Visiting mother of many children, Tatyana Morozova, who recently received the Order of Mother. Own way

Recently, our state has become concerned with the problem of low birth rates in the country. Thus, new projects are being introduced into the law that should provide benefits to young families, and they are trying to increase the amount of maternity capital every year. Starting a family has become much easier than before. And women are increasingly thinking about a second, and sometimes even a third child.

But still, some of us continue to be tormented by obsessive fears and disturbing thoughts. From the outside it may seem that many children are an unbearable burden for a modern woman. But we invite you to familiarize yourself with the real facts and find out the reasons why being a mother of many children is wonderful, and sometimes even profitable!

Benefits for mother's health and benefits for the whole family

Healthy natural childbirth is an extremely beneficial process for the female body. The hormonal and immune systems operate at full capacity throughout the entire period of gestation and lactation, and therefore the risk of inflammatory and oncological processes in our body is significantly reduced.

During breastfeeding, a mother and her baby experience a special, invisible psychological and emotional connection, which has a positive effect on the nervous system of both. Full functioning of all the main female organs: the uterus, mammary glands and ovaries is also possible only during 9 months of gestation and in the postpartum period.

Mothers with many children can confidently say that they have fulfilled their feminine part of the mission in full; in such families, psychological crises arise much less frequently, and relationships between partners are especially close and trusting. Scientists have proven that children themselves grow up more self-confident and purposeful if they are surrounded by siblings.

And how nice it is to relive these days when your own baby is in your mother’s belly. With what joy does a woman once again choose a crib or look at products for newborns in store windows! Allow yourself to remember and feel again these fading memories.

There is always someone to rely on

As mentioned above, children in large families are in many ways ahead of their peers in development who do not have brothers and sisters. This is due to the fact that constant contact with children of different ages forces the child to quickly adapt to society; children begin to speak earlier and think better. In a large family, children overcome their problems faster, constantly feeling the support of all their numerous relatives.

In a large family, a child never feels lonely or abandoned, even if the parents do not have free time to spend weekends with their children. The child will always find someone to talk to and something to do. And the useful habit of coming to each other’s aid will do good work in the future, when your children begin their adult and serious lives.

Child psychiatrists insist: Much more often, psychological problems and difficulties in communicating with other children occur in the only child in the family who does not have siblings. Such children often feel lonely and invent imaginary friends. And if a child has no one to talk to, then he begins to develop the habit of turning to himself. He can conduct a dialogue out loud with his invisible friend to make up for the lack of communication with his peers. The only child in the family is often withdrawn and very shy. It is more difficult for him to adapt to changes, for example, moving or going to a new school can drive a child into a strong state of stress, causing him to experience psychological or moral suffering.

In a large family there simply cannot be attention deficit. Children constantly communicate with each other, play together and develop more actively. The younger ones look up to their elders, try not to be inferior to them in anything, and therefore they themselves try to learn to read, write and count on their own. In a large family, children motivate each other!

Opportunity to babysit children longer

What unforgettable moments of happiness it gives to a young mother. Or his first word, a timid and uncertain independent step. And how fleeting are these moments! When deciding on a third and fourth baby, you will be able to relive all the most touching moments. You will hear the child’s first word again, you will again take him to kindergarten for the first time... Isn’t real women’s happiness hidden in such happy moments?

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

Older brothers and sisters always greet with delight the arrival of a new family member in the house. Who wouldn't want to sit next to their tiny brother or help mom put a cute dress on her little sister? Small children in the house are always fun, noise and a complete absence of boredom and monotony!

The opportunity to develop in all directions and not stand still

A mother with many children is practically Julius Caesar in a skirt. She manages literally everything: wash clothes, cook dinner, check the older children's homework, read a fairy tale to the younger ones, and then still find a couple of hours to work. Motherhood teaches a woman to use her time wisely and more rationally.

Many women begin to try their hand at creativity, and some even successfully build a full-fledged career on this.

I know a mother of five children who really loved sewing children's carnival costumes. At first she created them only for her kids, then she sewed them to order for neighbors and friends. And now she has her own children's clothing store, which is very popular in the city.

Don't be afraid that your children will limit you in some way. On the contrary, practice proves that women with many children have a more alert intellect, they develop an iron grip and good instincts. After all, what could be more motivating than caring about the future of your children?

Benefits and social programs

The state takes care of large families. For example, almost every institution provides special programs for families with many children. Thus, in children's and even adult clinics, a mother with many children and her children can go to the doctor's office without a queue, and medications are prescribed free of charge. In educational institutions, students from large families are provided with discounts on fees, as well as free meals.


Set the same daily routine for all children

Famous Hollywood actor Alec Baldwin and his wife Hilaria have three children: three-year-old Carmen, two-year-old Rafael and little Leonardo, born on September 12, 2016. Alec’s wife readily talks on her social network page about how she manages to cope with three kids, each of whom requires one hundred percent of her mother’s attention. Her biggest secret is that the daily routine of all children should be the same.

“When you have one child, everything is fine - all your attention is focused on him. When there are many of them, it is a team, so they must do everything together. If you try to make each child live according to their own schedule, you are guaranteed to be constantly stressed,” Hilaria.

Involve children in putting their siblings to bed

Not all children can be easily and quickly put to sleep during the day. Mother of four children Anna Ananova knows this like no one else. She had to try many different methods before she found the most effective one.

“We decided not to force the baby. If you don't want to sleep, that's fine. And in the evening, when the child was freaking out out of nowhere, when he was very tired, when he wanted to sleep, they meticulously said that, son, this is all because your body did not rest during the day, it has little strength, and so on. Next time you go to bed during the day, and then in the evening we can still read, and sculpt, and so on before going to bed. I’ll tell you – it works 100%, even with a two-year-old,” she said.

Another, according to Anna, time-tested way of putting children to sleep during the day is to ask for help: “I tell the baby: “Son, I want to sleep, please put me to bed, hold my hand for about five minutes.” And if you need to put everyone to bed at the same time, then you can say this: “Please help me put Alena to bed: pretend to be asleep, and then she will look at you and fall asleep.” It always works!”

Face it, you are not a supermom.

Of course, it’s nice to consider yourself an independent mother and proudly say that you can handle everything yourself, but most often this is good and simple only in theory. Actress Olga Lomonosova, a mother, realized from her own experience that it is very difficult without the help of a nanny or grandmother.

“At first we tried to cope on our own. But one day, when Varya was about five months old, I went to audition for Mosfilm. Pasha called me (husband of the actress. – Ed.) and said: “Do what you want, but be at home! Varya needs breasts.” I ran home in horror, by this time Pasha had already calmed the baby down. After this story, we realized that we needed a nanny. We contacted agencies, but we came across such strange people there. One day Lilya came to us. She sat down on the sofa and said: “I’ve never been a nanny, but I have two children of my own.” Somehow we were lucky that Lilya is still with us. But we were looking for a nanny for a very long time,” she shared.

The older the child gets, the more you can give him instructions to do something himself: tidy up the toys before guests arrive, wipe the dust on the shelf or help with cooking (for example, sorting out buckwheat or rice). Be prepared that at first you will have to redo everything, but still, all the efforts of the child must be encouraged and you should never help him until he asks for it himself.

Order groceries to your home

Often, a trip between a mother and her children to the supermarket turns into a real ordeal: one cries because they didn’t buy him a toy, the other is tired, the third is completely lost from sight, and then you still have to carry huge bags of groceries home - not everyone has a car... To avoid This way, you can simplify the task and order groceries online – with home delivery.

“I often (especially when my husband is not at home) order groceries online for delivery. “I save time and don’t carry heavy loads,” a mother of many children shared her advice with the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper. – This is probably not original advice, but why then in supermarkets do I still see families with children for whom grocery shopping turns into torture? A cart full of children, milk, toilet paper, everything falls, everyone runs away, everyone is nervous... 5 minutes - click on the desired products, then another 5 minutes open the door to the courier. You can order milk, cereals and baby food by the carton and not even think about it for a month.”

Tatyana Orlova with her son

“I sacrifice perfect order. We do regular cleaning, but constantly “polishing” is pointless if there are a lot of children. So for reasons of convenience, the house does not necessarily have to be sterilely clean. I have access to creative materials, and from time to time someone gets dirty in them, but it’s not at all difficult to wash a child, kiss him and let him go on to play,” Tatyana.

And finally, a simple and useful recommendation from many experienced mothers. They advise: the best way to maintain order in an apartment with children is to spend as little time there as possible. For example, if you have to spend the whole day at home with the whole group, then try to go for a walk at least twice for at least two hours. We woke up, had breakfast, played and went outside. Then: we ate, slept, had an afternoon snack - and went for a walk again. After returning, have dinner, swim and sleep. Thus, children will also benefit - they will spend a lot of time in the fresh air, and order will remain at home much longer.

What parenting tricks do you use? Tell us in the comments.

I often catch sympathetic glances and hear the sighs of concerned citizens on the subway when they see me with three children at once: “Oh, it must be hard for you...”.

I wonder where this myth came from, that it’s difficult with children?

This sounds especially interesting from the lips of childless women or women who have only one child, and he has already grown up. 🙂

It’s also interesting that one of the most commented on my blog was the article “How not to go crazy while on maternity leave?” (even Doman’s technique wins in terms of views 🙂). I wrote 2-3 tips there that helped me when I went from maternity leave to maternity leave with a difference of 1.5 years between my older children. So in the comments, young mothers “compete” to see who has it harder and whose story is sadder. What’s most interesting is that they usually write from mothers with one, maximum, two children.

Why do you think mothers of many children do not write comments on this article? 🙂

That's right, because they know that having children is actually easy. Moreover, perhaps, with one child it is many times more difficult than, for example, with three.

Paradox? Maybe! But this is the honest truth! 🙂

I will express my assumptions as to why this happens...

  1. With her first child, the mother is most tired of her own helplessness and fears. Most often, in the process of growing up, women of my generation did not see a real example of raising a child before their eyes (where are they - large families - with 5-10 children in the 20th century???), so immediately after giving birth they feel confused, have difficulty understanding the needs and requirements your baby. Alas, learning to be a mother from books is no easier than learning ballet from books...

And if you add a cloud of advice from friends, mothers, aunts, grandmothers, pediatricians and mothers’ forums to book advice, then your head may actually burst from their sometimes diametric opposite. And how, one might ask, should one proceed if everyone advises differently? 🙂

With the second one it’s already a hundred times easier (especially if the difference is not very big yet, and mom hasn’t forgotten how it happens :)).

And somehow calmer... You no longer weigh the baby after each feeding. And you don’t jump up to him at every squeak at night (well, what if he just has a change in sleep phase, and he grunts and then falls asleep on his own :)). And you are no longer afraid when your child has a fever for the first time in his life... Because you know that children sometimes get sick, and this is normal, and this is not the first time a child has a fever in YOUR life, and you already have a strategy for how to situations to act...

The third one is even easier... Especially when the children have a small age difference. Because then fear is already a company, they play together, and it’s easier to avoid problems with jealousy. (Jealousy begins with a difference of about 3 years; before that, children do not yet experience such complex feelings, so it is easier to tolerate the appearance of a brother or sister in the family).

  1. When a mother has experience raising only one child, the most vivid memory in her head from the first year of his life is precisely this feeling of helplessness and misunderstanding. But we are brought up to be perfectionists, we must always do everything perfectly, and if something doesn’t work out perfectly, then it’s better to quit this business and not start it again, write it off as something “not given.” Is it possible to do it perfectly the first time if you held a newborn in your hands for the first time in your life??? But society puts pressure on the model of the “ideal mother”, so it seems that rather than being a bad mother, it is better not to be one again at all. After all, it’s “so difficult” with children.

Or the other side of perfectionism: until you get a guarantee that you can provide your first child not only with the best toys, food, clothes, but also an apartment in the center of Moscow and the best education in the world, then it seems you shouldn’t even think about the second. “Why create poverty???” (Here, perfectionism can also be attributed to the overprotective syndrome, which also greatly exhausts the mother, not allowing her to leave some strength for herself and her needs, preventing her from regaining strength and feeling balanced, calm, and feeling that she is well and easy with children.)

  1. Unfulfilled maternal expectations.

Firstborns are usually long-awaited. And the more long-awaited the child is, the more is expected from him. They wait to find out what gender he will be, what color his eyes and hair will be, they choose his name for a long time and carefully, they expect that he will have such and such a character, certainly similar to his mother (dad), they expect him to be the calmest child and will certainly sleep at night, waiting for his first successes, looking forward to his first tooth, first step, first word... and God forbid he should go or speak later than his peers!

And when mom faces the first disappointments (and yells all the time, and it’s not clear what he even needs at this moment, and how can I go to work when at one and a half years old he sleeps so poorly, and why he doesn’t listen to me, and where In general, these hysterics, I didn’t throw such tantrums to my parents, and why is this little one, just starting to walk, already stamping his foot on me, and why doesn’t he want to read books, and why doesn’t he know how to play himself, but always pulls on my skirt, and why does he always have to climb to the very top of the slide, instead of calmly walking by the hand and looking at flowers, as I loved as a child with my mother...), then, of course, I also immediately want to hang a label that the child is somehow different , failed, and in general, raising children is “difficult.”

Mothers with many children know that all children are different, and they can be completely different, not like their parents, and there are no longer those unnecessary expectations placed on the child, they simply rejoice at him and enjoy him for who he is. On the contrary, I’m already wondering what the baby will be like this time? Is he really completely different again, not like his older brothers and sisters? What new things will he teach mom and dad this time?

One can argue for a long time whether it is expensive to have a large family... And “why create poverty”... As for me, one child is a much more expensive pleasure than several.

Just imagine, you bought a crib, a stroller or even two, a bunch of clothes (which in the first year children grow out of literally every 2-3 weeks, so they definitely don’t have time to tear them down :) a car seat for the car, a breast pump, a developmental mat, etc. toys, etc. And what? In 3 years, will you just throw it all away? Or will you give it to someone? Or will you sell it for next to nothing? With this approach, raising children is, of course, expensive. 🙂 It’s different if you have children with a small age difference. Then you can use all this repeatedly!

For a second child in the first year, you can only spend money on diapers! There are all kinds of cribs, strollers, and diapers, there are plenty of clothes, the child eats only mother’s milk. The only expenses left are diapers! 🙂

Therefore, when I catch the sympathetic glances of passers-by: “How difficult it must be for you...” I also want to sigh sympathetically in response. Because it seems to me that it is much more difficult for these people than for me. Because they lose something much more in an attempt to avoid some insignificant everyday inconveniences or by following their own far-fetched fears...

So what do mothers lose when they refuse to have a second, third, fourth child?

A sea of ​​love and happiness. Where else will you find such an inexhaustible source of unconditional love? Who else can love you as selflessly as your own child? Each child is another source of love and happiness in the family for each of its members.

A big friendly family. Where, if not in a large family, can a child be taught empathy, compassion, mutual assistance and teamwork? You do not need to resolve issues of dividing toys in the sandbox, because they have long been worked out in your home environment. If there are more than two children, then the middle children are especially lucky: they immediately learn to take care of the younger ones and receive support from the older ones. And of course, in a large family, everyone certainly learns to respect each other’s personal boundaries. No other way! Otherwise, there will be constant scandals and struggles for one’s territory. And here the role of the mother is important: it is you who can help your children acquire the necessary social skills in the safe environment of the family, which they will then need throughout their lives. Yes, it depends on you, your mother, whether your family will be friendly, built on the principles of mutual assistance, support and respect for personal space, or whether you will create an environment of unhealthy competition, constantly comparing children with each other and blaming them for their shortcomings in the presence of brothers and sisters.

A lot of creative insights and discoveries about myself. Every child discovers some new talent in their mother. It’s not for nothing that after the birth of a child, many women change their profession. This is always an opportunity to discover an unexpected side of yourself, learn to feel better, get closer to yourself, to understand what is really important to you for happiness.

And most importantly, the children themselves, the only ones in the family, also lose a sea of ​​love and support, not only in childhood, but also later in life. After all, if you have many brothers and sisters, you are already a whole team! You can simply ask for help, you can go on vacation together - rent an entire villa by the sea for a month, you can open your own business together - one is an accountant, another is a lawyer, a third is a designer, a fourth -... - here you have a whole team! 🙂

And the natural human desire to take care of someone close... I remember how, as a child, I asked my parents: “Well, give me a brother or sister!” And when she received a categorical refusal, she began to ask for at least a dog...

When I was young, I never imagined that I would have seven children. I was a student at a pedagogical institute, was planning to become a history teacher, worked part-time as a correspondent for a newspaper... And so, on instructions from the editors, I somehow had to visit a family with eighteen children. I remember what a strange impression my father and mother made on me. They answered all questions in monosyllables and had difficulty making contact. I never managed to get them to talk, the article didn’t work out. But only after a while, when I myself already had many children, I understood the reason for their strange closedness: the contemptuous attitude of society made them wary, taught them not to talk about themselves and not to be frank.

So I'm sure: having many children is a serious choice When doing this, you always need to understand what you are getting into. Many “horror stories” about the life of a mother with many children, which one hears every now and then, were, alas, not formed out of nowhere.

Social outcast

Having many children is a kind of “social suicide.” For many years, your circle of contacts and interests will be built exclusively around children, clinics, schools and kindergartens. Then it turns out that no one needs your profession - your qualifications are lost, your knowledge is outdated. Of course, there are such talented mothers who manage to do something: write pictures or poems. But only a few are capable of this, while the majority are destined to withdraw into everyday life.

We must also be prepared for the fact that if the family is not exorbitantly rich, then the standard of living will certainly fall. Where to get money is most often the father’s problem. Mom solves another problem: how to survive on the funds that he gets. For example, I know exactly how in today’s Moscow you can feed seven children deliciously with 300 rubles.

But the most difficult thing: a mother with many children must be prepared to become an outcast in society. Such an initially suspicious and dubious person, arousing both pity and contempt. Unfortunately, this is how most people perceive people with many children.

Do you understand what you're doing?

It's hard to say when it started. The last baby boom happened in Russia immediately after the war. Then, in the first peaceful years, everyone rejoiced at him. People no longer died in hundreds of thousands, the fear of imminent death was left behind, it was a joy to give life, and large families were perceived as normal. But now society has a completely different attitude: initially negative.

I constantly see this in the examples of my friends and know very well from my own experience: sidelong glances, condemning remarks after, or even right in the face. It is difficult not to notice this constant, everyday aggression from society, and even more difficult to ignore.

Here is my friend, mother of three children. Agree, they are by no means the largest family, and they do not live poorly at all. But when she goes out into the street with her decently dressed and well-mannered children, the grandmothers begin to whisper: “There’s a prostitute gone, got myself triplets

I remember how a nurse came to our house, who was supposed to enter information about the parents into the child’s card, she asked about my education, about my husband’s education, and, having learned that we both had a higher education, said:

- So you understand what you are doing?

Awesome question!

Another amazing position is “ Large families sit on the neck of the state" But I know from myself: in order to get some meager help, which anyway will not make a difference in the family budget, you have to run around the corridors of different institutions, make such efforts and listen to so much dirt addressed to you!..

It seems like we are entitled to free kindergarten.

“That’s according to the law,” says the manager and, already gloating, “but there are no places.”

Or, for example, we can apply for an increase in living space. But due to various circumstances, the husband is registered with his mother. As a result, we end up with even a whole meter more than normal.

“And if dad registers with you and the children, then this will be called “deliberate deterioration of living conditions,” and you still won’t get anything,” the passport officer solemnly reports, refusing to accept documents for registration.

That's it. It seems that an official is obliged to somehow facilitate the implementation of the rights provided by law. And, from the point of view of Christian morality, and moreover: a person must do everything to help his neighbor. But somehow things turned out differently in our state. Sometimes it seems to me that the main reason for the existence of our officials is to hide the possibility of receiving help from those who need it.

This is not for us!

According to statistics, in our country there are only 3% of large families. Why so few? The reasons, of course, are different, but I am sure that the attitude of the state and public opinion is one of the main ones. Personally, the hardest thing for me is to hear the words that children are a cross to a mother’s ability to self-realize, open up, and show her talent. These words immediately exude the feeling that having many children is the calling of losers.

If you can’t achieve anything in life, stay at home and have children.

But look at the “self-realization” for which many girls give up motherhood! Yes, Marie Curie did not have children, and this was her conscious choice. She knew that she would bury her talent as a scientist in the kitchen, and she sacrificed a lot to him. Her path was repeated by other famous women, whose names remained in history. But to give up children in order to sit as a secretary in an office, typing texts on a computer?..

They say that Having many children is also a cross on beauty and appearance. Yes, most often your appearance really suffers. But does a woman really have to have an ideal figure for love and communication? Are there not enough suffering beauties around? This is obvious - happiness has nothing to do with being slim. Petrarch loved Laura - she had eleven children. It turns out that he saw her pregnant almost always. Pushkin writes about his wife: “The purest example of pure charm.” They had four children. The Tajmahal Palace, one of the most touching symbols of love, was built in honor of a woman who died giving birth to her eleventh child.

I feel very sorry for those outwardly beautiful, worry-free people who don’t know the trouble of raising children. I recently came across the website of these “child frees” and was amazed by the ad I read there. A husband and wife, both in their late nineties, are asking for help. They didn’t have children - they didn’t want to - and now she got sick and needed money for treatment. He rushes around looking for help and is simply terrified that his only loved one is dying, and he has no one else.

You can scare people as much as you want by having many children, but I became truly scared after reading the texts of this forum.

For whom is it easy?

Being a mother of many children is my conscious choice. I did it and never regretted it. I wanted a lot of children, I like holding babies in my hands and I’m glad that we have such a big and friendly family. I know very well that I have lost something, but I understand why.

Yes, at some point it became clear: there was no turning back and my place was not at “work”, but at home. This probably happened after the fourth child. This is my choice and I will follow it anyway. But I cannot help but protest against the contemptuous attitude of society and the state towards my work.

After all, a mother of many children is not only a kindergarten teacher or a teacher. She is a multidisciplinary specialist: nurse, doctor, psychologist, cook, cleaner. Everyone honestly recognizes the same work of a foster mother as work and pays a salary for it. An ordinary mother with many children will not receive credit for her length of service, and her pension will be minimal, social... She will not receive even a simple human “thank you.” It is simply incredible that in society this enormous work is considered humiliating for a woman. “Fi: stay at home, spoon feed, change diapers!” Although all these critics also had their snotty noses wiped by their mothers at one time.

My job is children. And I’m offended by the contemptuous bewilderment - how did you decide to do this? We don’t ask such questions, say, to the director of a bank. But it’s hard for him too - responsibility, sedentary lifestyle, heart problems. Or, let's say, a ballerina. Why is she always on a diet, her legs are bleeding, and she’s losing her health? Is it easy to fly into space? Any profession has its costs. And I don’t understand why sacrificing something for the sake of a career or creativity is better or more honorable than for the sake of children.

Difficult? Yes. So what. It is difficult for everyone who sincerely does their job. They say to me: “Poor thing, how hard it is for you!” No more than a good doctor, a good journalist or an engineer.

I took it and did it.

Drawings by Ekaterina Gavrilova

The joys of a mother of many children

Eternal youth

The female body is designed in such a way that pregnancy and breastfeeding, due to hormonal changes, have an extremely positive effect on it. If you are a healthy woman, then there is no reason to deprive yourself of the joy of experiencing this happiness again. The release of oxytocin during natural childbirth is second to none and is worth it to get pregnant again. Are you already in your early forties and have two children? Decide on the third one! Don't miss the chance to be a young mother again, and not a grandmother. Extend your youth and remember what it’s like to talk to a baby in your stomach and, in joyful anticipation of the birth of a baby, look at booties in the windows of a children’s store.

Brothers and sisters

Have you ever noticed that children growing up alone in families talk to themselves, invent imaginary friends, sadly walk around the apartment, not paying attention to the abundance of toys? In our large family, no one ever gets bored or sad. The children are busy all day long, either playing cook, or practicing on the rings in the sports corner, or building castles for princes and princesses.

Sometimes parents complain that a girl is “embarrassed” to be friends with boys or a boy does not know how to communicate with girls in kindergarten or school. Our children of different sexes always easily start games with the kids on the playground. The eldest daughter, as if understanding “male psychology,” is friends with the boys in the kindergarten, as if they were her siblings.

Children in large families develop better and learn to be independent earlier. Our older guys are trying to help care for the baby as best they can. I don't have to worry about how to entertain the children. If mom is busy, then the daughter can captivate her younger brother with a game, tell him a fairy tale, or help him button up his shirt. Learning self-service skills happens naturally: the younger ones look at the older ones and “catch up.” We, as parents, never force our children to do anything against their will.

Next to mom

Having given birth and raised one child, everything is quickly forgotten. Before the baby is six months old, many entrust their babies to nannies. Mom, delighted with her “freedom,” runs off to work. Time for communication remains only on weekends. If you have several children, the mother always has the opportunity to keep the child at home longer. How great it is to spend the whole day with mom: do exercises together, cook breakfast, walk in the park, read books and just dream.

Work and study

Some mothers with many children manage to combine office work with successful motherhood. Some people come to the office with their children for a couple of hours a day. Some set up an office at home. If the job in your specialty no longer suits you, use parental leave as an opportunity to retrain. Get a second higher or additional education.

Just by being a good mom you will learn a lot. For example, you can take a baby swimming course and become a certified instructor. The range of activities is wide and limited only by your imagination and true desire for self-realization.

Over the years of happy motherhood, I managed to receive additional education with the opportunity to work in a new specialty. Although I never refused orders for the first one. During my second pregnancy, I wrote and published my own book of fairy tales. While expecting her third child, she began creating an online store. There is a sea of ​​creative plans and ideas in my head. Children encourage creativity. Motherhood with many children teaches you to save time and distribute it wisely throughout the day.

Social benefits

If you already have two children, the living conditions are tolerable, the salary is stable and fully satisfies your needs, why not have a third child? Of course, having become a large family, you should not count on significant material support from the state. Although people with many children still have some benefits. For example, parents of three or more children are exempt from paying for kindergarten and school or pay only part of the amount. Benefits are provided for housing and communal services. Discounts when purchasing tickets to museums, exhibition centers and parks. Free travel on public transport for one of the parents of a large family. Exemption from transport tax for one car. In some regions of the Russian Federation, large families receive from the state a free plot of land with the opportunity to build a summer house there.

Being a mother of many children is a real pleasure! The main thing is not to be afraid of difficulties and enjoy motherhood.
