Talking fish. Online reading of the book Knots of the Winds Talking Fish

Whether it happened or not, there lived one poor man. This poor man went to the fisherman and hired himself as a worker. Every day he earned several fish, brought them home - this is what he and his wife lived on.

One day a fisherman caught a beautiful fish, told the worker to take care of it, and he himself went back into the water. A worker sits on the shore, looks at a beautiful fish and thinks: “Lord God, a fish is also a living creature! After all, like us, she has parents and friends, she understands something, feels both joy and grief...”

Before I had time to think this, the fish spoke in a human voice:

- Listen, brother man! I was playing with my friends in the waves of the river, I lost myself in joy and ended up in a fishing net. Now my parents are probably looking for me, crying, and my girlfriends are sad. And I myself, you see, how I’m suffering - I’m suffocating without water. I want to go into the river again, I want to play in the cold transparent streams.

I really want it, I really want it!.. Take pity on me, throw me into the water!

The fish spoke quietly, barely audibly, with difficulty opening its dry mouth.

The worker felt sorry for the fish, so he took it and threw it into the river.

- Swim, beautiful fish! Let your parents cry no more. Don't let your girlfriends be sad. Swim, live, rejoice with them!

The fisherman saw this and became very angry with his worker:

- What a fool you are! I get wet in the water, catch fish, and you put them in the water!

Get out and don't come into my sight again! You are not my employee! At least die of hunger!

He took the bag from the worker and drove him away.

-Where should I go now? What to do? How to live?

And, worried and empty-handed, the poor man wandered home.

He wanders sadly home, and towards him is a Monster in human form, walking and chasing a beautiful cow.

- Good afternoon, brother! Why are you so sad? What are you thinking about? - asks the Beast.

The poor man told him about his misfortune: he was left without work, without bread and now does not know what to do with his wife.

“Listen, my friend,” says the Beast, “I will give this cow to you for three years.” Every day she will give so much milk that you and your wife will be fed up. But as soon as three years have passed, I will come to you this very night and ask questions. If you answer, I’ll leave the cow to you; if you fail to answer, I’ll take the fighters, take them away, and do whatever I want to you. Agree?

“We’re going to die of hunger anyway,” thought the poor man, “so I’d better take a cow.” She will feed us for three years, and then God will be merciful - maybe he will send us happiness and we will answer our questions.”

- Agree! - speaks.

He took the cow and took her home.

For three years the cow fed the poor man and his wife to the full, and they did not notice how time passed. But then the agreed upon date arrived: at night the Beast had to

come to them.

At dusk, a husband and wife sit sadly at the doorstep and think about how to answer the Beast’s questions. And who knows what the Beast will ask them?

- This is what it means to contact the Beast! - the husband and wife sigh and repent.

But what happened was what happened, there is no other way out. A scary night is already approaching.

Suddenly an unfamiliar handsome young man approaches them and says:

Good evening! I'm a wanderer. Won't you take me in for the night?

- Why not shelter, brother wanderer! The guest was sent by God. Only on this night it is dangerous to stay with us. We took a cow from the Beast with an agreement to feed on its milk for three years. The monster set a condition: in three years it will appear and ask us questions. We will be able to answer - the cow is ours, no - we ourselves will become his captives. Today the deadline has ended, it will come at night, and we don’t know how we will answer it. Whatever the Beast does to us, it serves us right. But make sure you don't get hurt!

- No problem! “What happens to you will happen to me,” the wanderer answers.

The owners agreed with him. The guest remained. At midnight there was a strong knock on the door.

- Who's there?

- Monster! I have appeared, answer the questions!

Where can I answer? From horror, both the wife and the husband lost their tongue. So they both froze in place.

- Don't be afraid, I will answer for you! - says the young guest and rushes to the door.

“I’m here too,” the guest answers him.

- Where are you from?

- From the other side of the sea.

—What did you come with?

- I saddled a lame mosquito, sat on horseback and came!

- So the sea was small?

- How small it is! The eagle cannot fly over it.

- So the eagle is a chick?

- What a chick! The shadow of his wings covers the city!

- So the city is very small?

- How small it is! The hare cannot run across it.

- So the hare is tiny?

- How tiny it is! From its skin you can cut out a sheepskin coat, a hat and a pair of mittens to boot.

- So the dwarf will wear them?

- What a dwarf! Place a rooster on his knee - he won’t hear the crowing.

- So he's deaf?

- How deaf! He hears a deer nibbling grass in the mountains.

The Beast was confused: it senses that there, behind the door, there is some wise power - brave and invincible. The Beast doesn’t know what else to say, he quietly retreats and disappears into the darkness of the night.

The husband and wife got rid of the misfortune, rejoice, rejoice.

Soon it was dawn. The young guest begins to say goodbye.

- No, no, we won’t let you in! — the husband and wife blocked his way. - You saved our lives - tell me, how can we thank you?

“There’s nothing to thank me for, I have to go.”

- Well, at least tell me your name. If we fail to thank, then we will know whom to bless.

- Do good and even throw it into the water - it will not be lost. “I am the same talking fish that you spared,” the stranger answered and disappeared.

And the husband and wife were left in joyful amazement.

Translation from Armenian by Y. Khachatryants

Whether it happened or not, there lived one poor man. This poor man went to the fisherman and hired himself as a worker. He earned several fish per day, brought them home - this is what he and his wife lived on.
One day a fisherman caught a beautiful fish, told the worker to take care of it, and he himself went back into the water. A worker sits on the shore, looks at a beautiful fish and thinks: “Lord God, a fish is also a living creature! After all, like us, she has parents and friends, she understands something, feels both joy and grief...”
Before I had time to think this, the fish spoke in a human voice:
- Listen, brother man! I was playing with my friends in the waves of the river, I lost myself in joy and ended up in a fishing net. Now my parents are probably looking for me, crying, and my girlfriends are sad. And I myself, you see, how I’m suffering - I’m suffocating without water. I want to go to the river again,
The fish spoke quietly, barely audibly, with difficulty opening its dry mouth.
The worker felt sorry for the fish, so he took it and threw it into the river.
- Swim, beautiful fish! Let your parents cry no more. Don't let your friends be sad. Swim, live, rejoice with them!
The fisherman saw this and became very angry with his worker:
- What a fool you are! I get wet in the water, catch fish, and you put them in the water!
Get out and don't come into my sight again! You are not my employee! At least die of hunger!
He took the bag from the worker and drove him away.
-Where should I go now? What to do? How to live?
And, preoccupied and empty-handed, the poor man wandered home.
He wanders home sadly, and towards him is a Monster in human form, walking and chasing a beautiful cow.
- Good afternoon, brother! Why are you so sad? What are you thinking about? - asks the Beast.
The poor man told him about his misfortune: he was left without work, without bread and now does not know what to do with his wife.
“Listen, my friend,” says the Beast, “I will give this cow to you for three years.” Every day she will give so much milk that you and your wife will be fed up. But as soon as three years have passed, I will come this very night
I will come to you and ask questions. Answer, I’ll leave the cow to you, if you don’t know how to answer, I’ll take them both, take them away, and do whatever I want with you. Agree?
“We’re going to die of hunger anyway,” the poor man thought, “so I’d better take a cow.” She will feed us for three years, and then God will be merciful - maybe he will send us happiness and answer our questions.
- Agree! - speaks.
He took the cow and took her home.
For three years the cow fed the poor man and his wife to the full, and they did not notice how time passed. But then the agreed upon time came: at night the Monster was supposed to appear to them.
At dusk, a husband and wife sit sadly at the doorstep and think about how to answer the Beast’s questions. And who knows what the Beast will ask them?
- This is what it means to contact the Beast! - the husband and wife sigh and repent.
But what happened was what happened, there is no other way out. And the terrible night is already approaching.
Suddenly an unfamiliar handsome young man approaches them and says:
— Good evening! I am a wanderer. Won't you take me in for the night?
- Why not shelter, brother wanderer! The guest was sent by God. Only on this night it is dangerous to stay with us. We took a cow from the Beast with an agreement to feed on its milk for three years. The monster set a condition: in three years it will appear and ask us questions. We will be able to answer - the cow is ours, no - we ourselves will become his captives. Today the deadline has ended, it will come at night, and we don’t know how we will answer it. Whatever the Beast does to us, it serves us right. But make sure you don't get hurt!
- No problem! “What happens to you will happen to me,” the wanderer answers.
The owners agreed with him. The guest remained. At midnight there was a strong knock on the door.
- Who's there?
- Monster! I have appeared, answer the questions!
Where can I answer? From horror, both the wife and the husband lost their tongue. So they both froze in place.
- Don't be afraid, I will answer for you! - says the young guest and rushes to the door.
“I’m here,” the Beast’s voice is heard behind the door.
“I’m here too,” the guest answers him.
- Where are you from?
- From the other side of the sea.
—What did you come with?
- I saddled a lame mosquito, sat on horseback and came!
- So the sea was small?
- How small it is! The eagle cannot fly over it.
- So the eagle is a chick?
- What a chick! The shadow of his wings covers the city!
- So the city is very small?
- How small it is! The hare can’t run across it.
- So the hare is tiny?
- How tiny it is! From its skin you can cut out a sheepskin coat, a hat and a pair of mittens to boot.
- So the dwarf will wear them?
- What a dwarf! Place a rooster on his knee - he won’t hear the crow.
- So he's deaf?
- How deaf! He hears a deer nibbling grass in the mountains.
The Beast was confused: it senses that there, behind the door, there is some wise power - brave and invincible. The Beast doesn’t know what else to say, he quietly retreats and disappears into the darkness of the night.
The husband and wife got rid of the misfortune, rejoice, rejoice.
Soon it was dawn. The young guest begins to say goodbye.
- No, no, we won’t let you in! — the husband and wife blocked his way. - You saved our lives - tell me, how can we thank you?
“There’s nothing to thank me for, I have to go.”
- Well, at least tell me your name. If we fail to thank, then we will know whom to bless.
- Do good and even throw it into the water - it will not be lost. “I am the same talking fish that you spared,” the stranger answered and disappeared. And the husband and wife were left in joyful amazement.

Once upon a time there lived a husband and wife. But the woman was very picky. All food disgusted her. She didn’t like anything: neither chicken, nor antelope meat, nor any fish except catfish.
“Catch me some catfish,” she demanded. “I only want catfish!” If you don't catch me a catfish, I'll die of hunger.
And her husband one day decided to fulfill her wish. He went to the river bank, cast a fishing rod, caught a lot of fish, but no catfish were caught.
He was already tired of standing with a fishing rod in his hands all day. And suddenly he felt how much the fishing line was stretched. "Wow! - thought the husband, “some big fish was caught.”
He carefully pulled the fishing rod and saw the head of a huge catfish in the water. Nine shells were visible on it: three on the forehead, three on one side of the head, three on the other. The man threw his fishing rod and wanted to run away.
- Do not be afraid! - the fish shouted after him. “If you’ve already caught me, then take me home.”
A man cautiously approached the shore and pulled the catfish out of the water. He was about to hang it on a stick, when suddenly the fish spoke again in a human voice:
- No, don't poke me with a stick! It would hurt me. Go to the palm grove, chop branches, make a stretcher and carry me on it.
The man did just that. Arriving home, he put the fish in front of his wife and left. The wife was very pleased, she even began to dance for joy. And when she bent over the huge fish, the catfish spoke in a human voice:
- Before you cook and eat me, buy a new knife, a new pot, a new plate and a new mat.
The woman ran to her husband and asked him to buy all the things called fish.
“Listen,” her husband told her, “after all, when I caught this fish, it spoke to me too.”
But his wife did not listen to him:
- I talked to you, just think! She talks to me because she wants to be friends with me... I will eat her myself, alone. Y-i-them! After all, this is exactly the fish that I have been wanting to eat for so long!
The husband went and bought his wife a new knife, a new pot, a new plate and a new mat. The wife, very pleased, gutted the fish, cut it into pieces and began to cook. When everything was ready, she took pity on her husband, called him and offered him a piece of fish too. But he refused:
- Damn it! Do you really think that I will eat a fish that speaks with a human voice? Eat by yourself! You always have all sorts of quirks!
The wife put the fish on a new plate, sat down on a new mat and began to eat. She ate, ate, ate until there was nothing left of the fish. She finally got her wish.
And suddenly the fish spoke in a human voice from the woman’s belly:
- Well, did you eat the funeral?
- Yes very good.
- Now wash your hands, we’ll talk to you! The woman washed her hands, and the fish asked her again:
- Did you eat everything that was in the pot?
- Yes, I ate everything.
- Get ready, I'll come out now!
- How will you get out?
- How do you want me to leave?
- Exit through the nose.
- Ugh, through the nose. Ugh, he's wet. - Well, then through the eyes.
- Through the eyes. Ugh, they're always wet.
- Well, then through the ears.
- Through your ears... Ugh, they are always dirty.
- Then through the mouth.
- Through the mouth? No, I entered through him.
- Then go out as you want! - the woman screamed.
And, having broken her back, the fish came out, and the woman
When the husband entered the hut, the fish lay stretched out
on the mat next to his dead wife.
- Just don’t be scared and don’t feel sorry for your wife. She was a bad woman,” said the fish. “As soon as you bury her, take me to where you caught me.” Only not on a stretcher, but in a new mat.
The husband grieved and grieved, but there was nothing to do. He called all his relatives and buried his wife.
The next morning the first rooster crowed, the second crowing, the third crowing, and the fish spoke again:
- Get up! It's time! Take me to the river.
The man followed the fish's order. He was now afraid of her and carried her very carefully.
- Don't leave me on the shore. Enter the water, carry me to the place that I will show you, the fish told him.
The man entered the water and took a few steps. - website
- Go further, go further! - ordered the fish.
The man took a few more steps. The water has already reached
up to his shoulders.
- Stop here! But don’t throw me away, but lower me into the water carefully! - said the fish.
The man carefully lowered the fish into the water. Already from the depths of the river she said, sticking her head out:
- Listen, when you get married a second time, choose a wife who would not be so picky! Otherwise it will cost you your life!
And the man soon found himself another wife, but one who was always happy with everything.

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Once upon a time there lived a husband and wife. But the woman was very picky. All food disgusted her. She didn’t like anything: neither chicken, nor antelope meat, nor any fish except catfish.
“Catch me a catfish,” she demanded. - I only want catfish! If you don't catch me a catfish, I'll die of hunger.
And her husband one day decided to fulfill her wish. He went to the river bank, cast a fishing rod, caught a lot of fish, but no catfish were caught.

He went to the river bank, cast a fishing rod, caught a lot of fish, but no catfish were caught.
He was already tired of standing with a fishing rod in his hands all day. And suddenly he felt how much the fishing line was stretched. "Wow! - thought the husband, “some kind of big fish was caught.”
He carefully pulled the fishing rod and saw the head of a huge catfish in the water. Nine shells were visible on it: three on the forehead, three on one side of the head, three on the other. The man threw his fishing rod and wanted to run away.
- Do not be afraid! - the fish shouted after him. - If you caught me, then take me home.
A man cautiously approached the shore and pulled the catfish out of the water. He was about to hang it on a stick, when suddenly the fish spoke again in a human voice:
- No, don't poke me with a stick! It would hurt me. Go to the palm grove, chop branches, make a stretcher and carry me on it.
The man did just that. Arriving home, he put the fish in front of his wife and left. The wife was very pleased, she even began to dance for joy. And when she bent over the huge fish, the catfish spoke in a human voice:
“Before you cook and eat me, buy a new knife, a new pot, a new plate and a new mat.”
The woman ran to her husband and asked him to buy all the things called fish.
“Listen,” her husband told her, “after all, when I caught this fish, it spoke to me too.”
But his wife did not listen to him:
- I talked to you, just think! She talks to me because she wants to be friends with me... I will eat her myself, alone. Y-i-them! After all, this is exactly the fish that I have been wanting to eat for so long!
The husband went and bought his wife a new knife, a new pot, a new plate and a new mat. The wife, very pleased, gutted the fish, cut it into pieces and began to cook. When everything was ready, she took pity on her husband, called him and offered him a piece of fish too. But he refused:
- Damn it! Do you really think that I will eat a fish that speaks with a human voice? Eat by yourself! You always have all sorts of quirks!
The wife put the fish on a new plate, sat down on a new mat and began to eat. She ate, ate, ate until there was nothing left of the fish. She finally got her wish.
And suddenly the fish spoke in a human voice from the woman’s belly:
- Well, did you eat the funeral?
- Yes very good.
- Now wash your hands, we’ll talk to you! The woman washed her hands, and the fish asked her again:
— Did you eat everything that was in the pot?
- Yes, I ate everything.
- Get ready, I'll be out now!
- How will you get out?
- How do you want me to go out?
- Exit through the nose.
- Ugh, through the nose. Ugh, he's wet. - Well, then through the eyes.
- Through the eyes. Ugh, they're always wet.
- Well, then through the ears.
- Through your ears... Ugh, they are always dirty.
- Then through the mouth.
- Through the mouth? No, I entered through him.
- Then come out as you wish! - the woman screamed.
And, having broken her back, the fish came out, and the woman died.
When the husband entered the hut, the fish lay stretched out on the mat next to his dead wife.
“Just don’t be scared and don’t feel sorry for your wife.” “She was a bad woman,” said the fish. “As soon as you bury her, take me to where you caught me.” Only not on a stretcher, but in a new mat.
The husband grieved and grieved, but there was nothing to do. He called all his relatives and buried his wife.
The next morning the first rooster crowed, the second crowing, the third crowing, and the fish spoke again:
- Get up! It's time! Take me to the river.
The man followed the fish's order. He was now afraid of her and carried her very carefully.
- Don't leave me on the shore. Enter the water, carry me to the place that I will show you, the fish told him.
The man entered the water and took a few steps.
- Go on, go on! - the fish ordered.
The man took a few more steps. The water had already reached his shoulders.
- Stop here! But don’t throw me away, but lower me into the water carefully! - said the fish.
The man carefully lowered the fish into the water. Already from the depths of the river she said, sticking her head out:
- Listen, when you get married a second time, choose a wife who would not be so picky! Otherwise it will cost you your life!
And the man soon found himself another wife, but one who was always happy with everything. .
