artificial topazes. They have no artistic value as a material for jewelry. Synthetic gems do not have the unique properties that are inherent in natural semi-precious stones.

Natural ones amaze with the variety of colors and shades. They can be brown, yellow, purple, green, red. There are blue, pink-smoky and multi-colored ones. There are transparent ones. They are called water topazes. The rarest are pink, red and double-layered, of any color, but covered with a light grayish coating (shirt).

Magic properties

The magic that this gem emits has been noticed since ancient times. Special properties are attributed to stones of different colors. It is believed that they are all capable of revealing any hidden secrets. Alchemists called the mineral the stone of revelation. In modern magical circles it is considered a stone of psychology.

Is a strong amulet. A different color is recommended for each zodiac sign. Protects against evil slander, sharpens mental abilities, helps young people and women. According to the eastern horoscope, topaz corresponds to two animals that patronize the years of the Pig and the Rooster.

Unique in that it can influence other signs. In the year of the Horse, representatives of this sign will be helped to curb their violent temper and hasty actions. In the year of the Tiger, it will preserve common sense for owners and protect them from rash, risky actions.

Interestingly, the magical properties of topaz depend on its color. Each shade has its own characteristics according to the zodiac sign, healing and protective qualities.

Types of topaz stone

Various impurities give the stone many colors and shades. In nature there are minerals that have several colors and shades. The most common types are the following.

Blue Topaz

The magical properties of the blue crystal are unique. He has great power. May help in the following situations:

Restoring peace, helps with quarrels between spouses, enmity in a team, calms suddenly flared rage;

Builds relationships, makes its owner more sociable, sociable and open;

Calm the elements and protect during hurricanes, rainstorms, thunderstorms, and other natural disasters;

It is a talisman against evil and envious people.

The healing properties are considered very powerful. Can cure many thyroid diseases. To do this, the stone should be worn as a necklace or in a pendant.

This color helps most with:

Nervous disorders;

Mental disorders;


Unexplained fears;

It is believed that a mineral of this color reduces the number of epileptic seizures and makes them much weaker.

Suitable for Scorpio zodiac sign. Calms their explosive nature and helps them find peace of mind. Recommended for people of mental work, teachers, writers, philologists, journalists.

Can be worn on any finger. On the neck like a necklace or pendant.

Yellow topaz

A stone of this color is considered the most valuable. Has strong magical properties. Can influence other people. Helps you easily discover any deception and scam.

Healing properties of yellow topaz:

Helps stabilize the gastrointestinal tract;

Heals stomach ulcers;

Treats gastritis and colitis;

Has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Patronizes Gemini, Virgo and Leo. Helps solve problems and is a talisman for representatives of these zodiac signs.

Must be worn in a gold ring on the index finger of either hand.

White Topaz

The magical properties of white stone affect the mind and intellect. It is believed that it improves analytical abilities and provides energy to the brain. Protects its owner from deception and slander. Ayurveda considers it a precious stone for lovers, since wearing it can ignite serious passion in a partner. It is considered a stone of psychologists, as it is able to expose any secret in favor of its owner.

The healing properties are actively used in lithotherapy. Wearing this gem helps strengthen the immune system. It is a preventative against colds and viral diseases. Develops mental abilities, protects against high blood pressure.

Patronizes Taurus and Capricorn. Suitable for such professions as psychologist and psychotherapist, lawyer, lawyer.

Can be worn as any decoration.

Pink Topaz

It is believed that pink topaz adds wisdom, calmness, and prudence to its owner. The magical properties of this gem are to maintain self-control and sober mind in any situation. In other words, the owner of the stone is not in danger of insanity.

The healing properties extend to the cardiovascular system. Therapy is recommended for people prone to obesity, with constantly rising blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, and other diseases of the endocrine system.

Patronizes Aquarius and Sagittarius, protecting them from serious life shocks. Suitable for blue-collar workers, engineers, designers, physicists and other representatives of the exact sciences. Recommended for women as a pendant, ring or tiara. For men strictly as a ring on the right hand.

Green topaz

Considered the gem of witches. Since ancient times, it has been used as a love stone to bring back a loved one, bewitch a betrothed, or cast a spell on a rival. Despite the contradictory magical characteristics, green topaz is considered a lucky stone. Brings good luck to its owner. Helps you get out of even hopeless situations.

As a healing agent, it is suitable for people suffering from vitamin deficiency, lack of calcium and other minerals in the body. The stone is believed to help stabilize metabolism. has a good effect on vision and can serve as a mild pain reliever for headaches and toothaches.

Suitable for all summer zodiac signs. But provided that these people are decent and honest. It will do a disservice to liars, thieves and robbers, despite the protection of the signs.

Smoky Topaz

The magical properties lie in the ability to summon otherworldly forces. Since ancient times it has been used in spiritualistic séances, helping the medium establish contact with dead people. Topaz of this color will relieve envy, pride, and suppress anger. Help me stop hating and forgive.

The healing properties of the gem are aimed at restoring the psyche. It is used to treat people prone to depression and suicide, erase obsessive thoughts, mental disorders, and eliminate manic behavior. They are used in rehabilitation centers for drug addicts, suggesting wearing the gem around the clock.

Owners of smoky-colored topaz are advised to occasionally cleanse the stone of accumulated negativity in brackish water, immersing it there for several hours. Suitable for all zodiac signs. It is recommended to wear with caution, not forgetting the dark side of the alchemist's stone.

More than others, it is suitable for holders of such professions as sailor, fisherman, pilot, military personnel and people associated with agriculture.

The most controversial of the minerals is blue topaz. The meaning of the stone will lift the veil of its secrets and help you decide whether you need such a powerful talisman.

What is the strength of the mineral?

What effect does blue topaz have on humans? The importance of the stone is difficult to overestimate once you know its properties.

Healing power

By constantly wearing the mineral, its owner’s immunity is strengthened, which allows him not only to avoid getting sick, but also to fight existing chronic diseases and exhaustion. Topaz can overcome diseases of the central nervous system, arthritis, paralysis, inflammation of bone tissue, and problems with the spine. And women who own this mineral will not know what hormonal disorders and uterine diseases are. They are also not at risk of infertility. Myopic people will also feel the beneficial effects of the stone.

Regenerating properties

Blue topaz relieves stress, reduces the time spent on tissue regeneration, and even prevents Graves' disease, because the life-giving effect of the mineral has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland, strengthening it.

Calming properties

The owner of the blue mineral will not be tormented by depression, insomnia, nightmares, or mental disorders. Moreover, under the influence of its action in epileptics the frequency and severity of attacks decreases.

Magical qualities

The owner of blue topaz develops powerfully his mind, intuition and instinct. This is one of the strongest talismans of wealth, which helps businessmen, speakers, politicians, promoting their popularity and favorable attention from people of higher rank.

Properties that encourage creativity

Blue topaz reveals the creative potential of the owner, but only in people with extensive life experience, wise ones.

Mystical qualities

The ability to pacify downpours and even storms is one of the most unusual properties of the blue topaz mineral. He is a talisman, a protector, an amulet of clairvoyants. People are involuntarily drawn to a person with such a talisman; they want to listen to him, to know his opinion.

A stone with character

Only blue topaz is a stone whose properties are not intended for everyone. He will be a faithful assistant and talisman only for a courageous, honest and purposeful person. If you are a woman oriented toward family and traditional values, if privacy and peace are important to you, then forget about blue topaz. The meaning of the stone, or more precisely, its purpose is to send tests. After all, this unusually beautiful mineral predetermines the fate of a person who must win the battle of life. Not everyone can overcome critical situations painlessly. Wearing blue topaz guarantees that any, even the most innocent, lie and untruth will be brought to its logical conclusion. Thus, a playful response to a loved one’s bad joke: “Well, that’s it, I don’t love you anymore...” will become reality. The woman will become increasingly entangled in personal problems and will not suspect that the unusually attractive blue topaz is to blame. The meaning of the stone is destruction, a catalyst for decay. It is unlikely that the beauty of a mineral is worth such sacrifices.

Blue topaz will conquer Scorpio

And here the question naturally arises: who can wear blue topaz without fear? The zodiac sign will give the answer. The heavenly colored mineral is indicated primarily for Scorpios - those who were born in the time period from October 24 to November 22.
